April 4, 2013 Volume 18, No. 7 Southwest Austin’s Community Newspaper Since 1995
A monument to neighbors helping neighbors story and photos by Bobbie Jean Sawyer
OAK HILL - Nearly two years ago, Lilly Henric returned to her normally serene Scenic Brook neighborhood to find complete
disarray. The sun was blotted out by falling ash and hazy black smoke as neighbors were corralled by police as firefighters and citizens attempted to save pets and salvage homes going up in flames all around.
“It was sheer chaos,” Henric said. “People were yelling and running back and forth. There was no water pressure. People were out with their hoses trying to wet down their roof but there was no water pressure. The
police were on the bullhorn yelling at people to move and they were starting to panic. That was all in about five minutes time.” When Henric was finally allowed back to her house after the historic 2011 Oak Hill fire, known officially as the Pinnacle Fire, she had a glimmer of hope that her home, along with several decades-worth
of keepsakes and heirlooms, was spared from the flames. “As I walked up to the house, the front wall looked fine. I thought ‘Oh, thank you God!’ I took another step and went down to my knees because the roof was gone,” Henric said. “It’s like somebody sucks all the air out of you.” Adding to the devastating See MONUMENT on page 22
Bowie Band chosen to perform in London New Year’s Day Parade story and photos by Ann Fowler
Connie Justice, Wanda Montemayor and Kathy Morgan work on “The Phoenix Rising,” a six by ten foot wall adorned with painted ceramic tiles decorated by Oak Hill residents, Austin students and police and fire departments. It will be unveiled at Windmill Run Park at a May 5 dedication ceremony.
OAK HILL - Former Lord Mayor of Westminster, Councillor Duncan Sandys surprised the members and parents of Bowie’s marching band Thursday with an invitation to perform in the prestigious London New Year’s Day Parade (http://www. londonparade.co.uk/) in 2015. Councillor Sandys is the great grandson of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Said Band Director Kim Shuttlesworth, “You cannot apply to attend the parade. A committee of members recommends you for this prestigious honor. James Bowie’s bands have worked diligently over
The Lord Mayor of Westminster, Duncan Sandys. the past years to create a high standard of excellence in music. This See BOWIE on page 27
Workman files bills to gut SOS, loosen tree protections by Ann Fowler AUSTIN - In the 83rd session of the Texas Legislature, which started January 8 and ends May 27, 6,500 bills have been introduced. Thirty of those have been filed by Rep. Paul Workman, who represents District 47 and much of Oak Hill.
Another Workman bill would make it illegal to obey federal gun control laws Rep. Workman is the secretary and founder of the Workman Construction Company. The bills introduced by Rep. Workman would: remove Austin’s heritage tree protections, diminish
the protections of the Save Our Springs ordinance, and make it a crime for any Texan to obey Federal gun control laws. In a city that prides itself on environmental protections, the pro-
posed bills by an Austin legislator seem ironic. Some locals agree with the intent of his bills, others do not. For decades Austin had an ordinance on the books to protect trees with a trunk diameter of 19 inches
or more. In March 2008, more than 100 trees were cut down in Oak Hill without the proper approvals, but little could be done. Many felt the existing ordinance lacked teeth. In See WORKMAN on page 26
2 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
The Circle C Area Democrats Monday April 8 at 6:30 p.m. 4BOUB 3JUB $BOUJOB 4MBVHIUFS BU Escarpment ćF "QSJM NFFUJOH XJMM GFBUVSF SFNBSLT CZ (JOB )JOPKPTB WJDF QSFTident of the Austin School Board, on “Fix Our Schools: Prepare Our Kids GPS UIF 'VUVSF w
UJOH QSPDFTT NPSF DIBMMFOHJOH ćF DVSSFOU PSEJOBODF GPS BVUIPSJ[JOH special events lumps all events into POF DBUFHPSZ UIBU EPFT OPU BEESFTT the diversity of situations that happen each weekend in the city. ‍ ڀ‏ćF DVSSFOU POF TJ[F Ä•UT BMM TZTUFN SFRVJSFT UIF TBNF QFSNJUUJOH QSPDFTT GPS OFJHICPSIPPE CMPDL QBSUJFT BT MBSHF TDBMF FWFOUT ćF HPBM PG UIJT City Seeking Public Special Events PVUSFBDI QSPDFTT JT UP HBJO GFFECBDL Feedback from affected stakeholders, which will Monday, April 8, 2013 6:45 – 8:45 help the Austin Center for Events adp.m. vance the scalability of special events 0OF 5FYBT $FOUFS #BSUPO 4QSJOHT QFSNJUUJOH $PMMBCPSBUJOH XJUI UIF Road, 3rd floor community will allow the City of 'PMMPXJOH B $JUZ $PVODJM SFTPMVUJPO Austin to produce a more streamlined, in 2012 to revamp the special events transparent, and scalable process for PSEJOBODF DJUZ TUBÄŒ XJMM IPME UIF Ä•STU DPPSEJOBUJOH TQFDJBM FWFOUT JO "VTUJO ‍ڀ‏ SPVOE PG QVCMJD NFFUJOHT UP FOHBHF UIF community in stakeholder discussions Oak Hill Neighborhood Planning to help shape an improved ordinance. Contact Team ćF NFFUJOH JT PQFO UP FWFSZPOF Monday, April 8, 2013, 8:00 pm ćJT NFFUJOH XJMM QSPWJEF BO PQ- "VTUJO $PNNVOJUZ $PMMFHF 1JOOBDMF QPSUVOJUZ GPS TUBÄŒ UP HBUIFS GFFECBDL Campus, Room 1013 on issues important to impacted and ‍ ڀ‏.FFUJOH "HFOEB ‍ڀ‏/1" $"4& /6.interested stakeholders.  Once feed- #&3 /1" ;0/*/( back has been received, additional $"4& /6.#&3 $ NFFUJOHT XJMM CF IFME UP BEESFTT JEFOContinued on p. 21 UJÄ•FE JTTVFT EJTDVTT TPMVUJPOT BOE IFMQ ESBÄ™ DIBOHFT UP UIF PSEJOBODF ćF "VTUJO 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO %FQBSUNFOU IBT CFFO HBUIFSJOH GFFECBDL from the community in an online TVSWFZ BOE IBT SFDFJWFE PWFS comments to date. The survey remains open for those who would like to provide their feedback in addition to BUUFOEJOH UIF NFFUJOH  As Austin’s population expands and UPVSJTN TVSHFT UIF OVNCFS PG TQFDJBM FWFOUT BMTP DPOUJOVFT UP SJTF *O there were 136 street event applicaUJPOT OFX PS POF UJNF FWFOUT 227 event days, and approximately 1.6 million participants involved in special events.  The expansion of special events IBT HSBEVBMMZ NBEF UIF FWFOU QFSNJU-
Therapy Pet Pals of Texas is looking for volunteers with calm, friendly and obedient dogs
to provide pet therapy to elderly and ill people at local healthcare facilities around the Austin/Central Texas area. ing reservations until April 12th for the April 17th Qualifying/Training Class. Please visit their website for complete information:
www.therapypetpals.org and then call (512) 347-1984 for pre-screening.
Now in its 17th year, the Oak Hill Gazette is locally owned and is published every other Thursday. With a circulation of 7.500, it is home delivered to over 5,000 homes in Southwest Austin and is sold in stands for 50¢. Publisher/Editor: Will Atkins Co-Publisher/Advertising: Penny Levers Webmaster: Taylor Christensen Circulation Manager: Ingrid Morton Reporters/Writers: Ann Fowler, Tony Tucci, Patrick Olson, Travis "ULJOT #PCCJF +FBO 4BXZFS 5 2 +POFT 3PHFS 8IJUF .JLF +BTQFS BOE Joanne Foote To advertise or subscribe: t BEWFSUJTJOH!PBLIJMMHB[FUUF DPN XXX PBLIJMMHB[FUUF DPN
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Oak Hill Gazette
AISD Board Briefs Consent Agenda The AISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve, as originally drafted, a resolution regarding the use of bond proceeds, providing for the appointment of an oversight committee, and addressing matters relating to future facility master planning. Trustees also unanimously approved an order approving polling locations, times and dates for election day and early voting and the joint election agreement for the May 11 special election. Education Resource Strategies Presentation on Student-Based Funding On Sept. 24, 2012, the board approved the following FY2014 budget parameter: “To move down the path of (1) increasing school level autonomy, effectiveness and innovation; (2) ensuring that funds follow students based on their individual needs; and (3) decreasing disparities in per-pupil funding, the district will work in a phased approach, with experts and the community, to implement a revised funding model, considering at least, in part, student weights, as a basis for resource allocations, targeted to begin in the 2014-15 school year.” Representatives of Education Resource Strategies, which is partnering with AISD to fulfill this budget parameter, provided a preliminary report on findings to
from AISD Trustees
date. Final results will be presented in June, when the board will have the opportunity to consider whether or not the district should move forward with designing a possible model. Naming of Southeast Bus Terminal Board action on the naming of the Southeast Bus Terminal was postponed from the March 18 regular meeting to allow for the review of additional candidates. Trustees discussed the district’s policy and process for naming facilities, as well as additional options for naming this facility. The board is scheduled to take action on the naming of the southeast bus terminal at the April 22 regular board meeting. Discussion of the Timeline and Related Decision-Making Process for the Selection of an External Partnering Entity to Lead School Improvement at Eastside Memorial High School Trustees discussed the scheduling of an action item on the April 22 regular board meeting agenda concerning the approval of a contingency plan for the possible TEA closure of Eastside Memorial High School. While there is uncertainty about whether such a contingency plan will be needed for Eastside Memorial High School, board action on April 22 would allow the administration to begin to take steps that may be necessary if the RFP process does not yield a partner
Travis County lifts burn ban With the rainfall and the decrease in the risk of wildfire, Fire Marshal Hershel Lee has lifted the burn ban for Travis County that was scheduled to end on April 24, 2013. Open burning permits are required in some ESDs. Everyone conducting outdoor burning operations must contact their local fire department and obtain permission or a permit before conducting outdoor burning operations. To burn materials safely, keep a means of extinguishing the fire nearby at all times and never leave the fire unattended. Burning is not allowed during windy conditions. Please be cautious with any outdoor burning activity. Outdoor burning
must be conducted under state regulations found in Texas Administrative Code Section 30 TAC 111.219 or summarized on the Travis County Fire Marshal’s website at http://www. co.travis.tx.us/fire_marshal/. If you have questions related to the burn ban or need assistance in determining which fire department you will need to notify, please contact the Travis County Fire Marshal’s Office at 512-854-4621. On Tuesday, April 9, the commissioners will again consider and take appropriate action on a new order concerning outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Travis County.
14 Central Texas Locations
April 2, 2013 that is agreeable to a majority of the board, the community and the TEA Commissioner. The superintendent reminded trustees that in the spring of 2009, TEA required, and the board approved, a contingency plan for the closure of Reagan High School when the school was subject to state accountability sanctions, even though the plan did not take effect. Trustees also discussed and provided direction to the administration on the makeup of and selection process for the evaluation committee of RFP P13-057, the selection of an external partner entity to lead school improvement at Eastside Memorial High School.
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 3
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4 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
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family humor
I’m just rollin’ along, like my dog by Roger White Ralph Cooper White is our family dog, and he is all there, let me tell ya. What I mean when I say he’s all there is that what we have is one royally rotund, prolifically plump pooch. Now, dachshunds are called weenie dogs because of their unique resemblance to foot-long frankfurters, but as weenie dogs go, Ralph is more of a cheese danish. A round, brown, long-haired morning pastry of a hound. Actually, he’s more like a hairy little UFO. But we’ve been trying. In our efforts to slim Ralph’s frame down to a reasonable facsimile of a normal dog’s, wifey and I take him on nightly walks in the neighborhood. Ralph takes his own sweet time during these forays, so much so that we practically drag him down the street. My wife told me, however, that we shouldn’t rush him; she read somewhere that to a dog a daily walk is somewhat akin to reading the newspaper. It’s the dog’s time to relax, his opportunity to unwind. If that’s the case, then Ralph nightly reads the entire Sunday double edition of The Wall Street Journal, cover to cover. Ralph does just about anything to stall the walking process. Sniff this,
pee on that, observe the trees, bark poop or rotting garbage—is an inat the squirrels, look in neighbors’ stinct that comes from dogs’ wolf windows (wait, that’s me), etc., etc. ancestors. Scientists don’t know for But the one delaying tactic he uses sure why dogs have that instinct, that drives me nuts is his stubborn but they have a few ideas. The habit of rolling in junk. most popular theory is Not just any ordinary that dogs roll around in junk, mind you. Ralph the yucky stuff to cover loves to execute full up their natural smell, body rolls in nasty, giving them camouflage smelly dead, decayand helping them be ing things—mainly sneakier hunters. Anworms. other idea is that dogs It makes you think are putting the funky twice about letting your smell on their bodies pooch sleep in your so they can alert other bed when he carries dogs to what they found. the lingering odor of (When other dogs sniff rotten death with him. your dog, they’ll get the Roger White Many times my wife exciting news that there’s will wake up in the middle of the a dead animal nearby.) Still a third night and smack me in the head. idea is that dogs love to shimmy on “Honey, honestly!� she’ll scold. gross things to claim them as their “It wasn’t me! Ralph just moved own—they don’t want any other up next to your head!� dogs getting in on that prime piece Wondering if perhaps Ralph of grossness.� possessed some oddball fascination Hmm, interesting. So somewhere with either mutant stink or death down the line, a fat cheese danish and putrefaction, I got online and of a wild wolf rolled in dead stuff, found that this is actually quite a too. One theory holds that Ralph normal behavior. I shall quote from slathers his body in an odor to throw the ASPCA for Kids Site: “Rolling others off the track, eh? I could use around in stuff that makes people that myself. Say, if there was a scent want to barf—be it dead squirrels, I could ensconce my body in to avoid weekend chores. Men would pay good money for such an aroma, believe me. I imagine it might smell like sweat and wood shavings or something work-related—maybe grass clippings and grease. I could see it in use: “Honey, would you fix the . . .� Sniff, sniff. “Oh, never mind, you must be busy.� Hot dog! Of course, another theory is that dogs roll in dead stuff to stake a claim. If a scent like this worked at the office, this might also be a money-maker. At my workplace in particular, any time someone makes fresh coffee, there’s a land rush on the coffee pot. It’s every man for himself. But—what if they made a scent so powerful, so reminiscent of Juan Valdez and mountain-grown Columbian beans that every worker big and small would step aside, knowing instinctively that you were the rightful heir to that first aromatic cup of joe? For that privilege, I would roll myself in any old nasty smell.
