OAKLAND GREEN TEAM The Oakland Green Team works to improve trail connections and create attractive public spaces. The team will identify, advocate, and implement greening and cyclist/pedestrian activities throughout Oakland.
MEETING NOTES October 15, 2015 – 6:00pm In attendance: Michael Medwed, Roy Weil, Clyde Colledge, Margaret Schmitt, Bob Harper, Neil Manganaro, Tom Pauley, Mike Abney, Eric Boerer, Julien Comte, Therese VanArsdale, David Zwier
Oakland Livable Streets (40 minutes) i. Speeding on Oakland streets: Officer Tom Pauley, Zone 4; and Neal Manganaro, City Council District 3 Street/infrastructure design is the long term solution for reducing speed and increasing safety. Red light cameras: Fifth/Forbes/Blvd are dangerous high-speed corridors that would greatly benefit from camera enforcement 1. Legal in PA 2. Neal: will investigate where the City stands on implementing red light cameras City of Pittsburgh traffic division enforcement: 1. Officer Pauley: provide list of specific locations for traffic enforcement to target. Low staff limits the amount they can do. 2. Areas discussed: a. Fifth/Forbes b. Blvd of the Allies c. Bellefield Ave d. Neighborhood cut-throughs: Dawson St (South Oakland), Bigelow Blvd (Schenley Farms), Robinson St (West Oakland), McKee Pl (Central Oakland) Idea: reach out to Pitt Police for enforcement in Oakland 1. Pitt Police could carry out routine enforcement of yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, speeding, and running of red lights. ii. Squirrel Hill-Oakland Connections : Panther Hollow rail road crossing Newly formed Squirrel Hill group plans to work on a proposal to the City for formalizing an alternate route. They will share the proposal with the Green Team
Public Spaces (20 minutes) i. Volunteer Events
 PMADD: 10/24 WPC Bates Street tree planting 1. South Oakland tree care ii. Public art: Forbes Ave underpass at Blvd of the Allies  Green Team will help facilitate public input as this idea moves forward iii. Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW): ideas for a stormwater project in Oakland.
November meeting: Department of Public Works presentation final designs for Joncaire Street step reconstruction; Thursday, November 19