Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Bookloads of fun

C irculation 8 7 0 0

Students grab the chance to dress up for L iteracy W eek French novelist Marcel Proust once said " There are perhaps no days of our childhood we live so fully as those we spend with a favourite book," and local schools put that

thought into practice with gusto during L iteracy and N umeracy W eek in September. Dressing up as a favourite character from a favourite book was the order of the day in most schools and during the week many special activities were held. St Brigid' s Grade 6 reporter Molly wrote that " Everyone had an absolute blast in Book W eek; we had a lovely catwalk presentation on the Friday to present all the wonderful efforts people put into their costumes. It was great to continue with the day in house colours for book activities." At Gisborne Primary School, State MP

Mary-Anne Thomas distributed Premier’s R eading Challenge certificates and shared in a book-themed morning tea including rocky road (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’), lamingtons and Vegemite sandwiches (Possum Magic), The Very Hungry Caterpillar of fruit, and wholesome Green Eggs and Ham. A donation of $ 6 2 5 from Gisborne R otary Club and a further $ 3 2 9 from IGA ESP points will help buy more great titles for the school.

An oompa loompa from Charlie and the Chocolate F actory made an The wolf and Red Riding appearance at Gisborne Primary School. H ood were a captivating pair at St Brigid' s.

The ladybird was bad- tempered but not the reader: Sophie shows her favourite book during Literacy W eek activities at St Brigid' s.

R ead more about our local schools' activ ities on pages 2 8 - 3 1 .

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 1-5.indd 1


26/09/2016 3:06:35 PM

Kids Corner FROM the Editor’s Desk with Corinne Shaddock

F rom the Editor

GREAT Gisborne Gazette

W hat a wet start to spring we’ve had! The persistent rain has created some issues, but it has also accentuated the natural beauty of our area. I am currently delighting in seeing trees all over town with blossom. It’s truly stunning.

PO Box 9, Gisborne 3437 0 4 0 1 8 10 58 1

ABN 14301 970 177

The Gazette Team Editor: Corinne Shaddock 0409 422 492

This edition is packed with happy community stories – from fun school events to local youth and businesses winning awards to sporting successes, and much more in between. The level of activity in our area never ceases to amaze me.

President Phyllis Boyd 0431 063 119 Advertising Coordinator Advertising Coordinator John Chambers 0401 810 581 Production Pip Butler 5428 2201 Graeme Millar, Elaine Millar

Council elections will be held via postal votes this month. Ballot papers will be posted to residents in early O ctober and are due back by O ctober 2 1. W e have provided an overview of the eight South W ard candidates on pages 2 0 and 2 1. I remind the extended Gaze tte team that our annual reception will be on Thursday O ctober 6 at Highfield Estate, N ew Gisborne, as per the notice below. I look forward to seeing many of you there.

Photographer Ron Weste 5426 3322

Secretary/Treasurer Ian Boyd 0417 059 525

Happy reading, Corinne

Gazette volunteers' reception A ll Gaz ette v olunteers are inv ited to our annual reception to thank you for your continued help and dedication. T his year w e are also celebrating our 1 0 th year in print. F inger food and drink s w ill be prov ided. T he reception w ill be at C olour of Earth R estaurant, H ighfield Estate, 3 3 0 B arringo R oad, N ew Gisborne ( near W ooling) on T hursday O ctober 6 . 5 . 3 0 pm start. Entertainment by the Gisborne S ingers.

N ote to all distributors If you are trying to keep the Gaze tte dry by placing it in the mailbox where the letters go, please ensure that it does not prevent Australia Post from delivering to the same slot.

Where to pick up the Gazette If you do not receive the Gazette in your letter box, you can collect a copy at: Mt Macedon: The Trading Post. Macedon: Post Office, IGA store and the service station on Black Forest Drive. Gisborne: Village Shopping Centre, Gisborne Library, Foodworks supermarket, Caltex Service Station, 2

Coles supermarket and the GREAT Centre in Hamilton Street. New Gisborne: Baringo Food and Wine Co in Station Road, and the cafe in the Industrial Estate. Riddells Creek: Neighbourhood House. Woodend: Information Centre and Library. Sunbury: Information Centre and Library.

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

The GREAT Gisborne Gazette is supported by Macedon Ranges Shire Council.

Distribution Coordinator Richard Whiteley 5428 1410 0439 800 430 Distributors: Proudly distributed to all letterboxes in Gisborne, N ew Gisborne, Macedon and Mt Macedon by 6 5 volunteers, and to Bullengarook and South Gisborne with the mail run.

DEADLINES FOR ADVERTISING Issue Month Deadline Distribution 113 November October 14 November 2 114 December November 11 November 30 115 Feb 2017 Jan Jan (Please note that due to time pressures our deadline for booking ads is five days earlier than copy deadline.) DEADLINES FOR COPY Issue 113 114 115

Month November December Feb 2017

Deadline October 19 November 16 Jan

Distribution November 2 November 30 Jan


The views expressed in the Gazette are not necessarily those of the GREAT Association Inc unless acknowledged as such. No endorsement of products or services is implied by the listing of advertisers or sponsors. While every effort is taken in printing contributions accurately, GREAT Gisborne Gazette takes no responsibility for errors.

SUBSCRIPTIONS Copies of the Gazette are posted to subscribers each month. For an annual subscription to cover postage, send your cheque or money order for $27.50 to the Gisborne Gazette, PO Box 9, Gisborne 3437.

OBITUARIES To submit an obituary for publication, please email or phone 5428 2522. Please also provide a photograph for publication and restrict the article to about 250 words.

Gisborne' s B ulldog grand finalist of ' 6 1 Alec Gardiner was a member of the last Bulldogs team to make a grand final before this year – Ted W hitten’s celebrated 19 6 1 team. Alec was a wing man and played for the Bulldogs (Footscray at the time) from 19 55 until the end of 19 6 2 . In the ' 6 1 grand final they were clobbered by Hawthorn, a brutal side then known as " K ennedy' s Commandos" . Alec copped two corkies during the match, continuing to play on after the first one but crippled by the second one in the third quarter. Hawthorn really knocked them around, he said. “The dressing room at half time was like a battlefield,” he told the Gaze tte. “Blokes lying around injured everywhere.” He was thrilled to see the Bulldogs get to the Grand Final this year: " I' ve waited a long Alec Gardiner time to see it." displays the football Speaking just before j umper he wore in the Gaz e tte went to press a the 1 9 6 1 Bulldogsfew days before the Grand H awthorn grand final. Final, Alec said he saw similarities between his team and the current team. " W e were young like these blokes," he said. " O ur average age was 2 1 – Ted W hitten and I were the oldest. They' re confident too, and we were confident." Aged 2 6 in the grand final year, just one more year of footy was enough for Alec, although his great friend Ted played on longer. Alec says he could have been in the side that won the premiership in 19 54 , only he had put off going down to Footscray for a year because he had to do " N asho" – N ational Service. Heading to Melbourne and starting with the Dogs in 19 55, he made it into the senior side in two weeks, a sure sign that if he had been there earlier he would have been in the team. Alec worked as a teacher all through his football career and went into coaching and fitness training after he finished at the Bulldogs. The oldest member of Gisborne’s well known Gardiner family, Alec was not the only one with a love of football – brothers Peter and Eddie were stalwarts for Gisborne and there has been a Gardiner playing for Gisborne ever since. And with Alec having married the daughter of then Bulldogs president Bob Turner, Jacquie, the Gardiner family will ever remain steeped in red, white and blue. Pip Butler

T here is no C ouncillor' s C olumn this month due to the local council elections. T he column w ill resume in N ov ember. Y ou can see statements for the S outh W ard candidates and v oting information on pages 2 0 and 2 1 .

Jackson Creek breaks its banks on September 1 4 and floods the pedestrian bridge at Gardiner Reserve for the first time in at least 2 0 years.

R ecord rain creates stunning sights. . .

Stanley Park waterfall at Mt Macedon gushes and thunders more strongly than it has in many years. Picture: Ron Weste. Mount Macedon Road ( left) was awash and the croq uet court at Dixon F ield ( below) was unusable. F ortunately the resolute Croq uet Club members were able to turn a negative into a positive and still enj oy a great day, as you will see on page 2 3 .

The biggest September rainfall to hit Victoria in a century might have flooded local walking tracks, sports fields and roads, but it also left district waterfalls the healthiest they have been for a long time. The higher than normal rainfall was caused by a series of cold fronts combined with warmer than average ocean conditions. Some landowners in the Gisborne area recorded more than 70 mm in three days from September 12 . The good news is that the soaking rains have also brought some spectacular spring blossoms to local gardens that are being enjoyed by native wildlife as well as garden enthusiasts.

I t may be hard to imagine now , but w ater is truly a precious resource. S ee W estern W ater’ s article on W ater W eek this month on page 1 7 .

. . . but holds up maj or roadw ork s

Picture: Chris Fleming


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0417 415 336

The wet weather continues to delay the works at the Calder Freeway-Station R oad intersections in Gisborne. VicR oads acting regional director David R unnalls said that until the subsurface road base had dried properly – which needed at least seven dry days in a row – they could not begin to lay the next layers of road surface material. In addition, the continual wet weather and

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concentrated traffic throu h the wor area are causing additional potholes. VicR oads crews have made temporary repairs, with more permanent repairs planned when the weather is warmer and the road is drier. W orks will recommence as soon as possible, and will include the planned closure of the Melbourne-bound entry ramp from Station R oad onto the Calder Freeway and associated detours.

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Gisborne Gazette October 2016


Kids Corner Proudly sponsored by Sacred Heart College Kyneton

Spot the difference

How many differences can you find?


Jokes and riddles

1. W hich country is Australia’s closest neighbour? 2. How many dwarves are in the fairy tale Snow W hite? 3. How many square metres are in an acre? 4. W hat is the radio telescope network being built in Australia (and other countries)? 5. How many strings does a ukulele have?

Did anyone hear about the guy who had his whole left side cut off? Don’t worry, he’s all right now. Did you hear about the guy who made a belt out of watches? Complete waste of time! Three friends walked into a bar. Y ou' d have thought one of them would have seen it.

W hat’s yellow and dangerous? custard

Shark infested

Did you hear about the farmer who won the N obel prize? He was out standing in his field The more I take the more I leave behind. W hat am I? Footsteps

Did you hear about the Italian chef who died recently? He pasta away.

6. How high is the highest point on Mount Macedon? 7. W hich popular children’s author was born 10 0 years ago? 8. If you combine blue and yellow, what colour do you get? 9. W hat is the sum of the numbers from one to 10 ? 10. W hen did the W estern Bulldogs last play in a grand final (before this year)?



1. Papua N ew Guinea 2. Seven 3. 4 0 4 7 4. Square K ilometre Array 5. Four 6. 10 11 metres, at Camel’s Hump 7. R oald Dahl 8. Green 9. 55 10. 19 6 1 4

GG Oct16 1-5.indd 4

The theatrical cut and pasters from Gisborne Secondary College who put together this month' s Gaze tte and provided the j okes and riddles.

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

26/09/2016 3:57:18 PM

Emergency institute reopens and golfers get secure tenure Good news came on two fronts in September when the State Government accounced it had acquired the former Emergency Management Institute in Mount Macedon and it would reopen next year. The site will become the Victorian Emergency Management Institute. Deputy Premier James Merlino visited the site for the official launch on September 17. The launch also brought good news for the Mount Macedon Golf Club which shares the site and was facing an uncertain future after the closure of the former institute. Mr Merlino signed an agreement to lease the land back to the club for the next 15 years, with the option to extend for a further 15 years. Mr Merlino announced that the institute would be redeveloped to meet Victoria’s emergency management training needs now and into the future. Upgrades will include an overhaul of the accommodation facilities, installation of new technology and safety upgrades. Ambulance Victoria, CFA, Parks Victoria, the Department of Health and Human Services, Metropolitan Fire Board, SES and other departments

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and agencies are expected to use the training centre. Training is expected to start in the first half of 2017. Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas said the acquisition and plans

were a big win for the Mount Macedon community and would boost jobs and the local economy. “Emergency services training is back where it belongs in Mount Macedon,” she said.

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Other services

eflections on a cloudy day

ost of us probably tired of storm clouds last month but every no and then there as a moment of rare beauty li e this one captured by Chris leming.

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Other services

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Gisborne to host solar scheme session The Hub Foundation is holding an information session in Gisborne on Thursday October 27 for the More Australian Solar Homes (MASH) scheme. The session will be from 6pm to 7.30pm in the former Senior Citizens rooms (near the Mechanics Institute.) It will give people who are thinking about going solar and/or adding solar battery storage an opportunity to learn about the MASH community solar bulk-buy and what it has to offer. There will also be a chance to put questions to the MASH team and a representative from the installer, Sunergy. People will be given the opportunity to have an assessment of their home’s potential for solar power using an online mapping tool. For more information about MASH and to register for the information session, visit or call the MASH team on 1300 466 274. ay mith

Nurse Pap Test Clinics Expert Skin clinics Expert under Skin clinics Children 16 bulk Children under 16 bulk billed by all doctors billed all doctors whenbyclinic open Visiting whenservices/allied clinic open Visiting services/allied health health

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Priceline Pharmacy Gisborne Shop 1, 18 Brantome Street, Gisborne (next to Gisborne Medical Centre) Ph: 5428 2107 Prop: Michael Alexander

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 1-5.indd 5


26/09/2016 6:57:27 PM

W I NNE RS The winning group of I rish dancers after the state titles.

D ancers off to nationals Students from the Melbourne Academy of Irish dance, which holds weekly classes in Gisborne, were in Hobart as the Gaze tte went to print to compete in the N ational Championships. At the Victorian Championships earlier this year, the school walked away with some of its best results ever, winning the Under 10 mixed 4 -Hand and Under 10 mixed 8 -Hand competitions. Some other fantastic results included a third place in the Under 12 Figure Dance. Congratulations also to the school' s solo competitors; we finished with two solo champions 10 dancers in the top five and 11 dancers for the 2017 orld rish ance Championships to be held in Dublin next March. Melbourne Academy of Irish Dance offers Irish dance classes from beginner through to open level in Gisborne and Tullamarine. Please emailmelbourneacademyid@ for more information.

1 st Gisborne Scouts accept the award for environmental awareness.

Young people of Macedon Ranges recognised

W orld single speed bike titles to run from W oodend Single speed mountain bikers will descend on W oodend from O ctober 2 1 to 2 3 for their annual W orld Championships. About 4 0 0 riders representing 12 nations will attend the three-day Carnivelo (Festival of the Bike) to celebrate riding and the humble one-speed bicycle. Event headquarters will be at Holgate Brewhouse. O n the Saturday morning a group ride will depart from Buffalo Stadium and follow the back roads to Hanging R ock. W hile no roads will be closed, some delays can be expected. Events at Hanging R ock will include live entertainment, bike shows and races for penny farthings, 16 -inch bikes, kids and cyclocross. Everyone is welcome to come along. W ombat State Forest is the venue for the world championship race on Sunday. If you’d like to know more, please contact Christine Gant-Thompson on 0 4 11 2 9 6 777, email general@ sswc2 0 16 .com or check out www.sswc2 0 16 .com or 0 16 downunder.

Lucinda H arrison was recognised for academic achievement.

The members of this Gisborne Secondary College cross country team were recognised for their achievement in coming second in the state in their age group.

The winners of the Macedon R anges Y outh Awards for this year were announced in September in front of a full house at K yneton Town Hall. This annual event recognises and celebrates the extraordinary and diverse achievements of young people aged 12 to 2 5 who go to school, work or live in the Macedon R anges Shire. Mayor Cr Graham Hackett said the event acknowledged the many ways young people participated in and contributed to the local community. “W e had a record number of nominees this year, and the calibre of winners was exceptional,” he said. “It’s a credit to the region that we have so many talented and dedicated young people here, and to be able to celebrate their dedication and commitment in their chosen field is really important. “They are creating positive changes in our local communities,

and I’d like to acknowledge and thank each of them for their contributions and achievements.” The winners from the South W ard are as follows: B usiness A pprentice: N icholas L awrence (Gisborne) A cademic I ndiv idual: L ucinda Harrison (Macedon) S port T eam: Gisborne Secondary College, Intermediate Boys Cross Country – Ethan O ' N eill, Jack Manago, N athan W illiams, O wen Hughes and Patrick DeR uiter. C ommunity I nitiativ e I ndiv idual: Sharina Mayman (Gisborne) C ommunity L eadership: James Morris (N ew Gisborne) Env ironmental A w areness: 1st Gisborne Scout Group (coordinator Carly Visscher) C ommunity S afety: Taking a Stand, Gisborne Secondary College – Domenic Manago, Phillip Cornish, R eece Taylor, R emi Gibson, R emi McK eown and Sean Patience.

OPEN DAYS Thursday 13th Friday 14th Oct

10.00am to 1.00pm

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Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 6-11 new file.indd 6

26/09/2016 7:27:51 PM

Local businesses make their mark The Bendigo Bank Macedon R anges Business Excellence Awards were presented on September 14 at a gala evening at the K yneton Town Hall. The awards recognise businesses that provide an outstanding service to the shire and beyond and are of great value to the community by providing local jobs, services and supplies. mpressively five South ard finalists won their sections. W e congratulate them all and encourage readers to check out our award-winning local businesses. B luegum Electrical S olutions – Ex cellence in C ustomer S erv ice Founded in 2 0 14 and based in Gisborne, Bluegum Electrical Solutions is focused on providing excellent customer service and offers standardised pricing based on tasks rather than price per hour. M ount T ow rong V ineyard – Ex cellence in L ocal P roduce Mount Towrong Vineyard is a small family owned vineyard and winery nestled in the heart of Mount Macedon. Its range of wines, including Italian varietals, is available for tasting and sales at the property’s cellar door at 4 Taylors R oad every weekend.

Mount Towrong Vineyard owner Deidre Cremasco and viticulturist Adam Paleg were thrilled to win the Excellence in Local Produce award and have plans to increase cellar door offerings at the Mount Macedon property.