Oak Hill Gazette
The Word from Oak Hill
neighborly news
Mike Jasper working together, with a common The word from Oak Hill is... goal: to raise the bar and provide a Wet. meaningful and FUN event for the Driving home in the rain on Central Texas acting community.” Hwy. 290 from Dripping Springs Tickets for the event are an easily last Tuesday didn’t seem as bad as affordable $5. Yep, only five bucks I thought it would be. Then it hit for an event that lasts all day. So you me—the construction should probably buy them on the road is finished. in advance at actorsresourFinally. ceproject.com. Now you can get to You can get more info at the Nutty Brown, Truactorsresourceproject.com dy’s, Flores and Alice’s as well. Restaurant aka Canyon And while the event is Grill Ice House. down the road— Plaza 71 Nice to see the rain. at 7612 West Hwy. 71—you Maybe the lakes will might be out of luck if you Mike Jasper fill again. wait until the day of the event. t t t So don’t. Go to actorsresourceAnd it was nice to see Gary Hunt, project.com. Now. who came back to Oak Hill for t t t one last dental appointment and, if I am still not letting the HEB debit weather permits, a round of golf at problems go. Especially since I’ve Fountainhead. He collared me and received three emails from people Karin at Flores Mexican restaurant telling me they have the same Tuesday night. problem. I guess his wife Rosie couldn’t make Three emails may not seem like it, which explains why he was having much to you, but it’s a barrage of dinner with five women that night. feedback to me. Same old Gary. Thing is… I can’t really figure But before he left, he picked up this out. I have a Wells Fargo card, our check. Who does that? What others have Bank of America or a great guy. Finally, someone who Chase. Some only have problems knows how to treat a writer. at HEB, like me, while others have That said, I’m still going to bust problems with debit cards at other him for being out at night with five retail outlets. women. More to come, I promise. t t t t t t Studio E will host Austin Film No one will believe me, but two Actors Coach-a-Rama 2013, an presidential lookalikes work out at all-day workshop for aspiring actors and singers who want to hone their performing chops. Yes, there will be one Song Class as well. There will be many classes, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. as well as panel discussions, presentations from Family owned and operated SAG/AFTRA (they combined forces for 19 years a year or two ago), a monologue Make life easier— presentation/competition and an Stop by the improvisation demonstration. Besides Studio E’s Liz Neubauer, Little Red Barn and pick up acting coaches include Pamela Weaver (Austin SAG Conservatory), Tom Booker (The Institution Serving up Brisket, Theater), Paula Russell (South LaSausage, Ribs, Chicken, mar Studio/State Theatre School of Turkey, Ham, Catfish Acting), Stacey Glazer and Amber and all the Fixings Dupuy and about nine more who deserve recognition as well. Apple & Peach Cobbler If only I wasn’t too lazy to list and Pecan Pie ! them all. “We have no formal leader,” it says at 7001 Oak Meadow Dr. (290W at the ‘Y’) the group’s website. “Indeed, we are 288-4060 all volunteers here who truly enjoy Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 5
Planet Fitness. One looks exactly like President Bill Clinton and the other looks like W. No kidding. Once, I saw them at the gym on the same day. Clinton likes the elliptical, while George Bush prefers the treadmill. Next time I mention this I’ll back it up with photos. t t t And then there were two. Looks like the food trailers on Oak Meadow next to Donn’s BBQ at the Jackson Properties parking lot are down to Fishey Bizness and Continued on page 9
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6 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
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Oak Hill Gazette
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 7
Leslie Answers
Ways to Avoid the Habit of Avoiding By Leslie Tourish, LPC Dear Leslie, I have a problem that affects every aspect of my life. I am a terrible procrastinator and have been since high school. When it comes to getting things done I find myself “forgetting” what I need to do and busying myself with all sorts of little jobs, such as raking the yard or rearranging my tools in the garage. My wife is at her wit’s end, and actually, so am I. With April 15th looming my current fear is doing my taxes. This is keeping me up at night because I’m not talking about 2012 taxes, I’ve been avoiding processing the extension I requested for 2011! My wife of fifteen years said if I don’t get my rear in gear she’s packing her bags and leaving me until I “grow up”. You have no idea how much anxiety this produces, but when I actually do sit down to do the taxes, or anything complicated, it’s as though I’m a deer caught in headlights. I feel overwhelmed by how big the job is, I doubt I can wade through all the details, and I tell myself I’m going to take a little break and get back to it in an hour or so. Next thing I know it’s time for bed and the self-loathing and dread begin all over again! I’ve been to my family physician and he said I don’t meet the criteria for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which is a
relief but still leaves me wondering why I can’t tough it out with more complicated jobs. Why do I do this, even though I hate it, and how can I stop? I can’t move forward in my life because of my own dumb self. Signed, Waiting for a miracle Dear Waiting, First, I urge you to step back from the cat o’ nine tails with which you are whipping yourself to ribbons and look at your behaviors and their payoffs. While it’s good you can rule out ADD, such a diagnosis alone isn’t a pass in life for not taking care of business. People with ADD learn strategies for handling their responsibilities. Gaining strategies will be your golden ticket to making Uncle Sam, your wife, and ultimately yourself, happier. There are two aspects of procrastination—the active phase and the passive phase. With the active procrastination phase you are engaged in all the behaviors keeping you distracted from your goals—the napping, watching television, day dreaming, drinking or drugging, or as a last measure, shaving the cat. The passive phase is made up of your excuses, rationalizations, and promises you’ll get the ball rolling tomorrow. And tomorrow. And
tomorrow, yet again. Of course, the cosmic joke is all the effort you put into avoiding the job far outweighs the effort it would take to simply do the work. Everyone procrastinates to some degree, it’s just part of human nature to avoid pain. The avoidance blooms into a problem when we chronically sabotage our goals, others lose faith in us, and our self-esteem does the death spiral. At the heart of avoidance may be perfectionism. Perfectionists believe a task is so great, due to how huge they’ve mentally made the job; therefore they also imagine how well they will have to perform, which may feel daunting. There is immediate relief in blowing the whole thing off. Whew, dragon has been met and now I can slowly back away. That’s better. But, really, it’s not in the long run. The dragon still waits in the lair, bigger and hotter than ever. Ways to face our fears of incompetency are to break a job down into small, doable bites. I tell my clients we overestimate what we can do in a day, but underestimate what we can achieve in a week. Make the commitment to begin the task, but give yourself a time limit. An example is, “I will work on my taxes for twenty minutes today.” Our brains may feel this is a doable chunk of time, allowing us to relax and begin sorting through receipts
and W-2 forms. Before we know it, maybe forty-five minutes have gone by and we’ve made strong headway. It’s a great boost for perfectionists/ procrastinators to just get started. Once the ball is rolling, then the next steps begin to flow more naturally. A second trick I use personally is to tell myself I only have to do the job 80% well. This allows wiggle room for the nagging part of my mind that demands I do a task perfectly or not at all. And again, once I’ve started
a job I can always go back through the finished project to fine-tune the details. But the hard work is behind me and the relief is all around me. Leslie Tourish is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice in Dripping Springs, Texas. Please send questions and comments to leslie@leslietourish.com or visit at www.leslietourish.com. Phone: (512) 695-1660.
Comptroller’s office holds seminars for business owners with tax questions (AUSTIN)During the month of April, the Comptroller’s office will conduct 12 free taxpayer seminars across the state. At these seminars, taxpayers can learn how to properly fill out tax forms, and file and pay taxes electronically. Information about e-services will also be available to help taxpayers manage their accounts online. Comptroller representatives will be on hand to answer questions and provide assistance to attendees. “We want to empower Texas business owners by making resources and information ac-
cessible. Conducting these seminars and making our team of tax specialists available provides guidance for businesses,” said R.J. DeSilva, spokesperson for the Comptroller’s office. A complete list of locations, dates and times of the taxpayer seminars is available at www.window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/seminars. html. Those who are unable to attend the seminars can call the Comptroller’s tax assistance line at 1-800-252-5555. Tax forms and tax information can also be found on the Comptroller’s website, www.window.state.tx.us.
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8 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Oak Hill Gazette Wednesday, July 8 2009... 1
Veterans Post by Mike Jordan Regular readers are aware of the on-going project to improve a local, handicapped vet’s home to accommodate his shower facility for wheelchair and comfortable movement. The Oak Hill VFW Post 4443 is supporting a raffle to raise money for this work (about $5200). Raffle tickets are being sold with 100 percent of the proceeds going directly to the project. The raffle prizes include a 50 inch HDTV, a gourmet-cook cast-iron cooking pan, and gift certificates. Some local merchants deserve special recognition for this worthy cause. For example, Whole Foods Marketing Manager Richard Gabaree has contributed gift baskets and also has agreed to put out jars at each cashier station for gifts to the cause. So, if you visit the Whole Foods on Wm. Cannon, you’ll see the contribution jars. Also, special thanks go to Callahan’s, WalMart and Costco for their contributions. Tickets are still available. Call the VFW at 288-4443 or 626-0044. **** We are all aware of the continuous news regarding the US government’s cost-cutting measures for the new budget. You may also have noted that these potential cost cuts also affect compensation for disabled vets. The cuts for disabled vets are proposed to follow the Consumer
VFW news Price Index (CPI). This means, for example, for a 30 year-old vet with 100 percent disability will receive about $2300 reductions per year by the time he is 55 years old. Factor in the proposed cuts to Social Security, and a vet may be hard pressed to maintain any quality of life. If you think that a disabled vet has sacrificed enough, than drop a line or email to your representatives. By the way, you can find more about this and other veteran’s information at www.texascoalitionofvetorganizations.org This web page also lists local jobs available to vets. Tyson Foods, for example, is offering jobs for vets. **** Speaking of budget cuts, it seems our elected representatives are more interested in preserving their local “pork� rather than the balance between keeping a strong defense and keeping jobs in their districts. For example, in the defense budget there is some $275 billion allocated to building the new F-35 jets, at $105 B each. Yet, more emphasis in both offensive and defensive weapons has shifted to drones. Drones have the advantage of being cheaper and if one goes down, there are no lives to be lost or no one to be held in POW camps. It would seem, then, that some of the expensive planes could be replaced by the cheaper drones. Another part of the budget
is devoted to building 280 more Abrams Tanks at $4.3 M per unit, even though the Army Chief of Staff, Ray Odieino, stated to Congress, “These are 280 tanks we do not need.� This is especially true since there are some 2000 tanks parked in storage in Lassen County, CA. The tanks are built by General Dynamics which employs over 4000 workers. So, is our motive for continuous build-up of equipment that are not needed to keep our defense strong, or is it just to keep jobs? If it is the latter, than, erhaps, we should still be supporting Packard and Studebaker plants and keeping Detroit alive. To find out more about the defense budget, check out web site www. defense.gov.pdf.summary. **** Thought of the day – A budget can tell us what we can’t afford but it doesn’t keep us from buying. Mike Jordan served in the Marine Corps and has written for Florida Today as well as The Gazette. This column is a collection of local news information both for and about military veterans’ activities and items of interest. Material comes from veterans themselves, local VFW Posts, American Legion Posts and information submitted from various sources. To supply information for this column or for any questions, send an email to mjordan@prismnet.com.
Oak Hill Business & Professional Association invites the public to join us at our monthly meeting
April 4, 2013 11:30-1:00 at Mandola’s Italian Market 4301 W William Cannon (near Mopac)
Come learn about the issues affecting Oak Hill and network with other business owners and professionals. Our featured speaker this month will be
AISD Board Member Robert Schneider For more info go to www.OHBPA.org This ad space was donated by Edward Jones financial advisor Bradley Dartez.
Mark your calendar for the OHBPA Charity Golf Tournament Monday, Sept. 16, 2013
If you enjoy reading this paper, please thank our advertisers. Thay make it possible.
Gazette Guide: %JOJOH 0VU
Oak Hill Gazette
The Word from Oak Hill Continued from p. 5 Whole Foods. Jeremy took his Wright Bros Dairy truck down to the Warehouse District around SXSW time and never looked back. He’s even getting reviews in Yelp I noticed. The good news? They revamped the picnic area at Oak Meadow and it’s a lot better. You’ve finally got some elbow room. Just be sure to park on the street. t t t Speaking of Oak Meadow, the Scenic Brook Community Garden Park is starting to look real good. They have a sign, they have mulch, and they have what look to be cemetery plots. They’re gonna plant something, by god. They also have plans for a new tennis court and a tetherball pole. After all these years, it’s nice to see something finally improving there. t t t The Wheeler Brothers filmed a music video at the Pony League
neighborly news
baseball field on Hwy. 290 a couple of weeks ago. They baited the locals to join in as extras with the promise of free beer. Good enough for me. I don’t know much about the Wheeler Brothers, except that three of the five members in the band are actual brothers with the last name Wheeler. There’s Three Wheeler, Dealer Wheeler, and Blue Healer Wheeler. I just made that up. Maybe I’ll start a band. Or a production company. Anyway, if you want to see what the ruckus is all about, point your browser to wheelerbrothersmusic. com. I have mixed feelings myself. Loved the Smothers Brothers. The Osmonds? Not so much. t t t Spring has sprung with new life, much needed rain, buds in blooms, and what’s the deal with the signs on Scenic Brook Drive? So far, I’ve seen at least two of these signs, which read, “Traffic calming approved for this street.
These traffic calming devices may include, but are not limited to, speed humps, speed tables, speed cushions, roundabouts, median islands, chicanes and bulb outs.
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Info—call 311.” What? I’m not calling 311. Instead, I went to the city of Austin’s website. Here’s what I read: “The Local Area Traffic Management program (LATM) is a request-based program to improve
the quality and safety of neighborhood streets. This is achieved by installing traffic calming devices along the requested street segments. These devices may include, but are not limited to, speed humps, speed tables, speed cushions, roundabouts, median islands, chicanes and bulb outs.”
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 9 Hmm. I think I might know what two of those things are. Maybe. t t t (Want your neighborhood association highlighted? Have a story you need to tell? Would you like to rat out a neighbor? If so, be sure to email me at mail@mikejasper.com and get the word out.)
10 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Arts & Entertainment Ongoing Events
“Thirsty Thursday” gatheringPoems and songs will be shared Sundays in a round robin, open mic atmosphere following the featured preLive Jazz Brunch- 10am-2pm. sentation. On the third Thursday of Nutty Brown Cafe, 12225 Hwy. 290 every month. Free. Food pantry doW., 78737. 301-4648. www.nuttynations are welcomed. 7pm at New brown.com. Life Lutheran Church, 120 Frog Pond Lane in Dripping Springs. For Tessy Lou Williams & The Shotgun more info call 858-2024. Stars- 3pm at Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Third Thursday at The BlantonSpicewood. No cover. free evening of art and activities. 5-9pm at Blanton Museum, Brazos Mondays and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Charles Thibodeaux and the blantonmuseum.org/. Austin Cajun Aces- 6:30pm at Evangeline Cafe, 8106 Brodie Fridays Lane. 282-2586. Friday night Dance Club- w/ Western bands and a Pot Luck Texas Songwriters Showcase break. 7:30pm-10pm at South - 6:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Austin Activity Center, 3911 Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., SpiceManchaca RD, Austin. $4.50. wood. No cover. Saturdays Tuesdays Arena Rock Sing A-long - 10pm Kem Watts - 4pm Poodie’s Hilltop The screenings on August 16th and Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., 23rd will feature a special pre-show Spicewood. 264-03183 performance of Queen’s Bohemian Brennen Leigh -7pm at Rhapsody by Ruby Rico ProducEvangeline Cafe, 8106 Brodie tions. at the Alamo Draft House on Slaughter Lane Lane. 282-2586. Open Mic Night with Jon Burkland- 6-9pm at Hill’s Cafe, 4700 S. Congress, 78745. 8519300.
April 5 - April 20
The Peacemakers- 10pm at Evangeline Cafe, 8106 Brodie Lane. 282-2586.
Tony Harrisson / Dance Lessons / Jesse Dayton- 6pm / 9:15pm / 9:15pm at the Broken Spoke, 3201 S. Lamar. 442-6189. Open Mic with your host, Garett Endres. Starts at 9pm every Thursday 290 West Club 12013 W Hwy 290
Tuesday, April 9 Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure & Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fundraiser - 7pm The Paramount Theatre 472.5470 info@austintheatre.org Wednesday, April 10
Bon Jovi - 7:30pm “Because We Can – The Tour” Frank Erwin Center 1701 Red River 471-7744 April 11 - April 24 The Importance of Being Earnest - Thursday – Saturday evenings at 7:30pm., Sundays at 2 pm. Mary Moody Northen Theatre St Edward’s University 3001 South Congress Ave 20 Adults Advance ($15 Students, Seniors, SEU Community) $20 at the door Available through the MMNT Box Office, 512.448.8484 Available online at http://www.stedwards.edu/theatre April 12 - April 14 Time - Friday & Saturday @ 8pm / Saturday & Sunday @ 2pm Tapestry Dance Company presents a contemporary rhythm journey in “Time” - A concept and definition of a manmade illusion of control. Rollins Studio Theater Long Center: 701 West Riverside Drive 457.5115
Open Mic Night- at Nutty Brown Cafe, 12225 W Highway 290, Free. Thursdays
Karaoke- at Boomerz Nightclub, 6148 Hwy 290 W.. 892-3373.
Dawn Upshaw - 7pm with Stephen Prutsman on the piano. Bates Recital Hall 2420 Robert Dedman Dr 447-6060
New Events
Hats Off to Dr. Seuss! - A celebration of the 75th anniversary of Wednesdays Dr. Seuss’s second book, The 500 No Bad Days Open Mic - 7pm at Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, Dr. Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Seuss’s never-before-seen hat colHwy. 71 W., Spicewood. lection will be exhibited ART on 5th Gallery (3005 South Lamar 50+ Singles Dance- 7:30-9:45 Blvd. visit www.arton5th.com or call Live Music. Senior Activity Center (512) 481-1111 for hours of opera29th & Lamar. 2874 Shoal Crest. tion and additional information. www.fiftyplusdanceaustin.com Friday, April 5 Trivia Night - Wednesdays at Waterloo Ice House, Southpark Meadows, 9600 South I-35 Service Rd. SB, Suite D-100. 512-301-1007. waterlooicehouse.com.
