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Annual Events
Nashville’s LGBTQ community has built up quite a portfolio of annual events, supporting many different organizations and causes (or just for fun). This list is by no means exhaustive, but it includes a diverse set of the most high-profile, or out of the ordinary, LGBTQ events in Nashville.
February Music City Sisters Pink Panty Pulldown February 8, 2020 facebook.com/ events/856159448169546
July - August Victory Fund Nashville Brunch 2020 August 9, 2020 victoryfund.org/event/nashville2020
March Nashville HRC Gala TBA facebook.com/hrcnashville April Dining Out for Life April 21, 2020 diningoutforlife.com/city/nashville Tri-Cities Pride August 29, 2020 tripridetn.org September
Murfreesboro Pride September 19, 2020 facebook.com/ events/1533599040126466
May Nearly Naked Carwash TBA teamfriendlytennessee.org
PRIDE Season Upper Cumberland Pride (Cookeville) June 6, 2020 ucpride.org
Franklin Pride June 7, 2020 Stay Tuned for More Info!
Knoxville Pride June 20, 2020 knoxpride.com
Nashville Pride June 27-28, 2020 nashvillepride.org Mid-South Pride (Memphis) September 26, 2020 midsouthpride.org
October Chattanooga Pride TBA chattanoogapride.com
November - December Nashville CARES Red Ribbon Breakfast TBA nashvillecares.org
If you have an annual event you’d like to see listed on the calendar, email editor@outandaboutnashville. com, and indicate the time period in which it normally occurs and the next scheduled event!