Oakville Hospital Foundation - 2017/18 Annual Report

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Oakville Hospital Foundation • 2017/2018 Annual Report



A Letter to Our Donors


Donor Stories


Financial Statement


2017/18 Highlights


Board of Directors


Lifetime Donors


2017/18 Donors


Endowment Funds


Friends of Tomorrow Mary McPherson, Chief Executive Officer and Jeff Flemington, Chair, Board of Directors

Letter to Our Donors The Oakville Hospital Foundation recognizes that every donor has the power to make a difference. Thanks to donors like you, the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) healthcare team can continue to secure the essential equipment and technology it needs to care for thousands of patients every year. Your generosity helped caregivers deliver approximately 2,500 babies last year, perform more than 15,000 MRI scans and 30,000 surgical procedures, and see more than 80,000 emergency department visits. You have changed the lives of thousands of patients this past year. That is the power of your gift. In this annual report, you will find stories about a few of the special gifts we received last year from loyal donors. Their renewed support, and yours, not only fuels leading edge healthcare but also demonstrates trust in OTMH’s vision to

transform the community hospital experience. I hope you will be as touched as I am by the generosity of these donors. As the new Chief Executive Officer of the Oakville Hospital Foundation I am fortunate to be a part of this generous and dedicated community of donors and volunteers. Your dedicated commitment to improving the health of our community is the reason we were able to raise $10.7 million to fund the immediate and urgent priority needs of our Hospital. This level of support would not be possible without you, so on behalf of the patients who are impacted by your support every day, I thank you.

Mary McPherson Chief Executive Officer

Judy and David Campbell For more than 40 years, David and Judy Campbell have called Oakville home. Their daughters were born at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital legacy site, as were their grandchildren and Judy is a dedicated volunteer at the Hospital. Understanding the importance of community support, the Campbells have been giving to the Oakville Hospital Foundation and the Oakville Hospital Volunteer Association for close to 20 years and in 2017 made a transformational gift to the Hospital. “We know it is important for everyone in the community to have a hospital with the right equipment since anyone could be a patient

at OTMH one day,” shared Judy Campbell. “We know this gift will provide OTMH staff and physicians with the latest equipment and technologies needed to diagnose and treat patients enabling them to return home as quickly as possible.” Their donation helped fund numerous pieces of equipment throughout the Hospital including two ultrasound machines, a digital mammography machine, a digital x-ray machine, and a sentinel node navigator. In recognition of the Campbells’ extraordinary generosity, the Medical & Surgical Specialty Clinics are named in their honour.


Giving 2000




Shoppers LOVE. YOU. Run for Women Mental illness affects one in five Canadians making it the single most disabling group of disorders worldwide. Although mental health is a priority, it is often overlooked and misunderstood. Entirely too common as an illness, women are two times more likely to be diagnosed with depression and anxiety. One in eight women will develop depression at some point in their lives; this is twice as likely as men. To help women live their best lives, the SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. program is designed to help women stay focused on making their own health a priority by connecting them to the expertise

of partners at leading women’s health organizations and to others in support of women’s health initiatives across Canada. The SHOPPERS LOVE. YOU. Run for Women is Canada’s first and only women’s and girls’ running race series, benefitting women’s mental health initiatives across the country. Last year, the Oakville event raised more than $108,000 for the Mental Health Programs at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Through this support and partnership, we have realigned groups and programming to better support the complex needs of people living with mental health through

education, health workshops, skills building and opportunities to improve overall wellness. Additionally, donations have allowed us to increase capacity within our program by integrating Peer Mentor supports as part of the inter-disciplinary team to support and facilitate our aftercare groups within the mental Health Day Program. Thank you to Shoppers Drug Mart, its employees and customers, for supporting mothers, daughters, and friends through the funding of OTMH programs that allow women to take that next step to recovery.



Giving 2011

Lorelei and Richard Jenkins For more than twenty years, Lorelei and Richard Jenkins have called Oakville home. Grateful to live in a community with a state-of-the-art healthcare facility, they decided to make a generous $250,000 gift to the Hospital in 2017. Richard Jenkins, the Chairman and Managing Director of Black Creek Investment Management, recognizes the importance of giving to his local community hospital and sees the gift as an investment in the future but with the hope of not needing its services.


“We believe in paying it forward and giving to charitable organizations that are financially sound, transparent, and accountable with donor dollars,” said Richard. The couple’s donation helped fund numerous pieces of priority equipment needed in Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital’s medical and surgical departments. In recognition of their generosity, the 6 South inpatient unit will be named in honour of Lorelei and Richard Jenkins and Family.



Jim and Lois McDougall were dedicated community members involved with Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital throughout their lives. In the early 1950s, Lois established her teaching career at Linbrook School in Oakville, known today as St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School. There, Lois joined her fellow teachers in starting a fundraising committee for the new hospital site being developed on Reynolds Street. Alongside the responsibilities of teaching and being actively involved in their church, Jim and Lois raised seven children. They lived their lives as loving, faith-filled parents and took pride in their big, closeknit family including 19 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Lois volunteered with the palliative care program at OTMH helping to provide companionship for patients and assistance for families. Her dedication to the unit helped promote her to the head of the palliative care volunteer team. While Lois was helping palliative patients, Jim volunteered his time to gurney patrol at OTMH, helping transport patients throughout the Hospital. Married for 71 years and soulmates until the end, Jim and Lois McDougall passed away in 2017 within 40 days of each other. Their final gift to OTMH was a generous bequest to fund the priority needs of the Hospital and improve the healthcare of our community for years to come. 5

The Lions Club From being a founding supporter of OTMH since 1943, the local Lions Club helped build, equip, and grow OTMH from a 14-bed Lions Temporary Hospital to the state-of-the-art healthcare facility it is today. This past year, their contributions to OTMH reached a new pinnacle thanks to a generous standard grant from the Lions Clubs International Foundation. Led by Pravin Sharma, a member of the Oakville Hospital Foundation development committee, she and the Lions District A-711 rallied the community to support Perspective Marketing’s “Buy a Brick” campaign. The initiative raised more than $47,000 and the LCIF matched that amount to help purchase a ophthalmology ultrasound unit. Hundreds of people in Oakville and beyond supported this campaign, most notably Pravin Sharma, Dr. Bindlish, the Oakville Trafalgar Lions Club, the Burlington Lions Club, and the cabinet of District A-711. In addition, the Oakville Hospital Foundation is grateful for the individuals behind the “Buy a Brick” campaign including Steve Montague, CEO of Perspective Marketing, Caldwell Securities, Cropac Cranes, and D’Orazio Construction. For a minimum donation of $100, donors received a reclaimed brick from the now closed legacy site on Reynolds Street. Thanks to the Lions, the bricks used to build the hospital were put back to work this year to help fund leading-edge medical equipment that will enable the Ophthalmology team at OTMH to provide patients with the best healthcare possible.





Financial Statement

For the year ended March 31, 2018 The Oakville Hospital Foundation is conscious of its responsibilities and is accountable to those in the community who place their trust in us. Your support will allow us to address the priority needs of our Hospital – both the immediate purchase of vital equipment and for the equipment needs of tomorrow through endowments and investments.