KGSR Unplugged At The Grove -every Thursday evening through Sept 6th. Join KGSR every Thursday for 23 consecutive weeks at Shady Grove on Barton Springs Road for one of Austin’s longest running free concert series.
and rock band Pearl, a silent auction and other treats to raise funds for this life-changing dog rescue and training project at the state prison in Lockhart. Suggested cover is a new dog toy. Donations will also be accepted. Nutty Brown Cafe 12225 U.S. 290 301-4648
Leo Kottke - doors @7pm With A.J. Croce The Paramount Theatre 472.5470 info@austintheatre.org
Sunday, April 14
Saturday, April 6 Meryl Tankard’s The Oracle (The Rite of Spring) - 8pm Experience this sensual and intense dance work by celebrated choreographer Meryl Tankard. Bass Concert Hall (E. 23rd St. and Robert Dedman Dr. 477-6060 Sunday, April 7 Paws in Prison Benefit Party 3pm - 6pm The afternoon will feature live music from Austin’s blues
Petcasso - 6pm Proceeds from this annual event enable Animal Trustees of Austin to provide affordable veterinary care for the pets of Central Texas, regardless of their owners’ income. AT&T Conference Center www.animaltrustees.org/
Community Clubs & Events Ongoing Events
bring your own lunch. www.arvedacare.com.
South Austin Mystery Book Club - 7:30 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at the Sunset Valley Barnes & Noble on Brodie Ln. Our April 16th book is Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn. If you have questions please email dschieck@yahoo.com.
Senior Luncheon Program - Seniors (over 60) meet at 8656 Hwy. 71 W, Bldg A, next to JP bldg every Tues, Wed and Thurs from 10am2pm. Transportation available. Call 512-854-2138 for more info.
Conversation Cafe - Drop in for open, public dialogue on a variety of topics. Every third Saturday from 10:30am-11:30am at the Hampton Branch of the Austin Public Library at Oak Hill, 5125 Convict Hill Rd.. Free and open to the public. 512974-9900 / cityofaustin.org/library. Classes and meditation - with Western Buddhist nun, Gen Kelsang Ingchug. Every Sunday at 9:30am at Chittamani Buddhist Center, 1918 Bissel Lane, 78745. Everyone welcome. Spiritual counselling by appointment. Call for free brochure. 916-4444. meditationinaustin.org. Sisters in Crime Heart of Texas Chapter - Meets monthly on the second Sunday of the month at 2pm at the Westlake Barnes & Noble bookstore, corner of Loop 360 and Bee Cave Road,. www. hotxsinc.org. VFW Post 4443 meeting - Meets on first Tues. of month from 7-8:30pm at 7614 Thomas Springs Road in Oak Hill. Members and potential members are encouraged to be there around 6pm to gather for dinner. There is no cost. The Oak Hill Rotary Club - meets every Thurs. at noon at Cannoli Joe’s, 4715 Hwy. 290 Wes. More info at 288-8487/ oakhillrotary.org. Circle C Area Democrats - 6:308:30pm at Santa Rita in the Escarpment Village. Meets on second Mondays of month. For infor mation:circlecareademocrats.org. Toastmasters Groups - Build leadership and communication skills in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Visitors welcome. Tejas Toastmasters: 288-7808/ tejastoastmasters.org. Meets every Mon. at 6 pm at IHOP, 1101 S. Mopac. South Austin Toastmasters: meets first and third Tuesday at noon at ACC South Austin Campus, 1820 W. Stassney Lane. Phone 443-7110 or 288-7808. Oak Hill Toastmasters: meet every Thursday from 6:45-8pm at Western Hills Church of Christ, 6211 Parkwood Drive. Open to ages 18 & up. 956-494-4809 / oakhill.freetoasthost.biz for more info. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group- 2nd Wednesday of the month at noon at Arveda Alzheimer’s Family Care, 11013 Signal Hill Drive, 78737. Anyone caring for a loved-one with dementia and needing support is invited. RSVP to 512-637-5400 and feel free to
The South Austin Christian Women’s Club - sponsors a luncheon with an entertaining program every second Wednesday of the month from 11:30-1pm at Onion Creek Club. For info / reservations and free child care please call 288-4033. Oak Hill Neighborhood Planning Contact Team - meets fourth Wednesday of the month at the ACC Pinnacle Campus, 10th Floor Board Room. www.ohnpct.org. MOMS Club of Austin - Southwest Oaks - Social and support group for stay-at-home moms and their children. Meet new friends, and enjoy a guest speaker. Monthly meeting at Oak Hill United Methodist Church, 7815 W Hwy 290. 10am on the last Thursday of every month. For more info, email momsclubswoaks@gmail.com. Southwest Networking Group (SWING) - meets for breakfast at Waterloo Ice House, Slaughter Ln. & Escarpment Blvd., 9600 Escarpment Blvd.. 8-9:30am. Bring business cards. For more info call 482-9026 or 921-4901. Thursdays. South Austin AARP Chapter 2426 - Tom Bauer will talk about leadership styles and best practices, 9:30-11:30am at South Austin Senior Activity Center, 3911 Manchaca Rd. Free. Meets on third Thursdays of the month. For more info call Mary at 280-8661. www. southaustinaarp.org. OHPEN Meeting - (Oak Hill Planning and Environmental Network). 7pm at ACC Pinnacle, 10th floor boardroom. All welcome. Every month on second Thursday. For more info call Beki at 658-2599.. OHBPA Meeting - (Oak Hill Business Professionals Association). Meets every first Thursday of the month from 11:30am-1pm at Mandola’s Italian Market, 4301 W. Wm. Cannon $15. ohbpa.org. Retired Austin Travelers - a group for people who love to travel. Regular meetings are held the second Wednesday of odd-numbered months, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM,in the Oak Hill Library at 5124 Convict Hill Road.. ratsonline.org. Creative Arts Society - Meets on first Wed. of month (except Jan.,July, Aug.) at ACC Pinnacle, 10th floor, faculty lounge. 6pm networking. 7pm program. All artists and art enthusiasts are welcome. www.creativeartssociety.org 288-0574.
New Events Saturdays, February 16 - May 25 Pond and Garden Seminars 11am and 1pm Check website for additional information on topics and guest speakers, www.pondsandgarden.com FREE rain or shine. Emerald Gardens 5700 Hwy 290 West 288-5900 Through April 20 Whatever Kitsch Art Premier, Show Me Your Papers - 11 - 8 Mon - Sat Noon - 5 on Sun David Zamora Casas brings eclectic altars and paintings that integrate Latino themes with queer culture, cast in the venerable tradition of protest art. 7101 W Hwy 71 Suite E-9, 2884420. www.whateversmokes.com March - April 10 Oak Hill Artist Celebrates 50 Years of Art - Joan Lawson, accomplished Austin acrylic painter, is showing her work at Cypress Grill, 4404 W William Canon Dr., during restaurant hours through April 10. Joan, who resides in Granada Hills, is displaying a variety of her paintings from early works to present. Her show is called “50/70, Celebrating 50 Years of Art and 70th Birthday.” Mon. April 1 - Mon.April 15 Free Tax Filing Services - Individuals and families making up to $50,000/year are eligible for free tax preparation at the Community Tax Centers. Community Financial Center, 2600 W. Stassney Lane April 4 - April 7 Fill the Boot Drive - The Austin Firefighters Association, Local 975 in cooperation with the Austin Fire Department will be holding their annual Fill the Boot Drive to benefit the MuscularDystrophy Association. Please take a moment to drop some cash into a boot when you see your area fire fighters Sunday, April 7 Children’s Picnic and Real Food Fair - 1 - 5pm A Free Celebration of Farmers, Gardening, Cooking and First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! Campaign French Legation Museum, 802 San Marcos St. More info: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ events/274084896058713 Toni Tipton-Martin, 512-415-3123 Monday, April 8 The Circle C Area Democrats April meeting - 6:30pm featuring remarks by Gina Hinojosa, vice president of the Austin School Board, on “Fix Our Schools: Prepare Our Kids for the Future.” at Santa Rita Cantina, Slaughter at Escarpment.
Oak Hill Gazette
Outdoors & Fitness Ongoing Events Farmer’s Market at Sunset Valley - Locally grown fresh produce at Tony Burger Center, 3200 Jones Rd. Saturdays from 9am-1pm. www.sfcfarmersmarket.org. Free Introduction to Dance Class - for adults and teens. Every Saturday at 11am at Tapestry Dance Company & Academy, Western Trails Blvd., Austin. www. tapestry.org. Docent Tours of AMOA - Each Saturday and Sunday 1pm Docent-led tours of the recently restored 1916 Driscoll Villa, the intimate art exhibition Laguna Gloria Grounded and the historic gardens overlooking Lake Austin. at Austin Museum of Art, 823 Congress Ave. 512-495-9224 / www.amoa.org. Texas Outdoor Women’s Network - Open to women of all ages interested in outdoor activities. fishing, kayaking, camping, hiking and more! No experience required. Free monthly meetings on fourth Tuesday of each month at 6pm at the LCRA Red Bud Complex, 3601 Lake Austin Blvd. . www.townaustin.org. Hill Country Outdoors- “Austin’s Most Active Outdoor, Sport and Social Club” Specializing in ad-
venture with outdoor events such as hiking, camping, biking, road trips and rafting. www.hillcountryoutdoors.com.
Smith Visitors Center. Wear comfortable shoes, a hat, and bring water. Hikes last approximately 1.5 hours. Info contact: jeanneffia@ gmail.com
Westcave Preserve public weekend tours- Sats. and Sundays, 10am., noon, 2pm & 4, $5 adult/$2 child/$15 family. One mile hike into the canyon & back. Kids welcome w/ adult. No pets. For more info call (830)825-3442 westcave.org . Guided Hike - Second Saturday & second Sunday of each month at 9am at Bright Leaf Natural Area, 4400 Crestway Dr., Austin. Hikes are usually 4 miles long and last about 2 hours. Wear sturdy shoes and bring your own water. www. brightleaf.org
New Events
Boot Camp Workout - At 9am every Saturday, our expert coaches will lead you through a muscle toning, fat burning, FREE 45 minute boot camp class! Bring your ten closest friends and jump start your weekend. Mills Elementary School 1-877-801-8171, extension 710 Nature Hike at McKinney State Falls - Free interpretive hikes to discover the diverse range of flora and fauna that can be seen at McKinney Falls. Hikes are offered the 2nd & 4th Saturday of each month starting at 10am from the
Saturday, April 6 Hill Country Ride for AIDS - 8:30 -12:30 is holding a “Change the World in Just Three Weeks” information and training event on April 6, 2013, three weeks out from the Ride and Run Day April 27. The event takes place at Texas Running Co.,1011 West 5th Street, Suite 110. Thursday, April 11 When and How to Fertilize - 10am - 12pm ou’ll be taught how to fertilize and be a good steward to your land by avoiding fertilizer runoff. Please bring any soil test you have done in the past few years. Travis County AgriLife Extension Office 1600 B Smith Rd. Registration required at https://agriliferegister.tamu.edu or by phone 979-845-2604 Saturday, April 27 Fight for Air Climb 2013 - 7am - 1pm The American Lung Association’s Fight for Air Climb is an annual fundraiser stair climb to the Frost Bank Tower. Register your team or support a climber at AustinClimb.org! Frost Bank Tower: 401 Congress Ave Website: www.AustinClimb.org 467-6753
Kids Calendar Ongoing Events
New Events
Second Saturdays are for Fami- April 6 - May 11 lies - $7 per family; $5 Member families. Noon-4pm at Austin Museum of Art, 823 Congress Ave. Please RSVP to akichorowsky@ amoa.org to give an idea of materials needed. 512-495-9224 / www. amoa.org. At Austin Children’s Museum: Community Night - Come out and play EVERY Wednesday night at 5pm and enjoy exhibits, storytime and a variety of hands-on activities. Themed stories, songs, and activities. Tuesday - Saturday: 11am, 1pm & 3pm. Baby Bloomers- Every Mon.. For kids 3 & under & their caregivers. Storytimes 9:30 & 11am; Sing-a-long 10:30am at Austin Children’s Museum, 201 Colorado St.. 472-2499 / ausinkids.org.
The Little Mermaid - 11am and 2pm This original retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic combines modern technologies and the ancient art of storytelling to put a new twist on this well-loved fairy tale. For ages 6 and up.. $14 ZACH’s Whisenhunt Theatre, 512476-0541, x1 Saturday, April 6
Kid Farmers Market - 2pm - 6pm Austin EcoSchool & the Whole Life Storytime - Tuesdays & Wednes- Learning Center for an all-kid run days at the Hampton Library, 5125 farmers market. Purchase kid creatConvict Hill Rd. Toddler at 10:15 ed Farm Fresh Eggs, Baked goods am, Preschool (ages 3-5) at 11am. Fresh-Baked Bread, Duct Tape wallets Purses and satchels, Viser caps 892-6680. wiredforyouth.co and more plus Live Music, Kids Face painting 4105 ManAlamo Kids Club - 10:45am On activities. chaca, 816-805-7133 Free the last Saturday of the month, the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, the Friday, April 12 Austin Chronicle, Ain’t It Cool News and Big Brothers Big Sisters put on Celebrate Texas - 7:30pm “Rofree screenings for children and Toy deo-esque” ballet with guest artist Joy provides super fun prizes! 1120 Orlando Canova and “Celebrate Texas” with live music by Jessica South Lamar
Shepherd. . $15-$20 Dougherty Arts Center, 1110 Barton Springs Rd. Austin, 512-537-7045.
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 11
Arts & Entertainment cont. New Events Thursday, April 4 Liz Morphis - 7pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586 Kem Watts- 8:30pm Dallas Moore Band 10:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-03183 Continental Graffiti - Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994 The Kim Kafka Trio - 6:30pm Mimi’s Cafe 12613 Galleria Circle 263-9731 Happy Hour w/ Todd Roth5:30pm Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd, Suite D2-130 2637353 No Cover Friday, April 5 Larry Lange’s Lonely Knights 10pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586
Alissa’s Faith FUNdraiser - Sharon Scott 7pm Isaiah Cruz 8pm Rock Cathedral 9pmNutty Brown Cafe 12225 Highway 290 West 301-4648 $15 donation Sunday, April 7 Sunday Brunch with Mente Clara- Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
Bob Cheevers & Stephen Doster - 7pm Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd, Suite D2-130 263-7353 No Cover Texas Renegade - Nutty Brown Cafe 12225 Highway 290 West 301-4648 Free
Saturday, April 13
Tess & Friends Happy Hour 4pm Texas Songwriters Showcase: WC Jamison hostsCasey Hubble - 6:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318 Charles Thibodeaux & the Austin Cajun Aces - 7pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586 Tuesday, April 9
Saturday, April 13 Psychic Cowboys - 9pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318 Brennen Leigh - 6pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 2822586 DeAnn Rene - 4pm Jerry Kirk - 6:30pm The Bad Intentions - 8:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318
Tommy Elskes - 7pm The Peacemakers - 10pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586 No Bad Days - Open Mic hosted by BB Morse - 8pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318 Thursday, April 11
Aladdin - 1:30pm & 4pm Traditional Story ballet of Aladdin created especially for children and audiences of all ages.. Dougherty Arts Center, 1110 Barton Springs Road Austin, 512-537-7045 $8-$12 Saturday & Sunday April 13 &14 Boats - 2pm & 4pm A story about a sailor called Jof, told by his friend Nic, life-long friends who meet through bizarre circumstances involving a chicken, a deserted island and a sombrero. The play is enacted with puppets, acrobatics, singing and sound effects. Paramount Theatre 713 Congress Ave.
