Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015
Mission: Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project seeks to improve the quality of life for residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise, and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood. I.
In attendance: Akshaya Arjunan, Maria Bethel, Camille Burgess, Alicia Carberry, Steve Cetra, Patrick Corelli, Joan Dickerson, Shawn Ellies, Zoe Feinstein, Everett Green, Nathan Hart, Sharnay Hearn, Shuning Huang, Guy Johnson, Blair Kossis, Shannon Leshen, Neil Manganaro, David Manthei, Michael Medwed, Graeme Meyer, Bob McPherson, Mark Oleniacz, Ed Pace, Lawrence Robinson, Barbara Ruprecht, Kannu Sahni, Evelyn Stafford, Lara Sullivan, John Wilds, Wanda Wilson.
Oakland Police Partner Crime Reports: a. Pittsburgh Police, Zone 4 Community Relations Officer Shannon Leshen
-Officer Leshen began by sharing news of Commander Degler’s promotion to Commander of Support Services and Major Crimes Lieutenant Daniel Herrmann’s promotion to Zone 4 Commander. Commander Herrmann plans to attend an upcoming Oakwatch meeting soon to introduce himself. -Crime report for February, 15 non-traffic citations (see chart above) and 18 physical arrests. -A burglary arrest was made of a known actor. -West Oakland update: no shootings since January 23 tied to two arrests made in January. -Question: Are the current proprietors at 45 Bates Street (XO Café) the same as the applicants for the Liquor License at that address? Detective McBurney of the Nuisance Bar Taskforce would know. -Officer Leshen will invite Detective McBurney to a future Oakwatch meeting. b. University of Pittsburgh Police, Officer Guy Johnson: i. Incidents: 85 incidents in February: ◦ 22 physical arrests. ◦ 38 citations 14 for underage drinking, 19 for drug violations * not all citations were University of Pittsburgh students ◦ 10 directed to the Judicial Board -The University’s weekend impact detail communicates regularly with Zone 4 officers. -University of Pittsburgh Police has jurisdiction on and up to 500 yards from University of Pittsburghowned/rented/leased property. -A Dawson Street neighbor asked what can be done about late night post-party parades down Ward and Frazier Streets. If breaking laws, report to 911. ii. Knock-and-Talks: -3811 Dawson (1st floor) following a disruption in February. -320 Ophelia re: March 14’s disruptive party revealed Point Park students residing. iii. 320 Ophelia: -A Kennett Square neighbor asked why there weren’t any citations or arrests made at the 320 Ophelia Street party on March 14. Officer Leshen responded that citations and arrests are discretionary, and read from the police report of that incident. Response time: 1 ½ minutes; crowd dispersed easily and without fighting. Neighbor also noted no citations were made at the most-recent disruptive party at 320 Ophelia (editor’s note: on 10/18/14). In order to trigger a Disruptive Property notice, citation or arrest must be not only made, but also linked to an address. -Maria Bethel joined in to say she would bring that address to the Nuisance Taskforce for monitoring. -The Nuisance Taskforce, soon be combined with the Nuisance Bar Taskforce, is comprised of: all six Zone Commanders and Community Relations Officers, the Law Department, the District Attorney’s office, and the Disruptive Properties Administrator (Maria Bethel). III.
Mayor’s Office Update (Sharnay Hearn): -Sharnay introduced herself as the Community Affairs Liaison and shared that the Mayor’s Office will begin to meet bi-weekly with the Department of Public Safety. -A Dawson Street neighbor asked about the routes for the Greenfield Bridge demolition. OPDC’s Wanda Wilson responded that Department of Public Works has presentations and that OPDC would convene a meeting for neighbors to look at the plans. Stay up to date here: greenfieldbridge.otmapgh.org/
Over Occupancy Update (Joan Dickerson): -Joan began by thanking City Councilpersons Lavelle, Gilman, and Kraus for taking over occupancy seriously and supporting prosecuting violators. -Joan reminded the group if they note more than three people living in a single family home to first report to 311 and then to forward to Oakwatch for tracking. -Sentencing for 343 Lawn’s over occupancy hearing will go before Judge Gallo (414 Grant Street, Courtroom 821) on Tuesday, April 7, at 8am. -Summary Appeal for 3616 Parkview’s guilty of over occupancy verdict will go before Judge Gallo (414 Grant St, Courtroom 821) on Tuesday, April 28, at 8am.
Oakland Property Progress Report and Over occupancy Report (PLI Inspector McPherson): -3101 Niagara: No update. Act 90 legislation was mentioned to upgrade charges to a misdemeanor. -3616 Parkview: will go before Judge Gallo (414 Grant St, Courtroom 821) on Tuesday, April 28, at 8am. -343 Lawn: will go before Judge Gallo (414 Grant St, Courtroom 821) on Tuesday, April 7, at 8am. -3421 Parkview: will have to talk with new City Solicitor (once named) to see about re-citing. -3431/3433 Parkview: no ruling rule on new window. -3445 Parkview: Issued stop-work notice as the last of four windows went in. Owner agreed to an inspection. McPherson suggested neighbors call PLI when they see contractors there. *Although City Solicitor Liss is being re-assigned, she will represent the City on 343 Lawn and 3616 Parkview. -Inspector McPherson announced that PLI is moving toward having an operations inspector and a construction inspector for each region, and that his jurisdiction would move to Lawrenceville and Garfield at the end of March. He has already conveyed Oakwatch priorities to his temporary replacement, Inspector Motznik. -Everyone paused to applaud McPherson for his dedication to code enforcement in Oakland.
Disruptive Property Statistics (Maria Bethel): -3 submissions from Zone 4 so far in 2015. 1 from Oakland: a marijuana possession charge on Ward Street. -Maria reiterated that The Nuisance Taskforce, will soon be combined with the Nuisance Bar Taskforce.
Community Announcements & Events: -Thursday, March 19, 6-8p: Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG)’s Safer Neighborhoods Network (SNN) meeting at 1901 Centre Ave, Suite 200. Discussion: city and perhaps county-wide gun buy-back program. Email Katie@prcg.org for more info. -Friday, March 20: Deadline to contribute candy to Zone 4 (5858 Northumberland) for Easter baskets for child victims of physical and sexual abuse. -Wednesday, March 25, 6p: Volunteers needed to make Easter baskets for children victims of abuse. F.O.P. Lodge, 1428 Banksville Road. Email for info: Shannon.leshen@pittsburghpa.gov -March 26, April 7, April 28: Oakland cases in Housing Court. -Wednesday, April 22, 6p: City Wide Public Safety Meeting at Teamster's Temple, 4701 Butler Street in Lawrenceville. -Saturday, March 28: Volunteers needed to help coordinate Pitt’s Be a Good Neighbor Day cleaning projects. Email greenteam@opdc.org for more information or to sign up. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 15, 6pm at the Oakland Career Center (294 Semple Street). Contact Oakwatch: oakwatch@opdc.org or 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!