Rock Alley – Connecting Oakland to the Eliza Furnace Trail July 28, 2011 Attendance: 9 Meeting Minutes Trail Concepts: Friends of the Riverfront sent costs to develop the trails that exist along the riverfronts. Security Issues around the tunnels were discussed. These are valid and important issues that we will have to figure out how to address when the time comes. Fundraising: Love your block grant -- $500 for an entrance to the greenway. Phil Garrow brought a design for the entrance. Other ideas to incorporate include bulletin boards and educational trail signs. Peoples Garden Grant Program – opportunity to apply for educational trail signs. Deferred to the Fundraising committee to evaluate and possibly apply. Name: Rock Alley, Connecting Oakland to the Eliza Furnace Trail Rock alley is the name of a former street that went through the greenway. Next meeting: Bring content for website and press kit Committees will meet during the meeting and report out at the end.