Lisa Rees and Stacey Anderson were all smiles after receiving their award recognising their twilight market business. Andrew Towner of Braeside Mt Macedon Country Retreat was delighted to take out the Excellence in Accommodation award for a second year.

L ov e Y our L ocal – Ex cellence in Ev ents and A ttractions L isa R ees and Stacey Anderson created and run the L ove Y our L ocal Twilight Markets in Gisborne and W oodend (and in other shires) and plan to offer food and wine events at select venues in future.

C hantel a double w inner C hantel Gilbert received two honours. She was named Y oung Business Person of the Y ear, plus the business she runs with her husband Josh Gilbert, Bluegum Electrical Solutions, received the award for Excellence in Customer Service. Chantel is passionate about bringing customer service to the trades and has been a key driver of the success of Bluegum Electrical Solutions.

B raeside M t M acedon C ountry R etreat – Ex cellence in A ccommodation Braeside Mt Macedon Country R etreat offers three self-contained guest cottages set in 10 hectares of natural Mount Macedon bush, parkland and Englishstyle gardens home to abundant native wildlife and 18 friendly chooks. In total the property can accommodate 15 guests.

Chantel and Josh Gilbert

      

Pet Doors

M R G specializ e in all aspects of commercial and domestic glaz ing. S erv icing the M acedon R anges and metro M elbourne since 1 9 7 0 . Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 6-11 new file.indd 7


26/09/2016 7:08:51 PM

Kids Corner

COMMUNITY SERVICE P robus enj oys A thol Guy talk Probus was delighted to welcome Athol Guy of The Seekers fame as our speaker at our September. Meeting. He told of his time with the group, their popularity overseas, his time in politics and the present band he is with, which will be performing in K yneton during Seniors W eek. W e continue to have interesting trips to the theatre and have attended F awlty Towers and W e will Rock you. Also planned is a day tour to the Archibald Prize exhibition. O ur club now consists of 12 0 members and we meet on the first Thursday of each month when we also have a book exchange, a warm cuppa and a friendly chat. Don’t forget our N ew Z ealand tour set for March 2 0 17 still has vacancies. Contact K eith Hallett on 54 2 8 3 8 9 9 . Trish An all-abilities group of children joined the mayor and Lions Club representatives at the official handover.

ACT environmentalist to speak at Sustainability Group AGM

L ions build roof ov er special sw ing

The Macedon R anges Sustainability Group invites you to hear Professor K ate Auty, the ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and Environment, speak at the guest presentation preceding their AGM. K ate’s theme “Many People Make for Change” will reect on climate chan e biodiversity community ener y and communication. The AGM and talk will be held on O ctober 11, with the talk starting at 6 .3 0 pm in the R odney Snell function room of the W oodend N eighbourhood House. All are welcome. For more information contact L iz W ilson (Secretary) on 0 4 0 9 16 0 76 2 .

A new roof over the L iberty swing at the adventure playground in Brantome Street, Gisborne, was officially handed over to the community on September 16 . The event was attended by members of the Gisborne and District L ions Club, councillors and members of the community. The L iberty swing, which can accommodate wheelchairs, and has been in place since the playground was opened. Gisborne and District L ions Club built the roof after a request from the mother of a child with epilepsy, who asked if a cover could be built as using the swing in sunlight caused her child to have an epileptic seizure. ollowin the official openin ointly conducted by Mayor Graham Hackett and L ions Club President R oss


Sapwell, the Mayor said that the Council supported and highly valued the work of the L ions Club for making this improvement to the park which would enable year-round use of the L iberty swing by children of all abilities. R oss Sapwell thanked all those involved with the work. He made special reference to a grant from Council, the donation of the steel by L ynne and George Piacentini from Page Steel, and the donation of the roof sheeting and accessories by Metalform Structures, organised by their business manager David Cripps. R oss was very appreciative of the many hours of work underta en by members of the ions lub on this pro ect which was ably led by Jason Mallia. Russell W alker

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 6-11 new file.indd 8

26/09/2016 3:27:20 PM

L ong membership? Oh only 1 years At a recent morning tea, members of the Gisborne Masonic L odge came together to recognise three of their members who have accumulated combined continuous membership of over 1 years. The Master of the Gisborne L odge, Brian du Preez presented each of the recipients with a framed certificate from Freemasons Victoria.

Long service: ( L- R) Peter Barnard ( 6 0 years a member) K eith H awkins ( 6 0 years) and George Milner ( 6 5 years) .

U 3 A back up and running ( unbrok en) W e' re back after having, as we used to say at school, broken up for the holidays. A slightly confused nephew, at the end of his first term at school, told his mother he wouldn’t be able to go back to school, because it was falling down! A few of us older folk are occasionally in danger of fallin down but our 3A continues from Monday October 3 with a range of interesting speakers, plus our afternoon discussion sessions. All meetings take place at the former Senior Citizens’ Hall in Hamilton Street, Gisborne, near the library. They start at 10.30am and visitors are welcome. The first visit is free, but if you would like to come back for more, we will ask you to become a member. (A proportional membership fee is char ed for those who oin later in the year. If you bring your own lunch, you can join the group and chat over lunch (tea and coffee provided, but bring your own mu . Then stay for an hour s discussion about well, practically anything! For further details, please contact our President, Malcolm ol uhoun on 426 2331 or email malcolmac

Dulcie hands over reporting reins at Gisborne CW A Gisborne CW A held their meeting on September 12 with a good attendance at the new venue at Gisborne Secondary College. W e had a speaker from the Stroke Foundation who gave a very informative talk on all aspects of stroke including looking for the early signs and the actions to be taken. iscussions were held re our hristmas raf e and also about the venue for our Christmas luncheon breakup. O ur branch participated in the K yneton Daffodil Festival with a craft stall and refreshments. This was once again a success and thank you to all who assisted. Plans were made for a short social trip away to Torquay. These trips are held twice a year and are always lots of fun. This will be my last report and I now pass on the role to our member Chris. I have enjoyed my time as a reporter for the Gaze tte and thank everyone that has assisted me. N ew members are always welcome to join our happy group. If you have any enquiries please ring ulcie Sharp ublicity Officer on 42 4 7 or heryl iddy Secretary on 42 3141.

C W A – F ormation of a night branch A n informal meeting w ill be held at 1 5 H ow ey S treet, Gisborne, at 7 . 3 0 pm on W ednesday O ctober 1 9 to discuss the formation of a night branch of the C W A and the focus of participants’ interests. W omen of all ages are w elcome to j oin us on this ev ening.

U 3 A P R O GR A M



M onday O ctober 3 : Gene R oberts will speak on Aboriginal history and future. Monday O ctober 10 . Brian Austen, a retired dentist. Dr Austen gave a very interesting talk a few months ago on the history of dentistry. (Dr Austen was unable to come last term so this is the tal we promised then. M onday O ctober 1 7 : R osemary Davies. Many people will remember R osemary as a former presenter on the ABC' s Gardening Australia. She has lived in Macedon

F aye Armstrong ( left) and Lesley Bonsack were kept busy on the cake stall at the CW A F air for the Daffodil F estival.

M acedon C W A helps at D affodil F estiv al September was busy for Macedon CW A. O ur members joined ladies from other CW A branches across the Central Highlands at the CW A Fair for the K yneton Daffodil Festival on September 10 -11. O ur branch had the cake stall but there were also stalls for Lorraine Tweddle craft, plants, trash and treasure, books and much more. Beautiful lunches and teas were also in great demand. It was great fun to share with CW A members from the different branches while raising funds for community activities. Thanks to the K yneton ladies for organising this splendid event. O ur branch also provided refreshments for the W oodend L ifestyle Carers Group fundraising concert at the Mountview Theatre on September 1 . Members again helped at the CW A Canteen at the R oyal Melbourne Show on September 2 1, always a great time. Lorraine Tweddle 5 4 2 6 2 0 4 5

for some years, and will talk about her garden and coldclimate gardening in general. M onday O ctober 2 4 : George Haukers will tell us something about Argentina, the country and its people. M onday O ctober 3 1 : A speaker from W estern W ater will ive us some ideas about savin water which means savin money also Since the 31st is Melbourne Cup Eve, at lunchtime we will hold that traditional Aussie activity, the Cup Sweep. Everyone who takes a ticket will know “their” horse before they go home, and prizes will be paid out the next Monday.

S hop 6 / 2 3 b H amilton S treet M onday to F riday, 9 am to 5 . 3 0 pm ■ S aturday 9 am to 2 pm. H ighly sk illed R epair S pecialists on D uty – A ffordable H ourly R ate N ew C omputer S ystems & N otebook S ales – S erv ers and M edia C entre C omputers – B roadband, N etw ork ing & W iring O nsite – V irus – A dw are and S pyw are R emov al – U pgrades & R epairs – V ideo S urv eillance – C omputer S ystems B uilt to suit

K ameal F ares T el 5 4 2 8 8 5 9 7 M obile 0 4 2 7 3 5 3 3 3 5 S hop 6 / 2 3 b H amilton S treet, Gisborne 3 4 3 7 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Big Apple beckons Macedon runner

Vehicle crashes are focus of training day Gisborne CFA members attended a motor vehicle accident awareness training exercise run by the Hesket K errie Brigade at W oodend on September 11. The A does not only o to fires although that is our main source of callouts); we are also called upon to help in road accidents. It was good to brush up on our skills in ensuring that we look after ourselves and the accident scene. At a crash site we situate our tankers on the road in such a way that it blocks other vehicles, thus protecting the accident scene but also ensuring that rescue vehicles can attend any injured parties. At the exercise we had many brigades from around the area along with SES, Ambulance Victoria and the Victoria Police. W e ran through a particular scenario three times and everyone found it a beneficial day. Emma Brown, H esket CF A

C A members from isborne too the field operational vehicle to use in the training exercises.

Gisborne Goss I f you hav e an item to share, phone the Editor on 0 4 0 9 4 2 2 4 9 2 or email editor@ gisbornegaz ette. org. au

It' s too early for the silly season so it must be the joy of spring – a N ew Gisborne resident driving through Gisborne in the last week of September was entertained to see a naked man and scantily clad woman cavorting in the fountain. Brilliant effort by the Central Highlands R egion to have six players selected in the Vic Country Under 19 squads for the tournament at Barooga including Matt Underwood and Tom R ogers of Gisborne Cricket Club.

Bendigo Bank manager I an Perry is welcomed by the local SES to view the new eq uipment.

Eq uipment w ill help in bushland rescues Gisborne SES has acquired some new equipment using a community grant awarded by the Bendigo Bank Gisborne Branch in July. They have bought a ' mule' litter wheel device which is fi ed to a special stretcher used to transport casualties from remote and/or dense bushland. This equipment has enhanced the operational rescue capabilities of the SES in areas that an ambulance or other vehicle is unable to access. Bendigo Bank manager Ian Perry said the branch was honoured to be able to support the SES. “Gisborne SES provides a very valuable service to our community and the new litter wheel will ma e them more efficient and effective during bush rescues,” he said. The SES is grateful for the bank' s continuing support. Di Dale, Deputy Controller O perations

Congratulations to Macedon R anges Further Education Centre for being awarded a L earn L ocal L egend Award at the Victorian L earn L ocal Awards held in Melbourne on September 8 . The award was accepted by M s Stephen einmuth pictured). MR FEC provides a great variety of courses in Gisborne. The Term 4 course guide is out and enrolments are open. Call 54 2 8 3 79 9 . Victoria Police is offering free programs to educate drivers on the risks of drink driving. Free blood alcohol testing can be provided at community events using the same type of breathalysers used by police. For more information, contact Macedon R anges Inspector R yan Irwin on 54 2 8 2 6 4 0 .

Macedon local Tamara Collins and friend Georgia Schembri are preparing for the biggest run of their lives – N ovember’s N ew Y ork marathon. Tamara certainly has something to run for: she is raising money for sufferers of mental illness, something she knows about all too well. Her little brother Dane suffered from crippling anxiety and depression and sadly passed away last year. “W e often take happiness for granted, but for some it is a real challenge,” she said. Tamara has raised $ 6 0 0 0 of the $ 15,0 0 0 she hopes to raise to sponsor someone with mental illness to receive treatment at The Health R etreat, a recovery centre in Q ueensland. “The Health R etreat changed Dane’s life and we would love to be able to give someone else that opportunity.” Y ou can support Tamara’s fundraising efforts on O ctober 9 by comin alon to the Metafit orld R ecord attempt at The Stadium, Gisborne. R egistration is at 9 am. Tickets can be bought at BO L . Tamara also has a fundraising page, www.gofundme/ thehappinesstree and you can find out more about her story at her blog, amara Collins is on a heartfelt fundraising mission.

Fashion fun raises $ 6 70 R ed Cross members and friends attended a presentation of K ays Fashion clothes on September 2 featuring their spring collection. A few members paraded wearing some of the garments on offer and sales of the clothing available for purchase were excellent. This resulted in a generous amount of $ 6 70 for R ed Cross. The afternoon finished with afternoon tea and the sandwiches and cakes available were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be held on O ctober 7 in the community rooms at 1.3 0 pm. This is a ‘ bring and buy day’. Members have been asked to bring along all their unwanted bric a brac and excess produce to sell, with proceeds going to R ed Cross charities. It should be a lot of bargain fun. Pat Beasley

Patch n Quilt



Mon 17 - Sat 22 Irene Blanck ‘Focus October on Applique'’ 30 % off all fabrics* Sat*conditions June 27 from 11 am apply

Fabric, Haberdashery and Threads Mary Kelly Shop 4 Nexus Centre 14 Prince Street GISBORNE 3437

03 5420 5420 7333 7233 ABN 32048623928

10 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Kids Corner


Proudly sponsored by Macedon R anges Art Group, Phoenix Macedon R anges Art & Craft, The Gallery Mt Macedon, The Gisborne Singers, Duneira, The L icorice Allsorts, Macedon Music, The Mount Players and the Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society, Central Victoria

Book now for popular Messiah The Gisborne Singers have been busy preparing for their performances of Handel' s Messiah in N ovember. An exciting part of the preparation was a workshop by Tom Healey. Tom has an extensive range of musical experience as an organist, choral conductor, music educator and singer. He provided many tips and insights at the workshop and he will perform with the choir as the bass soloist in their performances of Messiah. The concerts will be at 3 pm on N ovember 2 0 at the Church of Christ in N ew Gisborne and at 3 pm on N ovember 2 7 at O ur L ady of the R osary church, Hutton Street, K yneton. Tickets are $ 4 0 , concession $ 3 5, students $ 2 0 , under 12 free. Free afternoon tea after the concerts. Book via or call 0 4 13 0 0 3 2 54 .


76 Hamilton St GISBORNE 3437

P|5420 7014 AFTERHOURS 0491 141 010


This month at Duneira Visit Duneira on Sunday O ctober 2 to discover writer/conversationalist R odney Hall, former chair of the Australia Council, in a vibrant discussion. Should a President be appointed or elected? R odney discusses a way forward in this dynamic lecture on this important topic. ianist oe hindamo performs with violinist oe Black in a remarkable collaboration. Be moved by beautiful music in the sublime surrounds of the Duneira Estate on Sunday O ctober 2 . plore uneira s spoo y hallways by ni ht with L antern Ghost Tours on Saturday O ctober 2 9 . Family and individual tickets are available. inally the four Thursdays in October are once a ain filled with music with Monash niversity students performing in a series of free lunch time concerts. Bookings required, limited seats remaining. I rene O ’ Duffy

H mmm... the doctor is in, but what to do? ' Transplant' is on O ctober 1 5 at K yneton Museum.

Transplant Transplant is a medical fairytale combining puppetry, performance and installation. After being thoroughly prepped, the audience enters the operating theatre where a body is opened, exposing an amazing world contaminated by a mysterious plague. The audience is ready to assist, the doctor poised to begin, but what is the cure? Transplant is a 3 0 -minute show for a maximum audience of 15 at a time. N ot recommended for children under 7. Saturday O ctober 15 at 12 pm, 12 .3 0 , 1pm and 1.3 0 . $ 2 0 .

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Our Doctors

Specialists & Health Allieds

B ruce S pringsteen and his band w ill perform at H anging R ock on S aturday F ebruary 1 1 . T ick et prices range from $ 1 6 1 to $ 2 3 8 . F or concert information v isit w w w . hangingrock concerts. com

FAMILY LAW PRACTICE IN GISBORNE All areas of Family Law, Separation, Divorce, Property Settlements, Care of Children, Maintenance, Wills & Powers of Attorney.

Rebuilding Lives 

Mon - Fri 9am to 7pm Saturdays 9am to 2pm Public Hols 10am to 2pm

T he B oss is back at the R ock

Caddick Designs →


The Singers enj oy their workshop with Tom H ealey.

O pen each Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 4 pm until Sunday O ctober 16 . Medical quackery was rife in the Victorian era with pills and potions to ‘ cure’ anything from baldness to dimples! Trick or Treatment explores the stories behind this era of scammers and theorists through objects from the K yneton Museum collection and the University of Melbourne Medical Museum collections. Cost: adults $ 7, concession $ 6 , children $ 3 and family $ 15 (2 adults, 2 children).

