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A day to remember!

Wedding arrangements / Gestecke fĂźr die Hochzeit / Creazioni di matrimonio





eben Trauergestecken nehmen Hochzeitsgestecke in der Welt der Floristik den größten Raum ein. Für Smithers-Oasis Grund genug, eine neue Hochzeits-Broschüre heraus zu geben – speziell für Sie. Auf den nächsten Seiten zeigen wir Ihnen Gesteckbeispiele für den Brautstrauß, für Auto- und Kirchenschmuck sowie für die Hochzeitstafel. Mithilfe dieser Inspirationsquelle können Sie die gezeigten Gestecke entweder nacharbeiten oder aber neue kreieren. Aber auch für die Beratung Ihrer Kunden leistet diese Broschüre wertvolle Hilfe. Sie erweitern damit nicht nur Ihr Service-Angebot, sondern stellen einmal mehr Ihre Professionalität unter Beweis. Die Broschüre umfasst drei Bereiche:

1. Stilvolle Beispiele für Ihre Kunden. Zeigen Sie diese Gesteckbeispiele Ihren Kunden. Dadurch werden Sie ganz leicht herausfinden, was ihnen gefällt und ihren schönsten Tag unvergesslich werden lässt. 2. Inspiration für Sie. In diesem Teil der Broschüre finden Sie Angaben zu verwendeten Gesteckunterlagen und floralem Material. 3. Eine Übersicht über die wichtigsten OASIS® Produkte erhalten Sie im dritten Teil der Broschüre. Ihre Blumen, Ihre Kreativität und handwerkliches Können verdienen nur das Beste: Blumensteckschaum und Artikel in höchster Qualität. Als professioneller Florist nutzen Sie für Ihre Werkstücke OASIS® brand Floral Products – zu Recht. Denn nur Smithers-Oasis bietet Ihnen eine solch umfangreiche Produktpalette für Ihre Hochzeitsfloristik. Die Saugzeit von OASIS® Steckschaum-Produkten ist sehr gering. OASIS® Produkte lassen sich schnell und problemlos verarbeiten und einfach transportieren. Nutzen Sie für Ihre Hochzeitsgestecke also nur die besten Unterlagen. Stilvoll und modern, benutzerfreundlich und zeitsparend: OASIS® brand Floral Products.


ridal and funeral arrangements occupy an important place in the floristic world, Smithers-Oasis have compiled the brochure “A day to remember”, especially for you. You as a florist will find in this brochure examples of wedding bouquets as well as car, church and table decorations. In short, this brochure is a source of inspiration for both adapted and new arrangements.

By using this brochure during discussions with your clients, you are adding an extra dimension to your service package whilst emphasizing your craftsmanship. This brochure is made up of 3 parts:



el mondo della decorazione floreale eventi come matrimoni o funerali occupano sicuramente un posto di primaria importanza. Per questo motivo, Smithers-Oasis ha pensato a un depliant dedicato esclusivamente a questi eventi chiamandolo “A day to remember”. In questa brochure troverete esempi di bouquet da sposa, decorazioni per l’automobile, per la chiesa e per il banchetto nuziale. In breve, una panoramica che possa servire da spunto per la composizione di decorazioni sia classiche che moderne. Mostrando questo depliant alla vostra clientela, avrete uno strumento ulteriore per valorizzare il vostro servizio e la vostra professionalità. La brochure si compone di tre parti riguardanti:

1. Stylish examples for your clients. Show these arrangements to your customers and through these designs you will find out what appeals to them, contributing to a day which they will never forget. 2. Inspiring examples for you. Materials and floral bases required to make these designs can be found in the second part of this brochure. 3. An overview of the most important OASIS® Floral Products. Flowers, creativity and craftsmanship deserve the best floral foam and floral bases as a basic principle of any design.

1. Esempi di stili diversi da mostrare alla vostra clientela, così da poter capire più facilmente che cosa si avvicini di più al loro gusto e per rendere la loro celebrazione davvero indimenticabile. 2. Esempi di lavorazioni che possano servire come ispirazione per il vostro lavoro e per le vostre personali creazioni. Nella seconda parte della brochure sono infatti riportate i materiali necessari per la composizioni floreali illustrate. 3. Una panoramica sui più importanti prodotti OASIS® Floral Products. Fiori, creatività e abilità meritano la migliore spugna e i migliori prodotti.

