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Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects ___________________________________________________________________________
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
World Bank
Tashkent - 2010
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Š 2010 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: E-mail:
This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgement on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA; telephone: 978-750-8400; fax: 978-750-4470; Internet: All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail:
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Table of Content Executive Summary – Strategic Issues
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Structure of the Report and Annexes, Acknowledgements.
Overview – Irrigation Infrastructure
Population Growth, Social Context and Economic Development
Water Resources Development and Management
River Basin Authorities (BAISs) and River Sub-Basins
Surface and Groundwater
Irrigation Water Availability and Quality
Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
Multi Criterion Decision Analysis
Overview – Transparency
Screening, Ranking and Thresholds
Uncertainty, Incomplete Information
The Weighted Average Model
Prioritizing Investments
International Experience
Investment Project Proposals
Summary Program Description
Cost of Investment Program
Environmental and Social Safeguards
Summary Discussion
Main Findings
29 i
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
6.2 7.
Possible Solutions
29 30
Conclusions and Recommendations
Annex 1: Ranking Matrix
Annex 2: Projects’ Location Map
Annex 3: Projects Considered for Ranking
Annex 4: Basin Authorities for Irrigation System – Investment Project Proposals
Appendix 1: Abdusamat I (A) Project with Pump Station Appendix 2: Abdusamat I (B) Project without Pump Station Appendix 3: Alat with Pump Station Appendix 4: Amudarya Delta Appendix 5: Asyk Adir with Pump Station Appendix 6: Besharik with Pump Station Appendix 7: Bulokboshi with Pump Station Appendix 8: Buzton Canal Appendix 9: Dargom Canal Appendix 10: Djun Canal Appendix 11: Yangikurgan/Galaba-1 with Pump Station Appendix 12: Hazarbag-Akkapchiguy Canal and Dam Appendix 13: Isfayram-Shakhimardan Canal Appendix 14: Kashkadarya, Land Improvement Appendix 16: Kuyumazar-Khamza-Kiziltepa Pump Stations Appendix 17: Navoi Pump Station Appendix 18: North Fergana Canal Appendix 19: Pakthaabad with Pump Station Appendix 20: Raish-Hakent with Pump Station Appendix 21: Samarkand, Land Improvement Appendix 22: Shorbulak, Dam Appendix 23: Suenli Canal Appendix 24: Syrdarya-Djizak Appendix 25: Khorezm Tashsaka Canal Appendix 26: Uchkara Pump Station Annex 5: Investment Project Data Sheets (“Project Passport”)
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Acknowledgement This report is an output of the efforts of a team led by Dilshod Khidirov (Sr. Rural Development Specialist) comprising consultants of the World Bank, specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Anton Rychener (Economist, Individual Consultant), Dr. Walter Klemm (Land and Water Development Engineer, TCIE-FAO), and Bahadir Boz (Water Resources Engineering Consultant) provided guidance and assistance to the technical working group responsible for preparing the country case studies presented in this report. The technical working group consisted of local experts experienced mainly in the fields of engineering, soil sciences, environment and economy headed by Dr. Gulchehra Khasankhanova who provided valuable inputs to the report. The authors are grateful to Messrs. Asatilla Salimov, Deputy Minister of Economy, Shavkat Hamraev, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources and Loup Bredford, Country Director of the World Bank who provided continuous support during the course of the study. The comments/feedbacks from staff of ADB, UNDP, European Union Representative Office, Swiss Cooperation Agency, research institutes and government agencies like Uzsuvloyiha, Vodprojekt, UZGIP, SANIIRI, Uzgidromet, and Goscompriroda at different stages of the study are also worth mentioning. Sincere thanks go to the staff of BAIS authorities for their contribution in identifying possible sub-projects to be evaluated. The authors benefited from comments, suggestions and contributions received from the peer reviewers Ariel Dinar, M. Salah Darghouth, Daryl Fields and Ousmane Dione; and the Bank sectoral management team for the Europe and Central Asia region, particularly Dina UmaliDeininger, who supervised and guided the team. Oydin Dyusebaeva, Sharifa Kalala and Matluba Mukhamedova provided invaluable assistance in the preparation and production of the final version of the document. For the last but not the least, translators who translated hundreds pages of text and tables from Russian to English and vice versa at limited durations deserve appreciation.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Currency Equivalent Currency unit
1 Soum
$ 0,00095
1,304 Soums (End 2007)
Asian Development Bank Basin Authority of Irrigation Systems Country Assistance Strategy Country Based Organization Community - Driven Development Consultative Group Environmental Assessment European Union Economic Sector Work Food and Agriculture Organization Farmers Field Schools Former Soviet Union Government of Uzbekistan International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Fund for Agricultural Development International Development Association Investment Project Data Sheets Multilateral Development Bank Non Government Organization Opportunity Cost of Capital Official Development Assistance Poverty Assessment Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Regional Development Bank Technical Working Group United Nations Development Program United States Dollar
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Executive Summary – Strategic Issues Executive Summary 1. The Government of Uzbekistan (GOU) is aware that the irrigation and drainage infrastructure constructed under the Former Soviet Union (FSU) - serving some 4.3 million hectare of cultivable land for agriculture as well as many villages for drinking water - is in urgent need of repair and/or rehabilitation. Also, given multiple competing demands of investment project proposals (as many as 180) on the nation’s limited, annual investment budget earmarked for this purpose, it realized the need for a national strategy aimed at modernising the water sector including a medium-term investment plan. It has thus asked the World Bank (WB) to undertake, over a two-year period beginning in mid-2007, a study that is designed to provide solutions to the twin problems of how to approach the rehabilitation of the irrigation and drainage sub-sector and which of the many competing projects to prioritise. 2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the national irrigation and drainage infrastructure has, over the past ten to twenty years suffered from substantial underfunding with only about 15 - 25 % of requirements provided by the recurrent budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR). According to various estimates, the country looses US$ 1.7 billion annually (or about 8 % of GDP) due to inefficient water resources management, and the annual decrease in agricultural production is estimated to be in the order of US$ 2.0 billion (UNDP 2007). 3. As the Technical Working Group (TWG) – the local team that participated in carrying out this study and assembled from GOU officials as well as representatives of sector stakeholders, initiated the process of data collection for the 180 investment project proposals, it became clear that these consisted in little more than ’one line project ideas’ in the notebooks and minds of engineers of the semi-private design institutes involved in the sector. In addition, the realization that Uzbek engineers’ perception of ‘Investment Projects’ consist mainly in detailed costs for the rehabilitation of about 1,500 of the 5,100 Pump Stations began to take hold. The idea of rehabilitating the irrigation and drainage infrastructure in the command areas served by these stations were never considered nor were implications on production and productivity. 4. To overcome this problem as well as the general lack of readily available, comparable data of proposals, the TWG used the Investment Project Data Sheet (IPDS), see annex 5, Section II, to gather relevant information from Sub-Basin Authorities (BAIS) throughout the country with the instruction to fill in the required information. Initial progress with data collection proved extremely slow and cumbersome as the habit of looking at projects in an integrated manner, i.e. costs as well as benefits, had not been previously practiced in Uzbekistan. Given the foregoing, throughout the study period increasing emphasis was placed on formal as well as informal training in project preparation techniques (Project Cycle) of TWG personnel and interested MAWR and Ministry of Economy (MOE) personnel. 5. Given Uzbek stakeholders’ divergent views regarding data pertaining to benefits associated with project proposals, the study team decided to use the detailed, fully analysed economic world market prices including the gross margins worked out in Working Paper 3 of the feasibility study for the Fergana Valley Water Resource Management Project1 for all 1
Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project Phase-I Project Preparation, Feasibility Studies, Design and Implementation by Mott MacDonald/Temelsu 2007/2008 1
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
internationally tradable crops produced in the command area of the projects. Also, the Working Paper contains (financial) farm models that demonstrate that all principal crops grown in Uzbekistan yield a good return for farmers. In the Uzbek context, however, this information is somewhat theoretical as current farming practices are in transition from state control to private sector provision of agricultural support services. The resulting summary economic benefit calculations are presented for each one of the 26 project proposals at Annex 4, Appendices 1-26. 6. All information regarding investment and operating costs over the three-year project period for the 26 proposals, including yields per ha of the respective command areas were provided by local design institutes, and assembled and brought to pre-feasibility status by TWG team members. Although the veracity of data provided by GOU could not be verified independently, the quality of data is uniform for the 26 projects and, therefore has no impact on the ranking. 7. The methodology of ranking is described in detail in chapter 4 and comprises 6 principal criteria in the following order:
Economic Performance, Social Impact, Environmental Impact, Technical Considerations, Financial Considerations and Legal Considerations.
8. The above criteria form part of what is generally called ‘Multi Criteria Decision Analysis’ (MCDA). These six criteria are further broken down into a ‘value scale’, Table 4, Chapter 4, which permits refining the ranking process. The ranking matrix indicates that projects which include pumping water over more than 15 meters do not yield a positive economic rate of return. However, a project may compensate for the low rate of return by scoring higher on the ‘Social Impact’ as well as ‘Environmental Impact’. More often than not, peoples’ livelihood depends entirely on restoring the irrigation network as there are little or now alternative employment opportunities available in rural areas of Uzbekistan. 9. MCDA is a set of methods aimed at helping decision makers faced with several objectives which often conflict with each other. Hereafter the nature and main features of MCDA are explained and one particular type of multi-criterion decision model is described. In general, a decision-making process or situation will usually involve:
A number of alternatives courses of action (alternatives, projects, schemes, plans, options, variants, interventions or packages);
A number of objectives or criteria; and
A number of stakeholders: one or more persons or groups of people to whom the criteria matter to some degree.
10. For purposes of ranking investment project proposals in this report the methodology being selected is for its simplicity and transparency, although it can handle complex problems with large numbers of competing alternatives. It is called the additive model within multi-attribute value theory, or the ‘Weighted-Average Model’. It is particularly suitable for handling tradeoffs between criteria, for large numbers of alternatives, and for situations where new alternatives may from time to time be added to the list. Because of its simplicity it is easy to explain to decision-makers and other stakeholders. This system is widely used by nations, including the United States, most EU member countries, Turkey, and many more. The reason being that it provides nations with an apolitical tool to manage public funds. More detailed information on international experience as well as the related ‘Project Cycle’, created by the World Bank that is being used is contained in Chapter 4. 2
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11. A total of 26 projects were considered for ranking in this report. One of the most important criteria when ranking projects is the ‘Internal Economic Rate of Return’ (IERR) as this indicates the yield in economic terms over the projected life of the project that any given investment contributes to the national economy. If the IERR is inferior to the ‘Opportunity Cost of Capital’ (OCC) it is an indication that the project ought to be carefully reassessed considering other criteria. 12. Over the course of the study, it became increasingly apparent that the lack of a comprehensive strategy that addresses not only the irrigation and drainage system management but the water sector as a whole, constituted an impediment to the selection of investment project proposals. It is believed that the principal reason the 26 proposals were selected for this study by stakeholders and BAIs in particular, is because they are in urgent need of rehabilitation to prevent complete collapse of the infrastructure. Without further, detailed analysis it is impossible to ascertain as to what degree of strategic priority they have on a national scale. Strategic Issues 13. Although one of the study’s goal was to prepare a national strategy for rehabilitation/improvement and modernizing of Uzbekistan’s ‘Water Sector’, with a perspective plan of 15-20 years and a medium-term investment plan of 5-10 years, the goal proved elusive for the following, principal reasons:
Insufficient interaction with decision makers in the key Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources, Economy and Finance; Lack of joint visits to the principal sites and institutions with high representatives of above ministries; Lack of availability and/or reliability of key data; Continued uncertainty about intentions of up-stream countries regarding their use of water resources; and Absence of clear vision amongst principal partners in the Water Sector.
14. Nonetheless, lengthy discussions held with a number of representatives of BAIS as well as extensive field visits members of the TWG, including Fergana Valley, Samarkand and Bukhara, lead to the conclusion that a number of key talking points ought to be at the centre of a long-term strategy; namely:
Water Resources Assessment: Uzbekistan’s capacity to assess available water resources depends to a significant extent on regional cooperation. Absent regional cooperation it must, within the context of existing water sharing agreements determine the optimal way to assess national availability of water resources. Thereafter a flexible plan of water allocation to irrigation needs to be made annually taking into account the long-term sustainability of ecosystems along all riverbeds. The next step must be the definition of “command areas” of irrigation systems within drainage basin boundaries in order to establish Water Users Associations (WUAs) who manage in an integrated and sustainable manner the water used for irrigation purposes, and to establish potable water supply companies to ensure sustainable drinking water supply. Finally, it is obvious that the country is not in a position to meaningfully manage 4.3 million ha of irrigated lands. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify and rank irrigated areas with the highest social and economic potential which subsequently should be developed. Irrigation & drainage infrastructure rehabilitation projects of these “high potential” areas are then studied and ranked accordingly, which is demonstrated in Chapter 4. 3
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Sustainability: Prudence is one of the primary requirements when abstracting water from sources because ecosystems need preservation for future generations. Natural flows of rivers and streams must be preserved to the greatest extent in order to safeguard environmental serenity and equilibrium along the beds of rivers and streams. To address above questions it is proposed to: a) Create a comprehensive research program to establish clear guidelines to irrigation water users as to the rates of abstractions that are sustainable at intakes; b) install flow meters at strategically important points such as secondary and tertiary canals as well as farm entrances; c) launch a nationwide campaign to sensitize WUAs and the population about crop/water requirements; d) within the comprehensive research program establish strategically located demonstration farms to show farmers how to optimize the use of irrigation water for the different crops; and e) study the minimum requirement of water flow in rivers and streams to ensure preservation of natural ecosystems.
Institutions: A clear division between policy formulation, regulatory function and services delivery reduces the likely hood of inappropriate political influence being brought to bear at any level and increases operators’ autonomy. Thus proper allocation of responsibilities among the various institutions working in the sector must be achieved. Furthermore, trans-boundary cooperation is very important when resources cross national borders, the reason being that measures adopted in an upstream country may impact situations downstream. The current institutional framework is not conducive to effective management of the Water Sector; it needs to be revised along the lines suggested above with a clear distinction between functions, especially service provision.
Property Rights to Land: Are property rights secure enough to ensure incentives of households and individuals to invest in the improvement of their lands? It is not at all sure that the current land tenure system is fully conducive to incite the necessary investment in the land by the holders. The question of fully utilizing owners’ property as collateral for credit needs to be revisited in order to insure that needed investment in improvement of lands are enabled.
Reliability of data: Does currently available information on water flows, costs as well as benefits (affordability) correspond to reality? During the course of the study, it was observed that water flow data as well as other, important information gathered to complete this study, more often than not, was searched in old records and/or printed reports. It is obvious that the country lacks updated data on the Water Sector except, perhaps, in cases where new, externally financed investment projects, like for instance the Fergana Valley Water Resource Management project, led to updated, concerted data gathering efforts. Data collection should be included in the revised, institutional set-up, with adequate resources being made available for collection of actual data.
Subsidization of Pump Station Rehabilitation: The overall design of Uzbekistan’s irrigation network of 4.3 million hectares provides for about half the total surface to be served by pump irrigation. Accordingly, there are about 5,100 pump stations of varying sizes. Most have pumping heights exceeding 15 meters, the norm that is internationally accepted as the limit for economic efficiency, i.e. beyond 15 meters it is practically impossible to generate a positive economic justification. GOU, therefore, must over time make the difficult decision as to whether it is willing to continuously subsidize schemes which rely on water pumped higher than 15 meters. A careful assessment ought to be made as to which of the schemes can be phased out 4
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
over time on demographic grounds so as to gradually reduce the burden on the national budget. The question as to whether certain pump stations are at the same time providing drinking water for the population also needs to be looked at. If benefits for drinking water could be taken into consideration, it might, in certain cases, alter the equation. 15. Solutions to the issues advanced above merely represent talking points that need further elaboration by the GOU and, in particular, must constantly be adapted to dynamic circumstances that characterize the transition phase the country is undergoing. Although over the past 20 years the rural development sector has been the principal contributor to the economy and to growth, insufficient investment has been returned to the sector. Hence the deterioration of the vital irrigation infrastructure including the vast damage to the environment. Addressing above issues should, therefore, be dealt with a sense of urgency given the continued, negative impact on the rural population’s livelyhood. Recommendation 16. In consideration of the above, the following is a summary of findings and recommendations for decision makers:
In order to avoid fragmented, piecemeal approaches that address strategic issues in a disjointed manner, future investment decisions in the Rural Development Sector need to be made in the context of an overarching, ‘National Rural Development Strategy’ that covers not only the Water Sector including ‘Integrated Water Resources Management’ but also ‘Education, Transportation, and Health Infrastructure’ as well as longer-term ‘Restoration of Environmental Equilibrium’ for at least the next 20 years. It is conservatively estimated that preparation, consultation and consensus building for such a holistic national strategy will take the better part of 5 years including a significant amount of financial resources. GOU, therefore, should consider approaching the international community in search of grant assistance to help it fashion the framework underlying such a strategy. Until a comprehensive national strategy has been worked out, GOU and donors ought to rely on the ranking methodology proposed in this report when preparing annual investment budgets for the irrigation and drainage sector. Meanwhile Uzbekistan’s donor community needs to tighten co-ordination of its interventions in order to avoid overlaps and sometimes even contradictions pertaining to the ongoing policy dialogue with GOU.
17. Last but not least it is important to point out that the term ‘Water Sector’ in the context of this study is to be understood to include only irrigation and drainage infrastructure. Whereas in reality it also includes urban/municipal water supply, hydropower generation, as well as a wide range of other activities. All of them have not only associated costs –currently charged to a substantial extent to pump irrigation – but also yield a certain number of readily quantifiable benefits which were not considered in this study.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Section I 1. Introduction 1.1
This report is to provide the Government of Uzbekistan (GOU) with a tool to make sound decisions on investing scarce funds into the national irrigation and drainage system which is in urgent need of major rehabilitation works. The process of decision making about utilizing public funds for investments into infrastructure needs, above all, to be transparent and based on comprehensive analysis of proposals for rehabilitation. The report focuses on 26 proposed investment projects, located throughout the country, which have been prepared by a GOU/World Bank (WB) constituted Uzbek Technical Working Group (TWG) that comprises personnel from the government, private sector as well as a resident international engineer recruited by the WB. The visiting WB mission team also devoted a considerable amount of time to fashioning the final 26 investment project proposals as presented in Annex 4, Section II of this report. The underlying philosophy regarding decision making contained in this report – details of which can be found in chapter 4 - is not limited to the selected project proposals, but can easily be applied to any future investment project proposal in any part of Uzbekistan. Equally, the “Ranking Matrix” at Annex 1, Section II can be expanded discretionally. 1.2
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
On October 4, 2006 the GOU approached the WB with the request to assist it in prioritising some 180 investment project proposals, prepared over the past several years by technical personnel of the many institutions involved in the irrigation sector. The WB proceeded to launch the study in July of 2007 and this report is an integral part it. The initiation of the study – the concept note dated January 4, 2007 - comprised the establishment of a road map covering the period from July 2007 to December 2008, with the ultimate goal to develop a national strategy aimed at rehabilitating and modernizing the national irrigation infrastructure including a medium-term (10-15 years) investment plan. Benchmarks were set so as to permit the TWG to measure progress towards prioritisation of the 180 national investment proposals by the end of 2008. At the study’s initiation GOU officials were asked to present the 180 investment project proposals for initiation of analysis. It was then that it became clear that proposals consisted principally in ‘one line project ideas’ in the notebooks and minds of engineers of institutions involved in the sector. The realization that Uzbek engineers’ perception of ‘Investment Projects’ consisted mainly in cost estimates for the replacement of the majority of equipment in 1,500 Pump Stations became apparent. The idea of rehabilitating infrastructure in the command areas served by these pump stations, was not taken into consideration nor were implications on production – benefits - and productivity. Given the foregoing, a simple, effective set of ‘Investment Project Data Sheets’ (IPDS, Annex 5, Section II) that were issued to the TWG and aimed at deepening project data to a level sufficient for analysis and ranking of proposals. This system served the purpose of standardising technical, economic, social, environmental, financial and legal information about the 180 investment project proposals. Thus the IPDS instantly became an important tool for the TWG to launch a comprehensive data gathering effort for all GOU investment project proposals. In the end, it took the better part of the TWG’s time to collect data over the next 18 months and they 6
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succeeded in so doing for a total of 26 project proposals only all of which are presented at Annex 4, Section II. The first set of 8 proposals that could be considered ‘rankable’ became available in mid-2008. Thus, an interim draft report explaining the process and containing a ranking matrix was submitted to GOU for comment in mid-2008. The remaining 18 proposals turned out to be ready for ranking only at the end of March 2009. Because of skills gaps in the TWG, the WB visiting mission team had to devote a great amount of time to bring the 26 proposals to a ‘rankable’ state. Moreover, a large time slice of the WB mission team’s presence in the country during 5 missions, had to be devoted to training TWG members in compiling project data into rankable pre-feasibility investment project proposals. The methodology of ranking contained in chapter 4 has been derived from international literature2 and has been adapted to fit prevailing circumstances in Uzbekistan. 1.3
Structure of the Report and Annexes, Acknowledgements. This report is structured into Sections I and II:
Section I provides the reader with background information regarding the current state of Uzbekistan’s irrigation infrastructure as well as relevant demographic and socio economic background data. It further contains the methodology applied for ranking the 26 investment project proposals.
Section II provides information about the ranking – Ranking Matrix, Annex 1 - and location in Uzbekistan – Map, Annex II – the 10 BAIs and the 26 investment projects – Annex 4 -, including each project’s characteristics focusing on overview, objectives, description, costs, financial and economic benefits as well as the environment and social safeguard. Each of the projects is treated individually but all are analysed according to the principals applicable to the ‘Project Cycle’ elaborated on in Chapter 4. It further includes, in Annex 5, a sample of the ‘Project Information Data Sheet’ (PIDS) by means of which information was collected.
The WB team that drafted this report wishes to thank the Uzbek Government and the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) and Economy (MOE) in particular, as well as the TWG members for their invaluable support and effort to collect the required data to permit the achievement of the principal objectives of this study. Thanks go also to the WB office staff in Tashkent which provided valuable assistance to the missions undertaken by the TWG and the WB mission team. 2. Background 2.1
Overview – Irrigation Infrastructure
Owing to a sharp decline to what is widely estimated at 10 percent of requirements of Operating and Maintenance costs, the deterioration of irrigation and drainage infrastructure has progressed steadily since the break up of the Former Soviet Union (FSU). Compounded by modest quality of construction, regular maintenance has been neglected, especially within farms (e.g., levelling of farm fields has been suspended for the past 10 years). According to various estimates in the early 1990, irrigation infrastructure above farm level supplying more than two million hectares are in need of capital repairs. It is clear that today this amount has even increased although it is not exactly known by just how much. An independent UNDP financed study conducted in 2000 conservatively estimated total costs of rehabilitation needs of the 4.3 million ha irrigation network at US$ 5.1 billion equivalent, an enormous amount by any standard. 2
Belton and Stewart 2002, Sections 4.2/4.3 for value measurement theory, Section 4.5 for outranking 7
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MAWR is aware that deferred maintenance over the past 15 years or so of major irrigation canals, drainage collectors, and pump stations has resulted in a precarious state of the national network. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that recently, substantial financial irregularities have been identified by the State Prosecutor. These include diversion of funds, payments for fictitious O&M works, serious irregularities in public procurement and other issues, which further limit the availability of disposable funds for repair and maintenance. Over 60% of farmland depends to some extent on water pumping either for irrigation or drainage or both. MAWR norms specify ten year amortization period for pump stations. However, from the 5,100 stations only 18% are within the norm and over 46% of them exceed the norm by at least 10, some even by 30-40 years. Overall, over 80% of major, 50% of medium, and 30% of small pump stations need reconstruction and/or rehabilitation. According to MAWR, the status of on-farm irrigation networks is even worse. This is in part because of restructuring of shirkats into family farms, changing farm boundaries and yet to be clarified responsibilities of water users. In an embryonic stage, WUAs are supposed to take full responsibility for maintenance of on-farm water irrigation and drainage infrastructure. In most cases, they don’t have the necessary resources, the training, or even the support of the farmers. It is continually reduced MAWR budgets that lead to cuts, postponements, and reduced capital expenditures on rehabilitation of major water works. Over the last few years, the Government has issued a number of directives aimed at developing small hydropower projects, 300.0 250.0 improving the efficiency of strategic 200.0 waterworks, the quality of irrigation and 150.0 100.0 drainage structures, and the security of water 50.0 supply. However, these initiatives remain in 0.0 formative stages due to limited Government investment budgets and the lack of other sources T otal costs inc. elect ricity of funding (by World Bank, ADB, etc.). Overall, it is estimated that reduced MAWR budgets have lead to growing deferred maintenance liabilities. Annual expenditures for operation and maintenance (O&M) of major irrigation and drainage networks (above shirkat/farm level) have declined in real terms by 6,000 Som per ha from 1995 to 2003. 2
20 0
Firgu re 1. Total O&M Co st an d the cost of electricity (constan t 2003 p rices)
At Rayon levels, remaining MAWR irrigation staff has very low salaries, tiny operational budgets, and very little equipment. Moreover, large numbers of professional staff have left or retired. The funding of O&M expenditures for on-farm irrigation works has suffered from the uncertainties of farm restructuring, unclear responsibilities, and paucity of funds. No official record of current expenditures is available. O&M works take place on an ad hoc basis mainly responding to emergencies. Systematic maintenance work at the farm level is rare these days. According to detailed estimates,3 on farm O&M a typical budget should be about Soms 7,650/ha (equivalent to US$ 5.46 per ha) in the new irrigated lands and Soms 9,000/ha (equivalent to US$ 6.43 per ha) in the old ones. Shirkats in financial stress or newly established farms simply don’t have the funds. Moreover, farmers are uncertain of their tenant status and are likely to invest their own labor and funds only with security of tenure are ensured. Currently, the risk of eviction is just too high. The state pays for almost all of the 3
Cost estimates for O&M works under the responsibility of WUAs. See Policy Note 9, Volume II. 8
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
cost of irrigation services. This cost, which accounts for virtually all explicit budgetary outlays for agriculture, amounts to some US$258 million per year (2004). Charges for irrigation water, introduced in 1997, are negligible (US$0.012 per m3), so water is almost free.4 The share for irrigation in the national budget declined from 10% in 1996 to 8% in 2003. While this does not appear much, the overall budget for 2003 is considerably smaller in real terms than 1996 still under the FSU. As much as 70% of the entire budget pays for electricity to power irrigation and drainage pumping stations (see figure 1 above). It is estimated that GOU more than recovers the cost of irrigation services through low producer prices of cotton and wheat. However, instead of using funds thus recovered mainly to maintain and to improve the quality of irrigation and drainage, most are diverted for other purposes. The net result is deteriorating irrigation services, declining farm output, growing environmental problems, and because water is provided for free – the lack of interest to use water efficiently. There is simply no incentive to use water efficiently – water, being the most precious resource in Uzbek agriculture. 2.2
Population Growth, Social Context and Economic Development
Along with healthy GDP growth in recent years, Uzbekistan’s population has also continued to grow. Although population growth has slightly diminished during the nineties, growth continued at about a 1.2 % pace per year until 2005 with the UN forecasting a growth rate of close to 6 % from 2006 – 2010. This rapid increase in children and young people places a significant burden on education and public health care budgets and delivery systems as well as social infrastructure and thus makes it more challenging to maintain standards of quality of basic social services. Implications for GOU policies of this development pattern are several. Firstly, young people represent an extra burden on families’ household budget; they also rely principally on GOU support in terms of welfare and education benefits. Secondly, young people entering the labour market are on the increase, thus putting a heavy strain on new job generation. Thirdly, GOU must provide improved education and job training opportunities for this growing generation so as to afford them the opportunity to compete in a tight labour market. Perhaps, however, the biggest challenge emanating from this development is the provision of continued opportunities for rural households to practice farming, their principal livelihood, and to increase their household income to be able to provide adequately for the young people. Whereas in 1991 the agricultural sector represented 42 percent of formal employment, this percentage has decreased to 28 percent by 2006. Obviously this decline can be attributed to the transformation of collective farms into cooperatives (shirkats) and more recently into private farms. It is estimated that private farms employ about 25 % less employees than shirkats with much of their workforce employed on a temporary or seasonal basis. Over the period mentioned above it is estimated that as much as 460,000 jobs were lost by this transition, while at the same time the overall, national annual workforce experienced an increase of some 250,000.
Since 1999 water charges have been calculated as part of the land tax. 9
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
3. Water Resources Development and Management 3.1
River Basin Authorities (BAISs) and River Sub-Basins
In Central Asia, the Republic of Uzbekistan is apparently the most vulnerable country among all five CIS countries in terms of water resources availability and irrigated agricultural production: it has the largest area of irrigated lands of 4.28 million ha, the largest rural population of about 17 million people, the highest population density of 50 inhabitants/km2 (with a maximum exceeding 600 inhabitants/km2 in Andijan oblast), but very limited authority over its water resources of which over 80% originate in neighbouring countries. This situation, aggravated by the hydropower oriented operation of the Toktokul reservoir located in Kyrgyzstan creates continuous conflict of interest among Uzbekistan and particularly its neighbours Kyrgyzstan and to a lesser extent Tajikistan (Kayrakkum reservoir), who release water for hydropower generation in winter and retain it in summer when Uzbekistan needs irrigation water. As a major water user for irrigation purposes, Uzbekistan thus suffers from water shortages, especially in drought years like in 2000 and 2001, during the growing season on the one hand, and from water logging and water surplus in winter on the other hand. River Basin Authorities (BAISs) The territory of Uzbekistan is part of the Aral Sea basin (1.5 million km2) which consists of two major river basins: the AmuDarya river basin covering about 1.0 million km2, and the SyrDarya river basin covering about 0.5 million km2. Both river basins are managed by the Basin Management Organizations (BVOs) BVO AmuDarya and BVO SyrDarya, respectively, who are the executing bodies of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission (ICWC) assisted by the Scientific Information Center (SIC) in Tashkent. The institutional set-up of water administrations in Uzbekistan prior to 2003 was exclusively based on administrative-territorial principles, viz. according to administrative boundaries of oblasts and raions, and to institutions of Party and Soviet rule, effective within those boundaries. Although the two major river basins are meanwhile sub-divided into 10 river sub-basins, most of their sub-basin boundaries are identical with former oblast or raions boundaries (see map in Annex 3). Two of the most important decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan are No. 290 of 28 June 2003 (on the organization of MAWR), and No. 320 of 21 July 2003 (on the establishment of water administrations), the latter including the decision to establish Basin Administrations of Irrigation Systems (BAISs), integrating the administrations of main canals and those of the irrigation systems, which should function directly under the supervision of the “Main Department of Water Resources” under MAWR. Another essential provision is the decision to reform Karakalpakstan republican and oblast bodies of “water related infrastructure systems” into sections of water use and on-farm irrigation and drainage systems within MAWR Karakalpakstan and within the Oblast Administrations of Agriculture and Water Resources, including significant reduction of personnel employed in the past. Similarly, district agencies of water systems are reformed within the management of district sections of agriculture and water resources, into which former raiselvodkhozes had been embodied. Eventually, the Decree No. 320 of 21 July 2003 envisaged the establishment of agencies (“basin administrations”) for the following subbasins: Narin-KaraDarya, Narin-SyrDarya, SyrDarya–Sokh, Lower SyrDarya, Chirchik– Ahangaran, Amu–Surkhan basin, Amu-Karadarya, Amu-Bukhara, Lower AmuDarya, and
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Zarafshan. Additionally, there is an agency (“administration”) for the main canal system in the Fergana Valley with a “unified” control centre. The main tasks of the BAISs are as follows: The organization of targeted and rational water use upon introduction of market principles and mechanisms of sustainable water use; The implementation of a unified water resources policy together with the introduction of advanced technology; The organization of regular and timely water supply to end users; The assurance of technical reliability of irrigation systems and water structures; The rational administration of water resources management in a drainage basin and its responsiveness to demand; and The provision of reliable control and accountancy of water use by end users. River Basins and River Sub-Basins SyrDarya river basin. Naryn and KaraDarya are the major tributaries of SyrDarya which crosses the Uzbek part of the Fergana Valley (21,000 km2) divided into the three subbasins Narin-SyrDarya (9,000 km2), Narin-KaraDarya (5,000 km2), and SyrDarya-Sokh (7,000 km2) before entering the Kayrakkum reservoir located in Tajikistan. From there, the SyrDarya crosses once more Uzbek territory, receives the Chirchik river on the right bank and enters the Chadara reservoir just beyond the Uzbek-Kasakh border. The SyrDarya river basin, too, is sub-divided in five sub-basins as follows: the Narin-Karadarya sub-basin; the Narin-Syrdarya sub-basin; the Syrdarya–Sokh sub-basin; the Lower Syrdarya sub-basin; and the Chirchik–Ahangaran sub-basin. AmuDarya river basin. Panj and Vakhsh river are the major tributaries of AmuDarya which receives the SurkhanDarya river draining the Surkhan Darya sub-basin (~20,000 km2) on its 130 km stretch along the border with Afghanistan. For the next 580 km, the AmuDarya river crosses Turkmenistan but receives tributaries along its right bank draining the sub-basins of KashkaDarya (~30,000 km2) and Bukhara (~40,000 km2). Downstream of Kisilravot, the AmuDarya flows for some 530 km through the Lower AmuDarya sub-basin (150,000 km2) before discharging into the Aral Sea. Four sub-basins of AmuDarya cover an area of approximately 240,000 km2. They are the Amu–Surkhan subbasin; the Amu-Karadarya sub-basin; the Amu Bukhara sub-basin; and the Lower Amudarya sub-basin. The Zarafshan river draining the fifth sub-basin of the AmuDarya river ends in the desert Southwest of Samarkand without joining the AmuDarya anymore. 3.2
Surface and Groundwater Surface Water Resources
AmuDarya and SyrDarya, the two largest rivers of Central Asia, as well as other rivers hydrographically belonging to the Aral Sea Basin are the main sources of surface water that provide inflow into the Aral Sea. Mean annual river flow of SyrDarya is 38 billion m3. Long-term average data show that 28 billion m3 per year come from Kyrgyzstan (74%), 6 billion m3 per year from Uzbekistan (15%), and 4 billion m3 per year (11%) from Kazakhstan. Mean annual river flow of AmuDarya is about 78 billion m3, out of which some 63 billion m3 per year come from the territory of Tajikistan (81%), 5 billion m3 per year (6%)
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from Uzbekistan, and about 10 billion m3 per year from Afghanistan and Turkmenistan (13%). The flow regimen of Central Asia’s largest rivers AmuDarya and SyrDarya is characterized by substantial annual and inter-annual fluctuations. For example, in a dry year at 90% probability of occurrence the reduction of the annual water volume of the two rivers can be as much as 23 billion m3. According to SIC ICWC, total mean annual discharge volume of both rivers during the past 20 years equals 116,000 million m3. Other sources arrive at 123 billion m3 (GEF/WB WEMP), and at 133 billion m3 (Uzhydromet SHMI). The GEF project data are used as basis for water allocation among the Central Asian countries. Wet years occur periodically every six to ten years and usually last two to three years; dry years have a cycle of four to seven years and last up to six years. Based on the International Water Sharing Agreement between the countries, water reserves in the Aral Sea Basin are distributed among the six Central Asian States as presented in Figure 2 below. Figure 2. Distribution of Water Resources in the Aral Sea Basin among the six Central Asian States
SyrDarya Basin. Total SyrDarya basin area is approximately 345,000 km2. The SyrDarya and most of its upper tributaries are of the snow/glacier-fed type of rivers which are expected to become rain/snow-fed rivers along further increases of annual temperatures due to climate change. The result of this change will significantly change the seasonal flow pattern of the SyrDarya in the future, causing peak flows to occur much earlier in the year (e.g. in spring instead of summer) and putting further strain on water availability during the summer months when cropwater requirements are at their maximum. The mean annual water volume of the SyrDarya is presently estimated to be in the order of 38 billion m3 (given as 41.6 billion m3 in the UNDP Study “Water” of 2007), out of which about 70% originates from the upper basin upstream of the confluence of the Narin and KaraDarya rivers at their entrance into the Ferghana Valley. The SyrDarya flow is characterized by a pronounced annual variability ranging from as low as 22 million m3 per year to a maximum of over 50 billion m3 per year at its entrance into the Aral Sea. The upper course of the SyrDarya including the Fergana Valley is characterized as follows: Fergana Valley. The Fergana Valley represents an ancient, fertile oasis characterized by favourable climatic conditions and fertile lands. It is subdivided into three large sub-basin units (oblasts): Andijan, Namangan and Fergana. This is the most populous region of the country, and the population density in Andijan oblast exceeds the average national level by a factor of 10. An irrigable area of 910,000 ha is the major source of welfare and occupation of the rural population of over 4.5 million. There is only 0.19 ha of irrigable land per person living in Andijan oblast available in comparison to 0.27 ha per head at national level. However, the yield of cotton and wheat is 1.3 to 1.5 times more than that at national level. 12
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Salient features of the Valley’s irrigation systems are its extraordinary branching. Many large and small systems are connected among each other by canals. However, the irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency (see Table below): more than 57% of the main and inter-farm canals and practically the entire on-farm network (90%) are unlined earth canals which need rehabilitation and maintenance. According to MAWR (2005), the deficit of water supply in summer in Namangan oblast alone is 900 million m3 affecting about 200,000 ha of irrigable land. The flow of Narin River in the autumn/ winter period exceeds twice the agreed norm, and in summer, it is less than twice the agreed norm – due to the irregular operation of the Toktokul reservoir situated on Naryn river upstream of the Fergana Valley. This has a particular negative effect on the water supply to the main conveyance canals, such as the Northern Fergana Canal (NFC), the Big Namangan Canal (BNC), and the Big Fergana Canal (BFC) and the Ahunbabaev Canal. As a result of low water supply, the decrease of wheat yield varies from 0.04 to 0.06 t/ha, and the one of cotton from 0.07 to 0.1 t/ha. Incomes of farmers and dekhkans are falling, gardens and vineyards are drying up. Lack of funds restricts the Government to rehabilitate existing irrigation and drainage infrastructure, which is already obsolete and requires significant financial investment. As per assessment of the BAIS Syrdarya-Sokh (2001), annual requirements for operation and maintenance for the SyrDarya-Sokh sub-unit are US$ 1.4 million. For rehabilitation of the BFC alone, some US$ 21.6 million are required. Other serious problems for the right-bank and central part of the Fergana Valley are caused by rising groundwater levels associated with water-logging, salinity and flooding of land,; the latter leading to abandoned irrigable lands and the damaging of houses, mainly in Rishtan, Bagdad and Altyaryk districts. This resulted in a significant contamination of fresh groundwater and the pollution of aquifers in the lower part of the Sokh delta cone. The increase of total mineralization and hardness of water in the central part of the Sokh delta cone is being observed, where fresh groundwater is preserved. The loss of a large part of the remaining aquifers restricts access of 1.5 million people to high quality drinking water. The medium course of SyrDarya covers Golodnaya and Djizak steppes on the leftbank, as well as the foothill plains. The territory here is subdivided into three large oblasts: Tashkent, SyrDarya and Djizak covering a total area of 985,000 ha. The Tashkent oasis is fed by Chirchik, Angren, and Ahangaran rivers additionally to the SyrDarya itself. The hydraulic situation in this region is similar to the one decribed for the Fergana valley. The capacity of major conveyance canals, such as the South Golodnostepskiy Canal discharging 330 m3/s, is insufficient to meet cropwater requirements of 450,000 ha of irrigable land in the Golodnaya and Djizak steppes. The existing water supply to this region barely covers 65 to 70 % of the needs. Due to improper operation of the irrigation and drainage network, the hydraulic infrastructure of Golodnaya and Djizak steppes needs a major rehabilitation: more than 30% of the irrigable area is water logged, another 38% are ranked as being affected by medium and high salinity. Cotton yield in Syrdarya oblast reduced 2 to three times (up to 1.4-1.6 t/ha) from its peak of 3.2 to 3.6 t/ha harvested during the Eighties. In some areas with high salinity level and water-logging, cotton yield does not exceed 1.2 t/ha. Annually, up to 8.8 million tons of salt are discharged into depressions and about 2.3 million tons of salt via return flows into the SyrDarya that cause contamination of river flow and creates significant risks for ecosystems.