LeeAnn Atherton Band - 7pmMaria’s Taco Express 2529 South Lamar Boulevard 444-0261 Free Saturday, April 6 The Swingsters - 7pm Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
The Flying Club - 7pm Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
July - 5pm Mark Allen Atwood8pm $7 Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318
Rich Harney - 7pm Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994 Al Monty Band - Nutty Brown Cafe 12225 Highway 290 West 301-4648 Free “Proper Nang Night” - 6:30 8:pm Sponsored by the Austin Chronicle, Chrontourage & HAAM Maria’s Taco Express 2529 South Lamar Boulevard 444-0261 Free Sons of Harry - 7pm Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd, Suite D2130 263-7353 No Cover Sunday, April 14 Danielle Reich - Sunday Brunch at the Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
Lisa Hattersly and Trip Trio 7pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586 The Texas KGB - 6pm Kem Watts 8:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-03183
Sassy Spurs - 7pm Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd, Suite D2130 263-7353 No Cover
Frank Cavitt - 7pm Chisos Grill 12921 Hill Country Blvd, Suite D2130 263-7353 No Cover LeLand Williams - 7:30pm Nutty Brown Cafe 12225 Highway 290 West 301-4648 Free
Wednesday, April 10
Family Saturday-Recycled Robots - 11am - 3pm Make your very own robotic friend using recycled materials and colorful lights! We’re putting an environmental spin on this high-tech art project, inspired by the exhibition on display in the Driscoll Villa. . $5 member families; $10 non-members 3809 West 35th Street , (512) 458-8191
T. Jarrod Bonta Trio - 7pm Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
Monday, April 8
John Napier - 6pm Chris Allbright 8:30pm $5 The Bad Intentions - 11pm $5 Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318 Duane Carter Trio - 7pm Satellite Bistro & Bar 5900 Slaughter Ln #400 288-9994
Jon Napier - 6pm Gary P. Nunn10:30pm $15 Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318
The Kim Kafka Trio - 6:30pm Mimi’s Cafe 12613 Galleria Circle 263-9731 Friday, April 12 Ted Roddy’s Backwoods Hipsters - 10pm Evangeline Cafe 8106 Brodie Lane 282-2586
Gospel Brunch with “The South Austin Gospel Project” - 12pm 2pm Maria’s Taco Express 2529 South Lamar Boulevard 444-0261 Monday, April 15 Tess & Friends Happy Hour 4pm Texas Songwriters Showcase: George Ensle hosts Big John Mills - 6:30pm Poodie’s Hilltop Bar & Grill, 22308 Hwy. 71 W., Spicewood. 264-0318
12 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Car Review
2013 Honda Accord EX-L Coupe V6 By T. Q. Jones
As we’ve noted in the past, auto When we first got interested in cars the leading imports were from Europe, specifically Great Britain. They were quick, agile (and often fragile) roadsters and sport sedans and were complete opposites from the American cars of the period, which by contrast were lumbering beasts. Japanese cars were an unknown; if we thought of them at all we thought they imported their cars from countries that built really good cars, that is, the United States, and notso-good cars, like England. The idea of the Japanese building anything but copycat junk was ludicrous. In the late 1950s the Germans began to make some inroads into the American market, which means the already outdated Volkswagen beetle took over the top spot in the hearts and minds of those willing to suffer the slings and arrows of their friends and neighbors by driving anything but an American car. They also took over the top spot in import sales. By the mid-
1960s anyone looking for a small car trundled off to the VW dealer without regard to what else might be available, making it tough on those of us who at the time were peddling marques such as Sunbeam, Triumph and Fiat. Unbeknownst to us, the Japanese were beginning to make some serious machinery, particularly motorcycles, and by the early 1970s Soichiro Honda was already arguing with his staff over whether to build cars with air-cooled engines or water-cooled engines, an argument he would (fortunately for the future of Honda) lose. When the first “oil crisis” hit the United States, catching us with a full inventory of two-ton gas guzzlers, the kind of cars Americans had always preferred and would continue to prefer (the best-selling car in 1973 and 1974 was the big Chevrolet, just as it had been for years) briefly lost favor and the Japanese, who built only small cars for a world market, found themselves just as briefly in demand. Within a few months it all blew over, of course, and we went back to buy-
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The new coupe mixes good fuel economy, not great fuel economy, with that performance in a way that makes you remember that it is Honda “MOTOR” Company; they mostly build engines, or at least concentrate on engines to good effect (a trait they share with Nissan). The EPA rates the new Accord and its new V6 at 21 miles per gallon in the city and 32 mpg on the highway. For a week of driving in mostly city traffic (but no rush hour), we averaged 22.1 mpg, good enough that we’d bet the new Accord coupe would make the 32-mpg highway number, maybe do a little better. Not a gas miser, but not a guzzler either. Almost perfect balance.
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getting into the act, but year in and year out, several brands rotate in and out of the top three. Honda is one of them, along with Toyota, Nissan, and our favorite overlooked dark horse, Mazda. In a sense, maybe in several senses, the new Honda Accord reflects the new balance in the domestic auto market, one car model that embodies both excess and frugality. At $33,140 the Accord EX-L coupe is a mid-size car with a mid-size price, mid-size performance and mid-size use of resources. But it is also an exceptional car in appearance, mixing driveway candy appeal with clean lines and V8 performance (278 horsepower from a 3.5-liter V6 with a six-speed automatic transmission).
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The new Honda Accord reflects the new balance in the domestic auto market, one car model that embodies both excess and frugality.
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ing gas-guzzlers, a trend that has modified somewhat in recent years, mostly by replacing cars that guzzle gas with SUVs that guzzle gas, all the while griping T. Q. Jones about the high cost of fuel. But though most of us went back to big cars, some of us did not, and all of us tended to remember how wellbuilt those imports were and thought about them when we decided to buy a small car as a second car or a car for the kids to take to college. The myth that Americans built the best cars in the world faded. What we have now is a better balanced car market in the U. S., and domestic auto makers are building cars as good as any in the world. But we still have our favorites, even if there is a wider selection overall of quality cars. Heck, even the South Koreans are
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Oak Hill Gazette
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 13
Arts and Entertainment
Million Dollar Quartet makes its Austin premiere at Bass Concert Hall Texas Performing Arts and Broadway Across America – Austin present TonyŽ Award winning musical, MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET from April 9 – 14, at Bass Concert Hall, 2350 Robert Dedman. Tickets are available at the Bass Concert Hall box office, all Texas Box Office Outlets, by phone at (512) 477-6060 or online at BroadwayinAustin.com. The international TonyŽ Award Winning musical, MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET is set on December 4, 1956, when an auspicious twist of fate brought Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley together. Sam Phillips, the “Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll� who was responsible for launching the careers of each icon, brought the four legendary musicians together at the Sun Records storefront studio in Memphis for the first and only time. The resulting evening became known as one of the greatest rock ‘n’ roll jam sessions in history. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET brings that legendary night to life with an irresistible tale of broken promises, secrets, betrayal and celebrations featuring an eclectic score of rock, gospel, R&B and country hits including; “Blue Suede Shoes,� “Fever,� “Sixteen Tons,� “Who Do
You Love?,� “Great Balls of Fire,� “Matchbox,� “Folsom Prison Blues,� “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On,� “Hound Dog,� and more. Portraying these icons are, James Barry as Carl Perkins, David Elkins as Johnny Cash, Ben Goddard as Jerry Lee Lewis, and Cody Slaughter as Elvis Presley. Vince Nappo plays the “Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll,� Sam Phillips. The cast also features Kelly Lamont as Dyanne, and musicians Billy Shaffer (Fluke, drums), and Corey Kaiser (Jay Perkins, bass). Rounding out the company is: Katie Barton, Austin Cook, Scott Moreau, John Michael Presney, David Sonneborn, and Billy Woodward. Ben Goddard is appearing with the permission of Actors’ Equity Association. The Producers grate-
fully acknowledge Actors’ Equity Association for its assistance of this production. The show is directed by Eric Schaeffer and features a book by Colin Escott and Floyd Mutrux. The design team includes: Derek McLane (scenic design), Howell Binkley (lighting design), Jane Greenwood (costume design), Kai Harada (sound design) and Chuck Mead (musical arrangements and supervision). Benjamin Goddard is appearing with the permission of Actors’ Equity Association. The Producers gratefully acknowledge Actors’ Equity Association for its assistance of this production. When the Broadway production Continued on page 23
The National Tour of Million Dollar Quartet. Photo: Paul Natkin
14 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Gazette Sports: AVTUJO t BPXJF t Crockett Student Athlete Spotlight sponsored by Oak Hill Body & Paint
Bianca Van Vlerah by Patrick Olson
The Crockett girls’ soccer team made the playoffs for the seventh consecutive year.
Another playoff year for Crockett by Patrick Olson Although many players were hurt during the season, the Crockett girls’ soccer team made the playoffs for the seventh consecutive year. “It was rough,” coach Ruben Botello said. “The kids came through. They got it together.” Cedar Park cruised to a 9-0 victory over the brown and gold crew in the first round of the postseason. The Lady Cougars played the entire 2013 campaign without Stephanie Rodriguez who led the team last year with 22 goals. Rodriguez sustained an ACL injury over the summer,
while senior defensive captain Jordan Leach suffered a concussion during the third game of the year and missed the remainder of the season. Sophomore Emily Guillen also had a concussion and Annahi Aviles was out of action for five games with a knee injury. The turning point for Botello’s warriors occurred when Crockett faced a formidable foe in Ann Richards. “We had six starters out,” the coach explained. “They are a strong team and we beat them 2-1. The girls played their hearts out. We focused on the skills the other players had
and we made adjustments with our attack and with the defense. We gained confidence from that game.” Seniors Jarely Salinas and Rose Santillan picked up the slack offensively for Botello. “Jarely was reliable offensively and Rose scored critical goals at critical times,” said the coach. The Lady Cougar defense remained strong with center mid-fielder delivering aggressive play and leading with exceptional passing. Five freshman earned considerable time on the field led by Mystee Altes who earned newcomer of the year honors in District 26-4A.
Maroons’ errors costly in loss to Chaps by Patrick Olson Miscues in the field proved costly for the Maroons, as Westlake topped Austin High 10-5 at Burger Field Thursday. “We didn’t play defense very well,” coach Glenn Bacak aptly stated. “We gave them a bunch of runs and you can’t do that.” Five Maroon errors overall in the game, including two in the third inning, helped the Chaps put multiple runs on the board. Austin High (12-7, 3-3) built an early 3-1 advantage in the bottom of the first frame. Mitch Matthews single to centerfield with two outs and Nicholas Perez drew a base on
balls. An infield single by Andrew Pate scored Matthews and moved Perez to the corner. Perez then scored on a Westlake (17-7, 5-1) throwing error and Juan Thompson, pinch running for Pate, crossed the plate following a double to center by James Rodman. The Chaps moved in front 6-3 with runs in the third and fourth innings before Austin High responded with a pair of runs in the bottom of the fifth. Haden Hunt walked to initiate the rally and later scored on a Richard Cunningham hard hit ground ball single to center. A sacrifice fly to right by Pate plated Cunningham.
Westlake added four insurance runs in the top of the seventh. Austin High now battles Lake Travis Thursday at Burger with first pitch set to be thrown at 5 p.m. “We’re going to try and get the taste of the last game out of our mouth,” the Austin High coach added. “I think we can compete with anybody.” Pasqual Perez may take the mound for the Maroons after the 6’1” right-handed starter threw a one-hitter striking out eleven Cavaliers in the previous encounter with Lake Travis. “We’ll see how he feels,” Bacak said.
Batting leadoff, Bianca Van Vlerah often ignites the offensive attack for the Bowie softball team. “Bianca is a leader on our team,” coach Cathie Johnson-Landers said. “She leads us in stolen bases and she works each day to get better at practice.” The positive vibes Bianca exudes helped the Lady Dawgs top Westlake recently to earn a tie for first place in district. A native of Austin, Bianca attended Casey Elementary before moving up to Bedichek Middle School where she also played Continued on next page
Bianca Van Vlerah
Haden Hunt
by Patrick Olson As the Austin High baseball team makes a run toward qualifying for the playoffs, Haden Hunt has returned to the lineup to provide speed on the base paths. “Haden is a leader on our team,” said coach Glenn Bacak. “He does everything you ask him to do and he dives, runs and works real hard in practice.” Haden suffered a hamstring injury during a dash to first base in a game versus Waco Midway. Now back to full speed, the speedy outfielder stole second base in a recent 10-5 loss to Westlake. Born in Lubbock, Haden attended Small Middle School where Continued on next page
Haden Hunt, Austin High
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Oak Hill Gazette
Student Athlete Spotlight: Van Vlerah Continued from p. 14
basketball and ran track. Van Vlerah played softball, basketball, volleyball and ran track as a freshman at Bowie before concentrating specifically on softball as a sophomore. She played second base until her senior year when a move to shortstop became necessary when friend Maddie Lionberger graduated and left for Georgia Tech. “We were constantly talking in practice,� Bianca added. “I want to be just as good as her.�
AQR (Advanced Quantitative Reasoning) instructor Mrs. Flick is Bianca’s favorite teacher at Bowie. “I learn the most in her class,� Van Vlerah noted. “She’s a really good teacher.� Bianca’s fondest athletic memory at Bowie occurred when she hit her first career home run against Westlake. Close friend and cousin Blaire Luna provides a positive influence for Van Vlerah. “She always pushes me to achieve my goals,� Bianca added.
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 15
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Following graduation, Van Vlerah will take her talent to Kilgore Junior College to help build a program that is currently in their first season of softball. A persistent positive attitude helped the Lady Dawgs earn a victory over the Chaps. “I am constantly up so my teammates can be up,� Van Vlerah said. “We were always positive. We played together as a team and picked each other up.� Bowie returns to action Thursday with a 5:30 p.m. tilt at Lake Travis.
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Student Athlete Spotlight: Haden Hunt Continued from p. 14
he also played wide receiver for the Cougar football team. Upon arriving at Austin High, Hunt sustained a broken arm playing baseball as a freshman, and fully recovered in time for his junior season on the varsity. Last year he worked as a designated hitter for the first half of the season before settling in left field. His favorite athletic moment
occurred last year when the Maroons beat first place Anderson with a late run. Academically, Haden’s fondest event in the classroom took place recently when he earned a B+ on a pre-calculus exam after missing class time with the baseball team participating in tournaments. Hunt enjoys working with the PALS (Peer Assisted Learning Strategies) pro-
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gram. “We mentor kids at Rosedale and Zilker,â€? he explained. “It’s done wonders for me and it is an enlightening experience. It is something I may do after finishing school‌work with kids.â€? Haden’s older brother Truman played baseball for the Maroons and his older sister Mason competed on the Austin High girls’ lacrosse club. The youngest of three children born to Diane and Trent Hunt, Haden has important advice for younger pupils aspiring to play varsity sports in high school. “Put your family first, your faith second and then academics and your teammates,â€? he stated. “Sports and academics go hand in hand because if you don’t pass, you don’t play.â€?
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16 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Did your trip to the lake send you off the deep end?
Austin High wins a thriller on PK’s On Thursday, March 28th, girls Varsity won 5A bi-district after a victory over Westwod HS in a 100-minute nail-biter that went to two overtimes and then into PKs. Westwood took
an early lead and held on to it until the Lady Maroons tied the game with less than 10 minutes to go. After two 10-minute overtimes, Austin and Westwood were still tied and
moved into penalty kicks where the Maroons prevailed. They will now move into the second round, Area playoffs, late in the week against Humble Kingwood.
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Action from Austin High’s win over Westwood 5-3 on penalty kicks after fighting to a 1-1 tie and two overtimes. Photo: Elise Schram.