    

Medical Centre

Trick or Treatment

Saint Mary

Telephone: 5428 8344 Email:

Children under 16 & Pensioners are bulk billed



0455 344 188 ALL ENQUIRIES WELCOME POLICE CHECKED - INSURANCE ABN 622 740 580 36 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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26/09/2016 7:29:07 PM

M agic of spring at T he Gallery The Gallery Mt Macedon celebrates the magic of Spring with ‘ Buds, Bees and Butterflies’, a collection of photos, artwork and origami creations by Chieko Hester and Annette Papax. Chieko Hester is a Japanese-born origami artist and a member of The Gallery. Chieko retains her cultural heritage through her origami artworks, and her passion centres on traditional origami folds. In this joint exhibition, she created artwor s with many ori ami owers and butter ies for a celebration of spring. Annette Papax lives in Gisborne. A journey that is rich in Mediterranean culture and eastern spirituality sparked her interest in the play of light and vivid

A rt Group starts up social painting day The Macedon R anges Art Group has introduced a Social Painting Day from 9 .3 0 am to noon on the second W ednesday of each month at the W oodend N eighbourhood House. Our first Social aintin ay ot off to a promisin start with nine members attending to paint or just socialise, or both. There is no cost. W e encourage members to bring along one non-member for one session on the understanding that the non-member will join MR AG if they wish to continue. W e have booked award-winning Helen Cottle, the well-known Gisborne artist, to run a one-day watercolour workshop on Sunday N ovember 2 7 from 10 am to 4 pm at W oodend N eighbourhood House. The cost is $ 75 for members and $ 8 5 for non members. To enrol, please contact John Y ork at macedonrangesartgroup@ gmail. com or phone 0 4 17 50 6 9 3 4 . Places are limited so be early to enrol.

colour from an early age. Since joining the Macedon R anges Arts Collective, Annette has been inspired to re-energise and share her creative work. O ften bright subjects are expressed through the engaging mediums of ink, pastel and photography. These works can still be viewed in The Gallery during O ctober. O ur focus exhibition from O ctober 7 to N ovember 6 is selected mixed media by the Bellarine L akes Art Group: acrylic, pastel, watercolour, beading and textiles. Meet the artists at an opening on Saturday O ctober 8 from 2 to 4 pm. Gallery hours are Friday to Tuesday 10 -4 pm. Colleen W este

Shows at Kyneton Town Hall B oredom P rotection P olicy – R od Q uantock F riday O ctober 7 at 7 . 3 0 pm. Stand-up comic R od Q uantock is revisiting one of his most successful shows, Boredom Protection Policy. It is a solo show about contemporary politics and society presented by Australia’s longest serving comedian. (N B Some adult themes.) Adult $ 4 2 , concession $ 3 8 , groups 8 + $ 3 8 , youth $ 2 5, children $ 15.

T he Gizm o F riday O ctober 2 8 1 . 3 0 pm and 6 . 3 0 pm. This energy-packed performance includes gadgets, physical storytelling and amazing visual effects. The show is suitable for family and school audiences and is aimed at children 6 and over. Adults $ 2 4 , concession $ 19 , family (4 ) $ 6 5, groups 8 + $ 16 , children $ 14 .

A ll tick ets: Y ou can buy online (go to www.mrsc., click ' Events & Activities' and follow the prompts or call the o Office on 1300 02 (Monday to Friday 8 .3 0 am-3 pm), or buy in person at any of the council offices.

A Chieko H ester origami work.

S timulating arts program continues to end of year O n O ctober 13 , UK art historian Mary Alexander will speak at & ADFAS in K yneton on a famous painting by David Hockney, ' Mr & Mrs Clark' . O ne of the most in uential ritish artists of the 2 0 th century, Hockney’s portraits of friends, lovers and relatives repeatedly return to the same subjects, including fashion designers Celia Birtwell and O ssie Clark. Although this will be the year’s last lecture, the ADFAS program continues to the end of the year with a speaker' s luncheon at Macedon W ine R oom on O ctober 6 when retired architect David Faggetter will speak about his unique experience developing an urban design around an ancient oasis in Abu Dhabi. A trip to Ballarat is planned on O ctober 2 7 to view the Archibald Exhibition, followed by the annual Sunset Party on December 8 . If you are interested in any of these activities and would like to join ADFAS, email adfascenvic@ gmail. or ring N orma on 54 2 7 4 9 18 . N orma Aplin, ADF AS Central Vic Au s t r al i an De c or at i ve Fi n e Ar t s Soc i e t i e s

H ockney' s ‘ Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy’ . The artist and his painting are the subj ect of this month’ s ADF AS Central Victoria lecture.

W atercolour by H elen Cottle

12 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Comedy/farce to wind up the year After a very successful season of the production F alling F rom Grace, the final production for 2 0 16 is now in full rehearsal. This is a show you won’t want to miss... W hose W ives Are They Anyway? by Michael Parker is being directed by Frank Harvey. It’s an action-packed, hilarious comedy/farce that will have you giggling from the moment the curtain goes up! The scene is set at a golf weekend where David and John (who have packed their wives off on a shopping weekend) intend to " golf their brains out" before they meet their new CEO on Monday morning. L ittle do they know, the CEO has checked into the same golf club and on running into them insists on meeting them for dinner that evening ...including their wives. She informs them that any man who goes off for a weekend of golf and leaves his wife behind will have no place in her organisation. Panic and mayhem develop into a spiral of total chaos as our intrepid executives have one hour in which to find substitute wives or it s curtains come Monday morning! O pening N ight is N ovember 18 and the season will run until December 10 at the Mount View Theatre, 56 Smith Street, Macedon. Check the website for full details at K aren H unt

Genealogical Group moves house – a little bit O ur exciting news is that we have moved ell ust sli htly. e are now occupying the rooms at the end of the Old Shire Office buildin so are technically still ad oinin the Gisborne L ibrary’. e moved in the first wee of September and are en oyin our new home. Do come visit us, especially on a Thursday afternoon when volunteers are on duty to assist with your research queries. O ur next meeting will be on Thursday

O ctober 2 7 at 7.3 0 pm in the having a bus trip to Ballarat with Family History R oom. Please a tour of MADE (at Eureka), use the end door. The topic is followed by lunch, then an ‘ Prison Hulks in England’. I am hour tour of Ballarat with local personally looking forward to historian Joan Hunt, followed this as have ust discovered by time at the Ballarat L ibrary an ancestor who was on a and a tour of the extensive Lyn H all Prison Hulk for over two years Australiana R oom with research before being transported to Australia assistance available from members of in 18 11. Supper and time to chat will the Ballarat & District Genealogical follow the meeting. Visitors are asked Society. It should be a great day! To for a $ 2 donation. book and for further details, contact O n Saturday O ctober 2 9 we are L yn on 54 2 8 3 9 2 5. Lyn H all

M emories of the balloon crash at B ullengarook I am not sure how many people remember the balloon crash on L ittle Mount Bullengarook on O ctober 7, 19 8 9 . L ittle Hill, as we know it, is at the top of Haires L ane in the property once owned by the Haire family. As I recall, the morning of the 7th was extremely windy and as I drove out to go to work I noticed a big red hot air balloon pass over my head. My husband, who was at home at the time, also saw this and realised that the balloon was in trouble. He got in the car and drove to the area on top of L ittle Hill to see what had happened. There was a scene of devastation there with people lying around and some walking about in shock. The balloon had hit the ground at the top of the hill and dragged across

T h e ’ R ook R ev isit ed

with Shirley McKeown the top, wrapping the red material of the balloon around a tree. L uckily my husband had done a recent First Aid course and was able to offer assistance until help arrived. The following newspaper report appeared the next day: Si people were in ured three seriously, in a balloon crash about 50 km north-west of Melbourne yesterday morning. Two of the seriously in ured were taken in a medically equipped police helicopter to the R oyal Melbourne Hospital and a third has been rushed

by air and road to Bacchus Marsh Hospital, the closest hospital to the crash site. The balloon, operated by Balloons Aloft, crashed between Bacchus Marsh and Gisborne at Mount Bullengarook at about 8 am. Because the area is inaccessible by road, emergency teams had to air lift the si in ured from the crash site.The three less seriously in ured were own to a nearby road where an ambulance was waiting to take them to Melbourne’s Preston and N orthcote Community Hospital. It would seem that these people were very lucky to escape with no more than cuts and broken bones as there had been fatalities in the past . Canberra Times, O ctober 8 , 1 9 8 9 .

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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26/09/2016 3:44:36 PM

Eating Out Monthly Specials October 2016 For October specials please see individual advertisements. Supporting our Local Businesses

Happy 5th Birthday Thank you to all of our customers who have made the past 5 years for Woodend Wine Store such a success! To help us celebrate, Woodend Wine Store's 5th Birthday in style, join us for CAKE and BUBBLES on Friday, 28th October from 6pm

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A white wine made from a blend of Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir grapes, exhibiting flowery and tropical notes.

2016 'Isabella' Rose

Toffee apple, fresh raspberry and liquorice. Fine fruit length of flavours. 14 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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26/09/2016 3:44:57 PM

Eating Out ‘Made with Love’ Authentic hand crafted Italian style wood fired pizza 16 Victoria Street, Macedon PH: 5426 4888

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0408 936 147

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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26/09/2016 3:45:09 PM

For the green thumbs . . . T ry S had as alternativ e to pear cultiv ars GA R D EN I N G C olumn with Chris Williams Hello everyone, It has been another busy month in the garden at Bolobek. W e are starting to see the first of the spring flowering shrubs such as viburnum and rhododendron coming into bloom and some of the later bulbs like bluebells and tulips are flowering as well. W e have been lifting and dividing old clumps of delphinium. Early spring is the optimum time to divide herbaceous perennials. It is quite a simple tas that benefits the plants and is a fantastic way to increase plant numbers. Each large plant is divided into four or five smaller clumps and then replanted. If you are

The shad bush in flower at Bolobek. going to try doing this, always make sure you have the planting holes prepared and try to choose a cool grey day. Cool weather minimizes shock to the newly divided plants. A lovely small tree that owered last month is the shad bush (Amelanchier canadensis); in spring it appears as a cloud of white starry

owers contrastin beautifully with the downy silvery new foliage. In autumn the foliage colour easily rivals the best Japanese maple. Shad bush is native to Canada and east of the Mississippi R iver in the US. It does well in our cool climate and can row to about five metres. I think it is a fantastic alternative to all those Manchurian pear cultivars that are so commonly used in our gardens these days. W e are so fortunate to have some very good specialist nurseries in the Macedon R anges. W hy not take the time to visit one or two and see if they have a shad bush for your garden.

Mystery trippers end up in Ballarat gardens As promised in last month’s Garden Club column, the destination of our Mystery Bus trip revealed three gardens and lunch around the Ballarat area. At 8 am on September 14 , on an overcast morning and with the threat of yet another very wet day to follow weeks of constant rain, the bus departed K erry Langmaid Gisborne, heading, as far as all on board were concerned, to an unknown destination. R eturning home about 5pm and hearing the positive comments from all as they stepped off the coach, the day was clearly a resounding success!

Each garden was completely different in its size, purpose and plant selection thus providing something for everyone to appreciate and discover either in structure, decorative features, novel ideas and general gardening advice. Despite having enjoyed a substantial morning tea at our first stop we thorou hly appreciated the carvery for lunch at the Ballarat Golf Club after our second garden visit. W e were fortunate to have a rain-free day until we boarded for the homeward journey. The Gisborne Garden Club meets on the second W ednesday of the month, generally between 1pm and 3 pm. For further information, please phone K erry on 0 4 0 8 115 759 . K erry

GR A N T W I L L A I D P I N E R EM O V A L The Friends of Daly N ature R eserve were successful in receiving a Stronger Communities Grant through our federal MP, R ob Mitchell. This grant will assist in preserving the integrity of the natural environment by enabling the removal of pine trees in the remnant bushland. Pine trees are a locally listed environmental weed. W e look forward to working with council and federal government to progress this important project. The Macedon R anges Shire Council has endorsed Public Conservation and R esource Z oning for aly ature eserve. This now has to be ratified by the State Government. Enquiries to dalyreserve@ H elen Radnedge

F riends of Daly N ature Reserve receive the grant papers from Rob Mitchell MP.

GISBORNE SECONDARY COLLEGE COLLEGE TOURS EVERY WEDNESDAY 9.15AM Please call or email the college to make a booking 5428 3691 -

Construction of of New New Homes, Homes, Extensions Extentions Construction and Renovations in the Macedon Macedon Ranges. Ranges. 0401 499 898 B.P. No: DB - U25693

ABN: 38 610 904 398

BAV No: 058678

w w w. g i s b o r n e s c . v i c . e d u . a u

16 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Friends of W yralla R eserve Inc thank everyone who contributed ideas for the development of the reserve. W e now have a first draft master plan for W yralla R eserve. The draft plan has considerable detail and was prepared by K athleen Murphy L andscape Design. To view the plan, please visit our Facebook page (Friends of W yralla R eserve). Y ou can download a picture or a CAD version. Please email us on wyrallareserve@ with your thoughts: W hich elements do you like? W hich elements do you want as a first second third etc priority Are there elements you don’t want at all? Is there anything else that you would like included? Discussions with Macedon R anges Shire Council are about to start. Friends of W yralla R eserve have regular meetings. Please email if you would like to join us. N ew members are very welcome. I an Turner

T he guest at our S peak er N ight on O ctober 4 is J ohn V arigos, orchid collector. T he meeting starts at 8 pm in the M t M acedon H orticulture H all, M t M acedon R oad. N ov ember' s speak er w as not confirmed as the Gazette w ent to press so please check the society' s w ebsite for details at w w w . mountmacedonhorticulture. org. au

Bargain plant sale at Newham The N ewham Garden Club is again holding its renowned plant sale to raise funds for N ewham and district community projects. This year we have expanded the plant range on offer as well as added some beautiful gardenrelated goods: handmade cards, unique gifts and locally made preserves. Plants are locally propagated and all products are made by volunteers. There will be a “Pig Grotto” set up next to the N ewham Hall for our younger gardeners as well as a plaster pig painting workshop. Tea/coffee/cool drinks, scones, slices and savoury treats will be available at the Garden Cafe. D ate: S aturday N ov ember 5 , 9 am-3 pm at N ewham Mechanics Institute Hall. For further details contact Fran Spain, N ewham Garden Club, on 54 2 7 0 6 6 1.

Draft master plan for W yralla Reserve.





In the fruit and vegetable garden By now the vegetables you planted out and seeds sown last month should be rocketing ahead. All our early spring rain means lots of soft spring growth – and also a great breeding season for plenty of fat hungry insects. Slugs, snails, cabbage moths and aphids love spring. There are many deterrents and ways to control them without toxic chemicals. If the weather is hot and steamy make sure you keep the weeds down and plenty of air circulation around the fruiting plants and trees to reduce moulds and leaf spot too. Make successive plantings every few weeks but give frost-tender plants such as tomatoes some shelter in case of late frosts. Mulch the vegetable garden and fruit trees to keep down the weeds. Feed your citrus. In the flower and ornamental garden It has been a gorgeous spring so far, with many plants that have struggled for years, including some lost and almost forgotten bulbs, reappearing after

with Rosemary Davies

all our rain. Give these plants a complete fertiliser and nutritious compost to bring them back to strong growth. Some plants could even be transplanted to a more suitable position provided you choose a cool day, when the growth is not too soft and after each plant has owered. Ta e plenty of soil with each plant so you keep most of the roots intact, then water them into the new site with liquid seaweed fertiliser. Add fresh soil to containers where you may have been rowin ve etables owers and other potted plants. Pot-bound plants including most indoor ones can be repotted now, but be sure to choose a cool overcast day if possible, for less stress on the plant.

WIN a TAX time

It makes up 6 0 % of our bodies, we drink it, cook with it, bathe and swim in it, irrigate our gardens and sports grounds with it – in fact we couldn’t live without it. N ow is the time to celebrate it, with O ctober 16 -2 2 marking N ational W ater W eek. This year’s theme is “W ater – life – growth”. And even though there has been too much water around for most people through September, this sodden situation is naturally temporary. W ater W eek aims to encourage people to use water wisely to ensure there is enough to meet the needs of future generations. W estern W ater is supporting this goal through the State Government’s voluntary Target 155 program, which asks people to use no more than 155 litres of water each per day. Customers in the W estern W ater region used about 18 5 litres per person per day during 2 0 15-16 , up almost 10 litres on the previous year. There are lots of simple measures to save water, such as taking a four-minute shower, only running dishwashers and washing machines with full loads, and scraping dirty dishes instead of rinsing. O utside, you can reduce water use by choosing plants with low water needs, mulching to keep water in the soil, and using a cover on your pool to prevent evaporation. For water savin tips or to find out more about Tar et 155, go to

Top plants in ower now are wisteria cherry blossom, clematis (native and exotic types), coastal rosemary, thryptomene, early roses, honeysuckle, eucalypts, hakeas, grevilleas, bottlebrush, crab apples, stock, candytuft and spring bulbs galore. The native garden K eep up the tip pruning of young native plants to keep them bushy. W hen they are growing strongly you may need to do this every three or four weeks. Put up some nesting boxes on taller trees to help create a better habitat for birds and tree-dwelling creatures. Plant out native tube plants if you can ensure re ular waterin durin their first summer. Trim native screen and hedge plants that are straggly or too tall. In the family garden Make sure all the children’s garden areas are fed, watered, and replanted. Mix some mini advanced plants of potted colour in with the vegetables to add colour, interest and attract pollinating insects. Add butter y attractin plants to the arden.




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GG Oct16 12-17.indd 17


26/09/2016 4:28:17 PM

Kids Corner

THE GREAT ASSOCIATION Gisborne reGion events Activities



Plant One On Me


View from the stalls OLDE

Along the path in the Reserve in Hamilton Street, shoppers with an interest in gardening can find a huge range of plants of all sizes and varieties, from seedlings to many mature trees and shrubs, reasonably priced, from Plant One On Me. See the advertisement on page 21 for more details of specials available at the June and July Olde Time Markets.

Kevin Dowling

TIME MARKET B y R osemary D av ies

W hen K evin Dowling of Aussie W oodcraft retired from the police force many years ago, he decided to take up woodwork and he has been selling at the Gisborne O lde Time Market for the past 10 years. K evin has combined his love of woodwork with another previous career as an apprentice spray painter to create very useful items for in and around your home. The range includes hat racks, rubbish bins, potato boxes for the pantry, trays of all sorts, toy boxes and all types of containers for storage – all made from natural wood. Plant One or On Me has a large area of plants and trees on display. Most of the items are coated in a waterproof sealer Firstwax Sunday of every monthcolours and patina of the that brings out the natural wood. Honey has been providing The wood K evin uses varies from Goldfields old pine through amand red gum pm – whatever he can Australian to jarrah lay his honey hands varieties and honeybased products for the people of Central on. Much of K evin’s material Hamilton Street-Aitken Street is sourced from waste and Victoria over 20 years. *Please note dogs permitted jobs, in leftovers from not carpenter’s old pallets andforpacking They have been attending the Gisborne marketHe precinct* containers. then trims and shapes his recycled timber Olde Time Market for many years and and brings it back to life as a new product. Talk with him have educated their loyal customers about the loo andWHOLE finish you want theabout item he or adifferent types of honey, GISBORNE’S of TOWN thehas many GISBORNE’S WHOLE of TOWN new GISBORNE’S one he could WHOLE custom make for you. of TOWN their flavours and their K health evin isbenefits. happy to custom make items. GISBORNE’S GISBORNE’S WHOLE WHOLE of TOWN TOWN GISBORNE’S WHOLE ofofTOWN


Goldfields Honey



You will find good value and friendly service at the Goldfields Honey Stall at Site 62 on the corner opposite the Mechanics Institute. Mention seeing this article in the Gazette and provide your own container and they will fill it for $6 per kilogram.