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Current investment in the irrigation and drainage sub-sector does not cover requirements at local and regional level. Per BAIS SyrDarya assessment (2001), only for rehabilitation of Dustlik canal (Kirovcanal), servicing simultaneously irrigated areas of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, US$ 4.03 million are required. The lower course of SyrDarya is situated in Kazakhstan which expects to receive its allocated share of SyrDarya water in sufficient quantity and satisfactory quality. AmuDarya Basin. In the AmuDarya basin, there are over 2.35 million hectares of arable land including 1.85 million hectares under irrigation. The ancient irrigated oasis of Samarkand, Bukhara, Khorezm, Kashkadarya and Karakalpakstan are all located in the AmuDarya basin, surrounded by the vast plain of Kyzylkum and the large Karakum sand desert. The history of irrigation development in this region goes back to the beginning of the second millennium B.C., experiencing a boom in the past, and falling into decay again today. The dearest consequences for the present and future generations, however, are the progressing disappearance of the Aral Sea whose Southern Lake will eventually dry up completely during the coming 20 years. The AmuDarya river is the largest of the two main rivers in terms of runoff representing about two thirds of the total river water available in the Aral Sea basin. In its upper course, the main flow volume (85%) is formed by the Vakhsh and Panj tributaries in Tadjikistan. The share of the SurkhanDarya, Kafirnigan, and Kunduz rivers is 15% only. In its middle course, the AmuDarya is the major water source for the Karshi steppe, the Bukhara and the Navoi oblast, together with the Zarafshan and Kashkadarya rivers. The total population in this part of the basin is about 9 million including 73% of people living in rural areas. One of the major features of water supply to irrigation systems situated along the AmuDarya are the many pump stations fed by the AmuDarya. The largest pump irrigation system is the Bokhara cascade (7 pump stations) including the Karshi main canal (Q = 175 m3/s), and the Bokhara Canal (Q = 350 m3/s), whose head water intakes are located in Turkmenistan. Out of the permissible intake volume of 10 billion m3 from AmuDarya, only a total volume of 8 billion m3 are withdrawn at present, representing a difference (= deficit) of 2 billion m3 annually. Like in other sectors of the country, the irrigation and drainage infrastructure has been operated for more than 35 years without proper rehabilitation and maintenance. Being now already beyond its life expectancy, only 55% - 66% of irrigation infrastructure is maintained. Wear of canal network and structures has led to significant water losses; low irrigation efficiency and progressing of land degradation resulted in significant yield reduction and loss of farmers’ incomes. The yield of cotton reduced from 2.7 t/ha (1992) to 2.4 t/ha (2004). Although wheat yield has increased from 2.3 t/ha (1991) to 4.2 t/ha (2004), at international level it is still considered low for irrigated wheat. According to the ADB assessment (2005), it is assumed that further deterioration of irrigation and drainage infrastructure would further reduce the irrigated area by 20 to 25% within the next 30 years. The discharge of collector drains, (“return flows”), into AmuDarya contaminates the river flow which is used for drinking and irrigation purposes further downstream. Salt contributors in the middle course of AmuDarya originate from the Karshi steppe region (6.43 million tons) and Bukhara oblast (5.6 million tons). Additionally, the discharge of return flow to desert depressions has a negative effect on the various fragile desert ecosystems. In the lower course of AmuDarya, and particularly in its (former) delta to the Aral Sea, there are major problems regarding river water quantity and quality. This area is covered 14
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by Khorezm oblast and Karakalpakstan Autonomous Republic, comprising a total irrigable area of 776,000 ha, and a total population of more than 3 million, including 63% of people living in rural areas. It is common that water users living along the lower AmuDarya are receiving water unsuitable for agricultural purposes as well as for domestic needs, with 1.5 to 1.8 g/l mineralization and a hardness exceeding 2 MPC. According to the UNDP assessment in 2005, AmuDarya water in Karakalpakstan is not suitable for drinking purposes within 10 months of any given year owing to the huge mineral residues. Reserves of fresh groundwater previously accumulated in sandy lenses along the river and the large conveyance canals have disappeared, and are now contaminated by insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers. Irrigable land affected by soil salinity varies from 41 to 48% (Karakalpakstan) to 55% (Khorezm) of the formerly (up to 1990) irrigated area. Additionally, the Tuyamuyun reservoir is silting up, manifested in a reduction of its life storage by 3.0 to 3.5 billion m3 limiting the guaranteed water supply to the lands of Khorezm and Karakalpakstan. The current water deficit is estimated to be in the order of 1.5 to 3.0 billion m3 per year. Groundwater The total existing volume of groundwater resources in Uzbekistan is estimated to be in the order of 24.35 billion m3 out of which 20.79 billion m3 are stored in Quaternary deposits, 2.92 billion m3 in the Upper Pliocene-Quaternary deposits, and 460 million m3 in the Upper Cretaceous deposits. The share of these groundwater volumes are 10.73 billion m3 (44%) for the AmuDarya Basin and 13.62 billion m3 (56%) for the SyrDarya Basin (UNDP 2007). Up to now, 357 fresh groundwater aquifers (with the exception of mineral and thermal waters) with a total discharge of 21 million m3 per day had been explored. Out of this volume the 10 million m3/d is potable water. Out of the 357 identified aquifers, only 267 of them are made use of, leaving a large reserve for future potable water supply development in rural areas. As compared with 1965, daily fresh groundwater supply is reduced by 5.05 billion m3 due to wide-scale redistribution and diversion of large surface water volumes – polluted by untreated waste water and return flows from irrigated areas into conveyance canals. Analyses carried out, for example, in Karakalpakstan and Khorezm in 1995 show that groundwater tables ranging from 0.50 to 1.50m cover more than 75% of the irrigable area in Northern Karakalpakstan, and more than 95% in Southern Karakalpakstan and Khorezm. 3.3
Irrigation Water Availability and Quality Irrigation Water Use
Based on interstate agreements, more than 84% of river discharge in Uzbekistan is allocated to irrigated agriculture, followed by potable and domestic water use with 5.7%, and industrial water use with 2.2%. For the irrigation of 4.3 million ha of arable land, 57 billion m3 of water are provided, ensuring the well-being of 16.6 million rural residents. In the SyrDarya basin, irrigation water use per hectare is about 10,400 m3, whereas in the AmuDarya basin it is even 12,900 m3 – at an annual reference evapotranspiration of only 1,200 to 1,500 mm. This extremely high irrigation rate per hectare (probably the highest one in the world) is related to the fact that irrigation water resources are not used economically (see Table 3). Depending on varying annual river discharges, the total annual water “deficit” in Uzbekistan is estimated to be in the order of 2.5 billion m3 in the SyrDarya basin, and about 15
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1.5 to 3.0 billion in the AmuDarya basin, amounting to a total annual water “deficit” of 4.0 to 5.5 billion m3. To compensate for the “deficit” in the AmuDarya Basin, the Arnasai reservoir was constructed with a maximum storage capacity of one billion m3, and the Rezaksai reservoir with a maximum storage capacity of 200 million m3 is under construction, both reservoirs together compensating for about half of the present deficit. Regarding “deficit” compensation in the AmuDarya Basin, the Tupolang reservoir (situated in the upper AmuDarya basin) with a maximum storage capacity of 500 million m3 is under construction. In the lower reaches of AmuDarya, the construction of Shorbulak reservoir with a maximum capacity of 3.6 billion m3 is planned to guarantee sufficient water supply to Karakalpakstan, including environmental flow to the AmuDarya delta ecosystems. Table 1: Irrigation Water Use and Losses in the AmuDarya Basin Type of Use and Loss
Water Volume (m3/ha and year)
Percentage of Water Available at Head Structure
20 %
Losses in main canals Other losses outside the farm On-farm canals: Conveyance losses Operational losses
3,100 3,100
24 % 24 %
Water use in fields: Leaching Irrigation
770 2,700
6% 21 %
Source: GEF, WEMP, Component A1, Final Report, 2001
Table 2: Annual Irrigation Water Diversion/Extraction Volumes (billion m³) Main Basin
Use of Main River
Use of Tributary Rivers
Total Surface Water
Use of Groundwater
Reuse of Drained Water
Available Water Resources
Syr Darya
Amu Darya
Source: GEF, WEMP, Component A1, 2001
Irrigation Water Quality Improper operation and unproductive losses in irrigation system management contribute to the problem of return flows from irrigated fields: according to GEF, WEMP (2001), more than 36 million tons of salt are annually discharged into natural depressions an, 24.1 million tons are carried on to other countries in the two main rivers, and 2.7 million tons in small rivers, contaminating fresh water sources and creating serious social-economic and ecological consequences for the population depending on these water resources. A particularly difficult situation is faced by people living in the middle and lower course of AmuDarya and SyrDarya, where water mineralization exceeds 1 g/l, and reaches seasonally
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even 2.4 g/l and more. It is well known and recognized that the discharge of return flows into desert depressions and sand negatively affects desert pastures and water ecosystems. Based on the adopted water quality classification, most of the surface waters in Uzbekistan are considered to be moderately polluted and/or polluted. Collector and drainage waters in the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan and in the Fergana Valley are heavily polluted. Some rivers and canals in Tashkent oblast (for example: Chirchik River and Salar Canal) are also heavily polluted. Water shortage and degradation of water quality and land resources are widespread in the country. Large areas of irrigated land suffer from salinity, water-logging and water erosion, and losses of agro-biodiversity (for detailed assessment, see World Bank, General Condition of Environment, Tashkent, 2002). 3.4
Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Rehabilitation
After independence, Uzbekistan not only inherited irrigation and drainage infrastructure including large hydraulic structures, dams, reservoirs, pump stations, canals, etc., but also a number of pressing problems related to its wear, poor operation, and extreme disarray in water supply and distribution. This contradictory combination of good and poor, modern and old, improved and obsolete systems determined the situation in the water resources and irrigation sub-sector at the moment of Uzbekistan’s independence (L. Perira, V.Duhovny, M.Horst, 2005). From the mid-Eighties, the development of new lands ceased excluding minor onfarm development, and the irrigated area per capita reduced about 25% from 0.23 ha to 0.16 ha. Additionally, as a result of land degradation and water shortage, the productivity per ha of ploughed field was reduced by 23%, and material and labor costs increased by 23%, respectively. Most of the irrigation and drainage infrastructure was constructed more than 35 years ago, and thus has already exceeded its expected service time. The decrease of MAWR budget further contributed to the inability of the Government to rehabilitate the obsolete irrigation and drainage systems. The annual operation and maintenance budget of the main and interfarm irrigation and drainage network decreased from 1995 to 2003 in real terms to US$ 5.00 per hectare irrigated land. According to ADB (2005) assessment, approximately US$ 415 to 435 (or US$ 98 to 104 per hectare of irrigated area) were spent annually for the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure in previous times, whereas now, according to various sources, specific capital investment in operation and maintenance of equipment is US$ 150 US$ per hectare and year. From 1991 to 2001, the share of investment by the Government in agriculture decreased from 27% to 8%, capital investment in irrigation and drainage infrastructure decreased nearly five times, while the costs of electricity to run the pump stations increased from 13.6% to 48% (Vodproekt 2004). About 20% of the total electricity consumed in the country and 70% of MAWR’s budget relate to pumping for irrigation purposes. In several publications/reports, an estimate of the expected irrigation and drainage infrastructure rehabilitation costs are made: The Word Bank (2000) and GEF WEMP (2002) estimated the total costs to range from US4 23 to 31 billion. The National Plan for Water and Salt Management (GEF WEMP, 2002) estimated the requirements in investment for rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure and the 17
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improvement of irrigated lands in the medium- and long-term to be as much as US$ 24.5 billion - without the costs incurring for the development of new lands. According to the World Bank strategy of 2000, based on the Government Decrees #398 and #357 and on the National Program of Irrigation Development for 2000-2005, total investment costs are approximately US$ 23 billion, including US$ 12 billion to be recovered by potential water users. Irrigation Canal Networks According to UNDP assessment of 2007, based on MAWR data of 2004/2005, total rehabilitation needs of irrigation infrastructure (including dams and reservoirs) is summarized as follows:
32.1% of the total length of inter-farm and main canals (22,300 km) requires rehabilitation, and 23.5% requires refurbishment;
More than 42.1% of the on-farm irrigation network (149,500 km) requires rehabilitation and 17.4% refurbishment;
Among 42 water intake/control structures comprising a capacity of 10 to 300 m3/s, 18 of them require replacement and modernization of the hydro-mechanical equipment, and five control structures require rehabilitation;
Most parts of the pump stations servicing more than 2.1 million ha have outlived their operational time; among the 1,130 pump stations, 76 of them are considered to be large ones (Q > 100 m3/s), 496 are of medium size (Q up to 10 m3/s), and 561 are small ones (Q less than 1 m3/s). In total, 80% of the large ones, 50% of the medium sized ones, and 30% of the small pump stations require refurbishment and rehabilitation;
The sharp price increases of energy and equipment has changed priorities in favor of irrigation by gravity; and
Among 27 surveyed reservoirs, 11 have been found to be practically completely silted, and at five of them, the advancement of sedimentation has now reached the outlet structures (MAWR, enterprise «Vodproekt», 2004).
There is no doubt that the whole irrigation canal network desperately needs rehabilitation and modernization, including and in particular the pump stations and their associated infrastructure. Amu-Zang canal is now being rehabilitated under an ADB loan. The rehabilitation plan of the Karshi pump station cascade, originally envisaged under a WB loan and other donors’ contributions at a total cost of US$ 145 was not realized due to disagreements. At present, the Government is undertaking measures to rehabilitate eight pump systems of small and medium size. Drainage Canal Networks According to UNDP assessment of 2007, based on MAWR data of 2004/2005, total rehabilitation needs of drainage infrastructure is as follows:
About 19,000 km of open on-farm drains require cleaning, 11,500 km of open and closed drains require rehabilitation and refurbishment; and
About hall of the closed horizontal drains are in good operational conditions (ADB, LIP, 2005), but the other half need rehabilitation or even complete renewal. 18
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These assessed needs based on MAWR data of 2004/5 have not been met substantially, rather to the contrary: Degradation of the drainage network is continuing countrywide in spite of some local interventions such as by the Drainage and Wetland Improvement Project in Karakalpakstan. 3.5
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
From 1912 to 1990. As early as in 1912, modern diversion works (Amu-Zang Irrigation System) very constructed on SurkhanDarya river. The large irrigation system constructions started in the Fergana Valley in the 1940’s (SFC, NFC, BFC). During that time, also the Tashsaka and Suenli canals situated in the lower reaches of AmuDarya were commissioned. After the war, in Sixties and Seventies, the construction of canals continued (Eki Angar, Rkarshi, South Golodnostepsky canals) as well as irrigation system expansion in the Fergana Valley (BAC, BNC). Among the many reservoirs to be built, the Kattakurgan reservoir on the Zarafshan river (1941) and the Kamashi reservoir on the KashkaDarya (1945) were the first ones. The policy of imperial Russia, and subsequently that of the Soviet Union as well, was directed to create in Uzbekistan a large cotton growing centre. Wide-scale development of virgin lands (Golodnaya, Djizak, Karshi steppes, etc.) relates to the period of 1960 to 1985/86. At that time, an organizational-technical basis for the management of large and complex hydraulic systems including irrigation and drainage infrastructure has been established, and qualified local personnel trained. The result of these works was significant: the irrigated area had increased from 2.57 million ha in 1960 to 4.22 million ha in mid-1980, viz. about 60%. The production of raw cotton had almost doubled from 2.95 to 5.37 million tons. However, in the process of wide-scale irrigation development, aspects of sustainability and environment were often ignored, although at the beginning, many scientists warned about possible future, negative consequences. These warnings were put aside, pointing out to the future diversion of water from the two Siberian rivers Ob and Irtysh which was expected to be carried out during 1990 to1995. From 1990 onwards. Water reservoirs are an integral part of the water management systems that provide water availability throughout the year in spite of the naturally high fluctuation of river flow. At present, there are 51 reservoirs, mainly designed for irrigation purposes. Their total storage volume is 18.8 billion m3, out of which 14.8 billion m3 are life storage. Over 2.1 million ha of arable land – or about 50% of all irrigated land - is irrigated through pumping. Most of the pump stations (and their associated infrastructure) need rehabilitation or even a complete change of equipment. According to various estimates, the country looses US$ 1.7 billion annually (or 3% of its GDP) due to inefficient water resources management, and the annual decrease in agricultural production is estimated to be in the order of US$ 2 billion (UNDP 2007). An assessment of the experience of joint water resources management, conducted for other river basins worldwide by the World Bank in 2003 confirms that in the short-term, enhanced efforts in regional cooperation among the governments of the CAC, improvement of water use efficiency, and guaranteed water supply at national level would be highly profitable and would provide high returns on investments even at the current economic situation. IWRM has become a fashionable phrase but little has been achieved so far at national scale. A first step towards IWRM was the establishment of the 10 BAISs who have 19
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– at present – not yet the authority and means to takeover any management function. The next step must be the definition of “command areas” of irrigation systems within drainage basin boundaries in order to establish Water Users Associations who manage in an integrated and sustainable manner the water used for irrigation purposes, and to establish potable water supply companies to ensure sustainable drinking water supply. As long as there is no way in modifying the water allocation quota of the individual countries, or the reservoir operation mode of Toktokul reservoir, it is imperative to save irrigation water, and to reduce the high water use per hectare. There is a potential of increasing overall irrigation efficiency by 100% equal to about 11 billion m3. This is more than double the present annual “deficit”. Climate change impact. Taking into account the social needs of an anticipated population of some 40 million people by 2025 and the need for sustainable development of all sectors, the future country-wide annual demand for water is an estimated 72 billion m3. This indeed corresponds approximately to the total available water resources estimated by the Interstate Agreement in 1992, but not at all to the then (in 2025) possibly available water resources which are likely to be some 20 to 30% less than those available in 1992 (Uzhydromet 2000).The expected reduction of the annual flow volume of Amudarya and Syrdarya is about 30-35%. In view of this rather negative scenario, integrated, efficient and effective water resources management will become even more crucial in the near future. Water Supply and Sanitation This sub-sector is not included in the presented water sector investment planning strategy. However, its water use needs to be taken into consideration when planning irrigation water use. As mentioned in the UNDP Report “Water” of 2007, the future task of this sub-sector is to provide the entire population with drinking water of good quality, and meet the municipal water demands of cities and villages through centralized water distribution systems. The forecasted future demand is 6.2 billion m3 per year in the shortterm (2010), and 8.1 billion m3 per year in the medium-term (2025). Irrigation Development The Country’s irrigation development strategy is based on Decree #398 of 20 August 1999, amended through the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan #359 of 19 September 2000. However, although the activities postulated in these two degrees are based on the World Bank’s Irrigation and Drainage Sector Strategy Study of November 2000, it is rather difficult to prioritize rehabilitation and/or construction works for sustainable irrigation development. It is obvious that the country is not in a position to look after operation and maintenance of 4.3 million ha of irrigated lands. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify and rank irrigated areas with the highest social and economic potential which subsequently should be developed. Irrigation & drainage infrastructure rehabilitation projects of these “high potential” areas are then studied and ranked accordingly, which is demonstrated in Chapter 4. Hydropower Development This sub-sector is also not included in the presented water sector investment planning study. Several forecasts indicate that energy consumption will increase by more than 50% during the coming 20 years - varying within a range of 5,300 to 12,000 MW by 2025 (UNDP 2007). As there are no major potential hydropower production sites in the country, most of 20
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this demand will have to be satisfied by either existing hydropower plants, by thermo power stations or by the import of electrical energy from neighbouring countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Hydropower production along the two main rivers will (in Uzbekistan) always depend on irrigation water needs which will have to be given absolute priority – contrary to the usual practice when and where hydropower production dominates water management. Environmental Flow Specific water allocations for the Aral Sea deltas of SyrDarya and AmuDarya were never agreed by any institution including the ICWC. However, a target of 20 billion m3 plus was envisaged to be a suitable threshold for a 2025 vision (UNESCO 2000) of integrated water resources management in the Aral Sea Basin. Water Sector Investment Planning This study addresses principally issues associated with the national irrigation network. Accordingly, investment project proposals presented in Section II of this report, deal exclusively with the rehabilitation and repair of the infrastructure. There is a need for a national dialogue that includes all stakeholders, including those at decentralized level, about how to achieve, over time, a holistic approach to sustainable IWRM. The issue of comprehensive Water Sector Investment Planning is dealt with more extensively in Chapter 5 and a summary is presented in the Excecutive Summary under Strategic Issues. 4. Multi Criterion Decision Analysis 4.1
Overview – Transparency
Decision guiding methods5 that cover more than one objective or criterion can be simple or complex. In many situations there is a distinction between decision-makers, who represent (perhaps imperfectly) all the stakeholders, and on the other hand one or more facilitators or analysts, who help the decision-makers to set-up whatever methods or models will be used. These facilitators or analysts form a sort of secretariat to the decision makers: they administer the model, advice on methodology, do the routine collection and handling of necessary data about projects and options, and keep the records of reasons for decisions. They do, however, not take the decision. If decision makers do not understand the analysis by which their decisions are guided, they are unlikely to “own” the decision, and the decisions are unlikely to be effectively implemented. Similarly, if other affected people, or groups are not clearly informed of the reasoning behind a proposal, they cannot give effective consent nor act to improve it. Once a decision has been made, it usually has to be explained and defended to a wider audience, so that a process of communication and persuasion must follow the decision making. So a decision aid must often serve as an instrument not only of analysis but also of communication and persuasion. Therefore one of its most important characteristics must be transparency. If an analyst collects, processes and analyses information, he must then present a clearly argued case to the decision-makers and other people who are to be consulted. All these people must understand the analysis well enough to influence it, asking the analyst to modify it until they are comfortable with it, so that its results are their decisions, not those of 5
A considerable body of literature has built up about MCDA. The most relevant summary description is contained in Belton & Stewart 2002.
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the analyst. A non-transparent analysis can hide undeclared priorities and biases in a black box which either is not described at all or described in impenetrable technical jargon; such an approach is not conducive to good decisions that will be followed through and implemented. 4.2
Screening, Ranking and Thresholds
Screening and ranking are two basic and complimentary processes used to reduce a long list of conceivable courses of action or alternatives to one preferred alternative, or to a preferred set of alternatives that matches a budget or any other constraint.
Screening, by analogy with a sieve that lets some items through and holds others back, is the simpler: an alternative is either accepted or rejected at a screening phase. It might be rejected by being shown to be totally unacceptable under just one criteria (this is referred to below as veto), or just by falling below some threshold based on one or several criteria.
Ranking is more subtle than screening in that alternatives are not merely sorted into two classes, the accepted and the rejected, but are placed in order of merit, by whatever measure of merit or preference is being used.
If the degree of decision-makers preferences between alternatives is known, the presentation of a ranked order involves a loss of information. For example, suppose three alternatives A, B and C achieve the value of 8, 5 and 9 respectively, on some merit or preference scale. One can say that the respective ranks are 2, 3 and 1, or that the rank order is C, A, and B. Either way, one is omitting significant information, namely the fact that the preference for C over A is only one unit of preference, while A is preferred to B by a margin of three units. If one alternative is preferred to another under every single criterion, the first is said to dominate the second. It is usually not wise to reject all dominated alternatives before analysing tradeoffs. 4.3
There are three main groups of methods for MCDA, or multi-criterion decision models MCDMs).
Value measurement theory arrives at a number or index value for each alternative, which represents the overall degree of preference for that alternative in the eyes of the decision-makers, using several criteria simultaneously and dealing explicitly with tradeoffs between criteria.
Satisfying methods take one criteria at a time and use it to screen a list of alternatives then apply another criterion to screen among the remaining alternatives, until a decision guide is reached. Tradeoffs between criteria are not explicitly handled. This is more a description of how people sometimes make decisions with limited information than a recommended method, though it can be useful for initial screening of a large number of alternatives.
Outranking methods extend the concept of dominance to analyse pairs of alternatives to see if one is preferable (outranks the other) strongly, or weakly, or if preference between the two is indeterminate.
As is implied in the terms of MCDA/MCDM, ranking requires a certain, minimum, comparable amount of information and data on investment project proposals to permit decision makers to understand why one project is favoured over the other.
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Uncertainty, Incomplete Information
Decision-makers never have complete and precise information about the available alternatives or their merits under various criteria, nor about the relative importance of the criteria. As well as partial information, there are usually divergences between the preferences or value judgements of the different decision-makers or stakeholders. Any kind of MCDA, to be useful for real decisions, must deal with these uncertainties and divergences. Some experts have developed ways of using fuzzy set theory and rough set theory (lower and upper bounds) to deal with uncertainty, while the satisfying and outranking approaches have their own internal ways of dealing with it. A common and useful way of dealing with uncertainty is to do sensitivity tests. After a model or computation has been set up with the most likely value of each important input parameter, it can be re-run with different values to see what difference each change makes. This can guide the iterative improvement of the model, and if decision-makers are involved at successive stages it can help them to formulate their preferences clearly and to reach a consensus view. 4.5
The Weighted Average Model
Among the various methods and models for MCDA, one is preferred here because of its simplicity and transparency, although it can handle complex problems with large numbers of competing alternatives. It is called the additive model within multi-attribute value theory, or the weighted-average model. It is particularly suitable for handling tradeoffs between criteria, for large numbers of alternatives, and for situations where new alternatives may from time to time be added to the list. Because of its simplicity it is easy to explain to decisionmakers and other stakeholders. To set up a model (a MCDM) of this kind it is necessary to define a set of criteria and to assign a relative importance weight to each one. The model also needs a value function or scoring rule for each criterion, and in practice the formulation of the scoring rule provides the precise definition of the criterion. The scoring rule describes how a score is assigned to each alternative under each criterion, usually on a scale from zero to 100 with 100 at the preferred end of the scale. The model operates on a set or long-list of alternatives, each of which is assigned a score under each criterion. Once these elements are in place (the set of criteria, their weights and scoring rules, and the list of alternatives), the model works by computing an overall merit index value for each alternative. The index value of an alternative is simply the weighted average of its scores under the individual criteria, using the criterion importance weights. When the merit index values have been computed, the alternatives can, if desired, be ranked and sorted to give a priority list, those with high index values at the top of the list. This prioritised list can then be used to draw up investment programmes to match annual budgets or other constraints. An example table is given below. The two setting-up processes, weighting and scoring, are not independent of each other, and the whole model needs to be developed in an iterative manner, trying out early versions with real alternatives, before it gives a good representation of the decision-makers’ preferences and value judgements. A useful device for developing a set of criteria and their importance is a ‘value scale’, which describes a hierarchy of objectives grouped at two or more levels. The table below shows an example of a value matrix that might be used for guiding decisions about irrigation projects that compete for limited funds. This one has six criterions, each with two levels, 23
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though in practice a criterion can be subdivided at a third and fourth level. Annex 1, Section II to this report shows how the 26 projects that have been analyzed are been ranked. Table 3: Value Scale Project
Ranking Points
Cost/Benefit Ratio, EIRR
The more the EIRR exceeds the OC, the higher the points.
Interaction with other Projects
Water sharing, proximity, sharing of input/marketing and processing facilities
Effect on Rural Livelihoods
Availability of alternative job opportunities versus complete dependence on farming
Effect on Urban Population
Proximity to villages and cities including job opportunities for farm labour
Effect on flooding, drainage
The more the groundwater table is lowered, the more points
Effect on Ecosystems
The greater water availability is for environmental flow and wetlands, the more points
New Technologies
The greater water and energy savings technologies, the more points
Availability of Contractors
The more local and international contractors are attracted, the more points
Farmers Income Improvement
See Section II, Annex 1
Availability of Credit
See Section II, Annex 1
Land Tenure System
See Section II, Annex 1
Water Sharing Agreements
See Section II, Annex 1
Value Matrix
1) Economic Impact
2) Social Impact
Project Name
3) Environmental Impact
4) Technical Consideration
5) Financial Considerations 6)Legal Considerations
Within each criteria ranking is performed in accordance with the individual, descriptive text of the project proposals (Annex 4, Appendices 1 - 26). Where possible, quantitative principles have been applied. For instance, a negative Economic Rate of Return draws zero (0), whereas the highest one gets 5.0 and the lowest numeric one 0.1. The more a rural economy is diversified and offers farmers alternative investment possibilities, the more effective ranking according to the methodology proposed herein turn out to be. In the Uzbek context, where farming practices are undergoing a slow transition to market driven, farmers do not yet have the choice to cultivate what they view as the most profitable crop. Therefore, the three most important criteria are economic, social and environmental. Although farm models developed during the preparation of the FVWRMP indicate that financial returns to
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
farmers are positive for all principal crops grown in the country, this information is somewhat theoretical given the current context. Careful consideration was given to all methods of prioritising investment project proposals in the context of the irrigation/drainage sub-sector in Uzbekistan. Given the enormous amount of rehabilitation work required, scattered over a large number of locations throughout the country, above Value Scale or – Outranking – lends itself best to prioritise investments. Each of the six criterion would count for 10 points, equally divided into two levels; accordingly 1 point would be the minimum and 5 the maximum at each level with ten points maximum per criteria. Given the situation of the Uzbek irrigation network where many of the schemes in need of rehabilitation are unlikely to yield acceptable economic rates of return owing to the cost of pumping water, the above system with “social impact” as number two criteria, is ideal. 4.6
Prioritizing Investments
In consideration of the current state of the irrigation infrastructure, investment proposals for rehabilitation must be prioritized as the national budget cannot possibly contain sufficient funds in any given year to carry out needed repairs. The above value scale, therefore, will provide the GOU with a tool to facilitate the difficult task of deciding which annual investment project proposal is most needed. Obviously economic aspects of projects need to be looked at in the first instance in an environment of competing funds. In other words, GOU must consider whether any given proposal has the best cost/benefit ratio and/or EIRR when compared to alternatives. However, given that economics was barely considered when the national irrigation network was designed by the former soviet authorities, social aspects are of almost equal importance as the continued, safe livelihood of a great number of Uzbek citizen often will depend on rehabilitation of an investment proposal that cannot be justified on economic grounds owing to the high energy costs to pump water over a great distance. When weighing these decisions, GOU must also consider that, at least in the medium term, a substantial amount of subsidies will be required to provide the farming community with a national irrigation network that will permit it to remain competitive while at the same time guaranteeing families a livelihood that will be sufficiently attractive to families to work the lands. For the current precarious state of the national irrigation system is a direct cause of neglecting allocation of sufficient funds for O&M to keep the system running without problems. Moreover, low farm gate prices paid by GOU for farmers’ production have over the last few years extracted a heavy toll on rural communities - a trend that needs reversal. In the longer term GOU must determine whether it can afford to keep subsidizing irrigation schemes that depend on provision of water by pump stations. Demographic developments and considerations must be taken into account when deliberating on these aspects. Also, environmental considerations are of vital importance given the current degradation of the soils owing to neglect of drainage. The most important technical consideration that needs to be looked at when developing long term plans for the national network is focus on gravity schemes including the possibility of converting current pump schemes to gravity fed.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
International Experience
The MCDA system is widely used by nations including the United States, most EU members, Turkey and many more. The reason being, that it provides nations with an apolitical tool to manage public funds. In a highly competitive, globalized World where resource allocation is increasingly being used in support of political goals, the MCDA remains one of the most powerful tools of moderate legislators to enforce sound economic decision making in the broadest interest of the national population. Although in the current atmosphere of increasing pressure on national Governments to interfere in global trade and to maintain artificial barriers, proper allocation of resources remains one of the key elements in sound economic management and long term growth strategy. Short term considerations, including manipulation of trade policies with corresponding allocation of resources, invariably lead to a distortion of international trade flows and are, therefore, not sustainable over time. A key advantage of ranking investment project proposals according to the methodology proposed in this report is that the process is recognised world wide as impartial and, therefore, sanctioned broadly by internationally, accredited corporate chambers of commerce. The reasons being that not only the ranking process itself is viewed as integer, but also because projects ranked are conforming to internationally accepted standards as they were prepared as part of what is known under the term “the project cycle”. This cycle consists of successive stages of execution, beginning with: a) b) c) d) e)
Project concept note; Identification and/or pre-feasibility report; Preparation and/or feasibility report; Appraisal document including detailed design and implementation report; Project implementation supervision and monitoring reports containing output yardsticks; and finally f) Project implementation completion report.
An added benefit of using the project cycle is that it is the preferred standard for the majority of Consultative Group’s members for any given country. It is also used by all major multilateral Development Banks. 5. Investment Project Proposals 5.1
The entire team preparing this study made an extraordinary effort to compile a representative portfolio of investment project proposals for Uzbekistan. Regrettably, however, the practice of preparing projects according to international standards has yet to take hold in the country. ‘Projects’ are still mostly viewed as consisting of a set of operations that is relatively easy to cost and implement. Emphasizing benefits has not in the past been an integral part of project preparation. Thus the team took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself when international consultants prepared the ‘Fergana Water Resources Management Project’ (FWRMP). The costs for all proposals where prepared from scratch. The related benefit parameters, in particular the economic ones, were borrowed from the FWRMP. This allowed the TWG to produce a total of 26 investment project proposals. However, the TWG was unable to bring them to a fully rankable state as the economic analysisi had to be prepared by the visitng WB mission team. Of the 26 investment project proposals, 8 are situated in the Fergana Valley which contains about 21 percent of irrigated lands in Uzbekistan. Climatically it is the most suited 26
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area of the country for intensive agricultural production. To demonstrate how to deal with a delicate problem that will continue to face the Government for years to come, one proposal – Abdusamat I - has been broken down into two succinct projects:
The first one, at an estimated total (financial) cost of US$ 14.8 million, consist of the rehabilitation of Abdusamat I pump station including 13,482 ha of irrigation infrastructure as well as expansion to 15,000 ha, serving some 75,000 people; and
The second one, at an estimated (financial) cost of US$ 9.9 million, consists of the rehabilitation of 13,482 ha of irrigation infrastructure and expansion to 15, 000 ha in Abdusamat serving the same amount of people but without the pump station.
The reason for this presentation is because GOU has already decided to include the cost of rehabilitating the pump station into its 2008/9 public investment budget without, however, considering rehabilitating the command area served, thus the decision to invest in the rehabilitation of the pump station alone has already been made. This allows for consideration of the cost of rehabilitating the pumping station as “sunk” for the economic analysis of Abdusamat (B). It is important here to point out that, to optimise the return of investing into rehabilitating the pump station the command area served must also be rehabilitated so as to avoid potentially huge water losses due to defunct irrigation system infrastructure, i.e. not optimising the return on investment. Of the total of 26 proposals, 13 include the rehabilitation of stations pumping to heights ranging from a low of 9.0 to 197.0 meters. The others are all dealing with gravity fed schemes including rehabilitation of reservoirs. The total command area covered by the proposals is slightly over 2 million ha or nearly half of the national irrigation infrastructure. Details of all proposals, including a ranking matrix can be found at Annex 4, and Annex 1, respectively, Section II of this report. 5.2
At the outset of this study, it was jointly decided with the GOU, to test the approach proposed in this report on a series of what was thought to be about 35 investment project proposals in the Fergana Valley. The idea being that, prior to deciding on a final approach for ranking proposals nationwide, GOU would be given an opportunity to review the MCDA/MCDM model proposed in this report in order to decide whether it fits the objectives of the Ministry of Economy. However, as the preparation and editing of investment project proposals was taking longer than expected, and in order to expedite the study report, it was ultimately decided to present the government with the ranking process of two different approaches for the same investment project proposal. Accordingly, in July of 2008 an interim version of this report was presented to GOU with just 2 projects ranked, namely Abdusamat I (A) and Abdusamat 1 (B). The idea was to afford the GOU an opportunity to not only consider that approaches of preparing investment project proposals might vary significantly depending on who prepares the feasibility study, but also how to bring differing proposals to a uniform, standard comparable level. 5.3
Summary Program Description
The 26 proposals presented for ranking in this report were selected by officials of stakeholders in the irrigation and drainage sub-sector of Uzbekistan, most of which are linked to the MAWR. As indicated in the ‘Projects’ Location Map’, Annex 2, the proposals cover the national territory fairly even and represent what are believed to be the sites most urgently in need of rehabilitation and repair. 27
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Rankings in the matrix, Annex 1, Section II, was performed solely on the basis of the six criteria described in Chapter 4. The judgements for ranking were derived from the desriptive text and tables contained for each proposal in Annex 4. 5.4
Cost of Investment Program
End 2007 costs were provided by engineers of the various design institutes as well as the BAIS. Each of the project has been costed over a three year period, the estimated period it will take to carry out the rehabilitation work. Neither physical nor price contingencies were added. Total estimated costs of the 26 investment project proposals amount to Som 3,069 billion or US$ 2.4 billion, with the project costing the least Som 3.9 billion or US$ 3.0 million and the most Som 555.4 billion or US$ 425.9 million. The costs of all investment project proposal have been arrived at through consultation with various agencies and services involved in the management and operation of the national irrigation infrastructure. All contributions were brought into the form of a “pre-feasibility study” that itemizes costs in accordance with agreed, accepted standards by the TWG created for purposes of carrying out this study. All prices are in end of 2007 terms and have been converted into US Dollars at the official rate of 1,304 prevailing at the end of 2007. For purposes of conversion into economic costs used for ranking, estimated GOU taxes have been deducted and other transfer payments eliminated. Additionally, for internationally tradable goods and services, world market prices6 have been applied when converting financial to economic costs. No foreign exchange percentages of total costs have been calculated as these are not necessary for ranking at pre-feasibility state. 5.5.
When analysing investment projects for ranking with any methodology, the availability of carefully calibrated benefits in economic, socio-economic and demographic terms generated by the investment is vital. There are few public sector investments which generate benefits that cannot be quantified in economic terms. With costs alone it is impossible to rank an investment project in economic terms. Therefore benefits have to be projected for the estimated, economic life of the project, which for irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation investment projects is generally 25 – 30 years. For purposes of this study 25 years has been adopted as the infrastructure to be rehabilitated has already served over a considerable amount of time. 5.6.
Environmental and Social Safeguards
There is no question that, in the Uzbek context, these two criteria are of vital importance and need to be afforded careful scrutiny. Owing to long time neglect of proper maintenance of the irrigation infrastructure’s drainage systems, considerable environmental degradation has occurred caused through water logging as well as salinization of the soil. As a result, productivity has undergone a slow, albeit steady decline over the years, a trend that is in need of reversal. As scant concern has been attributed to economic considerations when conceiving the Uzbek irrigation network by the Former Soviet Union, a great number of the population depends on schemes that are being fed by water pumped over a considerable distance as is evidenced by the fact that, nationwide there exist some 5,100 pump stations, 1,500 of which are in need of repair/rehabilitation. It can be argued that, since many of these also provide 6
From Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project – Phase I, Draft Feasibility Report, Working Paper 1: Agriculture 28
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drinking water for people and animals living in the schemes, the GOU must begin to deliberate on the issue of levying a charge throughout the country, if modest at the beginning, for drinking water to provide for domestic water installation maintenance and operation. Since few of the people that work the land in these schemes have alternative employment opportunities, social safeguards assume a high profile when ranking for priority. 6. Summary Discussion 6.1
Main Findings
Lessons learned7 undertaking this study in close cooperation with the GOU have yielded a certain number of findings that merit to be brought to the attention of the Ministry of Economy. While this chapter is incomplete without a comprehensive review of the Water Sector as a whole, including non-irrigation, below are listed in bullet form the key issues that need to be addressed in order to expedite the overall goal of restoring the Uzbek irrigation infrastructure to its full capacity.
The ranking process: In order to be ready for meaningfully ranking, investment project proposals need to be at least in the form of pre-feasibility studies containing not only financial costs but also estimated, future benefits that result from the investment. Moreover, the term ‘project’ for purposes of ranking with the methodology proposed in this report, ideally needs to consist of a logical, integrated package that addresses the full circle including rehabilitation and maintenance over the estimated life of the provision of water as well as the command area served by it. If this is not the case for any project, priority ranking will be not possible.
Policies: Although the process of priority ranking in itself is in many ways a policy tool that emphasizes GOU preferences when deciding public expenditures, it is recommended two main aspects need, in the short term, deliberation and decision so as to reassure vulnerable segments of the population whose livelihood entirely depends on continuous provision of irrigation services as well as to address environmental issues. They are:
GOU’s willingness to continue to subsidize those irrigation schemes that can not be justified on economic or financial grounds.
Implementation of measures to restore the environmental equilibrium in terms of abstraction of water from the main sources.
Possible Solutions
Possible solutions are comprehensively addressed in the ‘Executive Summary – Strategic Issues - Recommendations’ part at the opening of this report.
