Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project Minutes September 16, 2015
Chairperson Kappelman brought the meeting to order, read Oakwatch mission, and facilitated introductions. Present: Mary Shea, Lizabeth Gray, Matt Landy, John Wilds, Julie Reiland, Alicia Carberry, Neil Manganaro, Maria Bethel, Shannon Leshen, Tom Pauley, Commander Hermann, Guy Johnson, Lawrence Robinson, Kannu Sahni, Dale Shoemaker, Everett Green, Pat Correlli, Jack Heidecker, Nathan Hart, Henry Cianciosi, Wanda Wilson, Robert Harper, Camille Burgess, Michael Medwed, Sharnay Hearn, Millie Sass, Elena Zaitsoff, Ken Eckenrode, Janice Lorenz, Hanson Kappelmann Review of August/September Citations, Arrests, Disruptive Property Ordinance University of Pittsburgh Police, Officer Johnson: 118 incidents, 25 arrests, 48 citations issued, 41 affiliated, 1 aggravated assault 3 defiant trespass; 3 disorderly conduct; 1 marijuana, 6 DUI, 1 drug, 3 false ID, furnishing alcohol to a minor – 3 arrests 1 loitering arrest 2 open container 5 panhandling 6 public drunkenness – 3 affiliated, 3 non 1 simple assault 23 underage citations issued – 21 affiliated; 19 on campus 6 J-Board 19 parties visited during impact detail on first weekend (before classes). Broke up parties. 2 citations issued at those parties. 5 walk and talks from complaints. Q: Why only 2 citations at 19 parties? A: Police presence disrupted the illegal activity. If was warranted, there would have been other citations. Based on reports, the parties weren’t disruptive at the time Police were on scene. Q: An officer took names and determined properties were over-occupied. A: May have done that.
Q: Oakwatch concern about over occupancy is to get Police evidence to PLI to pursue over occupancy cases. It has been our experience that evidence has not always resulted in citations. A: Officer Johnson responded that Pitt Police does not have over occupancy as primary concern. The report can be given to the appropriate agency who can then follow up. Oakwatch will look to others around the room to link the evidence from Police to appropriate agency to take action on this concern. MBethel: working on connection between Pitt Police and City of Pittsburgh Police to provide information in a more formal way. Now, utilize these forums. SLeshen: what is best way to get info to PLI? 311? JRieland offered to be the conduit for Zone 4 Police to provide this information to PLI directly. She will look into what format information is needed. For now, email information to her and she will ensure that it gets to the right person. JWilds, not role to police over occupancy, but if they find it, they will report it. MLandy: from student conduct perspective, every time they get a report of more than three unrelated, he will instill a practice of sharing this information with PLI and Oakwatch. He will pass through legal. JReiland: PLI inspectors will still need to see evidence when they go to inspect. HKappelmann: Yes, but there is weight to testimony from a sworn officer of the law. In previous cases, Police officers have testified in successful cases. We need to make this link in whatever way we can. LRobinson: on one street with three permitted rooming houses. It is difficult to determine who is the responsible person that owns the building. Ownership entity is a corporation. He inspects annually and can address other problems with owner if Oakwatch provides information to him about concerns. Ken Eckenrode: concern on the part of landlords that they would like to be contacted about problems at properties. Landlords would like to be notified. They don’t want parties at properties. SLeshen: there are owners that we don’t have contact information or they don’t respond. There are situations where communication is difficult. Ken Eckenrode: get the word out so that concerned owners can assist. MBethel: there are many owners who are irresponsible; believe they can disregard laws because it is in city of Pittsburgh. There are often transfers amongst LLCs to hide identify of owner. MBethel: concern with disruptive properties is getting the entries into the database. Out of 11 possible violations, only 5 have been sent to be entered in the database. 3460 Dawson has been declared disruptive. Zone 4 Police - August 21 non-traffic 5 disorderly conduct 1 public drunkedness 6 underage possession/consumption 1 littering and dumping 1 false identification
5 alcohol consumption on street 37 non-traffic so far in September 12 arrests in August 8/16
3400 Dawson - theft from auto; apprehended
3200 Niagara - warrant arrest.
2nd Ave. and Hot Metal - warrant arrest.
8/22 300 Halket - homicide; Magee hospital entrance, male shooting victim, pronounced dead; 2 others taken for questioning 8/23
2000 5th Ave. - aggravated assault; domestic. Warrant issued; arrest next day. 200 Atwood – disorderly conduct, public intoxication. Arrest.
9/5 Louisa/Meyran 2 arrests resisting arrest, disrupting passageways. 1 physical arrest one summons. 8/9
DeRaud (Uptown neighborhood) - gun arrests. Caught, detained, weapons recovered.