Market Manager 0431 563 566

Goldfields Honey will fill your own container if you mention this article.

GisborneGazette Gazette June 2011 June 2011 14 14 Gisborne

C alling all reporters!

Most organisations now have a Facebook page where news and events relating to their activities are posted. Gisborne Gazette would love to share your posts about local news and events on our page. Just let us know when you email your news items if you would like us to share some on our Facebook page. Videos and photos make especially great posts too! View of the market from Hamilton And remember! L ike us onthe Facebook at our office. new Street address: Gisborne Gaze tte

Gazette award to Singers T o householders w ith mailbox es W e proudly deliver to all mailboxes in the South choir member

W ard of the shire. To ensure you don’t miss The clear inaugural presentation of A thefew out, please your mailbox regularly. Gisborne Gazette Award was made deliverers have commented recently about the last month to Gisborne Singers difficulty member of deliverin Gaze ttes to some mailboxes Margaret Brockman. GREAT committee members attend the Macedon Ranges Business An enthusiastic team of volunteers from the GREAT Association manages the of limited size. Margaret was awarded the prize Awards in September. Thefirst O ldeSunday Time Market which is runfrom by GREAT Olde Time Market held on the of each month, 9am to 2pm.Thanks Richard hiteley as everyone, the choir member who hadW sold a finalist the collection Excellenceof in stall Events category. Fundswas raised frominthe fees are returned to the community in Co- choir’s ordinator the most tickets Distribution to one of the Visitors browse among the stalls on Aitken Street.

Who runs the Olde Time Market

many and varied ways, such as grants to community groups or sponsoring of community events. The GREAT Association and other volunteers also produce the monthly Gisborne Gazette and distribute it throughout the south ward of the Macedon Ranges Shire. If you would like to become involved in any facet of this community service, please contact one of the following people: GREAT president Phyllis Boyd, 0431 063 119, secretary Ian Boyd, 0417 059 525, or treasurer Graeme Millar, 5428 2522.

Gisborne Olde Time Market

Wild Trout’s and Women’s S inging improv esMen’s general health and Headwear w ellbeing. is one of the many stalls that is a regular at J oin us in the GR EA T C entre ev ery F riday the market. afternoon at 4 pm for a great community singalong w ith the urbane and accomplished R ichard ( pictured) on piano. 2 3 H amilton S treet, Gisborne. A ll are w elcome. W e look forw ard to seeing you!

O lde Tim e M ark et a finalis t

8am -1pm 8am -1pm 8am -1pm 8am -1pm 8am -1pm



major concerts. The award was made by Richard Whiteley on behalf of the Gazette and was one of a number of recent Gazette awards initiated as a way of returning funds earned by the Gazette to the community.

First Sunday of every month 9am to 2pm Hamilton Street - Aitken Street Market Manager 0431 563 566

Email: 18 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 18-25.indd 18

26/09/2016 4:04:27 PM

Kids Corner

SCOUTING PAGE Proudly sponsored by Bruce Ellis, Chiropractor

N ew

camping season begins

The camping season for 1st N ew Gisborne Scouts started with our Father’s Day Camp at N oonameena Scout Camp near L auriston. Dads joined on Father’s Day for breakfast and games. Coming up next is the O ctober “Purpose Driven Scout” Camp offering practical challenges to the Scouts so they can see their L aw and Promise in action! Cub Scouts have been busy. All enjoyed a recent outing to Gisborne Police Station. Four of the older Cubs have earned their L ink Badges and “gone up” to Scouts. Another four will “go up” at our December canoeing night and three more in February. So we will finally have some vacancies

in our Cub Scout Pack! W e look forward to hearing from interested parents. Cubs and Scouts will soon start constructing their own model rockets and look forward to the O ctober 9 launch at the Tripoli rocket range near Serpentine. The Group will be holding a Community Garage Sale on Saturday O ctober 2 2 , 7am to 12 pm in the Gisborne Church of Christ car park. The Scout Group meets on W ednesdays at 6 pm at the Gisborne Church of Christ, Saunders R oad, N ew Gisborne. Contact Group L eader John Frearson (“Skipper”) on 0 4 50 9 2 2 78 7 or email johnfrearson@

couts start the day around the campfire at the recent ather s

ay Camp.

A different w ay to look at bik es

S pecial night as Girl Guides mak e their P romise O n Thursday September 8 Gisborne ‘ L ighting’ Guides welcomed Stephanie, Grace and Sofia into the international membership of the W orld Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (W AGGGS). The three girls – in front of their parents, other members of the unit and L eaders – made their Australian Guide Promise. This is a special occasion on which each girl receives her W orld Badge, Promise Badge and sash. The Promise Badge is shaped as a trefoil and represents each part of the promise: to do my best, be true to myself and develop my beliefs, to serve my community and Australia and live by the Guide L aw. The W orld Badge means she is a member of the worldwide organisation known as W AGGGS. During the term all the Guides worked on a number of badges which they received on the night.

Bicycle Artist Matt Benn from Urban Donkey recently treated the 1st Macedon Cubs and Scouts and the visiting 1st W oodend Cubs to a fun-filled evening of the inconceivable at the Macedon Scout Hall. Matt brought along some of his amazing bike creations for the kids to try out and gave them plenty of stories and ideas to inspire them to think up their own designs of astounding bikes and steam-punk inspired costumes. A session with tools and old bikes followed, which led to the construction of some pretty bizarre beasts in anticipation of the upcoming ‘ Carni-velo’, a fusion of circus, bicycles and Australiana celebrating the Single Speed W orld N ational Championships.

A proud moment for tephanie

race and ofia.

Erin Visagie received her four-year membership star. Currently part of the unit is working on their Emergency Badge level 1, and two of our older members are working on their BP Award. Girl Guides meet on Thursday nights from 5pm to 6 .3 0 pm at the Howey Street Scout/Guide Hall. W e resume on O ctober 6 after the school holidays. Girls aged from 8 -16 are welcome to join. Please contact Debbie Fleming on 54 2 6 19 3 1. ome intriguing beasts emerged from


I T H BN ( M

att enn s session.



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We at Melton Toyota are proud to announce that we have won the Toyota 5-Star Guest Experience Dealership Award for 2015 as voted by you, We at Melton Toyota are proud to announce that we have won the Toyota 5-Star Guest Experience our guests. Dealership Award for 2015 as voted by you, our guests. We We look to delighting you with 5-Star look forward forward to delighting you with 5-Star service every time you visit us. service every time you visit us.

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Melton Toyota 143-147 High Street, Melton T 03 8746 0300 LMCT 1976




L iners and bands installed R oof repair & replacement L ow w ater loss technology Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 18-25.indd 19


26/09/2016 7:14:14 PM



Here are brief statements supplied by the eight candidates for election to the South W ard in the order they will appear on the ballot paper. R esidents will be sent a ballot pack from O ctober 4 to 6 . Y ou should complete and return

Scouts have some fun pointing out the new sign adorning the Scout H all in H owey Street.

Gisborne S couts are w inners! Congratulations to all of our youth members – winners of the Macedon R anges Y outh Awards for Environmental Awareness. They received this award for the work they did with Clean Up Australia Day (they are pictured receiving their award on page 6 ). The Cub Scout Science Camp was held on the September 10 and 11. They had a full weekend of science fun! Interested in joining 1st Gisborne Scout Group? Email admin@ or call 0 4 8 7 70 6 8 0 4 . W e cater for Joey Scouts (6 years) to R overs (2 6 years) and are always interested in anyone who would like to volunteer their time as a leader or on our group committee.

L ocal business netw ork opens doors Since its inception in 2 0 10 , Macedon R anges Home Business N etwork has been supporting micro and small business operators based from home, providing networking opportunities and business assistance. The not-for-profit community group is now opening its doors to all micro and small businesses across the shire to inform, educate, motivate and connect residents and business operators. To reflect this broader focus, the group is changing its name to Macedon R anges Business Connect. At usiness onnect s official launch evenin on O ctober 2 8 , locals can bring product and service marketing materials to introduce their businesses and learn more about what the shire has to offer. For catering purposes, please email info@ if you would like to attend. W ith an attractive 2 0 17 plan including Small Business Victoria workshops, network members will be able to attend discounted and free events. Macedon R anges Business Connect will continue to offer presentations and catch-ups for all business types including professional services, artists, trade services, industry and retail. To learn more, contact info@ or Jessica Bonanno on 0 4 2 1 4 15 4 8 5.

the ballot by 6 pm on Friday O ctober 2 1, or you can hand-deliver it to the election office by this date. The election office is in the Mechanics Institute, 71 Mollison Street, K yneton, and is open from 9 am to 5pm weekdays. – VEC

John Amenta

Mandi Mees

Hi, my name is John Amenta and I would love to run for council. The difference between me and all these other councillors is that I will actually walk the talk and I do what I' m supposed to do. I' m not going to be walking around kissing babies, planting trees and shaking people' s hands or having after-hours meetings at your expense. I want to provide more visibility to the ratepayers of Macedon R anges Shire through a system that can show residents how your hardearned dollars are benefiting your community. I want to see that every council meeting is filmed to stamp out corruption! I' m not going to hide behind a fancy suit and tie but I will be straightforward in not being afraid to say the truth. I intend to see that this council is accountable and transparent in the way budgets are dealt with and the way decisions are made. As I have run my own businesses throughout the years, I am a strong advocate of business and creating local jobs throughout the shire. I may not have spent many years in formal education, but I know the difference between right and wrong. Thank you for your time. Contact: suzanne.calkin@

The Macedon R anges is where I am raising my young family. Protecting the village character and rural lifestyle we all enjoy is important to me. If elected, the seat on council would not be mine, but that of the people. To build our future, we must work together to make common sense decisions that benefit everyone and not the privile ed few. The community should lead the conversation about how we invest in our future. Gisborne is an important service hub. It needs strategic support to plan services and facilities that respond to a growing population. Investing wisely to help sustain a vibrant and sustainable business and arts community is vital. As a councillor, my approach is to think long term to get best value for our public dollar, ensuring the needs of the people are adequately re ected in council policies. rofessionally as national policy director for a not for profit industry association, I work with governments and businesses developing transport, planning and sustainability solutions every day. I founded the Macedon Village Volunteers, leading community missions attracting $ 1.2 5 million value to our shire. Inappropriate development in Macedon was stopped by the community under my leadership. To find out more visit Contact: mandimees@

Paul Hosking I’m passionate about the future of the Macedon R anges and am keen to ensure sustainable growth that benefits the community and the environment. R unning my e-commerce business locally for the past 11 years, I have come to realise we need a forward thinking council to tackle the critical challenges facing our rural community in a globalised world. My wife and three teenaged children deserve a council that is serious about creating opportunities by

supporting new enterprise, encouraging renewable energy projects, and preserving the landscape and lifestyle that brought us here. This election we have a chance for change. W ith the right council and the support of the community, together we can make the Macedon R anges an even better place to live. The other new candidates I have met are an impressive ualified and committed bunch. f elected I look forward to working with councillors and the community to build a bright future. Find out more about me and them here: www. Contact: paul.c.hosking@



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20 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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C A N D I D A T ES John Letchford

Andrew Twaits

Helen Radnedge

Hello Being your Shire Councillor for the past four years has been extraordinary. W e have forged ahead in Town and Urban Planning creating Urban Character, plus preparing to consolidate R ural L and in preparation for that much needed debate on how to protect this area now and into the future, remembering our children want to live here just as much as we do. I am honoured to have driven si nificant challen es chan e that contribute to strate ic plannin development ob creation activities, infrastructure renewal that grows from strength to strength. In partnership with our community, we are leading other rural councils with our strong economic model that continues to deliver lower rates, more infrastructure and activities. For further information on these issues and more, read my election pamphlet. I seek your support to continue to provide a true independent voice representation in council, respond to your concerns, advocate for you on projects like pedestrian access, new sports precinct pro ect e uine a ribusiness as well as keeping music events at Hanging R ock East Paddock, just to name a few. Together we have delivered: indoor stadium, competitive netball courts, reduced debt, a strong economic base plus more. Contact: johnletchford1@

The Macedon R anges is a great place to live. But to make the most of our wonderful environment, we need a diverse range of highcalibre people to create a high-performing council. I’ve lived in Bullengarook for the past eight years with my wife and our two young sons. W e’ve contributed strongly to a variety of community and sporting groups, including the CFA (7 years), L andcare (10 years) and Auskick (4 years). W ith your support, I’ll work hard to: (1) deliver new and improved sport and recreation facilities; (2 ) drive responsible and consistent planning decisions; (3 ) make Macedon R anges a “smart shire” through innovative use of technology; and (4 ) improve support for people affected by mental health issues and special needs. My personal values and the experience I gained as a lawyer, CEO , company director and senior sports administrator (with Cricket Australia, the AFL Players’ Association and R acing Victoria) will help me contribute effectively and independently across all aspects of council’s statutory and community functions. Y ou’re entitled to expect more from council and I want the opportunity to deliver for you. R ead more about me here:, or get in touch with me on aceboo andrewtwaitsmrsc or 042 066 0 0 0 , or contact andrew@

As a member of our local community for over 4 0 years, I have brought up my family here. My aim is to see our council make sensible decisions that care for our community and our environment. L iving and working in Gisborne, I understand the importance of local employment. I am actively involved in several local community groups within the Macedon R anges achieving results to preserve our natural environment. The values of balance, respect and listening to our community are important to me, and should be for our council. My priorities are meaningful consultation, safer roads, improved planning, environmental protection and healthy waterways. I will also work to preserve our cultural heritage and local history. R egularly attending council meetings, I have experience in speaking before council, panel hearings and meeting with state and federal parliamentarians and other authorities, advocating for positive outcomes for the Macedon R anges, including provision of appropriate facilities whilst caring for the character of our townships and our precious environment. Contact: helenrad6 7@

Jamie Byron

Russell Mowatt As a resident of the Macedon R anges for 2 7 years I have been involved in a variety of groups and council-led activities and projects where we have achieved successful outcomes for our community. However more than ever we face many challenges over the next four years in the South W ard where a steady hand and experience is needed to ensure our quality of life is maintained. W hat is paramount to me is that we need to ‘ Get Gisborne back to Gisborne’ before we drown in the con estion ridloc s and frustration of findin par in in appropriate locations to do our daily business in town. For planning we must protect our rural landscape, open space reserves and our nationally valued herita e sites as well as developin financially and environmentally sustainable outcomes. W e need to continue to invest in our future for roads, footpaths, bi e safety street li htin and traffic mana ement to ensure we are well placed for future generations. As a community we must continue to advocate to the state government for more connecting transport services for the Gisborne District and Macedon areas as well as continuing to develop in partnership affordable recreational facilities in our ward. ontact russell.mowatt bi or mobile 04 477 13.

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At this election, residents across South W ard have the power to deliver our community the change we need, and deserve. As a Mount Macedon resident, government relations adviser in the higher education sector and active local volunteer, I am passionate about the Macedon R anges. I want a council that values genuine community consultation. A council that will protect the unique characteristics of our townships while making consistent planning decisions. A council that recognises the immense opportunity to grow tourism and enables local business endeavours that will create local jobs for local people. Most importantly, I want a council that will plan beyond today and deliver long-term strategic planning, supported by appropriate infrastructure, to guide growth across our shire. W ith the right leadership, we can do so much better to ensure that what we love about our community is protected, while delivering a Macedon R anges that becomes an even better place to live, work, raise our families and do business. This election, vote for a strong, fresh voice. Vote 1 Jamie Byron to put the future of our community first. lease do not hesitate to contact me on 0412 10 467 to discuss the issues that matter most to you, or jamiebyronforsouthward@



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Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 18-25.indd 21


26/09/2016 4:26:28 PM

Gisborne & Mount Macedon Districts Historical Society Gisborne Court House, 4 Hamilton Street Open Wednesdays 10am to 4 pm.