Statement of Operations (expressed in thousands)





Revenues Fundraising revenue Net Investment Income








Net Fundraising Revenue







Ancillary Revenues (net) Total Net Revenue

Fundraising Revenue (expressed in thousands)




Donor Designated Donations










Donations & Grants Distributed (expressed in thousands)

Unrestricted Grant to OTMH - Equipment Restricted Endowment Funds











Donation Additions



Investment income

Restricted Grant to OTMH - Equipment Work-Fit Total Therapy

Endowed Funds

(expressed in thousands)

Balance, beginning of year



Investment expenses



Allocation to unrestricted net assets





Balance, end of year


2017/18 Highlights Special Project Funds at OTMH

OTMH Equipment Fund



Total Revenue Raised

$11.67 million

Fundraising Expenses

Total Grants Paid

$8.4 million


Number of Donors


Legacy Giving Foundation Giving



Corporate Giving

13% Personal Giving

Direct Response & Tribute Giving


Number of Gifts


Expense Ratio 18%




Board of Directors The Oakville Hospital Foundation is grateful for the dedicated support of our 2017/18 leadership volunteers. Pictured here from left to right: Back row Kim Fletcher Nigela Purboo Tom Rothfischer Craig Hayman Michael Bogle Joel Clark


Hilary Rodrigues, Treasurer Rob Stapleford Kirit Patel Karen Poole Samantha Horn

Front row Betty Ann Jarrett Jeff Flemington, Chair Tim Porter, Vice Chair Mary McPherson, Secretary & CEO, OHF

Not pictured: Sarah Adams Denise Baker Denise Hardenne, President & CEO, Halton Healthcare Raza Hasan Dr. Hanif Jamal Matt Macdonald Jamie Ziegel

We are grateful to these most generous donors who have given $100,000 or more cumulatively, including pledges, to the Oakville Hospital Foundation up to March 31, 2018.


$10,000,000+ Amarna & June and Ian Cockwell* Peter Gilgan*


$5 MILLION - $9,999,999 Mr. & Mrs. T. Robert Beamish - The WB Family Foundation Betty & Bruce Birmingham* Oakville Hospital Volunteer Association*


$2.5 MILLION - $4,999,999 HATCH Ltd. Craig & Eleanor Mellish Pierre L. Morrissette Family Foundation* The Samuel Family Foundation


$1 MILLION - $2,499,999 A.W.B. Charitable Foundation Birmingham Bank Bed Challenge* Brookfield* David & Judy Campbell Paula & Gerry Coleman Peter D’Attoma Memorial Fund* Deloitte Partners, Employees & Corporate Foundation

Wayne & Isabel Fox* Lochan Family* Oakville Community Foundation* OTMH Hospital Family* Royal Bank of Canada* Scotiabank* Michael & Christine Selim* Roger & Mags Shorey* TD Bank Group* Darko Vranich The Walmley Foundation* Warren Y. Soper Charitable Trust The Larry & Gerry Wilson Family* Red & Brenda Wilson


$500,000 - $999,999 Mary Lillian Adamson Hugh & Colleen Balders* Shirley & Ed Barr* BMO Financial Group* John & Grace Buchan* Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce* Charles & Sallie Caty Susan & Andrew Cockwell* Olive Mary Cowling & Everard Francis Cowling Michael & Carrie DeGroote and Family EllisDon Corporation Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd.

Bruce & Kelly Galloway* Hermann Gerditschke GlaxoSmithKline Inc. Willy & Hildegard Godel Gordon & Mary Hawker Lorna-Marie & Darrel Hayes Paul B. Helliwell Foundation Kelson Family Foundation Kurl for Kids Pro-Am Charity Bonspiel* Donald & Eileen Leaver* Arthur & Joanne Leitch* Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation* In Memory of Thelma Meyer The Oakville Beaver Charity Golf Tournament Heather Cockwell Paul & Michael Paul* Mark Samuel Estate of Douglas M. Simmonds Mahendra Thacker Tour de Halton* Jim & Deborah Westlake* Peter & Carol Willson / Willson International*


$250,000 - $499,999 AIC Limited Dr. Naveen Arya, Dr. Doug Bair & Dr. Joe Pham The Atkinson Charitable Foundation Banyan Tree Foundation 11

Barrington’s of Oakville Lynn & Jonathan Beach Bosco & Gigliotti Family Frank & Heide Breddermann The Brenninkmeijer Family* Ann Bucke* The Budd Family* Carillion Norman & Leslie Clubb Come Bond With Us Bill & Gill Cooper* Ann Cunningham-Dunlop Mark Dawson & Wendy Millar* Ralph & Marguerite Edwards In Memory of James Lucas Fenn & Vera A.J. Fenn Fern Hill School* Pierre G. & Carolyn Gagnon* Genworth Canada Giovanni & Concetta Guglietti Family Mrs. Ruth A. Hindmarsh Hoffmann-La Roche Limited Estate of Mrs. Dorothy Hollingsworth Ernest & Catherine Humphries IBM Canada Inc.


Christopher & Lesley Invidiata and The Invidiata Team* Iovate Health Sciences & the Gardiner Family Lorelei & Richard Jenkins Dr. Robert G. Jones & Joan Manwaring and Family Dr. Julie Khanna & Dr. Sheetal Sapra* The Estate of Myrtle Knox-Leet Peter & Lisa Kotsopoulos and Family* The Lawson Foundation Stephen & Carol Mitchell* Kathy & Steve Mueller - The Connors Foundation* Arvind G. Naik Frank & Vey Nesdale Rickart New Oak-Land Ford Lincoln & The Sanci Family* Oakville Diwali Oakville Italian Invitational Golf Tournament* Piper Foods / McDonald’s Restaurant* Rotary Club of Oakville Sleeman Brewery / Sleeman Family Mrs. Pauline Steen Sun Life Financial Charles & Ret Swire Brian & Susan Thomas* Mark & Kim Thompson Trinison Management Corporation George & Rosemary Vassallo and The Bothwell Accurate Team Ms. Florence Vuckson Art Weston & Family Stephen Williamson & Margot Hallman Peter M. & Eve Willis* Jean E. Wyler Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zamuner*


$100,000 - $249,999 Accu Electric Motors - Bajwa Family Alexander & Bernice DeMaio Foundation Allergan Inc. American Barrick Resources Corporation - In Memory of Robert E. Smith Angela Bruce Chapter - IODE* Students of Appleby College* Michele & Patrick Bailey / Blazing the Agency Mr. Richard Balaz & Family Jean et Yolande Bastien Jeanne Belford Richard Bell Memorial Hockey Tournament - ORHC BMO Employee Charitable Foundation BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. Bot Construction Group & The Silvio Bot Charitable Foundation* Estate of George Bolton Bowen Michael Bowick & Joanne Peters - In Memory of Fremont Bowick & Ray and Joan Peters* Kevin & Anita Boyce Tina C. Breckenridge Joseph Brick Burlington Convention Centre* Mr. & Mrs. Neil Cawse Paul & Gerri Charette Chris Wade Memorial Golf Tournament In Memory of Marie & Luciano Cianfarani Cogeco Cable Inc. Estate of Mrs. Agnes Cook Corbetts Ski + Snowboard* Bill Cowan Patricia E. Craddock Chris Creed, Karen Glover and Family

