OAKLAND GREEN TEAM Minutes August 15, 2013 Attendees: Barbara Brewton, Ann McCloud, Elly Fisher
Scout and Evaluate i.
Tree Vitalize David to send tree vitalize forms to the green team, requesting people to canvas areas especially Coltart Signed forms are due to OPDC by September 10th The following people volunteered to canvas: Ann – the blvd from bates to Anderson bridge, Liz – the blvd from bates to the blvd bridge and Oakcliffe and Peg is taking the forms to SONG ii. Volunteer Projects Adopt-A-Block 1. Kickoff is Saturday, September 21st 2. Ann will volunteer, more volunteers are needed to welcome and meet students.
Vet and Prioritize i.
Bates Street Project We plan to schedule 2 tree planting days for this October or November ii. Oakland Daffodil project Barb is looking into this project. Needs a catchy name, daffodil source, funds and distribution system iii. Committee members are encouraged to bring new ideas for volunteer projects. There will be a number of volunteer events this fall and we need ideas from the neighborhood to make sure the volunteer projects are wanted and useful.
Shape and Coordinate i.
Public art: Moving the Lives of Kids (MLK) Murals project Complete and successful! ii. Oakland Square Grass Planting August 23rd 1-5 with Pitt students Contact Josh to sign up or for more information iii. Adopt-A-Block Kick Off Josh will bring a list of this year’s adopt a block dates to the September meeting. iv. Black and Gold City Goes Green
 September 21st 10 am  Contact Tara to sign up or for more information, groups will distribute tree request forms in addition to the normal materials.
Implement and Mobilize
**Next meeting: September 19, 6:00-7:15