Local History

Robert Barbour

Phone (03) 5428 1450 email: web:


Bullengarook Station

R obert B arbour w as a pre- gold rush settler at B ullengarook and saw miller at M ount M acedon before going into political life in N S W . B arbour’ s daughter C atherine w rote a diary about life at B ullengarook w hich w e w ill publish nex t month. H ere, P hyllis and I an B oyd giv e some back ground on R obert B arbour and early B ullengarook .


obert Barbour was born in 18 2 7 in Beith, Ayrshire, the only son of W illiam and Mary Barbour. Following the death of W illiam in Scotland, the family sailed to Australia on the Eagle to start a new life, arriving in Melbourne in 18 53 . Soon after his arrival, R obert became a draper and soft-goods merchant, using his 10 years of experience in the trade in Scotland. He also set up a water-powered sawmill on the Turitable Creek below Devonshire L ane at Mount Macedon, where he employed eight men and a bullock team. The W est Burke Chronicle of 18 6 3 wrote that at his mill at Mount Macedon, Barbour had built a steep tramway ¾ of a mile long down the west side of the mountain to his mill. This tramway was visible after the Ash ednesday bushfires of 1 3 and is listed as bein of herita e si nificance in the shire’s heritage study. The study states that the tramway reputedly fed Barbour’s timber chute and was surrounded by gum forest which fell away to grassed area. This was one of the few substantial early timber milling sites in the area and by 18 70 , R obert Barbour was paying rates on 18 acres and two saw mills. The Gisborne Shire rate notice of 18 6 5 confirms that obert arbour also owned two allotments of timbered land and two dwelling houses at Mount Macedon. Barbour was one of the trustees of the Bullengarook Common School. The Bacchus Marsh Express of Saturday April 18 , 18 6 8 recorded the following regarding the school: “It is some time since the residents in and around Bullengarook set about erecting a Schoolhouse and on Monday night the building was opened by a soiree, which was numerously attended and profitable in its results to the ommittee. Previous to the erection of this School, the education of the children was conducted in a primitive house to house fashion by a person who, no doubt, did much good in this way. “It is extremely creditable to the res-

Catherine Jackson Barbour ( nee Pitty) ( left) , wife of Robert Barbour, with their eldest daughter Catherine Jackson F raser ( nee Barbour) .

idents in such a peculiarly isolated place as Bullengarook that they have busied themselves to provide within their midst one of the most indispensable means of civilisation and the School, which will shortly be tenanted by a duly-recognised Common School teacher, has now no debt remaining upon it. The gentlemen who have acted as a L ocal Committee are Messrs J. Thompson jun., John K innaird, James Carroll, James Fitzgerald, Michael Hogan, Thomas O ’Donnell, Francis Edgar and John Hogan. The Trustees are Messrs R obert Barbour, Thomas Hogan, John Fitzgerald and John Carroll. “R obert Barbour resident in the neighbourhood gave nearly all the timber and has taken an amount of interest in the School which is likely to be of lasting benefit to it. His absence at the openin celebration from business calls was much regretted and to a great extent prevented the entire success of the affair, as he was to have taken the chair.” In his absence, M.P. Farrell took the chair, and said the school enabled children to receive “such an education as would at least qualify them to go through life respectably.” The Express report continued: “The School was nearly finished and there was no debt upon it. The Committee required a small sum for the purchase of maps and other fittin s which no doubt would be obtained. The sale of the tickets that evening would leave a surplus of about £ 5 or £ 6 . “The remainder of the night until daylight next morning was then devoted to dancing, occasionally relieved by a

son . e believe this is the first public entertainment ever held in Bullengarook, but the School Committee intend to have another in a short time, besides celebrating each anniversary of the establishment of the School. “Many tickets were sold in Gisborne, but a Foresters ball there on the same evening kept the holders of them away. The ommittee confidently e pect to get the School recognised by the Board of Education and a schoolmaster is to be appointed immediately. W e may add that Messrs Thomas Hogan and John Thompson were particularly active in promoting the enjoyment of their guests.”

T he remainder of the night until daylight w as dev oted to dancing, occasionally reliev ed by a song. W e believ e this is e firs u ic en er ainmen ev er held in B ullengarook

A slight glitch regarding the school followed its erection. It appeared that it was built on a road leading to a reserve instead of on a site granted by the Government. In the Bacchus Marsh Express of May 2 3 , 18 6 8 , a letter to the Editor signed Scholasticus attempted to relieve R obert Barbour of blame for this, saying that Mr Barbour had obtained a grant from the Government for the site upon which the building was erected, but “I believe that he does not feel inclined to give up the papers connected with it until there are Trustees

ualified to receive them . The writer was critical of the appointment of John Hogan as teacher sayin he was not ualified to teach any children including his own, and that although there were 4 0 children needing to attend school, only 15 had so far been enrolled. He also wrote that most of the Committee was Catholic and therefore did not “adequately represent the inhabitants of the district”. A week later Barbour called a meeting at the new schoolroom to receive a report from the provisional Committee and to elect a permanent one, and do any other school business. A newspaper report said that about 4 0 people gathered at the appointed time and waited until nine o’clock but Mr Barbour did not arrive. Some people went home leaving about 2 5 behind. Mr Carroll was voted to the chair. A vote of confidence in the ori inal Committee was carried. Mr Barbour arrived as the meeting was adjourning, but nothing more was done. The people were very much dissatisfied at Mr arbour disappointing them in this way. He said he was paying his men and thought that was more necessary than attending the meeting, which would perhaps do no good. There was continuing division in the community over the Common School and by August 18 6 8 a second school, with R obert Barbour on the Committee, was operating in a building on Spotswoods’ farm. Each school had roughly 2 0 pupils. O n September 2 4 , 18 6 8 , R obert Barbour offered for let, his “beautiful, healthy stone-built slated residence, dining room, drawing room, four bed-rooms, itchen servants rooms out offices orchard, vinery, 8 0 0 -acre paddock, with Squatting run 2 0 0 0 acres. R ent, £ 2 0 0 . Immediate possession.” The Bacchus Marsh Express of September 4 , 18 75, reported that R ichard Cantwell of Ballan had bought Barbour’s property at Bullengarook, “where, we understand, he intends to reside and we have no doubt he will greatly improve the property which has not been thoroughly worked since Mr Barbour left it. Mr. Cantwell will be a decided acquisition to the neighbourhood.”


he year of 18 58 was an eventful one for R obert Barbour as he sold his drapery businesses in Melbourne and country Victoria, took up contracting for the construction of roads and bridges for the Victorian Government, and took over the 12 ,0 0 0 acres of land at Bullengarook that had been originally squatted on by Goodman and Chenery and later Henry Matson that had been known as the Ballengourooke Pre-emptive R ight. C ontinued nex t month.

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B ow ling C lub opens new season Gisborne Bowling Club officially opened its green on September 10 with 6 0 bowlers in attendance. Special guests included Central Highlands Bowls Division Chairperson Dorothy Evans, CHBD Secretary Ian Guymer, L ife Members Joan John, L aurie John, Mary W ilson and Brian Carr, 16 Trentham bowlers and all the Gisborne players. Aileen and ob aterson delivered the first ac and bowl and declared the green open for the 2 0 16 -17 year. The club than s ob and Aileen Mitre10 for their continued support. They have been generous supporters of our club for many years. urin the afternoon tea brea endy aye was presented with her Super Veterans Badge by CHBD hairperson orothy. ife Member Mary ilson spo e of W endy’s achievements during her time in the club. She has been a member for 11 years and has been on the bowls committee several times. She has en oyed playin pennant and has been a wonderful wor er in the itchen. The club congratulates W endy and wishes her many more years of good health and happy bowling. e are loo in forward to another successful season. The night bowls program will begin on O ctober 18 and 19 . W e welcome any new teams who wish to participate; please contact the club if you wish to enter a team. John Evans, 0 4 2 7 9 4 7 3 2 5

C ome and try day for croq uet

Cards and a lot of laughs replaced croq uet in September when the courts were flooded.

W hat do you do if it rains on your parade? It rained and it rained during September and the Macedon R anges Croquet Club’s courts were flooded as were many parts of Victoria. This put a stop to any play on our season’s opening day, but we were able to have a brief opening ceremony outdoors with club champion endy lac runnin the first hoop of the season. Than s hris for ta in photos and a special than you to Councillor John L etchford for braving the weather to come and oin us on this day. N ow, if you cannot play croquet, what do you do? e played cards and board ames and en oyed a ma nificent lunch. So why don t you discover

W endy K aye ( centre) received her Super Veteran’ s badge from Dorothy Evans ( left) and Mary W ilson.

excitement, discover new friends, discover yourself and be part of a whole new ballgame. Call in on any W ednesday at Dixon Field and try golf croquet. This is the 2 1st century croquet and is easy to learn. Males and females ma e up our club and contrary to popular opinion it is not ust for the older eneration. Teena ers and 20 year olds are ta in the game to a new level. Y ou can play at club, inter club, Victorian, Australian and world level too. The club extends an open invitation to all to come and try our game on W ednesday O ctober 19 , 9 am for a 9 .3 0 start. Margaret W ardell

M t M acedon Golf C lub secure and going strong The club’s AGM was held on September 3 . W e go from strength to strength: at the meeting it was reported that membership numbers had again increased, as had green fees collected. This is testament to the superior condition of the course. O ur treasurer attested to sound financials. ease ne otiations on our course have been finalised and we now have the certainty the club has long sought. The Management Committee is to be congratulated on their wor on this issue. avid Hudson s role has been pivotal, and we are grateful to the government for ensuring the continuation of an important community resource.

Election of the new Management Committee was straightforward with most of the outgoing committee renominating to continue for another year. Glenn Moore resident erome an maid aptain ob lose Treasurer Gary iddy Secretary avid Hudson rian Freestone, Peter Semmens, R ob Devereux and Matthew illis Ordinary Members . erome an maid ta es over the Captain’s role with Bruce Fraser standing down. Than s ruce for your hard wor in a demandin role. Modest membership fees offer great golf and camaraderie at Mount Macedon Golf Club. N ew members

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Committee members ( L- R) : Gary Liddy, Glenn Moore, Jerome Langmaid and Bob Close. and green fee players welcome. Phone 54 2 6 16 50 or drop into the clubhouse at the wee end. isit www. Tony Littman

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Rising Damp


26/09/2016 4:34:03 PM

Kids Corner

HEALTH AND WELLBEING Proudly sponsored by Macedon Ranges Health

C olour R un update O nly three w eek s to go until the M acedon R anges H ealth C olour R un and W alk tak es place at Gardiner R eserv e on S unday O ctober 2 3 . T here’ s still time to register. T his year w e hav e gold and silv er spark le to add to the mix and some pre- ev ent entertainment; thank s to the M acedon R anges S hire C ouncil w e hav e young ladies from S teps D ance S chool w ho w ill be dancing on stage and encouraging a crow d w arm- up from 9 am. W estern W ater is supporting this ev ent w ith w ater stations and drink bottles to k eep ev eryone hydrated and refreshed. T o register, go to w w w . mrh. org. au and follow the C olour R un prompts. Y ou don’ t hav e to run – in fact the maj ority of the participants are w alk ers. I f you are interested in attending the ev ent as a v olunteer or hav e any q ueries please contact K elly M ilne on 5 4 2 8 0 3 0 0 or email K elly. milne@ mrh. org. au

A reminder of w hat T O W N T O W N

Take O ff W eight N aturally

W e have just had our Annual General Meeting so another new committee will take on leadership roles to help our club over the next 12 months. I thought this would be a good time to tell you what we are about at Gisborne TO W N . Gisborne TO lub is affiliated with the TO Clubs of Victoria. This is a uniquely Australian program that challenges and supports you to lose weight sensibly through mutual encouragement and group therapy. e are a not for profit or anisation and are mainly run by volunteers.

is all about

O ur low weekly fee is $ 5 plus an annual fee of $ 4 8 to cover insurance and registration. O ur friendly club will encourage you to take the steps needed to make the change in your lifestyle – to eat sensibly and exercise and thus attain your personal weight goaI in consultation with your doctor. Come along and join our club and we’ll travel together towards a healthy weight and lifestyle. W e meet every Monday from 6 pm at the Gisborne Bowling Club. If you would like to know more, you can contact K athy on 54 2 8 13 3 4 or Dianne on 54 2 8 3 0 8 8 . Also you can check out the TO W N website, Di Egan

Di Egan

If there’s one thing you’d think we know about, it’s talking ‘ S heducation’ It’s rarely difficult to coax a few words from a Gisborne Shedman. In fact usually the opposite is true, so you wouldn’t think we needed to learn anything about speech therapy. But we are wiser Shedmen after a recent presentation by Macedon R anges Health speech therapist L aura Hansen. N ow we know how important it is to act on any speech concern with young children because it could be related to

many possible causes. W e also know that taking action early reduces any associated stress felt by the child and improves the chances of fully correcting the impediment. This has been an important addition to our toolkit to be wiser grandfathers and great-grandfathers. W e learn some interesting things at The Shed …. and it’s not always about wood. Feel free to step into our classroom any Monday, W ednesday or Thursday morning.

Speech pathologist Laura, flanked by Shedmen Doug and John.


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H elping hand in social sk ills for girls Social Skills Group for girls ( L- R) Gabby, Louise and Alison are the welcoming faces at the youth clinic.

A special option for young people It can sometimes be daunting for young people to discuss sexual health, mental health or just general health matters in the structured environment of the standard medical practice. L uckily, there is a youth clinic in Gisborne that provides an alternative to this setting and, as the parent of a child who attends the clinic, I cannot speak highly enough of it. The youth clinic has been a great help to our family and others but does not seem to be as widely known about as it could be. Anything that helps our young people navigate their way in this often difficult world is a hu e plus to the community. O pen every W ednesday evening during term time from 4 .3 0 to 7pm, the clinic offers a welcoming, friendly, confidential service for youn people between 12 and 2 years. It is staffed by GP Alison Bailey, nurses L ouise and Gabby, and a mental health counsellor when required. N o appointments are necessary – kids are seen in order of arrival. The clinic is run by Macedon R anges Health at 76 Hamilton Street (next to the old hospital). The phone number is 42 0300. W e all know that many young people don’t read newspapers, so any parent, grandparent or family friend reading this, please pass this info on to any young person you think may be interested! K athleen

An innovative Social Skills Group for girls will begin this month. The aim of the group is to assist girls with their communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, and is primarily for girls who have been given an autism spectrum diagnosis or have social skill difficulties. The group is a weekly one-hour nine-week program run by a speech pathologist and occupational therapist at the Macedon an es Health entre eal Street Gisborne. Sessions will be held from to 6pm on Thursdays for 12 years and 4 to pm on ridays for 6 years at a cost of 1 0 for the term. Dietlind Schutte, occupational therapist at Macedon R anges Health, said “This is a great opportunity for girls to participate in fun activities, meet new people and make friends while improving their communication and social skills. W e are fortunate to be able to provide this program and I look forward to meeting this group of girls.”

Parents and siblings are welcome to stay to share a cuppa with other families at the onsite cafe. Those interested can contact Macedon R anges Health on 42 0300 or download the application form at

P O P U P S H O P – N othing ov er $ 1 C ontainer and C ar P ort C learance The O p Shop on Hamilton is bursting at the seams and we need to make some room for summer stock. W e have joined the hipster movement and will have a Pop Up Shop setup under the carport and in “the container”. Come and enjoy our great customer service, have a bit of fun and grab a bargain – what can you get for under 1 these days

The range of items include clothing (adults and kids), bric-a-brac, books and more. Don’t miss this great opportunity to shop yourself silly and support Gisborne O aks Aged Care. W hen: Monday October 3 until riday October 7 from 10am to 3pm outside the Op Shop on Hamilton at 76 Hamilton Street Gisborne (beside St Mary Medical Centre).


Gardiner Reserve Gisborne


Sunday October 23rd 2016 Registrations now open via

Register Now!

and Walk Gisborne Gazette October 2016

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Mental health Expo to be held in Gisborne

‘ B et t y ’ s B oop ’ with Betty Doolan

Treated to some ' beastly' visitors R esidents were treated to a very interesting afternoon when Margaret Holmes, a resident' s daughter, brought a collection of “Mini Beasts”. These were small creatures that are hard to find in the garden. I had a small branch and as I gently moved the leaves aside I found small beautiful creatures. They were the same colour as the leaves, some were long, stick-like creatures, others small and were in shells. There was a very large shell and one could not imagine these small creatures pulling these large shells around. W e were also treated recently to the Australian W ildlife Show, another free event. Adrian Ellie Mann and Mary Pappax get up close and personal and Jack from Australian W ild- with a parrot during the wildlife show. life reported afterwards it was their first a ed care show and they were so same things. I do hope I have not been over moved by the residents that it has been their smart. favourite to date. Staff and residents had a lovely afterI don’t like to think about it but Christmas noon tea to celebrate an award our nurse is not far away. I have 10 great-grandchildren Camille K och won. This award was very well now and another two babies by Christmas, so deserved, so once again, congratulations I have shopped early and bought them all the Camille.

PS My Family Matters, in association with Macedon R anges Health Centre, are proud to bring you our Healthy Minds Expo – Mental Illness, the N DIS and Y ou. The purpose of the expo is to showcase the mental health and carer support services available across the Macedon R anges Shire. O ne of the recurring themes we have found since establishing PS My Family Matters is that there are some great services available, but there is a lack of understanding of other services that can assist with mental health needs. The expo will be held on W ednesday O ctober 19 , during Carers’ W eek. It will run from 5.3 0 pm to 7.3 0 pm at Macedon R anges Health with speakers from 6 pm to 7pm. This year we are focusing on the N DIS and what this means for our community in relation to mental illness. Mike Hamer, vicepresident of PS My Family Matters, will facilitate these discussions. L ight refreshments will be served by the K ozi K orner cafe and tea and coffee may also be purchased. There will also be a psychologist on hand from MR H to talk to anyone who may need assistance on the night. For any queries, contact Tamara W ilson on 0 4 0 1 0 4 2 777. Y ou can also book at – just type Macedon R anges in the search box and follow the links.

GISBORNE RSL O ur coach trip to the R A A F M useum is on T uesday O ctober 1 1 . C osts are $ 2 0 coach, $ 1 4 . 9 0 lunch at L ak es H otel. W e leav e Gisborne cenotaph at 9 am and return about 3 pm. T o book your seats, contact B ill or J eanette D erham on 5 4 2 8 3 1 5 4 . T he W W 1 V eterans’ names on the C enotaphare to be unv eiled on R emembrance D ay.

2016 Annual General Meeting The Board and Management of Macedon Ranges Health extend a warm invitation to the community to attend the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Gisborne & District Health and Hospital Board Inc.


Monday 24 October 2016 at 7pm Macedon Ranges Health, 5 Neal Street, Gisborne Guest Speaker: Maree McCabe, CEO Alzheimer’s Australia VIC Maree McCabe was appointed CEO of Alzheimer’s Australia Vic in 2010 following several senior executive positions across the mental health and aged care sectors. Maree has driven the development of the Perc Walkley Dementia Learning Centre a world first multisensory environment for experiential learning in dementia care - and successfully expanded critical dementia support services in regional Victoria including the establishment of multidisciplinary regional hubs in Geelong, Ballarat, Drouin and Bendigo.