See also Excecutive Summary – Strategic Issues - Recommendations 29
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7. Conclusions and Recommendations As mentioned elsewhere in this report, GOU must urgently address the problems in the Water Sector through a comprehensive, holistic Rural Development Strategy covering at least the next 20 years. Such a strategy should include a strong component dealing with the restoration of the environmental equilibrium which, currently, is seriously out of balance. There is little doubt that the national irrigation and drainage system which covers 4.3 million ha will never again be restored to its original size. Available water quantities are varying greatly and the task of fashioning a flexible, national system that can quickly respond to fluctuating volumes of water will require a huge effort that cannot be met alone by GOU. Therefore, international cooperation must be solicited to ready not only funding but also expertise to supplement Uzbek specialists. It is recognised that elaborating a such a strategy cutting across the agricultural, education, health, transportation as well as environmental sectors, including a national plan of action, is a very sensitive task and requires a considerable, nationwide consultative process. Experience from other countries suggests that preparation of a strategy that meets national consensus may take up to 5 years and will require substantial funding. Meanwhile GOU should use the methodology proposed in this report for ranking investment project proposals for purposes of selection for inclusion in annual budgets.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Section II This section presents the practical application of the ranking process of investment project proposals as described in Chapter 4 of Section I. Furthermore, it contains succinct summary descriptions, containing key information, of each of the 10 Sub-Basin Authorities (BAIs) as well as the 26 proposals that have been ranked, including their location in the country. Finally, it contains a summary table with key parameters of tahe ranked projects.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Annex 1 Ranking Matrix
In this matrix there are two boxes next to the six criteria per project, i.e. 12 boxes each of which can contain a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 0 points. Thus the maximum points that any given investment project proposal can achieve is 60 or ten points per criteria. To rank a larger number of projects simultaneously, it is recommended to break down the numbers into fractions of ten to permit a more subtle distinction between the qualities of proposals. This has indeed been done for the 26 projects in order to give some more flexibility as many of the 26 proposals fall in the same category of projects (Pump Stations Rehabilitation). The World Bank missions team visiting Uzbekistan for purposes of carrying out this study have afforded TWG members intensive formal as well as informal training in preparing investment project proposals according to the “Project Cycle”. TWG members that participated in the formal training sessions were handed two distinct power point presentations that clearly outline the “how” and “why” projects need to conform to a certain, internationally accepted standard to be ranked. In addition, World Bank mission team members accompanied by TWG visited eight projects sites in Fergana, Namangan, Andijan, Samarkand and Bukhara Oblasts to gain a first hand impression of the state of the irrigation infrastructure to be rehabilitated. Also, the MAWR was continuously kept abreast of progress, as was the MOE, through sharing of Terms of Reference including comprehensive mission reports that not only described the progress but also highlighted problems encountered along the way including proposals for solving them. Reports were submitted to GOU in:
August 2007, Study Initiation Report; November 2007, Progress Report; April 2008, Progress Report; and July 2008, Progress and Interim Study Report February 2009, Progress and Interim Study Report including all Fergana Valley Investment Project Proposals
Given current conditions prevailing in Uzbekistan, including uncertainties with respect to international water sharing agreements, ongoing reforms in the financial sector as well as pending questions with respect to the Land Tenure System, options for ranking Financial and Legal Considerations remain limited and difficult to differentiate, respectively. Therefore, all 26 projects have been ranked equally regarding these criteria for purposes of this study.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Ranking Matrix for Investment Project Proposals
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Annex 4 Sub-Basin Characteristics – Investment Project Proposals
Sub-Basin Characteristics Ferghana Valley (SyrDarya-Sokh Sub-Basin, Naryn-KaraDarya Sub-Basin, and Naryn-SyrDarya SubBasin) Ferghana Valley is located in the east of Uzbekistan. It borders on Republic of Kyrghyzstan in the North, South and East, in the west Republic of Tadjikistan and Tashkent Region. The irrigated land of 650,000 ha situated in the Ferghana Valley in Eastern Uzbekistan is share by three sub-basins: the SyrDarya-Sokh sub-basin (Ferghana oblast), the Naryn-KaraDarya sub-basin (Andijan oblast) and the Naryn-SyrDarya sub-basin (Namangan oblast). Total population living in the three sub-basins is 7.821 million persons, including 4.965 million rural inhabitants. Since 1990, population growth slowed down, but is still high at present, particularly in rural areas. Main irrigation water sources are rivers draining vast high alpine areas: Naryn river and KaraDarya forming the AmuDarya at their confluence, and Isfara, Sokh, Shakhimardansai and Isfairamsai river. Three large canals - BFC, BAC, and SFC feeding the Karkidon reservoir – convey water by gravity from the Naryn river and KaraDarya to the Ferghan Valley. Pump stations along the SyrDary supply irrigation water to 11,000 ha. Most parts of the area are subjected to salinization, out of which 9% is categorized of having an average or high degree of salinization, and 15% of being waterlogged. Only about 20% of the irrigated area in the three sub-basins have good cropping conditions, where as some 80% suffer from high groundwater levels, especially in Ristan, Kuva, Altyaryk, Dangara and Furkat raion. Chirchik-Akhangaran Sub-Basin (Таshkent Oblast) The Chirchik-Akhangaran sub-basin covers 395,000 ha of irrigated lands in the Tashkent oblast whose population at the beginning of 2005 reached 4.62 million including 1.493 rural inhabitants (32%). Main sources of irrigation water are the rivers Chirchik, Ahangaran and SyrDarya. Additionally, springs, groundwater and return flows from the CDW are used for irrigation purposes. There are three reservoirs with a capacity of 1.58 billion m3 (Charvak), 170 million m3 (Ahangaran), and 224 million m3 (Tashkent), respectively. The irrigated area is sub-divided into 20 irrigation systems, the largest ones, situated along the left bank of Chirchik river, are: Karasu (62,000 hа), Tashcanal (55,000 ha), Dalverzin (41,000 ha), Saparniyazbash ( 38,000 ha), and Morgunenkov (18,000 ha). 26% of the irrigated area is served by 780 pump stations located along main, inter-farm and on-farm canals. Both the Chirchik and Ahangaran sub-basin are negatively affected by point-pollution originating from the chemical industry and other industries. Another source of pollution is the return flow from irrigated areas. Average mineralization of river water varies from 0.25 1.00 g/l (SyrDarya, ford Chilmahram), and average mineralization from drains varies between 1.00 and 1.25 g/l. River flow of Chirchik and Ahangaran is further polluted by phenols, oil products, fertilizers, salts, pesticides and other ingredients. The contents of fluorine and Arsenic exceed permissible level of concentration by a factor of three to four. Scale and intensity of surface water pollution leads to a significant negative impact on the health of the population and accelerates the degradation process of soil productivity.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Lower SyrDarya Sub-Basin (SyrDarya and Djizak Oblast) The Lower SyrDarya sub-basin is divided into plains (Hunger steppe, sands of Kizilkum) and piedmont-mountains (Malguzar, Nuratau). Altitudes above sea level range from 200 m to 4,000m. The sub-basin’s population amounts to 1.725 million including 1.196 million rural inhabitants (69%). The Lower SyrDarya sub-basin covers a total irrigated area of 594,000 ha in the SyrDarya and Djizak oblast. Main crops are cotton and cereals occupying more than 65 % of the irrigated land. Main irrigation water sources are the rivers SyrDarya, Zarafshan, Sanzar, and Zaaminsu. There are three reservoirs: Jizak (52 million m3), Naukin (6 million m3), and Karaultuba (53 million). The irrigated area is sub-divided into 10 irrigation systems, the two largest ones being Southern Mirzachul (416,680 ha) and Dustlik (101,225 ha). Pump irrigation is provided by 24 pump stations. Although the discharge capacity of the main conveyance canal, the South Golodnostep canal, is 330 m3/s, it is not sufficient to cover the irrigation water demand of 450,000 ha land in the Golodnaya and Djizak steppes. At present, only 6570% of the water requirements are available. Most parts of the irrigated area are subjected to salinization, 8% of it having a mean and high degree of salinization. 16,270 km of drain collectors drain 516,000 ha (87%), out of which 26% are drained by Vertical Drainage Wells (VDWs). Buried horizontal drainage covers 330,000 ha (55%). More than 70% of the irrigation water supply is returned to surface water (river flow) and groundwater (shallow aquifers) in form of sewage and drainage water polluted with salts, fertilisers, oil products, pesticides and other ingredients. Average mineralization of irrigation water ranges from 1 to 1.3 g/l. Zarafshan Sub-Basin (Samarkand and Navoiy Region) The Zarafshan sub-basin stretches along the Southern part of the country. Total population living in the sub-basin is 2.876 million, out of which 2.134 million (74%) are rural inhabitants. Population of the oblast is 2,876,000 men with 2,134,000 of rural inhabitants (74%). The Zarafshan sub-basin includes irrigated lands in the Samarkand region and partly also in the KashkaDarya and Navoiy region with a total irrigated area of 543.000 ha. The main crops are cotton and cereals occupying more than 65-70% of irrigated land. Most part of the lands is in good conditions, and not subjected to salinization. Only 2% of the irrigated area is characterized as showing unsatisfactory cropping condition. The main source of irrigation water supply is the Zarafshan River, but also irrigation water of the CDW is used for irrigation purposes. The main irrigation systems are fed by the Dargom canal, by the canal systems of central Miankol and Shahob, by the Khatirchi canal, by the canals Shavay and Toss, by canal systems of Narpay, and by diversion canals of the Kattakurgan reservoir. Large water losses occur due to the extensive unlined inter-farm and on-farm (earthern) canal network. The Zarafshan River enters Uzbekistan with a high load of pollutants including mercury and antimony. Additionally, domestic sewage and industrial waste is added along ins middle and lower part, increasing salinity, ammonium, nitrate potassium, phenols, copper, zinc and oil products to dangerous levels.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Amu-KashkaDarya Sub-Basin (KashkaDarya Region) The Amu-KashkaDarya sub-basin is located in the Southwestern part of Uzbekistan, where its borders with Turkmenistan and in the East with the Republic of Tajikistan. Most Western parts of the sub-basin cover the Karshi steppe at 200 to 400 m altitude above sea level, having been transformed to a vast loess plain featuring piedmonts and some mountainous area. This sub-basin includes 514,150 ha of irrigated land, much of it subjected to salinization, 35% among it with unsatisfactory cropping conditions due to water logging and other features of land degradation. The main crops are cotton and cereals occupying more than 70 % of the irrigated area. Total population living in the sub-basin is 2.38 million, among them 1.79 million rural inhabitants (75%). The main sources of irrigation water are the AmuDarya and the KashkaDarya, complemented by groundwater through springs and return flow from the CDW. There are 13 water reservoirs, the largest one bein Talimardjan with a useful capacity of 1.4 billion m3, and the three reservoirs Chimkurgan (450 million m3), Pachkamar (243 million m3) and Hissarak (155 million m#). The useful capacity of the remaining 10 reservoirs have ranges from 1.8 to 23.8 million m3. Irrigated area of 541,150 ha is served by 13 irrigation systems. The largest one is the Karshi Main Canal (KMC) system and its branch Mirishkor. The Eskiangar Canal conveys irrigation water from Chimkurgan and Pachkamar reservoir. 75% of the irrigated area requires pumping up to 132 m and a discharge of 175 m3/s. There are a total of 50 electric pump stations, 12 alone under the KMC Operation Directorate. More than 70% of the irrigation water supply is returned to surface waters and/or percolates to the groundwater, polluted with salts, fertilizers, oil products, pesticides and other ingredients. Certain part of the CDW is diverted to the AmuDarya, endangering potable water supply and irrigation further downstream. Below the Chimkurgan reservoir, the KashkaDarya is turned into a collector, receiving annually 260 million m3 drainage water and about 30 million m3 industrial and communal sewage water, highly polluted with salts, phenols, oil products and others. At Bolnichy near Karshi City, river water is labeled to be dangerous. Although more than half of the sub-basin’s population is negatively affected, no regular water quality monitoring is undertaken. Amu-Bukhara Sub-Basin (Bukhara and Navoi Region) The Amu-Bukhara sub-basin includes the lower part of the Zarafshan River Valley which occupies the central part of the sub-basin presented by a vast alluvial plain covered with a dense irrigation network. Furthermore, the sub-basin includes the alluvial-deltaic plains of the Kashkadarya River, the Dengizkul Plateau and local hills which rise some 10-15 m above the plains ranging in altitude from 150 to 300 m above sea level. There are altogether some 315,000 ha of irrigated lands in the Bukhara and Navoi (administrative) region. The main crops are cotton and cereals occupying more than 68 % of the irrigated area. Major parts of the irrigated land are subjected to salinization, out of which nearly 30% suffer from mean and high level of salinization. The AmuDarya is the main source of water for the irrigation systems situated in this sub-basin, all of them supplied with the help of pump stations (the major one located in Turkmenistan) through the Amu Bukhara Canal and its branches. Irrigation water is delivered to the lands of the Karshi steppe and Bukhara oasis. There are six large irrigation systems: Amu-Karakul, Vabkentdarya, Jondor, Shafrikan, Shakhrud and Karauzjyak. The 39
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system of the Amu-Bukhara lift canal (ABLC) is the most important water management complex in the country. ABLC serves 306,000 ha irrigated lands in the Bukhara and Navoiy region for a population of 1.6 million inhabitants, 1.2 million among them living in rural areas. Out of the 10 billion m3 of water allocated to the Karshi/Bukhara cascade, only 8 billion m3 is presently pumped, resulting in a deficit of 2 billion m3 or 20%. AmuDarya water pumped by ABLC contains a large amount of suspended matters of colloid and abrasive character which wears the pump facilities and pressure pipelines. As pumps are in operation for some 30 to 40 years, pump units, electrical motors, hydro mechanical, electrical and other technical equipment have already passed their life expectancy. Worn out steel pressure pipelines, concrete of buildings and other structures of the pump stations are partially already collapsing. The pumping station «Alat» is in an emergency situation. Being out of order, even one single non-operative pump station can lead to significant economic, environmental and social losses. That is why the rehabilitation of the ABLC is very important and of national interest. In order to speed up the realization of investment projects, the Protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 25 May 2005 (Item II) approved the step by step rehabilitation of the Amu-Bukhara irrigation systems. Mean water salinity of the AmuDarya at the main pump station in Turkmenistan ranges from 0.6 g/l to 0.8 g/l. Since 1990, cotton yield decreased by more than 60%. Table 1: Main Pump Stations of the Amu-Bukhara Irrigation Systems Start of Operation
Number of Pump Units
«Alat» «Alat» auxiliary
1962 1985
«Karakul» auxiliary «Khamza I» «Khamza» auxiliary «Khamza II»
1981 1965 1982 1974
«Kuyumazar 1 and 2»
«Jandor I» (Sverdlov) «Kiziltepa» (auxiliary.) «Karaulbazar» «Dustlik» Total
1981 1982 1997 1982
7 6 2 4 3 9 30 10 3 3 12 4 6 16 26 5 12 158
Pump Station
Discharge [m3/s] 40.5 17.0 13.5 18.1 6.8 64.0 40.0 135.0 40.0 60.0 34.0 46.0 62.6 46.0 30.0 22.5 16.7 692.7
Installed Capacity [MW] 6.6 7.5 2.0 3.2 2.4 45.0 48.0 125.0 30.0 ? 15.0 125.0 ? 20.0 52.0 16.0 19.2 516.9
With regard to the ancient irrigation systems of the Zarafshan River, they were – during the last century - repeatedly subjected to partial reorganization and improvement. The radical reorganization was restrained by a lack of investment, and also by abandonment of the fields during the rehabilitation/construction period, resulting in loss of income and a decrease of employment opportunities for the rural population.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Amu-Surkhan Sub-Basin (SurkhanDarya Region) Amu-Surkhan BUIS is located on the South of the Uzbekistan and includes Surkhandarya depression with faced to it slopes of Hissar ridge and its spurs. South border of the oblast runs on the Amu_darya river deviding it from Afghanistan. Teritory is plainmountainPlain part consists of Surkhan and Sherabad river valleys with absolute elevation of 300-760 m. From the North slopes of Hissar ridges (4000m), from west and east its spurs Baysuntau Kugintau and Babatag (2000-3700 m). Population of the oblast is 1,899,000 men with 1,531,000 of rural inhabitants (81%). Amu-Surkhan BAIS includes 325,690 ha of irrigated lands in Surkhandarya region. The main crops are cotton and grains occupying more than 70 % of irrigated land. The main irrigation source is the Surkhandarya river Surkhandarya, Sherabad, says and springs. The region has lift irrigation, with partial use of Amudarya river run-off. There are 5 pumping stations with discharge of from 19,2 to 122,2 m3/s, providing water lift to a height up to 79m. South Surkhan water reservoir functions. The irrigated lands are served by 16 irrigation systems, bigger ones SHMK, Amu-zang, zang and others. Characteristic of technical condition of irrigation infrastructure; main, inter-farm and on-farm is given in Annex (Table 1. Irrigation infrastructure). A big length of canals in earth channel, as main, inter farm and on-farm network, is the reason of big losses (up to 44% volume of supplied water ) and canals overgrowing. Condition of irrigation and drainage network and a low efficiency of irrigation systems are the main source pollution of water and land resources of the region. Great share of water supply returns to surface and underground sources as a sewage and drainage disposal waters, contaminated with salts, fertilizers, pesticides. As a result of these significant water losses causes water logging and flooding of territories located lower. Environmental problems appear in ameliorative conditions of irrigated lands. The areas of irrigated lands with good ameliorative condition during the last years are decreasing in the region and the areas with mean and highly saline lands increased up to 114000 ha, which makes up 35% from the whole irrigation area. Lower AmuDarya Sub-Basin (Republic of Karakalpakstan and Khorezm Region) The area of the region is a vast alluvial delta uniform plain of AmuDarya declining towards the Aral Sea. The flat relief is broken by local depressions and peripheric lakes. The Lower AmuDarya sub-basin covers 751,000 ha of irrigated land. The main crops are cotton and grains which occupy more than 77 % of the irrigated area. More than 95 % of the irrigated area is subjected to natural and secondary salinization, out of which almost half of it has a mean and high degree of salinization. The AmuDarya is the main source of irrigation water supply. The Tuyamuyun reservoir designed to regulate the lower AmuDarya flow are located beyond the boundaries of Uzbekistan. At the lower reaches of the Amudarya, downstream of the Tuyamuyun reservoir, the current situation is as follows: the designed available storage capacity of Tuyamuyun reservoir is 4.5 billion m3. However, it is impossible to fill the reservoir up to the designed capacity. This is associated with the fact that the Kaparas reservoir with an available storage capacity of 550 million m3 provides water only for municipal and drinking purposes, and the dam of the Sultansandjar pond (with an available storage capacity of 1.65 billion m3) is in an 41
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
emergency state. In addition, the long exploitation of Tuyamuyun reservoir led to a reservoir siltation of about one billion m3 reducing its available storage capacity to 3.5 billion. This limits the water delivery to the irrigated lands of Khorezm and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. The current annual water deficit is estimated to be in the order of 1.5 to 3.0 billion m3. Major irrigation systems are: Kegeyly (134,000 ha), Suenly (126,400 ha), Pakhtaarna (52,700 ha), Shavat (32 810 ha), Daryalyk-arna (25,786 ha), Kerkiz (20,000 ha), Kuvanishdjarma (19,400 ha), Gurlen Canal (18,300 ha), P-8 (18,418 ha), Gurlen Branch (16,658 ha), Khazarasp Unit (15,685 ha). Pumping using stationary, mobile and floating pump stations is widespread (407 pump stations). This sub-basin experiences the greatest water management problems, aggravated by a most recent severe drought and subsequently water shortage, which eventually alltogether resulted in an ecological and economic disaster. Recently, the irrigated zone, as well as the other ones in the delta experienced a severe drought and water shortage. In comparison with 2000, the 2001 gross production of the main three crops rice, cotton, and wheat was reduced by 75%, 11%, and 52%, respectively. According to UNDP assessments in 2005, the AmuDarya water in the Republic of Karakalpakstan is unsuitable for drinking during 10 months of the year due to the high amount of mineral residues. The reserves of groundwater of good quality located in sand lenses along the large conveyance canals disappeared or are contaminated by agrochemicals and others. In spite of this, large part of the rural population continues to use the contaminated groundwater lenses as the only source of drinking water. Fig. 1
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Fig. 2
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Investment Project Proposals Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix 7: Appendix 8: Appendix 9: Appendix 10: Appendix 11: Appendix 12: Appendix 13: Appendix 14: Appendix 15: Appendix 16: Appendix 17: Appendix 18: Appendix 19: Appendix 20: Appendix 21: Appendix 22: Appendix 23: Appendix 24: Appendix 25: Appendix 26:
Abdusamat I (A) Project with Pump Station Abdusamat I (B) Project without Pump Station Alat with Pump Station Amudarya Delta Asyk Adir with Pump Station Besharik with Pump Station Bulokboshi with Pump Station Buzton Canal Dargom Canal Djun Canal Yangikurgan/Galaba-1 with Pump Station Hazarbag-Akkapchiguy Canal and Dam Isfayram-Shakhimardan Canal Kanimeh Pump Station Kashkadarya, Land Improvement Kuyumazar-Khamza-Kiziltepa Pump Stations Navoi Pump Station North Fergana Canal Pakthaabad with Pump Station Raish-Hakent with Pump Station Samarkand, Land Improvement Shorbulak, Dam Suenli Canal Syrdarya-Djizak Khorezm Tashsaka Canal Uchkara Pump Station
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 1 Abdusamat-I (A) Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale Project objectives are: (i)
secure provision of water for irrigation purposes through the rehabilitation of Abdusamat-1 pump station;
(ii) to increase crop production through the rehabilitation of the irrigation and drainage network served by the Abdusamat-1 pump station; and (iii) to increase water use efficiency through improved on-farm water management. The Project will create favorable conditions for the sustainable management of irrigable lands, and put to a halt the continuous degradation of those lands owing either to lack of water or inadequate irrigation practices. 2. Project Area Location. The Project covering a gross irrigated area of some 15,000 ha is located in the Northwestern part of the Syr Darya-Sokh sub-basin, its boundaries being identical with those ones of Fergana oblast. The irrigable land is situated along the left bank of the Syr Darya, and belongs administratively to the two raions Uzbekistan and Furkat. Beneficiaries. The population inhabiting the project area is about 75,000, out of which 90% live in villages or mahallalar, and only 10% in one small town (Voroshilow Abad). The project area belongs to the most densely populated areas in the Fergana Valley (more than 500 inhabitants per square kilometer), with low farm incomes and small irrigated plots per farmer (0.13 ha per head). There are 13 WUAs in the project area. Climate. As everywhere in the Fergana Valley, the continental climate of the project area is characterized by hot a summer and a moderately cold winter. Summer temperatures range from 25 to 46 degrees Centigrade, whereas winter temperatures fluctuate around minus 3 degrees Centigrade. This results in a favorably long growing season of 220 to 230 days. Annual precipitation ranges from 140 to 190 mm, most of it falling in spring and autumn, and annual evaporation from 1,130 mm to 1,350 mm. Wind speed varies from 1.5 to 2.6 m/sec. Due to the high moisture deficit, annual evapotranspiration is also high (2,000 mm), and most of the crop water requirement has to be satisfied by irrigation. Groundwater. As the project area is located (i) on two distinct (tertiary and quaternary) river terraces along the Syr Darya, (ii) in the flood plain of the Syrdarya itself, and (iii) on the cone of Sokh river, the hydro-geological conditions vary according to the different geo-morphological conditions of the four geological features. Groundwater tables are high (2 m) in the flood plain and on the quaternary terrace, but very irregular on the Sokh river cone characterized by sediments deposited by the Sokh river when entering the Fergana valley combined with lenses of gravel and sand reaching a thickness of up to 50 m. The latter form local aquifers of good groundwater quality manifested by several local springs used for drinking purposes. Soils. The most dominant types of soils are meadow and desert-meadow soils ranging from heavy loam to light loam and loamy sand texture. These soils are characterized by low humus content and generally low amount of nutrients. Salinity affects 58% of lands, including average and strong saline lands of 28%. Fertility bonitet is 59 points. Where groundwater tables are high, heavy hydromorphic soils developed under anaerobic conditions. Inadequate 48
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
drainage, low irrigation efficiency and natural conditions (marshes) favor water logging and subsequently salinization as shown in the following Table: Percentage of irrigated area affected by rising groundwater table and salinity Degree of Salinity (Mineralization), % >5g/l 3-5g/l 1-3g/l
Depth of Groundwater Table, % < 2.0m 2-3m 3-5m >5.0m
Irrigated Area [ha]
Saline Area, %
The Table above shows that almost 67% of all irrigated lands in the three raions are threatened by high groundwater tables (less than 2.00m below ground). The rate of mineralization, however, is not high (greater than 5g/l) as fresh (1-3g/l) and low mineralized water (3-5g/l) are prevailing. Environment. There is no particularly negative impact known except for the fact that lack of drainage capacity due to neglected maintenance of drains and collectors has led to water logging and subsequently to progressive salinization. This requires more water for leaching, hence more energy for pumping, which in future may trigger greater mineralization of the return flow to the Syr Darya negatively affecting its water quality. 3. Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Water supply. The main source of surface water resources in the area is Syrdarya, from which PS Abdusamat-1 takes and distributes water for project area with flow of 26 m3/sec (project supply is 20 m3/sec). Syrdarya flow is characterized by within-year and perennial variability. In average perennial terms it consists of 11.4 km3, and in dry years about 8 km3/year. There is another water source which is Dahansay (Uzbekistan district) with average annual flow of 3 m/sec and annual flow quantity of 0,052 km3. Irrigation. The irrigation network is described as low efficient (30-40% overall irrigation efficiency). The specific length of inter-farm irrigation canals is 1.60 to 5.30 m per hectare of irrigated land, whereas the specific length of on-farm canals range from 45 to 65 m/ha. In Uzbekistan raion some 85% of the canals have concrete lining. By contrary, in Furkat raion 86% of the canals are earthen. Conveyance efficiency of the inter-farm irrigation network is 0.80. On-farm irrigation efficiency is estimated to be 67%. Field application efficiency is about 60 to 70%. There is a need to construct two on-farm pump units and rehabilitate 6 units in the 8 WUAs of the command area, as well as rehabilitation of Tegirmantash settling basin. Besides Syr Darya water from the pump station, there are also irrigation wells in the project area to compensate for water shortages. Within the scope of the project, it is envisaged to construct 5 new irrigation wells and rehabilitate 11 existing ones. Within the scope of the project, the banks of a 5 km long section of Dahana Say will be strengthened in order to protect agricultural lands from flooding. It is also proposed to install a drip irrigation network on 21 hectares in order to improve the water use efficiency. Drainage. Natural draining in the project area is absent. In order to reduce the groundwater table and to discharge surplus water from irrigated fields, there exist drains and 49
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(drain) collectors with a total length of 602 km, including 144 km of inter-raion and interfarm collectors and 458 km of on-farm drains consisting of mainly open drainage. Cost of Operation and Maintenance. In recent years, funding of operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage infrastructure has been reduced. About 50% of interfarm canals require rehabilitation, 40% of it immediately. More than 40% of the on-farm irrigation canals are to be rehabilitated. Also a significant portion of the drainage network needs rehabilitation. The project includes estimated, three year’s worth of O&M expenditures required for an efficient, intensive agricultural cultivation. 4. Assessment of Abdusamat-1 Pump Station 4.1 Overview and Specifications The Abdusamat-1 pump station was built in 1967 with the objective to pump water from Syr Darya to irrigate 13,500 ha. The individual components of the pump station comprise the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Intake canal connecting the Syr Darya with the intake basin; Intake basin including intake structure; Pump station building; Pump units and motors; Penstock (steel pipe D=1,840mm); and Water outlet structure. The technical specifications of the pump station are as follows:
Type of pump unit
Number of pump units
4 + 1 (reserve)
Discharge capacity per pump unit
5.0 m3/sec
Actual discharge per pump unit
4,0 m3/sec
Irrigable area
13,500 ha (net)
Actually irrigated area
9,637 hа (net)
Height of lift
9.0 m
Pump efficiency
Electric motor
VDS 215-24-14
Power of motor
800 KW
Motor efficiency
Lifetime of pump/motor
16 years
Lifetime of electrical equipment
20-25 years
After 40 years of operation, all aggregates already passed their expected lifetime and cannot anymore provide secured irrigation water supply for the total irrigable area of 13,500 ha. At present, only 9,637 ha are served by the Abdusamat-1 pump station, equivalent to 71 % of the originally designed one. Funds for rehabilitating the Pump Station have already been earmarked in GOU’s 2008/9 provisional budget. 4.2 Assessment of Individual Components (1) Intake canal. The intake canal is designed in earth bed (unlined). The status is satisfactory. (2) Intake basin. The intake basin that connects the supply canal with water intake structure, built in concrete lining. Water intake structure of dock type with number of water intake 50
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chambers in accordance with number of pump units. In each chamber there are clean sweep gratings, for the cleaning of which there provided the machines РН-2000. However, there is a lack of cleaning machine now. From the chambers, the water enters the suction pipes of pump units before which there installed the seals with lifts that work electric power. All of the equipment requires the replacement. (3) Pump station building. The building housing the pump station is building-block, consists of substructure, where the main waterpower equipment is located and superstructure. Substructure is made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete. The walls somewhere are filtered, so there required the walls cementation. In the walls between 2nd and 4th pump units there are through cracks, so it needs healing. Superstructure is in satisfactory status. There needed the finishing works with whitewashing, painting and crane track lining with rehabilitation of glazing. The room with control board is located on the direction of discharge line and was performed as integrated with PS superstructure. The building status is normal. The rehabilitation of floors and walls repair is required. (4) Electric motors. Electrical equipment of PS has exhausted the operation life. Especially, the switchgear, bushings, dischargers, transformers, capacitors are degraded. All existing 6 kW switchgear to be replaced with new high-voltage distribution devices with a shift to a special place at PS building. Full replacement of transformers and control panel of 0.4 kW is required. (5) Penstock. In view of the long operation period, the full replacement of the steel pipe including the rehabilitation of all appurtenant structures is required. (6) Water outlet structures require partial rehabilitation of concrete lining. 5. Land Use and Agricultural Production In view of the unsatisfactory technical condition of the Abdusamat-1 pump station, only 9,637 hа of irrigated land are served by it in two districts of Fergana oblast. The distribution of land use as a function of land tenure is given in the following Table: Land use as a function of land tenure District
Irrigated Area [ha]
Land Use [%] Ploughed Fields
Perennial Crops
House Plots
Most of the cropped area (87%) is under cotton and wheat, besides of vegetables, potatoes, and forage. Crop productivity is high: cotton up to 3.3 t/hа, and winter wheat up to 4.3 t/hа. The loss of agricultural production from irrigated lands due to the current unsatisfactory level of pumping is given in the Table below. Absence of irrigation, viz. when Abdusamat-1 pump station is completely out of work, will make it impossible for the people to live in this area, and subsequently will cause out-migration from this area. Crop Yields and Losses in the Project Area # 1
Crops Wheat
Area [%]
Productivity [cwt/hа]
Yield for 13,500 ha [tons] 22,511
Yield for 9,637 ha [tons] 16,069
Yield Increase [tons] 6,442
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maize for grain Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Maize for silage Annual weeds for forage Perennial weeds for hay Orchards Vineyards
1.8 48.7 0.1 0.3 5.1 0.2 0.8 4.1 0.3
34.5 33.0 200.0 153.3 209.8 80.0 80.0 45.1 40.8
838 21,695 270 620 7,559 216 864 2,496 165
598 15,487 192 443 5,396 154 616 1,781 117
240 6,208 78 177 2,163 62 248 715 48
6. Legal Context Rehabilitation of pump station Abdusamat-1 in Fergana vilayat is included in general list of privileged investment proposals by Uzbek president resolution #216 from 08.11.2005. Project feasibility study was developed in accordance with task set by Uzbek deputy prime minister, the schedule was approved by Department for agricultural and water resources matters, processing the agricultural production and consumer goods at Cabinet of Ministers of RUz on 26.01.2006. 7. Project Components Project components would be implemented over a period of three years as follows: Component 1: Rehabilitation of pump station Abdusamat-1 Technical activities Replacement of the main hydropower equipment (pumps ОP2-110КE with electric motors type WDC 215-24-14) with new ones; Installation of exchanger pump: Replacement of auxiliary and electro technical equipment; Installation of newest control-measuring equipment that signaling to the computer of control panel; Repair of PS building; Construction of a building for distribution device; Replacement of crane equipment; Replacement of pipelines; Construction of a building for technical water supply pumps. Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage network on 13,500 ha Technical Activities А. Furkat raion – 7,500 hа Construction of on-farm PS for irrigation of 540 ha Construction of boreholes for irrigation in 5 WUA Rehabilitation of boreholes for irrigation in 6 WUA Construction and rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors, serving 1860 ha Rehabilitation of irrigated lands in 3 WUA (construction on-farm canals, structures, land leveling, etc) Ameliorative improvement of 2890 ha irrigated lands Construction of drip irrigation system in 4 WUA with total are 21 ha C. Uzbekistan raion – 6,000 hа Bank protection on Dahansay Rehabilitation of Tegirmantash settling basin Construction of on-farm PS for irrigation of 540 ha 52
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Rehabilitation of boreholes for irrigation Rehabilitation of on-farm irrigation canals and structures
Machinery and equipment Procurement of deep ripping equipment Procurement of excavators
Component 3: Institutional strengthening Increasing the potential of hydro-economic organizations (BAIS, ISA, PSA (pump station administrations), etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment WUA development support Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Farmers training program Extension services (farmers’ field school, Demonstration plots, etc.) Component 4: Technical support Local consultant. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring & evaluation of project implementation Purchase of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area. Project Components Abdusamat I (A)
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Purchase of equipment for O&M
Institutional consolidation
Monitoring and evaluation
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 6
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
3,520,800,000 2,934,000,000
2,700,000 2,250,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost Total Project Costs
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
9. Maps Fergana Valley Location Map Map of Project Area Map of Irrigation and Drainage System 10. Remarks
This investment project proposal is based on a feasibility study undertaken by UZGI for the Abdusamat-1 pump station following instructions given to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) through Degree # 704 of 9 October 2007.
Based on verified information from the Syr Darya-Sokh Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems (BAIS), there is an urgent need not only to rehabilitate the pump system units but also to reclaim large part of the irrigable area being under command of the existing pump stations, but also being in need of two more pump stations in order to increase the original project area by 1,500 ha (from 13,500 ha to 15,000 ha).
The cost for rehabilitation of the existing irrigation system including the extension of the irrigated area to 15,000 ha is estimated to be in the order of US$ 1,100/ha.
The economic internal rate of return is 16.9 %.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 2 Abdusamat-1 (B) Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale Objectives of this project are to: (i) increase crop production through the rehabilitation of the irrigation and drainage network served by the Abdusamat-1 pump station, and (ii) increase water use efficiency through improved on-farm water management. The Project will create favorable conditions for the sustainable management of irrigable lands, and put to a halt the continuous degradation of those lands due to either lack of water or inadequate irrigation practices. 2. Project Area Location. The Project covering a gross irrigated area of some 15,000 ha is located in the Northwestern part of the Syr Darya-Sokh sub-basin, its boundaries being identical with those ones of Fergana oblast. The irrigable land is situated along the left bank of the Syr Darya, and belongs administratively to the two raions Uzbekistan and Furkat. Beneficiaries. The population inhabiting the project area is about 75,000, out of which 90% live in villages or mahallalar, and only 10% in one small town (Voroshilow Abad). The project area belongs to the most densely populated areas in the Fergana Valley (more than 500 inhabitants per square kilometer), with low farm incomes and small irrigated plots per farmer (0.13 ha per head). There are 13 WUAs in the project area. Climate. As everywhere in the Fergana Valley, the continental climate of the project area is characterized by hot a summer and a moderately cold winter. Summer temperatures range from 25 to 46 degrees Centigrade, whereas winter temperatures fluctuate around minus 3 degrees Centigrade. This results in a favorably long growing season of 220 to 230 days. Annual precipitation ranges from 140 to 190 mm, most of it falling in spring and autumn, and annual evaporation from 1,130 mm to 1,350 mm. Wind speed varies from 1.5 to 2.6 m/sec. Due to the high moisture deficit, annual evapotranspiration is also high (2,000 mm), and most of the crop water requirement has to be satisfied by irrigation. Groundwater. As the project area is located (i) on two distinct (tertiary and quaternary) river terraces along the Syr Darya, (ii) in the flood plain of the Syrdarya itself, and (iii) on the cone of Sokh river, the hydro-geological conditions vary according to the different geo-morphological conditions of the four geological features. Groundwater tables are high (2 m) in the flood plain and on the quaternary terrace, but very irregular on the Sokh river cone characterized by sediments deposited by the Sokh river when entering the Fergana valley combined with lenses of gravel and sand reaching a thickness of up to 50 m. The latter form local aquifers of good groundwater quality manifested by several local springs used for drinking purposes. Soils. The most dominant types of soils are meadow and desert-meadow soils ranging from heavy loam to light loam and loamy sand texture. These soils are characterized by low humus content and generally low amount of nutrients. Salinity affects 58% of lands, including average and strong saline lands of 28%. Fertility bonitet is 59 points. Where groundwater tables are high, heavy hydromorphic soils developed under anaerobic conditions. Inadequate drainage, low irrigation efficiency and natural conditions (marshes) favor water logging and subsequently salinization as shown in the following Table:
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Percentage of irrigated area affected by rising groundwater table and salinity Degree of Salinity (Mineralization), % >5g/l 3-5g/l 1-3g/l
Depth of Groundwater Table, % < 2.0m 2-3m 3-5m >5.0m
Irrigated Area [ha]
Saline Area, %
The Table above shows that almost 67% of all irrigated lands in the three raions are threatened by high groundwater tables (less than 2.00m below ground). The rate of mineralization, however, is not high (greater than 5g/l) as fresh (1-3g/l) and low mineralized water (3-5g/l) are prevailing. Environment. There is no particularly negative impact known except for the fact that lack of drainage capacity due to neglected maintenance of drains and collectors has led to water logging and subsequently to progressive salinization. This requires more water for leaching, hence more energy for pumping, which in future may trigger greater mineralization of the return flow to the Syr Darya negatively affecting its water quality. 2. Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Water supply. The main source of surface water resources in the area is Syrdarya, from which PS Abdusamat-1 takes and distributes water for project area with flow of 26 m3/sec (project supply is 20 m3/sec). Syrdarya flow is characterized by within-year and perennial variability. In average perennial terms it consists of 11,4 km3, and in dry years about 8 km3/year. There is another water source which is Dahansay (Uzbekistan district) with average annual flow of 3 m/sec and annual flow quantity of 0,052 km3. Irrigation. The irrigation network is described as low efficient (30-40% overall irrigation efficiency). The specific length of inter-farm irrigation canals is 1.60 to 5.30 m per hectare of irrigated land, whereas the specific length of on-farm canals range from 45 to 65 m/ha. In Uzbekistan raion some 85% of the canals have concrete lining. By contrary, in Furkat raion 86% of the canals are earthen. Conveyance efficiency of the inter-farm irrigation network is 0.80. On-farm irrigation efficiency is estimated to be 67%. Field application efficiency is about 60 to 70%. There is a need to construct two on-farm pump units and rehabilitate 6 units in the 8 WUAs of the command area, as well as rehabilitation of Tegirmantash settling basin. Besides Syr Darya water from the pump station, there are also irrigation wells in the project area to compensate for water shortages. Within the scope of the project, it is envisaged to construct 5 new irrigation wells and rehabilitate 11 existing ones. Within the scope of the project, the banks of a 5 km long section of Dahana Say will be strengthened in order to protect agricultural lands from flooding. It is also proposed to install a drip irrigation network on 21 hectares in order to improve the water use efficiency. Drainage. Natural draining in the project area is absent. In order to reduce the groundwater table and to discharge surplus water from irrigated fields, there exist drains and (drain) collectors with a total length of 602 km, including 144 km of inter-raion and interfarm collectors and 458 km of on-farm drains consisting of mainly open drainage.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Operation and Maintenance. In recent years, funding of operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage infrastructure has been reduced. About 50% of the total length of inter-farm canals require rehabilitation, 40% of it immediately. More than 40% of the onfarm irrigation canals are to be rehabilitated. Also a significant portion of the drainage network needs rehabilitation. The project includes estimated, three year’s worth of O&M expenditures required for an efficient, intensive agricultural cultivation. 4. Land Use and Agricultural Production In view of the unsatisfactory technical condition of the Abdusamat-1 pump station, only 9,637 hа of irrigated land are served by it in two districts of Fergana oblast. The distribution of land use as a function of land tenure is given in the following Table: Land use as a function of land tenure District
Land Use [%]
Irrigated Area [ha]
Ploughed Fields
Perennial Crops
House Plots
Most of the cropped area (87%) is under cotton and wheat, besides of vegetables, potatoes, and forage. Crop productivity is high: cotton up to 3.3 t/hа, and winter wheat up to 4.3 t/hа. The loss of agricultural production from irrigated lands due to the current unsatisfactory level of pumping is given in the Table below. Absence of irrigation, viz. when Abdusamat-1 pump station is completely out of work, will make it impossible for the people to live in this area, and subsequently will cause out-migration from this area. Crop Yields and Losses in the Project Area # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Crops Wheat Maize for grain Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Maize for silage Annual weeds for forage Perennial weeds for hay Orchards Vineyards
Area [%]
Productivity [cwt/hа]
38.6 1.8 48.7 0.1 0.3 5.1 0.2 0.8 4.1 0.3
43.2 34.5 33.0 200.0 153.3 209.8 80.0 80.0 45.1 40.8
Yield for 13,500 ha [tons] 22,511 838 21,695 270 620 7,559 216 864 2,496 165
Yield for 9,637 ha [tons] 16,069 598 15,487 192 443 5,396 154 616 1,781 117
Yield Increase [tons] 6,442 240 6,208 78 177 2,163 62 248 715 48
5. Legal Context Rehabilitation of pump station Abdusamat-1 in Fergana vilayat is included in general list of privileged investment proposals by Uzbek president resolution #216 from 08.11.2005. Project feasibility study was developed in accordance with task set by Uzbek deputy prime minister, the schedule was approved by Department for agricultural and water resources matters, processing the agricultural production and consumer goods at Cabinet of Ministers of RUz on 26.01.2006.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
6. Project Components Component 1: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage network on 13,500 ha Technical Activities А. Furkat raion – 7,500 hа Construction of on-farm PS for irrigation of 540 ha Construction of boreholes for irrigation in 5 WUA Rehabilitation of boreholes for irrigation in 6 WUA Construction and rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors, serving 1860 ha Rehabilitation of irrigated lands in 3 WUA (construction on-farm canals, structures, land leveling, etc) Ameliorative improvement of 2890 ha irrigated lands Construction of drip irrigation system in 4 WUA with total are 21 ha C. Uzbekistan raion – 6,000 hа Bank protection on Dahansay Rehabilitation of Tegirmantash settling basin Construction of on-farm PS for irrigation of 540 ha Rehabilitation of boreholes for irrigation Rehabilitation of on-farm irrigation canals and structures Machinery and equipment Procurement of deep ripping equipment Procurement of excavators Component 2: Institutional strengthening Increasing the potential of hydro-economic organizations (BAIS, ISA, PSA (pump station administrations), etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment WUA development support Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Farmers training program Extension services (farmers’ school, Demonstration plots, etc.) Component 3: Technical support Local consultant. International consultants. Component 4: Monitoring & evaluation of project implementation Purchase of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 7. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects Project Components Abdusamat I (B)
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Purchase of equipment for O&M
Institutional consolidation
Monitoring and evaluation
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
3,520,800,000 2,934,000,000
2,700,000 2,250,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs:
8. Maps Fergana Valley Location Map Map of Project Area Map of Irrigation and Drainage System 9. Remarks
This investment project proposal is based on a feasibility study undertaken by UZGI for the Abdusamat-1 pump station following instructions given to the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) through Degree # 704 of 9 October 2007.
Based on verified information from the Syr Darya-Sokh Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems (BAIS), there is an urgent need not only to rehabilitate the pump system units but also to reclaim large part of the irrigable area being under command of the existing pump stations, but also being in need of two more pump stations in order to increase the original project area by 1,500 ha (from 13,500 ha to 15,000 ha).
The cost for rehabilitation of the existing irrigation system including the extension of the irrigated area to 15,000 ha is estimated to be in the order of US$ 280/ha.
