OAKLAND GREEN TEAM The Oakland Green Team works to improve trail connections and create attractive public spaces. The team will identify, advocate, and implement greening and cyclist/pedestrian activities throughout Oakland.
Meeting Notes August 20, 2015 – 6:00pm In attendance: Holly Dick, Mary Shaw, Roy Weil, Michael Medwed, Clyde Colledge, Margaret Schmitt, Janice Lorenz, Hanson Kappelman, Mary Ann Steiner, Robert Harper, Mark Oleniacz, David Zwier A.
Public Spaces (40 minutes) i. Love Your Block: November 2 deadline, neighborhood groups to submit proposals. ii. TreeVitalize: application for iii. University Square PWSA rain garden grant: Garden with capacity for 800 gallons of water will be installed in October University Square will organize three educational events for the public. The first event is Tuesday, September 29 from 6:30-8:30 pm Oakland Livable Streets (15 minutes) i. Bayard/Bigelow updates: bike lane installation on hold until further notice. ii. Central Oakland pedestrian improvements iii. Oakland complete streets capital budget priorities Green Team Pedestrian/Cyclist Safety Priorities Oakland Strategy: share with neighborhood groups, contact council offices, 311
City Council District 8: Councilman Gilman 1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
Bellefield Avenue crosswalk at Filmore Street: thermoplastic crosswalk, other? Fifth Avenue and Craig Street intersection: busses turning on red Fifth and Forbes Avenue: a. Speed limit enforcement b. Request speed radar signs for targeted locations Neville Street into the hollow: creative ideas? CMU class project? Study complete streets improvements from Fifth and Craig to Fifth and Neville.
City Council District 3: Councilman Kraus 1.
Central Oakland pedestrian safety a. Painted bumpouts on corners: Louisa St b. Thermoplastic crosswalks: Bates St crosswalks c. Crosswalk signs: Bates St crosswalks d. Crosswalk signal length: Blvd and Zulema/Halket e. Atwood/Louisa crosswalk Blvd of the Allies: speed limit enforcement a. Request speed radar signs for targeted locations. Anderson bridge?
City Council District 6: Councilman Lavelle 1. 2. 3.
Robinson and Terrace: thermoplastic crosswalk Fifth/Forbes speed limit enforcement Blvd of the Allies speed limit enforcement
Next meeting: Thursday, September 17