Supper Provided. Please RSVP by Monday 10th October 2016 Phone: 54280300 or Email:

Women’s daytime basketball Register your interest now for our summer competition. Starts Thursday 6 October! The Stadium, Gisborne Phone: 5428 1619 Visit:

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October 10

World Mental Health Day W orld Mental Health Day is a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy. An initiative of the W orld Federation for Mental Health, W orld Mental Health Day is held annually on O ctober 10 to raise public awareness of mental health issues worldwide. This year, the day has three objectives: ncoura e help see in behaviour educe the sti ma associated with mental illness oster connectivity throu hout communities W orld Mental Health Day aims to achieve these goals by encouraging people to take personal ownership of their own mental health and wellbeing. To do this, the program focuses on a simple, personal mental health promise that can be made by anyone, regardless of their own mental health. It might be as simple as ‘ I will focus on being available when someone I know is distressed’ or ‘ I will speak up when I feel stressed’. R emember, your GP is available to assist if you are experiencing mental health issues and there are many resources available online also. For more information go to: www.10 10 or Submitted by Gisborne Medical Centre

S k ate- B M X - S cooter comp at the Gisborne Skate Park on S aturday O ctober 8 from 10 am to 5pm. Cost - gold coin. AL L AGES EVEN T This is a fully supervised, tobacco, alcohol and drug-free event Information: 54 2 2 0 2 4 2

P opular local doctor retires After 2 1 years of outstanding service Sandra settled at the Gisborne Medical to the Gisborne community, Dr Sandra Centre and has seen the practice grow. Morrow retired from her GP post at the During this time, she also held a Gisborne Medical Centre on September board director role at the Central High2 9 . lands Division of General Practice. Sandra has been a general practitione ectin on her professional life er in the Macedon R anges since 19 9 5 Sandra said, “I have most enjoyed deand over the years built a loyal patient veloping long term clinical relationships base. She will be missed by her patients with patients and gaining a deep unand staff. derstanding of families and their health Dr Morrow’s medical career began with journeys. The decision to retire has her completion of study at Monash Unibeen a very difficult one and will miss Dr Sandra Morrow touching base with my patients.” versity in 19 8 3 , followed by internship in Geelong and various hospital roles. She The Gisborne Medical Centre doctors and staff farewelled Sandra and wished her a long also held a councillor role at the Bacchus Marsh Council before starting her general practice career. and enjoyable retirement. Patients also had the opportuHaving worked in Sunshine and Bacchus Marsh, nity to say a quick goodbye on her last day at the clinic.

P hotographer speak s on pet subj ect Julie Ewing from Pawtraits Pet Photography provided an entertaining and informative session at Macedon R anges Photographic Society' s technical night in September. Following her talk, we had four great dog models to help us practise the techniques she had demonstrated. N o doubt we will see some great images at our N ovember 7 meeting and the in-house competition of animal and pet photography. A fantastic club initiative has been to introduce regular club walkabouts. Hosted by club member Doug Hunwick, these provide a great opportunity to socialise with other members while practising cam-

era skills and techniques with the guidance of more skilled members. Usually held every fortnight, you can check out the club calendar for details. Coming up in N ovember will also be our exchange of images from the Te Awamutu Camera Club in N ew Z ealand. The 4 0 -image exchange will feature our respective regions. Macedon R anges Photographic Society meets twice a month at the R iddells Creek N eighbourhood House. The club website has undergone a significant overhaul. lease chec out all the ima es and club information now provided at www.


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Kids Corner


Proudly sponsored by T ra cee Perry

A la n Perry

Poppy Paterson and her horse Jazz were both smiling on Show Day.

Macedon Show Day Macedon Primary School turned into a wildlife menagerie on the last day of term 3 – N oah’s Ark was all that was missing in the organised chaos called Macedon Primary Show Day. Every year in Term 3 Macedon Primary holds a wonderful event that brings together all creatures great and small, living and nonlivin plush toys ower arran ements ca e decorating and artworks that rival entries at the R oyal Melbourne Show. It is in celebration of the coming of spring and the end of term. To begin the day, children, parents and the wider community gathered to participate in the pet parade. ven a oldfish had an opportunity to wal alon side its feline friends. Eloise in Grade 5 said " I love the day because it’s an opportunity to bring your pet to school." Mack in Grade 5 said " Y ou get to see all the cute little animals and that is something that is unique to our school." During the day children participated in old-time games such as three-legged, egg and spoon and wheelbarrow races. The day finished up with a atherin of traditional show day food stalls and presentations to the winners of the craft exhibitions.

A night of music at R ed R ock C hristian C ollege It’s hard to believe another term has flown by and fourth term is soon to start as we write. But as they say, time flies when you’re having fun! R ed R ock students had fun in term 3 with the school swimming program. A number of students found a love for the water which they certainly demonstrated in their last lesson, when all sorts of stunts were conducted on the inatables at Gisborne A uatic entre. Than s to the team who supported the students in developin and fine tunin their swimming skills, not to mention some ' acro-aquatics' ! O ne of the term’s highlights, as always, was the annual N ight of Music. W e celebrated music, art and community as students demonstrated their artwork and talents on piano, violin, drums, beat box, recorders, clarinet, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, singing and song writing. A beautiful and emotional song written and performed by a Grade 5 student for her mother who has undergone treatment for a brain tumour provided a way for the student to encourage and bless her mum, with the heartfelt and prayer filled support of the school community. Students who had never thought they could stand in front of an audience participated and shone brightly. W hether on beat box, conducting the choir or being in charge of slides, you all participated and were part of the whole production being a success, and we are proud of you! Sharon

S t B rigid' s immersed in Ex plore Galore

Maddie Morgan- Smith shows her highly commended ice- cream cakes.

O h my gosh! W hat a busy month! W e had our Explore Galore expo and it was a huge success. If you don’t already know, Explore Galore is a program in which students get to choose a specialist subject they want to do for eight weeks. Options include Art lay ellbein Throu h rama Superheroes apanese reate your own son hysical ducation ancin and T computers Scratch program). It allows the year 3 to 6 students to do what they love and are passionate about. The expo was incredible. The students showcased to the grade 1s, 2 s and parents and other visitors that came to join us. Each subject had 10 minutes to present and explain what they did; even Physical Education presented – a group dance. Incredible! W e would like to congratulate all the softball teams who competed on September 8 . Everyone had fun and did their best. N ow everyone is looking forward to interschool cricket. Another thank you to all who participated in Book W eek. Everyone had an absolute blast. By media leader Molly- Leigh

Ben Greene' s curious rabbit Peter was a hit on Show Day.

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26/09/2016 6:27:41 PM

New Gisborne students become toy designers In Prep we’ve been writing instructions for the toys we’re making. W e drew pictures of them, labelled them and thought about which bits on them should move. In the beginning we drew what we thought we wanted to make on a design page. I had to think about what recyclable materials I could use to make my toy. W e could use cardboard boxes, paper towel rolls, string, paper and more. My toy is a butter y and am ma in it so its win s go up and down. Its name will be Flutter. O ur parents are going to come in and help us make the toys. After we’ve made the toys, our parents are going to see what else we’ve been doing in Prep. They might see our drawings, our maths fun, our recount writings, our classroom library and all the books we can read. Sometimes we retell a story with the setting, the characters (that’s the people), beginning, middle and end. Everyone in my class is excited to make the toys and to see the parents. Even though some parents can’t come because they’re working, everyone is still excited. By H olly Colborne, Prep

The MMPS W arblers and singing group had a great time at the Beat Concert at K yneton Town H all.

B usy time of rehearsals, ex cursions and singing

olly sho s off the design for her butter y.

L- R: O liver, W ill, Charlotte, and O livia enj oyed F ooty Colours Day events at N ew Gisborne Primary School. The day was held to raise money for things like bookcases for Grade 1 , technological eq uipment for middle and senior classes, and the oval development proj ect.

For the past few weeks, Mount Macedon Primary School has been rehearsing for the annual production. This year the production is called the W ingding Jamboree. It is about a Feathered Senate getting all types of birds to a W ingding Jamboree at the same time. Many entertaining things happen during the trip. All have a great time. O n September 7, the whole school went to the Melbourne Z oo. W e saw lots of animals like the helmeted honey eater and the Philippines crocodile. The classes were sorted into two groups which explored different parts of the zoo. All the animals were awesome and

some are in our school production. O n September 8 , The W arblers and the school singing group performed at the Macedon R anges Schools Beat Concert. Schools from all over the Macedon R anges performed. The W arblers sang the Rhythm of life and the Poké mon theme song. The singing group sang Let it be by the Beatles and I ’ m only one call away. It was a great day and we all had fun. By Charlie W ilson, Benj amin Bergodaz and W illiam Shaddock

Fé licitations pour une ré ussite poé tique! (Congratulations on your poetry success! ) Mount Macedon Primary School grade 5/6 students took part in Alliance Franç aise Melbourne’s Berthe Mouchette French poetry recitation competition this year. O ur French teacher, Madame L ee, prepared us for this competition by having us learn our French poems off by heart. O ne of our W illiam Shaddock students, W illiam Shaddock (grade 5), made it through to the finals and placed second in ictoria in his year level. W ell done W illiam, what an amazing effort and achievement! Joe F lynn, Grade 5 / 6 teacher


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Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 26-30.indd 29


26/09/2016 9:06:00 PM

H oly C ross P rimary S chool

A Bullengarook veteran of 3 0 years

T he battle for A ustralia O ur Grade 6 children attended a commemorative day at the Shrine of R emembrance in Melbourne on September 7. It was a held to honour the coura e sacrifice and service of Australians and our Allies who took part in many operations at sea, on land and in the air to defend Australia between 19 4 1 and 19 4 5. The service began with an extraordinary yover of some of the AA Museum aircraft. The focus of this year' s service was, “Doctors and N urses in the Battle for Australia.” W e were able to listen to accounts – read by students – from the Australian W ar Memorial. They were

O B IT U A R Y L eon R obert C lemson 2 0 F ebruary 1 9 3 6 – 8 S eptember 2 0 1 6

The students are greeted by Steve Moneghetti who posed for a picture with them on the steps of the Shrine. moving accounts of the role medical staff played during those war years. O ur school captains, Sarah and Sam, then laid a wreath at the ternal lame. After the service we were lucky enough to have one of the Battle for

Australia oundation s patrons Steve Moneghetti, meet us on the steps of the Shrine for a photo. It was a wonderful opportunity to not only visit the Shrine but to take part in a respectful service.

B all brings fruits of planning effort This year’s Debutante Ball for the students from Sunbury and Macedon R anges Specialist School took place on riday September 2. Twelve couples from the Bullengarook campus were presented to over 3 0 0 guests at Pitruzzello Estate in what is truly one of the highlights of the school program. The students planned a large part of the evening including the venue,

Students from Bullengarook campus wowed them at the Deb Ball. menus outfits and special uests as well as creating tickets and place cards. A huge thank you to all of the staff who assisted before and during the event and big congratulations to our

wonderful students who did an amazing job with their dancing and their presentations. It has certainly inspired our next group to be involved in two years' time! Garry H eald

O lympic flav our for special w eek

Mary- Anne Thomas is j oined by some of the Reading Challenge students at Gisborne Primary School.

L iteracy and N umeracy W eek featured the Mini Maths O lympics at Gisborne Primary School. This involved challenges such as designing symmetrical football jerseys, completing tasks in set times and a paper plane yin competition. unior students measured the length of objects including hurdles, javelins, kayak paddles and retired basketballer Shaquille O ’N eal’s size 2 2 shoes. Grade 3 /4 students maintained the theme by designing O lympic stadiums. As you probably read on page 1, our local MP Mary-Anne Thomas distrib-

uted Premier’s R eading Challenge certificates and shared in a boo themed morning tea with students. n staffin chan es rea Terris has been appointed Acting Principal for the remainder of the year. W e farewelled Grade Prep teacher Elizabeth K emp and Grade Prep-2 Physical Education teacher K atie Clarke. A soggy end to the term necessitated a quiet goodbye to the school oval, which will be redeveloped. A layer of hard-wearing kikuyu grass will be prepared for action ne t ebruary. David McCall

Budget Mowing and Handyman

L eon was born in the old R oyal omen s Hospital on ebruary 2 0 , 19 3 6 . He was the eldest of three boys born to Glynn and Ella Clemson. He grew up in Sunshine and attended the Albion State School followed by Sunshine Tech. In primary school it was L eon’s job to get to school Leon Clemson early enou h to li ht all the classroom fires. He also played the kettle drum for the children to march into school. He must have risen early because he also had a paper round before school. L eon left school at 14 and began an apprenticeship as an engineering blacksmith with H.V. McK ay in Sunshine. He went on to become the foreman of the blacksmith shop. W hen Massey er uson s as it was then called ceased to exist he was out of work. He successfully applied to become the maintenance man at Turana Y outh Training Centre. W hen management noticed how well L eon got along with the boys they as ed him to become a youth officer. He retired at 6 5 years of age but quickly became bored, so he returned to Turana for another five years. L eon and his wife Carmel lived in Bullengaroo for 30 years. ive years a o they downsized into Gisborne because of L eon’s failing health. Apart from Carmel he leaves behind his eight children and 19 grandchildren. L eon was a very caring, happy, loving and generous man who also leaves behind some wonderful friends. He passed away peacefully on Thursday September 8 .

R amblers’ w alk s, O ctober This month the club will be stepping out on ridays at the followin locations 7 Tunnel Creek R oad, Cherokee ire Station 14 orner in erpost and it erald R oads 2 1 Gisborne, Bullard R oad 2 8 Tony Clarke R eserve to bridge Anne W e meet at the Gisborne TenPaterson nis lub in i on ield about 9 .2 0 am. All are welcome. Be sure to bring your hat and water. Tea and coffee are provided at the end of the walk. Anne Paterson


0409 503 286 Macedon Ranges Property Services has you covered from general gardening to property maintenance and handyman duties in the Macedon Ranges, Gisborne and surrounding areas.

As your local Member of Parliament I am keen to hear from the community and assist with any State Government matter. Warm regards, Mary-Anne Thomas

“We do everything. Any job, big or small”

Authorised by MA Thomas, Shop 14, Nexus Centre, 9 Goode Street, Gisborne. This material has been funded from Parliament’s Electorate Office & Communications budget.

30 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 26-30.indd 30

26/09/2016 6:29:15 PM


What’s on @ GSC with Eshe Lane and Sean Doherty

D es p ite p o o r w eather, the fo o d truc k s w ere a great s uc c es s fo r GS C .

Food truck fundraiser a brilliant first for Gisborne Seven fantastic food providers rolled into Gisborne on September 9 to sell their delicious offerings in support of the college’s W orld Change 2 0 16 -17 team. The event, ‘ Eat the W orld’, generated quite a lot of interest as it brought gourmet street food, live music and some really amazing local prizes to our town. An enthusiastic 4 0 0 community members bought tickets to sample the treats on offer. Even though the weather forecast was not so good, those who attended seemed to have a great night and nature decided to put on a great show with a double rainbow and so, for the most part, people kept dry. W orld Challenge is a personal development opportunity for students in which they can give back to the countries that host them during their 2 8 -day expedition. More information on W orld Challenge can be found at Please keep an eye out for any future fundraising efforts run by our W orld Challenge team. Tim H owells O utdoor and Environmental Education

( L– R) Amelia Trickey, Phoebe Martin, Max Pickin, Marcus O rsza cz ki, Emma N cN amara and Elek O rsza czki enj oyed “ eating the world” at the fundraiser.

W hat is W O R L D

Sponsored by Gisborne Collision Centre

A la n Perry

T ra cee Perry

This month’s Y oung Achiever is Damon Hocking, Y ear 7 GSC. Damon recently participated in the BMX N ational Titles in Bathurst after qualifying in the Victorian State Titles. Damon got through the Moto’s round and into the s final. He missed ualifyin for the uarter finals by only 2 points. He will contest the State Finals again next month and we wish him good luck with achieving his goal of reaching the main N ational Final next year.


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W orld C hallenge prov ides educational school trips to 4 0 dev eloping countries in A frica, A sia, S outh East A sia, S outh A merica and C entral A merica. T he ex peditions help enable stu-

dents to dev elop life sk ills such as resilience, empathy and leadership. S tudents are ex pected to raise all or most of the money needed to fund the trips themselv es.

GS C C haplaincy fundraiser A P rogressiv e D inner w ill be held at the C hurch of C hrist, S aunders R oad, N ew Gisborne, on S aturday O ctober 1 5 at 6 . 3 0 pm. T he cost is $ 2 5 . M usical items w ill be presented by college students and there w ill be a silent auction. B Y O bev erages. T o book call B ronw yn T acey on 0 4 1 7 0 2 8 6 0 5 .

It’s been a busy month with lots of events, rain, and even more school work, especially for us year 12 s. W e’ve all completed our school-assessed course work, so from now until exams it’s revision and nerves. The English exam on O ctober 2 6 , will start the few weeks of exams that will run through to mid-N ovember. e finally held our athletics carnival after securing a day that wouldn' t drench us. The day was kind with sunshine and many athletic records were broken. The year 12 s came in costumes of all colours and varieties, and the school pride and spirit were strong. At the end of the day it was ennett House that finished on top rising again after a few losses in recent years. During Barcham week, there were a few fundraisers towards MN D and the Stroke Foundation. W e had a casual clothes day, guess the lolly jar and a pizza sale. Thank you to Mr McDougall and helpers who put immense effort into organising this week; it’s lovely to contribute to a worthwhile cause. e find ourselves involved in the process now of selecting college captains for 2 0 17. W hilst feeling nostalgic as our year has nearly come to an end, we are excited for the captaincy candidates who eagerly await the results of the school ballot, knowing all too well the overwhelming anxieties and excitement they are feeling. A week into fourth term a group of year nine students will depart to attend a student leadership school. These lucky students will be spending three weeks at the Gnurad-Gundidj campus near W arrnambool and will then travel to China. The initiative is run by the state government and is called the “Victorian young leaders to China program”. W e are all very proud of the students who will be involved in this amazing experience.

