2 minute read
Nashville Pride

Nashville Pride is truly an institution for the LGBT community not only in Nashville but all of Middle Tennessee. Until recent years, it was the only Pride festival within a hundred miles, and provided a rare refuge for those who wanted to come into the city and be out and gay for a day or a weekend. Now there are Pride festivals in Nashville suburbs, and small cities further out, but Nashville Pride is still a star, as Tennessee’s largest LGBTQ-focused event.
Recent years have seen Pride extend it’s footprint around Public Square park, expanding to accomodate dozens of additional vendors, and the event was extended to include Sundays. But last year saw the return of a fan favorite, something many in Nashville have been asking for for years: a Pride PARADE!
Nashville Pride 2020 will be held on Saturday, June 27, and Sunday, June 28, 2020, and will again feature a parade, over 200 vendors, three stages featuring national and local musical talent and drag shows, a kids and family zone, youth area, dance tent, food trucks, and so much more.
After-party events both days, such as PLAY’s Foam Party, have long been staples in LGBTQ spac-

HRC NASHVILLE Hrcnash.org NASHVILLE LGBT CHAMBER nashvilleLGBTchamber.org 41 Peabody Street Nashville, TN 37210 ....615-507-5185

Nashville LGBT Chamber Member

PFLAG NASHVILLE PFLAGNashville.org PO Box 331562 Nashville, TN 37203 .. 615-208-GLBT TENNESSEE EQUALITY PROJECT TNEP.org P.O. Box 330895 Nashville, TN 37203 .. 615-390-5252

Your Home for the Performing Arts TPAC.ORG • 615-782-4040

es, but more and more Nashville businesses are joining the fun, hosting drag brunches and latenight dance parties. Nashville in June is hot, but Nashville Pride

is hotter. Come for the weekend and see it for yourself.
For information about other area Prides, see our Annual Event Rundown on page 46!