As a craftsman, you are right to choose OASIS® Floral Products to create your designs, as only Smithers-Oasis offer you a complete portfolio of products for all your wedding arrangements. All of our floral foam products absorb water at a quick rate and can be used immediately and with ease as well as being easy to transport. So for all of your wedding arrangements choose the very best floral foam bases. Stylish, user-friendly and timesaving: OASIS® Floral Products.

La vostra attività ha il diritto di poter scegliere la qualità di OASIS® Floral Products, perché solo Smithers-Oasis può offrire una gamma completa di prodotti per tutti i tipi di decorazioni da matrimonio. Tutti i nostri articoli in spugna assorbono velocemente l’acqua e sono quindi facili da usare e da trasportare. Per le vostre composizioni cerimoniali scegliete la migliore base di spugna. Stile, facilità e velocità di utilizzo: OASIS® Floral Products


Philippe Bas

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle 4


Jeder Mensch begegnet einmal dem Menschen seines Lebens, aber nur wenige erkennen ihn rechtzeitig. Gina Kaus 6


Franky Bollingh

L’amore vero, è il cammino in due verso la luce di un ideale comune. J. d’Hormoy 8


Arnaud Lechantre

We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Sam Keen 10


Stijn Cuvelier

Die Ehen werden im Himmel geschlossen und auf Erden vollzogen. Franzรถsisches Sprichwort 12


Jan Deridder

Nulla è difficile per chi ama. Cicerone 14


Markus A. Reinhold

I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. Roy Croft 16



Eine Hochzeit ist eine Landung, die wie ein Start aussieht.

Amore guarda non con gli occhi ma con l’anima ...

Paul Hubschmid

Shakespeare 19

Gala-Clip Art. Nr. 4070

Vanda ‘White Magic’ I Hypericum I Cornus alba ‘Gouchaultii’

Pearls Aubergine (Ø 8 mm) Art. Nr. 62107

OASIS® Auto Rondella Art. Nr. 3295

Cornus alba I Amaranthus caudatus I Hypericum ‘White Condor’ I Zinnia ‘Envy’ I Cocos nucifera I Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Magical Emerald Classic’

Phalaenopsis I Genista

OASIS® BIOLINE® Sphere (Ø 20 cm) Art. Nr. 7490

Pearls White (Ø 10 mm) Art. Nr. 62361

page 11 page 12

Flash Wire Silver Art. Nr. 94587

OASIS® Table Design Neo Medi Art. Nr. 40520

Gypsophila elegans I Ornithogalum arabicum I Freesia I Rosa (Polyantha cultivar) I Hypericum androsaemum I Chrysanthemum I Gaultheria shallon

OASIS® Auto Rondella Art. Nr. 3295

Rosa ‘Avalanche’ I Gypsophila elegans I Aspidistra elatior

Pearls White (Ø 10 mm) Art. Nr. 62361

Phalaenopsis I Genista

OASIS® Ideal Sphere (Ø 12 cm) Art. Nr. 1082

Rosa ‘Akito’ I Dianthus ‘Green Trick’ I Scabiosa caucasica ‘Stäfa’ I Ageratum I Ceropegia woodii ssp. woodii I Zantedeschia ‘Crystal Blush’

OASIS® Table Design Neo Maxi Art. Nr. 40530

Rosa ‘Avalanche’ I Leucobryum glaucum I Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ I Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’

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page 8

Metallic Wire Silver Art. Nr. 9461

Gypsophila elegans I Ornithogalum arabicum I Freesia I Rosa (Polyantha cultivar) I Hypericum androsaemum I Schoenus melanostachys I Chrysanthemum

Corsage Pins Ivory (Ø 10 mm) Art. Nr. 62211

page 11 Muehlenbeckia I Phalaenopsis I Rosa ‘Saint Patrick’

OASIS® Ladynette Art. Nr. 3020

page 18

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page 7

OASIS® LADY II Art. Nr. 3019

Rosa ‘Peppermint’ I Stephanotis floribunda I Nigella damascena

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OASIS® Table Design Neo Maxi Art. Nr. 40530

Muehlenbeckia I Hippeastrum ‘Evergreen’ I Lilium I Rosa ‘Avalanche’ I Tillandsia usneoides I Rosa ‘White Princess’