The economic internal rate of return is 28.9 %.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 3 Alat Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Alat and Karakul Pumping Stations;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in south-western part of Bukhara Oblast on the right bank of Amudarya River. Pump station is located nearby the administrative center of the Alat District, Alat Town, which is 90 km far away from Bukhara City. Pump station command area is related Alat and Karakul administrative district and comprises 46,300 ha. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 64,000 of which 16,000 reside in rural area. Irrigated lands are main source of living and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socioeconomic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter frosts. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +28°С (absolute maximum +43°С). January temperatures are around 0°С. Precipitation is less than 200 mm/year and evaporation equals 1400-1550 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the undulating alluvial plain of the second flood plain terrace of the Zarafshan River. The surface of plains is covered by fine sediments of agricultural activities (2.5 m thick) origin underlain by sand layer of 7.5 m thick. Gravel-pebble profile starts at 10 m depth. Infiltration rates are 0.040.50 m/day, 0.5-2.5 m/day and 20-35 m/day respectively for top soil, sand layer and gravelpebble profile. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
On the prevailing area ground water rises upto depths from 1.0-1.5 m to 2-3 m from the ground surface and characterized mainly as slightly mineralized (from 1-3 g/l to 3-5 g/l). Area of water logged soils in the project area Irrigated area (ha)
Mineralized GW area (ha) 1-3 g/l
3-5 g/l
GWL area (ha)
5-10 g/l >10 g/l
1-1.5 m
1.5-2 m
2-3 m
3-5 m
Soils. Soil cover formed in conditions of desert soil formation. Hydro geological conditions with stable shallow ground water level determined formation of hydro orphic sub-types of desert soil such as meadow and meadow窶電esert depending on the GW level. Soil texture is different with dominance of medium textured and heavy loamy clays. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization. 91% of irrigated land is affected by salinization, of which the area of medium and high salinity is 34%. Sulfate and chloridesulfate types of salts accumulate especially in the top layers of the soil. Alkali soils also occur in the area. Absence of natural draining, inadequate artificial drainage, and low efficiency of irrigation network enabled development of water logging and salinization processes which scale is shown in table below. Although almost two-thirds of the lands have satisfactory ameliorative state but their Bonitet Ratio (Soil Quality Index) is 50 (out of 100). Area of saline soils in the project area Salinity level, area (ha)
Irrigated area (ha)
Bonitet Score
Ameliorative state, area (ha): High
Environment. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural desert ecosystem. Composition of flora and fauna has drastically changed. Trees are spread over almost 10% of the total irrigated lands. Realization of the project will contribute to the further development of species diversity of cultivated vegetation and will promote environmental improvement. Insufficient water availablity due to deterioration of the pump station results in decreasing of crop productivity also bringing negative environmental impact. A problem of irrigated areas is expressed in declining of land quality. A ground water level rises due to inadequate drainage and inefficient irrigation, and this process is accompanied with secondary salinity and water logging. The existing situation will contunue getting worse and ultimately would aggreviate land and environment degradation without integrated corrective measures aimed at pump station rehabilitation including its command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. The Amudarya River is the main source of surface water resources from which Alat and Karakul Pumping Stations Cascade supplies water to the project area via Amu-Karakul Main Canal. Specific length of inter-farm canals is 4.8 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of on-farm canals is 63.7 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area 15% of inter-farm canals and 8% of on-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. Irrigated area (ha)
Inter-farm network Total (km) Lined (km)
On-farm network %
Total (km)
Lined (km)
Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 2018 km including 455 km of inter-farm collectors and 1563 km of on-farm (1241 km of open and 322 km of subsurface). Specific length of total network is 44 m/ha, on-farm is 33 m on one ha of irrigated area. About 20% of the area is drained by subsurface horizontal drains (SHD) and vertical drainage wells (VDW). Considerable part of the collector drainage network is in unsatisfactory state. The main collector serving the area is Main Karakul Collector 45.3 km long which discharges into Solenoye Lake with a capacity of 15.5 m3/s. Although the collector is generally in satisfactory condition 20% by length needs rehabilitation and cleaning. Inter-farm collectors (m)
On-farm drainage network (m) SHD Total
Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. About 53% of the total irrigation drainage network requires rehabilitation, 25% of it immediately. 4. Assessment of Alat Pumping Station 4.1 Review and specification Alat PS was constructed in 1962 to pump out water from Amudarya River to AmuKarakul Canal for irrigation of 17,700 ha. Alat Auxiliary PS was constructed in 1985. Karakul PS was constructed in 1963 to pump out water from Amu-Karakul Canal to Saribazar and Gurdjisku Canals for irrigation of 28,600 ha. Karakul Auxiliary PS was constructed in 1981.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Design features of Pump Stations are as follows: a) Alat
Model Pumping units Design capacity Existing capacity Lift height (static) Lift height (dynamic) Electric motor Capacity Life time of pump/motor Penstock
Alat OPV-5-110 (4 units) OP-5-110 (3 units) 7 (without reserve) 40.5 m3/sec 35.0 m3/sec 8.86 m 10.20 – 10.50 m SDV16-36-120 HP (5 units) VDS (2 units) 1,000 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V 800 kW/428 rpm/6,000 V 20-25 years Steel pipe L=30 m (7 strings) Ø 2040 mm
Alat Auxiliary 48D-22 (6 units) 4 + 2 (reserve) 17.0 m3/sec 17.0 m3/sec 8.86 m 12.75 – 15.00 m SDNЗ16-41-12 (6 units) 1,250 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V 20 years Buried steel pipe (6 strings) Ø 1020 mm
b) Karakul Saribazar Canal
Model Pumping units Design capacity Existing capacity Lift height (static) Lift height (dynamic) Electric motor
Karakul OP16-110 3 + 1 reserve 17.7 m3/sec 15.0 m3/sec 4.5-4.85 m 6.5-6.85 m SDV2-143//41-12 (3 units) VDS215//16-14 (1 unit) 1,000 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V 800 kW/428 rpm/6,000 V Steel pipe L=22 m Ø 2040 mm
Gurdjisku Canal
Karakul Auxiliary D12500-24 48D-22 2 + 1 reserve 19.5 m3/sec 1.8 m3/sec 9m 13 m SDNЗ15-49 (2 units)
800 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V
Karakul OP5-110 2 (without reserve) 13.5 m3/sec 12.5 m3/sec 6.5-7.5 m 8.5-9.5 m SDV2-143//41-12 (1 unit) VDS215/24-14 (1 unit) 100 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V 800 kW/428 rpm/6,000 V Steel pipe L=36 m Ø 2040 mm
Karakul Auxiliary D12500 48D-22 2 + 1 reserve 18.0 m3/sec 4.5 m3/sec 9m 13 m SDV15-49-12
800 kW/500 rpm/6,000 V Steel pipe L=300 m (3 strings) Ø 1020 mm
During 46 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electrical equipment exhausted their life time and is capable no more to provide all command irrigation areas with required water volume. 4.2 Assessment of individual components of Alat PS (1) Hydro-mechanical equipment: HM equipment and cables have been completely exhausted.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
(2) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be replaced. (3) Penstock: Steel pipelines have been exhausted. (4) PS building: PS substructures made of precast concrete slabs have been deteriorated due to infiltration. Generally they are in a state of failure and are not subject to repair. (5) Electrical section: Electrical equipment of the pumping station reached the end of its service life. (6) Intake screen and chamber: They need to be rehabilitated. Due to the emergency situation of the Alat PS, it is proposed to build a new PS Alat-II nearby the existing one. 4.3 Assessment of individual components of Alat Auxiliary PS (1) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be replaced. (2) Penstock: Steel pipelines have been worn out and need to be replaced. (3) PS building: PS substructures and building above ground level need to be repaired. (4) Electrical section: Electrical equipment need to be replaced. PS power transformer is in satisfactory state 4.4 Assessment of individual components of Karakul and Auxiliary PS (1) Hydro-mechanical equipment: HM equipment and cables have been completely exhausted. (2) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be replaced. (3) Penstock: Steel pipelines have been exhausted. (4) PS building: PS substructures made of precast concrete slabs have been deteriorated. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (82%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Average yield of cotton and wheat is 23.4 cwt/ha and 37.1 cwt/ha respectively. Losses of agricultural produce on irrigated area due to BPS wear out are shown in the table below. Job creation and provision of the necessary facilities for population on alternative irrigated area will require investment amounting USD 88.6 million in case the station has not been rehabilitated. Yields in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
Alat (t/ha)
Karakul (t/ha)
Total (ton)
6.13 13.78 2.88 22.82 20.39 26.75 14.03 17.29
6.31 12.53 2.95 16.11 32.71 32.40 11.32 20.77
103,466 21,560 69,573 18,103 32,359 19,808 10,249 12,682
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
6. Legal basis The pump station rehabilitation project will be realized in accordance with the President’s Decree “On the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006” (NoPP-704 dated 09.10.2007). Reconstruction of Alat PS in Alat district of Bukhara Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-704 dated 09.10.2007). The Amu-Bukhara irrigation system rehabilitation project will be realized in accordance with the protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 25.02.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Construction of Alat-II Pump Station Technical activities Hydromechanical equipment (7 pump units with electric motors); Excavation of intake canal of 428 m length (b=16 m, h=5.52 m); Intake chamber and screen; Construction of PS building; Penstock (7 strings of 2040 mm diameter each 51.4 m long); Construction of concrete lined lift canal of 202 m length (b=14 m, h=4 m); Construction of administrative and control service building (control desk and switchyard); Construction of lubricant storage facilities; Construction of outlet; Construction of process water supply reservoir. Component 2: Rehabilitation of Alat Auxiliary Pump Station Technical activities Replacement of hydromechanical and auxiliary equipment; Replacement of penstocks; Rehabilitation of suction pipeline; Injection works in the substructure of the building; Repair of the superstructure of the buildng; Installation of control and measuring equipment and meters; Repair of the access roads; Component 3: Rehabilitation of Karakul and Karakul Auxiliary Pump Stations Technical activities Replacement of hydromechanical and auxiliary equipment; Replacement of penstocks; Rehabilitation of drainage and technical water supply system; Injection works in the substructure of the building; Installation of control and measuring equipment and meters; Component 4: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Component 5: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development 69
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc.
Component 6: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 7: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area.
Project Components Alat and Karakul
Rehabilitation of pump station Alat Rehabilitation of pump station Alat Auxiliary Rehabilitation of pump station Karakul Rehabilitation of pump station Karakul Auxiliary
25,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 15,000,000,000 10,000,000,000
19,171,779 3,834,356 11,503,067 7,668,712
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost
Investment Costs:
Recurrent Costs:
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
26,080,000,000 7,824,000,000
20,000,000 6,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 64.1 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 2,430.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 4 Amudarya delta Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
mainly create a system of small lakes at the Amudarya Delta in order to prevent environmental degradation, and improve the ecosystem and production activities in the Southern Aral Sea Region which suffers from environmental and socioeconomic consequences of Aral Sea disaster;
reconstruct / rehabilitate technical infrastructure and improve water bodies/swamps in order to supply environmental water needs and maintain the delta ecosystem during drought years;
(iii) reconstruct / rehabilitate irrigation drainage network and increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management in order to increase productivity levels of the pastures and irrigated lands. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of the natural resources, improvement of the living standards of the local population and maintenance of the delta ecosystem with the regulation of the flood discharges of Amudarya River and collectordrainage effluent from the irrigated lands of northern Karakalpakistan. 2. Project area Location. The project area covers Amudarya River Delta in the North Karakalpakistan. Geographically the project area which is almost 36,760 km2 starts from the border of the irrigated lands of the South Karakalpakistan in the south and extends until the previous coast line of the Aral Sea in the north. Administratively the project is in the territory of Muynak District. The most significant water bodies in the project area are:
Lake Sudoche and Mashankul-Karadjar System in the western part;
Mejdurechie, Rybachie, Muynak and Domalak lakes in the central part; and
Jiltirbas, Akpetki and Abbas lakes in the eastern part.
Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 32,000 of which 13,500 reside in rural area. The total number of urban and rural households is 5,400-5,500. Fishery and aquaculture together with pastoral livestock farming are the main sources of income for the local population which completely depends on the Southern Aral Sea Wetlands. Because of the droughts and hence lack of fodder crops during the last years, the number of livestock had reduced to critical limits negatively affecting the local population. Irrigated agriculture in the Muynak District is of auxiliary character. Only 55% of the arable land was under crop farming before the drought. As swamp ecosystems are equal consumers and beneficiaries of water resources, there should be a minimum discharge of 100 m3/s for environmental purposes in order to keep the Delta as a water body and ensure sustainability of the system. Climate. The project area is characterized by severe continental climate with high daily and seasonal temperature variations, very low precipitation and intensive winds. In July, the hottest month, mean air temperature is +24°С with an absolute maximum of +46°С. Winter lasts from November to March with cold northern winds. Frost depth reaches 80 cm. January temperatures vary within the range of +7°С to +12°С (absolute minimum -35°С). Annual precipitation is within the range of 100-120 mm/year. Evaporation varies from 970 to 2000 mm/year.
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Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is characterized by three types of relief:
Structural-denudation type is a typical post-pliocene sediment rise of the Muynak peninsula with absolute maximum depth of 60-80 m.
Erosive-accumulative type has absolute maximum depth of 53-60 m with almost flat slopes of j=0.0001-0.0005 and observed in the alluvial delta plain in the central parts. Surface can be characterized by a structure of rising channels with recessions and saucer shaped depressions in between.
Marine-accumulative type can be characterized by seaside plain which was covered by the sea not long before.
Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper groundwater flux. Groundwater influx from natural waterways and lakes together with seepage losses from canals are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of the artificial drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. Ground water depth varies from 1-2 m to 12 m depending on the local topography and distance from the feeding source. Chloride-sulfate type ground water mineralization starts from the level of 1.5-6.0 g/l and increases up to 35 g/l as moving further away from Akdarya River. Soils. Soil cover in the periphery of the Delta is dry-type playa (takyr) and desert type sandy soils formed by ancient fluvial sediments. The central part of the Delta has spread meadow alluvial soils and alkali soils (solonchak) underlain by contemporary fluvial sediments. In the downstream of Akdarya and Janadarya, semi-consolidated shallow sand array is observed. Environment. Project area is located in the lower parts of the Amudarya River Basin starting from Kyziljar section until the Aral Sea on both banks of the River. Region can be considered as the most unfavorable site among other parts of the Basin due to the factors like geographical location, climatic conditions and low water availability. The potential environmental benefits of the Project can be stated as: Reduction of the “Aralkum” area (sandy desert) Establishment of a buffer zone which will keep back salt and dust transport Improvement of the biodiversity by the contribution of the lakes Regulation of the climate The potential socio-economic benefits of the Project can be stated as: Improvement of livestock development simulated by reeds and other helophytes Improvement of fishery and fish breeding development Creation of new employment opportunities Improvement of living standards of the population 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Amudarya River is the source of water supply for the Delta ecosystem. Intergovernmental agreement ensures regulated supply of 3.2 km3/year (100 m3/s) of sanitary water discharge and 2 km3/year of discharge for environmental and fishery needs. However, river discharge entering Delta from Kyziljar section is quite dynamic and variable. During dry years, total volume reduces to 1 km3. Medium-water years’ yield 74
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changes from 2.3 to 3.8 km3. But in high-water years, discharge can be 2000 m3/s during two or three months flood period. This impedes operation activities of the system both in dry years because of lack of water and wet years because of unsatisfactory condition of the infrastructure. Lake systems especially in the periphery of the Delta fully or partially depend on the quanity as well as the quality of the collector drainage system water. Main collectors are GLK, Ustyurt, KS-1, KS-3, KS-4 and KS-5 namely. Their total cumulative average discharge adds up to 1.56 km3/year. This amount depends on the water availability in a particular year however it is less sensitive compared to river discharge. Total area of the lakes and water body system in the project area is 350,000 hectares including water surface area of 160,000 hectares Besides, river flow is used for irrigation of 11,911 hectares of land in Muynak District including 4,564 hectares of arable land and 7,172 hectares of hayfields and pastures. The total length of inter-farm canals in Muynak District is 143,600 m with a specific length of 12 m/ha. On-farm canal network is 186,400 m long with a specific length of 15.65 m/ha. Irrigation network is completely earthen and characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Efficiencies of inter-farm and on-farm network are 0.84 and 0.71 respectively. Water use efficiency in the field is 60-70%. Drainage. In order to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 111,300 m including 36,300 m of inter-farm collectors and 75,000 m of on-farm collectors. However this network covers only 1,900 hectares which is 16% of the total irrigated area. Operation and maintenance. Delta Lakes System is operated by Aral Sea Delta Management Authority. For an efficient management of the lakes systems and the delta, it is required to create a GIS-based environment atlas including parameters / properties of water eco-systems and bio-resources. To develop the database, the river basin should be described with a comprehensive survey of bio-resources and also taking into account the development perspectives under proposed conditions. Irrigation systems in the Aral Sea Zone are operated by Administration of Suenly Irrigation Systems. However, within the responsibility zone of Aral Sea Delta Management Authority, there is an irrigation structure which is operated by Karakalpak Hydrogeology Reclamation Expedition. The problems encountered during the O&M of the irrigation and drainage network are generic problems valid for the whole country, namely lack of finance, decrease in the efficiencies and technical conditions. 4. Evaluation of the conditions 4.1 Water bodies in the project area are: ď&#x201A;ˇ
Lake Sudoche and Mashankul-Karadjar System in the western part;
Mejdurechie, Rybachie and Muynak reservoirs, Makpalkol Lake and MaypostDomalak lakes system in the central part; and
Jiltirbas, Akpetki and Abbas lakes and other adjacent water bodies in the eastern part.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14
Lake Sudoche Mashankul Ilmenkul Karadjar Mejdurechie Muynak Rybachie Makpalkol Maypost Domalak Jiltirbas Akpetki and others
Volume (mln m3) 396 260 79 30 450 161 136 63 27 548 290 308
Designed water demand (mln m3) 860 198 101.6 39.3 504 297 235 116 54 1086 662 431
4.2 Western zone. Lake Sudoche. Total surface area of the lake is 52,000 hectares. There is a high production potential for fishery and fodder production in the floodplain zone. Mashankul-Karadjar Lake System. The system is characterized by shallow depth of 1.5 m and rich ichthyic fauna. Within the scope of the project, the system shall be rehabilitated and measures should be taken considering irrigation and flooding of the lakeside territory. Total irrigation area is 5,000 hectares in the system whereas flood plain pastures are 10,000-15,000 hectares. Proposed measures are: Rehabilitation of piscicultural lake systems of Mashankul, Ilmenkul and Karadjar (14,600 hectares in total) Improvement of irrigation network for hayfields and pastures (10,000 hectares) Improvement of water supply to Lake Sudoche 4.3 Central zone. Central zone is fed by the Amudarya River. Total annual discharge measured at the Kyzildjar section has changed from 22,590 mln m3 in 1998 to 86.2 mln m3 in 2001. Project envisages: 3 extending the capacity of the Mejdurechie Reservoir from 200 to 450 mln m to stabilize the hydrological regime and to improve guaranteed water supply to the system, constructing a spillway to reduce the risk of collapse Realization of the proposed facilities will enable: to extend piscicultural area to 96,110 hectares, to ensure sufficient water supply for about 60,000 hectares, to improve municipal water supply to the population residing around Mejdurechie, Muynak and Rybachie lakes. 4.4 Eastern zone. Eastern zone is fed by collectors draining water from the irrigated areas. Jiltirbas Reservoir was formed on the former bay by constructing a dike. During high floods, water flows into the reservoir from Amudarya. In order to keep the water level elevation at 52 m, with a design volume of 290 mln m3 and a surface area of 26,600 hectares, total discharge 76
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capacity of 662 mln m3/year is needed. Jilbirtas Reservoir has an ornithological importance as it is the habitat for migrating birds. Total water demand of the other lakes and water bodies in the Eastern zone is roughly 431 mln m3/year. Water bodies in this zone are very important environmentally and can be used for pisciculture, animal breeding and reed growing etc. 5. Land use and agricultural production Because of Aral Sea crisis and recent dry years, a significant part of bio-resources of the Aral Sea ecosystem was lost. The level of bio-resources reduction is shown in the table below: Bio-diversity changes on the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Before 1995
Reed growing area (ha) Natural licorice area (ha) Wetlands pastures (ha) Riparian (tugai) forests Total area (ha) Fishery (including Aral Sea) (ton)
500,000 18,000 350,000 - 400,000 300,000 – 350,000 > 24,300
Present level 70,000 < 10,000 90 -110 20-25 times reduction < 212,000 < 1,500
Use of arable lands and pastures in the Muynak District (11,911 ha) depends on the available water in a particular year. At present, arable lands are 38%, pastures 60% and tree plantation 2%. Arable lands are mainly used for winter wheat (48%) and vegetables and cucurbtis (22%). Crop areas and yields are given as: No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards Others
Cropping area (ha) 2,156 270 498 17 473 493 91 4 564
Cropping area (%) 47.2 5.9 10.9 0.4 10.4 10.8 2.0 0.1 12.4
Crop yield (ct/ha) 30.1 42.3 17.7 45.0 56.9 99.3 11.4 20.0 -
In addition to production from irrigated lands and cattle breeding, the project area has a significant potential for pisciculture. Guaranteed water supply of the Central zone will enable fish production in 96,110 hectares. Given the average potential production rate of 3035 kg/ha, the potential production can be 259, 183 and 71 tonnes respectively for Mashankul, Ilmenkul and Karadjar. 6. Legal basis Formation of the landscape ecosystem in the Amudarya River Delta is one of the priority directions of the International Fund “Save the Aral Sea”. The preliminary works on the issue were started by the Aral Sea Water and Environment Management GEF/WB Project (1998-2002) one of its components titled “Restoration of Lake Sudoche Wetlands” (included to Ramsar List) envisaged design and construction of engineering infrastructures in the west of the Amudarya River Delta for watering of the natural recessions. 77
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In 2002 Government of Uzbekistan initiated design and realization of the project feasibility study “Creation of local water bodies in the Amudarya River Delta (I and II order)”. Feasibility study was carried out by research institute “Uzgipromeliovodkhoz” by the order of MAWR GoU. At present, there is ongoing civil works for this project. The purpose of creating the water bodies in the Amudarya River Delta are to safe the biodiversity and to raise the natural productivity of bio-resources of the Aral Sea Basin. 7. Project components Component 1: Technical measures along the Delta In the western zone: Rehabilitation of Raushan, Liman Canals, Mashankul spillway and facilities Cleaning the route of Maliy Janys and construction of regulators at Mashankul Karadjar lake systems, Construction of a dike on Lake Karadjar In the central zone: Reconstruction of northern embankment of Mejdurechie Reservoir Improvement of the side weir of Mejdurechie Reservoir 3 Reconstruction of Muynak Canal with a capacity of 44.2 m /s from PK:0+00 to PK:28+00. Construction of the southern embankment of Muynak Reservoir Reconstruction of the discharge canals from Muynak to Rybachie Reservoir Creation of the supplementary water body below Rybachie Reservoir Construction of the discharge systems of Maypost-Domalak lake systems Construction of outlets from Mejdurechie Reservoir for transfer of water to the lakes Maliy and Big Zakirkol and Maypost-Domalak lake systems In the eastern zone: Reconstruction of embankments on the Lake Jiltyrbas from PK:0+00 to PK:306+00 Construction of weir on the Kazakhdarya River for regulating the water intake of Amudarya (for transferring to the Jiltyrbas Reservoir) Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm irrigation canals (20 km) Rehabilitation of on-farm irrigation canals (63.7 km) Rehabilitation of structures (3 pieces) Rehabilitation of inter-farm and on-farm collectors (75 km) Land improvement (195 ha) Land leveling (1627 ha) Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training 78
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Procurement of computers
8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs. Amudarya Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Delta Works
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Delta Works - Command Area
3,912,000,000 391,200,000
3,000,000 300,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 17.2 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 372.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 5 Asaka Adyr Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale Project objectives are to: (i)
Provide secure water supply for the irrigation of project area by rehabilitating of pump station of Asaka-Adyr;
Raise the productivity of agricultural production through rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) Increase the water usie efficiency by means of management improvement at onfarm level. The project will create the conditions for effective management of irrigated lands and prevention of continuing degradation, conditioned by lack of water and inadequate irrigation practices. 2. Project area Location. The project is located in the south-eastern part of Ferghana valley and occupies an area of 2,740.5 ha in the south of Marhamat district of Andijan vilayat. Beneficiaries – farms and dehkan farms. With a total population of 24,000 people the project territory is one of most populated districts in Andijan oblast. The rural population totally depends on irrigated agriculture, including agricultural production processing. The irrigated lands area per 1 rural person is 0.11 ha against 0.12 ha in the oblast and 0.27 ha in whole country. For the irrigation of lands the role of pumped water supply is socially and economically indispensable for local people as it the main area occupied in the region. The pump station operation failure may lead to serious economic and social consequences. Climate. The project area is characterized by a sharp continental climate, hot summer and moderately cold winters. Average monthly air temperature varies from +22,9+25,40С to average maximum temperature within range of +30,3+32,80С. Average air temperature in winter is -1,70С to +0,80С, average of absolute minimums is -220С. Annual precipitation is 328 mm, that is 5 times less than annual evaporation value. The most of precipitation falls during winter-spring period. In spring there are mainly showers that tend to promote soil erosion. Permanent non-frost period (219-230 days) and high number of days of effective temperatures higher than 100С (4100-43000С) allows growing the heat-loving plants. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. The project territory is located in wavy plain Asaka-Adyr. Absolute ground levels are within 523-670m. Seismicity is 8 degrees. Quaternary and Neogene sediments take part in geological structure. Neogene sediments compose the adyr kernel and represented in interleave strata of marlaceous loams, conglomerates, siltstone and sandstone. Quaternary sediments compose alluvial terraces of Shakhrikhansay river. The are represented as loams, underlying with gravel-pebbles. Within Shakhrikhansay valley, the ground waters are lie at level of 2-3 meters. Water is saltish, with thick residue of 1-3 gr/l, sulphate. Ground waters in adyr zone are lied in depth more than 5,0 m. Soils. The soil cover is represented by sierozems that were formed in conditions of sierozem type of soil-formation without ground waters influence. The predominance of medium and heavy loams is typical for mechanical contents. It is seen that in some sections the pebbles are lied in 0,5-1,0 meters depth, and in steep slopes they appear on the ground surface. 82
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The soils are non-saline, weak gypsiferous, with low humus contents and nutritive elements, subject to water and wind erosion. The territory is located in the area where the ground waters outflow is provided with deep bedding of ground waters. Environment. With the development of land reclamation for irrigation, initial steppe eco systems have in fact disappeared. The species composition of flora and fauna have also changed. Irrigation development predetermined the intensive increase of crop plants. Plantations of trees in project area consist of 23,2% of total lands under use. The project realization will stimulate the further growth of species diversity of flora and fauna, promoting the improvement of ecosystem. 3. Irrigation and drainage infrastructure Water supply for irrigation. The source of surface water resources is Shakhrikhansay river, from which the water is taken by pump stations and lifted to 164m height through 1,8 km long two threads of steeled high-pressure pipes with diameter of 1020 mm and then given to the system of inter-farm irrigation canals. At present, the pump station doesn’t provide the water supply in necessary volume, thus the water supply during irrigation period is low, that leads to crop loss, decreasing people’s incomes and their living standards. Irrigation. The length of inter-farm canals in the project area is 37 км, on-farm canals 55 км. The specific length is accordingly 13,8 and 20,1 running meter per 1 ha of irrigated lands. The half of inter-farm and main network is (55%) laid in earth bed, on-farm network this figure is 78 %. The water use efficiency in the field is 64%. The rehabilitation of irrigation network and structures (300 m mechanical canal, 4 km of canal Check-2, replacement of 4 km flume Р-4 ), the construction of mud dam and mudflow outflow canal is required in the project area. Drainage. The project area is located in the area with natural outflow of ground waters and no need for artificial drainage. Operation and maintenance. Under impartial factors, first of all, with the deduction of financing for operation and maintenance of irrigated system in whole, and in the project territory in particular, 20-30% of infrastructure is in need of repair. 4. Evaluation of Pump Station Adyr-Asaka 4.1 Review and specifications. Pump station structures unit that was started to operate in 1975 for irrigation of 2740,5 ha, is consists of the following components: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
approach canal; pumping-plant intake with water intake facility; suction passage; PS building; control panel (CP) and switchgear (SG); discharge line; and water outlet structure. Project parameters of PS are the following: The main waterpower equipment
Pump aggregates number
5 (4working+1 reserve.) 83
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Design capacity of one pump
0,8 m3/sec
Actual capacity of one pump
0,6-0,7 m3/sec
Irrigation area
2740,5 ha (net)
Existing irrigation area
2740,5 ha (net)
Lifting height
164 m
Electrical engine
SDNZ 15-64-8УЗ
Nominal power
2500 KW
6000 V
Rotation frequency
1000 rts/minute
Pump/engine operational lifetime
16 years
Electrical equipment lifetime
20-25 years
Over 33 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electro technical equipment is used as are all financial resources. The PS is no longer able to provide the supply of water in necessary volumes to irrigated lands. 4.2 Evaluation of individual components (1) Approach canal with pumping-plant intake. Made in concrete lining. The condition is satisfactory. (2) Intake basin is also made in concrete lining. Water intake facility of dock type has water intake chamber which is equal to the number of pumps. In each chamber there are intake screens. At present, there is no special RН-2000 machine that was designed for cleaning. From the chambers water flows into sucking pipes. Gates with electrical elevators that installed before pipes are out of work and needed to be replaced. (3) Sucking pipes – steeled with d=1020mm, direct-flow, filled. These pipes should be replaced with those that are with raised elbow that may exclude the sedimentation. (4) PS building is of chamber type. Underground part of the building where the all power equipment is located was made of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete, which at present, due to leaching of the cement, gives high filtration. About 50% of the walls are required to be cemented. Overground part is made of frame type by using precast elements, which is in satisfactory shape. Glazing and other finishing works with whitewashing and painting are required. (5) CP and SG building. The condition is normal. The finishing works with whitewashing and painting are required, as well as the renewal of the floor. (6) Discharge lines. It is necessary to measure the thickness for determination of its further operation capacity. It is required to replace shock reinforcement at the starting section on pipeline route. (7) Water outlet structure. Partial replacement of the concrete lining is required. (8) Electro technical parts. Electrical equipment of PS used reached its standard resources so there needed the total replacement of hydro mechanical and electromechanical equipment. Electromechanical equipment of management is old, physically worn out and cannot provide necessary level of technological processes.
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5. Land use and agricultural production The pump station supplys water to the lands of 2740,5 ha located in Marhamat district of Andijan vilayat. Lands are divided by the following arable lands: plowed fields – 76,8%, perennial plants – 23,2%. 57,4 % of irrigated lands are under cotton and wheat production; orchards, vineyards and mulberries - 23,2%; besides, there also grown the vegetables, potatoes and forage crops. The average yield for cotton and wheat is 26,4 c/ha and 66,3 c/ha accordingly. Without rehabilitation of PS due to tear and wear of the equipment, the agricultural production of irrigated lands will totally be lost (see the following table). The crop capacity and production loss in the project area #
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3
Area [ha]
Area [%]
Plowed fields Winter wheat Cotton Vegetables Watermelon Maize for silage Annual grass (green fodder) Perennial grass (hay) Perennial plants Orchards Vineyards Mulberries
2105 677 896 52 36 55 288 101 635 449 118 68 2740
76,8 24,7 32,7 1,9 1,3 2,0 10,5 3,7 23,2 16,4 4,3 2,5 100
Crop capacity [c/ha]
Production per 2740 ha [t]
Loss [t]
66,3 26,4 132,3 163,3 161,4 105,7
4486 2364 688 588 888 3045 631 1489 326 204 10,2
4486 2364 688 588 888 3045 631 1489 326 204 10,2
62,5 33,2 27,6 Capsules
For the organization of jobsites and provision of the necessary facilities for the local people on the alternative irrigated area in case if rehabilitation of the pump station is not completed, the amount of 24,7 million US $ will be required.8 6. Legal aspects With the Decree of President of RUz NПП-216 from 08.11.2005, “About investment program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006, the feasibility study for “Rehabilitation of PS Asaka-Adyr in Andijan vilayat” is included in summary list of privileged investment projects. By the protocol of Cabinet of Ministers of RUz (N02-29-58 from 22.02.2006) on examination of the process of preparation and realization of investment projects that were included in three-year cooperation program with Islamic bank of development, there were determined the list of first-priority four pump stations that are subject to rehabilitation, including pump station Asaka-Adyr in Andijan vilayat.
In the estimates there were taken into account the costs on irrigation-ameliorative preparation which equals to US$ 5 thou. per hectare, and US$ 4 thou. for the construction of other production and social objects on the new lands, in total US$ 9,0 thou. per hectare. 85
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7. Project components Component 1. Rehabilitation of PS Asaka-Adyr Technical activities Replacement of main hydropower equipment ( pumps 28М12х2 with electrical engine СДН315-64-8УЗ ) with new one; Replacement of supplementary and electrotechnical equipment; Replacement of sucking pipes; Rehabilitation of water intake structure; Installation of the newest control-measuring equipment which convey signals to the computer of control panel; The repair of the pump station building with cementation of its underground part; Repair works in the distribution equipment building; Replacement of crane equipment; Rehabilitation of auxiliary systems (drainage, technical water supply and others.) Pipelines replacement with rehabilitation of the initial part; Component 2. Rehabilitation of irrigated lands of subcommand PS on the area of 2740,5 ha Technical activities Rehabilitation of irrigation network and structures: Rehabilitation of mechanical canal on the damaged sections of 300 m length Construction of mud dam (construction of 500m slabs for a dam) Mud off-take canal (2,5 km) Construction of 4 km long drain for off-take canal Replacement of 4 km flumes R-4 Rehabilitation of 4 km long canal Check -2 Drip irrigation on the area of 10 ha Machinery and equipment Procurement of excavators and other equipment Component 3: Institutional strengthening Increasing the potential of hydro-economic organizations (BAIS, ISA, PSA (pump station administrations), etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment WUA development support Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Farmers training program Extension services (farmers’ school, Demonstration plots, etc.) Component 4: Technical support Local consultant. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring & evaluation of project implementation Purchase of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary of Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area. 86
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Project Components Asak-Adyr
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
5,661,619,200 586,800,000
4,341,733 450,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation system Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs:
9. Maps Fergana Valley Location Map Map of Project Area Map of Irrigation and Drainage System 10. Remarks The economic rate of return is negative as the water is being pumped to a height of 164 m. Total cost of the project per ha is $ 4,682.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 6 Besharyk Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Besharyk Pumping Station;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in western part of Fergana Oblast on the left bank of Syrdarya river. Pump station command area is related Besharyk administrative district and comprises 9,843 ha. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 43,700 of which about 90% reside in rural area. This part of Fergana Oblast is densely populated and the residents have low incomes. One person of the project area just holds 0.17 ha of irrigated land against 0.27 ha average nationally. Irrigated lands are the major source of living and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Climate. The project area in Fergana Oblast is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter frosts. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +270С (absolute maximum +460С). January temperatures are from 0 to -2.40С. Precipitation is only 144-190 mm/year and evaporation equals 1130-1350 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of effective temperatures (45-47оС) allow to grow many heat-loving crops. However high moisture deficit allows for farming only by artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on proluvial-alluvial plain in the periphery of outwash arms of Southern Fergana rivers. The surface of plains is flat sloping from 0.01-0.005 to 005-0.002 conditioning complicated conditions of inflow and outflow of ground water. Profile is formed by gravel and pebble deposits of quaternary age with sand-sandy loam and sandy aggregate covered from above by sandy loam of 6-22 m thickness. On the prevailing area ground water are at the depth less than 2 m from the ground surface and characterized both fresh and very low mineralized. Soils. Soil cover formed in conditions of desert soil formation. Hydro geological conditions with stable shallow ground water level determined formation of hydro orphic subtypes of desert soil such as meadow and meadow–desert. Soil texture is different with dominance of light loam - sandy loam. Soils are low provided with nutrients and humus, subjected to salinization. 75% of irrigated area is affected by salinization, of which the area of medium and high salinity is 27%. Absence of natural draining, inadequate artificial
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drainage, and low efficiency of irrigation network enabled development of water logging and salinization processes which scale is shown in table below: Area of water logged and saline soils in the project area Irrigated area (ha) Besharyk
% of saline area 75
Mineralized GW area (%): >5g/l 3
3-5 g/l 3
GWL area (% ):
1-3 g/l
0-1 g/l
2-3 m
3-5m 4
>5m 11
The table indicates that 66% of all irrigated areas have high ground water levels (less 2 m). Prevailing mineralization is 0-1 g/l and 1-3 g/l by dense residue which is classified as fresh and very low mineralized water. Environment. Insufficient drainage due to improper operation and maintenance of infrastructure results in water logging and progressive land salinization. This requires big water volumes for leaching respectively and more power for pumping stations, which in future would result in drainage flow mineralization. To be discharged into Syrdarya it will affect adversely on river water quality. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. The Syrdarya is the main source of surface water resources from which Besharyk Pumping Station supplies water to the project area at about 6.4 m3/sec (design discharge 11.4 m3/sec). Syrdarya flow in the intake area is characterized by withinyear and long term variability. On the average it is 11.4 km3, in low water years it is about 8 km3/year. Specific length of inter-farm canals is 4.49 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of onfarm canals is 45.81 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency (0.64). In the district 59% of inter-farm canals are concrete lined and efficiency of inter-farm network is 0.80. Efficiency of on-farm canals is less - 78%. Water use efficiency in the field is 60-70%. In the project area it is required to construct three pumping stations and six wells for irrigation of 1240 ha, concrete lined canal of length 4.5 km in WUA Yakkaut Pahtakor Faiz and reconstruct 28 km of on-farm irrigation network. 2977 ha require land improvement activities, and 2200 ha of land leveling. To increase water use efficiency it is proposed to construct drip irrigation system on 34 ha till 2015. Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 437 km including 108 km of inter-farm collectors and 329 km of on-farm (285 km of open and 44 km of subsurface). Specific length of total network is 44 m/ha, on-farm is 33 m on one ha of irrigated area. It is required to construct main and interfarm collectors with total length of 13 km and reconstruct 20 km of on-farm drainage. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. About 50% of the total length of inter-farm canals require rehabilitation, 40% of it immediately. More than 40% of the on-farm irrigation canals are to be rehabilitated. Also significant part of the drainage network needs rehabilitation. 4. Assessment of Besharyk Pumping Station 4.1 Review and specification BPS was constructed in 1978 to pump out water from Syrdarya river for irrigation of 9,843 ha. BPS comprises the following components: 91
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Approach canal; Fore bays with intake structure; Suction pipelines; Pump Station building; Control panel building and switchgear; Discharge pipelines; and Outlet structure.
Design features of Pump Station are as follows: Main hydraulic and power equipment Model Pumping units One pump unit capacity Existing capacity of one pump unit Irrigated area Existing irrigated area Lift height Efficiency Electric motor Capacity Efficiency Life time of pump/motor Life time of electrical equipment
D6300-80 8 + 2 (reserve) 11.4 m3/sec 6.4 m3/sec 9,843 ha (net) 9,843 hа (net) 30.0 m 0.82 SDNЗ2-16-56-10UZ 2000 KW 0.945 16 years 20-25 years
During 27 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electrical equipment exhausted their life time and is capable no more to provide all command irrigation areas with required water volume. 4.2 Assessment of individual components (1) Approach canal. Approach canal of the length 750 m is constructed in earthen bed and is used as settling basin. Due to irregular cleaning it doesn’t meet the design requirements. (2) Forebay, connecting approach canal with intake structure is constructed with concrete lining and is very silted. Intake structure of the docking type with intake chambers corresponding to pumping units number. Trash rack mechanisms RN-2000В installed in each chamber at present are not operated and required overhaul or replacement. Equipment of electrical lifters installed before suction pipes is worn out and requires replacement. (3) PS building. Underground section of the building where all power equipment is constructed in reinforced mass concrete which highly leaks at present due to cement leaching. Complete cementation of walls is required. Superstructure is constructed from pre-cast reinforce concrete elements. Condition is satisfactory but it is required to replace roofing, carry out finishing, painting and glass installation. (4) Control Panel and Switchgear buildings. These were designed in a form of single volume with PS superstructure. Condition is satisfactory. (5) Electrical section. Electrical equipment of BPS reached the end of its service life. Particularly worn out are: switchgear, capacitor bushings, arresters, current transformer and capacitors. Existing 6 kWt switchgear should be replaced with update high-voltage.
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According to the above reasons it is required to replace transformer and 0.4 kWt control board completely. (6) Discharge pipes. 10% of discharge pipeline comprising pipes D=1420 mm and 1220 mm requires replacement; it is required to replace equipment for hydraulic shock dissipation. (7) Outlet structure is of the bucket type and in satisfactory condition. 5. Land use and agricultural production Water supply by BPS to 9,843 ha located in Besharyk district and distribution of irrigated area by land types is shown in the table below: Land Use Structure District Besharyk
irrigated area [ha]
Land use [%] arable land
perennial plantations
homestead land
Main area of irrigated land (82%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Average yield of cotton and wheat is 23.4 cwt/ha and 37.1 cwt/ha respectively. Losses of agricultural produce on irrigated area due to BPS wear out are shown in the table below. Job creation and provision of the necessary facilities for population on alternative irrigated area will require investment amounting USD 88.6 million in case the station has not been rehabilitated. Yield and produce losses on the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Area, ha
Yield, cwt/ha
3483 25 4590 70 76 11 490 173 630 22 273
37,1 42,6 23,4 123,8 179,2 151,6 164,6 66,1 34,5 35,1 30
Winter wheat Grain maize Cotton Potato Vegetables Melons Green maize Grass for hay Orchards Vineyards Mulberry plantations Total
Gross yield, t 12922 107 10741 967 1362 167 8065 1144 2174 77 819
Losses, t 12922 107 10741 967 1362 167 8065 1144 2174 77 819
In BPS command area livestock breeding is developed. Number of livestock and livestock production in 2004 is characterized by the following data: Number of livestock Including cows Sheep and goats Poultry
: : : :
Meat production â&#x20AC;&#x201C; total (in dead weight): milk : wool : eggs : 93
18556 7629 10957 10757 7,500 ton 11,400 ton 7,500 ton 4.6 million
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6. Legal basis Reconstruction of BPS in Besharyk district of Fergana Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). FS of the project was developed in compliance with ToR approved by Deputy Prime-Minister of GOU; schedule of preparation was approved by Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Agricultural Produce Processing and Consumables at Cabinet of Ministers of RUz dated 26.01.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Besharyk Pump Station Technical activities Replacement of hydraulic and power equipment (pumps D6300-80) and electric motors SDN32-16-56-10UZ); Replacement of ancillary and electrical equipment; Installation of up-to-date control and measuring equipment sending the signals to computer of control panel; Repair of PS building and cementing the substructure; Replacement of crane equipment; Reconstruction of initial section of discharge pipelines; Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Construction of irrigation wells – 6 nrs Construction of inter-farm collectors – 13 km Reconstruction of on-farm drainage collectors – 20 km Reconstruction of on-farm network and associated structures - 28 km Construction of concrete canal in WUA Yakkatut Pahtakor Faiz - 4.5 km Land improvement - 2977 ha Land leveling of the irrigated area – 2200 ha Construction of drip irrigation systems – 34 ha Machinery and equipment Procurement of equipment for deep soil ripping Procurement of excavators Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers
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8. Summary of Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Project Components Besharyk
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
2,556,308,813 1,956,000,000
1,960,360 1,500,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Maps Fergana Valley Project Area Location Project Area Map Irrigation and Drainage Network 10. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 3.7 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 1,854.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 7 Bulokboshi Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
Provide secure water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Bulokboshi Pump Station;
Increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the area served by Bulokboshi PS; and
Increase water use efficiency and management at farm level.