Planning a holiday? Let us make it happen! Contact Michelle and Lynne, your local Gisborne mobile travel experts who come to you to arrange your next getaway. Specialising in leisure and adventure travel. If you can dream it, we can send you there! Michelle Edwards m: 0408 290 950 p: 1300 365 688 Ext 646 e: w:

Lynne Wells m: 0410 145 726 p: 1300 365 688 Ext 700 e: w:


Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 31


26/09/2016 6:37:54 PM

Kids Corner

AROUND THE GROUNDS P roudly sponsored by R ob M itchell F ederal M ember for M cEw en 1 3 0 0 7 0 1 9 6 6

S w ap the bo o ts fo r danc ing s ho es Think Gisborne South and idyllic scenery and horses spring to mind. Sometimes the riders are children wearin colourful outfits. ut now its the adults turn on October 14 Gisborne ony lub and Gisborne istrict Adult iders will host the Gisborne Gallop. ou don t need to know how to ride a horse to attend. Instead of jodhpurs and boots it s time for fancy dress and dancin shoes. veryone in the community is welcome to buy a tic et. The lac Tie undraiser will be held at itru ello state 2 everall oad. The oal is to raise money for a new clubroom at obertson eserve. The current facility was condemned due to termite damage and must be replaced. The Gisborne Gallop will be a night of fun that includes a three course meal with beer wine and soft drink as well as entertainment. Auction items include somethin for everyone wee end etaways power tools a compact tractor and pampering packages. Tickets cost 100 and can be bou ht at www.eventsecretary.or .au The goal is to begin work on the new clubrooms in 2017 creatin a facility that horse riders and the entire community can en oy. Sara James


I sabella Baglava ( left) and Amelia McDougall and in fancy dress at the Gisborne show j umping bonanza competition earlier this year.


The Gilli an eserve in South Gisborne did not always look as good as it does today. O ur community reserve is indebted to a small band of volunteers who wor away to provide us with such aesthetically pleasing surroundings. Mowin slashin tree plantin weed control paintin and eneral Chris Murphy maintenance are the things people notice t s the unseen stuff that we thank them for. Clearing away dumped rubbish movin on campers disposin of unwanted forei n items disturbing and making their presence felt at odd hours Ron H arris tackles some digging at Gilligan Reserve. to discoura e vandals and that unwaverin support offered to others in the community. Thank you Chris Murphy and R on Harris. Gail Scott


O pen D ay at Gisborne Golf C lub In August the N orth W est L adies Inter Club ennant started between five local clubs five players in a team in a Matchplay competition. After four rounds Gisborne was unbeaten. The last round was cancelled due to weather conditions so Gisborne will win their Section for the third year in a row. The Golf Club will hold an O pen Day on

Sunday O ctober 2 3 from 1.3 0 to 4 .3 0 pm. It will include a chance for adults and kids to play olf and oin in some fun activities. There will also be afternoon refreshments. The Golf Club is in Daly Street. For enquiries please ring the Pro shop on 54 2 8 26 and spea to Matt aurie or avid. Margaret Barker

South Gisborne Tennis lub s urry i ht is on a ain eef lamb chic en ve etarian and speciality dishes aromatic rices dips breads... S aturday, O ctober 2 2 , 6 pm. F amily $ 4 0 , single $ 2 5 ires will be sto ed court li hts on brin your rac uets coats and hats. amilies friends nei hbours all are welcome. O drin s. Samples and sales available of the most delectable spices with a percenta e of sales to the club to o towards new court surfacing. Contact Gail on 0 4 0 3 76 0 2 72 for details.



Candidate for the SOUTH WARD My priorities if elected to Council: Deliver new and improved sport and recreation facilities. Make the Macedon Ranges a "smart shire" through innovative use of technology. Drive stronger governance and improve Council efficiency. Ensure responsible and consistent planning decisions. Focus on mental health and special needs support.

Introduction to apprenticeships & traineeships Monday 17 October, 5.30pm–7.30pm Romsey Community Hub 96–100 Main Street, Romsey Cost: Free Find out about the benefits of offering an apprenticeship or traineeship program and how your business can get involved. Bookings t Online: t Phone: (03) 5421 9616 32

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 32

The experience and values to deliver 8-year resident in the South Ward. Award-winning corporate lawyer and highly qualified governance expert. Experienced CEO, public company director, senior executive and advisory board member (Including Betfair, Cricket Australia, Racing Victoria and AFL Players Association) with exceptional contacts. Longstanding commitment to community volunteering, including CFA, Landcare, Auskick. Get Get in in touch touch with with me: me: M: M: 0429 0 4 2 9 066 0 6 6 000 0 0 0 E: E: andrew@ @andrewtwaitsmrsc @ andrewtwaitsmrsc W Website: ebsite:

Contact me here:

Authorised by AJ Twaits, 145 Spotiswood Road, Bullengarook

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

26/09/2016 6:40:54 PM

U nder 1 2 Premiers

T aek w ondo club competes in national championships

U nder 1 4 Premiers

T riple treat! M acedon C ats j uniors w in three premierships Macedon Junior Football Club (MJFC) celebrated with unprecedented gusto on Sunday September 4 – not once, not twice, but three times! n a new on field benchmar for the M all three of its football teams the U12 s, U14 s and U16 s – won their respective rand finals in the competition against quality opposition at Melton ecreation eserve every match played with tremendous spirit and enthusiasm. W hile the U14 s and U16 s achieved premiership success after outstanding home and away seasons – the U14 s were actually unbeaten all year – the U12 s had to do it the hard way losin their first four ames of the season before scrapin into the finals every wee a sudden death affair. As sweet as the victories were, the M li e many unior sportin clubs doesn t ust measure success solely on playin finals there s also a ma or emphasis on the importance of developin and nurturin respectful responsible and astute young adults. As part of that remit the M

Seven members of Gisborne Tae wondo repre sented ictoria at the ational Tae wondo hampionships in endi o in late Au ust. The club came away with one gold, two silver, and three bronze medals. This was the first national competition for many of our members and all did a fantastic ob not only for their club but also ictoria. n fi htin Mitchell rasson won old and yan Samart is arcy ones and alian illiams ot bron e. n traditional Troy illiams and Samuel al er ot Silver. auren ar ov placed fourth. As an instructor was so proud of all of them and believe all have bi futures in the sport. Most now have the opportunity next July to compete in an international festival competition in orea. Gisborne Tae wondo has produced 36 national champions since the club formed in 2001. Anyone can come alon and try it for themselves we start classes from as youn as four years old. or more information call 0401 7 1 0 or loo at the club s aceboo pa e. Glyn Thomas

U nder 1 6 Premiers inau urated a pro ram called Sport and ife Trainin or SA T for short in 2 0 16 . Over a number of sessions SA T s e perienced facilitators too the boys and irls throu h a number of interactive sessions focusin on such topics as drug and alcohol education,

social media and universal respect for all participants in unior sport. Parents were involved in some sessions as well, and the program was given the resounding thumbs up and loo s set to become a ey plan of the M s off field curriculum oin forward.

Back, L- R: Samuel, Troy and Glyn ( head instructor and coach) . F ront, L- R: Mitchell, K yan, Darcy and Balian ( absent, Lauren) .


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03 5428 4864 0418 973 212 Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 33


26/09/2016 6:47:01 PM

Gisborne Masters look forward to relaxed summer activities GISBORNE

The season is now over in what has been a year not without challenges. W ell done to the committee for overseeing the many events over the year and for finding venues for home games and training when Sankey R eserve was too wet to use. Congratulations to Marty Barr on winning the Steve Simpson Award for his outstanding contribution to the club. W e would also like to thank all of the sponsors, players and volunteers who helped the club throughout the season. A special mention goes to our coaches, Macca

and Bernie, for attempting to teach old dogs new tricks. There is still plenty of activity going on at the club during the off season. W e are once again organising a marquee at the K yneton Cup and the Christmas function is sure to be great fun for all the family. Training never stops for the club, even if it is very laid back. Every W ednesday over summer you will see us at Sankey R eserve at 6 .3 0 pm, with Frank’s barbecue and refreshments afterwards. Feel free to come down and join in, re ardless of e perience or fitness level and en oy the social and health benefits associated with Masters Footy. Richard Perkin

ami y fun fi ness ry i e


If your kids enjoyed the O lympics or love running, jumping and throwing, then read on! The Gisborne L ittle Athletics’ season starts on O ctober 7 and runs each Friday from 5pm to 6 : 3 0 -7pm until March 17, with a long break for the Christmas school holidays. ou can turn up the first week and try without registering. L ocation: Dixon Field, R obertson R oad, Gisborne. Ages: 5 to 16 . Parental assistance required on a rostered basis. R egister for the season online at index.cfm? fuseaction= main& O rgID= 13 70 For more information see Facebook under Gisborne L ittle Athletics, email Gisborne@, or call Steve on 0 4 4 9 8 0 6 50 4 .

Richard McK ibbin gets a clearance out to Brett Taylor during the Masters’ game against Moorabool.

any oin s rin It’s been a busy start to spring at Macedon R anges R unning Club. The Gisborne branch saw a great response from the community with many new and returning members joining the club’s eight-week 5km Start R unning Program. The roup have firmly set their si hts on completing the program in readiness for the milestone 5km run on O ctober 2 3 at Dixon Field, Gisborne. The club event starts at 8 am, with a course going through the picturesque botanical gardens. O n completing the run, a social barbecue will

The government recently passed into law new small business rollover rules. The new rules are designed to enable any small business to restructure their business without Capital Gains Tax (CGT). Rollover is generally available providing the following conditions are met: 1. Both entities involved are small business entities (Turnover less than $2 million dollars or net assets less than $6 million) 2. There is no change in the ultimate economic ownership of the significant business assets 3. Those significant assets continue to be active assets 4. No significant private use of these active assets. The rollover relief rules apply from 1 July 2016 to transfers between sole traders, companies, partnerships or trusts.

Consider Jake’s Case:

5420 7777


flower shoppe 14a Gisborne village SC 34

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 34

Jake is thinking of restructuring his Earthmoving business which turns over $1 million per annum. Currently a company he is looking to trade as a trust. Jake owns 100% of the shares in the company. Jake’s advisor sets up a Trust called Jakes Trust and Jake is made the test individual in the Family Trust Election. There is no change in beneficial ownership. The business assets continue to be used in the trust and they are not used outside of the business. Jake can therefore apply the CGT rollover relief. Jake may need to consider GST and stamp duty. Should you wish to discuss further please feel free to contact Andrew Marshall or Janine Orpwood on 5427 8100 for an initial consultation. E:


be prepared for runners, members and supporters. The club’s Annual General Meeting will also be held on the day, including the election of the new committee. If any members wish to become involved in committee work or help continue the success of the club, make enquires to your club co-ordinator. Further information including contact details about joining the club, running programs and upcoming events can be found on the club’s website, or email macedonrangesrc@ Stephen I ngram


Small Business Restructures




Rob Mitchell MP Member for McEwen


OFFICE: 340 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn VIC 3064 PHONE: 9333 0440 Authorised by R Mitchell, Shop E00-48 Craigieburn Central Shopping Centre, Craigieburn.

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

26/09/2016 6:50:45 PM

W omen’s cricket set to flourish in Gisborne ome isborne hunder s immers at the hort Course Championships in allarat ith coach Laura eara.

S w immers compete around the state O ver the past month, Gisborne Thunder swimmers have been training hard to prepare for various competitions across the Victoria. N ine of our fastest swimmers competed at the Country Short Course Championships in Ballarat in August. They competed in 3 9 events and achieved 3 1 personal best times. Fintan Hayes and Hollie Buerckner competed at the Victorian Age Short Course titles in early September and both swam PB times. Izabella Crawford and Darcy Smith competed in the 12 / under competition in mid-September. Congratulations to L achlan Jones, who was awarded September club swimmer of the month, and to all of our encouragement award recipients. All of our awards are sponsored by local business including Bakers Delight, Sopranos Pizza Bar and Custom L ending Finance Brokers. The club would like to express their gratitude to our sponsors for their ongoing support. If you are interested in competing in some friendly swimming competition, come down to the Gisborne Aquatic Centre on the second Saturday of the month at 5pm. If you compete in our “Dash for Cash” competition, you may come home with a prize! Swimmers of all abilities are catered for and entry is free for guests. F aye Matthews

Gisborne Cricket Club has big plans for women’s cricket in Gisborne and GISBORNE DRAGONS that starts this month. W e have appointed Tim Bannan as women’s coach and the Dragons are really keen to increase the number of women and girls playing cricket. As the only women’s team in the area, we would love to hear from anyone keen to take part. W hether you’re already a gun player or have never played before, it’s a great opportunity to become part of an established team and club with a great culture and family atmosphere. Games are played on Sunday afternoons and a full training schedule is available on the club’s website. Email womens@ for more information. O f course there are plenty of opportunities for men to play as well (junior and seniors) with another big GDCA season coming up. O ur Milo In 2 Cricket program (5-7 years) and T2 0 Blast (8 -9 years) kick off in N ovember. Contact president@ for more information about playing cricket at the Dragons. Andre eadberry


ith her ingfish caught in ydney

ome and ry O pen D ay


y fis in

Calling all our readers, especially ladies and young folk! The Calder Fly Fishing Association is hosting a special O pen Day at the Buffalo Sports Stadium, Forest Street, W oodend, from 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday O ctober 16 . ou may have been bait fishin but have you ever wondered about the techni ue of fishin with a near wei htless y usin only the wei ht of the castin line and the e of a matchin y rod This will be your chance to see and talk to many guest e perts and e perienced local y fishers tal in on and demonstratin their y fishin castin and y tyin s ills. Sei e the opportunity to try your hand at y castin for prizes using our provided equipment. L adies, a special feature of the O pen Day will be the chance to meet the remarkable K ristina R oyter from “She oves t Outdoors . An e perienced y fisher she has fished e tensively in Australia and for trophy trout and saltwater species. K ristina is keen to promote young people s and women s involvement in y fishin . Tal to ristina about her ladies only y fishin classes. isit www.calder yfishin for details and for more information on club activities. Louis Bokor

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 35


26/09/2016 6:59:27 PM



M acedon player w ins league best and fairest Macedon Cats coach and player Ciara Stewart won the R iddell District Football N etball L eague’s 2 0 16 best and fairest award for A-grade netball, the R yan Medal. Ciara was also named coach of the year and selected for the team of the year. Pictures b y Chris Fleming a nd J a sp er Ca rn

I n September’ s Gaze tte we printed the wrong picture for the Macedon Ranges N etball Association U nited U 1 5 B premiers – here is the correct winning team. Congratulations!

isborne oo ies eatson division winners over Macedon.

girls ere happy grand final

Gisborne Rookies U 1 7 premiers. The girls defeated Macedon at Melton on September 4 . Ciara in action on the court.

Ryan medallist Ciara Stewart.



39.7 9m


m 17 .08

20 .09



35.3 6m




620m2 2m


671m2 40.1 4m


37.3 5m


.2 8

25 .37

29.7 5m


672m2 40




38 .03


32.3 4m


SOLD 702m2



37.5 5m





22 .47



18.0 4m

18.2 4m





Gisborne Gazette October 2016

24.7 5m


726m2 .1 9



27.7 6m

73 44

4 .4


1300 326 175



24. 26m

27.6 8m

31.7 7m


714m2 32.5 4m

24.1 5m



32.9 9m




24.9 9m





Release 1 now selling


32.8 4m

42.0 4m

Located on the corner of Brady and Brooking Roads, Gisborne

18.6 0m




42.5 0m

16.5 0m

42.5 0m




4 .1


26.8 3m

16.5 0m 16.5 0m


37.2 6m

16.5 0m


701m2 42.5 0m

16.5 0m


16.5 0m

16.5 0m 24.1 8m



21.5 9m



16.5 0m


18.0 8m




42.9 6m

42.5 0m

16.5 0m

37.8 9m

28.7 4m




.2 5


47.8 8m 19.0 0m



29.8 4m





40.9 2m


4 .0








13.0 4m


1002m2 SOLD

24.6 8m

4 .2



4 .1

4 .2



13.0 4m




4 .2




32 3m

.7 1

17.5 5m

858m2 38.7 8m

26.1 1m

927m2 29

33.1 5m




Gisborne provides a perfect blend of old and new ... shopping, restaurants, wine bars, galleries, bakeries and cafes ensure you‘ll love your new life at Golden Views. • Spectacular views over the Macedon Ranges • Close to established local amenities • Easy access to Melbourne CBD and airport


19.3 6m

37 .6

Golden Views is a new, boutique residential development in the beautiful township of Gisborne.

35.0 0m



Premiers: Girls U 1 4 C Premiers: Boys U 1 9 B Premiers: Girls U 1 9 B

Bulldogs basketball stars triu in rand finals

Premiers: Boys U 1 2 D

awn O B IT U A R Y i ian awn c o er

Grand Final day: Gisborne Bulldogs Basketball Club had 14 junior teams competing at Boardman Stadium on September 3 trying to bring home premierships in the Sunbury Basketball Association competition. The stadium was filled with hundreds of cheering fans and supporters and they were treated to some fantastic hard-fought and often nail-biting overtime finishes. n the end five ulldo s teams came away with victories: the Girls U14 C, U16 C and U19 B teams and the Boys U12 D and U19 B teams. The Bulldogs would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came to Boardman to support the teams – the sporting spirit shown by the supporters was fantastic. A big thank you also to the volunteer coaches, team managers and committee members who made this all happen for the basketball aces in our community! – Gaye Barnes

ardiner o ed mem er of we


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L illian Dawn Sewell was born in Moonee Ponds to parents Jack and “Pat” and although these were her given names, she was always known as “Dawn”. She lived her early life in Essendon and attended K eilor R oad State School and the Flemington Girls’ School. At the time of starting school and at just six years of age, her mother died. It was indeed a devastating time. Her father later remarried and sister Patsy was born. Dawn left school at 14 and began a

Premiers: Girls U 1 6 C

nown oca fami y

hairdressing apprenticeship. one time she worked in the city in L illian Frank’s salon and also Three months later there was another tragedy in her managed salons in Essendon and Sunshine. L ater Dawn life when her father Jack was killed in a road accident. successfully operated her own In late 19 53 Peter Gardiner hairdressing salon in Gisborne entered her life and they were for almost 20 years. Their first child Bernie was born in 19 6 1, married at St Brigid’s in 19 6 0 . They moved into their home in then Samantha in 19 6 7 and Dawn Gardiner Aitken Street, Gisborne, where K risten in 19 6 9 ; they completed they shared a great love of her world. Sadly Bernie passed music, with their many friends and family away at age 3 7 years. The family enjoyed many caravan dropping in day or night! Dawn had a successful career in hairdressing and with holidays including trips to Coffs Harbour, her vibrant bubbly personality she fitted Merimbula and L akes Entrance. In the perfectly into the world of hairdressing. At early 19 70 s Peter and Dawn with their

artistic air desi ned and created a stone house with beautiful gardens and surrounds in Braeside R oad. After prolonged poor health, Dawn passed away surrounded by her family. She is survived by husband Peter, children Samantha and K risten and grandchildren Alix, R ebecca, Jessica and Emily. A large crowd attended Dawn’s funeral service at St Brigid’s followed by a burial at the Gisborne Cemetery. I f you would like to leave a condolence message for Dawn’ s family on her eTribute, please visit tj scott.etributes. etributes/ lillian- gardiner

WINDOWS SPARKLING CLEANED * Q uotes a pleasure * T en years’ ex perience is of sa isfied cus omers * S pring cleans also om e i i e rices re ia i i y assured

Ph: 0434 711 311 Gisborne Gazette October 2016


Kids Corner

The CHURCHES PAGE Sponsored by Anglican Parish of Gisborne Uniting Church in Australia St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Gisborne House of the Rock Church, Gisborne Gisborne Church of Christ Faithworks-Manaaki St Brigid’s Parish.