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Oak Hill Gazette
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 17
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9217 Hwy 290 W, #140 6101 West William Cannon Drive #305, Austin Tx. 78749 512-301-7473 512-584-8061 Summer Dance Workshops— Weekly Dance each Ages 4-16...$135.00 for weekIntensives long camp 9-3 Monday-Friday out on10-12 Facebook at Sacred ArtsAges Studio13 & day. Ages 7-9 — June Check 12-16;usAges — June 19-23. up — June 26-30.
during the summer with different exciting themes Oak Hill Drumweek Studio
each by week so thatPro you may enroll your child in one Expert Music Instruction Austin Musicians or more weeks. Each day of camp is three hours long 7003 Pinto Cove, Austin TX 78736 with a limit of 12 per camp so your child will receive an 512-964-6778 www.david-mendoza.com abundance of attention and guidance from professional art Buck Mayers Golf Academy Studio or on-site music lessons educators with and yearsworkshops of experience. (Located at The Golf Club at Circle C) Ages 9 to Adult – Beginners welcomed – No contracts Dream of Hopes Ranch Rates: Please call for rates, gift certificates available Academic 7401Therapy Hwy 45 Center Austin, Texas 78739 YMCA of Austin “A Special Place for Special People” Stonegate512.301-2932 II, 2500 William Cannon Blvd Unit 101 Learn to play the Drums, Guitar, Bass,Hays or Sax at your own pace! 22 locations in Travis, & Bastrop Counties 4515 Keota Drive, Austin, TX 78749 Austin, Texas 78745 Ages 5 – 14 features 2 drum sets, advanced audio for further informationOur spacious studio 512-236-9622 ssions (512) 330-4222 Schedule and price list on website: www.512-791-0160 www.austinymca.org recording/playback facilities, and fun! www.dreamofhopesranch.org ptions, www.academictherapycenter.com buckmayersgolfacademy.com $155-$210 per week Ages 8 to adult Grades K-8 Studio e Summer Camps Weekly sessions June 3 – Aug. 23. Locations include Oak teach theinbasic golf in Give yourWe childwill an advantage August!skills Build of reading anda fun and structured Hill UMC, Baranoff and Kocurek Elementary Schools. 7612-F Hwy 71 W environment. Regardless of skill level or age, we have the right fit. a nominal fee. June 4 thru Aug. 10. Teen/adult only camp writing skills this summer. Small groups, multi-sensory 512-301-1600 www.studioeaustin.com week of July 9. Camps for spelling, comprehension, study skills You learning. building A camp for mild to moderate special needs childrenCamp: and June & more! Circle C Tennis Club Documentary 5 – 16,activities. two groups: ages 10 – 13, and 14 – 17; adults who are emotionally and physically well. Behavior 7401 Highway 45 - Austin, TX 78739 Summer Musical Camp: July 5 – 21st, ages 12 and up; Summer Cabaret s must be within our guidelines; no biting or hitting. Field boot camp review. July 19 – 30, ages 13 and up; Austin 301-8685 Sports Academy Soccer Camp Camp: An all-singing ents, $20/ 275 Lotus4Circle, Austin 78737 yrs old andTxup, beginners through Tournament players Summer Short Play Program: August 9th – 25th, ages 13 and up; Summer motor skills, learning safety, how to express our feelings, ssons 512-382-6952 Schedules, Registration and Fees can be found in the website: job training skills and much more London Theater Trip for ages 14 and up, see website for details. www.austinsportsacademy.com www.circlectennis.com full day, $150 half day cks ran Cost: on $225Day& weekly sessions available divisions.KidsActing General ratio isStudio 6 players to Zion Rest Missionary Baptist Church Austin Sports Academy offers soccer campsper for age all levels. 1 pro. Instructors areskills certified Professionals. Camps are open to both 3326 Paisano Trail 14 Locations! Each week offersAlldifferent soccer andTennis techniques. Circle C Tennis Club members and non-members who reside in(5437) the area. 512-836-KIDS Great way to improve your skills over the summer. 892-2682 or 892-8880 www.zionrestvbs.com c www.kidsactingstudio.com Summer Day Camp: May 30-August 11, 7 am-6pm Mad Science Summer Camp 2006 Ages 4-19, price varies th Brandy Perryman Shooting Camp grade $70 per week Kindergarten-6 FUN! Award-winning camps in 14 locations across Central Half and full day camps for ages 4 to 12 PO Box 40354 Austin, TX 78704 Texas. One and two week camps! Full-Scale Productions, Breakfast, lunch & snacks. qualified staff, loving Christian environment, Multiple Locations 512-799-8891 h. Musicals, Plays, Star Wars, ZOMBIES, Peter Pan, Annie, Bible based curriculum, weekly field trips, computer based learning, 892-1143 www.madscienceaustin.com noon orwww.bperrymanshootingcamp.com all Sound of Music and More! Imagine a room filled with happy children “Learning Science” in an Ages 7-16, $215 per session TAKS tutorial, arts & crafts, fun Fridays. n website. BPSC is ainformal 4-day, shooting intensivecamp basketball for and sparks curiosity. That Mad Science that camp entertains Oak Hill Drum Studio - Drumset Boot and is girls. take in developing campers theWe goal ofgreat Madpride Science, a company providing after-school classes, er boys Camp and for birthday Beginners to their fullest potential by providing a positive, upbeat special expe- events, summer camps, in-school workshops, parties Located one mile west of the “Y” in the Scenic Brook rience through positive competition and individualized drills. for children in central Texas. Some topics children explore are robots, neighborhood rocketry, engineering, chemistry, physics and tons more. www.oakhilldrumstudio.com 512-964-6778 Child’s Way Creative Learning Center david@oakhilldrumstudio.com 27: Circus 7212 OakWhite Meadow Drive Ages 9 yrs.Kid’s to Adult Club Bird Montessori Adventure ly Luau.288-0802 www.childsway.com Cost: $350/week or $110/day Promoting stewardship of the earth, independence, positive ys Infants-10 years Hours: Monday Friday 11:00 am - 1:00 pm self-esteem, creativity lots ofonfun! Price: $155-$240 per two week sessionand depending Learn to play the Drums this summer! Camps are private Austin TX 78748 512-291-0090 number of900 daysManchaca, and age of child. with pro-level drumsets and all practice time years, -July Aug. 28 1) 4 themedAges 2 week6-12 sessions (fromMay June 30 3 through included. No experience necessary. and one 1$150/week, week session (August 5-8) Dr. Seuss, Safari $540 month Campers learn basic Rock beats, Journey, Wilderness Adventure, Pirate Treasures Ride a horse, catch a fish, paintand a masterpiece, shoot picture, music notes, and aplay to music in Tiarasthe and woods, Le Chef Academy, Choose 2, 3 or 4 ympic Ar-Princess hike tour the museum, hunt for fossils, garde, as little as one week! day/week programs. 9am-1pm with early and late hours amp. 15,000 drama, crafts swimming, native flora & fauna studies, Native available. American & Western lore.
This Summer Guide will be published in every issue through June 2013. Call us at 301-0123
your camp or activity here. Call us at 301-0123 to find out how to list your camp or activity here.
18 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Religious Services ASSEMBLY OF GOD
New Life Assembly of God 7612 Cooper Lane, Austin. 78745 (Between Wm. Cannon and Dittmar) Call: 445-5433 Pastor: Charlie Hilburn Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30am; Worship & Children’s Church 10:30am; Prayer and Worship Service 6pm Wednesday Services: 7:00pm Kidtastic! * Missio Dei Youth Ministry * Adult Class newlifeaustin@agchurches.org www.newlifeaustin.org connecting...growing...reaching
St. Catherine of Siena 4800 Convict Hill Rd. 78749 892-2420 Pastor Rev. Patrick Coakley Weekend Masses: Sat. 5pm, Sun 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, 5pm Weekday Masses: Mon-Fri. 12noon, Sat. 9am, Tues & 1st Fri 7pm
Masjid Ibrahim Islamic Center Religious Services/Youth & Children Activities 1701 W Ben White Blvd. Bldg. #3 512-693-2924 Friday Sermon @ 1:00 PM Mosque open 7 days for 5 daily prayers Check Mosque website for prayer timings and weekend programs www.masjidibrahim.org Email: admin@masjidibrahim.org
BAPTIST Bee Cave Baptist Church 13222 Hwy. 71W (at Hwy. 620) 263-5058 Pastor: Rev. Jim Roquemore Services: Sun. 10:45am & 6:30pm, Sunday School 9:30am Children’s church available Sun. am Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 7 pm First Baptist Church of Oak Hill 6907 Convict Hill Rd 78749 288-7570 Pastor: Rob Satterfield Services: Sun. 10:50am & 6:00pm Bible Study Sun. 9:30am Wednesday Prayer 6:45pm www.fbcoakhill.org
CHURCH OF CHRIST Western Hills Church of Christ 6211 Parkwood Drive 892-3532 www.westernhillscoc.com whcc@westernhillscoc.com Sunday Services:9am Bible Classes (all ages),10am Worship (with Children’s Church) Evening - groups & worship alternat-ing weeks Wednesday: 7pm Worship, classes for all ages, 6pm Meal together We have an inspiring and Bibli-cally rich worship service, a very active Youth Ministry and a growing Children’s Ministry! “We are... a place to believe, a place to belong, a place to call home”
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 11819 So. IH-35 (exit #223, FM 1327; take north access road 1.1 mile) 282-5631 www.stalbansaustin.org Seeking the transformation of lives through sharing God’s love and grace Rector: The Rev. Margaret Waters Services: 9 a.m. Come & See! (Blended worship w/ sermon & Holy Eucharist) 10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour 10:15 a.m. Christian Formation for All Ages (Please go to the website for more details) 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II 12:45 p.m. Coffee Hour Children’s Chapel at both services, and professional nursery from 8:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Youth Group, Sundays 4-6 p.m. Bible Study, Thursdays 9:30-11 a.m.
Chittamani Buddhist Center Without Inner Peace, Outer Peace is Impossible. Classes and meditation currently on the 4 Noble Truths. Every Sunday 9:30am -11 am Everyone welcome www.MeditationInAustin.org 1918 Bissel Lane, 78745 (off Manchaca) 512-916-4444
St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church 8724 Travis Hills Dr. 78735 (between Southwest Parkway and Old Bee Caves Road) 288-0128 www.stchristopher.net Rector: The Rev. Bo Townsend Services: Holy Communion at 10am Sundays; Children’s Chapel at 10 am Christian Ed. 9am (Sept. 10-May 20) Seeking God’s Truth, Sharing God’s Love
Hill Country Baptist Church 6902 Scenic Brook Dr. 78736 Church office: 288-1372 Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday Worship: 11 am Worship, Music & Prayer Visitors are welcome! Oak Hill Primitive Baptist Church 11408 Camp Ben McCulloch Rd. Pastor: Elder Richard Halbgewachs Church: 288-4994 Pastor: 894-4105 Services: Every Sun. 10:30am
Sitagu Buddha Vihara 9001 Honeycomb Dr. 78737 (4 miles west of the “Y”). We are a monastery, meditation center, community center, education center and home of a beautiful Burmese pagoda. Daily activities. sitagu.org/austin/, (512)301-3968 sitaguvihara@yahoo.com.
HINDU TEMPLE Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani Temple Radha Madhav Dham, 400 Barsana Road, Austin, Texas 78737 (FM 1826, 7 miles from 290 W) 288-7180 Sunday Services: 11:00am- 12:30pm; 7:30-9:30pm Visiting hours: 8:1510am & 3-5pm daily
LUTHERAN Abiding Love Lutheran Church 7210 Brush Country, 78749 892-4040 Sr. Pastor:Lynnae Sorensen Assoc. Pastor: Brad Highum Sunday Services: 8:30am and 11am Sunday School 9:45 am Children’s Center 892-2777 M-F, 7:00am-6:00pm Food Pantry-Monday, 1:30-3:30pm info@abidinglove.org www.abidinglove.org Bethany Lutheran Church “Where Jesus Meets His Friends” 3701 West Slaughter Lane (next to Bowie High School) 292-8778 email: info@blcms.org Pastor: Rev. William B. Knippa Assoc. Pastor: Rev. Kevin D. Lentz Sun. Worship Services: 8am (Trad.) 9:30 & 11:00 am (Blended Traditional & Contemporary Music) 6:00 p.m. (Contemporary Praise) Sunday School & Bible Study: 9:30am Nursery During Services Bethany Preschool, Mon & Wed program, Tues & Thur program www.blcms.org Holy Cross Lutheran Church 4622 S. Lamar 892-0516 Rev. Magdalene Holm-Roesler, Pastor Services: 10:00 am Sunday Study Hour: 9:00 am Sunday Fellowship & Coffee after services Adult and Children’s Sun. School hclcaustin.org You’re always welcome here. Mt. Olive Lutheran Church 10408 Hwy 290 West (4 miles from the “Y” in Oak Hill) 512-288-2370 info@ConnectwithJesus.org www.Mt.OliveAustin.org Pastors: Paul Meyer and Ben Braun Services: 8 am traditional and 10:30 am contemporary. Education Hour: 9:15-10:15 am Preschool: 18 months to Pre-K, Preschool Phone: 512-288-2330 Full and part-time hours. Risen Savior Lutheran Church-WELS 2811 Aftonshire Way 78748 280-8282 Rev. Paul Kuehn, pastor Services: Sunday Worship— 9:30am
Sunday School/Bible Classes for all ages, Sunday— 11:00am; Thursday Night Worship— 7:00 pm www.risensavioraustin.net
METHODIST Berkeley United Methodist Church 2407 Berkeley Ave. (1 block north of W. Cannon between Westgate & Manchaca Rd.) 447-6633 www.berkeleyumc.org Rev. Jeanne Devine Services: 8:30am, 10:50am Sunday School: 9:40am (classes from nursery to retirees) Child Care Center 443-3509 Infants, toddlers, preschool and after-school care hrs: 7am to 6pm Oak Hill United Methodist Church 7815 Hwy. 290 W. 78736 288-3836 Rev. Jim Roberts, Rev. Pam Sheffield, and Rev. Stella Burkhalter Services: 8:45, 10 & 11:15am (Interpreted for the deaf at 11:15 service) Sunday School: 10 & 11:15am Children’s Sunday School: 8:45, 10 & 11:15am Youth group: 5pm www.oakhillumc.org open hearts, open minds, open doors! Manchaca United Methodist Church Open hearts, Open minds, Open doors! 1011 FM 1626 (SE corner of FM 1626 & Manchaca Rd) www.ManchacaUMC.org; office@ ManchacaUMC.org; 512.282.7274 Pastors: Rev. Laura Adam, Rev. Tracey Beadle Sunday Schedule: 8:30 am – Traditional Worship with Communion in the Sanctuary. 9:45 am - Sunday School; adult, youth and children. 11:00 am - Traditional Worship and Hymns in the Sanctuary. 11 am - Life on the Road - Casual Praise Service in the Family Life Center. 4 pm - High school & Middle school youth programs including tutoring Wednesday Worship: 6:00 am Individual Prayer and Meditation with Communion
NON - DENOMINATIONAL Cowboy Church of the Hill Country 8305 Sharl Cove (slightly south of intersection of Loop 45 and Camp Ben McCulloch Road) 587-2242 Services: Sunday 10 a.m. www.cowboychurchhc.org facebook.com/Cowboy ChurchHC info@cowboychurchhc.org We do things the Cowboy way! LifeAustin 8901 W Hwy 71 78735 Phone: 512-220-6383 Lead Pastor: Randy Phillips
Sun. Services: 9 am Celebration Service, 11 am Celebration Service Wed Services: 7 pm Life University, 7 pm Student Life LifeAustin is a Bible Church - a cosmopolitan community of healing and hope. We are all about connecting people to Christ and to each other. Southwest Hills Community Church 7416 Hwy 71 W, 78735 288-8000 Services: 9:30 and 11 am Children’s Ministry: 9:30 and 11 am CRAVE Ministry: Middle/High School 6 pm www.shcc.net info@shcc.net SHCC exists to create environments to help people Love God, fully Follow Christ and Serve Others Unity Church of Austin 5501Hwy 290 West, 78735 (512) 892-3000 unity@unitychurchaustin.org Rev. Analea Rawson Service 11:00 pm “Our God is love,our race is human and our religion is oneness.” www.unitychurchaustin.org
ORTHODOX St. Sophia Orthodox Church 225 Rose Dr. in Dripping Springs Fr. Peter Smith, Pastor 512) 638-0721 / pcmsmith@hotmail. com (Fr. Peter’s email) www.stsophiachurch.us Services: Sundays- 8:45 a.m. Orthros (Matins) & 10:00 a.m. Divine LiturgyWednesdays- 7:00 p.m. Daily Vespers or other special services according to the season Saturdays- 5:45 pm. Ninth Hour & 6:00 pm Great Vespers and Confession Special feast day services as announced All services are in English and visitors are always welcome. The Orthodox Church is the original, historic, pre-denominational Church of the New Testament. Please join us for worship soon!
PRESBYTERIAN Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church 5226 W William Cannon 78749 Pastor Larry W. Coulter; Assoc. Pastors Michael Killeen, Britta Dukes Worship Schedule: 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Shepherd of the Hills Brodie Campus at the corner of Brodie Ln. & Hewitt Ln. 12420 Hewitt Lane 78748 Ted Thulin, Campus Pastor Worship Schedule: 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Web site: www.shpc.org
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April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 19
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Oak Hill Gazette
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 21
Civic Agenda Continued from p. 21 CASE NUMBER: C14-2013-0018. Applications for a plan amendment and zoning change have been received for property located at 6110 Hill Forest Drive within the Oak Hill Combined Neighborhood Plan (East Oak Hill). The applicant has requested a change in the future land use map (FLUM) from     SINGLE FAMILY to HIGHER DENSITY SINGLE FAMILY. The applicant has requested to change the zoning from SF-3- NP (Family Residence-Neighborhood Plan) to SF-5-CO-NP (Urban Family Residence-Conditional Overlay -Neighborhood Plan). The conditional overlay is for a maximum of 8 dwelling units and 2000 car trips a day. The League of Women Voters Austin Area presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Funding Texas Public Schoolsâ&#x20AC;? Tuesday, April 9, 7:00 pm 7917 West Rim Drive, 78731 (Home of Judy and Ed Parken) Open to the public. LWVAAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own Gwen Santiago draws from her deep and rich experience with public school funding to provide us with a sobering yet entertaining and interactive approach to explain the whys and hows of the current system of funding public education in Texas. You will be given a substantive document containing many questions, answers, and references.
