Oakland Property Progress Report: May 2014 Address
Date Submitted to 311
311 Number
Sphinx Cafe has applied for a liquor license despite telling the neighborhood they would not serve alcohol and not stay open past midnight. Their current hours are until 1am five nights a week and 2am two nights. OPDC filed a letter of protest with the PLCB on 5/8/14. A Thursday‐Saturday barbecue stand outside Sphinx advertises 10pm‐3:30am hours and may not have the appropriate Health Department permits. Health Department investigating.
Yes, still there (5/15/14).
Most Recent Activity
Put on Top 10
Sphinx Hookah LLC
Late night sidewalk loitering and disruptive behavior
Upholstered couch embedded into the hillside 315
Zoning: R1AH. Single‐unit dwelling. Occupancy permit not required; none on file. Placebee.com lists it as a five bedroom apartment available to five or six people. (April 2014) BBI sent notice.
Shaun Cusick
Noted party property. Most recent party on 3/28/14; Over‐occupancy
Zoning: R1AVH. Single‐unit dwelling. Occupancy permit not required; none on file. Evidence: Party follow‐up by University of Pittsburgh Police revealed 7 persons residing. (April 2014) BBI sent notice.
Charles Eckenrode
Party (3/15/14) follow‐up by University of Pittsburgh Police Officer Cetra revealed 6 people residing. Zoning: R1AVH. Occupancy permit on file is for a two‐story single‐family home with the use of a 12 x 20 ft. deck. (April 2014) BBI sent notice.
BBI / Zone 4 Police/ Pitt Police/ Disruptive Properties
(March 2014)University of Pittsburgh Police made 4 physical arrests (all Pitt students) and 9 under‐age drinking citations (4 Pitt students). Zone 4 made 1 physical arrest. Pitt Police Officers Guy Johnson and Steve Cetra followed up with a visit, and have increased University patrols of Dawson Street. Follow up visit revealed 5 students living in this single family home. Councilman Kraus' Office crafting a stronger follow‐up to initial letter sent in September 2013.
Large party (89+ partygoers) resulting in noise complaint by neighbor to police. 4 police officers showed up and dispersed the party over the course of thirty minutes and issued a warning but made no citations. Pitt Police Officer Cetra followed up with a visit to warn the tenants against future disruptions, found out 4 women from Carlow reside. Pitt Police communicated this with Carlow Police. Letter sent from Kraus' office to property owners on 2/5/14. (April 2014) Officer Leshen reported at March's Oakwatch that the police made no citations due to the partygoers' cooperation.
Orpwood Janet Wang
Fu Chang Tsui
200‐300 person party resulting in six arrests on 3/22/14 and revealing over‐ occupancy
(April 2014) PARTY: Five arrests made by University of Pittsburgh Police due in Pittsburgh Municipal Court May 21st (Courtroom 02, 660 1st Avenue). Two were found guilty and made to pay a $100 fine, and three were continued to June 24th at 8am. Property has been flagged under Disruptive Properties Ordinance (information pending). OVER‐OCCUPANCY: Zoning: R1AH. Occupancy permit on file is for a two‐story single‐family dwelling with two rear parking stalls attached. 5 persons residing. (April 2014) BBI sent notice.
Vasile and George Capetas
Large disruptive party on 1/24/14 revealing over‐occupancy
New focus: over‐occupancy. Zoning: R1AH. Single‐unit dwelling. Occupancy permit not required; none on file. University of Pittsburgh Police party follow‐up visit revealed 4 people residing.
JLB Property Group LLC
Illegal dumping
Red and white pickup truck "backfilling" the hillside with chunks of cement. (April 2014) Allegheny Cleanways to help clean this up. (May 2014) Dumping is on private property, so it is the responsibility of the landowner to clean it up.
Oakland Square
Mao Realty 1 LLC
Illegal conversion to 2‐unit
(May 2014) Awaiting Zoning Board decision. (5/19/14) Neighbors noted continuing construction despite stop work order and submitted to 311.
Graffiti increase
McKee Place resident has video footage of tagger. OPDC working with him to get property owner to file a police report. Officer Leshen reported at Oakwatch meeting she will take a look at footage, has since (MAR 2014) met with resident to file reports. (April 2014) Mayor Peduto is reviving the Police's Graffiti Task Force to work in conjunction with DPW's Graffiti Busters. OPDC volunteers have been documenting/submitting graffiti to 311. (May 2014) OPDC looking to implement South Side's Graffiti Watch model. Stay tuned!
Police/ BBI
Vacant, abandoned property. Fined $100,000 in 2009 by Ricciardi.
(April 2014) BBI Inspector McPherson reports work has begun to improve the house, but only on the surface. Progress hearing on April 24th revealed need for debris clean‐up still among other structural violations. Next progress hearing is May 22nd.
Abandoned, overgrown, collecting debris, and not properly secured
(Jan 2014) Movement at a halt because owner filed for bankruptcy. OPDC is on record as party of interest with attorneys. Councilman Gilman recommends speaking with state representatives about policy/process around cases like this. (Feb 2014) BBI is re‐citing and taking back to court. (Mar 2014) BBI has re‐cited and Inspector McPherson is processing.
Semple/M cKee/ Bates/ St. James Place
Niagara St
Parkview Ave
Forbes Ave.
