Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project Meeting Minutes August 21st, 2013
Mission: Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project seeks to improve the quality of life for residents, employees and visitors by enforcing codes on negligent property owners, housing violations, parking violations, disruptive behavior, excessive noise and underage drinking in the Oakland neighborhood. I.
In attendance: Ethel DeIuliis, Michael Medwed, Carol Mitchell, Henry Cianciosi, Robert Beecher, David Manthei, Valerie Flatley, Brendan O’Brien, Kannu Sahni, Camille Burgess, Craig Campbell, Steve Cetra, Shawn Ellies, Gloria Sciulli, Mark Oleniacz, Kalli Lardas, Mary Ballerini, Kathy Boykowycz, Nathan Hart, Brian Hill, Geof Becker, Hanson Kappelman, Janice Markowitz, Lizabeth Gray, Rebekkah Ranallo, Blair Kossis, Wanda Wilson
Introductions; Brief new members (Geof Becker, 5 minutes)
Oakwatch Citizen Observers (Hanson Kappelman, 15 minutes) Hanson explained the new initiative to the meeting attendees, specifying that the new patrol group will work and coordinate public safety efforts with police and residents. The group will also help monitor parties in Oakland and make calls to police regarding these parties. The hotline will send a transcription of voicemails to volunteers on call. The effort is non-confrontational. Those present at the meeting had the opportunity to ask questions and provide input. Hanson also reviewed the Incident Report form. Police will have three cars out this weekend as part of the Oakland impact detail. Ms. Lardas: What about retribution? Hanson and Nate explained in response to this question that patrol volunteers will meet the police for them to avoid retribution. Ms. Sciulli: Are we allowed to call the hotline on behalf of other neighbors, and does OPDC need their neighbors’ contact information? Ms. Sciulli highlighted the fact that many of her elderly neighbors do not want to release their info. In response to Ms. Sciulli’s question, Wanda confirmed that OPDC can take the neighbor’s contact info instead of the caller’s contact info, and that OPDC keeps the information confidential.
Oakland Property Progress Report (BBI, 15 minutes) a. 244 Dunseith: Constable trying to track down owner to serve warrant b. 162 Robinson: REMOVE from the Top 10 list since OPDC is trying to acquire property through City of Pittsburgh Treasurer Sale. c. 210 Ophelia: In court August 27th. There is a, rumor that the property sold to a neighbor. Liz reported that they have been doing a lot of work planting a lawn. Geof and Liz don’t think they’re grading it properly, though. UPDATE: ABATED , DISMISSED IN COURT d. 53 Lawn: OPDC reviewing appraisal. In meantime, Brian Hill was not sure if BBI resubmitted citation yet.
e. 3738 Dawson Street: BBI still has not received the engineers’ report. CJ has demanded a third party inspection. The attorneys are fighting. They are due back in court August 27th. UPDATE: ABATED, DISMISSED IN COURT. f. 3109 Forbes: They submitted a new site plan to Zoning Board who began reviewing it today. Kate was reviewing it before sending it to the Planning Commission. Geof asked if that document is public. Brian thinks it becomes public once before the Planning Commission. g. 3101 Niagara: Brian thinks he is appealing at the next level, but there was confusion over the court deadlines. h. 3421 Parkview: Needs an update from CJ. The city can go after the property eventually but it takes a long time. i. 3124 Blvd of Allies (Fagnelli Plumbing): Wanda reported on a new landscaping plan being submitted for the Blvd of Allies/Hamlet intersection. This plan would include green screening the parking lot area. They’ve removed dirt and applied for occupancy permit. Wanda wants us to push for the implementation of the planting plan as a condition of approval of the site plan. Brian Hill said that Susan Tymoczko of Zoning reported an issue with signage. Wanda noted this is a big success for Oakwatch. j. Camille brought up new concerns regarding Frazier Street. The house on the corner of Parkview and Frazier has wires hanging down, and the lot has not been cleared. Wolf Way alley is always cluttered by trash because of residents of Orpwood. People are drinking beer in the playground. Camille also asked about overgrown trees on the street and asked whose responsibility it is to trim these trees. Brian Hill said that the city is currently two years behind on trimming trees. Wanda said that we can talk to the Green Team about these issues. Geof confirmed to her that she is in the right place to voice concerns like this and that if she gets us exact addresses we can start targeting these issues. We need to look into what trees TreeVitalize can help prune. V.
