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Health and safety

Health and safety forms a large part of our responsibilities to our students. It is essential that all our students are aware of the potential risks caused by behaviour and breaches of the code of conduct.

The Residential staff complete weekly health and safety checks on the accommodation. Breaches of health and safety protocols are taken very seriously; these include tampering with safety equipment (such as fire extinguishers), failing to evacuate during fire drills, tampering with any utility access points or misuse of equipment supplied.

Electrical appliances policy

All electrical appliances brought into college accommodation must possess an electrical safety check tag from a qualified appliance tester, if over 12 months old.

Use of items that do not carry an electrical safety tag is not permitted in residential accommodation and may be confiscated by staff. Please also ensure any extension cables you bring on site are new with a built-in safety fuse.

Fire and emergency procedures

If students hear the fire alarm, they should evacuate the building immediately via the signposted fire exits. Students should make their way to the designated fire assembly point.

Further information will be provided to students regarding our fire safety procedures when they arrive on site.

Remember - if in doubt call us out:

• Duty number: 07788 420061

Student behaviour

The college takes the behaviour of its students very seriously and implements the student behaviour policy when necessary. We are also totally committed to keeping parents informed of any issues to ensure a collaborative approach to improving and removing negative behaviours.

The Residential team also works with the academy coaches to develop practical sanctions for any students who have fallen below the college standards of behaviour. We support students to undertake community service style activities such as helping the housekeeper, tidying up the grounds or similar. These specific activities are developed to help students understand the process of cause and consequence by raising their awareness of the cost to the college of the damages or mess caused by inappropriate behaviours.

The residential student behaviour standards are residential-specific standards that we expect all student to adhere to. These standards form part of the student agreement and behaviour policy, and are in place to help us provide a positive and safe environment for our students whilst living in residential accommodation.

There are four main areas of focus for the Residential student behaviour standards and these are:

• Room cleanliness and hygiene

• Complying with residential rules

• Reporting of damages

• Respect for peers’ property and possessions

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