OASIS® Ideal Brick Art. Nr. 1435

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Pearls White (Ø 10 mm) Art. Nr. 62361

OASIS® BIOLINE® Sphere (Ø 16 cm) Rosa ‘Snowflake’ I Chrysanthemum (santini) ‘Noki’ I Chrysanthemum (santini) ‘Froggy’ Art. Nr. 7489

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA Lady Heart Art. Nr. 7454

Rosa ‘Ruby Red’ I Kalanchoe Calandiva® I Jasminum

Flash Wire Silver Art. Nr. 94587


OASIS® BIOLINE® Sphere (Ø 25 cm) Art. Nr. 7491

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA Lady Heart Art. Nr. 7454

page 14 Phalenopsis I Genista

OASIS® Lady Plus Art. Nr. 3099 Aluminium Wire Gold Art. Nr. 94621 Pearls White (Ø 10 mm) Art. Nr. 62361 Aluminium Wire Silver Art. Nr. 9462 OASIS® Easy Color Metallic Spray Gold Art. Nr. 5440

Metallic Wire Lemon Yellow Art. Nr. 9494

Hydrangea macrophylla I Basella alba I Zantedeschia ‘Crystal Blush’

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page 7

Phalaenopsis I Chamelaucium I Dracaena

Aluminium Wire Silver Art. Nr. 9462

Cornus alba I Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Magical Emerald Classic’ I Hypericum ‘White Condor’

Corsage Magnets Art. Nr. 6095

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page 9

Metallic Wire Lilac Art. Nr. 9491

Metallic Wire Red Art. Nr. 9456

Corsage Magnets Art. Nr. 6095

page 7

Phalaenopsis ‘Leopard Prince’ I Chamelaucium ‘Lady Pink’ I Kalanchoe thyrsiflora

Aluminium Wire Pastel Blue Art. Nr. 94615

Metallic Wire Lemon Yellow Art. Nr. 9494

page 8

Aluminium Wire Lilac Art. Nr. 94623

OASIS® Table Design Viva Medi Art. Nr. 40550

OASIS® Ideal Sphere (Ø 12 cm) Art. Nr. 1082


Phalaenopis ‘Leopard Prince’ I Kalanchoe thyrsiflora I Rosa ‘Pepita Romantic’ I Tillandsia usneoides I Chamelaucium ‘Lady Pink’ I Plagiothecium

Crystal Wire Pale Pink Art. Nr. 94671

Aluminium Wire Red Art. Nr. 94626

OASIS® Table Design Viva Mini Art. Nr. 40540

page 5

Vanda ‘White Magic’ I Hypericum I Cornus alba ‘Gouchaultii’

page 9

page 5

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA Lady Heart Art. Nr. 7454 Metallic Wire Red Art. Nr. 9456

page 9


OASIS® Table Design Neo Maxi Art. Nr. 40530 Aluminium Wire Lilac Art. Nr. 94623 Crystal Wire Pale Pink Art. Nr. 94671 Metallic Wire Lilac Art. Nr. 9491

www.oasisfloral.com 21

OASIS® Articles for Room and Table Decoration

OASIS® Articles for Car Decoration

OASIS® PREMIUM Floral Foam Art. Nr. 1001 - 20 pieces Art. Nr. 1135 - 35 pieces

OASIS® IDEAL Floral Foam Art. Nr. 1010 - 20 pieces Art. Nr. 1435 - 35 pieces

OASIS® INSTANT Floral Foam Art. Nr. 1030 - 20 pieces Art. Nr. 1031 - 35 pieces

OASIS® STANDARD Floral Foam Art. Nr. 1022 - 20 pieces Art. Nr. 1038 - 35 pieces

OASIS® AUTO-CORSO Art. Nr. 3024 11 x 11 x 10 cm (H) - suction cup with plastic base

OASIS® AUTO-CORSO MINI Art. Nr. 3033 Ø 8 x 10 cm - suction cup with plastic base

OASIS® AUTO RONDELLA Art. Nr. 3295 Ø 20 x 13 cm (H) - suction cup with plastic base (OASIS® Premium Floral Foam)

OASIS® AUTO-HEART Art. Nr. 3071 40 x 42 x 7,5 cm - incl. suction cup with plastic base (+ 2 extra Floral Foam hearts)

