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OAKLAND GREEN TEAM Minutes August 15, 2013 Attendees: Barbara Brewton, Ann McCloud, Elly Fisher


Scout and Evaluate i.

Tree Vitalize  David to send tree vitalize forms to the green team, requesting people to canvas areas especially Coltart  Signed forms are due to OPDC by September 10th  The following people volunteered to canvas: Ann – the blvd from bates to Anderson bridge, Liz – the blvd from bates to the blvd bridge and Oakcliffe and Peg is taking the forms to SONG ii. Volunteer Projects  Adopt-A-Block 1. Kickoff is Saturday, September 21st 2. Ann will volunteer, more volunteers are needed to welcome and meet students.


Vet and Prioritize i.

Bates Street Project  We plan to schedule 2 tree planting days for this October or November ii. Oakland Daffodil project  Barb is looking into this project. Needs a catchy name, daffodil source, funds and distribution system iii. Committee members are encouraged to bring new ideas for volunteer projects. There will be a number of volunteer events this fall and we need ideas from the neighborhood to make sure the volunteer projects are wanted and useful.


Shape and Coordinate i.

Public art: Moving the Lives of Kids (MLK) Murals project  Complete and successful! ii. Oakland Square Grass Planting  August 23rd 1-5 with Pitt students  Contact Josh to sign up or for more information iii. Adopt-A-Block Kick Off  Josh will bring a list of this year’s adopt a block dates to the September meeting. iv. Black and Gold City Goes Green

 September 21st 10 am  Contact Tara to sign up or for more information, groups will distribute tree request forms in addition to the normal materials.


Implement and Mobilize

**Next meeting: September 19, 6:00-7:15

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