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phone conference or a meeting to discuss any aspect of their child’s development. Parents should first speak to the student’s teacher, the Middle School Division Directors, or lastly the Head of School.

Parents are encouraged to attend all assemblies, athletic events, dramatic presentations, and social events of the school.



The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) of Oakhill Day School operates under the governance of the Board of Trustees to aid the students of Oakhill Day School by providing support for their educational and recreational needs. The PTO strives to provide a forum for open communication among parents, teachers, administrators, and the Oakhill Day School Board of Trustees. PTO strives to promote positive school/community relationships that will enhance our students’ educational environment through volunteer coordination, family activities, and events that engage and strengthen our school community.

Membership, Governance, and Participation All parents and staff are members of the PTO. Membership dues are paid through the enrollment Activity Fee. The PTO is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of officers who are elected to serve for one school year with the exception of the President(s) and Vice-President(s) who may be elected to the same or other office for more than one term. There is no election for the office of the President(s), as the Vice-Presidents elect shall automatically assume the position of President(s) at the completion of his or her term. The now past President(s) will assume the role of mentor to the current President(s). Elections are held at the end of each school year, and positions on the Executive Committee are open to all members of the PTO.

The PTO Executive Committee meets with the Head of School each month. General PTO meetings, which are open to all parents and teachers, are held periodically throughout the year. Notice of these meetings will be provided to all parents.

Obtaining Further Information There are numerous parent and teacher opportunities for participation and volunteering throughout the year. PTO Officers are more than happy to answer any questions, visit with new Oakhill families, and provide information about specific ways to become involved at Oakhill. Parents who are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at Oakhill may contact any member of the PTO Executive Committee or the Director of Student Affairs.

Room Parents Room Parents are organized under the PTO and are welcome to attend meetings, communicate, coordinate, represent, and assist the PTO and classroom teachers in the following areas: ● Welcome new families and keep them updated about school events ● Plan, attend and orchestrate classroom parties ● Solicit volunteers for school events and committees when needed ● Communicate school events and activities for their class via email or phone ● Lead class in response to a traumatic event or illness experienced by classroom student or family ● Seventh-grade parents in concert with the school provide preparation and staffing for the Eighth Grade Graduation Reception

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