OASIS® IDEAL SPHERE Art. Nr. 1081 Ø 9 cm

OASIS® IDEAL SPHERE Art. Nr. 1082 Ø 12 cm

OASIS® IDEAL SPHERE Art. Nr. 1083 Ø 16 cm

OASIS® IDEAL SPHERE Art. Nr. 1084 Ø 20 cm

OASIS® AUTO-HEART Art. Nr. 93071 40 x 42 x 7,5 cm - incl. suction cup with plastic base

OASIS® BIOLINE® VACUFIX HEART Art. Nr. 7341 60 x 60 x 5,5 cm incl. 3 suction cups with wooden base

OASIS® AUTO DOUBLE RING Art. Nr. 3070 57 x 39 x 7,5 cm - suction cup with plastic base (+ 2 extra Floral Foam rings)

OASIS® AUTO DOUBLE RING Art. Nr. 93070 57 x 39 x 7,5 cm - suction cup with plastic base

OASIS® NETTED SPHERE Art. Nr. 10819 Ø 9 cm

OASIS® NETTED SPHERE Art. Nr. 10829 Ø 12 cm

OASIS® ECO GARLAND Art. Nr. 7420 60 cylinders = 10 m

OASIS® MINI DECO Art. Nr. 3230 Ø 5 x 3,5 cm - adhesive pad

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA OPEN AUTO-HEART Art. Nr. 7450 - 38 x 40 x 4,5 cm Art. Nr. 7451 - 50 x 50 x 5 cm incl. 3 suction cups, with hard foam base

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA DUO OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 7452 40 x 58 x 5,5 cm incl. 5 suction cups, with hard foam base

OASIS® BIOLINE® VACUFIX OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 7340 60 x 60 x 5,5 cm incl. 3 suction cups with wooden base

OASIS® BIOLINE® SWING HEART Art. Nr. 73399 80 x 50 x 5,5 cm incl. 3 suction cups with wooden base

OASIS® POWERSTICK-CORSO Art. Nr. 3106 5,5 x Ø 7,5 cm - adhesive pad with plastic base (adjustable - 4 heights)

OASIS® BIOLINE® SPHERE Art. Nr. 7489 Ø 16 cm with wooden base and adhesive pad

OASIS® BIOLINE® SPHERE Art. Nr. 7490 Ø 20 cm with wooden base and adhesive pad

OASIS® BIOLINE® SPHERE Art. Nr. 7491 Ø 25 cm with wooden base and adhesive pad

OASIS® Articles for Church Decoration

OASIS® TABLE DECO MINI Art. Nr. 4042 13 x 9 x 5 cm white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DECO MEDI Art. Nr. 4043 25 x 9 x 5 cm white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DECO MAXI Art. Nr. 4049 48 x 9 x 5 cm white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN NEO MINI Art. Nr. 40510 6 x 6 x 3,5 cm off-white plastic base

OASIS® NAYLORBASE® HEART Art. Nr. 8113 43 x 46 cm with plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN NEO MEDI Art. Nr. 40520 15 x 7 x 3,5 cm off-white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN NEO MAXI Art. Nr. 40530 22 x 7 x 3,5 cm off-white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN VIVA MINI Art. Nr. 40540 Ø 11 x 5 cm (H) off-white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN VIVA MEDI Art. Nr. 40550 Ø 11 x 6 cm (H) off-white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DESIGN VIVA MAXI Art. Nr. 40560 Ø 11 x 8 cm (H) off-white plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DECO MINI Art. Nr. 40423 13 x 9 x 5 cm green plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DECO MEDI Art. Nr. 40433 25 x 9 x 5 cm green plastic base

OASIS® TABLE DECO MAXI Art. Nr. 40491 48 x 9 x 5 cm green plastic base

OASIS® FOAM FRAMES® OPEN BOOK Art. Nr. 8270 31 x 61 cm with hard foam base, collapsable

OASIS® NAYLORBASE® LE KLIP Art. Nr. 8138 6 x 15 cm

OASIS® NAYLORBASE® LE PETIT KLIP Art. Nr. 8139 5 x 14 cm

OASIS® FOAM FRAMES® OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 8347 24 x 25 x 6 cm with hard foam base

OASIS® FOAM FRAMES® OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 8230 36 x 37 x 6 cm with hard foam base

OASIS® FOAM FRAMES® DOUBLE OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 8232 38 x 57 x 6 cm with hard foam base