GwenSantiago is executive director of the Texas Association of School Business Officials. She has decades of experience in school finance, including being the chief financial officer of one of the largest school districts in Texas. Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods Wednesday, April 10 at 7:00 pm Austin Community College, Pinnacle Campus, 10th floor The Oak Hill Association of Neighborhoods (OHAN) is an umbrella group of Southwest Austin neighborhood associations who meet regularly to promote positive change and provide an advocate force for Southwest Austin.
tions to all of our locations at www. traviscountytax.org. t .BJM BO BQQMJDBUJPO BOE NBLF TVSF the US postmark shows April 11th or earlier. Find applications at area post offices, libraries or at www.traviscountytax.org. t (P POMJOF UP IUUQ XXX TUBUF UY VT /"4"QQ TPT 404"$.BOBHFS UP update your name or address if you have moved within Travis County.
Open Government Symposium Focusing on legislation, litigation, ethics/compliance programs April 17, 8:15 am - 4:30 p.m. Austin City Hall, 301 W. Second St. The City of Austin will host its first Open Government Symposium April 17 featuring legal experts discussing Voter Registration deadline for next open government issues including election is April 11 legislation, litigation, trends and the Register to vote for the May 11, 2013 role of an ethics and compliance General Election by April 11th, 2013. program in supporting government If you have moved since the last time transparency. The event is free and you voted, you must update your voter open to the public and attending atregistration record. Travis County torneys can receive Continuing Legal voters can review their current voter Education credit at no cost. registration record online at www. The symposiumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s purpose is to not traviscountytax.org, or they may only focus on the legal requirements contact the Voter Registrarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office by for municipal open government, but telephone at (512) 854-9473. on how the law is changing and how How can you register or make changes it is being addressed by members of to your voter registration? the community. t $PNF JO QFSTPO UP POF PG UIF Ä&#x2022;WF Opening remarks will be provided by tax office locations during business Mayor Lee Leffingwell. The agenda inhours. Find maps and driving direc- cludes six panel discussions. An RSVP
is requested to symposium@austintexas.gov. For more information contact Sabine Romero at (512) 974-2518 or sabine.romero@austintexas.gov. Website to provide information on the Citizens Redistricting process To widely publicize the Citizens Redistricting process, the City Auditor has created â&#x20AC;&#x153;10-ONE: Austinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Districting Portalâ&#x20AC;? that contains information on the Citizen Redistricting process, including background information, applicant qualifications and news. The public can find this portal BU XXX BVTUJOUFYBT HPW POF City posts Council Questions/Answers online for all to see If you have a question about an item on the City Council agenda, chances are a Council Member is asking the same question. The new â&#x20AC;&#x153;City Council Question and Answer Reportâ&#x20AC;? is now online and includes all Council Membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; questions with City staff responses for the public to see. Questions are posted when submitted.  As answers are developed, they also are placed online, allowing immediate access to up-to-date information for the Council and the public. The question-and-answer process was developed to allow Council Members to reach out to City staff for clarification of Council agenda items. Ä&#x2021;F SFQPSU DBO CF GPVOE BU IUUQ BVT-
UJOUFYBT HPW EFQBSUNFOU DJUZ DPVODJM DPVODJM NFFUJOHT Volunteer with the Travis County Sheriff â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office- Victim Services Unit Volunteers with the Victim Services Unit of the Travis County Sheriff â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Office assist Victim Services staff on the front lines of crisis intervention! They provide immediate response to victims of various criminal and crisis circumstances. Volunteers must complete a comprehensive training program AND must be accompanied on a series of call outs before they can begin taking calls on their own. The monthly requirement is 4 four-hour shifts per month (16 hours). During these shifts, volunteers are â&#x20AC;&#x153;on-callâ&#x20AC;? and must be prepared to respond to a request for assistance immediately. Volunteers must be of excellent moral standing and have the sensitivity and self-awareness required to provide effective assistance to those in crisis. Volunteers must be 21 or older, have a reliable vehicle and have a working cell phone. They must also be able to attend the required three week training (Mondays 6pm-9pm, Thursdays 6pm-9pm, Saturdays 9am-5pm for three consecutive weeks). For more information, please contact the TCSO Victim Services Volunteer Coordinator at kelly. sheridan@co.travis.tx.us or 512- 854-4334.
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22 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Monument to neighbors helping neighbors Continued from p. 1
impact was the fact that Henric’s house was not covered by insurance. For those who didn’t experience the tragic fire, it may be difficult to imagine such a scene while driving along the winding Scenic Brook hills on yet another sunny day in April, two years later. The neighborhood is just about done with rebuilding and Lilly Henric’s house, reconstructed from the ground up with the help of many new friends, is standing once again. A volunteer re-building effort that was started by Henric’s neighbors— some worked through searing 100 degree summer heat—culminated in Henric moving back into her rebuilt home last year. Money raised by the Oak Hill Wildfire Relief Committee (residents of South Windmill Run and Scenic Brook neighborhoods) not only went into Henric’s house, but was also distributed to other neighbors devastated by the fire. Last April, on the one-year anniversary of the fire, a group of residents launched the beginning stages of what will symbolize the spirit of the fire survivors and the friends and neighbors that rallied around them in their time of need. “The Phoenix Rising,” a six by ten foot wall adorned with painted ceramic tiles decorated by Oak Hill residents, Austin students and police and fire departments, will be unveiled
at Windmill Run Park at a May 5 dedication ceremony. Keep Austin Beautiful wrote a $2,500 grant for the project and Westar Construction donated the concrete. Fayez Kazi of Civiltude Engineers and Planners donated the plans and schematics for the wall. “It’s going to be a permanent reminder of how wonderful people are after a destructive kind of element like fire,” said Kathy Morgan, one of the lead artists working on the project. “It brought a lot of tragedy to the neighborhood but what’s really awesome is how we now have a bunch of new friends. They live in our hearts.” Morgan, an Oak Hill resident since 1997, said neighbors helping one another in the aftermath of destruction had a profound impact on the community. “I think it became apparent that people without insurance had more than they thought they did. At first I think it must feel empty and devastating and hollow and you don’t have anything, but I think over the months Lilly began to realize what she gained,” Morgan said. “I know that all of us who helped gained a lot because we have increased friends and neighborhood togetherness and I think that Lilly realized that she didn’t need the corporations and the insurance companies to help rebuild—we just needed each other. That was really a beautiful thing.” Call toll-free: 1-888-773-1664
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Henric, who also serves as a lead artist on the project, said she hopes the monument serves as a reminder of the kindness shown to her and fellow victims of the fire. “It’s not so much remembering the trauma, but rather how in bad times people do lend a hand, people do care about each other and show it—because sometimes you forget,” Henric said. “I hope it brings a smile to everybody, remembering the good that came out of that incident.” Wanda Montemayor, an art therapist and school counselor, said Morgan came to her because of her work on a mosaic mural at the Deep Eddy pool. “It started out as an idea of how can you keep their items and their spirits,” Montemayor said. “They wanted to take the images and the belongings of the people and I said well, ‘how can we translate that into something that’s more lasting?’” Montemayor listened to the stories and ideas of the fire victims and the design for the mosaic began taking shape. “From there it’s blood, sweat and tears and dedication and weekend workshops over and over making tiles,” Montemayor said. Participants were encouraged to design tiles that expressed their emotions throughout the fire and in the weeks and months after. Henric’s tile features a house with wide, fearing eyes, representing her reaction during the fire destruction of April 17, 2011. “The stories come out,” said Connie
“It’s going to be a permanent reminder of how wonderful people are after a destructive kind of element like fire.” — Kathy Morgan, one of the lead artists working on the project. Justice, an Oak Hill resident and artist. “At first they’re intimidated by the art but then once they sit down and start making it the story starts flowing.” Justice was potting flowers in her yard the day of the fire. Within moments, the sky turned orange and started raining ash. “It didn’t look like our house was going to survive,” Justice said. “The fireman told us that we were about 10 minutes from all of this being gone.” Morgan said she also feared the worse. “The last thing I did before I left this house is I kissed the door goodbye and said thank you for protecting us,” Morgan said. “I really felt like I was saying goodbye.” Even though her house survived, Morgan said the fear and uneasiness has yet to subside. “We have fire boxes now,” Morgan said, referring to a box of possessions to save in the event of a fire. “When we went to Savannah a few weeks ago for spring break we told the person if something happens to our house we have the fire box to take now.” Henric said the painful loss of her
home and belongings resulted in lifelong friendships with neighbors, such as Kathy Morgan. “Kathy was one of the first people that showed up at my house,” Henric said. “Everything was just such a mess and she was in here pulling out things—the muddy, God-awful carpeting. That was my first contact with her, pulling carpet out of the house.” If “The Phoenix Rising” represents Oak Hill’s regeneration in the aftermath of destruction, Henric is a living example. “In the first few days I felt like the world had ended. When you’re my age you kind of weed things out of your life and what you have left is what’s really meaningful to you. To have all of that in a pile of ashes and muck, it’s just devastating,” Henric said. “To be able to be in my house again thanks to Kathy’s efforts and the community, and be able to give a little bit back of all that was given to me is just a soul-saver. “The year of rebuilding and the demolition and the efforts that went into getting my house back, I cherish it.”
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Arts and Entertainment
Million Dollar Quartet makes its Austin premiere at Bass Concert Hall Continued from p. 13 opened in April 2010, critics and audiences leapt to their feet in unanimous praise. The New York Times called the show, â&#x20AC;&#x153;a buoyant new musical that whips the crowd into a frenzy,â&#x20AC;? New York Magazine labeled it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;a dazzling raucous spectacle
that sounds like a million bucks,â&#x20AC;? and NY1 called it, â&#x20AC;&#x153;90 minutes of platinum grade entertainment.â&#x20AC;? The musical continued its successful New York engagement at New World Stages through June 2012. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET won a Tony AwardÂŽ for Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a
Musical and received a Tony AwardÂŽ nomination for Best Musical and Best Book of a Musical (Colin Escott & Floyd Mutrux). The show received an Outer Critics Circle Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical, a Drama Desk nomination for Outstanding Musical Revue and three Drama League nominations
including Distinguished Production of a Musical and Distinguished Performance. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET is produced by Relevant Theatricals, John Cossette Productions, American Pop Anthology and Broadway Across America. For more information, please visit the official MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET website at www.MillionDollarQuartetLive.com TEXAS PERFORMING ARTS is situated on the main campus of one of the largest and most prestigious research universities in the country; Texas Performing Arts serves
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 23 The University of Texas at Austin campus and the Austin community at large through a diverse season of world-class fine arts performances, educational activities, and collaborative partnerships. BROADWAY ACROSS AMERICA, part of the Key Brand Entertainment family of companies which includes Broadway.com, is owned and operated by British theatre producer John Gore (CEO) and entertainment industry veteran Thomas B. McGrath (Chairman). Broadway Across America presents first-class touring musicals and plays across 40 North American cities.
