3 minute read
From the Chief Development Officer
From the
Dear Oaks Christian School Community,
In many ways, COVID-19 has been a catalyst for change. It has required us to look beyond our embedded routines and find new strength in facing the unknown.
Through joy and struggle, disappointments and victories, from the cancelled gala to postponed graduations, Oaks Christian’s collective community spirit, anchored in the love and grace of Jesus, has been ever present.
This stewardship report is about giving. In it you will find that while energy waned, commitment soared this past year; commitment to learning, growing, and being present (even through a computer screen). We stretched our imaginations about what school is and how we successfully engage in it. We all pivoted, flexed our God-given will and remained true to each other. This report names some of the individuals who gave of their financial resources but also celebrates everyone—teachers and coaches, board members and school leadership, parents, grandparents, and alumni—who each gave a little more when it was needed the most.
The resilience gained through 20 years of learning and growing together was needed more than ever in the face of a pandemic and none more so than by the Class of 2020. You will always have a special place in the history of Oaks Christian School.
Thank you to all who gave and committed to sticking together. Oaks Christian School is better because of your generosity and we are immensely grateful.
Please join me in renewing our commitment to the mission of Oaks Christian: to dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of academic excellence, artistic expression and athletic distinction while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace.
Eddie Moore Chief Development Officer

Teachers of the Year HONORED
Matt Hurdle Ryan Kelly
Matt Hurdle with his advisory on senior beach day. Ryan Kelly with his band students.

Hats off and a round of applause are in order for the 2019-20 OCS “Teachers of the Year.” High School History Teacher and Director of the Institute of
Global Leadership Matt Hurdle and Middle School Director of Bands Ryan Kelly are the recipients of this year’s Atsinger
Teaching Excellence Award. The gentlemen were recognized at the summer commencement ceremonies for each school in front of their peers, students and OCS families.
In introducing Hurdle, last year’s high school recipient,
History Teacher Jeff Dewey, said, “I marvel at his ability to adapt form and function of classroom management and instruction to meet the needs of wide-eyed incoming freshmen, while at the same time serving the needs of our savvy college bound seniors.”
Flexibility, adaptation, collaboration and problemsolving are some of the traits that Hurdle has demonstrated in the classroom and with his student advisory group.
“Matt maintains an impressive educational balance between academic rigor and student learning outcomes while generating genuine bonds of endearment and mutual respect among his students and colleagues,” Dewey added.
In this last year, Hurdle has helped establish the Institute of Global Leadership, training students in entrepreneurship, leadership and global issues. Students have enjoyed guest lectures from experts in the fields of law enforcement, business and enterprise, as well as on-site excursions to area businesses.
Hurdle has taught at Oaks Christian since 2010. He and his wife, Hannah (OCS Class of 2006) have two children.
Head of School Rob Black awarded the Middle School Teacher of the Year Award to Kelly during the live streamed eighth grade commencement.
Even though considered electives, Kelly’s classes have continued to grow in popularity. Demand for band classes has steadily increased so that more sections were added with students on a waiting list. Kelly developed a new jazz lab and students eagerly showed up at 7:30am to be able to participate.