OAKLAND GREEN TEAM The Oakland Green Team works to improve trail connections and create attractive public spaces. The team will identify, advocate, and implement greening and cyclist/pedestrian/ activities throughout Oakland.
AGENDA September 17, 2015 – 6:00pm In attendance: Cheryl Fu, Michael Medwed, Roy Weil, Mary Shaw, Troy Salvatore, Clyde Colledge, Margaret Schmitt, Mark Oleniacz, Peg Sedlack, Daniel Klein, Bob Harper, David Zwier
Public Spaces (35 minutes) i. Love Your Block SONG Orchard Proposal ii. TreeVitalize Presentation: Mark O, do a walkthrough of blocks with someone who lives there, this could be an effective way of reaching out to people who could potentially get trees. iii. University Square PWSA rain garden grant September 29, 2015, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at University Square #1: Learn about garden related green infrastructure through hands on activities, hear a talk about native plants, and help arrange the planting design for the garden. iv. Volunteer Events Carlow Mercy Service Day: 9/25 Harris Parklet Pitt Day of Caring: 10/2 Frazier Farms, Fieldhouse CMU 1,000+: 10/3 West Oakland, Tree Care PMADD: 10/24 WPC Bates Street tree planting
Oakland Livable Streets (25 minutes) i. Bayard/Bigelow ii. Bellefield Ave: Southwestern PA Commission ‘Road Safety Audit’ iii. Cyclist and Pedestrian Count VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: 9/22 to 9/24 Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Fk3Yu_1QB3S80JwMGgFF5njo-WsHEEAa0o-yrP-Wj8/viewform?c=0&w=1 iv. Speeding in Oakland High speed corridors: Blvd of the Allies, Forbes Ave (especially westernmost portion), Fifth Avenue, Bellefield Ave btw Fifth/Forbes Actionable items: 1. Call 311
2. Green Team letters to, PG editor, Police Chief, Councilpeople, Mayor, State Senator.  Central Oakland painted bumpouts 1. Stay on City until these happen 2. Request increase in enforcement from Parking Authority 3. Long term: Physical bumpouts?
November meeting: Department of Public Works presentation final designs for Joncaire Street step reconstruction; Thursday, November 19