Eli Wasserman
Joseph M Slomnicki
Inside‐ currently occupied with Electric and Gas service shut off. Major water damage on top floor. Outside‐ Porch walls falling down, Cars Nickolas parked in backyard. Sidewalk littered Solic with large chunks of cement, retaining wall falling down, front steps crumbling, and hole in roof in the rear of the house.
Emeric Owner removed stones on PennDOT Criscella and owned land. Paved it and is using as a MRL parking lot. Associates LLC
(May 2014) Commonwealth Court threw out most recent appeal.
(May 2014) Judge Gallo issued a 30‐day continuance on May 13th, giving the owners until the time of their next hearing to plant the trees according to their site plan.
292559; 28663
Revoked zoning permit for 2‐unit upon community outcry. Construction has continued even without the zoning permit and by default, bulding permit. BBI has issued a stop‐work notice, says the only legal work that can be done is painting and tiling inside the house. (April 2014) Owner plans to appeal the revoked permit before the Zoning Board (200 Ross Street) May 1st at 10am. Community attendance encouraged.
(August 2013) Property condition now worse. Constable will serve warrant for arrest once he tracks down owner.(JAN 2014) Improved front concrete. (FEB 2014) Constable arrested Wasserman when he showed in court for a hearing on another property he owns that is in disrepair. He posted bail and had a Payment Determination hearing before Ricciardi, and is to be in touch with Inspector McPherson in order to begin August of 2013 making repairs. He has not made contact yet.
(Jan‐Feb 2012) 5 BBI violations submitted for court complaint. (3/21/12) 30‐day continuance issued on condition owner reach out to OPDC for solution. (4/3/12) Owner met with OPDC, not interested in selling. (4/17/12)Owner sent OPDC letter requesting volunteers to clean up debris. OPDC responded on 4/27/12 offering to to buy house and/or recommend landscapers/ contractors to do work if they don't wish to sell. (6/7/12) Owner fined $100,000 at magistrate's court. Plans to appeal. (7/12/12): Community Human Services in contact with BBI and wishes to purchase the home/provide services to owner. (10/16/12) Owner appealled before Judge Gallo and received a 60 day extension. Judge threatened fine of $1,000 per day if not abated by then. (12/4/12) OPDC is working with URA to place property in Property Reserve. (1/8/13) Judge Gallo fined Slomnicki $10,000. Slomnicki did not state whether or not he would appeal. (May 2013) Oakwatch researching Act 90 legislation (June 2013) Brief is due, CJ Liss said she submitted hers and didn’t know if Slomnicki has submitted his (July 2013) Owner filed for bankruptcy Never submitted brief Appeal denied court must begin collecting fines (August 2013) The owner did not
(6/20/12): BBI has submitted this property to appear in housing court soon.(9/6/12) Owner fined $500,000 by Judge Ricciardi; will likely appeal. (9/19/12) Per BBI, no update on notice of appeal. (12/4/12) Owner did not show for appeal hearing. (1/8/13) Judge Gallo fined Solic $13,500. Solic stated that he will appeal. (1/20/13) House continues to be safety hazard; Oakwatch further exploring options with City Solicitor re: possible injunction.(March 2013) Owner has made minor improvements and claims he's retained lawyer for appeal. Appeal process to Superior Court is very lengthy. (May 2013) Oakwatch exploring Act 90 legislation. (June 2013) His brief was not due yet. To follow up on fines, would have to call Judge Gallo’s office or city solicitor. (August 2013) The brief has been submitted. CJ’s brief is due at the end of July. After an appeal, the owner can be cited again. He cannot be cited again during the appeal because federal law gives him protection from double jeopardy (receiving punishment multiple times for the same offense). (October 2013) Judge Gallo reduced fine from $13,500.00 to $8,500.00. The City was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the violations for debris, junk vehicles, collapsed retaining wall, and a deteriorated slate roof. Councilman Kraus' and neighbors' testimony said to be effective. Filed In Forma Pauperis for reduction of fines. (November 2013) Repairs are in progress. (Jan 2014) Neighbor reported improvements to front steps but nothing more. Owner is in 3rd appeal process. Windows are now boarded. (Feb 2014) Still in appeals; briefs have been submitted. (Mar 2014) Per BBI, still in appeals.
(3/21/2012) Owners cited. Will go through Zoning Board, and Planning board. (4/18/12) Per Brian Hill report, city attorneys and developer attorneys trying to resolve issue out of court.(6/21/12)Judge Ricciardi issued continuance in Housing Court. Mandated that in interim, owners install parking bumpers. (8/14/12) In Housing Court on August 16th. Community is coordinating testimony with city attorney.( 8/15/12) Was continued in court; city wants it handled by Planning Commission. (9/19/12) Per Mayor's Office, planning commission is still awaiting updated site plans from developer and will try to contact owner or attorney. BBI/ Planning Commission (10/22/12) Owners did not show up for hearing. Judge Ricciardi fined them $600,000. (1/4/13) Owners filed appeal. New court date February 12th.(2/20/13) Hearing delayed until further notice.(June 2013) Still under appeal. (July 2013) Zoning Board awaiting revised site plan. Will present to planning commission once approved. (August 2013) Zoning department is still reviewing proposed drawings. (10/1/2013) Planning Commision hearing approved site plan. (November 2013) Scheduled for hearing appeal before Gallo in May 2014. (JAN 2014) Inspector Sanders approved site plans for parking, pending landscape requirements.