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From the Head of School

From the


Dear Oaks Christian School Community,

Each year we celebrate and honor our many donors and volunteers who give so generously of their time, expertise, and resources to support the mission of Oaks Christian School. This past fiscal year, July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 was a year for the history books as the school celebrate its 20th anniversary during a worldwide pandemic. And while this report certainly does celebrate the gifts that were given, this past year also revealed the very real and much needed spirit of giving that defined our community during a difficult season.

From making a professional pivot to remote learning, our teachers demonstrated the giving gift of true mentoring and care, putting students learning and well-being above any inconvenience or obstacle. Our staff gave gifts of their time and expertise, spending the extra hours and efforts adjusting to working remotely, helping their colleagues, or preparing the campus for the new health and safety protocols. Our parents gave their students the extra time and attention needed to help them transition to remote learning and extended incredible grace as we all navigated the new realities.

Oaks Christian is a community of givers and we saw that firsthand this past year. I am incredibly proud of the way so many in our OCS family gave in ways both great and small to help us keep educating and innovating despite COVID-19.

Despite having to close the campus in March, this past year saw some exciting opportunities and initiatives:

• Record enrollment during these difficult times • Multiple televised news stories featuring Oaks Christian as an example of a school that did remote learning well • Residential Dorm Ribbon-Cutting • Idea Lab launch and Open House • First full year of our signature academies • Our first OCServes Day

I want to thank each of you for your support this past year, and how you have been there for the students during this challenging year.


Rob Black Head of School

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