Update on TV/electronics in trash (City of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, 10 minutes) Kannu Sahni reported that Pitt began collecting TVs from the sidewalks and that they’ve removed ten so far. Central and South Oakland seem to be mostly cleared of TVs now; however, they’re not sure about the situation in North Oakland. The city intends to pick up more TVs tomorrow. Kannu said that if people spot more TVs people should call them. OPDC is hosting a recycling event on October 12th. This is the earliest time any of the recycling companies were available. Michael asked if scrappers can be licensed to pick up TVs. Councilman Lavelle is working on this issue.
University of Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown, Q&A. (Officer Cetra, 10 minutes) Officer Cetra brought a copy of the panhandling ordinance. He also provided a long list of citations in the area over the summer months. These included 10 disorderly conduct citations and 7 public drunkenness citations (most of which were not students) in August and 4 ordinance violations (2 for public urination and 2 for aggressive panhandling) in July. Additionally, Cetra reported a rash of bike thefts on campus, and that the Pitt Police made two arrests and the CMU police made two arrests. He informed us that their jurisdiction(they can only enforce in areas that are within 500 yards of campus) is a state regulation.
Janice Markowitz: Reported 3746 Dawson to 911 twice. She waited on the corner for two hours for police but received no response. There were 200-300 people there, and it was a pay-to-enter party. The gentlemen at the door said that he would be the “bouncer” all year. Kannu shared this issue with Commander Ellies. Kannu Sahni: Kannu asked if the tenants are new, and Nate said yes. Kannu said Pitt Police will visit the property to let them know that they are on their radar. Wanda reminded everyone that if police write citations landlords will be cited through the Disruptive Properties Ordinance. Pgh Police Lieutenant: Stated that we as citizens need to put pressure on lawmakers to change the section of the noise ordinance concerning how the ordinance can be enforced. Lieutenant will ask the Nuisance Bar task force about enforcing pay to enter parties. The Lieutenant will request data reports for next month’s meeting. Nathant Hart: Asked whether or not the community is able to send kids to Pitt’s J-board. No one was certain of the answer. Lieutenant: Said that he used to run the Nuisance Bar task force and he’s going to see if the Liquor Control Enforcement can do something. Liz Grey: Liz asked about creating a mini-task force to address the situation in Oakland. Lieutenant: Resources are very limited. FYI: 911 prioritizes house parties below burglaries, robberies, etc., which is often why it takes police so long to respond to these issues in Oakland. VII.
Pittsburgh Police Oakland crime update / Incident breakdown / Parking update, Q&A (Zone 4 Representative, 10 minutes) The acting Commander attended the meeting, standing in for Commander Degler and Officer Leshen. He did not have any data reports but committed to bringing them to September meeting.
Community Announcements & Events ( 5 minutes) Rebekkah Ranallo: Keep It Clean Oakland Dumpster Project and Good Neighbor Campaign details. South Oakland Community Day: September 7th at Frazier Field, 12pm-6pm o Spaghetti Dinner – Friday 8/23 at Parkview Manor on 3250 Parkview Ave, 4pm-8pm Free homebuyer workshop: Saturday, Sept. 21st at Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple Street, 8:30am-4:30pm. Lunch provided. Oakland Town Hall meeting hosted by Coalition of Oakland Residents (COR) on Thursday, Oct. 17th in Alumni Hall, 6-8pm. Other community announcements?
Next meeting- September 18th, 12:00pm, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, 234 McKee Place, Pgh, PA 15213.
Meeting Adjournment
Contact Oakwatch: oakwatch@opdc.org 412.621.7863 ext. 27. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!