CRH Canada Group* D. Grant Crosbie & Karen Harrington* In Memory of Dorothy Cuthbert Stanley & Audrey Cutts Joseph & Najat Dableh Family Foundation Estate of Violet Dorothy Dalton Theresa & Stephen Daub The Derick Brenninkmeyer Charitable Foundation* Dobson and Toncic Financial Services Limited* The D’Orazio Family* John Stanley Duffy Fengate Capital Management Ltd.* Formula Publications Dick & Diane Freeborough* Luigi Gaetani, Bianca Tino & Family John & Pat Gandy* Khalid (Kal) and Thecla Ghory Glen Abbey United Church Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery* Stephen C. Goodrich Foundation The Govan Family* In Memory of Barbara Grzegorzko Mrs. Eleanor Gunning In memory of Helen E. & Norman R. Hain Halton Region Chinese Canadian Association 荷 頓 加 華 協 會 Mr. & Mrs. Ewout Heersink Helmitin Canada Inc. Henderson Partners, LLP Chartered Accountants* David & Mariella Holmes Family* Charles & Diana Howard Mark & Anne Hughes and Family The Interfaith Council of Halton Bonnie & Terry Jackson* The Jean Family / National Bank Financial In memory of Elena Jean*

Cathy & Henry Jelinek* Peter & Joanne Kenny and Family Estate of Walter G. King Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3881 Kodak Canada Inc. In Memory of Rudy Kopriva* Suzanne Labarge* The Lions Club of Oakville Jay & Mary Lockwood Robert & Janice MacDonald* Cari & Ron MacLean* The Madon Family Martin Malivoire Dean & Debbie Marks Philip Martin Mattamy Homes Limited May Court Club of Oakville Bruce A. McMillan McMillan Family Foundation* Alice E. McRae The Metrontario Group* Mr. & Mrs. Edward Minich Misek Family Gale & Marjan Misiurak Edward & Anna Molnar* Chris & Linda Montague* The Mundy Family* Ms. Emily E. Murphy Murron’s Cabinetree Mye Japanese Restaurant* Bob & Heidi Nadon National Bank of Canada* Carol & Mac Nichol Malcolm & Linda Nourse Richard & Judith Nunn* Kay & Ike Oka Bryan & Wendy Osmar

Brad & Kathy Owen* Mario & Jeannie Paladino and Family In Memory of Christina Paladino Dr. Joseph and Monika Paradi Estate of Susan Belle Peacock Pearce Belden Fund John & Leslie Pearson* Steve & Gail Pearson and Family* Pelmorex Media Inc. Petro-Canada John & Barrie Platt Alex & Emily Polimac* Margaret S. Preston John & Betty Pritchard Peter & Tina Pritchard Procor Limited* Wayne & Nigela Purboo James & Yola Rager Frank Rea, Forget Me Not Flowers of Oakville* In Memory of John Rizzuti & Giovanni Lopez June & Vincent Robbinson Rotary Club of Oakville West Foundation Rotary Club of Oakville-Trafalgar Tom & Erin Rothfischer* Royal Canadian Legion Oakville Branch #114 & Ladies Auxiliary* Sam Fromson Investments Ltd. The Samuel Group of Companies Donald & Nancy Scarrow* The Schulte Family* Scotiabank Skates John & Kathy See* Shoppers Drug Mart Oakville Tree of Life L. Rodney Sim & Terry Wells Bruce Smith Don & Pauline Smith* 13

Estate of Herman L. Smith Jane & Robert M. Smith - In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy G. Evans Jim & Lois Smith and Family* Estate of Mr. Leslie J. Smith James & Barbara Snow* Paul Strongman & Family Surya Foundation TD Waterhouse In Memory of Frederick David Thorpe

Tim Hortons Oakville Restaurant Owners* Travelers Canada Estate of Ellen Georgina Vint Shirley Walmsley, in Loving Memory of Dr. Doug Walmsley Robert & Mary Westcott Estate of Marion Elaine Wilson George & Isobel Winnett The Ruth Anne Winter Family*

Winterfest Ski & Snowboard Dr. Arthur Wu George Youssef & Susan Warren The Youssef-Warren Foundation * Indicates consecutive giving of 5 or more years

The Oakville Hospital Foundation greatly appreciates all gifts to OTMH this past year. The following lists are individuals, families, foundations, businesses and other organizations who have made contributions of $500 or more between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018. Thank you for your generosity.

$1,000,000+ Peter Gilgan*^

$100,000 - $999,999 Amarna & June and Ian Cockwell*^ Mr. & Mrs. T. Robert Beamish - The WB Family Foundation^ Tina C. Breckenridge Brookfield*^ David & Judy Campbell Hermann Gerditschke Lorelei & Richard Jenkins Arthur & Joanne Leitch* Lochan Family*^ Longo’s Family Charitable Foundation*^ 14

Pierre L. Morrissette Family Foundation*^ Induben Naik^ Royal Bank of Canada*^ Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation Warren Y. Soper Charitable Trust^ Luigi Gaetani, Bianca Tino & Family Tour de Halton* The Walmley Foundation^ The Larry & Gerry Wilson Family*^

$50,000 - $99,999 Birmingham Bank Bed Challenge Bothwell-Accurate Co. Inc.^ The Budd Family*^

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce*^ Nancy Cockfield Peter D’Attoma Memorial Fund*^ Wayne & Isabel Fox^ Darrel Hayes Kurl for Kids Pro-Am Charity Bonspiel* Metrican Stamping Co. Inc. Heidi Nadon Malcolm & Linda Nourse Scotiabank*^ Michael & Christine Selim*^ Mags Shorey*^ Barbara Simpson Jim & Lois Smith and Family* Mahendra Thacker^

$25,000 - $49,999 Shirley & Ed Barr*^ Michael Bowick & Joanne Peters - In Memory of Fremont Bowick & Ray and Joan Peters* Ann Bucke* J. Cooper* Mark Dawson & Wendy Millar*^ The Derick Brenninkmeyer Charitable Foundation*^ Dobson and Toncic Financial Services Limited* Fengate Capital Management Ltd. Halton Sikh Cultural Association^ Dr. Julie Khanna & Dr. Sheetal Sapra*^ Peter & Lisa Kotsopoulos and Family*^ Donald & Eileen Leaver* Mazda Canada Stephen & Carol Mitchell* Steve & Gail Pearson and Family*^ Raffi Jewellers Yorkdale Inc. Oakville Rangers Hockey Club*^ Donald & Nancy Scarrow*^ Square One - La Dolce Vita Surya Foundation Dean & Debbie Marks Tim Hortons Oakville Restaurant Owners* The Youssef-Warren Foundation

$15,000 - $24,999 407 ETR^ The Brenninkmeijer Family* The Davis Family, In Memory of Sharon Glen Abbey United Church Glen Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetery*^ Craig & Tami Hayman and Family^ Henderson Partners, LLP Chartered Accountants*^