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WELDER: Foster Wheeler, a DRIVERS:LOCAL ROUTES. 11 22 1133 11 10 9 11 22 33 44 55 6 7 8 ACROSS STATEBaby/house/pet OF NEW MEXICO sitting We’re lookinginfor a few good- covered! global leader power systems ACROSS STATE OFOF NEW MEXICO 1- Motionless COUNTY BERNALILLO ADA/PARATRANSIT ANDandNON-EMERGENCY 16 sectors is searching Strong employees! Work for alongside 1144 15 odd jobs. College student1. Motionless 1- Sound of a horse COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 6- Mimicked TIG Welder’s who are highly moknowledgeable, alert groundsmen, SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 6. Mimicked 6Practice pugilism working to pay tuition. Reliable, No. D-202-CV-2012-01354 CDL-A 6 months exp. & operate 10 MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION DRIVERS 1 10-Bog Cries of discovery 1177 11 88 1 99 tivated and to join No. D-202-CV-2012-01354 climbers, andexperienced technicians who are 10responsible, punctual. Please call10. Cries of discovery 14Els with tees THE VILLAS ASSOCIATION, INC. , our newest fabrication facility in 14- Home Culkin movie passionate about treestoand their clients Mallorey, (512) for , re-14. Els 2 Looking for drivers transport toMexico and from299-7188 designated THE ASSOCIATION, INC. 2200 1Gazette July 12-July 22 2 with ______; tees a NewVILLAS nonprofit corporation, Oak2 1Hill2 December McGregor, Full-time perma15-Villainous Network ofcharacter nerves in ...Oak Hill Gazette 6- December25... 19, 23 2012... 25 15Established community news- sume proper care. TX. We offer competitive a Newand Mexico nonprofit corporation, references. Plaintiff, 15. Network of nerves locations. Must be able to pass MVR/Background. Must be nent positions. Please fax resumes 16Ad word Shakespeare's "Othello" 2 5 2 4 2 3 Plaintiff, paper seeks experienced sales vs. 23 24 25 toable 908-730-4153 attn John Rambo vs. license word 17-From Staggers 16PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH; and to pass drug screen. Must have had driver’s for 16. Ad BABYSITTING representative to handle print rmcpherson@bartlett.com. PATRICK SMITH; andLP or apply at www.fwc.com 33 16 33 05 29 28 21 7 26 BAC HOMEMICHAEL LOANS SERVICING, 17parthistory 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 18-Cartoon Like some and online advertisers. This is a BACCOUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP 17. Staggers fka HOME LOANS 18Demeanor RELIABLE BABYSITTING 19- Very, in Versailles fka COUNTRYWIDE HOME flexible, work from part or some history SERVICING, LP, LOANS 18. Like Drivers: O/Ops. Homehome, Most Foster Nights! 36 35 34 33 more information. QUALITY CONTROL: 3372 38 39 FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE TRAINING PROVIDED 19Blind part Been putting off that “date night” SERVICING, LP, 20Probability a California Limited Partnership, full-time job. Candidates must be Steady Work, Excellent Plus 19. Very, in Versailles Wheeler, a global leader Pay in power a California Limited Partnership, 20Defendants. 23-Slowpoke Cornerstone abbr. 40 39 38 Fuel/Tire Discounts. 2yr Exp, outgoing, organized and self-mo4307 41 42 LeFleur Transportation systems sectors is 24yoa, searching for Defendants. 20. Probability 21Yielded PUBLIC NOTICES 24Female gametes HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ODD JOBS/BABYSITTING Good MVR. Call 877-606-8231 tivated. Reliable transportation, NOTICE OF SUIT Quality Control Specialist who 23- Weep 1834 Ferguson Ln., #100 43 42 am I dependable, butSUIT also prompt,23. Cornerstone NOTICE OF 4431 44 45 25- Salt Lake Cityabbr. athlete is highly motivated experiinternet access andand computer 25- Actor Chaney For job postings and link to required online application, 24. Female gametes Austin, TX 78754 THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO safety-conscious and most of all, 26Call out WELDER: Foster Wheeler, a enced to join our newest fabriDRIVERS:LOCAL ROUTES. skills are also necessary. Great 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 3 2 47 49 6 45 41 4 26Shooting marbles Established community newsTHE STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENplease visit our Human Resources webpage: ACROSS 46 47 48 Across Salt Lake City athlete STATE OF NEW MEXICO 512-551-4103 (Tel) global leader power systems 27False show cation facility in McGregor, TX.- covered! Baby/house/pet sitting25. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED Oak Hill Gazette Ju income potential for the right 29Biting DANT PATRICK MICHAELDEFENSMITH paper seeks experienced sales ...Oak Hill Gazette December 6 1- Motionless COUNTY OF BERNALILLO 16 15 14 at Texas State, so please call26. 1. Motionless sectors isPlease searching for Strong DANT PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH 52 51 50 49 48 Must have experience with NDT tuition 32One telling tales Call out and odd jobs. College student 512-551-4101 (Fax) 32Exploits person. email resume 49 50 51 52 representative to handle print SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT 6- Mimicked http://www.dsisd.txed.net/index.aspx?nid=84 GREETINGS: TIG Welder’s who arepermanent moTesting. for my or to set up an27. 35Fraud 6. Mimicked working to pay tuition. Reliable, 37Source of iron No.references D-202-CV-2012-01354 False show CDL-A 6 Full-time months exp. &highly operate 10 to advertising@oakhillgazette. and online advertisers. This is to a GREETINGS: 17 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that 51 79 56 51 58 54 53 10- Hard Crieswater of discovery tivated and experienced to join positions. Please fax resumes interview (512) 892-0672 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 3638Western Indians responsible, punctual. Please call 10. Cries of discovery YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that com. telling tales the above-named Defendant, The Villas 32. One flexible, work from home, part or 14-Beginning Els with tees THE VILLAS ASSOCIATION, , our newest fabrication in Department 908-730-4153 attnTransportation Johnfacility Rambo Contact the for more details the above-named Defendant, TheINC. Villas 3937Sending signals everywhere Association., has filed a Cross-Claim forre-14. Els Mallorey, (512) 299-7188 for 2 2 2 1 2 0 6 0 5 9 5 8 with tees full-time job. Candidates must be a New Mexico corporation, McGregor, Full-time perma62 63 64 15-Long-distance Network of nerves or applyDedicated at TX. www.fwc.com Association., hasnonprofit filedin a Cross-Claim for 35. Fraud HOUSECLEANING Drivers: Regional FlatDebt and Money Due the above action Established community news40shooting? 41Man-mouse link sume and references. Plaintiff, LEGAL NOTICE outgoing, organized and self-moLEGAL NOTICE Debt and Money Due in the above action 15. Network ofhandle nerves nent positions. Please fax resumes in which you are named as a defendant in 36. Hard water 16Ad word bed Fleet. Home every weekend & 2 35 2 4 2 3 43Having a 6 6 2 6 1 paper seeks experienced sales vs. 42- Efface in you are named a defendant in 65 66 67 thewhich above-entitled courtasand cause. The tivated. Reliable transportation, to 908-730-4153 attn John Rambo 16. Ad word 17Staggers Drivers: O/Ops. Most Nights! PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH; and some during theHome week. 40-45 cpm. 37. Sending signals BABYSITTING 44Soothe representative to handle print general the above-entitled court andis cause. Thea 43- Ova object of the action to obtain PUBLIC NOTICES Auction— Supra, TX1058DZ, HELP WANTED or apply at www.fwc.com WANTED internet access and computer 31 30 29 28 27 26 JOBS/BABYSITTING BAC HELP HOME LOANS SERVICING, LPa 17. ODD 66 65 64 SERVICE— $15/ Steady Work, Excellent Pay 18- Sea Like some history Full First Seat Sign On general object of the action is todue obtain Staggers judgment on debt and money Vista everywhere and Benefits. online advertisers. ThisPlus is a CLEANING 68 69 70 44bass fka COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS skills are also necessary. Great judgment on debt and money due Vista Fuel/Tire Discounts. 24yoa, 2yr Exp, hour. 15 years experience. ResiRELIABLE BABYSITTING 46Actress Christine West Homeowners Association, Inc. Bonus. 800-992-7863 ext: 185part or 19- Coal Very, in Versailles flexible, work from home, 18. Like some history SERVICING, LP, Inc. CITATION BY PUBLICATION link 46scuttle 36 35 34 33 32 QUALITY CONTROL: Foster West Homeowners be held at South Austin Wheeler, a 41. Man-mouse income potential for theMarine, right WELDER: Good MVR. Call 877-606-8231 DRIVERS:LOCAL ROUTES. 47"You are ___" dential/commercial. Affordable, 8-ACROSS Catchall abbr. Been puttingFoster offAssociation, thatPartnership, “date night” 8 7 6 5 4 3 publicly 2 Speaks 1 4720Probability a California Limited full-time job. Candidates must be 19. Very, in Versailles 48Kind of reaction Unless you enter your appearance in this Across Wheeler, a global leader in power 50. Meat option 42. Efface 7. Gilpin of "Frasier" THE STATE OF TEXAS 9Musical composition 52Waterfall STATE OF NEW MEXICO leader in power systems covered! Baby/house/pet sitting 48Leg joint person. Please email resume global Defendants. bonded, insured. Weekly, bi-week9Sandwich shop 23-COUNTY Cornerstone abbr. 39 38 3 7 1- Motionless 49- Pop pieces 4 0 Unless youor enter yourthe appearance in Dethis action on before 3rd day of outgoing, organized and self-moACC Bookstore, OF BERNALILLO systems is searching for sectors 49Big ___ 20. Ova Probability 10Not fem.abbr. Decline 15 1 4 53isPERSONS for Strong 51. Form of oxygen 8. Motionless Catchall TO monthly, ALL INTERESTED 49Give ___ break! 78735 onsectors July Pinnacle 16, 2012campus, at 9:00 odd jobs. College student1. to advertising@oakhillgazette. action on2012, orsearching before the 3rd day of IN Dely, move-out specials. 10Sagacious cember, Judgment by Default will 43.and 24Female gametes 50- Meat option SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT HOUSECLEANING tivated. Reliable transportation, now hiring temporary help. Work 6Mimicked NOTICE OFare SUIT Quality Control Specialist who THE Welder’s ESTATE OF PETRA VILLARRE50In place of TIG who highly mo11Wight, for one 54On the main cember, 2012, Judgment by Default will 51Compass pt. 23. Sea Cornerstone 43 4 1Mimicked be entered you. am. 52. Leases bass 9. Sandwich shop 4 2 to pay tuition. Reliable,6. com. No. D-202-CV-2012-01354 CDL-A 6 against months exp. operate 11Induration am dependable, but & also prompt, 25- Make Salt Lake Cityabbr. athlete AL IDeceased, No. C-1-PB-13-000604 in 1044.working 18 1 7 51- Form of oxygen is highly and experiinternet access computer 30 hours &motivated receiveand a discount on tivated 10-Highway Cries of discovery be enteredand against you. 53lurid experienced to join 24.responsible, 1255Wordwrap of comparison 53Aquatic rodent Probate Court Number One of Travis Counpunctual. Please call Female gametes THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO 10. Cries of discovery debbiecalkins18@gmail.com 53. Delhi 12Sheltered, nautically 46. Coal scuttle 10. Sagacious safety-conscious and most of all, 26Call out Quality reason52Leases enced todetail join our newest fabriyour textbooks. For part of May and our Name and address of Defendant, The skills are alsocleaning— necessary. Great 14Els with tees 47 46 4 4 13- Baby newt4 5 THE VILLAS ASSOCIATION, INC. , newest fabricationDEFENfacility in ty, Texas. 58-Away Face covering 5856- Helper TO THE ABOVE-NAMED (512) 299-7188 for re-14. and addressInc. of’s,Defendant, The 48. 21 2 0 5313Paris 25.Mallorey, Salt Lake City athlete Villas Association, attorney: Scott withpossessive tees 27False show able rates. Residential, 54. "Dancing Kind of reaction 11. Els Induration Delhi wrapQueen" group cation facility in openings McGregor, TX. Name HOUSECLEANING a59New Mexico nonprofit corporation, June $7.25/hr. Call Tracy 288-2303. income potential formake-ready the TX. Full-time perma15Network of nerves DANT PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH 62Money Beethoven’s birthplace has immediate for right McGregor, Established community news22Unfold 57Golf pegs, northern English river Villas Association, Inc. ’ s, attorney: Scott ONEWEST BANK, FSB and all E. Turner, Esq., and Jake A. Garrison, sume and references. Plaintiff, 21Climbing vine tuition at Texas State, so please call 5 0 4 9 4 8 Must have experience with NDT 32-Netman One tales & organizing. Honest, reliable, free nent 26. Call outtelling “Dancing Queen”2 4group 5 1 5 2 15. Network nerves 55.54Nailed obliquely ___ 12. 24Sheltered, positions. Please fax resumes person. Please email resume 63Nastase 16-Wash Ad wordof nautically PERSONAL CARE E. Turner, Esq., experienced and Jake A. LLC, Garrison, 60Claw Esq. theseeks Turner Law Firm, 500 49. Big 2 3 59- Teen spots? paper sales vs. The alleged heir(s) at law in the above numGREETINGS: Quality detail cleaning— reason22All, musically Testing. Full-time permanent for my references or to set up an 35Fraud estimates. references. Nailed heading obliquely Esq. the Turner Law Firm, LLC, 500 27. False 908-730-4153 attn John Rambo ATTENDANTS show 64Stomach woe Marquette Ave., N.W., 1480, Albuto advertising@oakhillgazette. 16. Ad word 17Staggers Memo Diesel Mechanic: GreatCall Pay /Cindy Ben- to place of 13. 26Paris possessive 5 4 5 5 5 6 56.55PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH; and BABYSITTING 61La Scala solo representative toSuite handle print 60Network of nerves YOU AREAve., HEREBY NOTIFIED that 50. In 57 5 3Sum positions. Please resumes Marquette N.W., Suite 1480, Albuto care for Residential, the elderlyfax andmake-ready disabled in to or able rates. 26Dernier ___ interview (512) 892-0672 querque, NM 87102-5325; Telephone: 36Hard water 288-1424 apply at www.fwc.com 56Memo heading 8600 Hwy 290 W 28 27 26 BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP com. efits. APPLY www.durhamschools18Like some history 32. One telling tales the above-named Defendant,Telephone: The Villas 17. Staggers 62Floe 57. Molten rock 53. Make lurid 21. Climbing vine and online advertisers. This is a 27Sports area 61Stepped their homes in the Lakeway area. querque, NM 87102-5325; (505) 242-1300. 908-730-4153 attn John Rambo fka COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS & organizing. reliable, free 27Squeeze 37Sending signals everywhere 66Hand over Association., has filed a Cross-Claim for 57Molten rock RELIABLE BABYSITTING 6 0 5 9 5 8 ervices.com, orHonest, stop by2101 Crystal 288-0437 Must be 18+, will train the right 19Very, in Versailles (505) 242-1300. 63- Incident 35. Fraud WITNESS the Honorable Beatricepart Brickflexible, work from home, Cardiff 18. Like some history 58. spoil covering 22. 28All,From musically SERVICING, LP, or apply atreferences. www.fwc.com 35 34 3 2 Mutilate, DebtHOUSECLEANING and Money Due in the above actionor58. Face CONTROL: Foster estimates. Call Cindy QUALITY 28Starchy staple 67Slow, musically candidate. TX 41Man-mouse 58-3 3Mutilate, spoil WITNESS the Honorable Beatrice BrickBend Rd Pflugerville, 78660 Been putting offlinkthatPartnership, “date night” house, District Court Judge of the Sec20Probability a California Limited 64Having wealth LEGAL NOTICE BINGO full-time job. Candidates must be 30Corp. honcho in which you are named as a defendant in 36. Hard water 19. Very, in Versailles SOLUTION TO LAST PUZZLE birthplace 26. Dernier ___ Great 401K Plan available to all and Judicial request(s) that said Courtofof determine Wheeler, a District global leader in power house, District Court Judge the Sec- 59. Beethoven's 6 3 6 2 6 1 68Faculty head 288-1424 29Baby newt ond Court Bernalillo 42- Summer Efface Defendants. 23- Cornerstone abbr. the and cause. The 3 9 PUZ8 3 7SOLUTION TO 3LAST 65coolers whoabove-entitled are thesectors andcourt heirs the said employees. Please callMost DianeNights! at outgoing, organized and self-moond Judicial District Court ofof Bernalillo Drivers: O/Ops. Home systems is County, thisheirs 17th dayonly ofsearching October, 2012.for60. 37. Claw Sending 69Iowa citysignals 20. 27. Probability Squeeze 30Heroin, slangily T A B S A M A N A A R A L 43Ova general object of the action is to obtain a PETRA VILLARREAL, Deceased, and 512-835-6150, Toll Free 877-635-6150 BINGO (Smoke Free) VFW Post M A S T S R6 A V E C I S T 24Female gametes Auction— Supra, TX1058DZ, County, this day of October, 2012. Administrative Assistant – Part GREGORY T.17th IRELAND 6 6 5 6 4 CLEANING SERVICE— $15/ tivated. Reliable transportation, 33Greek vowel Steady Work, Excellent Pay Plus NOTICE OF SUIT Quality Control Specialist who 70Cornered S L E W F O R U M I P judgment on debt and money due Vista everywhere or apply online at BINGO 31Slippery swimmers 23. Cornerstone abbr. 61. La Scala solo 28. Starchy staple 4 2 A SW HA R 4 1O N C E Sea bass E O M I T GREGORY T. IRELAND am44-I dependable, but also prompt, CLERK OF motivated THE DISTRICT COURT 3377 position. every WedExceptional &24yoa, Fri 7 pm. Hall time MS is 25-Trembling Salt Lake poplar City athlete estate. Fuel/Tire Discounts. 2yr Exp, R U M B A S O N G P O R E hour. 15 years experience. highly experiinternet andand computer 34West Homeowners Association, Inc.Resiwww.outreachhealth.com V I D A N D I N Q L R A I CLERK OF access THE DISTRICT COURT 32Watch 41. Man-mouse link 46Coal scuttle 24. Female gametes 62. Floe THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO 29. Baby newt safety-conscious and most of all, Office skills needed for busy Bank rentl available. Manchaca, 12919 U N D R I E S S I E S T A S EOE 26Call out be held at South Austin Marine, to join newest fabriGood MVR. Call 877-606-8231 dential/commercial. Affordable, 8- Catchall abbr. I TSpeaks U A Lpublicly skills are also our necessary. Great TO 35Snickering sound BINGO (Smoke Free) VFW Post enced 4S5 A C C R E T E 4 4R 47DOWN /s/______________________________ DOWN DEFEN33Hungary’s Nagy 48-THE KindABOVE-NAMED of reaction CE S S SL SA SD D E R I I ODoption Unless you enter your appearance in TX. this 63. 50. Meat 42. Incident Efface 7. Gilpin of show "Frasier" 25. Salt Lake City athlete Lending Office. Flexible and cation 30. Heroin, slangily Lowden Kane. 27False /s/______________________________ in Weekly, McGregor, Deputy facility bonded, insured. bi-week9Sandwich shop income potential for the right 36Panache 3377 every Wed282-5665 & Fri 7hours pm. Hall DANT PATRICK MICHAEL SMITH 1Open a tennis match pieces action on or before the 3rd day of DeE PPop S L TA AR F P I 4934Relieves paintales 49Big ___ S AO IA RP SS H I P OForm Deputy good pay. Apply at humanresourctuition at Texas State, so please call 49 4 8 51. of oxygen 43. Ova 8. Catchall abbr. Must have experience with NDT 32One telling 78735 on July Manchaca, 16, 2012 at 9:00 person. 26. Call outduring wealth 31. 38Slippery swimmers ly, monthly, move-out specials. 10Sagacious Please email resume Time which a machine rentl available. 12919 cember, 2012, Judgment by Default will 64. Having O SM 50H A A Goption MA AT NT NN OR S 2Kilmer classic M A O PA RMeat 2-my Vivacity HOUSECLEANING 35Mardi ___ 50In place of GREETINGS: es@myfcbtexas.com Testing. Full-time permanent for references or to set up an the County Courthouse in Travis County, 35Fraud against you. am. 52. 44. Summer Sea basscoolers 9. Sandwich shop TE R C 27. False show 65. 