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Gisborne Uniting Church

A place of teamwork There’s a sense of community across the Macedon R anges, through sport, good food, the environment and all sorts of organisations including the churches. Gisborne Uniting Church has a cooperative arrangement with eleven other nitin con re ations. rom ancefield to Sutton Grange, and places in between, there are people working hard for the wellbeing of individuals and the community. W e also have a co-operating ministry, with Annette Buckley recently joining Deacon W endy Elson and the R ev Peter Cannon. These three bring wide experience and abilities to their tasks. Heavy rain interrupted the greeting of sprin at our recent Muffin n More morning but 2 0 intrepid people still arrived to en oy ma in desi ns with owers and munchin on oral decorated ca es. More amenable weather is expected for the annual fashion parade which will be held on Monday O ctober 17 at 1.3 0 pm. It’s a great opportunity to think about clothing for the coming summer. $ 10 entry and, of course, door prizes and afternoon tea. A cause for celebration will be a service recognising 50 years of ordained ministry by the R ev Dr D’Arcy W ood on O ctober 3 0 at 10 .3 0 am. This will be followed by a barbecue lunch. Friends from other churches and from the community will be most welcome. For more information, contact Pastor Annette Buckley on 0 4 57 6 0 8 53 9 or ring 54 2 8 8 52 5.

Delightfully decorated cakes were the order of the day at the recent uffins n More morning.

ome a on


GG Oct16 31-40.indd 38

ou can buy a readymade bo to fill.


Sam aritans Pur se available. Select the age of a boy or irl 2 14 years and fill with gifts, eg toys, pencils, writing paper, tennis balls, skipping rope, tee shirt, beanie, socks, soap etc. Do not include lollies, toothpaste, battery-operated toys or breakable items. Please enclose $ 9 for shipping costs. The excitement of receiving a shoebox is always the same – shouts and squeals of joy as the child who may never have received a gift before lights up with joy and hope. Something as small as a shoebo can ma e such a si nificant impact in the life of a child. Boxes to be returned to the O p Shop or Elaine Millar by 15 O ctober.

aisin funds for or ans FaithW orks Christian Church invites you to our Sunday service at 10 am at Manaaki and our Encounter afe on the first Sunday of every month. All profits from the barbecue and the cafe go towards the orphanage we sponsor in India. I’d also like to inform you of a great concept that our friends at House of the R ock have recently begun. About once a month on a W ednesday night they run a night called ‘ Selah’. Having been to a couple of these already, they are truly inspiring and encouraging. It is held at 2 4 7 Station R oad, N ew Gisborne.

o our

Drive In Movie – how long since you saw those words? Everyone is invited to our Drive In Movie and N ight Market on riday c o er , when the BFG will be on screen and gourmet food will be available. The cost is $ 50 per car – tickets may be obtained through or call 54 2 8 3 3 3 3 . It should be a great evening. And mark this date in your diaries:

To help bring joy and hope to needy children around the world this project for packing gift filled shoe boxes is now under way. To participate you are encouraged to pick up a ready-made shoebox (or cover your own A4 size) available from St Paul’s Anglican O p Shop in Brantome Street, Gisborne, or phone Elaine on 54 2 8 2 52 2 . Information lea ets ivin full details are also

St Paul’s Op Shop Jottings

I’ve included a quick snapshot below and more information can be found on Facebook @ selahnights. The concept of Selah is simple but profound in the worth it has for our lives. In the Bible, the term ‘ Selah’ is used to convey the idea of taking time to pause, praise God, and lift up. The Selah ministry comes from the heart of really taking the time to value and intentionally seek those special ‘ Selah’ moments in our personal lives. Selah provides a communal space, away from the daily grind, to come and creatively connect with God. Darren F arrugia

ri e n and

St Brigid’s Parish o em er O n that day we invite you to join us for a family picnic in the beautiful gardens at Duneira, Mount Macedon. This is a fundraiser for St Elizabeth Hospital in Hyderabad, Pakistan, which our partnership supports. St Elizabeth Hospital is run by the St Columban Mission Society and provides the only


Pop into our O p Shop and you are sure to find recycled clothing, household goods, toys and books in great quantities. Y ou can also be sure to get some pretty good bargains. W e get constant feedback from customers informing us how they enjoy shopping in our O p Shop. W e are ever grateful to the generous people who donate clothing, toys, books and bric-a-brac. It’s a great way to recycle pre-loved items that can still be kept in circulation. Thank you to the many customers who entered the N ational O p Shop W eek competition. The winner received a gift voucher to select free items from our shop. Samaritan’s Purse shoeboxes can be obtained at our O p Shop over the next two weeks. Ask for a brochure at the desk which will explain Christmas gift ideas for boys and girls that will be sent to developing countries. This month we feature Janine Sanders (right), our O p Shop Coordinator. – Graeme Millar 0 4 1 3 7 8 1 5 0 1

as ion arade a C hurch

ni in

Gisborne Uniting Church Fellowship will host a Summer Fashion Parade by K ays Classic Fashions on Monday, O ctober 17 at 1.3 0 pm at the church in Brantome Street. There will be great brands at low prices to suit ladies sizes 10 – 2 4 , as well as a ‘ specials’ rack. This will be a great opportunity to buy some summer fashions before the season starts. Cost is $ 10 which includes afternoon tea and door prizes. All welcome. Enquiries to Maree on 54 2 8 3 8 52 . Maree Clarke

ar e

home-based palliative care in Pakistan. The hospital helps the poorest of the poor. Tickets bought before the day will be $ 15 an adult; school-aged children are free. This will include a free coffee or tea. Y ou can buy a glass of wine at $ 5. Tickets purchased on the day will be $ 2 0 . The picnic will run from 11am to 4 pm. For further information you can contact Paul on 0 4 12 6 9 2 8 9 3 or Bill on 54 2 6 154 4 .

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

26/09/2016 4:55:31 PM

100 Years Ago From the pages of the old Gisborne Gazette O C T O B ER

1 9 1 6

S t B rigids N ew s – At the euchre party in St Brigid’s this Friday evening, Miss Cleary will be presented with a handsome acquamarine necklet. This souvenir was got up by the members of St Brigid’s congregation but as several of the other denominations wished to join in, their names have been added to the list. Miss Cleary, who was eight years in Gisborne, made many friends and there is no doubt that a general send-off would have been strongly supported. O wing, however, to the many claims on people on account of the war, Miss Cleary was averse to anything on such a scale being attempted. Gisborne P ost – Miss Cleary has transferred from the char e of the Gisborne ost Office to that of Burnley. Miss Hollow of the relieving staff is in charge pending a permanent appointment. S hire of Gisborne – S ecretary’ s R eport – e postal arran ements. The officials did not think there was any chance of getting a later mail clearance at present. The department was retrenching and if the matter were pressed, they might take off the 5 o’clock mail altogether. It would be well for the council to consider the matter of having the telephone put on at the Shire Office. r awden said they should cancel the arrangement by which £ 3 a year was paid by the shire to have a telephone to the R ailway Station. Cr Baillie said it was worth more than three pounds to have a telephone to the station; the proposal to have a telephone to the shire office was a different matter. esolved on the motion of Crs. Turner and Baillie that application be made to have the telephone connected with the Shire Office. L etter to the Editor– Gisborne C emetery Sir, I wish through your columns to protest against the way our cemetery is being destroyed. Several years back it was a beautiful spot surrounded by a fine hed e which made it secluded so that a mourner might there feel apart from the world, and might have a quiet time by the graveside of a loved one. Then the work of destruction began. The hedge was hacked down – not trimmed, mind you, but ruthlessly hacked down, the seclusion destroyed. N ext the grass was carelessly burnt, and two very fine trees destroyed. Some pounds must have been wasted in this destructive effort. Then a harmless little clump of wattle, the haunt of little sin in birds had to o and now we find the axe at work again. The little bit of hedge that was left has been hac ed down the fine shrubs borderin the central pathway uite disfi ured and all the pines on the western side destroyed. The plough too has been at work. W hat are we to have now? Some experiments in farming? Surely we might get the committee a bit of ground somewhere else where they could carry out experiments without spoiling our cemetery. Y ours etc, Townsman/.

What’s On R

egular meetings

N ew members w elcome ADULT RIDING CLUB (Gis.) 2nd Saturday Robertson Res ADULT RIDING CLUB (Bullengarook) 2nd Saturday Rec Reserve ANGLING CLUB 2nd Wed 8pm Railway Hotel Macedon ARTHRITIS SUPPORT GROUP 1st Mon 1-3pm Woodend N’hood House BRIDGE CLUB Mon 12.30, Tues 7.15, Thurs 12.30 St Mary’s Church Hall, Woodend 5420 7595 BUSHWALKING CLUB Tel 5428 2450 CANASTA CLUB 1.30pm every Mon except first Mon of month, Parish centre (behind St Pauls Church, Gisborne) CANCER SUPPORT GROUP last Wed of month MRH CAR CLUB 1st Wednesday 8pm Steam Park, New Gisb CARERS GROUP (MacRanges) 2nd & 4th Thurs, 1pm Woodend RSL 5420 7132 (Note: 4th Thurs carers only) COFFEE FOR CARERS 3rd Tuesday 10am La Cibo Cafe COMMUNITY GARDEN Wed 9am Church of Christ CROQUET CLUB Wed & Sat 10am Dixon Field CWA GISBORNE 2nd Monday 10am Gis Secondary College CWA MACEDON 3rd Tues 1pm & 7pm 662 Mt Macedon Rd DALY RESERVE WORKING BEE 2nd Tues 9.30am EUCHRE Tues 7.30 Doug White Meeting Room 5428 2695 FILM SOCIETY 2nd Wed Woodend Neigh’hood House 5427 2323 FLY FISHING CLUB 4th Wed 7.30pm MRFEC Gisborne FOCUS CLUB 2nd Fri 12 noon Gisborne Golf Club FRIENDS of JACKSONS CREEK Working bees 3rd Sun 10-noon, 5428 1178 or 0417 558 221 FROCKS & JOCKS CHOIR Tuesdays 7.30pm 5428 3002 FUTSAL Summer & winter comps GARDEN CLUB 2nd Wed Various; 5428 2434 GENEALOGY GROUP 4th Thurs 7.30 Family Hist Rm, Library GIRL GUIDES Thursdays 5pm Gis Comm Hall GISBORNE SINGERS Tues 7.30pm Holy Cross PS HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wed 10am-4pm Court House LIBRARY: TODDLERS’ STORY TIME Mon 10.30am, Wed 10.30am LIONS CLUB DINNER NIGHT Last Friday of month La Cibo Cafe 6pm MARTIAL ARTS Thurs from 5.15pm St Brigid’s Hall MASONIC LODGE 2nd Thurs 7pm Masonic Hall Aitken St MASTERS AFL Wed 6.30pm Sankey Reserve MEN’S SHED BARBECUE Last Mon 12.30pm Lyell Street MT MAC & DIST HORT SOC 1st Tues Horticultural Hall MOVIES THAT MATTER 2nd Tues 7.30pm Victoria Hotel Woodend MUFFINS ’N’ MORE 2nd Tues 10am-noon Uniting Church MUMS’ GROUP 2nd Mon, 9.30-11.30am 49 Fisher St OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB Sun 9am Riddells Rec Res OLDE TIME MARKET 1st Sun each month 9am-2pm PETANQUE 2nd & 4th Sat, 10am behind Caltex service station, Station Rd, Gisborne PHOENIX ART & CRAFTS 1st Thursday monthly 5428 2835 PHOTOGRAPHIC SOC 1st Tues & 2nd Mon 7pm Riddell’s Creek Neighbourhood House PONY CLUB Bullengarook 1st Sunday Rec Reserve PONY CLUB Gisborne 1st Sunday Robertson Reserve PROBUS 1st Thurs 10am Masonic Hall QUILTERS (Gisb) Wed 7pm Room attached to Gisb Library RAMBLERS Fridays 9.15am Tennis Club Dixon Field RED CROSS 1st Fri 1.30pm Sen Cits Rooms ROTARY Tues 6.45 for 7pm Gisborne Golf Club, book 5428 4483 by 1pm Mon RUNNING GROUP Tues & Thurs 6pm, Sun 8am Gisborne Aquatic Centre RSL 1st Mon 2pm Hall at 247 Station Rd 5428 2233 SAFARI CLUB 2nd Sat 5428 1878 SCOTTISH DANCING Thurs 1pm Buffalo Stadium Woodend SEED SAVERS 2nd Monday 7.30pm Riddell Neighbourhood Hse SENIOR CITS (Macedon) Tues 11am Tony Clarke Res SPINNERS & FIBRE GROUP Tues 12 noon Riddells Ck Neighbourhood House TABLE TENNIS Wed 7.30pm Tony Clarke Res, Macedon THUNDER SWIMMING CLUB 2nd Sat 5pm Aquatic Centre TOASTMASTERS 1st & 3rd Tues 7.20pm Senior Citizens Centre, 8 O’Shanassy St, Sunbury T.O.W.N. Mondays 6pm Gisborne Bowls Club TOY LIBRARY 2nd Sat 9.30-11am; 2nd Wed 9-10.30am & 2nd Mon 3.30-4.30pm Robertson Sr TRAVEL CLUB 3rd Tues 7.30pm Riddell N’hood House U3A Mondays 10.30am MRFEC ULYSSES GROUP 3rd Tues 6pm Sunbury FC VINTAGE MACHINERY Working bees 1st Sun of month, 8.30am at Steam Park, Meetings last Friday 7pm Steam Park WRITERS GROUP Last Sat of month 2-5pm Woodend Neighbourhood House WRITERS GROUP(SCRIBES & SCRIBBLERS) 2nd Tues of month 10am-12 Riddell N’hood House YOUNG VOICES Thursdays 4.15-5.45pm St Andrew’s Uniting Ch. Forest St, Woodend 5426 4801 or YOUTH SPACE / YEP! Wed 3.45-5.45pm Senior Cits’ room, Hamilton St

What Else is happening? happening? Date


OCTOBER 2 Republic discussion at Duneira 2 Concert at Duneira 6 Applications close for shade grants 7 Little Aths season opens 7 Rod Quantock at Kyneton Town Hall 7 Red Cross ‘Bring and Buy’ 8 Meet the artist at The Gallery 8 Skate-BMX-Scooter competition 9 Metafit World Record attempt (Tamara Collins) 9 Big Walk – Mt Mac to Riddell 11 RSL tour to RAAF 11 Prof Kate Auty speaks 13 Talk on David Hockney 14 Drive In Movie at Holy Cross 14 Pony Club/Adult Riders Black Tie Fundraiser 15 Chaplaincy progressive dinner 15 Transplant – puppetry performance 17 Kays Parade at Uniting Church 18 Night bowls begins at Gisborne 18 MRSG film Occupy Love Victoria Hotel Woodend 19 CWA Night Branch formation meeting 21-23 Mountain bike championships 22 Council elections 22 1st New Gisborne Scouts community garage sale 22 Curry Night at South Gisborne 23 Gisborne Golf Club Open Day 27 MASH Solar info night Gisborne 28 The Gizmo at Kyneton Town Hall 29 Genealogy bus trip to Ballarat 29 Lantern ghost tour at Duneira

11 11 6 32 12 10 12 27 10 39 26 8 12 38 32 31 11 38 23 9 6 20-21 19 32 32 5 12 13 11

NOVEMBER 5 Plant sale at Newham


Join the Big Walk Y ou’re invited to R iddells Creek L andcare’s Big W alk on Sunday O ctober 9 , 8 .3 0 am to 3 pm. From the remnant snow gums on Mt Macedon to the grasslands of the Volcanic Plain, we’ll travel a vast geological time and very different ecosystems in just six hours, in good company. Cost is $ 2 5, morning tea and lunch included, and places for just 2 0 people. Contact me to book your spot. Ross Colliver 0 4 1 1 2 2 6 5 1 9 President Riddells Creek Landcare

B aringoFilm F ilmClub C lub P rogram Baringo Programme

Week Commencing



October October 44

Quiet QuietChaos Chaos

TheLady Ladyininthethe Van The Van

October 11 October 11

MyYear Yearwithout without Sex My Sex Ex Ex Machina Machina

October 18 October 18

Taistoi toi Tais

Woman in Woman inGold Gold

October 25 October 25

Philomena Philomena

Looking for Looking forGrace Grace

November 11 November

Monsieur Lazhar Lazhar Monsieur

TheKing’s King’s Speech The Speech

F For or membership detailscontact contact membership details fi m

arin o ne au

Gisborne Gazette October 2016

GG Oct16 31-40.indd 39


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