The project is to create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation caused by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area is located in northern part of Fergana valley and occupies 10,405 ha of Adyr area in Kasansai raion of Namangan oblast. Areas belong to Kukumbai, Namuna, BPF, Tergachi, Hudoiberdiev, Dustlik, Dehkonobod and Isporon farms. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 25,300 including 5,100 active farmers. Per one person of the project area falls 0.41 ha of irrigated area. At the same time all population is rural and completely depends on irrigated agriculture. Failure of PS adversely affects on agricultural production, employment resulting in social tension and other negative results. Therefore rehabilitation of PS is of great social importance. Climate. The project area is characterized by extremely continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter frosts. According to Kasansai weather station average monthly temperature ranges in summer within +22,9+25,40С, average maximum temperatures within +30,3+32,80С. Average winter temperature is from -1,70С to +0,80С, average absolute minimum is -220С. Precipitation is 328 mm/year what is 4 times less of annual evaporability value. Most of precipitations falls to winter-spring period. Spring rainfalls are stormy facilitating soil erosion. Long free frost period (219-230 days) and high amount of effective temperatures higher 100С (4100-43000С) allow to grow heat-loving crops. However high moisture deficit allows to develop farming only under condition of artificial irrigation. Relief and hydrogeology. The study area is located on the surface of hilly plain of south-east slope of Kasansai adyr. The surface is cut by dry valleys and ravines with depth to 30-50 m and width 10-30 m. Absolute surface levels varies within 615,0÷852,0 m. Geological structure comprises deposits of quaternary and neogene ages. Neogene deposits are conglomerates with interlayers of siltstone and sandstone of different thickness. Quaternary deposits are sandy loam, loam and pebbles of thickness from 0,2-3,0 m to 3-5,0 m. On steep slopes in some abrupt sites melkozem and pebble are washed out and parent material wedges out. The territory is related to ensured artificial ground water outflow which in whole are at the depth 5-10 m Water is fresh with dense residue 0,5-1,0 g/l, hydrocarbonate and sodium. Soils. In soil cover there are light sierosems formed in conditions of sierozem type soil formation without ground water influence. Texture is characterized by some layering but medium and light loam prevails. Soil is slightly crushed, in the profile there is pebble (parent material), on some sites there are stony talus and paternal material wedging out. The latter at present are not used for crops as needs in large scale of capital works to create cultivated soil layer. Soils are not saline, not gypsumed and insufficiently provided with humus and 98
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nutrients. Due to relief the soils are affected by water erosion. Under further irrigation or development of land it is required undertake measures preventing or reducing washing out of surface soil layer. In respect of soil-climatic zoning the area is related to central latitudinal semi-desert zone of Central Asia (ephemeral steppes) and belt of light sierozems C-II-Б. Hydrogeological conditions are characterized by area of ensured outflow («а») of ground water being deep and not influencing on soil formation processes. Environment. With land development for irrigation the initial steppe ecosystem practically disappeared, changing of species composition of flora and fauna took place. Development of irrigation predetermined intensive growth of cultivated vegetation. Tree plantations in the project area at present are 34% of total land use area. Implementation of the project will stimulate further increase of species diversity of flora and fauna facilitating environmental improvement 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Land irrigation is carried out by means of cascade of pumping water lift. Water service is Big Namangan Canal from which via approach canal water is supplied to Bulokboshi PS. PS supplies water at a rate 8 m3/sec (against design 10,5 m3/sec) to the height 40,5 m into pumping canal, further to Lift 2 (Novbahor PS) and Lift 3 (Bahor PS) to Kelbuva concrete canal. Irrigation network. Length of inter-farm canals in the project area is 90 km, onfarm– 242 km. Specific length is 8,70 and 23,3 m per ha respectively. Only 65% of interfarm canals are in concrete lining. 71 % of on-farm network is in earthen bed. Inter-farm network efficiency is 0.86, on-farm– 0,77 and whole system – 0,66. Water use efficiency in the field is from 60 to 70%. In the project area it is required to construct 8.4 km of Buhara canal, reconstruct 1070 ha of irrigated land, construct 12 km of new closed irrigated systems and in order to increase water use efficiency it is proposed to construct drip and sprinkling irrigation systems on 200 ha. Drainage. The area is naturally drained. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure decreased. About 50% of the total length of inter-farm canals require rehabilitation, 40% of it immediately. More than 40% of the on-farm irrigation canals are to be rehabilitated. Also significant part of the drainage network needs rehabilitation... 4. Assessment of Bulokboshi PS condition 4.1. Review and specification Bulokboshi Pump Station in Kasansai raion of Namangan Oblast was constructed in 1975 to supply water for irrigation of 10405 ha of command area. PS comprises the following structures and components: Approach canal offtake water from BNC, Trash rack structure in a form of metal bridge and grid, Forebay of bucket type, Pipe structure to empty forebay, Emergency escape to discharge water under PS stoppage, PS building of chamber type, Building of CP and SG, Pressure pipeline comprising four lines of 1220 mm steel pipes laid under ground, Outlet of bucket type. 99
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Design parameters of PS: Main hydraulic and power equipment √
Pump units model
Number of Pus
12 (10 work + 2 reserve)
One pump unit capacity
Existing capacity of one pump unit
0,8 m3/sec 0,61 m3/sec
√ √
Irrigated area Existing irrigated area
Lift height
√ √
Efficiency Electric motor
Nominal capacity
630 kWt 0.947 and 0,948
√ √
Life time of pump/motor Life time of electrical equipment
10405 ha (net) 10405 ha (net) 41 m SD13-52-8УЗ and SD2-85/57-8UZ
16 years 20-25 years
4.2. Assessment of individual components The Pump Station is worn out. With an estimated life span of 16 years pump equipment functions 30 years. Technical condition of PS is unsatisfactory. Installed pumps were intended for clean water pumping out. Abstracted water contains considerable number of sandy sediments which wear operating pump elements. This results in reduction of capacity and frequent failures. (1) Approach canal is concrete lined and partially damaged locally. (2) Trash rack grids, made in a form of metal bridge and grid. Metalwork is in condition unacceptable for operation. (3) Fore bay of bucket type is concrete lined. Locally lining is damaged and requires rehabilitation (4) Pipe structure for fore bay empting. The structure requires repair and rehabilitation. (5) Emergency escape to discharge water under PS stoppage, its lining requires rehabilitation. (6) PS building of chamber type, consisting superstructure and substructure. Substructure is made of mass concrete and requires ace-lift with whitewashing and painting. Superstructure requires reinstatement of glazing, replacement of door and window openings, finishing and replacement of roofing with slate roofing. (7) Building of CP and SG also requires finishing. (8) Pressure pipe is partially worn out and requires to replace 25% of pipes. Initial section of the pipeline requires complete replacement and installation of 12 pressure relief valves. (9) Outlet of bucket type, where it is required to rehabilitate partially destroyed lined. (10) Electric motors. Electrical equipment of PS exhausted its standard life time. Especially worn out are SG-6 kV: switching equipment, bushing insulators, arresters, current transformers and especially capacitors requiring replacement with new high voltage switching centers.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Distributing boards 0,4 kV became worthlessness. Insulation of transformer winding is worn out and requires replacement including: contactors, circuit breakers, switch levers, magnetic starter. Due to above stated it is required to replace transformers and control board 0.4 kV in full. In addition on PS it is required to: replace relay and control measuring units in panels of protection and automatics; replace cable lining due to isolation ageing; replace faulty and install missing prime sensors and control equipment in quantity which meet the requirements of accepted new system od PS management; replace faulty lighting network. Electrical control devices are out of date and worn out physically and doesn’t provide required degree of technological processes automation. Power supply is carried our by cables which condition, methods of laying and fixing don’t’ satisfy standard and norms requirements. Electric lighting as internal and external had become worthlessness in complete. 5. Land use and agricultural production Total irrigated area in a zone of Bulokboshi pumping irrigation is 10405 ha. Irrigated lands comprise: arable land - 95%, orchards and vineyards – 3,6 %, mulberry plantations – 1,4%. In cropping pattern the main area is occupied by cotton and wheat (91,1%) in addition fruit-vegetable crops, potato and fodder crops. Existing yields and losses of agricultural produce on irrigated areas due to PS wear out are shown in the table below. №
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
1 2 3 4
Area, ha
Area, %
9885 4089 5390 42 10 10 146 520 323 52 145 10405
95,0 39,3 51,8 0,4 0,1 0,1 1,4 5,0 3,1 0,5 1,4 100
Secondary crops: Green fodder maize Alfalfa of August sowing Vegetables Potato
3069 1020 94 52
29,5 9,8 0,9 0,5
Arable land: Grain cereals Cotton Vegetables Potato Melons Green fodder maize Perennial plantations: Orchards Vine-yards Mulberry plantations
Yield, cwt/ha
Gross yield, t Losses, t
47,4 23,2 189,3 67,5 95,7 130,2
19382 12505 795 67,3 95,7 1901
19382 12505 795 67,3 95,7 1901
21,4 12,0 32,0
691 62 464
691 62 464
Stoppage of pumping water supply to irrigated area due to PS failure will result in complete loss of agricultural produce.
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In Bulokboshi PS command area diary cattle breeding and развито молочное скотоводство и sheep breeding is developed. Cattle stock and production of cattle produce is as follows: Livestock Including cows Sheep and goats Meat production – total (in dead weight) milk wool
520 heads 170 heads 280 heads 240 t 410 t 0,3 t
6. Legal aspects FS ‘Reconstruction of Bulokboshi PS’ was developed in compliance with President’s Decree № 216 dated 08.11.2005. 7. Project components Component 1. Bulokboshi PS reconstruction Technical aspects replacement of main pumping power equipment (pumps D4000-95 (24NDS) with electric motors SD13-52-8UZ и SD2-85/57-8UZ) with new one; installation of control equipment; replacement of trash rack grids; replacement of reserve pumps with new ones; replacement of gravity drainage pipelines; replacement electrical bridge crane with new one; replacement of heating and ventilating equipment; installation of electrical ovens, electric calorific installations and air conditioners; binding of units in station building; installation of electrical valves and pressure relief valves; replacement of pressure pipelines; replacement of relay and control equipment in panels of protection and automatics; replacement of cable lining because of isolation ageing; replacement of faulty and installation of missing prime sensors; replacement of faulty lighting network. Component 2. Rehabilitation of irrigated area served by Bulokboshi PS on 10405 ha Technical measures Construction and reconstruction of main-interfarm canals and structures Reconstruction of irrigated area on 1070 ha Construction of 12 km of new closed irrigated systems, Construction drip and sprinkling systems (200 ha) Machinery and equipment Procurement of equipment for deep soil ripping Procurement of excavators Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. 102
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Component 4: Technical assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Project Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area. Project Components Bulokboshi
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
5,503,219,200 1,564,800,000
4,220,260 1,200,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Maps Project area map 10. Remarks The economic rate of return is 6.1 Percent, as pumping height is 41 meters. The cost of the project per Ha is US$ 1,363.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 8 Buzton Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply by gravity to the project area (and hence eliminate pumping costs) by means of construction of Buzton Canal and liquidation of Ordzhanikidze and Nayman-Beshtam pumping stations;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in the South Karakalpakistan on the right bank of Amudarya River. The command area covers Ellikkala, Beruni and Turtkul administrative districts and comprises 81,758 ha. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 402,100 of which 75% reside in rural area. The project area is the most populous part of Karakalpakistan. Lack of industrial facilities in the project area creates huge un-employment figures. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of livelihoods and employment of the rural. Improvement water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stabilization of socioeconomic conditions and agricultural development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by high daily and seasonal temperature variations, low humidity, very low precipitation and very hot summers. Summer air temperatures ranges from +28 to +30°С (absolute maximum +45°С). January temperatures vary within the range of -5°С to +5°С (absolute minimum -31°С). Annual mean precipitation is 97 mm/year (ranging from 34 mm to 178 mm) falling mainly in winter-spring period. Evaporation equals 1300-1400 mm/year. The effect of arid climate is increased by strong winds. Cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the flat alluvial plain of the Amudarya River. The relief is erosive-accumulative type. The surface of plain is covered by contemporary age alluvial sand. Where the sand layer is shallow (up to 3-5 m) it is underlain by loam and sandy loam layer. Total thickness of quaternary alluvial deposit reaches 30 m. This deposit is underlain by sand, sandstones or upper Pliocene clay as well as by lower cretaceous siltstones. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper groundwater flux. Groundwater influx from Amudarya, seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. Ground water mineralization does not exceed 1-3 g/l. Salts are mainly sulfate-chloride type. However salinity level of the drainage effluent increases to 5-8 g/l. 106
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Soils. Soil cover formed in conditions of desert soil formation. Irrigation and hydrogeological conditions with stable shallow ground water level determined formation of hydroorphic and semi-hydro-orphic sub-types of desert soil such as meadow and meadow窶電esert. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization. 67% of irrigated land is affected by salinization, of which the area of medium to high salinity is 24%. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. It is planned that construction of Buzton Canal with a maximum capacity of 105 m3/s which will take water from Tuyamuyun Main Canal will provide sufficient water for the irrigation of 81,758 ha. Construction of Buzton Canal will provide gravity water supply to the Keltiminar and Bagyab canals and using of pumps stations are not need. Specific length of main and inter-farm canals is 7.5 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of on-farm canals is 49 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 4,807 km including 970 km of on-farm collectors. Considerable part of the on-farm collector network is in unsatisfactory state. It is required to clean 227 km and rehabilitate 481 km of on-farm collectors. In order to improve the ameliorative condition of the irrigated lands by maintaining the groundwater at a depth of 2.0 to 2.2 m, sufficient length of collectors shall be provided by deepening the shallow drains to 2.5 depth and excavating new ones. Operation and maintenance. The main obstacle in O&M is the high energy costs for pumping. Especially in the tail reaches of the irrigation systems, second even third level pumping is required due to flat topography. In order keep the production level, tendency has been to expand the cropped area which resulted in the reduction of the fertility of the lands. 5. Land use and agricultural production Arable lands are 81% of the total irrigated lands in the project area which is 81,758 ha. Whereas perennial plants (gardens, vineyards and mulberry trees) occupy 4%. Cotton and wheat prevail in this structure with 35-41% and 33-42% respectively. Distribution of irrigated area by land types is shown in the table below: Yields in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards Others
Turtkul (6660 ha) 1572 120 3743 127 293 127 153 20 506
Beruni (33948 ha) 6484 441 20640 407 679 509 1324 170 3293
Ellikkala (27648 ha) 5170 1189 15898 332 664 525 885 83 2903
Total (68256 ha) 13226 1750 40281 866 1636 1161 2362 273 6702
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Crop yields (c/ha) Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards Others
Turtkul (6660 ha) 45.1 165.0 18.2 64.4 149.6 126.9 48.3 55.9
Beruni (33948 ha) 38.3 164.3 15.7 116.3 112.6 140 44 74.3
Ellikkala (27648 ha) 43.2 83.2 21.3 75.4 220.4 99 45.3 58.6
Total (65899 ha)
6. Legal basis 7. Project components Component 1: Construction of Buzton Canal Technical activities Construction of Buzton Canal and inspection road with total length of 69.5 km (Option I) or 71.7 km (Option II) Construction of structures on canal: Option I (2 weirs, 11 outlets, 19 bridges, 19 culverts) Construction of structures on canal: Option II (2 weirs, 12 outlets, 24 bridges, 22 culverts) Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Project Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Buzton Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Construction of Buzton Canal
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Turtkul)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Beruni)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Ellikkala)
Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs: 5
3-Year O&M Costs - Buzton Canal - Command Area
1,956,000,000 11,736,000,000
1,500,000 9,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 12.3 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 2,922.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 9 Dargom Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Yangi-Dargom Main Canal in the Zarafshan Left Bank System,;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in southern and eastern parts of Samarkand Oblast. Yangi Dargom Canal takes water from Zarafshan River by means of Ravatkhodji Barrage to irrigate 158,721 hectares of lands of Urgut District and feed Kattakurgan Reservoir. GUS I,II,III,IV pumping station serves 600 ha on the left bank of Yangi Canal. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 1.8 million of which 823,573 people live in the command area of GUS PS. Irrigated lands are the main source of the livelihoods and employment of the population. Being in operation for more than 80 years, concrete lining of Yangi Dargom Canal has been largely deteriorated resulting in excessive seepage losses. Together with the wearing out of the hydromechanical equipment of PS GUS O&M activities are constrained and hence irrigated lands receive less water then needed causing decrease in the agricultural production. Failure of the system will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by hot summer and cold winters with moderate frosts. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +27°С (absolute maximum +46°С). January temperatures are around 0°С (absolute minimum -35°С). Snow cover is not permanent. Moderate north winds dominate. Maximum relative humidity is 70-75%. Precipitation is less than 300 mm/year and annual evaporation almost four times more than annual precipitation. Durable frost-free period (180-200 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperature (4100-4900°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the piedmont lands of the Zarafshan River. Upstream section (first 1450 m) of the Yangi Dargom Main Canal crosses through conglomerate. The command area of the PS GUS is located in the alluvialproluvial fans of the small mountain creeks originating from northern slopes of Zarafshan Mountains range. Buildings of the first and the second stage pumps are located on the flat alluvial-proluvial plain. Loess like sandy clay layer with a thickness of 2 to 20 m is underlain by pebble layer with sandy clay fill. 112
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On the prevailing area ground water depths are more than 3 m from the ground surface and characterized mainly as non saline (mineralization level within the range of 0-1 g/l) (below Table). Area of water logged soils in the project area Irrigated area (ha)
Mineralized GW area (ha): 0-1 g/l 1-3 g/l
GWL area (ha): 0-1 m
1-1.5 m
1.5-2 m
2-3 m
3-5 m
Soils. Soil cover is represented by water-logged and semi hydro-morphic soils. Twenty percent of the area is sierozemic-and-meadow, meadow and partially bog-andmeadow soils of loamy texture. There is no saline soil in the project area. Environment. The project territory is located in the ancient Samarkand Oasis. Development of lands for irrigation has resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation. However, poor water management, low system efficiencies and irrigation-induced erosion result in reduction in agricultural production. Realization of the project will introduce better water management, increase the system efficiencies and hence improve living environment and well-being of the population in the project area. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Zarafshan River is the main source of water for the Left Bank Irrigation System. The maximum discharge is 150 m3/s. On the average the total volume of water extracted is about 1.85 km3/year. The Left Bank System consists of three main canals with the capacities as follows: 3 Obvodnoy Dragom Canal (Q= 50 m /s) 3 Yangi Dargom Canal (Q= 50-55 m /s) 3 Stariy Dargom Canal(Q= 40-45 m /s) The efficiency of the main canals is 60-65%. Yangi Canal with a capacity of Q=16 m /s supplies water to PS GUS. 3
Total length of inter-farm canals in the command area of Yangi Dargom Main Canal is 976 km, 23% of which is concrete-lined. Total length of on-farm canals is 2,570 km, only 7% of which is concrete lined. The total length of inter-farm collectors is 380 km including 228 km of open collectors. Inter-farm network
On-farm network
Irrigated area (ha)
Struct ures
Total (m)
Lined (m)
Total (m)
Lined (m)
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects Inter-farm network
On-farm network
Irrigated area (ha)
Struct ures
Total (m)
Inter-farm collectors (m) Nurobod
Lined (m)
Total (m)
Lined (m)
On-farm drainage network (m) SHD Total Structures
Open 27,500
Operation and maintenance. At present operation of Yangi Dargom Main Canal is constrained by poor condition of the concrete lining. Being in operation for long years, canal needs urgent large scale rehabilitation. Cracks in the concrete lining result in excessive seepage, settlement, erosion and collapse of the embankment. This sometimes causes emergency situation. More than 10 km of the canal requires urgent rehabilitation. 4. Assessment of the System 4.1 Yangi Dargom Main Canal The first section of the Yangi Dargom Main Canal (PK:0+00-PK58+00) was built and taken into operation in 1929. The first part of this section (PK:0+00-PK14+50) is a U-shaped section with bottom width b=5 m and height h=5-5.5 m. The channel bed has been washed away due to erosive coarse sediments and is in emergency condition. In the chute part (PK:20+00-PK:35+00), channel bed has also been destroyed due to coarse and suspended sediments, climate and long service life. In the unlined part (PK:35+00-PK:58+00), cross sectional area has been reduced due to planted trees and their roots. The second section of the Canal (PK:58+00-PK+102+00) was built and taken into operation in 1932. Despite annual partial repair of this section, almost half of the canal slopes have been destroyed. In 2005 grouting was done in the banks however severe frost in 20072008 winter destroyed the banks and caused cracks in the concrete lining. Repair works are needed to reinforce this section. Between PK20+00 and PK:102+00 the Canal passes through sandy loam. As the natural ground has slope j=0.005-0.006, thirteen drop structures had been constructed in this section to reduce the slope of the Canal. The average gradient between the drop structures is j=0.0015-0.003. These drop structures also require repair especially in the settling basins damaged by gravel and cobbles. Yangi Dargom Canal has trapezoidal cross section with concrete-lined bed from PK:14+50 to PK:35+00 and from PK:58+00 to PK:102+00. Between PK:35+00 and PK:58, bed of the Canal is earthen and slopes are covered with cobbles. 114
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4.2 GUS-I-II-III-IV Pumping Station GUS PS was constructed in 1975 to pump out water from Yangi Canal for irrigation of 600 ha. Alat PS comprises the following components: i. ii. iii. iv. v.
Approach canal Intake pipes Pumping station building Penstocks Outlet
Design features of Pump Station are as follows:
Model Pumping units Design capacity Irrigated area Lift height Efficiency Electric motor Capacity Efficiency Life of pump/motor (year) Life of electrical equipment Penstock diameter Penstock length
GUS I 300D90 2+1 (reserve) 600 m3/s 600 ha 52 m 0.8 M315L4 250 kW 0.9 8 / 20 20 1020*9 mm 2900 m
GUS II 300D90 2+1 (reserve) 600 m3/s 600 ha 50 m 0.8 M315L4 250 kW 0.9 8 / 20 20 720*7 mm 2425 m
GUS III 300D90 2+1 (reserve) 600 m3/s 600 ha 42 m 0.8 AL-103-4 190 kW 0.9 8 / 20 20 630*6 mm 1545 m
GUS IV 300D90 2+1 (reserve) 600 m3/s 600 ha 48 m 0.8 AL-1032-4 190 kW 0.9 8 / 20 20 426*7 mm 2290 m
During 33 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electrical equipment exhausted their life time and is capable no more to provide all command irrigation areas with required water volume. 5. Land use and agricultural production Total arable land in the command area of Yangi-Dargom Canal is 158,721 hectares Main area of irrigated m land (82%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Average yield of cotton and wheat is 23.4 c/ha and 37.1 c/ha respectively. Crop area (ha) in the project area No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
6,40 11,30 4,90 0,30 0,90 3,30 1,50 1,80
3,30 5,79 2,50 0,20 0,50 1,70 0,80 0,90
3,59 6,28 2,69 0,20 0,50 1,89 0,90 1,00
Samarkand Pasdargom Nurabad
11,33 19,96 8,62 0,50 1,60 5,92 2,71 3,21 53,85
1,49 2,59 1,10 0,10 0,20 0,80 0,30 0,40 6,97
Kashkadarya region 7,31 12,93 5,61 0,30 1,00 3,81 1,70 2,10 34,77
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Crop yields (c/ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
47,2 90,0 20,2 160,0 120,0 110,0 50,0 48,0
54,2 120,0 22,8 170,0 130,0 90,0 55,0 50,0
Samarkand Pasdargom Nurabad 60,0 110,0 21,2 150,0 100,0 85,0 60,0 57,0
52,7 150,0 24,3 120,0 160,0 85,0 51,0 49,0
40,0 95,0 20,8 120,0 120,0 86,0 56,0 49,0
Kashkadarya region 60,2 160,0 25,4 150,0 120,0 98,0 55,0 48,0
6. Legal basis Reconstruction of Yangi-Dargom Canal System in Urgut district of Samarkand Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP704 dated 09.10.2007). Reconstruction of GUS PS in Urgut district of Samarkand Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). FS of the project was developed in compliance with ToR approved by Deputy Prime-Minister of GOU; schedule of preparation was approved by Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Agricultural Produce Processing and Consumables at Cabinet of Ministers of RUz dated 26.01.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Yangi-Dargom Canal System Rehabilitation of canal system Rehabilitation of structure Construction of hydroposts Rehabilitation of inspection roads Component 2: Rehabilitation of GUS Pump Station Replacement of pumps and motors Replacement of hydromechanical and auxiliary equipment; Repair of the superstructure of the build,ng; Repair of crane Repair of penstock Component 3: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement (600 ha) Component 4: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 5: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. 116
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Component 6: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Project Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Dargom Canal Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of Yangi-Dargom Canal System
Rehabilitation of GUS PS
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 4
3-Year O&M Costs -Pump Station - Command Area
1,173,600,000 19,560,000,000
900,000 15,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 13.3 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 455.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 10 Djun Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply to the project area by means of rehabilitation of Djun Canal and rehabilitation of pumping stations;
increase productivity of agriculture infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in the Zangiata (1,500 ha), Yangiyul (9,200 ha) and Chinaz (9,900 ha) administrative districts and comprises 20,600 ha. Djun Canal starts from the Djun-Salar bifurcation point located downstream of the intersection of Salar and Burdjar Canals and runs along the right bank of Chirchik River. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 167,000 of which 90% reside in rural area. The project area is densely populated and per capita irrigated land is 0.12 ha. Irrigated lands are the main source of living and employment of the population. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by severe continental climate with hot summers and moderate winters. Annual mean air temperature recorded in Tashkent Meteorological Station is +13°С (absolute maximum +46°С). Average summer temperature is +26°С. In January, the coldest month, temperatures vary within the range of -3°С to 0°С (absolute minimum -30°С). Annual total precipitation is 350-400 mm/year. Evaporation equals 1400-1550 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heatloving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the mainly hilly alluvial-proluvial plains in the periphery of the alluvial cones of tributaries of the Syrdarya River. Predominantly in the project area groundwater is fresh or slightly mineralized. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper groundwater flux. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. In 23% of the area reclamation condition is unsatisfactory due to water logging. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Aerial distribution of GW levels (m) in the project area (ha) District
Area (ha)
Mineralization in g/l (ha)
Aerial Distribution of GW levels in m (ha)
Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of grey-type soil formation. Irrigation and hydro-geological conditions with stable shallow ground water level determine the type of soils, namely standard-light grey (GWL>5 m), grey (GWL 3-5 m), grey-meadow (GWL 2-3 m), meadow (GWL 1-2 m) and bog soils (GWL<1 m). Soils are subjected to slight salinity. Aerial distribution of salinity levels in the project area (ha) District
Area (ha)
Distribution of Salinity Level (ha) None
20, 275
Environment. Development of lands for irrigation has resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation. Realization of the project will introduce better water management, increase the system efficiencies and hence improve living environment and well-being of the population in the project area. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Djun Canal takes water from Angren River via Salar Canal to irrigate 20,600 hectares of land. Water consumption in the project area (mil. m3/year) District
Water intake Planned
From irr. network
From CDN
Zangiota Total
Specific lengths for inter-farm and on-farm canals are 4 m/ha and 44 m/ha respectively. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Inter-farm canals have 70% efficiency on the average whereas efficiency ratio for on-farm canals is 0.60. Water use efficiency in the field is 60-70%.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Irrigation network in the project area Area (ha)
Struct ures
Zangiota Total
Inter-farm canals (km) Total
On-farm canals (km)
Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available (except in Zangiata District) therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collectordrainage network was constructed with total length of 388 km including 289 km of on-farm collectors. Considerable part of the on-farm collector network is in unsatisfactory state. Collector drainage network in the project area District
Inter-farm (km)
Zangiota Total
On-farm collectrs (km) Total
Operation and maintenance. The main obstacle in the project area is the deterioration of the I&D network due to problems in the O&M. As a result, half of the network requires rehabilitation, 40% of which is urgent. 4. Assessment of the System Djun Main Canal, 55 km long, with a discharge capacity of 32 m3/s was built in two stages. The first section of the Djun Main Canal (PK:0+00-PK360+00) was built and taken into operation in 1927-1928. As it replaced an “aryk” this section has a sinusoidal route with some parts passing through deep cuts. The second section named as “The New Djun Canal” was built in 1931 with an engineering design with a trapezoidal cross-section and sufficient number of check structures ensuring regulated water intake. In the 1960-1963 period, rehabilitation of the first section was made by selective concreting of the earth bed of the canal. However, at present, concrete lining has been deteriorated and in some places has been washed out and collapsed. Similarly most of the structures have been settled and metal parts have been corroded and lost. Rehabilitation of the 20 km long concrete bed section, repair of the 12 km long section passing through embankment and reconstruction of Chinaz 1-2 pumping station located in the tail reach of the canal are required. 5. Land use and agricultural production Arable lands are 96% of the total irrigated lands in the project area. Whereas perennial plants (gardens, vineyards and mulberry trees) occupy 4%. Cotton and wheat prevail in this structure with 37% and 34% respectively. Distribution of irrigated area by land types is shown in the table below: 122
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Crop pattern (ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards Others Total
3,317 738 3,853 30 313 113 266 26 1,244
3,420 100 3,780 150 200 200 154 146 1,050
350 200 70 90 170 70 123 85 342
7,085 1,037 7,7 269 682 382 542 269 2,634
Crop yields (c/ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
42 118 29 145 210 240 20 26
35 110 30 150 205 230 22 29
Zangiota 37 115 31 160 215 235 23 30
6. Legal basis The project proposal was submitted by the BUIS. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Djun Main Canal Technical activities Rehabilitation of Djun Main Canal concrete bed with a total length of 20 km Rehabilitation of Djun Main Canal earth bed with a total length of 12 km Rehabilitation of 8 pumping stations with variable capacity (50-500 l/s) Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm canals and collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm canals and drainage canals Reconstruction of structures on canal (130 pieces) Construction of hydroposts (40 pieces) Land improvement Land levelling Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program 123
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Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc.
Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Project Cost Estimates Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs. Djun Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of Djun Main Canal
Rehabilitation of pumping stations
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs: 4
3-Year O&M Costs -Pump Station - Command Area
391,200,000 2,738,400,000
300,000 2,100,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 5.1 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 629.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 11 Galaba-1 Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale Project Objectives are: (i)
Provision of secure water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Galaba-1 Pump Station,
Increase in productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure on the command area; and
(iii) Increase of water use efficiency through reform of farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Project area is located in northern part of Fergana Valley and occupies 3,872 ha in Yangikurgan rayon of Namangan oblast. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 43,650 of which about 90% reside in rural areas. This part of Fergana Valley is characterized by densely populated area and low income of people. One person of the project area has merely 0,09 ha of irrigated land against 0.27 ha as a whole countrywide. Irrigation lands are the main source of living and employment. Failure of pump station would have an adverse impact on agricultural production and employment resulting in social tensions and other negative consequences. Therefore, rehabilitation of the pump station is socio economically important. Climate. Project area is characterized by sharply continental climate, hot summers and moderate frosts in winter. According to data form Kasansai weather station average monthly air temperature in summer varies from +22.9 to +25.40С, average maximum temperature - within +30.3 +32.80С. Average winter temperature is -1.70С to +0.80С, average absolute minimum -220С. Precipitations are 328 mm/year that is 4 times less than annual evaporability value. Most precipitation is in winter-spring period. In spring precipitations often have a shower character contributing to soil erosion. Long frost-free period (219-230 days) and high amount effective temperatures above 100OС (4100-43000С) allow for cultivation of most heat-loving crops. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. The project area is located in the middle and peripheral part of ancient detrital cone of the Padshaata River within adyr depression. Relief is weakly split (alternation of elevated sites and depressions) with absolute levels 900-1325 m and total slope southward. Area is formed with deposits of quaternary and neogene age. Neogene deposits are as interstratified layer of conglomerates and siltstone located at 35 m depth. Quaternary deposits are loess like and dense loam with thickness 0.4-10 m under laid by pebbles and sand with lens like inter layers of about 34.5 m. GWL is at depth more than 35 m, in depression to 3 m, slightly mineralized (3-5 g/l by dense residue), sulfate and magnesium type. Soils. Soil cover represented by typical grey soil formed in conditions of desert soil formation without ground water influence. In depressions there are grey-meadow soil (GWL 3-5 m) which are identical to dark grey soils. In texture medium loam prevails and locally there are pebbles at the depth of 0.4-0.1 m. On steep slopes there are outcropping of paternal
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
rocks. Soils are not saline, not gypsiferous, low provided with humus and nutrients, affected by erosion. Environment. With land reclamation for irrigation the original steppe ecosystem has practically disappeared, changing of flora and fauna species took place. Development of irrigation predetermined intensive growth of cultivated vegetation. At present tree plantations in the project rayons are 34% of total land use area. Project implementation will stimulate further increase of flora and fauna diversity contributing to environment improvement. 3. Irrigation и drainage infrastructure Water supply for irrigation. Main source of surface water resources is Eskier reservoir from which intake canal of Galaba-1 PS takes water and supply to the height 182.64 m to outfall structure which is intake of Galaba-2 PS which in its turn lift water to 190 m for irrigation of adyrs. Project area experiences sharp shortage of irrigation water in connection with that pumping station doesn’t provide water volume required for irrigation. Water supply is low in vegetation period resulting in yield loss, reduction of incomes, decreased tax returns to the state budget and other payments from enterprises processing agricultural produce. Irrigation. Length of inter-farm canals in project area is 40 km, on-farm – 119 km. Specific length 10 and 31 m respectively per one ha of irrigated area. Half of interfarm and main network is in the earthen bed and its efficiency is 0.89. 91% of on-farm network is earthen bed (efficiency is 0.79). Efficiency of the irrigation network is 77%. Water use efficiency in the field is from 60 to 70%. In the project area it is required to construct one pumping station for irrigation, rehabilitation of 19.7 km of main and inter-farm network. On 770 ha it is required to rehabilitate irrigation lands. To increase water use efficiency use it is proposed to construct drip irrigation system on 70 ha for irrigation of gardens и vineyards and sprinkling system for irrigation of vegetables on 64 ha. Drainage. Prevailing area is located in conditions of natural ground water outflow and doesn’t require artificial draining except for local depressions. Operation and Maintenance levels of the irrigation and drainage infrastructure decreased by about 50% of the total length of inter-farm canals requires rehabilitation, 40% of it immediately. More than 40% of the on-farm irrigation canals are to be rehabilitated. Also significant part of the drainage network needs rehabilitation. 4. Assessment of Galaba-1 PS 4.1 Review and specifications Cascade of pumping station was commissioned in 1985 for serve 3872 ha and comprises the following components: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Approach canal with intake; intake structure; suction pipelines; НС building; building of control panel (CP) and switchgear (SG); discharge pipelines; and escape structure combined with PS-2 intake.
Design characteristics of НС are as follows: Main power equipment Type Number of pump units
CN3000-197 6 (5+1 reserve) 128
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0,61 m3/sec 4,0 m3/sec 3,5 m3/sec 3,872 ha (net) 3,872 ha (net) 182,64 m 0,77 SDNZ-15-64-6 УЗ 2500 kWt 6000 V 1000 r/min 0,96 16 years 20-25 years
Capacity of one pump Required design capacity Existing water supply of pump units Area of irrigation Existing area of irrigation Lift Efficiency Motor Capacity Voltage Speed of rotation Efficiency Life time of pump/ motor Life time of electric equipment
During 23 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electrical equipment exhausted their life time and is capable no more to provide all command irrigation areas with required water volume. 4.2 Assessment of individual components (1) Approach canal with intake are constructed with concrete lining. Condition is satisfactory. (2 Intake structure of docking type has intake chambers which number corresponds to pump unit number. Trash rack installed in each chamber at present are cleaned manually from the bridge. Bottom gates are equipped with hand lifters. (3) Suction pipes – steel d=1220 mm, direct-flow and backfilled. It is required to replace pipelines of siphon type to exclude sedimentation and improve conditions of pump unit operation. (4) PS building. Substructure where all power equipment is located constructed in mass RC which leaked now due to cement leaching. It is required complete cementation of about 50% of wells. Superstructure requires glazing, roofing replacement, finishing with whitewashing and painting. (5) Building of CP and SG also requires replacement and finishing with whitewashing and painting. (6) Electro technical section. Electrical equipment of PS exhausted its life time and requires complete replacement of motors. Particularly worn out are: switchgear, capacitor bushings, arresters, current transformer and capacitors. Existing 6 kWt switchgear should be replaced with update high-voltage. According to the above reasons it is required to replace transformer and 0.4 kV control board completely. Electrotechnical control equipment is out of date and doesn’t provide for required degree of technological processes. (7) Discharge pipelines. 25% of discharge pipeline d=1420 mm and d=1220 mm of 13.6 km length requires replacement, also it is required to replace pressure relief valves and air intake valve. (8) Discharge structure. It is required to replace concrete lining partially.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
5. Land use и agricultural production Owing to water supply by pumping station «Galaba-1» 3872 га located in Yangikurgan rayon of Namangan oblast is irrigated. 49% of area is under cotton and wheat. Gardens, vineyards and mulberries occupy 34% of irrigated lands. Additionally, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Average crop yield of main crops of cotton and wheat is 18,6 ц/га и 31ц/га respectively. Without rehabilitation of НС, due to wearing of equipment agricultural production of irrigation lands will be fully lost (please see the table below). Crop yield and production loss in project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Crops Arable land Winter wheat Cotton Potatoe Vegetables Watermelons Maize for silo Perennial plants Gardens Vineyards Mulberries
Area, ha
Area, %
2552 1648 458 95 190 25 136 1320 810 435 75
66,0 42,3 11,8 2,5 4,9 0,7 3,5 37,0 20,9 11,2 1,9
Yield, cwt/ha
Gross yield, t Losses, t
31 18,6 140 150 140 130
5106 853 1330 2850 350 1768
5106 853 1330 2850 350 1768
30,6 40,5 25
2479 1760 188
2479 1760 188
For creation of job opportunities и provision of the necessary facilities for population on alternative irrigation area, in case of non rehabilitation of pumping station, US$88,6 mln of investment will be required 9 In area affected by pumping station, animal husbandry is well developed, which is characterized by the following indicators (2004): Total number of cattle, Including cows Sheep and goat poultry Production of meat – total (dead weight) Including cattle sheep and goats poultry milk wool eggs
3347 head 1428 head 1460 head 5005 head 1104 t 738 t 364 t 32 t 590 l 150 t 73 mln pcs
6. Legal framework FS for Rehabilitation of Galaba-1 PS in Yangikurgan rayon of Namangan oblast was developed in accordance with Decree of President of Uzbekistan (#ПП-216 of 08.11.2005). 9
In the estimates there were taken into account the costs on irrigation-ameliorative preparation which equals to US$ 5 thous. per hectare, and US$ 4 thous. for the construction of other production and social objects on the new lands, in total US$ 9,0 thous. per hectare. 130
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7. Project Components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Galaba НС Technical activities Project provides for to: replace main power equipment (pumps SN3000-197 with motors, type SDN3-15-6464з); replace auxiliary and electrotechnical equipment; install new control instrumentation signaling to computer of control panel; repair pumping station building with walls’ cementation of substructure; replace suction pipelines; rehabilitate auxiliary TWS, drainage, etc. replace crane equipment; replace opening part of discharge pipelines; Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation и drainage infrastructure and irrigation lands Technical activities Rehabilitation of dam on mud flow channel Bskovotsai ( 41 m3/sec) – 600 m Rehabilitation of main/inter-farm network and hydraulic structures 1. Podshaata Canal – 10,7 km 2. Khodikent Canal (PК 70 to PК135+67) – 6,5 km 3. Podshaata bank protection works (PК 110+00 to PК 135+00) – 2.5 km Construction of irrigation НС (4 m3/ sec) - 1 unit Rehabilitation of irrigation lands - 770 ha Construction of drip (70 ha) and sprinkling (64 ha) systems Machinery and equipment Procurement of excavators и other equipment Component 3: Institutional development Capacity building of water management institutions (BAIS, AIS, НС management, etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers и laboratory equipment Assistance in WUA development Procurement of vehicles, computers и laboratory equipment Conducting of training program for farmers Field farmer’s schools, demonstration plots, etc Component 4: Technical assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring и assessment implementation project Procurement of equipment for monitoring of почв и water Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Project Components Galaba-1
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
7,705,190,400 782,400,000
5,908,888 600,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Maps Location of project area. 10. Remarks With a heights of pumping of 183 m, the economic rate of return is negative. Project costs per Ha of irrigated land are US$ 4,083.5.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 12 Hazarbag-Akkapchıguy Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of increasing the capacity of Tupolang Reservoir to 470 million m3;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated lands of the Sherabad Steppe in the command area of the Hazarbag-Akkapchiguy System in north-eastern part of Surkhandarya Oblast. The project area is a narrow stripe stretching from Tupolang Reservoir in the south-western direction. Total command area is 76,420 hectares including Altinsay (14,740 ha), Bandikhan (2,750 ha), Baysun (3,750 ha), Denau (13,450), Kumkurgan (4,210), Sariasya (220 ha), Sherabad (28,500 ha) and Shurchi (8,800 ha) districts. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 266,200 of which 229,500 (86%) reside in rural area. Due to extreme natural conditions, distribution of the population is uneven in the project area. Irrigated lands are an important source of living and employment of the population. Therefore lack of irrigation water adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. In addition, house plots also suffer from water shortage. It should be noted that such plots play crucial role in addressing key social and economic issues (employment, food supply, additional income etc.) Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. Annual mean air temperature is 15.6°С (Denau Meteorological Station). Summer air temperatures ranges from +28 to +30°С with daytime temperature of +42-43°С (absolute maximum +47°С). January temperatures are around +2 to +3°С (absolute minimum -27°С). Average precipitation is 360 mm/year (no rainfall during summer) and evaporation equals 1500-1650 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (230-240 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-5000°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Surface of the project area is covered by loamy sediments of 2 m thick underlain by sandstone and siltstone. Main canal’s route passes through loam and sandy clay layer. Flood plains of the small creeks crossing the canal are composed of pebbles and boulders. Along the Akkapchiguy Canal, sections with soil subsidence are observed. Except some spots, depth to groundwater is 3-5 m (and more) in Denau, Baysun and Kumkurgan districts. On the remaining area, especially in Altinsay district, 135
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels (2-3 m and less). Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. On the prevailing area ground is characterized mainly as slightly mineralized (from 01 g/l to 1-3 g/l). Area of water logged soils in the project area District
Reclamation status (%) Good Satis. Unsat
Saline soil %
GW min (g/l) area % 1-3 3-5 >5
GWL (m) area % <2 2-3 3-5 >5
Soils. Soil formation in the project area is desert type with meadow-desert and meadow-grey-brown semi-hydro-morphic subtypes. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization with sulfate- chloride type. In terms of soil fertility, 65% of the area has good to very good quality, less than 10% has poor quality. Environment. Insufficient length of collector drainage network in Denau, Sariasya and Kumkurgan districts resulted in waterlogging in depressions, salinity and hence land degradation. In the remaining areas, especially in Sherabad and Bandikhan districts, unsatisfactory conditions of the collector drainage network mainly because of O&M deficiencies result in the same problems. Realization of the project will avoid further degradation by rehabilitating the I&D network and improving the water management. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Surkhandarya, Dashnabad, Karatag, Tupolang, Sangardak, Khojaipag, Amudarya and Sherabaddarya rivers are the sources of water in the Surkhandarya Oblast. Source of runoff is mainly melting snows and glaciers. As the temporal distribution is uneven (during March-July period 75%, runoff is regulated in the reservoirs. The main reservoirs are South Surkhan and Tupolang. Storage volume of South Surkhan Reservoir has been reduced from 710 to 520 million m3 because of siltation which has worsened the water supply to Sherabad steppe. Construction of Tupolang Reservoir which was designed to improve irrigation water supply to the northern districts of Surkhandarya Oblast had been suspended. In order to supply water to Hazarbag-Akkapchiguy System by gravity, storage capacity of Tupolang Reservoir shall be increased to 470 million m3 and Hazarbag-Akkapchiguy canal system shall be rehabilitated. Actual water consumption in the Tupolang river system has been 870 million m3/year on the average. Irrigation network in the project area was built in during 1960-1975 period. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area 23-40% of inter-farm canals and about 20-24% of on-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. 136
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Irrigation network in the project area Inter-farm canals (m) Total Lined %
On-farm canals (m) Total Lined %
Struct ures
Drainage. Only Baysun, Denau and Kumkurgan districts have natural drainage in the project area. In the remaining part of the area natural drainage is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with a total length of 2,920 km including 320 km of inter-farm and 2,600 km of on-farm collectors. Specific length of inter-farm and on-farm collectors are 6.2 and 43 m/ha respectively. Considerable part of the collector drainage network is in unsatisfactory state. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. Therefore in order to maintain the groundwater at the designed level requires construction of additional on-farm collectors, vertical drainage wells and rehabilitation of the existing network. 4. Assessment of Hazarbag-Akkapchisuy Canal System 4.1 Review and specification Irrigation network in the project area was built in during 1960-1975 period. 4.2 Assessment of individual components (1) Right bank canal: conveys water from Tupolang River to Hazarbag Canal. Discharge capacity of the canal (7,100 m long) shall be increased from 60 m3/s to 110 m3/s and concrete lining shall be repaired. It is also required to reconstruct 9 structures on the canal. (2) Hazarbag Canal: Concrete lining of the earth bed and increasing the discharge capacity to 52 m3/s are proposed activities to reduce infiltration losses and ensure sufficient supply of water. Together with these activities, 76 structures shall be reconstructed. (3) Tupolang-Karatag Canal: Concrete lining of the earth bed and increasing the discharge capacity from 18 m3/s to 37 m3/s are proposed activities to reduce infiltration losses and ensure sufficient supply of water. Together with these activities, 35 structures shall be reconstructed. (4) Akkapchiguy Canal: Concrete lining of the earth bed and increasing the discharge capacity from 24.5 m3/s to 77 m3/s are proposed activities to reduce infiltration losses and ensure sufficient supply of water. Together with these activities, 28 structures shall be reconstructed.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
(5) Bandikhan R-1, R-2 Canals: These canals are the continuation of Akkapchiguy Canal. Their rehabilitation will ensure gravity flow to 23,600 hectares. Rehabilitation of R-1 and R2 canals will allow Bandikhan and Dustlik pumping stations to be taken out of operation. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (70%) is under cotton. In addition melons, vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Crop area (ha) in the project area District
Crop yields (c/ha) in the project area District
6. Legal basis The project is included in the Consolidated List of Priority Investment Proposals (President’s Decree NoP-2789 dated 08.07.2007).The project proposal was prepared using available design estimates and proposals by Amu-Surkhon BUIS. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Irrigation Canal Systems and Construction of Reservoirs Technical activities Rehabilitation of Khazarbag-Akkapchiguy systems of channels - 140 km; Rehabilitation of irrigation network - 50 km; Reconstruction of pumping stations - 10 units; 138
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Reconstruction of Tupolang control facility - 1 unit; Construction of water reservoirs: 1) Tupolang (expanding of capacity to 470 million m3); 2) Khojiipaq (capacity -22 million m3); 3) Sangardak (capacity - 150 million m3); 4) Sherabad (capacity - 40 million m3); 5) Obizarang (capacity - 15 million m3);
Reconstruction of inter-farm system Water Control Structures (WSC) (286 units) and on-farm WCS (730 units); Reconstruction of on-farm irrigation network – 110 km; Bank protection (pitching) works for the total length of 17.2 km (8 km on the Altynsay river, 4 km – the Tupolang river and 5.2 km – the Khojiipaq river).