Richard & Jean Kado KJ Harrison^ In Memory of Christine Knuckey Suzanne Labarge^ The Lions Club of Oakville Cari & Ron MacLean*^ Jim & Lois McDougall The Metrontario Group*^ The Estates of retired Oakville Fire Chief Wesley Miller and Mrs. Lois Miller Gale & Marjan Misiurak^ Kathy & Steve Mueller - The Connors Foundation* John & Leslie Pearson*^ Piper Foods / McDonald’s Restaurant*^ Peter & Tina Pritchard^ Tom & Erin Rothfischer* Sandra Schmirler Foundation John & Kathy See* TD Bank Group*^ Brian & Susan Thomas* Jim & Deborah Westlake* Peter Willson*^ Dr. Vladimir Zatka, In Memory of Irene Zatka

$10,000 - $14,999 Accu Electric Motors - Bajwa Family^ David & Carolyn Agnew John & Kelly Beales^ The Bindlish Family^ Ronald & Frances Black*^ BMO Bank of Montreal*^ Grace Buchan* CPS Flooring Inc. Tony & Melinda D’Attoma* Reinhard & Marlene Dotzlaw and Family*^

Fern Hill School*^ Jonathon & Petra Fischer Pierre G. & Carolyn Gagnon*^ John & Pat Gandy* Geotab* Stephen C. Goodrich Foundation^ Tom & Lynda Green*^ Mariella & David Holmes*^ Diana Howard^ The Hunter Family - Signature Authentics Christopher & Lesley Invidiata and The Invidiata Team*^ Betty Ann & Brian Jarrett*^ The Jean Family / National Bank Financial In memory of Elena Jean*^ Cathy & Henry Jelinek*^ Raja Khanna Mark A. Macartney* Robert & Janice MacDonald* The Mundy Family* Mye Japanese Restaurant* Carol & Mac Nichol Oak-Land Ford Lincoln & The Sanci Family*^ Oakville Hydro


Brad & Kathy Owen* Dr. Joseph & Monika Paradi^ Peartree Financial Services Policaro Family* Wayne & Nigela Purboo^ RBC Insurance John & Diane Richardson* River Side Macedonian Senior Citizens Club of Oakville and Mississauga*^ Rotary Club of Oakville^ Royal Canadian Legion Oakville Branch #114 & Ladies Auxiliary*^ Mahendra & Malti Shah*^ Sharma & Gautam Families in honour of Kirti Holmes and Kiran Gautam^ James & Barbara Snow* Warren & Alexandra Somers* Speers Flooring - Ricci Family*^ Vision Transportation Inc.* David & Jane Weatherhead

$5,000 - $9,999 Drs. Nalin & Vandana Ahluwalia^ Riaz & Nimet Ahmed Bakul & Sarla Ajmera^ Alfalah Islamic Center & Dr. Aliya Khan Andreopoulos Family (Owners Sunset Grill Oakville)*^ Avison Young The Baker & McCormick Families*^ Doug & Katy Bartlett Bearing Capital Partners Becks-D’Souza Family* Bell Canada Bentall Capital Balbir Bhogal Derek & Melanie Blakely Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. Sharon Bradwell^ 16

The Rudolph P. Bratty Family Foundation Chau Family^ Sara & Gary Chin^ Kok Hung & Wai Fong Choi Ramesh & Krishna Chotai^ Danny Cisterna & Joan Devine*^ George Coito Bill & Gill Cooper* D. Grant Crosbie & Karen Harrington*^ Michael & Patricia Danyluk*^ Theresa & Stephen Daub Jyotsna, Jigna, Jignesh & Jayanti Davda^ Nancy & Tim Deakon* Darin & Lisa Deschamps David & Helene Dougherty*^ Exterra Logistics Mehrnoosh Faghih & Shahram Shirani*^ Sandra & James Farley and Family Violet & Douglas Maxwell and Family^ Trevor & Diana Fencott Bill & Sue Finkle and Family^ Dick & Diane Freeborough* Mark & Liz Galloway*^ Dr. Khalid Gazala & Lina Saeed^ Gazzola Paving Limited GHD Limited Hadrian Manufacturing Inc.* Christie Henderson & Kirk Biggar*^ James Henry Highview Financial Group^ John & Doreen Hobbs* Honeywell Ltd. Peggy Horsey* HSBC PCG Alex Irish In Honour of Otto Jelinek^ KPMG*

Daniel Ledgerwood* Dr. Allan Lee & Dr. Yvonne Lam Helmut & Annette Liehr* Lighting Center* Gary & Karen MacDonald MacNaughton Hermsen Britton Clarkson Planning Limited Janice Mason Steeves May Court Club of Oakville James & Laurie McCarney*^ Dr. David & Elaine McConachie and Family*^ Brian & Cindy Meagher and Family^ K J Meinert Family^ Mississauga Central Lions Club MNP Moen* Edward & Anna Molnar*^ Monastery Bakery & Delicatessen Ltd.*^ National Bank of Canada*^ Mark Harrington - National Academy of Health & Business^ Scott & Steff Nourse Aleks & Donna Novakovic*^ John & Ellie Nyholt*^ Oakville Community Foundation

Oakville Diwali Dr. Sanjay Pandeya & Tracey Tremayne-Lloyd^ Jitendra Patel & Prakash Patel^ In Memory of Kusumben & Vithalbhai Patel^ Nita & Shailesh Patel Palvi & Devendra Patel^ Dr. Girdhari & Mrs. Chanda Devi Patodia^ Heather Cockwell Paul & Michael Paul* Alex & Emily Polimac* PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Procor Limited* Margaret Pugh* Gary & Joanne Reamey Andrew Rickaby Ian Robertson & Claire Collins Cynthia Robins* Lee Rocca Forming Ltd.* Frank & Susan Salvatore* Dr. Danny Sapir & Bryna Kaplan*^ Dr. Robert Saunders Dentistry Rolf Schoene* The D’Orazio Family* Ramnik & Champa Shah*^ Surinder, Pravin Sharma & Family*^ Dr. Sandeep Sharma Magdy & Sylvia Sidhom*^ Thora Snow* Dr. Tom Stanton & Mrs. Julie Rennie* Elizabeth Strong* Strongco Equipment Kokila & Shantilal Vashi Paul Vienneau*^ WalterFedy^ Gary Watt Rachelle Westlake Don & Carol Wharin*

Whitehall Homes/The Farris Family^ Peter M. & Eve Willis*^ Judy & Michael Wilson*^ The Ruth Anne Winter Family*^ Mrs. Moira Wood*^ Zayouna Law Firm*^

$2,500 - $4,999 Andrew Adams Vijay & Sushma Agarwal Joe Almeida Anand & Vijay Jain Bill & Margie Andrews*^ Paul C. Armstrong Bill & Debbie Aziz*^ William E. Bailey*^ Todd & Heather Barnes* Mr. Dean Braunsteiner Jade Budd Burlington Central High School Karl & Darlene Burnham* Canadian Motorsport Ventures Ltd. Pete & Erlinda Carin John & Kim Catalano*^ CBRE Limited^ Sarah & Sanjiv Chadha The Civitan Club of Oakville Joel Clark & Kelly Hyatt and Family*^ Crescent Hill Gallery Jones Delauriers Delmanor Glen Abbey*^ Tim & Jennifer Diamond*^ Enterprise Holdings Bruce & Karen Etherington^ Extendicare Inc.* Ford Motor Company Global Consumer Systems* Patrick, Marni & Emerson French