32. Watch 11Induration O D S A T E RN EL TA AR GG E ULeases SA 51tobe entered advertising@oakhillgazette. is operating Lowden Kane. 282-5665 33-Inactive New college YOU ARERochelle HEREBY NOTIFIED that 56 55 54 5 3Form of oxygen 38Sums owing Texas. 53Make lurid positions. Please fax resumes to 46.interview (512) 892-0672 A I SA EG AO CR AO NG O A TG SA P T E E 36Hard water debbiecalkins18@gmail.com 53. Delhi wrap 12Sheltered, nautically Coal scuttle 10. Sagacious com. 39Leers at 32. One telling tales the above-named Defendant, The Villas Quality detail cleaning— reason- 908-730-4153 66. Satisfies 33. Hungary's Nagy 4Taylor of “Mystic Pizza” 52Leases 4Metamorphic rock Name and address of Defendant, The 39401(k) alternative T T S Egovernment TM OO RD SE O L E local 58- Face covering S S T A RT SE S attn John Rambo USA.gov is your for official source for federal, state and 37Sending signals everywhere has filed a Cross-Claim 5M 9O 554. 8A 5313Paris possessive Chow down Association, Inc.’s, attorney: Scott able PET rates. Residential, make-ready orVillas 48.Association., Kind of reaction 11.41Induration 535. Fraud E E Y Queen" A O C Rwrap R AE IDgroup GDelhi L"Dancing 34. Relieves pain 5-Landlord Greeting 40Brit. lexicon NEEDS HOME apply at www.fwc.com HOUSECLEANING 59Beethoven’s birthplace Debt and Money Due in the above action 41Man-mouse link Jake A. Garrison, ableTurner, Court atEsq., said and above mentioned time 21Climbing L N A T TE OR R E S Y H Ifrom R Queen” Eeverything DE 54information. find answers to questions on 42___ Town C A“Dancing T N O E Robliquely I C S & organizing. Honest, reliable, free E. 6a pleasant oneYou’ll group LEGAL NOTICE 55. Nailed 49.inBig ___ 12. Sheltered, nautically 6-Smell, Fool which youusually are named as a defendant in 36. Hard water 45Ceiling fanvine 35. Mardi ___ 60Claw Esq. the Turner Law Firm, LLC, 500 - Down 6 1AA VU I T A N I DA EB SE TT 6 2IA OC NR AE 42Efface H 22All, musically 47Section of New York City the above-entitled court and cause. The estimates. references. Call Cindy 7Gilpin ofSocial “Frasier” 55Nailed obliquely 7-place Duo Marquette Ave., N.W., Suite 1480, Albu- 1. Security and37. government auctions to product and travel RN UA NM EE 46Attila, e.g. 56. Memo O/Ops. Home Most Nights! 50.Open In of 13. Paris Sending signals LARGE HEALTHY MALE SI- Drivers: 61Laobject Scala solo action PR Erecalls Sums owing tennis E NO N A Pheading EW RE LL EL O 43-German Ovapossessive general a of thematch is to obtain a 38. 48do so. 26Dernier ___ astronomer querque, NM Supra, 87102-5325; Telephone: Auction— TX1058DZ, 288-1424 8600 Hwy 290 W 6 4 S S N L SY ES DE 6 5 T S Eheading ED SMemo TN 56CLEANING SERVICE— $15/ 8Ancient Steady Work, Excellent Pay Plus E O A ET TA O AMESE CAT needs good home. 62- Floe 57. Molten rock 53.Kilmer Make lurid 21. 401(k) Climbing vine judgment onadvisories. debt and moneyAnd due Vista it’s everywhere also the government, 39. alternative 2. classic 44Seaplace bass (505) 242-1300. 27Squeeze 50Writer Jong to share ideas with your 57Molten rock Fuel/Tire Discounts. 24yoa, 2yr Exp, hour. 15 years experience. ResiWest Homeowners Association, Inc. 288-0437 Indoor only. Original owner passed 63- Incident WITNESS Honorable Beatrice Brick- 3. 58.total Mutilate, spoil 58.Inactive Face covering 22.what All, musically 41. Man-mouse link To make your after date of the issuance, it shall be returned 46-Starchy Coal scuttle 40. Brit. lexicon or simply Affordable, let us know you think. government 28staple be held atits South Austin 58-Catchall Mutilate, spoil Good MVR. Call 877-606-8231 dential/commercial. 8abbr. house, District Court Judge of Marine, the Secunserved. 47away. Call 291-6379. 64Having wealth BINGO 48Kind of reaction 59.Taylor Beethoven's birthplace 26.Efface Dernier ___ Unless you enter your appearance in this 42. 50. M 7. Gilpin of "Frasier" 45. Ceiling fan ofinsured. "Mystic Pizza"bi-week29Baby newt ond Judicial District Court of Bernalillo 4. bonded, Weekly, 9Sandwich shop connection, visit USA.gov. SOLUTION TO LAST PUZ4965- Summer coolers action on or before the 3rd day of De49-Heroin, Big ___ County, on this 17th of October, 60.Landlord Claw 27.Ova Squeeze 30slangily 51. Fo 43. 8.CCatchall abbr. 46. Attila, e.g. Julyday 16, 2012INC at2012. 9:005. ly, monthly, move-out specials. 10Sagacious cember, 2012, Judgment by Default will BINGO (Smoke Free) VFW Post 78735 S T S A M E V A R T S I INC 50GREGORY T. IRELAND HOUSECLEANING 50-Slippery Inbass placepublicly of band. County, Texas, on March 26, 31swimmers their 61.Smell, Laentered Scala soloyou. 28.Sea Starchy staple be against A W A R E M I T O shop of 2013. E N CInduration OSandwich 52. Le 44. 9. st 47. Speaks 6. usually a pleasant re e 11th CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT 3377 everyBINGO Wed & Fri 7 pm. Hall beam. th wi 51performing 53-Watch Make lurid D A V I D L I N N I R A Q ss will 32Dana Debeauvoir Nick Krau d 62. Floe 29. Baby newt an debbiecalkins18@gmail.com 53. De 12Sheltered, nautically 46. Coal scuttle 10. Sagacious 49. 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Playing Señor Buddy’s Saturday, July 14 7-10pm
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Saturday, July 14 7-10pm
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Playing Señor Buddy’s
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Nick Krauss TR JH OTJ RQHGBN UZ ATVN UZWHJN QVR RZFCVXZR, RH ZCZFW Playing Señor Buddy’s and his Austin Torpedoes 288-7955/217-3462 Saturday, July 14OTJ HL T AFHAZF QZTFI EVBB JHI TXXZAI OHFZ. 288-7955/217-3462 22
26 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Workman files bills to gut SOS, loosen tree protections Continued from p. 1
2010 the Heritage Tree ordinance was passed, making it difficult to remove heritage trees with diameters of 24 inches or more. Many embraced the new law, while others felt the ordinance was too restrictive. Rick Perkins of Granada Hills told the Gazette, “Many people saw the expanded Heritage Tree Ordinance as an over-reaching regulation by the City of Austin. It requires a City Council hearing to cut down a large diameter oak tree, which could have been handled in a less authoritarian method. The modified Heritage Tree Ordinance did not pass ‘the smell test’ when City Council approved it.” Clearly Rep. Workman agreed. His bill, HB 1858, would allow a property owner to remove any tree
believed by that owner to pose a fire risk. As a former firefighter, Austin City Councilman Mike Martinez knows a thing or two about fire danger. He told the Gazette: “No one takes mitigating fire risk more seriously than I do. As a former firefighter, and an elected official who saw the damage from the fires in and around Travis County in the last several years, I believe that our connected communities in Travis and surrounding counties must have a comprehensive, coordinated approach to reducing the risk of fire in the wildland urban interface.” However, Councilman Martinez sees a flaw in HB 1858. He said, “... I do not support ... state regulations limiting local jurisdictions’ ability
to create that type of plan. Limiting a local jurisdiction’s ability to provide effective and uniform fire fuel mitigation should not be trumped by an individual’s ‘belief ’ that a tree might be a danger. We have professionals that are both arborists and fire prevention professionals who can and should be involved in those conversations.” Scenic Brook area resident Carol Cespedes lost her home to the Pinnacle Fire in 2011. She told the Gazette: “Bill 1858 causes me to wonder what world Rep. Workman is living in. The world where I live needs stronger fire prevention codes that require owners to remove vegetation and debris that is a hazard to public safety. We have lived with the build-up of fire danger on undeveloped property because there is no way for the city or county to force a property owner to remove them. That’s the problem our neighborhood is working on.” She said, “Workman’s bill … seems to create a loophole in some unnamed municipal code (such as those protecting heritage trees) so that an owner can simply declare a tree to be a fire hazard and get rid of it—without even filing a notice much less getting a permit for removal. Watch out, oak trees!” Tom Thayer lives in the same area. He said: “The bill may not be so bad if it is limited to only fire control measures, but it seems to go a little far in that it limits any regulations requiring notice. I could see it being abused—any inconvenient large tree removed could be justified as ‘fire control,’ and I think there could be reasonable regulations controlling this from a city or county.” John Joseph supports HB 1858. Joseph is a director with the Coats Rose law firm and heads the Real Estate, Land Use, Government Affairs and Banking Law section. He told the Gazette: “I support this bill. It is just plain common sense that one would be able to remove vegetation around one’s home or property that poses a threat of fire. I am a strong property rights advocate and see this as a very good step toward returning to the property owner control over one’s property and affirmatively recognizing the right of the property owner to take proactive steps to protect that property without burdensome and confiscatory governmental regulations.” But resident Beki Halpin pointed out: “Our mature trees are worth their weight in gold in what they give back to our city. Many aspects of private property are mitigated for the common good. For example, rights of way must be given for all sorts of
utilities; property owners are limited in how close to their neighbors they can erect a building; and everyone must keep his or her property in a clean and sanitary condition. All of these limit private property rights for the common good. Requiring property owners to retain mature trees for the common good is reasonable and in these days and times a good way to help counter the hot, dry, polluted conditions we are enduring.” The bill was scheduled for public hearing this week in the House Business and Industry committee. House Bill 3087 requires that any law requiring a landowner to leave more than 50 percent of the property in a natural or undeveloped state require the consent of the owner or exercise of eminent domain requiring fair and reasonable compensation to the landowner. Much of the property in Oak Hill is subject to the SOS ordinance: “In order to prevent pollution, impervious cover for all such development shall be limited to a maximum of 15 percent in the entire recharge zone, 20 percent of the contributing zone within the Barton Creek watershed, and 25 percent in the remainder of the contributing zone.” Austin Independent School District (AISD) officials have said that purchasing property for a high school in Southwest Austin is difficult because of this restriction. AISD Board Member Robert Schneider told the Gazette that any change to the law would not initially affect AISD because of a city agreement. He said, “AISD has a Land Development Agreement (LDA) with the City that controls how we develop property when we build a school. The LDA controls just about everything to do with a property the district develops from the impervious cover restrictions to height of buildings. Since the LDA is with the City, the bills that are currently in the legislative process will not have a direct immediate impact on AISD as the LDA with the City would have to be renegotiated in some way.” Schneider said it is not clear if the bill would help AISD develop properties in Southwest Austin. He said, “If the bills by Rep. Workman are passed one would think that the district would be in a better position to develop properties for educational purposes. Since the City controls the development process, though, it will be difficult to predict exactly what development rights will be available to the district that we do not have now.” Joseph said of HB 3087, “I enthusiastically support this legislation
and commend Rep. Workman for his uncommon leadership in this regard. For years cities and counties, in my opinion, have been placing undue and illegally disproportionate obligations on individual property owners. There is a concept in the law called rough proportionality which, simply put, says that a government may not require a developer/owner to contribute money or require the conveyance of property or other thing of value for public infrastructure without first making a determination that the proposed development will have a roughly proportionate impact on the public infrastructure.” He added, “In addition, if water quality is important to the public then the public, as a whole, should pay for it through taxes or fees and the burden should not be placed solely on the property owner or developer.” However, some expressed dismay that the state should try to usurp the authority of local municipalities. Thayer said, “The bill is terrible Austin-bashing legislation that limits democratically elected officials in cities and counties from planning for and managing growth. It is disappointing that Rep. Workman doesn’t believe in local control of these issues and thinks the Legislature knows best how each city plans for growth.” Added Halpin, “As Austin grows like gangbusters we are facing problems of increasing severe heat, too little water and deteriorating air quality. We should be working to do everything we can to minimize these problems, but Paul Workman’s proposed bills, if passed, will likely make them worse.” Local resident Ralph Lake said, “I do not believe that Paul Workman is representing most of the liberal side of Austin. He seems to be pro-developer and definitely following the GOP party line favoring growth at any cost to the environment and the principles that make Austin a special place to live. He is not acting on our behalf.” Halpin said, “Austin has given a lot of thought to protecting its watersheds and aquifers. Going forward, we will need every bit of clean water we can get for the citizens of Austin and central Texas to drink and use. The ordinances Austin has put in effect to protect our water are an appropriate way to balance growth with our need to protect our water sources. These ordinances obviously have not impeded growth substantially since Austin is one of the fastest Continued on back page
Oak Hill Gazette
April 4-April 17, 2013 ... 27
Bowie Band chosen to perform in London New Year’s Day Parade Continued from page 1 honor is in recognition of their hard work.” The event features more than 10,000 performers from all over the world. According to the event’s Dan Kirkby, an international panel recommended Bowie’s participation. “It will be the time of their lives,” he told the Gazette. Robert Bone, executive director of the parade, invited people to “like” the event on facebook: http://www. facebook.com/Lnydp?fref=ts. Assistant Director Stephen Howard said one thing was sure: “We won’t be going there by bus.” Shuttlesworth said the band’s instruments would be shipped in a huge container that will arrive in London before the band. “Once we get there via two flights, our instruments will be there waiting on us,” she said. The band—and family members— have more than a year to raise funds for the trip. Several of Bowie’s bands entertained the crowd before and after the announcement.
Photo: From left to right: Stephen Howard, The Lord Mayor of Westminster, Duncan Sandys, Kim Shuttlesworth, Larry Britton, Amy Suggs, Joey Powell and Ryan Thomas. Below: Blaine Peters, Josh Stout and Laura Bily perform at the announcement assembly.
Juliana Ison and Kaci French perform. Below: Mary Henson and Morgan Paiga.
Robert Bone, Executive Director of the London New Year’s Day Parade speaks to the crowd at Bowie.
28 ...Oak Hill Gazette
April 4 - April 17, 2013
Workman files bills Continued from p. 26
growing cities in the nation. Cities and counties should be able to make local decisions about the important issues like water quality and should not have the state come in like big brother to effectively forbid it.” The bill was referred to the House Land and Resource Management committee on March 19. Austin has had a Project Duration Ordinance that gave building permits an expiration date of three years if no significant progress was made. Rep. Workman introduced HB 3091 to force Austin to comply with the state requirement of five years. Last week the Austin City Council voted to repeal the ordinance, but Councilman Martinez disagrees with the introduced bill. He said, “Anyone who loves Austin and the surrounding areas knows that our community is beautiful and ecologically fragile. Austin has spent many years developing land use laws that have been publicly vetted and correspond with public votes—a process that continues to evolve as we work to provide regulations that are consistent with state law and best protect our community. I cannot support state law that limits our ability to provide protections for our environment through the land use process that we enjoy as a home rule city or legislation that makes cities liable for damages and attorney’s fees as a result of development disputes.” He added, “While not everyone is happy with how Austin does business, and I know we have some changes that we need to make, those changes are best left to local officials who have been put in public office to make these decisions.” Joseph supports HB 3091, explaining, “Since the inception of Chap 245 of the Local Government Code by the legislature, local governments have tried to find ways to avoid
proper enactment of the law. This bill seeks to prevent municipalities from overreaching their authority and provides individuals with remedies if a local government refuses to comply with state law.” Rep. Workman, along with more than 60 of his colleagues, has co-authored House Bill 553, “relating to firearms and the preservation of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.” The senseless murder of 20 first-graders and 6 adults in Newtown, Connecticut, last December has brought potential gun controls to the forefront of the federal government. In a January 18 press release, Rep. Workman said, “Texas has a long and proud history of responsible gun ownership, sportsmanship, and upholding its citizens’ right to self-defense. It is incumbent for us as legislators to protect the rights of Texans from Washington overreach, and I am proud to join my colleagues in doing just that.” Workman’s bill would actually make it a crime for Texans to obey federal gun control laws. Oak Hill resident Paul Robbins said, “Since federal legislation overrides state legislation, there is no way it can be legally valid if passed. It is kind of ironic that Workman can use state legislation to override local governments, but not tolerate the same thing when federal legislation trumps state law.” Thayer added, “The bill is just silly as it would have no bearing on any federal legislation and only federal courts could restrict any federal gun control legislation. Regardless of your opinion on gun control measures, this bill is a waste of time.” The House Select Federalism and Fiscal Responsibility committee may have agreed. The bill was left pending on March 13.
Thursday, April 11, 2013 from 7pm to 8:30 pm This free program by the Alzheimer’s Association, Capital of Texas Chapter is sponsored by and will be held at
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