Component 2: Rehabilitation of Collector Drainage Network Technical activities Construction of drainage collectors (Denau district – 7.0 km and Sherabad district – 9.2 km); Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage network (210 km) Construction of irrigation wells (14 units) Rehabilitation of irrigation wells (8 units) Rehabilitation of vertical drainage wells (40 units) Land improvement and reclamation (2,880 ha) On-farm rehabilitation works (890 ha) Land leveling (3,550 ha) Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Hazarbag Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of reservoir system
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
3-Year O&M Costs - Reservoirs - Command Area
7,824,000,000 11,736,000,000
6,000,000 9,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs:
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 24.2 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 5,731.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 13 Isfayramsay-Shakhımardansay Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area;
increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management; and
The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area is located in the valleys of Isfayramsay and Shakhimardansay rivers on the left bank of Syrdarya River. Total command area is 130,689 hectares including Fergana, Kuva and Kuvasay districts of the Fergana Oblast. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 442,465. The area is densely populated. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of livelihoods and employment of the rurals. However there is a considerable reduction of water supply due to applications in Kyrgyzstan. Therefore lack of irrigation water and deterioration of the network adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. On the other hand, development of irrigated agriculture in the neighboring upperlands has created waterlogging problems in Lagan and some other villages nearby. This has been a serious problem for the local people and the environment. Thus, realization of the project will not only reduce socio-economic but also environmental problems. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. January temperatures are around -3°С. Average summer temperatures is 27°С (with absolute maximum of 46°С). Average precipitation changes from 144-190 mm/year. Annual average evaporation is 1,130-1,350 mm/year. Average annual wind speed varies between 1.5 to 2.6 m/s. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the alluvial-proluvial plains of the valleys of Southern Fergana Rivers. Hydrogeological conditions vary depending on the relief but generally project districts are located in the pinching out zone and has complicated flux depending on the local conditions. Groundwater is fed by seepage and efficiency losses. The surface of the project area is divided by intense irrigation and drainage network with a depth of 1.5-2.5 m. All these factors result in waterlogging and secondary salinization. Soils. Soil cover was formed under conditions of desert soil formation, partially (light) sierozem. Soils are desert-sandy, grey-brown and takyr which are poor in organic content. The sierozem zone however is represented by thick loams rich in nutrients. Depending on the hydrogeological conditions, hydromorphic and semi-hydromorphic soils: meadow-sierozem, meadow desert and meadow-takyr are observed. Where groundwater table is high, there are mainly meadow and marshy-meadow soils.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
The most unfavorable reclamation conditions are observed in Kuva district where saline soils cover 25% of the area. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Project area takes water from Isfayramsay and Shakhimardamsay Rivers. During previous years, due to application in Kyrgyzstan, water supply has reduced by 30-35% resulting in water insufficiency in the 13 WUAs in the project area. On the other hand, development of irrigated agriculture in the neighboring upperlands has created waterlogging problems in Lagan and some other villages nearby. Lagan Canal with a discharge capacity of 15 m3/s transfers water from Isfatramsay to Shakhimardan River. Irrigation. Specific lengths for the inter-farm and on-farm canals are 9.9 and 48.7 m/ha respectively in the project area. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency (60-65%). About 42-69% of the inter-farm canals are concrete lined with an overall average efficiency of 0.85. In order to increase water supply in the project area, it is required to construct 2 and rehabilitate 23 on-farm pump units; construct 71 and rehabilitate 40 irrigation wells. Land reclamation conditions in 3,061 hectares should be improved and 1,230 hectares of land shall be leveled. It is also proposed to install drip irrigation in an area of 135 hectares. Drainage. Total length of the CDN is 1,058 km in the project area including 339 km of inter-farm and 429 km of on-farm collectors. 221 km of on-farm drainage is SHD. Specific lengths for the whole network is 44 m/ha. In order to improve reclamation conditions, it is required to construct new inter-farm collectors of 7.5 km long and rehabilitate 58 km of on-farm drains. 4. Land use and agricultural production Total project area is 130,689 hectares including 69,400 hectares of irrigated lands. The project area is the main producer of cash crops, and in Kuvasay there is no cotton. In total, the orchards and vineyards occupy from 7 to 27 %. Thereupon, the project realization has high priority and significance for this area population. Crop area (ha) and crop yields in the project area District
Crop area (ha) 826 4131
Vegetab le, etc
Kuvasay Total
Crop yields (t/ha) Total
5. Legal basis The project has been proposed by Syrdarya-Sokh BUIS.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
6. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of I&D system 1. Fergana district 3 Construction of Aval-Lagan PS (2 m /sec) for pumping the flow from collector (Aval village) and shifting to Lagan canal for irrigation of 12758 ha; Rehabilitation of PS Fayzabad, and replacement of 10 on-farm PS with vertical head of 30-55m Construction of 39 and rehabilitation of 14 wells for irrigation Rehabilitation of inter-farm and on-farm canals with structures; Rehabilitation and construction of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors Meliorative improvement of irrigated lands and land leveling . 2. Kuva district Replacement of equipment on the ten on- farm PS; Rehabilitation of PS Anor, 0,35 m3/sec Construction (2) and rehabilitation (10) of irrigation wells Rehabilitation of inter-farm and on-farm canals with structures on them; Ameliorative improvement of irrigated lands 3. Kuvasay Construction and rehabilitation of PS Isfayram Shakhmardan for irrigation of 480 ha lands Replacement of the equipment on PS Karakum (0,5 m3/sec) and PS Shark Yulduzi and Pakhta uchun (0,1 m3/sec) Construction of main and inter-farm collectors with length of 4,5 km Construction (30) and rehabilitation (16) of irrigation wells Ameliorative improvement of irrigated lands Construction of tickle irrigation system on 135 ha lands. Component 2: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 3: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 4: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8.
Summary Estimates of Project Costs
Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Isfayram Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of Kuva I&D system
Rehabilitation of Kuvasay I&D system
Rehabilitation of Fergana I&D system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 4
3-Year O&M Costs
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 19.0 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 362.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 14 Kanımeh Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Kanimeh Pumping Station;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in south-eastern part of Navoi Oblast on the right bank of Zarafshan River. Pump station command area is in the Kanimeh administrative district and comprises 18,700 ha. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 174,000 of which 90% reside in rural area. Irrigated lands are the main source of living and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socioeconomic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winters. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +28°С (absolute maximum +43°С). January temperatures are around 0°С. Precipitation is less than 200 mm/year and evaporation equals 1400-1550 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is composed of three geomorphologic complexes:
the second flood plain terrace of the Zarafshan River, the sloping-undulating alluvial-proluvial plain, the proluvial plain of Kanimeh depression
First and second complexes are formed by layers of loams 10-15 m thick with sand and debris strata / lenses underlain by gravel and pebble mix layer 15-20 m thick. Third complex is formed by layers of loam and gypsum mix layer 1.5-4.5 m thick underlain by soft and medium hard sandstones of thickness more than 20 m. There is a single water-bearing stratum in quaternary deposits in the project area. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network, efficiency losses from the irrigated fields and inflow from Zarafshan River are the main sources for high groundwater levels. 149
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Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. On the prevailing area, depth to ground water is 5 m or more from the ground surface and characterized mainly as slightly mineralized (from 1-3 g/l to 3-5 g/l) with sulfatehydrocarbonate and sodium-magnesium. Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of desert type soil formation. Grey-brown soils and their hydro-morphic sub-type are the most common types. For desert soils, gypsumbearing horizons of varying depths with low content of humus is typical. Medium texture soils dominate varying from heavy clay loams to sandy clays. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization with slightly and medium saline soils dominating. Saline spots are common in the project area. Environment. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural desert ecosystem. Composition of flora and fauna has drastically changed. Realization of the project will contribute to the further development of species diversity of cultivated vegetation and will promote environmental improvement. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. The Zarafshan River is the main source of water resources from which Kanimeh 1 Pumping Station supplies water to the project area of 18,700 ha. Specific lengths of inter-farm and on-farm canals are 4.4 and 48.6 m/ha respectively. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area 19% of inter-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition.
Irrigated area (ha) Kanimeh
Inter-farm network Total (km)
On-farm network
Including in concrete
Including in concrete
Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 388 km including 99 km of inter-farm and 289 km of onfarm collectors. Specific length of total network is 20.7 m/ha, considerable part of which is in unsatisfactory state. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. About 40% of the total irrigation drainage network requires rehabilitation, 25% of it immediately. 4. Assessment of Kanimeh 1 Pumping Station 4.1 Review and specification Kanimeh 1 PS was constructed in 1978 to pump out water from Zarafshan River for irrigation of 18,700 hectares.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Design features of Pump Station are as follows:
Model Pumping units Design capacity Existing capacity Lift height (maximum) Installed capacity Electric motor
Kanimeh 1 D12500-24 7 + 2 (reserve) 21.0 m3/s 18.9 m3/s 24 m 11,250 kW SDNЗ16-41-12
1,250 kW
Voltage Rotation frequency Life time of pump/motor
6,000 V 500 rpm 20 years Buried steel pipe (14 strings) of 1020 mm, 3,100 m long 94.6 %
After 30 years of operation most of the hydro mechanical and electrical equipment are about to exhaust their life time. 4.2 Assessment of individual components of Kanimeh 1 PS (1) Approach canal: Earth bed canal with a capacity of 21 m3/s which takes water from the Zarafshan River is in a satisfactory condition however side slopes need to be cleaned. (2) Hydro-mechanical equipment: Insulation parts of the motors have been deteriorated, gears and wheels have been worn out and thermal control system needs to be replaced. (3) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be completely replaced. (4) Penstock: Steel pipelines have been partially worn out. Check valves need to be replaced. (5) PS building: Basement walls need cement injection to avoid leaking. Roof needs to be replaced. Windows, doors and walls need to be repaired (6) Electrical section: Switchgear needs to be replaced. (7) Intake screen and chamber: There is a dock type intake with nine chambers. Steel suction pipes of Ø 1620 mm diameter have been worn out and need to be replaced by Ø 1420 mm diameter pipes. (8) Water outlet: Bucket type outlet requires repair. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (76%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Crop areas, yields and agricultural production in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Winter wheat Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Fodder crops Perennial grass (hay) Gardens Vineyards TOTAL
Area (ha) 7480 6695 1216 131 860 1552 542 224
2002-2004 Yield Production (c/ha) (ton) 24,4 18251 26 17407 124,7 15164 159,5 2089 260 22360 118 18314 50,3 2726 47,9 1073
Area (ha) 7480 6695 1216 131 860 1552 542 224
Project Yield Production (c/ha) (ton) 40 29920 28 18746 140 17024 200 2620 300 25800 130 20176 70 3794 65 1456
6. Legal basis Reconstruction of Kanimeh PS in Navoi Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). The project will be realized in accordance with the protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No:02-29-58) dated 22.02.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Kanimeh-1 Pump Station Building and civil works Restoration of trash racks, replacement of control gates and elevating mechanisms, installation of a rack rake Replacement of sucking pipes of water intake facility Reconstruction of premises of the pumping station Reconstruction of premises of switchgear and command console Replacement of worn out pipes at the penstocks Disassembly of destroyed jacket and concreting of water discharge facility Reconstruction of collector and drainage network on the site of the pumping station and building of drainage pumping station to lower underground water Hydromechanical equipment Replacement of major hydraulic power equipment Replacement of accessory hydraulic and electric equipment Installation of control and measuring equipment Replacement of bridge-type electric single-beam supported crane (20 tons, span 10.5 m) Replacement of drainage pumps of type K (3 units) with new similar ones, lifting works in the drainage room Replacement of heating and ventilation equipment Replacement (15%) of 465 m of pipes at the initial section and air inlet and outlet valves Replacement of collector and drainage network at the site of the pumping station Electromechanical equipment Replacement of all motors of main pumps Replacement of all cells of RU-6kW 152
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Replacement of communication equipment, bushing insulators, charge eliminators, transformers of current and condensers Replacement of transformers and 0.4 kW control board Replacement of relay control and measuring equipment Replacement of cables Replacement of primary elements and control and measuring equipment Replacement of lighting mains, internal and external
Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Land levelling Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Kanimeh Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
19,560,000,000 2,934,000,000
15,000,000 2,250,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is negative. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 2,754.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 15 Water Resources Management ın Upper and Middle Kashkadarya Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of storing excess runoff using reservoirs;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area covers upper and middle reaches of Kashkadarya River Valley and surrounded by foothills of Zarafshan mountain range from the north and foothills of Gissar mountain range from the east and the souh. Total command area is 184,300 hectares including Guzar (35,000 ha), Dekhanabad (3,000 ha), Kamashi (34,800 ha), Kitab (20,300), Chirokchi (30,500), Shakhrisabz (26,100 ha), and Yakkabog (34,600 ha) districts. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 1,370,900 of which 1,124,138 (82%) reside in rural area. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of living and employment of the population. Therefore lack of irrigation water and deterioration of the network adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. Due to significant elevation difference, the project area can be divided into two climatic zones: Upper Kashkadarya (north-eastern part with an average altitude of 900 m) and Middle Kashkadarya (south-western part with an average altitude of 400 m). Middle zone has warmer climate with less precipitation. Annual mean air temperature is 15-17°С (Guzar, Kamashi and Kitab Meteorological Stations). January temperatures can be around -2 to -3°С however average montly temperatures during entire winter remain positive. Average precipitation changes from 200300 mm/year to 600 mm/year depending on the location. Durable frost-free period (219-242 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4700-5800°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located in the upper and middle reaches of the Kashkadarya River Valley and covers vast sloping and undulating prolluvial plain formed by merged cones of Aksu, Tankhaz, Yakkabog, Lyangar and Guzadarya rivers. Plains are composed of Quaternary sediments bedded in upper-tertiary rocks. Proluvial sediments of sloping and undulating plains with a thickness of 10-120 m are macro porous loess-like loam and sandy clay with interlayers of sand and pebbles. Alluvial157
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
proluvial sediments of 4-10 m thick are composed of sandy clays underlain by pebble stone layers more than 70 m thick. Delluvial sediments of river valleys and mild slopes are composed of loam with interlayers of weathered stone and gravel. Commercial reserves of fresh groundwater aquifer with a yield of 6.7 m3/s have been identified in Kitab-Shakhrisabz zone. Depth to groundwater is 3-5 m (and more) in the majority of the project area. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels (2-3 m in depressions between watersheds and 1-2 m along the irrigation canals). Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. On the prevailing area ground is characterized as fresh and slightly mineralized (upto 3 g/l). Aerial distribution of GW levels (m) in the project area (ha) District
Total Area (ha)
Aerial Distribution of GW levels in m (ha)
0-1 100
1.0-1.5 300
1.5-2.0 1,800
2-3 6,500
3-5 12,300
>5 14,000
Aerial Distribution of GW mineralization (g/l) in the project area (ha) Aerial Distribution of GW mineralization in g/l (ha)
District Guzar
0-1 -
1-3 3,700
3-5 11,100
3-5 18,800
>10 1,400
Soils. Soil formation in the project area is grey-desert type with light and typical grey subtypes. The boundary of these groups coincide with the boundary of Upper and Middle zones defined above. Areas with ground water level close to 5 m have hydro-morphic types of grey soil: meadow-grey and meadow soils. All types of soils have average and heavy-loam texture.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Upper zone has good GW flux and non-saline or slightly saline lands. Whereas Middle zone is inter-mountain depression oasis type with impeded GW flux caused by poor drainage of river bed resulting in salinization. Total area (ha)
Bonitet ratio
Saline soils (ha)
Land condition (ha)
Environment. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of water contamination and land degradation in the project area. Unsatisfactory conditions of the irrigation and drainage network mainly because of O&M deficiencies result in problems like considerable infiltration losses, soil erosion, waterlogging and salinity. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural ephemeral steppe ecosystem. Deterioration of I&D infrastructure, poor O&M activities reinforced with acute shortage of water and climate change adversely affects land condition, environment and well-being of the population especially in dry years. Realization of the project will avoid further degradation by rehabilitating I&D network and improving the water management. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Kashkadarya River and its tributaries Aksu, Tankhaz, Yakkabogdarya, Jinnidarya, Karasu, Lyangar and Guzardarya are the sources of water in the Kashkadarya Oblast. In addition, there are also seasonal streams Ayakchisay, Shurabsay and Kumdarya. Besides these, there are approximately 150 mountain creeks longer than 10 km and about 3,000 creeks shorter than 10 km. Only 25% of the land in the Kashkadarya Oblast is being irrigated by water pumped from Amudarya. Total average surface runoff from the Kashkadarya Basin is 43 m3/s or 1.34 km3/year. Total annual discharge of the main rivers (excluding mountain creeks) varies from 20 to 73 m3/s. Other sources for irrigation are groundwater and collector-drainage water. Use of collector drainage water is constrained by mineralization level of the effluent and soil conditions. In order to store excess runoff, 13 reservoirs are operated and 4th Stage of Kizilsu Reservoir is being designed. Over the last five years, the ratio of water supply to water demand in the project area has been in the range of 54-72%. There are ten major irrigation systems functioning in the project area. Systems in the Upper Kashkadarya zone are fed by Kashkadarya and Jinnidarya rivers. Chimkurgan Reservoir supplies water to the systems in the Middle Kashkadarya zone. Zarafshan River is the source of water for Eskiangar Canal which is renamed as Sandal Canal after crossing Kashkadarya River. Guzar System takes water from Amudarya River via Karshi Main Canal and discharges into Pachkamar Reservoir during dry years.
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In the project area 73% of inter-farm canals and 7% of on-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. Irrigation network in the project area Inter-farm canals (km) Total Lined %
On-farm canals (km) Total Lined %
Area (ha)
Struct ures
Drainage. As natural drainage is not sufficient in the project area in order to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields collector-drainage network was constructed with a total length of 2,385 km including 740 km of inter-farm and 1,645 km of on-farm collectors. Subsurface horizontal drainage serves 30% of the irrigated lands. Specific length of inter-farm and on-farm collectors are 4 and 8.93 m/ha respectively. Considerable part of the collector drainage network is in unsatisfactory state. Drainage network in the project area District Guzar
Inter-farm collectors (m)
On-farm drainage network (m) Open SHD Total 359,300
VDW 12 -
Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. Therefore in order to maintain the groundwater at the designed level requires construction of additional on-farm collectors, vertical drainage wells and rehabilitation of the existing network. 4. Assessment of the Systems 4.1 Review and specification In order to increase water supply to irrigated lands and store excess runoff during floods, following measures are proposed: (1) Ayakchisaray Reservoir: Construction of the Ayakchisaray Reservoir will provide water for irrigated lands in Kitab District by gravity and avoid the need for using 4 pumping 160
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
stations on the Ankhor Canal. Components are embankment, sluiceway, spillway, water inlet structure, and the access road. (2) Guldarya Reservoir: Construction of Guldarya Reservoir (with a capacity of 2.5 million m3) on Guldarya River will increase the water supply for irrigated lands in Yakkabog District. Components are embankment, sluiceway, and spillway. (3) Kizilsu Reservoir: Increasing the capacity of Kizilsu Reservoir (4th Stage) will increase the water supply for irrigated lands in Yakkabog District. (4) Beshkutan Canal: Construction of Beshkutan Canal will increase water supply to Lyangdarya system with a command area of 2,500 ha in Kamashi by conveying water from Yakkabogdarya system. Canal will be 9,300 m long with a maximum capacity of 2 m3/s. Reservoir Ayakchisaray
Middle reaches of the Ayakchisaray River, 35 km from Kitab City
Guldarya River, upstream of Chubran Village
Turnabulak River, between Nugaili and Utrakishlok villages
Homogenous earth fill dam with rip rap on both sides
Homogenous earth fill dam with rip rap on both sides
Crest length (m)
Homogenous earth fill dam with concrete pavement (20 cm) on the upstream side 874
Crest width (m)
Height (m) Sluiceway capacity (m3/s) Spillway capacity (m3/s)
Location Maximum capacity (million m3) Useful capacity (million m3) Dam type
5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (76%) is under wheat and cotton. In addition melons, vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Crop area (ha), current yield and yield increase after the project in the project area Current Yield (c/ha)
Yield Increase
Production Increase (ton)
Area, (ha)
Area, (%)
Arable land
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Other trees
6. Legal basis The project has been proposed by Amu-Kashkadarya BUIS to be included in the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Different components were designed by Uzdavsuvloyikha Institute and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Irrigation Canal Systems and Construction of Reservoirs Construction of Akchisay water reservoir in Kitab district Construction of Guldarya flood silt trap th Completion of 4 stage of Kyzylsuy water reservoir construction Construction and reconstruction of Beshkutan canal Component 2: Rehabilitation of Collector Drainage Network Construction of irrigation wells (71 units) Rehabilitation of irrigation wells (20 units) Rehabilitation of vertical drainage wells (27 units) Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm canals (202 km) and structures (274 units) Rehabilitation of on-farm canals (7,589 km), structures (131 units) and hydroposts (151 units) Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors (10.5 km) Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors (15.4 km) Construction of drip irrigation systems (6,054 ha) Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Kashkadarya Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation / Construction of Reservoirs
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Command area - Reservoirs
22,168,000,000 5,216,000,000
17,000,000 4,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 3.5 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 703.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 16 Kuyumazar-Khamza-Kızıltepa Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Kuyumazar, Khamza 1 (1st and 2nd stages), Khamza 2 and Kiziltepa Pumping Stations;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Project covers irrigated areas in the middle-eastern part of Bukhara Oblast on the right bank of the Amudarya River. Kuyumazar Pumping Station (including floating pump stations FPS-1 and FPS-2) is 20 km away from Kagan Town and takes water from the 1st Stage of Amu-Bukhara Pumped Canal. Khamza-1 Pumping Station lifts water coming from Kuyumazar PS to supply water for 99,400 hectares of irrigated lands in Peshku (22,600 ha), Romitan (27,600 ha), Bukhara (30,000 ha), Kagan (18,300 ha) and Jandor (900 ha) districts of Bukhara Oblast. Khamza-2 and Kiziltepa pumping stations take water from the 2nd Stage of Amu-Bukhara Pumped Canal. Kiziltepa Pumping Station serves 22,600 hectares of land in Kiziltepa District of Navoi Oblast. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 1.3 million of which 75% are involved in agricultural production. Irrigated lands are the main source of livilihoods and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winters. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +28°С (absolute maximum +43°С). January temperatures are around 0°С. Precipitation is less than 200 mm/year and evaporation equals 1400-1550 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the second flood plain terrace of the Zarafshan River. The surface of undulating alluvial plain is covered with fine sediments of agricultural activities (2.5 m thick) origin underlain by sand layer of 7.5 m thick. At 10 m depth, gravel-pebble layer starts. Infiltration rates are 0.04-0.50 m/day, 0.5-2.5 m/day and 20-35 m/day respectively for top soil, sand layer and gravel-pebble profile.
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Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. On the prevailing area, depth to ground water varies from 1 to 3 m from the ground surface and characterized mainly as slightly mineralized (from 1-3 g/l to 3-5 g/l) with some salinized (5-10 g/l) areas. Distribution of Salinity level (ha) District
0-1 g/l
Distribution of Groundwater level (ha)
1-3 g/l
3-5 g/l
5-10 g/l
1.5-2 m
2-3 m
1-1.5 m
>3 m
Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of desert type soil formation. Irrigation and hydrogeological features of the project area resulted in hydro-morphous subtypes of desert soils, namely meadow and meadow-desert soils depending on the groundwater level. Medium textured and heavy clay loams dominate. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization with slightly and medium saline soils dominating. Saline spots are common in the project area. Salinity in the project area is sulfate and chloride-sulfate type. Reclamation state of the soils is satisfactory however their Bonitet ratio has been reduced. Saline soils (ha)
Land condition (ha)
Bonitet ratio
Area (ha)
Environment. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural desert ecosystem. Composition of flora and fauna has drastically changed. Realization of the project will contribute to the further development of species diversity of cultivated vegetation and will promote environmental improvement.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Amudarya River is the main source of water resources from which Khamza-1, Khamza-2 and Kuyumazar Pumping Stations supply water to the project area of 122,000 ha. Kuyumazar PS is operated all year round supplying water to Shakhrud Canal for irrigation during vegetation season and to Kuyumazar Reservoir during non-vegetation season. Kiziltepa PS pumps water to Shafirkan Branch Canal and Kharkhur Branch Canal for irrigation. Specific length of inter-farm canals is 3.4 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of on-farm canals is 49.4 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area respectively 80% and 13% of inter-farm and on-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. The technical conditions of irrigation net is given below. Inter-farm network
Irrigated area (ha)
Total (km)
Lined (km)
Total (km) Lined (km)
On-farm network %
Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 2,476 km including 813 km of inter-farm and 1,663 km of on-farm collectors. West Romitan Collector 85,600 m long with a capacity of 35 m3/s is the main outlet for the project area and is in a satisfactory state with some sections requiring rehabilitation and cleaning. Specific length of total network is 24.9 m/ha, considerable part of which is in unsatisfactory state. District
Inter-farm collectors (m)
On-farm drainage network (m) SHD Total
Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate and requires rehabilitation, 25% of it immediately.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
4. Assessment of Pumping Stations 4.1 Review and specification Khamza and Kuyumazar pumping stations which take water from the 1st Stage of Amu Bukhara Pumped Canal were constructed in 1965. Due to reduction in the capacity of Kuyumazar PS, two floating pumping stations (FPS-1 and FPS-2) were constructed in 1981. In order to meet the water demand of the expanded irrigated areas, Khamza-Auxiliary PS was constructed in 1982. Khamza-2 and Kiziltepa pumping stations which take water from the 2nd Stage of Amu Bukhara Pumped Canal were constructed in 1974 and 1975 respectively. Design features of Pump Stations are as follows: Kuyumazar Model Pumping units Design capacity (m3/s) Existing capacity (m3/s) Lift height (static) (m) Lift height (dynamic) (m) Installed capacity Electric motor Power (kW) Voltage (V) Rotation frequency (rpm) Life time of pump/motor Penstock
OP-110-185E OP-11-193E 6 100 85 17.5-21.0 18.0-24.0 100 Synchronal vertical 5,000 6,000 333 25 Steel pipe l=70 m 6*2840 mm
FPS-1 & FPS-2
Khamza Aux.
12 + 2 reserve 35 35 22 28 35 Synchronal horizontal 2,500 6,000 500 25 Buried steel pipe 2*1420 mm
9 + 1 reserve 64 56 45.0-46.5 48.5-50.6 64
30 + 6 reserve 40 30 46 55 40
SDN 317-44-8-43
5,000 6,000 333 25 Steel pipe l=750 m 2*3640 mm 82-86-Russia 89-91-China 89-91-USA
1,600 6,000 750 25
Khamza-2 Model
Design capacity (m3/s) Existing capacity (m3/s)
135 126
Lift height (static) (m)
Installed capacity Electric motor Power (kW) Voltage (V) Rotation frequency (rpm) Life time of pump/motor
V20-13/45 V14-14/65 3 + 1 reserve 5 + 1 reserve 108.6 92 40.0-43.5 64.5-67.5 43.5-47.5 70.5-73.7 108.6
Pumping units
Lift height (dynamic) (m)
52.3-54.1 135 Synchronal horizontal 2,500 6,000 500 25 169
Kiziltepa Aux. D6300-80 26 30 24 68 75
SDN 317-44-8-43
5,000 6,000 333 25
1,600 6,000 750 25
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Buried steel pipe 2*Ø1420 mm
Steel pipe l=750 m 2* Ø 3640 mm
Kiziltepa Aux.
4.2 Assessment of individual components of Kuyumazar PS Being in operation for 43 years against 20 years of the standard operation time all the main hydro-mechanical and electro-mechanical equipment have been deteriorated resulting in the reduction of the capacity of the pump station from 100 m3/s to 85 m3/s.
Intake chamber: unsatisfactory state; Penstock: unsatisfactory state (in some places outbreak of pipelines); Outlet works: it is necessary to replace grooving structures and hydro-mechanical equipment; Supporting systems: it is necessary to rehabilitate process water supply, drainage, ventilation and heating systems; Motors: it is necessary to completely replace electric motors of VDS325/44-18 type; Electric equipment: completely exhausted its operational lifetime; need to be completely replaced; Pump station building: subbasement and infrastructure need capital repairs.
4.3 Assessment of individual components of FPS-1 & FPS-2
Equipment of the floating pumping stations is worn-out: needs to be replaced. Pontoons suffer heavy abrasive and corrosive wear that may result in immersion.
4.4 Assessment of individual components of Khamza-1 PS
Motors and basic hydro-mechanical and electrical equipment need to be completely replaced. Trash-rack structure (screen) can no longer copes with the workload. Intake chamber fails to supply water to the end pumps; Casing of the penstock is heavily worn-out and needs to be replaced; Outlet structure is in unsatisfactory state and requires partial restoration of concrete casing at the outlet area. Drainage system requires complete replacement; Disc shutters, oil pressure installation, compressors are worn-out and morally outdated; they need to be completely replaced; Crane crampon needs to be replaced; Electric equipment – standard operational lifetime; it is necessary to completely replace transformers and RU-0,4kV.
4.5 Assessment of individual components of Khamza Auxiliary PS
It is necessary to replace low-capacity pump units (30 units); It is necessary to perform construction and erection works to improve operational conditions.
4.6 Assessment of individual components of Khamza-2 and Kiziltepa PS
As motor, main hydro-mechanical and electrical equipment, steel penstock pipes are all in poor conditions it is recommended necessary to completely reconstruct the pumping stations.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Investment proposals envisage two alternatives of rehabilitation of the pump station “Khamza-1”: (1) construction of new pump station “Khamza-1a” and (2) reconstruction of the existing pump stations “Khamza-1” and “Khamza-auxiliary” 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (67%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Crop pattern in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Crops Arable land Winter wheat Other grains Maize for sillage Cotton Potato, vegetable & cucurbits Annual grasses Perennial grasses Irrigated fallows Gardens Vineyards Other trees Seedling
Area (%)
Area (ha)
87.5 23.8 0.6 1.6 43.7 5.1 0.7 12.0 1.3 3.5 2.9 4.8 11.9
87,000 23,700 600 1,600 43,400 5,100 700 11,900 1,300 3,500 2,900 4,800 11,800
Crop yields (c/ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
64.1 169.1 31.2 199.3 251.4 234.9 112.5 188.8
61.4 118.1 27.6 244.6 259.9 260.7 115.7 130.5
55.6 156.2 28.5 222.4 196.3 197.7 56.6 97.4
61.9 110.2 32.3 242.2 286.5 265.1 147.3 141.8
62.0 121.9 33.7 225.0 226.5 228.2 95.9 102.4
32 20 51 90 91 75
6. Legal basis The project will be realized in accordance with the President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005) “On the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2006” and the approved Protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the RUz (No 2/1-397 dated 23.06.2006) regarding consideration of the investment projects planned to be financed and co-financed by the Reconstruction and Development Fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Kuyumazar & Khamza-1 Pumping Stations Kuyumazar Pumping Station Complete reconstruction of the pumping station infrastructure Rehabilitation of the pumping station sub-basement 171
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Replacement of the hydro-mechanical equipment Installation of SCADA system
Relocation of FPS-1 and FPS-2 Construction of intake canal with intake chamber and diversion works Installation of suction pipelines Construction of pump station building Construction of switchyard and control building Installation of penstock Installation of pump units Construction of outlet units Construction of drainage system
Khamza-1 Pumping Station (Construction of the new PS alternative) Extension of the approach canal (1,200 m) Construction of pumping station Extension of lift canal (1,150 m) Construction of access roads Diversion works Construction of switchyard and control building Supply of 220 kV power transmission line, transformers and distribution structures Khamza-2, Kiziltepa and Kiziltepa Auxiliary Pumping Station Replacement of the hydro-mechanical equipment Installation of SCADA system Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm canals Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Land levelling Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. 172
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Project Components Kuyumazar-Khamza-Kiziltepa
Rehabilitation of pumping station Kuyumazar Relocation of pumping station Kuyumazar FPS-1 & FPS-2 Construction of pumping station Khamza-1 Rehabilitation of pumping station Khamza-1 Aux. Rehabilitation of pumping station Khamza-2 Rehabilitation of pumping station Kiziltepa Rehabilitation of pumping station Kiziltepa Aux.
40,000,000,000 5,000,000,000 30,000,000,000 15,000,000,000 50,000,000,000 40,000,000,000 15,000,000,000
30,674,847 3,834,356 23,006,135 11,503,067 38,343,558 30,674,847 11,503,067
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Investment Costs:
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Stations - Command Area
211,900,000,000 23,472,000,000
16,250,000 1,800,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 8.9 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 3,491.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 17 Navoı Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Navoi Pumping Station;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Navoi Pumping Station takes water from the Shafirkan branch of AmuBukhara Pumped Canal in Navoi Oblast. The project covers 16,260 hectares of irrigated area in the Kiziltepa and Navoi districts between Kiziltepa-Navoi Highway and railway. Navoi Canal crosses the project area in the east-west direction. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 50,000 of which 75% reside in rural area. Irrigated agriculture is main source of living and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winters. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +28°С (absolute maximum +40°С). January temperatures are around 0°С. Precipitation is less than 200 mm/year with no rainfall in summer. Evaporation equals 1300-1500 mm/year. Relative air humidity is extremely low and goes down to 36% during summers. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heatloving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and geomorphologic complexes:
the third flood plain terrace of the Zarafshan River in the middle part and a strip along the northern border of the project area , the flat-undulating alluvial-proluvial piedmont plain in the southern part of the project area, the high plain of Kiziltepa plateau in the western part of the project area
The first complex is a slightly dissected plain with a gradient of 0.005-0.006. The surface is formed by deposits of gypsum and sediment deposits 1-5 m thick underlain by gravel. The second complex is a piedmont flat-undulating plain of the Zirabulak-Ziatdin range of mountains with a continuous gradient of 0.007-0.015 and with an extensive network 176
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
of small gorges and dry valleys. The surface of is covered with gypsum, loamy clays and sandy clays. Beds of the small gorges and dry valleys are covered with gravel and stones. Third complex is the high plain of Kiziltepa plateau with a gradient of 0.008-0.017 with an extensive network of small gorges and dry valleys. The surface is formed by layers of gypsum and fine sediments underlain by neogene conglomerates. Hydrogeologically, the area is divided into three parts:
secured groundwater outflow zone, pinching out zone, impeded groundwater flux zone
On the project area, depth to ground water varies and characterized mainly as slightly mineralized (3-5 g/l) with sulfate-sodium-carbonate. Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of desert type soil formation. Grey-brown soils and their hydro-morphic sub-type are the most common types. For desert soils, gypsumbearing horizons of varying depths with gypsum content of 25-30% (and sometimes more) is typical. Medium texture soils dominate with fine loams and sandy clays. The humus and mineral content of the soil is low. Salinization is low in the project area. Environment. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural semi-desert ecosystem. Composition of flora and fauna has drastically changed. Realization of the project will contribute to the guaranteed water supply. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. The Amudarya River is the main source of water from which Navoi Pumping Station supplies water to the project area of 16,260 ha (12,610 ha in Navoi, 3,650 ha in Kiziltepa districts). Water is pumped 65 meters to Navoi Pumped Main Canal from the Shafirkan branch of Amu-Bukhara Pumped Canal. Actual capacity of the PS is 16.5 m3/s whereas design capacity was 18 m3/s. Specific length of inter-farm canals is 1,87 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of on-farm canals is 37,4 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area 45% of inter-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. Drainage. Given the specific hydrogeological and reclamation conditions in the project area, existing collector drainage network shall be rehabilitated together with extension of the network. The collector-drainage network has a total length of 406,5 km including 145,5 km of inter-farm and 261 km of on-farm collectors. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. About 40-50% of the total irrigation drainage network requires rehabilitation, 15% of it immediately. 4. Assessment of Navoi Pumping Station 4.1 Review and specification Navoi PS was constructed in 1979 to pump out water from Shafirkan Canal for irrigation of 16,260 hectares.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Design features of Pump Station are as follows:
Model Pumping units Design capacity Existing capacity Lift height (maximum) Installed capacity Electric motor
Voltage Rotation frequency Life time of pump/motor
Navoi D6300-80 (24 NDS) 12 + 2 (reserve) 18.0 m3/s 16.5 m3/s M kW SDN15-64-8 Uz 2,000 kW (for 6 units) 1,600 kW (for 6 units) 6,000 V 750 rpm 16 years steel pipe (2 strings) of 3240 mm, 2200 m long
After 29 years of operation most of the hydro mechanical and electrical equipment are about to exhaust their life time. 4.2 Assessment of individual components of Navoi PS (1) Approach canal: Earth bed canal which takes water from the Shafirkan Canal is in a satisfactory condition however needs to be cleaned. (2) Hydro-mechanical equipment: Existing pump units have been completely exhausted their economic life and need to be replaced. (3) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be completely replaced. (4) Penstock: Steel pipelines have been partially worn out. Check valves need to be replaced. Inspection roads on both sides of the penstock shall be constructed. (5) PS building: Basement walls need cement injection to avoid leaking. Roof needs to be replaced. Windows, doors and walls need to be repaired (6) Penstock forebay: Concrete lined chamber is extremely silted and needs cleaning. (7) Intake screen and chamber: There is a dock type intake with fourteen chambers. At the moment there is no thrash rack. Steel suction pipes of Ø 1840 mm diameter need to be repaired. All the other equipment needs replacement. (8) Water outlet: Outlet has been destroyed and requires partial reconstruction 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (78%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition fodder crops and vegetables are cultivated.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Crop areas, yields and Production in the project area No
Area (ha)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Winter wheat Maize (grain) Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Maize (silage) Annual grass (green fodder) Perennial grass (hay) Gardens Vineyards Mulberry
7249 409 4631 120 935 570
2002-2004 Yield Production (c/ha) (ton) 24,4 17688 40,0 1636 26,0 12041 124,7 1496 159,5 14913 260,0 14820
450 1155 193 159
118,0 50,3 47,9 10,0
5310 5810 925 159
1185 1155 193 159
130 70 65 25
15405 8085 1255 398
8 9 10 11
Area (ha) 6514 409 4631 120 935 570
Project Yield (c/ha) 40 50 28 140 200 300
Production (ton) 26056 2045 12967 1680 18700 17100
6. Legal basis Reconstruction of Navoi PS in Navoi Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). The project will be realized in accordance with the protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No:02-29-58) dated 22.02.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Navoi Pump Station Building and civil works Installation of modern control and measuring equipment with signal injection to the computer of the command console. Installation of new siphons in the diversion chamber, trash racks and rack rakes. Installation of new crane in the machine hall. Renewal of existing intaking pipes with new raised pipes Installation of underhung cranes and double tee for moving them around in the drainage room. Repair of premises of PS. Building inspection motor gravel roads from the both sides of penstocks. Reconstruction of the destroyed jacket on tanks of process water supply (PWS); Repair of water-discharging facility Hydromechanical equipment Installation of new hydraulic power equipment (pumps with electric motors) Electromechanical equipment Installation of new accessory and electric equipment Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement 179
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Land levelling
Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Project Components Navoi
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
9,780,000,000 2,934,000,000
7,500,000 2,250,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 14.8 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 2,244.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 18 North Fergana Canal Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation and modernization of the North Fergana Canal;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area;
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management; and (iv) improve domestic water supply in Namangan and other districts for a population of 894,000. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area is located in the northern part of the Fergana Valley bordering Kyrgyzstan in the north and Tajikistan in the west. Total command area is 70,114 hectares including Namangan, Pap, Turakurgan, Uqchi and Chust districts of the Namangan Oblast. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 894,000 of which 707,600 reside in rural area. The area is densely populated.. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of livilihoods and employment of the population. Therefore lack of irrigation water and deterioration of the network adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises, improve municipal water supply to Namangan Town and other settlements and hence ensure stable level of socioeconomic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. January temperatures can be around 0 to -3°С. Average summer temperatures is 26°С (with absolute maximum of 46°С). Average precipitation changes from 144-190 mm/year. Annual average evaporation is 1,130-1,350 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4500-4700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the foothills of Chatkal and Kuramin ridges within the 2nd and 3rd flood plain terraces of the Syrdarya River. The area is covered by loam layer of 5-7 m thick underlain by 30-50 m thick conglomeratepebble layer. NFC crosses a complex relief consisting of many flood beds. Slope of the canal bed is not uniform and changes approximately at every 500 m. There are some critical sections creating backwater effect at discharges bigger than 90 m3/s. Almost half of the project area has no problem in groundwater flux however the rest is located in the pinching out zone and has complicated flux depending on the local conditions.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Aerial distribution of GW levels (m) in the project area (%) District
Area, (ha)
Aerial Distribution of GW levels in m (%) 0-1
17,550 70,114
Namangan Pap Turakurgan
Soils. Soil cover was formed under conditions of desert soil formation, partially (light) sierozem. Soils are automorphic grey-brown underlain by pebble layer in the 85% of the project area. The remaining part is occupied by meadow grey soils. Groundwater level considerably changes depending on the location. In the head reaches of the canal, it is at 5-10 m however after PK150, it is deeper than 20 m. Groundwater is predominantly hydrocarbonate and sulfate type. Mineralization of the groundwater does not exceed 0.3-1.2 g/l. Nutrients and humus content of soil is low. Absence of natural drainage, inadequate artificial drainage and low efficiencies of irrigation facilitated the development of water logging and secondary salinization. District
Saline soils (%) None
3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Project area is divided into two zones depending on the irrigation water source: (i) zone of irrigation from small rivers namely Chadaksai, Gavasai, Kokreseksai, Khasansai ans Padshaata (ii) zone of gravity and pumped irrigation from NFC and BNC (Big Namangan Canal) which take water from Naryn River. Irrigation. NFC was constructed in 1941 as an earth bed canal with a total length of 142 km and a maximum discharge capacity of 100 m3/s. It serves 70,000 hectares of irrigation land in Namangan Oblast (including 11,500 hectares pumped) and 6,000 hectares of agricultural area in Asht District of Tajikistan. In addition, by means of Kizilarvat PS with a capacity of 10 m3/s, it supplies water to BNC to irrigate 24,400 hectares of land and satisfy domestic water needs of the population.