Sean & Jodi French* Bruce & Monica Friesen^ Fuller Landau LLP* Uma & Krishnamurthi Ganesan^ GL Chemtec International Ltd. Grand Oaks Orthodontics Elizabeth Grant The Groves/Hunter Family*^ Raza & Sadaf Hasan^ Christy Winder & Tim Henry High Reach Inc.* Holt Renfrew Samantha Horn Invisor Financial Inc. Jaagir 2K Plus Inc The Ruby & Jack Jackson Fund^ In loving memory of Devyani Jani^ Kennedy Ford Knights of Columbus Marian Council #3881 Anita Anand & John Knowlton Krismark Holdings Ulc Dr. Philip Lai Adam Laird Lakeside Performance Gas Services Ltd. Mr. Gary S. & Margaret Love* John & Susan MacDonald McMaster University* Steve Mehltretter Metric Contracting Services Corp. Miller Thomson LLP Bill & Brenda Murphy*^ Marie Neal* David Nourse Richard & Judith Nunn* Sharon Oake Oakville Indoor Golf Centre Oakville Italian Club*^ 17

David Pakrul Late Savitaben & Kantibhai Patel*^ Paul & Jan Peters*^ Ed & Kim Podivinsky Bill & Sheila Polley* Timothy & Tricia Porter^ Brad & Sheila Purkis* Dr. Rupal Raja Dr. Edna & Mervyn Ramos^ Kevin & Charlotte Riddell*^ Kurt & Diane Ritcey Rotherglen School* Erik & Sophie Saeys Rukaiya Godhrawala & Shabbir Safri*^ Tom Sakellaris M.A. Louise & Michael Scott* Inder Sharma In Honour of Surinder Kumar & Pravin Lata Sharma & Family Mr. John Sheedy & Dr. Patricia Plaxton Gary Skene Don & Pauline Smith*^ John Smith Sora Construction Ltd. St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church*^ Star Fleet Construction* John Starr Stikeman Elliott LLP David & Hazel Strachan Studio 49 Transcore Link Logistics Corp Tina Triano*^ Sara Turner & John Philp* United Independent Operators Limited United Soils Management Ltd. Liliane Vidicek The Watson Family* Steve Weishar & Amber Newall* 18

Western Regency Construction Tracey Williams Margaret & David (Davy) Wilson^ Ron & Helen Worton*^ Irene and Walter Yersh, in honour of Serena Lynn Yersh* Zamuner Family* Jamie Ziegel*^

$1,000 - $2,499 A. Wesley Paving Ltd.* Abbozzo Gallery Simona Abid Reginald & Maureen Adams*^ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Aicklen*^ Dr. Hussam Al Fakir Dentistry Professional Corporation Tom Alton Ambient Mechanical Ltd. Lorne & Mary Ames* Michael & Mary Amm Bindu & Sutikshan Anand Philip & Christina Annis* Daniel Aquin Austin Carroll Pool Construction* Bob & Anne Aziz and Family*^ Philip Babbitt James Baine Hugh & Colleen Balders* Mr. Alex Balogh Ron Bannerman*^ Carol Barcados* Harold Bartling Roger & Brenda Beach* George & Cheryl Bell^ Cathy Benbow Plewes*^ Jacqueline & Roy Benin^ Louisette Bevans

Lorenzo Biondi Betty Birmingham* John & Adrienne Blair^ Ursula Bock*^ Michael & Michelle Bogle^ John Bogoje The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Canada* Roger Boire*^ Jim Booth Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Boston Pizza Foundation Mr. Don Bowder* Kevin & Anita Boyce Bhavandeep & Parminderjeet Brar Mr. Harold & Dr. Kathleen Bridge* Rick & Sharron Brown*^ Tammy & Vince Buckley Bob & Debapriya Buiaroski John & Ann Burkus* Burlington Lions Club Steve & Martha Burnham Francis Bury*^ C.I.P. C.M. Whiteside Roofing* Peter & Cassandra Callahan* Nicole Callan Calogero’s Trattoria Limited Vittorio Cambone* Paul & Susan Cameron^ Richard & Alison Campbell^ Canadian Tire Financial Services Marc B. Carrafiello* Cliff Carson Sam & Gloria Carusi* Tony & Alicia Cestra* Jane Chaboryk Jagdish Chandane

Norman & Janet Chandler* Chartwell Waterford Retirement Residence In the loving memory of Syed Zainul Abideen Wali Ullah Shah & Family and Muhammad Akram Choudri & Family Ramez & Ragaa Chouhaiber* Jocelyn & Chris Coderre^ Mr. & Mrs. Ted Cook Robert Cook Roger Cook* Eleanor & Will Cornelissen^ Stephen Crawford Crescendo A Musical Sean Crewe Edward Crighton* In Loving Memory of Diane E. Cross and Dr. Ronald G. Cross* Tim Crowder^ Gina D’Attoma* Peter D’Attoma Joe Daurizio* Charles Davidson Donna De Winter* Catherine Defrancisco Demetre Deliyanakis*^ Dentons Canada Design 4 Construction* Preet & Mitu Dhindsa Diblasio Construction Leonard & Louise Dickson James & Cynthia Dol Segun & Bunmi Dosunmu*^ James Douglas* Denley & Karina Drummond^ Mrs. Ann J. Dunbar* Pankhuri Dutt Eastside Auto Lenore Edmunds

Stanley Einarson* Mark & Lindsay Ellis*^ Harold & Evelyn Elsie*^ Victor & Joyce Enns* Rodolfo Esteban^ Daphne & Robert Excell Carol Fahey & Family* Alan & Jeanne Farmaner*^ Paulene Ferenci* Ann & Blair Ferguson^ Kathleen & Harry Ferguson* Fidelity Investments Canada Limited Finica Jeff & Bonnie Flemington*^ James & Virginia Fletcher*^ Bert Fong* Stephen Foote Donalda Fordham* Forrest Mechanical Inc.* James & Julie Forte Mark & Loren Francis^ William & Mary-Belle Fulton* Peter & Carol Furlong Mr. David Gagner*^ Rob Galaski Robert Gale Bedros Garabetian* Tina Gardin Bill Garner Michaela George Peter Gerspacher GHM Contracting* Adam Gilbert Brian & Caroline Glenn* Thomas Goldstein* Jan Gorski Grace Gowanlock*^ Joan Graham

Suzanne Graham Fab Grant Marny Green* Pamela Green & Family^ Valerie Jean Griffiths* Guido Groppini Geoffrey Gyles* Tim Haig & Erin Gordon Trevor Halchuk Suzanne Hallsworth* Halton Healthcare Professional Staff Association Dr. Kenny Handelman Jimmy Hansra Denise & Anthony Hardenne* Harry Rosen Inc. Janet Haslett-Theal Rayner & Jean Hayhow* Helen Healey Jan Henderson Gayle Henkenhaf Anthony Hennelly* Roland Henry Hannelore Hewitt Forbes Hewlett* Peter & Audrey Hirst^ The Hledin Family^ Margaret Hockin* David Hoff* Dr. Aaron Hong Peter Hundeck*^ Huttonville Lions Club Trust IBM Canada Ltd. Ruth Inglehart Invesco Canada Angela Bruce Chapter - IODE* Paul Ivanoff & Teresa Howarth^ J.H. Rattray Trust* 19

