Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce Pride Update
Joe Woolley
The organized LGBTQ+ community was formed largely through struggle, and to come together to combat challenges that threatened our day to day lives. The community has always persevered and emerged stronger than ever, because of our commitment to taking care of one another and uniting together. The response to COVID-19 has been no different, and while the virus is impacting the LGBT and all marginalized communities harder, we see the LGBT community coming together like we always have, supporting each other and the organizations that support us. And as we continue to do this, we can still celebrate our pride, just in a different way than we normally do.
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In an ordinary year, Pride celebrations would offer a chance to gather, celebrate the achievements of the community, and reflect on the future for social change. Now, with our rights still coming under threat and exacerbated by the virus outbreak, we are finding innovative ways of reaching out to provide alternative spaces online to celebrate. We are going virtual and want and need you to join us. The Business of Pride The quarantine has hit many of us hard, especially financially. Many of us will be looking closely at the cost of things and hoping for brighter economic days ahead. When you do spend your money, look for a business that is supportive of the LGBT community, a company that is an LGBT-inclusive corporation, or an LGBT-owned certified business enterprise. It has never been easier to go online or check to make sure you support the brands that have our community’s back. Our online directory and looking for our membership sticker in windows and on cash registers is a great way to do that locally. Be proud of and careful with those dollars and spend them with those that are showing their pride and are part of this amazing community.
June 2020
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