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4. Assessment of the System 4.1 Review and specification The latest rehabilitation of NFC was carried out in 1984. Due to long service, control structures on the canal (cross regulators, checks, drops, outlets, bridges etc.) have exhausted their economic life and require rehabilitation and modernization. In addition, transfer of Toktogul Reservoir into energy mode resulted in a considerable reduction of water supply to BNC. Project will provide rehabilitation of the NFC and installation of SCADA system in order to reduce the water losses in the system and hence increase water supply to the irrigated lands and to the population. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (87%) is under wheat and cotton. In addition melons, vegetables and potato are cultivated. About 9% of the area is under orchards and vineyards. Crop area (ha) in the project area Crop
Orchards & vineyards
Fruit & vegetables
Other crops
Crop production (ton) in the project area Crop
Orchards & vineyards
Fruit & vegetables
Other crops
Crop yields (ton/ha) in the project area Crop
Orchards & vineyards
Fruit & vegetables
Other crops
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
6. Legal basis The project has been proposed by Naryn-Syrdarya BUIS. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of NFC Rehabilitation of hydraulic structures including 23 outlets, 8 siphons and aqueducts. Rehabilitation of inter-farm and on-farm irrigation network in the command area Construction of new closed irrigation systems Component 2: Installation of SCADA system Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. NFC - Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of NFC system
Installation of SCADA system
3-Year O&M Costs - NFC - SCADA system
586,800,000 13,692,000,000
450,000 10,500,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs:
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9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 45.5 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 256.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 19 Pakhtaabad Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The aim of the project is to: (i)
Ensure reliable water supply for irrigation of Pahtaabad and Izbaskent raions of Andijan Oblast by means of rehabilitating pump stations off water takes from BIG Fergana Canal (BFC);
Increase productivity of agricultural production through rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage network in the project raions; and
(iii) Increase of water use efficiency through improved water management at onfarm level. The Project is to provide conditions for sustainable use of irrigated lands and prevent continuing land degradation due to water deficit and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The Project area is located in north-east part of Fergana Valley and occupies Pahtaabad and Izbaskent raions in northern part of Andijan Oblast. Irrigated area of the raions is 11,694 ha (net). Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 110 000 people, which main occupation is an irrigated agriculture producing more than 95% of gross agricultural product. This is one more densely populated raions both in Andijan Oblast and in Fergana Valley in whole. Per person of the project area falls 0.11 ha of irrigated land against 0.27 ha in the country as a whole. The population depends completely on irrigated agricultural production and is notable for low level of material well-being. Climate. The project area as Fergana Oblast as a whole is characterized by extremely continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter frosts. According to Andijan weather station average air temperature in summer ranges from +25 to +270小, in winter from +00小 to -2.50小. Precipitation is about 260 mm/year which corresponds to about 20 % of annual evaporation. Most part of the precipitation falls in winter-spring period, in spring there are frequent storms causing soil erosion. Frost free period is (217-229 days) and high amount of effective temperatures (+4300-45000小) allows growing many heat-loving crops. However it is possible only under artificial irrigation. Hydrology. Project districts are located on sloping alluvial-proluvial plain formed by Mailisai outwash fan. Absolute elevations range within 479-604 m above sea level. In geological structure there are alluvial-proluvial deposits of quaternary age represented by gravel and pebble layer of more than 100 m thickness cover by melkozem from the surface with thickness from 0,5-3,0 m in the northern part to 10-15 m in the southern. Hydro geological conditions are characterized by ensured ground water outflow which are deeper than 5 m and is fresh. Soils. Soil cover is represented by typical serozems formed in conditions of grey soil formation without ground water impact. Texture of the soil is of loamy type, in some places from the depth of 1 m and lower there is pebble in the profile. According to this 21% of study area is related to hydromodule zone II, and 79% to zone III. Soils are not saline, not gypsumed, have high natural fertility, 190
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but subjected to water erosion processes. Maximum humus content in the topsoil is from 1.2 to 2.6%. Environment. Developing the land for irrigation caused loss of steppe ecosystem as well as species composition of flora and fauna changed. Irrigation development predetermined intensive growth of cultivated vegetation. Tree plantations in the project raions are currently 7.6% of total land use area. Project implementation will stimulate further increase of species diversity of flora and fauna. 3. Irrigation and drainage infrastructure Water supply for irrigation. Areas of the project raions are served by МК, МК-1, МК-2 and Dustlik pumping canals, which supply water from Naryn river (BFC) by existing pump stations of the Lift 1 and Lift 2. The pump stations and the most part of main canals are on the Kyrgyzstan territory which intensively develops new lands by means of irrigation from these canals. Thus due to this reason and wear out of PS equipment water conveying via canals to the project area reduces stably. At present in June and July water availability is 6570% of optimal. In some years the deficit is so high that cases loss of yield on considerable areas. Local water resource which share is insufficient in total water demand of the project area is Mailisai and aryks fannig from it. Average long-term flow of Mailisai is 280 mln m3/year and it varies from 160 to 500 mln m3 depending on year probability. Irrigation. Inter-farm and on-farm irrigation network consists mainly of earth bed canals. Specific length of inter-farm network is about 26 m/ha, on-farm 42-45 m/ha. Partly concrete lining is on only big inter-farm canals – about 17%. Drainage. The project area is located in a zone of ensured ground water outflow therefore artificial draining is not required except for minor areas in local depressions. Operation and Maintenance. Irrigation infrastructure needs reconstruction and introduction of advanced technology of maintenance and improvement of irrigation practice. Over the last decade funding for repair and rehabilitation works, modernization and maintenance has been considerably reduced. Because of location of existing pump stations and pump intake canals as well as due proximity of border with Kyrgyzstan operation and maintenance is complicated. 4. Land use and agricultural production Total area of agricultural lands of the project raions is 92.4%, perennial plantations – 7.6%. Use of irrigated area is presented in the table below: Crops
Area ha
Arable land Including: cereals of which:
winter wheat
Vegetables/melons and potato Of which: potato
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Fodder crops
Perennial plantations Of which: orchards
In addition on the area of 292 ha secondary and intermediate crops are grown (maize for fodder and annual grass). Average annual productivity and gross harvest of the main crops for the last years is characterized by the following indices: 2001-2002 Crops
Productivity, cwt/ha
Productivity, cwt/ha
Gross harvest, tonne
2. Cotton
3. Orchards
4. Perennial grasses (hay)
1. Grain Including wheat
The table shows that last years there is a tendency of yield reduction for all structures. 5. Legal basis According to assignment of Andijan main canal authorities there was developed feasibility report on determination of water supply scheme and location of Pump Stations and cost of construction. As a result of consideration of the feasibility report at Scientific Council meeting in MAWR (Protocol of 21.10.2001) the variant of two-step pumping lift from BFC for irrigation of Pahtaabad and Izbaskan raions. This project proposal was made in compliance with President’s Decree (№PP-216 dated 08.11.2005). 6. Project components Component 1: Construction of pumping stations of Lift 1 and 2 with water abstraction from BFC10. Technical measures 1. PS-1 comprises: Approach canal; Fore bay; Intake with trash rack; PS building; Building of control panel (CP) and switchgear (SG); Pressure pipes; Emergency diesel power station (DPS), house for maintenance staff, auxiliary transformer and bathroom; Outlet to MK-1 canal.
At present construction of PS-1 and PS-2 due to absence of funding is not carried out. Earlier according to the developed design the foundations pits were excavated for PS building and partially bottom slabs had been concreted 192
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2. PS-2 comprises: Suction pipelines; PS building; Building of CP and SG; Pressure pipes; Outlet to MR-2 canal; Outlet to Dustlik canal. Mechanical equipment 1. Heavy machinery (equipment) 1.1 PS Lift I 2. Contractor’s construction machinery for Lift I 2.2 PS Lift II 2.3 Contractor’s construction machinery for Lift II Component 2: Rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure and irrigated lands Technical measures Reconstruction of mud-water reservoirs Reconstruction of units on three on-farm PS Construction of 9 irrigation wells Reconstruction of main/inter-farm canals and structures Reconstruction of on-farm network and structures Construction of drip irrigation systems (635 ha) and sprinkling (576 ha) Mechanisms and equipment Procurement of machinery and equipment Component 3. Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Program for farmers training Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etс. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants International consultants Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation Purchasing of equipment for water and soil monitoring Training Procurement of computers 7. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Project Components Pahtaabad and Izbashkent
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
4,511,946,240 2,542,800,000
3,460,081 1,950,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
8. Maps Fergana Valley Location Map Map of Project Area Map of Irrigation and Drainage System 9. Remarks The EIRR is negative as height of pumping is 97 meters. Cost of rehabilitation per Ha in US$ is 4,174.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 20 Raish Hakent-2 Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale Project objectives are to (i)
Ensure water supply for irrigation of the project area by means of Raish-Hakent Pump Station rehabilitation and improvement of water supply in Bogishamol town and 350 households;
Increase of agriculture productivity through rehabilitation of irrigation network an structures on command area; and
(iii) Increase of water use efficiency through improvement of on-farm management. The project will create conditions for sustainable management of irrigation land and prevent continuing degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area is located in the central eastern part of FerganaValley and occupies 2470,5 ha in Asaka raion of Andijan Oblast. Beneficiaries. –These are farms, enterprises and dehkan farms. Total number of population is 24 000 people. Asaka raion where the area is located is the most densely populated in Andijan Oblast, i.e. 697 persons per km2. At the same time all population is rural and completely depends on irrigated agriculture including processing of agricultural produce. Total irrigated area per one rural resident is 0.11 ha against 0.15 ha for oblast in whole and 0.27 over the country. Climate. The project area is characterized by continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter frosts. Average monthly air temperature in summer ranges within +22,9 +25,40С, average maximum temperatures within +30,3+32,80С. Average winter temperature is from -1,70С to +0,80С, average absolute minimum is -220С. Precipitations are 328 mm/year which is 4 times less annual evaporability value. Most precipitation falls to winterspring period. Spring rainfalls are of stormy nature resulting in soil erosion. Durable frost free period (219-230 days) and high amount of effective temperatures higher 100С (4100-43000С) allows growing many heat-loving crops. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. The project area is located on the hilly Asaka Adyr plain. Absolute elevations are within 523-670 m. Seismicity is 8 points. In geological structure there are quaternary and neogene deposits. Neogene deposits forms core of adyrs and are represented by interstratified layer of marlaceous loam, conglomerates, siltstone and sandstone. Quaternary deposits form alluvial terraces of Shahrihansai river. These are loams underlying gravel and pebble. Ground water within Shahrihansai valley is on 2-3 m depth. Water is brackish with dense residue of 1-3 g/l, sulfate type. Ground water in adyr area is at the depth more than 5.0 m Soils. Soil cover is typical sierozem formed in conditions of sierozem soil formation without ground water impact. Texture is characterized by domination of medium and heavy loam. On separate sites there are pebbles at the depth 0,5-1,0 m, on steep slopes pebble wedging out. In the project area there is «а» zone, i.e. zone of ensured ground water outflow in conditions of deep bedding (94%, 6%) and «b» zone i.e. zone of wedging out (5,4%). The area of slightly and moderate saline soils is about 75 ha (2,1%). Last 2-3 years there is tendency of reduction of moderate saline areas and their transfer to slightly saline category. 197
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GWL is at the depth from 1,5 to 2 m is noted on the area of 640 ha (17%), 2-3 m on 1173 ha (32%) and more than 3 m on 1846 ha (50%). Environment. As developing the land for irrigation the initial steppe ecosystem practically disappeared, species composition of flora and fauna changed. Irrigation development predetermined intensive growth of cultivated vegetation. Tree plantations in the project raions are currently 7.6% of total land use area. Project implementation will stimulate further increase of species diversity of flora and fauna. 3. Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Water supply for irrigation. Shahrihansai river is the main source of surface water resources with PS approach canal of 35 m length supplying water via two pipelines into two irrigation zones: lower (lift 93 m) and top (lift 197 m). Pipelines deliver water into pump station canals and from these into tertiary distribution network directly connected with water supply to irrigated sites. Irrigation. Length of inter-farm canals in the project area is 22.6 km, on-farm– 21 km. Specific length is 8.3 and 7.7 meter per irrigated ha respectively. Half of inter-farm and main network is (58%) in earthen bed, on-farm network on 72% is in earthen bed. Water use efficiency in the field is 64%. In the project area it is required to construct pipeline for irrigation of 423 ha and pipeline to supply water to Bogishamol town and households. In order to increase water use efficiency it is proposed construction of drip irrigation system on 70 ha and sprinkling system on 64 ha of vegetable growing farms. Drainage. The project area is located in conditions of natural GW outflow and doesn’t require artificial draining. Operation and Maintenance. Reduced funding for operation and maintenance of irrigation systems in the entire project area result in 20 to 30% of irrigation sites needing repair and rehabilitation works 4. Assessment of Pump Station 4.1 Review and specifications Raish-Hakent-2 PS was commissioned in 1982 to irrigate 3659 ha and comprises the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Approach canal; Fore bays with intake structure; Suction pipes; PS building; Control panel (CP) and switchgear (SG) building; Pressure pipes; and Outlet.
Design characteristics of PS as follows: Main hydraulic and power equipment Model Pumping units One pump unit capacity Actual capacity Irrigated area Existing irrigated area
CN3000-197, D4000-95 3 (2+1 reserve) & 3 (2+1 reserve) 0,8 m3/sec and 1,1 0,8 m3/sec 1,9 m3/sec and 1,2 m3/sec 3659 ha (net) 36595 ha (net)
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Lift Efficiency Electric motor Capacity Voltage Operating speed Efficiency Life time of pump/motor Life time of electrical equipment
197 and 93 m 0,77 SDN3-15-64-8 УЗ 2500 kWt 6000 V 1000 r/min 0,96 16 years 20-25 years
During 26 years of operation all hydro mechanical and electrical equipment exhausted their life time and is no longer function to fully supply all command irrigation areas with required water volume. 4.2 Assessment of individual components (1) Approach canal with fore bay. Approach canal of 35 m length is in earth bed, forebay was constructed in concrete lining and heavily silted now. (2) Intake structure is of docking type has intake chambers corresponding to pump units number. In each chamber there are trash racks. Provided for trash rack cleaning РН-2000 machine is not available now. From chambers water is supplied to suction pipes of pumping units. Gates with electrical lifters installed in front of pipes are worn out and need replacement. (3) Suction pipes – steel d=1020 mm, direct-flow, backfilled. It is required to replace by pipelines with elevated bend which allows to exclude sedimentation there. (4) PS building of chamber type. Substructure of the building where all power equipment is located made in mass concrete which currently heavily leaked due cement leaching. Complete cementation of walls is required. Superstructure of the building was made in framework using pre-cast concrete elements which are in satisfactory condition. It is required to reinstate glazing, roofing repair and finishing with white washing and painting. (5) Building of CP and SG. Condition is normal. It requires finishing with white washing and painting and roofing repair. (6) Pressure pipes. replacement.
It is required to replace shock mounting and partial pipeline
(7) Outlet structure. Condition is satisfactory. (8) Electrical and technical section. PS electrical equipment exhausted its standard service life, it is required to replace completely hydromechanical and electromechanical equipment. Electrical control equipment is out of date, worn out and doesn’t provide required degree of technological processes. 5. Land use and agricultural production Cropping patterns of irrigated area comprises 9.1% of cotton and wheat; orchards, vineyards and mulberries – 83,6%; in addition maize is cultivated for green fodder and perennial grasses for hay. Productivity and losses of agricultural produce because of equipment wear out and without PS rehabilitation are shown in the table below.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Area Crops
harvest, t
Maize for green fodder
Perennial grasses for hay
6. Legal aspects 7. Project components Component 1. Pump Station reconstruction Technical measures The project provides for:
Replace main and hydropower equipment (pumps CN3000-197 with electric motor SDN315-64-6UZ and pumps D4000-95 with electric motor SDN315-59-UZ) with new one; Replace auxiliary and electrical equipment; Install the newest control and measuring equipment signaling to control panel computer; Carry out repair and rehabilitation works of PS building and switchgear and control panel Replace crane equipment; Reconstruct initial section of pressure pipe and replace worn out sections of pressure pipes (about 25%); Replace suction pipes Reconstruct fore bay and install siphon intake; Construct settler on approach canal; Replace lifting and transporting equipment;
Component 2. Rehabilitation of irrigated lands served by PS on the area of 3659 ha Technical measures Construction of pipeline for irrigation of 423 ha Construction of pipelines for water supply of Bogishamol town and households Replacement of flumes LR-80 Construction of drip system in orchard and viticulture farms to irrigate 70 ha Construction of sprinkling system in vegetable growing farms to irrigate 64 ha Mechanisms and equipment Procurement of machinery and equipment Component 3: Institutional strengthening Building capacity of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computer and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Procurement of vehicles, computer and laboratory equipment 200
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Program of farmers training Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc.
Component 4: Technical assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project implementation Procurement of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the pump station and the command area. Raish – Hakent Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
4,681,497,600 2,859,672,000
3,590,106 2,193,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs:
9. Maps Fergana Valley Project area location Project area map Map of I&D network 10. Remarks The economic rate of return is 2.6 percent as height of pumping is 197 meters. Socioeconomic considerations, however, are predominant and make rehabilitation work unavoidable as alternative employment opportunities are unavailable. The cost per Ha is $ 4,174.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 21 Investment Project Proposal “Land Improvement ın Samarkand” 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
improve reclamation conditions of the irrigated lands;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project area covers eastern and southern parts of Samarkand Oblast. Total area is 7,723 hectares including Djambay (691 ha), Pastdargom (1,226 ha), Payarik (5,360 ha), and Kattakurgan (446 ha) districts. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 57,000 of which 95% reside in rural area. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of living and employment of the population. Therefore lack of irrigation water and deterioration of the network adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. Improvements in the reclamation conditions of the irrigated lands will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. Project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. Annual mean air temperature is 13.2°С (Samarkand Meteorological Station). Summers are hot and dry. July is the warmest month with average temperatures 2527°С (absolute maximum 46°С). January temperatures can be around 0°С (absolute minimum -30°С). Snow cover is not permanent. Average precipitation is about 300-350 mm/year 2-3% falling during summer. Total evaporation reaches 1,500 mm/year. Northern moderate winds dominate. Durable frost-free period (180-200 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4100-4900°С/year) allow growing many heatloving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located in the Zarafshan River Valley and covers a plain sloping towards west. The surface is covered by irrigation sourced sediments underlain by river deposits. Depth to groundwater changes along the project area. Seepage losses from the irrigation network, efficiency losses from the irrigated fields and infiltration from the mountains are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Total area of the waterlogged zones with groundwater depth less than 2 m is 2,425 ha (18% of the total project area). Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Area of water logged soils in the project area District
Total Area (ha)
Payarik Pastdargom Djambay Kattakurgan Total
5,360 1,226 691 446 7,723
Aerial Distribution of GW levels in m (ha) 0-1 95 54 20 93 262
1.0-1.5 555 125 30 95 805
1.5-2.0 920 152 150 124 1,346
2-3 3,790 224 491 53 4,558
3-5 456 81 537
>5 215 215
Soils. Soil formation in the project area is characterized by typical sierozems and their hydro-morphic subtypes. In a significant part of the project area sierozem-meadow, meadow and partially marshy-meadow soils of loamy sand have been formed as a result of hydrogeological conditions. Majority of the soils in the project area are non-saline with partial slightly saline zones. Exception for this is the zone of Chaganok Collector in Kattagurgan District where 39% of the irrigated lands is occupied by medium saline soils. In this zone, 74% of the lands are in unsatisfactory conditions in regards of land reclamation. Total area (ha)
Pastdargom Djambay Kattakurgan Total
1,226 691 446 7,723
1,220 601 196 7,082
6 90 173 564
77 77
1220 641 45 5,696
6 50 401 2,027
Saline soils (ha)
Land condition (ha)
Environment. The project territory is located in the ancient Samarkand Oasis. Development of lands for irrigation has resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation. A combination of field crops together with trees planted along the roads and field plot boundaries has created a unique landscape. However, poor water management, low system efficiencies and irrigation-induced waterlogging and salinity result in reduction in agricultural production. Another consequence of this has been the discharge of saline drainage effluent into Zarafshan and Karadarya rivers and hence reducing their quality. Realization of the project will introduce improved land reclamation conditions, better water management, increase the system efficiencies and hence improve living environment and well-being of the population in the project area, create favorable conditions for habitat preservation. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Karadarya and Zarafshan rivers are the main sources of water in the project area. Via Payarik Canal (Q=20 m3/s), Right Bank Collector and Saribosh Canal water is conveyed to the project area and distributed partly by inter-farm canals Bulungur, Kurganabad, Maniarik and Akkurgan. Specific lengths for inter-farm and on-farm canals are 2.42 and 40 m/ha respectively. In the project area irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency. Drainage. As natural drainage is not sufficient in the project area in order to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields collector-drainage network was constructed with a total length of 126,400 m including 81,200 km of inter-farm and 45,200 m 205
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
of on-farm collectors. Specific length of inter-farm and on-farm collectors are 8.7 and 5.9 m/ha respectively. Considerable part of the collector drainage network is in unsatisfactory state. District
Main collector
Service area (ha)
Length (m)
SL (m/ha)
Length (m)
SL (m/ha)
Total (m)
4. Assessment of the Systems 4.1 Review and specification Sarisuv, Chovkabulok, Khauzak and Chaganok collector systems were constructed 60-70 years ago: (1) Sarisuv Collector System: System was constructed in 1948. Yangi Tokkuz, Djuyrauk, Akkurgan, Nush and Saribulak collectors within the system serve 5,360 hectares of irrigated lands in Payarik District. Considerable part of the collectors is silted and covered with vegetation. They have reduced capacity and need complete rehabilitation. (2) Khauzak Collector System: System which was constructed in 1935 serves 8,317 hectares of irrigated lands in the central zone of Pastdargom District. Considerable part of the collectors is silted and covered with vegetation. They have reduced capacity and need urgent rehabilitation in 1,226 hectares. (3) Chovkabulok Collector System: System serves 691 hectares of irrigated lands in Djambay District. Significant part of the system needs rehabilitation. However, planted trees and illegally built households in the collectorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; right of way constrain cleaning and maintenance of the drains. (4) Chaganok Collector System: System serves 504 hectares of area located on the left bank of Karadarya River in the southern part of Kattakurgan District. Illegal water intake for irrigation by constructing earthen dikes on the collectors have resulted heavy silting. Considerable part (75%) of the system needs rehabilitation. 5. Land use and agricultural production Total irrigated lands in the project area are 7,723 hectares including 7,267 hectares of arable lands and 4565 hectares of perennial plantations. Crop area (ha) in the project area Crop Winter wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits
854 1,980 68 171 580
255 110 9 22 75
165 71 6 14 48
453 195 16 39 133
2,853 1,230 98 246 836
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Gardens Vineyards Total
273 307
35 40
23 26
62 70
394 443
Сrop yield (c/ha) in the project area Crop
Wheat Lucerne Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Cucurbits Orchard Vineyard
18,3 14,6 90 80 80 55.0 50.0
Djambay 32,4 80 21,2 110 100 85.0 60.0
110 85.0 51.0
6. Legal basis The project has been proposed by Zarafshan UIS to be included in the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Rehabilitation of Chiganok Collector in Kattakurgan District is included in the summary list of the priority investment proposals by the Presidential Decree. Preliminary feasibility study was prepared and approved by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Collector Systems a). Sarisuv Collector System Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors (53,700 m) Reconstruction of culverts (12 units) Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors (29,300 m) Construction of vertical drainage wells (3 units) b). Chavkabulok Collector System Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors (13,000 m) Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors (2,900 m) c). Chaganok Collector System Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors (3,400 m) Reconstruction of culverts (3 units) Reconstruction of hydroposts (1 unit) Construction of bridges (2 units) Construction of observation wells (6 units) Replacement of siphon (90 m) Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors (10,460 m) d). Khauzak Collector System Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors (17,820 m) Component 2: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development 207
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Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc.
Component 3: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Samarkand Project Components
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of I&D network Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs: 2
3-Year O&M Costs
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 43.1 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 390.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 22 Shorbulok Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply to water users of the Khorezm and Republic of Karakalpakistan by means of construction of Shorbulok Reservoir;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command areas of Kyzketgen, Kattagar and Kuanish main canals; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. After the transfer of Nurek Reservoir to energy mode, regulation of Amudarya has been a serious problem. Besides, capacity of Tuyamuyun Reservoir is not sufficient to fully regulate Amudarya River. Therefore, Shorbulok Reservoir will regulate Amudarya River by intercepting flood discharge spilled from Tuyamuyun Reservoir during winter times. 2. Project area Location. The proposed location of the Shorbulok Reservoir is 6-10 km downstream of Tuyamuyun Reservoir. Kyzketgen, Kattagar and Kuanish main canals cross over the right bank (of Amudarya River) districts of North Karakalpakistan. The command area covers Nukus, Kegeyli, Karauzyak, Tahtakupir, Chimbay and Muynak administrative districts. The total area of irrigated lands is 209,300 thousand ha. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 600,400 of which 85% reside in rural area. Irrigated lands are the main source of living and employment of the population. However, this sector directly depends on water supply which varies with time and considerably decreases during period of dry years ending up to 6 years and occurring after every 4-7 years. Climate. The project area is characterized by continental climate with high daily and seasonal temperature variations, marginal precipitation and low relative humidity in summer months. Air temperature in July varies from +24 to +46°С. Average monthly temperature in January, the coldest month of the year, varies from -7°С to 12°С (absolute minimum -35°С). Annual mean precipitation ranges from 100 to 120 mm/year with no precipitation during summer period. Evaporation equals 970-2000 mm/year. The effect of arid climate is increased by strong winds in the northern direction. Cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Proposed location of the reservoir is a closed depression surrounded by mounds of Karatau, Karashok and Kaskantau from north and by eolic plain with drifted chains of dunes of 10-20 m high from the south. Depression bowl is underlain by confined paleogene clays. Seismicity of the area is Grade 7. Command area is characterized by flat alluvial plain of Amudarya River with erosive accumulative type of relief. Surface slope ranges from 0.0005 to 0.001 however this flatness is destroyed by dry river beds, many artificial channels and dried up depressions of marginal lakes. Apart from the general background, there are also river bank mounds, rare residue mounds and sandy lands of eolic origin. Tops of the river banks are formed by light texture sediments. There are sediment loads of loamy sands and fine clay loams on the embankments of the river banks and sides of
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
the channels. Channel beds are covered with sediment loads of loam and clayey loams. Irrigated lands are covered with natural deposits underlain by delta alluvial sediments. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. Ground water mineralization does not exceed 1-3 g/l. Salts are mainly sulfate-chloride type. However salinity level of the drainage effluent increases to 5-8 g/l. Soils. Soil cover is characterized by desert type formed under various groundwater conditions. Irrigation and hydro-geological conditions with stable shallow ground water level determined formation of hydro-ミシorphic and semi-hydro-ミシorphic sub-types of desert soil such as meadow窶電esert, meadow dry-type playa (takyr) and meadow-alluvial. Environment. Region can be considered as the most unfavorable site among other parts of the Amudarya Basin due to the factors like geographical location, climatic conditions and low water availability. Insufficient irrigation water, high levels of salinity (2 g/l or more), toxic waste pollution, low quality aquifer and ground water have a negative influence on all water users and the Delta ecosystem. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Irrigation system of canals in the right bank of Amudarya River in Karakalpakistan which serves 209,320 hectares of land takes water from Takhiyatash Weir located at the Cape of Takhiyatash. In 2007, actual water extraction was 2.54 km3. Lengths of inter-farm and on-farm canals are 1,197 km and 6,794 km respectively with specific lengths of 5.7 and 32.4 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Only 0.4% of the on-farm canals are concrete lined. Irrigated area (ha)
Structures Inter
Inter-farm network Total (m) Lined (m)
On-farm network Total (m) Lined (m)
Construction of Shorbulok Reservoir with a total capacity of 3.6 km3 will supply an additional discharge of 3.2 km3 to irrigated lands of Karakalpakistan during vegetation season by storing in winter. Drainage. In order to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields collector-drainage network was constructed with total length of 8,058 km including 1,167 km of inter-farm collectors and 6,891 km of on-farm collectors, mainly open drains. Considerable part of the on-farm collector network is in unsatisfactory state.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Area (ha)
Inter-farm drainage network Open (km) Structure 147 106
On-farm drainage network Open (km) SHD (km)
Total (km)
Operation and maintenance. Lower Amudarya BUIS is responsible for the O&M of the irrigation drainage network in the project area. Poor water management and lack of proper O&M has resulted in deterioration of collector drainage network. More than 20-30% of the irrigation drainage network requires rehabilitation. 4. Evaluation of Shorbulok Reservoir Shorbulok Reservoir is at the planning stage. Facilities proposed to be constructed are: Approach canal from the Tuyamuyun Reservoir (earth bed, L=11.5 km, b=63 m, Q=400 m3/s) and structures Water intake structure (from the Tuyamuyun Reservoir to the approach canal) Bridge on A-380 Nukus-Gazli State Highway at the intersection of the approach canal and the highway Water intake structure (from the approach canal to the Shorbulok Reservoir) Three earthfill embankments (normal water level=122.5 m and minimum water level=99 m) 3 Discharge canal from the Shorbulok Reservoir (L=22.6 km, Q=200 m /s) and structures The characteristics of the reservoir are: Total reservoir volume: 3.6 km3 Useful reservoir volume: 3.2 km3 Type of dam: Earthfill Crest length: 21 km Maximum crest height: 18 m 2 Surface area: 360 km (Normal water level: 122.5 m) 5. Land use and agricultural production Cotton and wheat prevail in the crop pattern with 31% and 33% respectively. Distribution of irrigated area by land types is shown in the table below: Crop area (ha) in the project area Area (ha) Wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens
Nukus 21,058 1,053 4,663 150 6,167 1,655 1,504
Kegeyli 16,081 4,516 23,020 220 1,322 991 441
21,057 3,842 24,756 569 2,846 2,419 569
16,762 876 15,261 500 751 876 375
Tahtakupir 17,365 1,045 14,754 131 522 522 261
Total 92,323 11,330 82,454 1,571 11,607 6,462 3,150
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Area (ha) Vineyard Total
Crop yields c/ha) in the project area Yield (c/ha) Wheat Lucerne Cotton Potato Vegetables Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
Nukus 32,6 100,7 20,7 76,9 170,3 115,3 89,3 48,2
Kegeyli 33,5 40,2 19,1 49,8 63,2 97,9 49,7 51,7
35,6 117,0 17,0 57,8 77,3 70,5 36,1 59,4
38,2 65,0 16,8 34,5 80,8 95,6 42,0 -
35,7 67,1 18,7 62,2 103,4 111,7 31,4 -
6. Legal basis Construction of Shorbulok Reservoir was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-338 dated 18.07.2004 and NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). Preliminary feasibility study was prepared by Uzgipromeliovodkhoz Institute on the instruction of the MAWR of RUZ in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the RUZ No.251 dated 05.11.2005. 7. Project components Component 1: Construction of Shorbulok Reservoir Technical activities Construction of the reservoir with the following characteristics: 3 Total reservoir volume: 3.6 km 3 Useful reservoir volume: 3.2 km Crest length: 21 km Maximum crest height: 18 m 2 Surface area: 360 km (Normal water level: 122.5 m) Construction of the following facilities: Approach canal from the Tuyamuyun Reservoir (earth bed, L=11.5 km, b=63 m, Q=400 m3/s) and structures Water intake structure (from the Tuyamuyun Reservoir to the approach canal) Bridge on A-380 Nukus-Gazli State Highway at the intersection of the approach canal and the highway Water intake structure (from the approach canal to the Shorbulok Reservoir) Three earthfill embankments (normal water level=122.5 m and minimum water level=99 m) 3 Discharge canal from the Shorbulok Reservoir (L=22.6 km, Q=200 m /s) and structures Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm canals Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm canals Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals 214
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Land improvement Land leveling Rehabilitation of small scale pumping stations
Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers Component 6: Mechanisms and equipment Procurement of excavators Procurement of deep rippers 8.Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs. Shorbulak Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Construction of Shorbulok Reservoir
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Karauzyak)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Tahtakupir)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Kegeyli)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Chimbay)
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system (Nukus)
Total investment cost
3-Year O&M Costs - Reservoirs - Command Area
7,824,000,000 31,296,000,000
6,000,000 24,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Recurrent Costs:
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 16.8 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 1,383.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 23 Suenli Investment Project Proposal 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for irrigated lands in the Northern Karakalpakistan by means of rehabilitation of Suenli Canal System;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Suenli Canal Irrigation System serves 152,300 hectares of irrigated lands in Khodjeyli, Shumanay, Kanlikul, Kungrad and Muynak districts of Karakalpakistan. Suenli Canal starts from Amudarya River at Cape Takhiyatash and runs 105 km along the left bank of downstream reaches of Amudarya in the north-west direction. Until reaching its terminal point in the Djenishke gauging station, Suenli Canal diverts water to a system consisting of 17 major irrigation canals. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 480,500 of which 76% are residing in rural areas. Irrigated lands are main source of living and employment of the population. Existing situation of the irrigation and drainage network and consequent reclamation condition of the irrigated lands adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in decrease in profit and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply and improvement of the reclamation conditions will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by arid zone. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer is hot and dry with air temperatures ranging from +26 to +28°С. Winter is more severe with frosts compared to the other regions of the Country. January temperatures are around -5°С (absolute minimum -32°С). Precipitation is very low: 80-130 mm/year with no rainfall in summer and evaporation equals 1400-1500 mm/year. Frost-free period (190-207 days) is relatively short. High amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4000-4300°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the flat alluvial plain of the Amudarya River. The relief is erosive-accumulative type. The surface of plain is covered by contemporary age alluvial sand. Where the sand layer is shallow (up to 3-5 m) it is underlain by loam and sandy loam layer. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper groundwater flux. Groundwater depth is shallower than 2 m on 82% of the project area which results in saline groundwater. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Therefore proper O&M of
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
the artificial collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. Ground water is relatively fresh (from 1-3 g/l to 3-5 g/l) on the top layers of soil due to seeping fresh water from the irrigation network. District
Area (ha)
Khodjeyli Shumanay Kanlikul Kungrad Muynak Total
35,500 28,700 34,700 41,500 11,900 152,300
Distribution of GW level (%) 0-1 m 0 0 4 1 0 1
Area (ha)
1.0-1.5 m 4 2 14 4 1 6
1.5-2.0 m 83 84 79 69 32 75
2-3 m 13 13 3 23 4 13
3-5 m 0 0 0 3 62 6
>5 m
Distribution of GW mineralization level (ha) 0-1 g/l 1 1
1-3 g/l 82 90
3-5 g/l 15 8
5-10 g/l 2 1
>10 g/lm 0 0
Khodjeyli Shumanay
35,500 28,700
Kungrad Muynak Total
41,500 11,900 152,300
1 0 1
97 30 86
2 68 12
0 2 1
0 0 0
Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of desert type soil formation. Irrigation and hydrogeological features of the project area resulted in hydro-morphous subtypes of desert soils, namely meadow and meadow-desert soils depending on the groundwater level. Medium textured and heavy clay loams dominate. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization with slightly and medium saline soils dominating. Saline spots are common in the project area. Salinity in the project area is sulfate and chloride-sulfate type. Reclamation state of the soils is satisfactory however their Bonitet ratio has been reduced. District Khodjeyli Shumanay Kanlikul Kungrad Muynak Total
Area (ha) 35,500 28,700 34,700 41,500 11,900 152,300
Saline soils (ha) None 9,200 3,500 11,400 10,600 1,400
Slight 15,700 9,400 9,100 18,300 2,600
Medium 9,100 10,400 11,700 11,500 6,900
High 1,500 5,400 2,400 1,100 1,00
Environment. The project area covers the western part of the Amudarya River Delta, which suffers environmental and socio-economic consequences of the Aral Sea disaster. Natural conditions reinforced by the poor O&M of the artificial collector drainage network resulted in the waterlogging, soil salinization and degradation of the delta ecosystem in total. This situation is worsened by frequently repeating draughts. Realization of the project will 220
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
contribute to the improvement of the I&D system resulting in reducing land degradation and will promote environment. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Amudarya River is the main source of water which ensures development of agricultural production in Karakalpakistan. Suenli Canal system in the left bank of Amudarya in the Northern Karakalpakistan serves the project area. The maximum discharge capacity of the Suenli Canal is 121 m3/s (133 m3/s using freeboard). Planned water intake for the system is 1,750 million m3/year which was exceeded by 54 million m3 in 2007. Specific length of inter-farm canals is 7.4 m/ha of irrigated area while specific length of on-farm canals is 33 m/ha. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. In the project area only 1% of inter-farm canals are concrete lined however they are in very poor condition. District
Inter-farm network
Khodjeyli Shumanay
Lined (m)
On-farm network
Total (m) 375,800
Total (m)
Lined (m)
Drainage. Natural draining of the area is not available therefore to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields the collector-drainage network was constructed including 864 km of inter-farm and 4,619 km of on-farm collectors. Specific length of total network is 36 m/ha, considerable part of which is in unsatisfactory state. District Khodjeyli Shumanay Kanlikul Kungrad Muynak Total
On-farm drainage (m) Open 907,500 628,200 1,570,800 1,398,200 75,000 4,579,700
SHD 19,800 19,800 39,600
Total 907,500 648,000 1,570,800 1,418,000 75,000 4,619,300
Inter-farm collectors (m) Structures 20 24 39 31 9 123
Total 291,600 129,700 163,400 243,200 36,300 864,200
Structures 121 44 32 39 2 238
Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation and drainage infrastructure is inadequate. About 50% of the total irrigation drainage network requires urgent rehabilitation. 4. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (73%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Crop pattern (ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arable land Cotton Lucerne (forage crops) Wheat Vegetables Potatoes Cucurbits Others Gardens Vineyards
34,743 20,286 293
28,608 14,689 475
34,182 9,531 166
41,024 15 5,837
11,651 1,297 703
150,210 45,818
5,596 737 351 703 6,793 639 101
9,290 366 49 315 3,424 67 25
14,641 567 38 902 8,337 442 76
21,510 1,255 123 1,447 10,837 361 115
5,620 1,232 43 1,286 1,470 238 11
7,474 56,657 4,157 605 4,653 30,862 1,746 328
Crop yields (c/ha) in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Cotton Lucerne Wheat Vegetables Potatoes Cucurbits Gardens Vineyards
19.3 180.0 35.8 112.3 76.7 116.7 46.4 70.0
17.6 73.1 36.8 82.3 68.6 86.0 19.6 15.0
20.9 103.3 36.8 94.0 77.1 95.8 33.5 39.0
18.2 42.3 40.5 91.4 66.3 52.2 74.0 131.5
17.7 35.0 30.1 56.9 45.0 99.3 11.4 20.0
5. Legal basis The project will has been proposed by the Lower Amudarya BUIS. 6. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Land levelling Component 2: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 3: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. 222
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Component 4: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 7. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Suenli Canal Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system Total investment cost
Recurrent Costs: 2
3-Year O&M Costs - Command Area
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
8. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 3.7 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 601.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 24 Investment Project Proposal “Land Improvement ın Syrdarya-Djizak” 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