J.M. Developments Ltd Rob & Judie Jackman David Jackson Rawdon Jackson Dr. Hanif Jamal The James New York - SoHo Ralph Jamieson John Janetos Nick & Andria Jelinek^ Anil & Anju Jindal Dr. Robert G. Jones & Joan Manwaring and Family Ronald Jones Joanna Kaars Sijpesteijn Russell Kemp* Ritu Khanna Kidsopolis Family Entertainment Centre^ Paul & Dorothy Kinsman* Mihaly & Joanna Kis Knar Ron Koehli Paula Korczak Douglas Kurtin Lanhack Architects* Betty Larish Dale Lawr Dr. Andrea Leung Susie Shorey & Jamie List*^ Colin & Helen Litton*^ Nancy Liu Robert Livet Carina Lochan* John & Mary Lofts F. William Long*^ Longford International Ltd.* Jeff Lowe Dale & Maureen Lukassen* Lunch Box Orders Inc 20

Todd & Katherine MacGregor and Family*^ The Madon Family^ Dr. Punam & Naveen Maini Ryan & Jackie Maunula Dr. Russell Mao & Dr. Gwen Liu^ Luigi Margiardi The Marion Armstrong Chartibale Foundation John R. Marshall*^ David & Gladys Martin* Dr. Keith Martin Kathy Marton* The Massage Clinic Health Centres McAlpine Family, In memory of Wayne McAlpine*^ Heather McCann Joan & Brian McCann Dr. Robert McCarney Ann McCulloch* Greg McDonald & Sarah Adams* R. Stuart McKenzie* James Ian McKergow Barbara McLean* Rick McLean Douglas & Lorraine McMullen*^ Mr. & Mrs. Paul McNicol* Doug & Amanda McPherson Mary McPherson Don Meehan The Melo Family^ Meridian Global Investors Ezer Mevorach Trevor & Britta Miles^ Brian Mills In Memory of Constance and Harry Milne^ Milena Milosevic Brigitte Misera^

Rob Mollenhauer Chris & Linda Montague* Carole Moore^ Will & Jennifer Moore^ Dr. Geoff Morris Patrick & Wendy Morris* Willard Morrison* Joan & Ian Murray* Valerie Neill David & Eileen Newton Atef Nicholas Issa Nicholas David Nielsen* Ross Nishimura Ted & Peggy Nobbs* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Noble* Noble Estates Wine & Spirits North Star Electric* Oak Incentives Group Inc. Paul O’Brien Dawn O’Keefe Lyn O’Reilly* Nancy Osberg*^ Borden & Jeanne Osmak* Joe Pagano Paintech Ltd.* Nick Palucci* Don & Judi Pangman*^ John & Phyllis Parish* Mark Partington* Kanu & Kala Patel Peace Rose Chapter 315 O.E.S. Dr. Donald & Beverley Peat^ Winsor & Ruth Ann Pepall* Gordon Petch Edward Pettinato* Linda Picheca^

Oliver & Pearl Pin Harry William Pirie* Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Porter* Kenneth, Dayle, Cody & Matthew Price*^ Rehan Qureshi R. Roszell Plumbing* Brian & Catherine Raaflaub Sansar Singh & Surrinder Kaur Rai, In honour of my father Puran Singh Rai^ Harley & Jean Ranson*^ Mamoon Rashid Dr. Neil Rau*^ John M. Reading*^ Recyclable Material Marketing Ross Reimer* Lois Rice Dieter & Ingrid Ringler* In Memory of John Rizzuti & Giovanni Lopez* RL Solutions Elizabeth Robertson^ Michelle Roche^ Angela Roode^ Gordon & Jean Ross*^ Les & Kathleen Ross

Rovinelli Construction Inc.* Kelly Roy^ Royal LePage Real Estate Services Loretta Phinney Mark Samuel Ryan Sanderson Stuart Sankey Victor & Jelka Saric*^ Ronald & Irene Schelfhaut*^ Benjamin Schoene Karen Scott* Sentry Investments Carlo Sguassero Harsh Shah Neeru & Kush Kumar Sharma Bhajan S. Shoan* Lee Sienna Lois Patricia Sinclair*^ Lorn & Beryl Sinclair* Darrin Smith & Tina Sullivan^ Snapd Oakville Tenley Soares*^ Maurice & Patricia Solar* Steven & Tannia Sotnick Monica Soulabaille Elena Sourovtseva Timothy Speed*^ James Spence* SPG Engineering Geoff Sprang* Sharrol & Jim Sprott and Family* Jason Squires Stantec Consulting Ltd.* Bill & Traci Stanton* Juanita Stavro*^ Ian Stephenson Donald J. Stewart Fred Stradiotto

Robert Streeton* Stryker Supreme Insurance* Swat Health/Col Fitness Silvano & Marilyn Tesainer*^ Chris Thatcher* Thamas Sabo Square One/Sherway Timm Enterprises Ltd.* Tracy & Bill Tofflemire Leah P. Tolentino Lino & Adriana Toncic Paul Toon Toronto Harmony Lions Club Toronto Kaiteur Lions Club Helena Trabulsi*^ Trafalgar Oaks Child Care & Learning Centre Dan & Nancy Tregunno^ Dr. Ceferina Trenholm & Mr. Victor Bollinger and Family^ Carrie Trueland David Tyrrell The Valadka family^ John & Sharon Van Den Elzen^ Ros & Al Vanderburgh Richard Van Nest Louie Vassilakos Karen & Alan Vaughan*^ Pat & David Vaughan* Richard & Leslie Veale Harold Vogt* Jill Wagener Dr. Jennifer Walsh Joe Walsh*^ Mandy Walsh*^ Barbara & Stephen Warden Anne Waseem Robert Waurick*


Mrs. Wendy Wehrli* Ralph Weiss^ West Metro Express* WestBrooke Nicole Westlake Bill Whitaker Dagmar Wieshofer*^ Jim & Rachel Williams^ The Marjorie and Briggs Williams Foundation* Lareina Wilson Winterfest Ski & Snowboard Bo & Arlene Wisser Blake Wyatt Jimmy & Samantha Yang Jeanne Yip Robert Young Dr. Nazar Zabtia & Dr. Khuloud Nuri Jeff & Leanne Zabudsky^ Yan Zhou Ken Zwarich*

$500 - $999 379157 BC Ltd.* Mahmoud Abdelatty* The Acheson Family Foundation* Adam Family Mary Lois Adams ADI Development Group Clayton Adliff* Taha Ahmed Izejuwa Ahusimere Iqdam Al-Darzee & Suhaila Al-Derzi Allworth & Associates* Altruists of Oakville* Frank Amantea Jovan & Milica Andic^ Andy Plumbing Trust Fund 22