9/12 Zulema Wellsford - receiving stolen property arrest; males carrying a street sign. Apprehended. Arrested summons. 9/14
Worth Street - domestic. Warrant arrest
24 theft from auto in area (9 north Oakland; 7 south Oakland; 4 west Oakland; 4 central Oakland). Common spike at this time of year. 2 residential burglaries. 7 theft from resident 5 theft from business 3 theft from auto 3 criminal trespass 1 rape 1 strong-arm robbery Announcements: Zone 4 Public Safety Council tomorrow 6 pm JCC room 307.
Citywide public safety meeting: Wed Oct 21 same as Oakwatch meeting. Pittsburgh Project on North Side. Zone 4 - Point Breeze yard sale this Saturday 9 – 3. Food trucks at St. Bede. Q: Had success tracing source of alcohol for underage violations? A: We have not yet been successful – give the run around. Officers are asking. Q: Information about Oakland impact patrol? A: Started on August 21. Offers can sign up for overtime. We also had two other overtime details – Hazelwood, copper thieves. So it was hard to get the overtime, were able to do it because Commander took away copper detail. It is occurring Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. Slow startup of the effort of working to tie alcohol to location of a party. One incident was successful – one incident three citations and now on disruptive properties. It is starting to work. Commander has addresses and can go into detail on them if needed. Now he is getting more details from his officers and can look into the system to tell us why if a citation wasn’t written. There will be less and less disturbance as word Liquor Control Enforcement made citations that first weekend. Pitt issued J board citations based on that work. City permitted event September 26 in Panther Hollow on soccer fields. Issue that Oakland community does not know about this. Oakland residents expressed concern to Mayors Office and City Council. Red Cup Tour. HKappelmann thanked our enforcement partners for all their efforts to address problems in the neighborhood. SGB Update on Student Tenant Association Next meeting on 9/21 anticipate have the association up and running. Goals of the association: 1) Putting pressure on landlords and spread word about irresponsible owners – “don’t rent there.” 2) To improve student-resident relations. Build trust. Act as conduit for communication. Figure out as we go. Concrete things to make a difference: educational marketing about issues. If comes from students, messages will be better received. Trash situation is a big problem. SGB good at tackling issues. Putting together task force on trash. Will publicize the app about trash day/recycling week. Educate students about single stream recycling. SGB believes can have an impact here. Trash – action. Bring landlords further in line. Will attend community meetings and bring back concerns to the association. JReiland: Suggestion to spread the word to encourage tenants to file complaints and also allow PLI inspectors inside the unit for inspection.
LRobinson: Many tenants need trash cans but can’t get them without a car. Cmdr. Hermann: can you reach out to students from other colleges? Point Park students publicize coming to Oakcliffe for parties. A: It is a challenge. KSahni: Pitt is in communication with Point Park. EZaitsoff: We need to see Point Park Police in Oakcliffe at other times of day beyond noon. GJohnson: Point Park police drive through Oakcliffe two times per shift. HKappelman: North Oakland block party was success; a lot of conversations between students and residents. Oakcliffe block party also went well; Point Park attended. Mayor’s Office Innovation and inclusion roadmap launched a week ago. Effort to ensure technology is accessible to people who live in lower income neighborhoods. WiFi in city facilities. Department of Justice holding conversations about community-resident relations, justice, reconciliation. Make my Trip Count survey – a commuter survey for Downtown, Oakland. Please participate. Q: Encourage cultural institutions to be innovative in access to institutions for low-income individuals. City Council ACarberry provided materials for cyclists about pedestrian safety/not cycling on sidewalks. Q: The Oakland Green Team is also working on this issue. Iron City Bikes could be spokespeople for safe cycling/pedestrian safety efforts. 9/21 – 9/26 bike count during rush hour. Volunteers needed. Contact Oakland Green Team to get involved. Cmdr Hermann stated that there is an increase in highend bike thefts. Write down serial number of your bike. Property Progress Report JReiland will provide updates on report at the next meeting. Oakwatch can email her directly with issues. Still working on technology upgrades. Disruptive Properties 259 261 N Dithridge and 367 S Bouquet will likely be added soon. There are board vacancies that they are working to fill. There will not be hearings in November or December. Safer Together Pittsburgh is the community outreach component to the office. John Tokarski is our liaison for public safety administration problems. Continued efforts to coordinate with Pitt Police to submit to disruptive properties database. Meeting adjournment: Chairperson Kappelman thanked the Jewish Federation for hosting us. Next meeting: Wednesday Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple Street.