improve reclamation conditions of the irrigated lands;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Project area covers irrigated lands in the Golodnaya and Djizak steppes in the central part of Uzbekistan. Total irrigation area in those steppes is 589,600 hectares however the project covers 432,260 hectares including Djizak (210,060 ha) and Syrdarya (222,200 ha) oblasts. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 2,719,000 of which 1,065,000 reside in Djizak and 684,000 in Syrdarya. Two thirds of the population lives in rural areas. Irrigated agriculture is the main source of living and employment of the population. Deterioration of the I&D network and land degradation resulted in the reduction of crop yields which adversely affects wellbeing of the rural population. Improvements in the reclamation conditions of the irrigated lands will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. Project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winter. Annual mean air temperature is varies from 13°С to 14.9°С (Djizak, Yangiyer and Syrdarya Meteorological Stationa). Summers are hot and dry with average temperatures 27-30°С (absolute maximum 47°С). January temperatures can be around 0 to 2°С (absolute minimum -32°С). Average precipitation is about 300-400 mm/year with zero rainfall during summer. Total evaporation reaches 1,350-1385 mm/year. Durable frost-free period (210-225 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (4000-4900°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located in the Golodnaya Steppe and covers a plain sloping towards north from 400 m elevation to 200 m. The flatness is interrupted by depressions in the north-western direction. In the western part, sloping plain of alluvial flood cone of Sanzar River is the place where Golodnaya Steppe merges with Djizak Steppe. Geologically, project area is covered by alluvial-proluvial deposits of quaternary age composed of loamy sand and loams of 30-45 thick with clay lenses and inter-layers underlain by gravel-pebble deposits of 5-15 m thick. Geomorphological and hydrogeological features of the area hamper infiltration and hence drainage. Seepage losses from the irrigation network and efficiency losses from the irrigated fields are the main sources for high groundwater levels. Total area of the 226
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waterlogged zones with groundwater depth less than 2 m is 2,425 ha (18% of the total project area). On the prevailing area ground water depths is 1-3 m from the ground surface and characterized mainly as mineralized (from 3-5 g/l to 5-10 g/l) with sulfate-sodium and magnesium-sodium salts. Therefore proper O&M of the collector drainage network is a must for maintaining the favorable conditions of the irrigated lands. Soils. Soil formation in the project area is characterized by grey soils (either light or typical depending on the groundwater depth) and their hydro-morphic subtypes namely sierozemic-meadow and meadow soils. Soils are mainly medium-textured and heavy clay loams. Soils in the project area are easily degradable and have low content of humus and organic materials. The level of existing soil quality is almost half of the potential. Lack of natural drainage and unsatisfactory condition of the collector drainage network facilitated development of waterlogging and consequent secondary salinization. Almost all of the soils in the project area are salinized with different levels. District
Distribution of Salinity level (%)
Distribution of Groundwater level (%)
0-1 m
1-2 m
2-3 m
>3 m
Environment. Natural ecosystem in the project territory has been affected by the development of lands for irrigation which resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation, mainly wheat and cotton. Tree plantation (poplar, mulberry and other fruit) is limited. Natural fauna can be observed only in the zones along rivers, canals and collectors. In the project oblasts, natural parks and reserves namely Zamin, Bahmal, Nurata and AydarArnasay, have been established for the preservation of the biodiversity. Poor water management, low system efficiencies and irrigation-induced waterlogging and salinity result in reduction in agricultural production. Especially in Syrdarya Oblast groundwater is very close to the land surface and almost all lands are salinized. Realization of the project will introduce improved land reclamation conditions, better water management, increase the system efficiencies and hence improve living environment and well-being of the population in the project area, create favorable conditions for habitat preservation. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Syrdarya, Zarafshan, Sanzar and Zaminsu rivers are the main sources of irrigation water in the project area. Besides seasonal creeks and mountain springs are also diverted for irrigation. Lower Syrdarya BUIS is responsible for O&M activities of the I&D network. In the project area, the largest irrigation systems and their command areas are South Golodnostep Canal System (417,200 ha), Dustlik Canal System (101,092 ha), ITT System (36,310 ha) and Syrdarya River System (16,700 ha). Rest of the area is served by small creeks, springs, reservoirs (3,000-8,000 ha) and Sanzar River (1,700 ha). Golodnostep Canal takes water from the derivation canal of Farhad HEPP whereas Dustlik Canal from tailrace canal of the HEPP. Dustlik Canal is a trans-boundary canal 227
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serving irrigated lands in Uzbekistan and Kazakhistan. It is one of the largest canals in Uzbekistan equipped with modern automation equipment and SCADA system. In the project area furrow irrigation is practiced with low efficiency ratio (60-70%). Annual average water use per hectare in the project area is 11,000 m3 (cotton:8,500 m3/ha, wheat 6,500 m3/ha, leaching:2,000 m3/ha). Total length of concrete-lined main and inter-farm canals is 643 m in the project area. Over 50% of the irrigation network requires rehabilitation. District
Main and inter-farm canals (m) Earthen
Specific length (m/ha)
On-farm canals (m) Earthen
Specific length (m/ha)
Drainage. Main collectors draining into Arnasay depression are Central Golodnostep, Syrdarya, Shuruzak and Head. Besides, four collectors drain into South Golodnostep Canal and one into Dustlik Canal. As natural drainage is not sufficient in the project area in order to reduce GWL and outflow drainage flow from the irrigated fields collector-drainage network was constructed with a total length of 34,062,000 m including 3,245,000 m of inter-farm and 30,817,000 m of on-farm collectors. Specific lengths of inter-farm and on-farm collectors are 5.5 and 52.1 m/ha respectively. Collector-drainage network includes also subsurface horizontal drainage and vertical drainage wells. However O&M costs of wells are costly therefore their number decreases. Considerable part of the collector drainage network is in unsatisfactory state. In order to ensure keep the level of groundwater at 2-3 m depth, over 40% of the collector drainage network shall be rehabilitated and additional canals shall be excavated. Service area (ha)
Length (m)
SL (m/ha)
Length (m)
SL (m/ha)
Inter-farm collectors
On-farm collectors
Total (m)
Operation and maintenance. Lower Syrdarya BUIS is responsible for O&M of the irrigation network. Due to lack of sufficient funds for O&M activities and poor water management, 50% of the inter-farm canals and 40% of the on-farm canals need rehabilitation.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
4. Assessment 4.1 Irrigation Infrastructure Large part of the irrigation network in the project area (Bayaut and Mirzaabad districts) was constructed 25-40 years ago. Almost all of the canals, whether concrete-lined or earthen bed, require rehabilitation. Irrigation canals in the South Golodnostep Canal System (MK-1, MK-2, Right Branch, Left Branch, PR-1, PR-2, PR-3, PR-4 and PR-4-1) and Dustlik System (Right Branch, Shuruzak, K-1, K-3 and Malik) are highly silted, vegetated and partially deteriorated. Most of the structures (check structures, turnouts, aqueducts, siphons, bridges etc) on these canals are in unsatisfactory condition, some of which require rehabilitation, others complete reconstruction. Arnasay Reservoir provides additional water of 423 million m3 for the irrigated lands of Djizak Oblast. As the existing irrigation system is not sufficient to fulfill this task, it is proposed to construct M-2 Canal and PS-3 Pumping Station 4.2 Collector Drainage Infrastructure Shuruzak Main Collector, 75 km long was constructed in 1912. Existing depth of the collector is not adequate for the removal of the drainage effluent from the system due to silting, collapse of some parts and reduction in the cross-section. Similarly other collectors in the system discharging in to Shuruzak Main Collector (VJD, Kedik, Ovrajniy and Malik) are in the same condition. The largest main collector in the Golodnaya Steppe is Central Golodnostep Collector (CGC). CGC and Bayaut, Djetisay, WS-3 collectors discharging into CGC require rehabilitation in order to improve disposal of drainage flow. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (80%) is under wheat and cotton. In addition melons, vegetables, potato and fodder crops are cultivated. Crop area (ha) and crop yields in the project oblasts District Cotton Fodder crops Wheat Vegetables Potatoes Cucurbits Others
Area (ha) 83,600 16,000 83,400 6,700 1,300 4,400 6,100
Djizak Yield (t/ha) 2.47 51.1 3.91 13.56 12.38 15.42 -
Syrdarya Area (ha) Yield (t/ha) 108,900 2.06 9,800 75.6 88,200 3.79 3,600 22.14 1,100 12.42 3,100 27.98 2,400 -
6. Legal basis The project will be realized in accordance with the President’s Decree “On the Investment Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2009” (NoPP-969 dated 02.10.2008). Rehabilitation of I&D Infrastructures in Syrdarya and Djizak Oblasts” was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-2798 dated 229
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09.07.2007). Feasibility study of the project was designed by the Uzsuvloyiha Institute and Kuwait Consulting & Investment Company. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Irrigation System Rehabilitation of inter-farm canals 57,900 m (K-1, PR-4, PR-4-1, PR-4-1-8, K-3-5, Right Branch) in Syrdarya Oblast. Construction of M-2 Canal (15,090 m long) in Djizak Oblast Construction of Pumping Station PS-3 in Djizak Oblast Rehabilitation of on-farm I&D network serving 7,500 and 3,360 hectares respectively in Bayaut and Mirzaabad districts Construction of U-12-41 irrigation canal 1,140 m long in Djizak Oblast Reclamation of 7,769 and 12,770 hectares of lands in Syrdarya and Djizak oblasts respectively Component 2: Rehabilitation of Collector Systems Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors of 272 km long (Shuruzak, VJD, Kendik, WS-13, Kaybotgan, Ovrajniy, Malik, Djetisay and Bayaut) in Syrdarya Oblast Rehabilitation of main and inter-farm collectors of 110 km long (Djizak Golodnostep Collector, K-8, K-9 and K-10) in Djizak Oblast Rehabilitation of on-farm canals serving 13,500 hectares in Djizak, Zarbdor and Zamin districts Construction of interceptor drains (5,130 m long) along M-2 Canal, diverting P Collector (3,610 m long) in Djizak Oblast Rehabilitation of 50 vertical drainage wells Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Syrdarya-Djizak Project Components
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of I&D network
Land improvement
Institutional measures
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 4
3-Year O&M Costs - Command Area
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 7.3 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 344.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 25 Investment Project Proposal “Khorezm Tashsaka” 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply to the project area by means of rehabilitation of Tashsaka Canal System;
improve land conditions in the project area by means of rehabilitation of Khorezm Main Collectors System;
(iii) increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and (iv) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. The project covers irrigated area in the Khorezm oasis on the left bank of Amudarya River. The service area of the Khorezm Main Collectors Main System covers Bagat, Gurlen, Kushkupir, Khiva, Hanka, Urgench, Hazarap, Shavat, Yangibazar and Yangiarik administrative districts of Khorezm Oblast and comprises 250,300 ha. Within the scope of the project, collectors serving 141,000 hectares which requires urgent measures will be rehabilitated. Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is about 1,078,000 of which 77% reside in rural area. Irrigated lands are the only source of living and employment of the population. However, this sector directly depends on water supply which varies with time and considerably decreases during period of dry years ending up to 6 years and occurring after every 4-7 years. Climate. The project area is characterized by continental climate with moderately cold winters and very hot summers. Average annual air temperatures ranges from +11.5 to +12.4°С. Average monthly temperature in January, the coldest month of the year, is -4°С (absolute minimum -27°С). Frost free period is 190-207 days. Amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperature (4000-5000°С/year) allows growing heat loving crops. Annual mean precipitation ranges from 80 to 130 mm/year with no precipitation during summer period. Evaporation equals 1500-1600 mm/year. The effect of arid climate is increased by strong winds in the northern-eastern direction with a speed of 5 m/s. Cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the ancient alluvial Khorezm Sarikamish Plain sloping in the northwest direction from the Tuyamuyun Gorge to Sarikamish depression. The thickness of alluvial deposit varies from 6 m in the beginning of delta to 70 m in the middle of the depression. Deposits of ancient and contemporary beds are composed of mainly fine-grained sands and sandy loams. In depressions between the beds, loam is observed. The surface of the plain is indented by canals both in operation and not used as well as old dry beds in many places. Irrigated agriculture is practiced in the area since ancient times. Therefore irrigated lands are covered with natural deposits, thickness of which is sometimes several meters. Due 234
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to this local deposits which were formed besides ancient irrigation canals, the relief is slightly undulating bowl-shaped. As the territory is a closed basin, groundwater flux in the project area is quite complicated. At present, 95% of the irrigated lands (168,800 hectares) have high ground water level (shallower than 2 meters). Although groundwater is predominantly fresh and very slightly saline containing sulfate and sulfate-chloride (1-3 g/l), salinity level of the drainage effluent is 6-8 g/l. Area of water logged soils in the project area District
Service area (ha)
Bogat Gurlen Kushkupir Urgench Hazarasp Hanka Khiva Shavat Yangiarik Yangibazar Total
GWL area (ha)
23,700 29,400 31,200 28,300 33,800 27,600 19,900 29,000 17,800 23,800
0-1.0 m 10,100 11,000 2,500 4,800 14,400 11,600 4,500 8,700 8,400 5,500
1-1.5 m 10,600 14,900 17,800 14,100 17,300 13,000 10,200 14,100 8,200 13,000
1.5-2 m 2,600 3,100 8,300 6,800 1,400 2,700 3,800 5,800 1,100 3,900
2-3 m 500 300 1,800 1,900 700 200 900 500 100 1,000
3-5 m 400 500 500 200
>5 m 400 200 -
Area of water logged soils in the project area District
Service area (ha)
Bogat Gurlen Kushkupir Urgench Hazarasp Hanka Khiva Shavat Yangiarik Yangibazar Total
GW Salinity area (ha)
23,700 29,400 31,200 28,300 33,800 27,600 19,900 29,000 17,800 23,800
0-1.0 g/l 1,600 2,800 2,400 7,700 2,400 2,700 200 1,900 2,200
1-3 g/l 19,700 22,100 25,800 22,100 25,200 24,000 14,900 23,500 12,900 20,200
3-5 g/l 2,400 3,400 5,100 3,900 800 2,300 2,300 4,200 2,000 1,400
5-10 g/l 200 1,200 300 1,100 400 -
> 10 g/l 700 700
Soils. Soils in the project area are of hydromorphic desert type. Top soil is composed of hydromorphic subtypes of desert soil: meadow-alluvial, medow-oasis, marshy-meadow and meadow-desert-sandy soils. Alteration of clayey, loamy and sandy layers is observed. Soils are subjected to different levels of salinization. Slight and medium saline soils dominate with highly saline soils existing in 24% of the total area. Highly salinized and waterlogged area are 12% of the total area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Salinity level (ha)
Reclamation condition
Service area (ha)
Bogat Gurlen Kushkupir Urgench Hazarasp Hanka Khiva Shavat Yangiarik Yangibazar
23,700 29,400 31,200 28,300 33,800 27,600 19,900 29,000 17,800 23,800
17,100 11,000 12,900 17,700 22,000 21,000 9,300 14,600 10,000 14,300
4,800 12,500 10,700 8,500 8,000 4,900 8,400 8,800 4,900 6,600
1,800 5,900 7,600 2,100 3,800 1,700 2,200 5,600 2,900 2,900
21,200 27,200 25,400 25,900 30,900 24,900 17,000 25,600 16,000 21,600
2,500 2,200 5,800 2,400 2,900 2,700 2,900 3,400 1,800 2,200
Environment. Natural constraints together with insufficient drainage caused by poor water management has resulted waterlogging, progressive soil salinization and land degradation. Irrigated lands are leached with large quantities of water 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Amudarya River is the only source of water for irrigated agriculture in the Khorezm Oblast. However river discharge changes substantially both within each year and dry/normal periods. During dry years, annual water supply is 23 km3 less than this amount during average water years. Irrigation water is taken from Tuyamuyun Reservoir and distributed by the Tashsaka Canal System which provides water to Palvan, Gazavat, Bayramsaka ans Shavat canals. In the project area, there are also other main canals (Pitnyak, Urgench, etc.) with separate water intakes from Amudarya River. During the last 10 years, actual water consumptions in summer periods have been in the range of 2 to 3.9 km3. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Only 11% of the inter-farm canals (2,218 km) and 1.2% of the on-farm canals are concrete lined. Efficiencies of inter-farm and on-farm network are 0.72 and 0.52 respectively. Inter-farm network Total (m) Lined (m) %
Irrigated area (ha)
Struct ures
Gurlen Kushkupir Urgench Hazarasp Hanka
21,813 21,777 31,699 18,816
71 112 65 65 60
190 303 438 320 167
Khiva Shavat Yangiarik Yangibazar
16,280 21,104 12,585 13,134
64 46 94 16
202 198 181 234
District Bagat
On-farm network Total (m) Lined (m)
15 16 27 78 13
5.3 6.2 24.4 7.8
1,302 2,295 1,009 1,319 1,429
11 21 32 50 5
0.9 3.2 3.8 0.3
26 26 18 18
12.9 13.1 9.9 7.7
1,097 1,814 1,229 1,100
2 15 12 3
0.2 0.8 1.0 0.3
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Drainage. Total length of inter-farm collectors is 3,485 km with a specific length of 14 m/ha. On-farm collectors (6,771 km) are mainly open drains. Subsurface horizontal drainage covers only 6% of the irrigated lands. Considerable part of the on-farm collector network is in unsatisfactory state. Inter-farm collectors (m) Bagat Gurlen Kushkupir Urgench Hazarasp Hanka Khiva Shavat Yangiarik Yangibazar Ozerny Total
On-farm drainage network (m) Open
259 365 461 358 437 349 304 427 236 290 233
653 752 936 554 779 651 552 764 573 558
644 696 882 519 743 605 509 674 529 466
8 56 54 36 36 46 43 90 44 92
146 131 201 211 142 201 203 211 105 180 73
Operation and maintenance. Poor water management and lack of proper O&M has resulted in deterioration of collector drainage network. More than 50% of inter-farm and 40% of the on-farm drainage network requires rehabilitation. 4. Land use and agricultural production Arable lands are 87.6% of the total irrigated lands in the project area. Whereas perennial plants (gardens, vineyards and mulberry trees) occupy 13.4%. Cotton, wheat and vineyard prevail in this structure with 53%, 24% and 11% respectively. Distribution of irrigated area by land types is shown in the table below:
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
5. Legal basis Rehabilitation of the Tashsaka Canal System of Khorezm Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-72789 dated 08.07.2007). Preliminary feasibility study is being developed by Uzsuvloyiha Institute. 6. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Tashsaka Canal System Technical activities Reconstruction of main canals with a total length of 164.1 km in including Tashsaka Canal (32.1 km), Shavat Canal (89.2 km), Palvan-Gazavat Canal (30.5 km) and Bayramsaka Canal (12.3 km), Reconstruction of 65 structures on these canals including on Tashsaka Canal (17), on Shavat Canal (24), on Palvan-Gazavat Canal (22) and on Bayramsaka Canal (2), Reconstruction of 32 hydroposts, Supply and installation of SCADA system. Component 2: Rehabilitation of Khorezm Main Collectors System Technical activities Main collectors - 176.5 km Waterworks (water-conduit bridge, bridges, entry works, etc.) - 133 units Ozerny regulating collector - 191,0 km Daudansky collector - 19,0 km Atashev collector - 52,3 km Shavat-Andreevsky collector - 10,4 km Pravo-Tashsakinsky collector - 40,9 km Pravoberejny Klychniyabay collector - 25,1 km Component 3: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Rehabilitation of on-farm drainage canals Land improvement Component 4: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 5: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 6: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
7. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Project Components Khorezm-Tashsaka
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of Khorezm Main Collector System
Rehabilitation of Tashsaka Main Canal System
3-Year O&M Costs - Drainage System - Irrigation System
20,864,000,000 28,688,000,000
16,000,000 22,000,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs:
8. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 32.5 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 434.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 26 Investment Project Proposal “Uchkara” 1. Project Objectives and Rationale The objective of the project is to: (i)
provide ensured water supply for project area irrigation by means of rehabilitation of Uchkara Pumping Station;
increase productivity of agriculture through rehabilitation of I&D infrastructure in the command area; and
(iii) increase water use efficiency through on-farm level management. The project will create the conditions for sustainable management of irrigated land and preventing its degradation conditioned by water shortage and inadequate irrigation practice. 2. Project area Location. Uchkara Pumping Station is located on the right bank of Zarafshan River and supplies water for 5,868 hectares of irrigated area in the Katirchi district of Navoi Oblast Beneficiaries. Population of the project area is 25,000 of which 90% reside in rural area. Irrigated lands are the main source of living and employment of the population. Failure of the pumping station will adversely affect agricultural production and employment resulting in social tension and related negative consequences. Continuous water supply will promote strengthening of the farm enterprises and hence ensure stable level of socio-economic development in the command area. Climate. The project area is characterized by extreme continental climate, hot summer and moderate winters. Annual mean air temperature is 14°С. Summer air temperatures ranges from +25 to +28°С (absolute maximum +43°С). January temperatures are around 0°С. Precipitation is less than 200 mm/year not falling in summer and evaporation equals 1400-1550 mm/year. Relative air humidity is extremely low. Durable frost-free period (220-230 days) and high amount of cumulative effective (above 10°С) temperatures (45004700°С/year) allow growing many heat-loving crops. However cultivation is constrained by high moisture deficit which results the need of artificial irrigation. Geomorphology and hydrogeology. Project area is located on the hilly-undulating proluvial piedmont plain on the right bank of the Zarafshan River. Average elevation is in the range of 460-490 m sloping towards west. Quaternary provulial loess-like porous sandy clay sediments of 18-22 m thick are underlain by gravel-pebble layer of 12-14 m thick. Below that level, compacted loam layer lies. On the project area as hydrogeological conditions allow good flux of groundwater, depth to ground water is more than 5 m. Groundwater is characterized mainly as nonsaline (0.5-1 g/l) with hydrocarbonate and sodium. Soils. Soil cover was formed in conditions of desert type soil formation. Grey-brown soils are the most common types. Medium textured and light loams affect grain-size distribution. Soils are subject to irrigation erosion and hence the humus and mineral content is low. Salinization is low in the project area.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Environment. Development of lands for irrigation actually resulted in intensive spread of cultivated vegetation and complete extinction of the natural semi-desert ecosystem. Composition of flora and fauna has drastically changed. Realization of the project will contribute to the guaranteed water supply. 3. I&D Infrastructure Water supply. Zarafshan River is the source of water from which Uchkara Pumping Station takes water via Shavat Canal and supplies to the project area of 5,868 ha in Katirchi districts. Besides, there are several small pumping units serving the area with a total capacity of 2.9 m3/s. Irrigation network is characterized by low efficiency and high seepage losses. Drainage. Given the specific hydrogeological and reclamation conditions in the project area, natural drainage is sufficient. However water losses from the irrigation network and fields requires special attention for the existing reclamation condition of the project area. Operation and maintenance. At present O&M level of irrigation infrastructure is inadequate and rehabilitation of the network is required. 4. Assessment of Uchkara Pumping Station 4.1 Review and specification Uchkara PS was constructed in 1981 to pump out water from Shavat Canal for irrigation of 5,868 hectares. Design life for the pumps was 16 years. Therefore after an actual operation time of 27 years, water supply is under threat. Design features of Pump Station are as follows:
Model Pumping units Design capacity Existing capacity Lift height (maximum) Installed capacity Electric motor
Uchkara D4000-95 4 + 1 (reserve) 21.0 m3/s 18.9 m3/s 24 m 11,250 kW SDN-2-16-49-6 Uz
1,250 kW
Voltage Rotation frequency Life time of pump/motor Efficiency
6,000 V 1,000 rpm 16 years % 94.6
4.2 Assessment of individual components of Uchkara PS (1) Approach canal: Concrete lined Shavat Canal which takes water from Zarafshan River is in a satisfactory condition. (2) Hydro-mechanical equipment: Existing pump units have been completely exhausted their economic life and need to be replaced. (3) Auxiliary equipment: Process water supply and drainage needs to be completely replaced. (4) Switchgear: Switchgear (RU-6 kW KSO-266 type) shall be completely replaced 244
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(5) Transformer: Second transformer with 10,000 kVA capacity shall be installed to ensure the operation of the pumping station (6) Control system: Control and monitoring systems shall be replaced by a modern system. 5. Land use and agricultural production Main area of irrigated land (64%) is under cotton and wheat. In addition fodder crops and vegetables are cultivated. Crop areas in the project area No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crops Winter wheat Fodder crops (annual grass) Cotton Potatoes Vegetables Gardens Vineyards Mulberry Total
Area (ha)
Yield (c/ha)
Product (t)
1,872 82 1,273 29 82 206 2,271 53
38.6 95.7 25.3 124.8 118.9 48.1 50.6 35.0
7,226 785 3,221 362 975 991 11,491 186
6. Legal basis Reconstruction of Uchkara PS in Navoi Oblast was included in Summary List of Priority Proposals on the base of President’s Decree (NoPP-216 dated 08.11.2005). The project will be realized in accordance with the protocol of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No:02-29-58) dated 22.02.2006. 7. Project components Component 1: Rehabilitation of Uchkara Pumping Station Building and civil works Reconstruction of trash racks at two water intake facilities Replacement of existing direct-flowing intaking steel pipes with pipes with a raised knee Disassembly of 5 concrete understructures in the underground part of the PS premises below the existing pumping units and building of new 8 concrete understructures. Injection of walls where water leaks with subsequent finishing works In the over-ground part of the PS and in the premises of switchgear and command console: Repair of roof, glazing and finishing works Replacement of sections of worn out pipes at the penstocks, laying of 2 runs of the penstocks for III and IV irrigation zones and repair of lining of outlet works of I zone Replacement of trash racks, control gates and elevators in diversion chambers Installation of a bridge electric crane with 10 tens capacity Replacement of drainage pumps Hydromechanical equipment Installation of 8 new pumps at the PS Replacement of accessory hydraulic and electric equipment Electromechanical equipment Installation of SCADA system Replacement of heating and ventilation equipment 245
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Replacement of accessory and electrical equipment
Component 2: Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure Technical activities Rehabilitation of inter-farm collectors Land improvement Land leveling Anti-erosion works Component 3: Institutional strengthening Capacity building of water institutions (BAIS, AIS, PS Department etc.) Procurement of vehicles, computers and laboratory equipment Support of WUA development Implementation of Farmers training program Field farmers schools, demonstration plots etc. Component 4: Technical Assistance Local consultants. International consultants. Component 5: Monitoring and evaluation of the project progress Purchasing of equipment for soil and water monitoring Training Procurement of computers 8. Summary Estimates of Project Costs Cost estimates have been arrived at by utilizing end of 2007 prices. Neither physical nor price contingencies have been applied to prices. Total costs include O&M costs for the period of the three-year project both for the Pump Station and the command area. Project Components Uchkara
Investment Costs: 1
Rehabilitation of pump station
Rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage system
Total investment cost Recurrent Costs: 3
3-Year O&M Costs - Pump Station - Command Area
8,476,000,000 978,000,000
6,500,000 750,000
Project Management Costs (11.0 Percent)
Total recurrent cost
Total Project Costs
9. Remarks The estimated Economic Rate of Return for this project is 34.6 Percent. The total cost per ha of the project is $ 3,692.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Annex 5 INVESTMENT PROJECT DATA SHEETS (“PROJECT PASSPORT”) Purpose The purpose of these data sheets is to allow a Working Group / Project Designers to: Broaden and improve the availability of information and data regarding the water sector in general, and the irrigation and drainage sub-sector in particular, in the respective sub-basin (see Appendix 1); Bring the numerous investment project ideas/proposals to a uniform, readily comparable standard; and Provide the necessary economic, technical, social, environmental, financial and legal parameters to allow prioritization by decision makers. Sample Forms (see Appendices 1 – 5) The proposed format for gathering project data leans heavily on the project costing software COSTAB (developed by the World Bank), which can be used on any Personal Computer and is readily downloadable for free from the internet ( This program is widely used by donors and readily converts project costs from local currency (som) into US dollars equivalent at prevailing exchange rates at the time of conversion. Additionally, it converts total project costs in economic terms according to prevailing economic parameter input at the time of Economic Rate of Return (ERR) calculation (tax rates, shadow exchange rate if applicable, conversion factors). The underlying idea is to feed proposed investment project data into COSTAB to permit uniform analysis of all proposals while at the same time facilitating easy understanding of project proposals by major donors. Scope A minimum of background information and data need to be collected at sub-basin level, preferably in close collaboration with the BAIS. A suitable format to present the subbasin specific information in a concise and coherent manner as well as a list of the most important parameters characterizing the sub-basin is presented in Appendix 1. In addition to the numerical information sought under Appendices 3 - 5, a brief, narrative description of the project proposal (see Appendix 2) is necessary for a full understanding of the context. The following topics are to be addressed:
Project Objective: A succinct description of the project’s objective including its perceived importance on a national scale and why it should get priority ranking.
Project Area: A short description of the location of the project including agro climatic zone, soil condition and groundwater characteristics.
Project Description: Listing in telegraph style of project activities to be carried out over a given period.
Project Costs11: Up-date available project cost to end-of-calendar year 2007 (current terms) to permit meaningful comparison. Thereafter, state annual costs in current
Follow the format provided in Appendices pages 2- 5 to this Annex. 249
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terms. This should be applied to both, investment and recurrent (annual) costs. It is recommended to include 10 percent physical contingencies on total base investment and recurrent costs (excluding price contingencies). It is important that appropriate irrigation infrastructure O&M costs are provided under the project. Careful estimation of annual O&M costs of primary, secondary and tertiary irrigation infrastructure maintenance is of particular importance for a proper assessment of the feasibility of the proposals. For purposes of financial analysis the WB’s periodically published local and foreign inflation figures will be used.
Beneficiaries, Benefits, Agriculture: Estimate total number of beneficiaries per project site; indicate all irrigable land (including unused); project cropping patterns for the portion of the land that is to be irrigated under the project; estimate projected water requirements per ha (m3) including crop yields under improved conditions (gradually increasing yields per ha).
Economic Analysis: All project cost figures should be provided including taxes and duties. A listing of estimated taxes per category of costs should be provided under this heading.
In addition to the information requested above, the Working Group / Project Designers are encouraged to provide any further information that is not covered in the Project Data Sheets, such as existing laws as well as laws under preparation, pertaining to the water supply sector covering aspects like the obligations of water users, Oblast and Rayon participation in the operation and maintenance of the national water supply network and the setting of resource prices. Moreover, for projects that require the establishment of management and administration, including training, technical assistance, studies and foreign study tours, a separate page may be prepared under the title “Project Management Unit” if investments are needed to provide project management support. A corresponding recurrent cost table must of course also be prepared.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 1 DATA REQUREMENT LIST FOR SUB-BASIN AUTHORITIES (BAISS) The following data shall be prepared to characterize an individual sub-basin: 1. Demographic information Table 1. Demographic information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ……. Population
Female/Male ratio*
Birth rate*
Rayon A (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon B (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon C (total) ……….. * If not available on village or mahalla scale, only state for rayon level ** If rayon center is within the borders of this sub-basin or sub-basin unitunit
Life expectancy (F/M)*
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Land resources (land use and condition) Table 2. Land resources information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ……. Surface area (ha)
Arable land (ha)
Irrigated land (ha)
Pastures (ha)*
Forests (ha)*
Rayon A (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon B (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon C (total) ………..
* If not available on village or mahalla scale, only state for rayon level ** If rayon center is within the borders of this sub-basin unit
Table 3. Salinity level information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit …… Non-saline (ha)*
Slightly saline (ha)*
Medium saline (ha)*
Rayon A (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon B (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon C (total) ………..
* If not available on village or mahalla scale, only state for rayon level ** If rayon center is within the borders of this sub-basin unit
Severely saline (ha)*
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Table 4. Waterlogged area information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit…… 0-1 m (ha)*
1-1.5 m (ha)*
1.5-2 m (ha)*
2-3 m (ha)*
3-5 m (ha)*
>5m (ha)*
Rayon A (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon B (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon C (total) ………..
* If not available on village or mahalla scale, only state for rayon level ** If rayon center is within the borders of this sub-basin unit
2. Agricultural production on irrigated lands Table 5. Agricultural production information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit … Cotton(t/ha)*
Other field crops(t/ha)*
Rayon A (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon B (total) Rayon center** Village a Village b ……….. Mahalla a Mahalla b ……….. Rayon C (total) ………..
* If not available on village or mahalla scale, only state for rayon level ** If rayon center is within the borders of this sub-basin unit
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
3. Water resources Table 6. Water resources information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-basin Unit … Type/Name
Length (km)*
Average annual discharge (m3/s)*
Annual volume (mil m3)*
Minimum discharge (m3/s)*
Maximum discharge (m3/s)*
River A PK:0-PK:X PK:X-PK:Y ……….. River B ……….. Soy A PK:0-PK:X PK:X-PK:Y ……….. Soy B ………..
* The river/soy shall be divided into sensible sections (e.g. section beginning with an intersection with a main canal at PK:X and ending with the border of a rayon at PK:Y) and these amounts shall be given for these sections if available together with the amounts for the total length (in the river/soy row)
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
4. Water Resources Infrastructure Table 7. Reservoirs information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit …… Name
Annual incoming volume (mil m3)
Total storage volume (mil m3)
Total useful volume (mil m3)
Present useful volume (mil m3)
Annual outgoing volume (mil m3)
Condition and problems
Reservoir A Reservoir B ………..
Table 8. Irrigation & drainage network information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit …… Type/Name
Length (km)*
Capacity (m3/s)*
Annual volume (mil. m3)*
Command area (ha)
Condition and problems
Canal A PK:0-PK:X PK:X-PK:Y ……….. Canal B ……….. Collector A PK:0-PK:X PK:X-PK:Y ……….. Collector B ………..
* The canal/collector shall be divided into sensible sections (e.g. section beginning with an intersection with a river/soy at PK:X and ending with the border of a rayon at PK:Y) and these amounts shall be given for these sections if available together with the amounts for the total length (in the canal/column row)
Table 9. Structures information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit …… Type
Siphon A Siphon B ……….. Regulator A Regulator B ……….. Aqueduct A Aqueduct B ……….. Outlet A Outlet B ……….. Spillway A Spillway B ……….. Other A
Capacity (m3/s)
Length (m)
Condition and problems
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Other B ………..
Table 10. Pumping stations information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit….. Name
Source (canalriver)
Target (canalriver)
Pumping height (m)
Pumping capacity (m3/s)
Annual pumped volume (mil. m3)
Command area (ha)
Condition and problems
Pump Sta A Pump Sta B ………..
Table 11. Irrigation wells information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ….. Type
Yield (l/s)
Depth (m)
Average system operation ratio
Annual pumped volume (m3)
Command area (ha)
Condition and problems
Type A Type B ………..
Table 12. Vertical drainage wells information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ……. Type
Yield (l/s)
Depth (m)
Average system operation ratio
Annual pumped volume (m3)
Command area (ha)
Condition and problems
Type A Type B ………..
Table 13. Communication and automation facilities information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ….. Type Type A
Control type
Type B ………..
Condition and problems
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
5. Other Infrastructure Table 14. Other infrastructure information data sheet for Sub-Basin Unit ….. Type
Bank protection A Bank protection B ……….. Flood protection A Flood protection B ……….. Erosion control A Erosion control B ……….. Other A Other B ………..
Capacity (m3/s)
Length (m)
Condition and problems
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
7. Transboundary Water Resources Table 16. Transboundary water resources information data sheet for Sub-Basin or Sub-Basin Unit ….. Type/Name
Upstream country
Downstream country
Agreement date (if any)
River A River B ……….. Canal A Canal B ………..
Agreement conditions
Solution proposals
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 2 INVESTMENT PROJECT DATA SHEET [S1.2.3]: [PROJECT NAME] A brief, narrative (not longer than maximum 3 pages) description of the propsed investment project is to be prepared for a full understanding of the context. The following topics are to be addressed (see also Annex III, Appendix Page 1-3 in Aide-Mémoire of July 2007 Mission): 1. Project Area (topography, climate conditions, surface water availability, groundwater characteristics, and soil characteristics) including a project location map in A4 format. Describe the natural resources potential in the command area of the project (maximum ½ page without the map). 2. Beneficiaries (demographic data of the target population) Describe the demographic situation of the target population living in the project area (maximum ¼ page). 3. Agriculture (production parameters: land use, cropping pattern, crop water requirements, yields) Describe the production parameters in the project area (maximum ½ page). 4. Irrigation Water Supply (origin, quantity and availability of water used for irrigation purposes) 5. Irrigation System (main conveyance system, secondary and tertiary distribution system 6. Drainage System (drains and collectors including vertical drainage wells (VDWs)) 7. Pump Stations (including stationary and mobile pump stations used to pump drainage water) Describe the irrigation and drainage system of the project area including irrigation water supply and pump stations (maximum ½ page). 8. Existing/present conditions of the irrigation and drainage system to be targeted (hydraulic structures, hydro-posts, pump stations, canals, drains, and access roads) 9. Existing/present operation and maintenance (O&M) measures (main (conveyance) canal, main (drainage) collector, secondary (inter-farm) canals and drains, tertiary (on-farm) canals and drains) 10. Rehabilitation Needs (hydraulic structures, pump stations, VDWs, canals, drains and roads) Describe the existing conditions of the irrigation and drainage system including existing O&M measures and subsequently identify the rehabilitation needs (maximum ½ page). 11. Project Proposal (project objective(s), expected outcome(s) and project activities including an environmental assessment and project map in A3 format) Describe the project including all activities to be carried out over a given period (maximum ¾ page without the map). 12. Project Costs (using COSTAB software)
These Data Sheets systemize guidelines and formats to “standardize” the data/information available for so-called “feasibility studies” as well as for those project proposals/ideas for which a feasibility study is not available. It is important that an agreed procedure is followed when these Investment Project Data Sheets are prepared, viz. only one (selected) Team Member of a Working Group is authorized to enter data/information received from other Team Members or from Government Agencies into the “master file” in Russian language. Once the (Russian) “master file” is translated into English, then it will be under the responsibility of the Team Leader of the Working Group, and eventually distributed by him/her as a “read-only master file”.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 3 INVESTMENT COSTS 1. CIVIL WORKS A. Earth Works i. Excavation for structure foundations including haulage (m3) ii. Cleaning of sediments including haulage (m3) a. in the main canals b. in the secondary canals c. in the tertiary canals d. in the collector-drainage system iii. Grading of the spoil heaps (m3) iv. Grading and reshaping the O&M roads (m3) v. Asphalt road including foundation and pavement (m2) vi. Stone pitching works (m3) B. Concrete Works i. Canal concrete lining including the bedding and joint works (m3) ii. Reinforced concrete for structures (kg/m3) iii. Precast concrete items (kg/m3) iv. Reinforced concrete piles (kg/m3) C. Steel Works (including manufacturing, transporting, erecting, installing, painting) i. Steel gates for the cross-regulators (ton) ii. Turnouts (kg) iii. Hoisters for regulators and turnouts (kg) iv. Other steel works like bridges, stairs etc. (kg) D. Hydro-Mechanical Works i. Pumps ii. Motors for pumps iii. Motors for wells E. Electro-Mechanical Works i. Transformers ii. Power transmission lines iii. Switchboards iv. SCADA works F. On-farm Works i. Leveling (m2) ii. Deep ripping (m3) iii. Laying of subsurface horizontal drainage network including excavation, bedding and backfill (m) iv. Cleaning of subsurface horizontal drainage network (m) v. Steel pipes laying (m) vi. PE pipes laying (m) vii. Asbestos cement pipes laying (m) G. Demolition Works i. Demolition of reinforced concrete structures (m3) ii. Demolition of steel pipes (kg) iii. Demolition of steel structures (kg) 261
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iv. Demolition of roads (m2) H. Repair Works i. Shotcrete (m3) ii. Plastering (m2) iii. Glazing (m2) iv. Plumbering v. Structural strengthening of reinforced concrete structures vi. Structural strengthening of steel structures vii. Repair of VDW houses 2. HEAVY EQUIPMENT A. Excavators B. Graders C. Rippers D. Scrapers E. Trenchers F. Pavers G. Bulldozers H. Loaders I. Draglines J. Trucks 3. VEHICLES A. Cars B. Buses C. Jeeps 4. OFFICE EQUIPMENT A. Computer Facilities B. Office Furniture 5. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE A. Local Consultants (pm) B. International Consultants (pm) 6. SURVEY DESIGN AND WORKS A. Assets Condition Survey B. Topographical Surveys (ha) C. Hydro-mechanical Equipments Survey (Conditions of pumps, penstocks, wells, motors etc.) D. Design Works
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 4 RECURRENT COSTS In support of items under the headings 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Appendix 3, recurrent (annual) costs for operating the project should be provided in Appendix 4. Whereas investment costs are a one-time expenditure during the live of a project, depreciable over a certain number of years, recurrent cost are assessed to permit the project to “operate” and to “maintain” assets acquired (O&M). Recurrent costs are closely linked to the estimated, useful live of a given asset and need to be calculated from the time the investment item, or asset, is being delivered to the project until the end of the estimated, useful live of assets. Moreover, for projects that require the establishment of management and administration, including training, technical assistance, studies and foreign study tours, a separate page 1 may be prepared under the title “Project Management Unit” if investments are needed to provide project management support. A corresponding recurrent cost table must of course also be prepared.
Methodology for Ranking Irrigation Infrastructure Investment Projects
Appendix 5 PRODUCTION PARAMETERS The design institutes have a long experience in providing information asked on page 3, in particular crop water requirements. Mostly they keep their own statistics and where data is lacking they have ready access to MAWR records. To estimate number of beneficiaries, enquiries will have to be made about current figures at Oblast/Rayon level. For purposes of estimating number of farm family members that benefit from any given project, up dated, national census averages should be used. The information required in Appendix 5 permits calculation of both, the financial (FRR) and economic rates of return (ERR). For all crops produced in any given project, farm-gate prices are required. For purposes of ERR calculations, world market prices will be used for those crops that are primarily destined for export and border prices for import substitutions.