June Archer Angelika Armstrong*^ Avinash Arora Sana Asif Doreen Atkinson*^ Doug & Donna Auld*^ AUM Law Johanna Baardolf Susan Bailey Thomas Bain John Baker Manju Bala*^ Ronald & Pamela Bales* Launi Bannister C. Barnard & M. Bristol* Balvinder & Ravinder Bassan Dr. Michael Bayliss Irene Baynes*^ Barbara & Dell Bedard*^ Bell Canada Employees Fund Bell Lifestyle Products Inc.* Bernardi Building Supply* Rick Bertram Dolly Bhola Dr. Brian & Caroline Birchenough* Arthur Bird Gerald Bird*^ John & Barbara Black^ Joanna Blair Andrew & Karlene Bland* David Bloor* Boffo’s Christina Bolczak Mary Bonca Mr. & Mrs. Robert Booth*^ Bot Construction Group & The Silvio Bot Charitable Foundation* Neal Bouwmeester

Ian & Constance Diana Bovey* Emma Bradley William & Carolyn Bradley-Hall Anthony Breuer* Christopher Broadbent Jason Brown*^ Martin & Lynn Brown* Nancy Brunelle* Sheelagh Brunelle* Salvatore & Cathleen Bumbaca Daniel Burke Burlington Orthotics Centre Don & Diane Burwell Kriss & Kari Bush^ Paul Butler Nigel Byars* Jaime Caeiro Rita Callan^ Susan Calvert-Gordon*^ Ted & Cecile Caputo^ John & Donna Carlos* Carpet Warehouse Limited* Richard & Jennifer Carryer* Dr. David & Jane Cartwright* Jacqueline Cevey*^ David Cheesewright Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage Shaukat Choudhy Doug Christie Mrs. T.N. Christilaw* Cimmaster Inc. Robert Clarke CMP Wholesale Meats Coach Ann Coates* Coco Paving Inc. Valda Connolly

Contract Express Anthony Colledge*^ The Adrian & Mary Coote Family Trust* John & Fay Copland Corbetts Ski + Snowboard* Cornerstone Builders Croatian Folklore Ensemble Christopher & Harriett Crooks Cross Avenue Auto Services & Sales Inc.* David Cuthbert Cynthia Stark Manuel DaFonte Howard & Edna Dale Dan’s Welding & Fabricating Ltd. Joan D’Arcy* Thomas & Jane Davis*^ Dr. Andrew E. Debreceni* Robert & Patricia Decker Diane Del Monte^ Jacob DeVries^ Jonathan DeVries^ Stephen & Ruth Dixon* Alison Doherty^ Allan Donald In Loving Memory of Muriel Donnelly (Maureen Donnelly)* Kevin Donnelly - in memory of Mrs. Muriel Donnelly* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Dubreuil*^ Marjorie Duncan Sylvia Dupuis* Tim Durrant & Linda Austin*^ David Eagles*^ John Easson* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Edey*^ Ted Edgar^ John Edge*^ Victoria Edmunds

Mary Ann Edvidge* Safaa Elashmawy^ Ibrahim El-Rayes*^ Dr. Eric Engmann & Dr. Mary Zachos and Family^ Phil Enright*^ Ernst & Young LLP European Monuments Reynaldo Eusebio*^ Shawn Evans Melanie Evans*^ Evergreen Seniors College Expressions In Art James Fahey* Paul Fahey Michelle Farah Mr. & Mrs. Jan Feberwee* Edmund D. Ferrari Alma Fife John & Sabine Findlay Kathy Finstad-Schembri Helen Flemington* Barbara Flewelling Focus Asset Mangement Margaret Foley* Dan & Lauren Fontaine* Forest Hill Lions Club Elma & Al Forto*^ Catriona Franc*^ James Fraser* Lorraine Fraser* Chris Fregren E & C Frensch Robert J. Fulton* Oscar Furtado^ Galt Neil Gartshore Peter Gerad*

Gerry Geurts GGW Technology Services Inc.* Robert Gibbons*^ Glazier Opticians Ltd Glen Gilbert*^ Cathy Goacher*^ Golf Canada George & Carol Gordon*^ Sheila & David Gore*^ Sean & Stacey Graglia*^ Robert Graham* Thomas Graham* Graphix Source Joan Gregory*^ Sukhpal Grewal Ron Grey*^ Grguric Architects* Tim Groen Christine Hallsworth Halton NavalVeterans David Hamon Hussam Hanieh*^ David W. Hanna* Dr. James Haroun Neil Harrison*^ Kenneth Hart Eleanor Harvey* Frederick & Eileen Harvey* Jameel Hashmi Dr. John Haverstock Michael & Rosemary Hawkins* John Hawthorne* David & Karen Hayes^ Ellen Healey Sonia & Ken Hedges*^ Cedric Henderson* Paul Henderson


Ishrani Henry & Family* Karl Herrmann* Jose & Frances Hilado* Elaine Hooper*^ John Horsfield Muna Hossain^ Ross Hotchkiss* Syed Husain Nusrat Hussain Ian Hutchinson Marcia Hutchison Joseph & Linda Iaccino* Sadek Ibrahim iCare Home Health Services J.W. Smith Customs Brokers* Raymond & Nolia Jackson* Ray Jasavala*^ Elizabeth Jefferson Henry Jekel* Ross Johnson Kulwant Kalirai* Anjali Kapoor Stephanie Keeley-Bunting Patricia Kenyon Michelle Kerby* 24

Dong Kyoung Lee Jennifer Kim Aletha Kirkwood* Cecilia Kish*^ Kler Dental Centre Randall & Tracy Kodama* John Krznaric*^ Edwin Kukurs* Verla Laba*^ Stanley & Theresa Lake*^ Mat Laswell Jeremy Leiskau Kathryn Lennox* Lexus of Oakville* Guobao Liu Liuna Local 183 Geoffrey & Susan Logan Rose Longo^ Dr. A Louis-Bayliss M.G. Miscellaneous Metals Inc.* Xiang Ma^ Dr. Aimee Mabini April Macdonald, in memory of John K. Macdonald* Brian MacDonald* Marci MacDonald*^ Paula Mackay*^ Cathryn Mackel Mackenzie Financial Corporation Mike Plyley & Dr. Gail Macpherson Raj & Urmil Madan* Steve & Frances Mantle Manulife Financial* Guy Marcil*^ Jeannie Marmont Mario & Olivia Martini Aleta Mayer and Family*^ Dr. Francine McCourt

Jinny McCreary*^ Mark & Anne McGinnis Brian McGrath^ Murray McKeage Ken McKenzie* Janet & Jim McLauchlan* Dick & Ruth McLean* Alexander McLean Lester McLeod*^ Lois McLeod* Neil & Hendrika McNeill Megloid Laboratories Ltd. Michael Melanson^ Surrendar Menrai* Mario Merola Melissa Mesman Mico Systems Inc.* Elaine & Ron Miller* Mr. & Mrs. William Miller* Illa Milliken Susan Moellers Jennifer Moll Catherine Moore*^ Steven Morgan Mountainview Mortgage Sam & Betty Muller* Ann E. Mulvale* The Murski Family*^ Bruce & Zelda Musselman*^ Dr. Yoshinobu Nabeta* Alireza Naderipour*^ Naiem Nairouz Nisar & Khalida Naziri* Jay Neadles*^ Ralph Neville* Valerie Nicholson Kazuo Nishimura* Sharon Norris*^

North American Hard Chrome Northwood Family Office Nova Health Club Oakville Feis Association Oakville-Trafalgar Lions Club Steven & Karen Offer Heverton Oliveira Gwen Oliver Minire Omeri Ontario Power Generation Employees’ Charity Trust* Dorothy Oram Jordan Oresti Tony Oresti* John Osborne*^ Nazmieh & Amine Osman’s Family^ Palroc Investments* Paragon Security Jeff Parker Dr. Jayesh & Jahnvi Patel and Family Vir Pathak Kamal Paul Peak Performance Oakville Sheryl Pearson Peregrine Protection Inc. Norma Perras Craig & Sally Peters Mario Piccinin Anne Pollock*^ Chintankumar Prajapati^ Anoop & Rutnaish Prihar Pro Rising Provincial Industrial Roofing PTP Contracting Ann Pulkauninkas* Judith Purkis^ John & Maureen Quinn* Rookmin Ramprashad*

Mumtaz Rana*^ Sarwan Randhawa Hamid Razzaghi RE/MAX HALLMARK REALTY LTD. Frederich & Hannelore Reimer* Kjell Renstrom*^ Scott Richer Alan and Nancy Richmond Fund* Nick Rinaldi* Michelle Roach Debbie Roberts Mr. John Robertson*^ William & Sandra Robertson Marguerite Robichaud^ Rockap Holdings Inc Sylvia Rodgers* Henry L. Roeser* Paul Roeser*^ The Rogers and Quinn Family* Derek Rose Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. William Russell*^ Ryerson University RZCD Law Firm LLP* Mona Sabran Nargis Saher Saks Fifth Avenue Charles Sanderson Dean & Olivia Sane Gavin Satur Pierre Scharette*^ Ronald & Nancy Schaubel John & Victoria Schinkel* Fred Schmid Allan Schmidt*^ Lilian Scime*^ Ronald & Deborah Scott* Patte Seaton & Shabbir Ahmad*^

Dr. Eric Selnes & Dr. Helen Grubisa Swarnjeet Sembhi Bhushan Sennik Barbara Seymour* Lori Seymour* Tim Shaw David & Rosemary Shea* Yvonne Shenoy* Frank Sherwin Donald Sinclair Ken Sinclair* Mary Sinclair Patricia Skene Barry Slater Dr. Jeffrey So Ralf Soeder*^ Aarti Sonawane South Oakville Chrysler Dr. G. Southey & Dr. M. Found A. Lorne & Elaine Sparrow*^ Carolyn Spriggs* Jerry & Carolann Sproat*^ Steer Inc. Rex & Sharon Stephenson*^ Ronald & Kathleen Strathdee Mary M. Sutherland*^ Syan Swaran Stella Swartz*^ Patrick Swyer Robert Sybersma Andre Tam Eurpean Monuments The Oakville Club The Wendy & Keith Gray Foundation Beverley Thomas* Larry Thomas* Top Notch Cabinets Inc. Gloria Topping

Torkin Manes Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance Michael Trowell Anthony Truco Duncan & Lyn Turnbull Morgan Tyghe Janette Tyreman UltraStor George & Doris Usher* Ruhyyih Vahman Erik Van Der Torre* Vet Strategy Vision Critical Voice of the Vedas Cultural Sabha Inc Iun Vong Grant Wallace Mark Walton George & Patricia Ward Ronald Warren*^ Gary Wasslen Janette Weiler*


WeirFoulds LLP Donald & Zografia Welch* Brian H. Wheatley, Q.C.* Charles W. Whipple* Gwen Whittall* Alfred & Eileen Wiens Winmar Property Restoration Wishing Well Lions Club Eric & Margaret Wyler Paul Wynn Leigh & Vivian Yerxa*^ Stuart & Lisa Young Sung-Sik Yu*^ Marie Zehr^ Ron & Bev Ziegel*^ Cathy Zuraw* ^ *

Indicates part of a larger pledge Indicates consecutive giving of 5 or more years

We gratefully acknowledge community members who have established the following funds to benefit the Oakville Hospital Foundation in perpetuity. American Women's Club of Oakville Hospital Fund Pearce Belden Fund The Elizabeth Bush Memorial Fund The Daphne and William Cockwell Oakville Hospital Fund Wayne and Isabel Fox Endowment Patricia Anne Hayes Wilson Fund The Don and Eileen Leaver Foundation John Lloyd Memorial Fund The Frank and Azniv Lochan OHF Foundation Fund Eleanor Mellish Fund Mental Wellness Network Endowment Fund Kelly New and Barbara Hepburn Fund

Lillian H. Parsons Bursary Graham and Christine Rennie Family Fund The Alan and Nancy Richmond Fund Harry and Edna Rosier Memorial Fund Donald and Nancy Scarrow Fund The Shorey Family Fund - OTMH James and Barbara Snow Family Foundation Charles and Ret Swire Fund Dr. Owen Warr Memorial Fund Isobel G. Welch Bursary Fund Jack and Eleanor Whitely Fund The Marjorie and Briggs Williams Foundation 27

The Foundation is proud to recognize the following donors who have provided for the Oakville Hospital Foundation in their will, in addition to the many families who wish to remain anonymous. Tom & Janet Alton Doug & Donna Auld The Bob & Anne Aziz Family Shirley & Ed Barr Mike & Alissa Bartlett Jean & Dick Beaumont John & Jeanne Belford Hector & Lily Boyd Carol Brayman June & Barry Brooks The Bucke Joint Partner Trust Joan & Jack Burkholder Alayne & Kenneth Christie Judith Cooper Bruce & Marie Cumming Carol Fahey James & Sandra Farley Donalda Fordham Gordon M. Grant & Shirley L. Grant


Marny Green Ian & Jean Grieve Thomas Anthony Hennelly Donald & Linda Higgins Bette Hubacheck Ross & Patricia Hutchison Lauraine Lauber John & Margaret Mackay Christopher & Pamela Manning Maria & Sal Marino Joyce McLean MacDonald The Muddiman Family Sam & Betty Muller John Christopher Munro Heidi Nadon John & Ellie Nyholt Gale O'Brien Claire R. O'Quinn Lyn O'Reilly

Winsor & Ruth Ann Pepall Sheila & Bill Polley Mike and Verna Purcell John & Maureen Quinn Jack Robertson Donald & Nancy Scarrow Doreen & Dion Sceats Roger & Mags Shorey James & Barbara Snow Gordon & Joan Stevenson Terry & Margaret Still Moira Thom Dr. Ravindranjali Trivedi Janette Weiler Peter & Eve Willis Glen & Lorraine Yates William Zimmerman Peter & Sandra Zulauf



3001 Hospital Gate, Oakville ON L6M 0L8 905.338.4642 | www.oakvillehospitalfoundation.com Charitable Registration Number: 13145 3490 RR0001

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