OASIS® Floralife® Post-Harvest Products Wholesaler

OASIS® Articles for Bride and Groom

Bouquet maker


End user

Oasis Floralife 200 Clear Storage Solution ®


Oasis® Floralife® ultra 200 Clear Storage Solution Oasis® Floralife® 300 Clear Vase Solution Oasis® Floralife® Cut Flower Food Clear

OASIS® ECOBASE® PRAKTIKA LADY HEART Art. Nr. 7454 19 x 19 x 4 cm

OASIS® LADY I Art. Nr. 3018 Ø 8 cm

OASIS® LADY II Art. Nr. 3019 Ø 7 cm

OASIS® LITTLE LADY Art. Nr. 3007 Ø 5 cm

OASIS® LADYNETTE Art. Nr. 3020 Ø 7 cm

OASIS® PRINCESS I Art. Nr. 3001 Ø 7 cm

OASIS® LADY PLUS Art. Nr. 3099 Ø 8 cm (handle can be unscrewed to rehydrate)

OASIS® ELEGANT BOUQUET HOLDER Art. Nr. 3297 Gold Metallic Leaf

Oasis® Floralife® 200 Clear Storage Solution

Oasis® Floralife® ULTRA 200 Clear Storage Solution

Art. Nr. 10003 = 5 l Art. Nr. 10004 = 10 l

Art. Nr. 10031 = 5 l Art. Nr. 10028 = 10 l

CORSAGE MAGNETS Art. Nr. 6095 Ø 1 cm

VELCRO WRISTLET Art. Nr. 62201 wristlet: 24 cm x 1,5 cm plate: 4,5 cm x 2 cm

MULTI FRILL Art. Nr. 4002 Ø 25 cm for OASIS® Lady I & OASIS® Ladynette

CORSAGE CLIP Art. Nr. 6239 - 50 pieces Art. Nr. 6186 - 100 pieces 5 cm pin for corsages

Oasis® Floralife® 300 Clear Vase Solution

GALA-CLIP Art. Nr. 4071 - 100 pieces 5 x 2,5 cm pin for corsages

GLITTERATI REVERS CLIP Art. Nr. 61907 - black Art. Nr. 61908 - silver Art. Nr. 61909 - gold 4 cm

OASIS® SEC DECO HOLDER Art. Nr. 2320 Ø 8 cm

The Oasis® Floralife® Range Art. Nr. 10005 = 25 l Art. Nr. 10006 = 200 l

w ne

GALA-CLIP Art. Nr. 4070 - 33 pieces 5 x 2,5 cm pin for corsages


OASIS® NAYLORBASE® OPEN HEART Art. Nr. 8114 43 x 46 cm with plastic base

Art. Nr. 10032 = 25 l Art. Nr. 10033 = 200 l

Oasis® Floralife® Cut Flower Food Clear

Oasis® Floralife® Rose Food Clear

101400 = 3,5 g (1000 sachets) 102750 = 5 g (500 sachets) 103630 = 10 g (500 sachets) 101680 = 5 g (200 sachets in dispenser box) 100010 = 5 g (1000 sachets) 101530 = 10 g (1000 sachets)

Oasis® Floralife® Cleaner

Oasis® Floralife® Dosmatic 25 Mix Pro

Oasis® Floralife® Hand Pump

Oasis® Floralife® Leafshine

Art. Nr. 10010 = 2 l

Art. 10539 Dosage: 0,2 - 2 %

Art. Nr. 10019 (5 & 10 l) Art. Nr. 10020 (25 l)

Art. Nr. 10155 = 250 ml Art. Nr. 10013 = 750 ml



Art. Nr. 10008 = 2 kg

FOOD 1 0 g fo r 1 L wa t

Art. Nr. 106010 = 10 g



Noch mehr Ideen finden Sie auf unserer Webseite: Per ulteriori idee e spunti, visitate il nostro sito internet:

Art. Nr. 60066


Fee / Schutzgebühr / Contributo spese : 5 e

For more floral ideas, please visit our website:

Smithers-Oasis Germany GmbH Postfach 1464 D-67264 Grünstadt Telefon +49 (0)6359-8004-0 Floristen-Hotline: 0800 8890988 (nur für D) Email: Germanyinfo@smithersoasis.com www.oasisfloral.com All products shown in this brochure can be obtained from local wholesalers. Alle in der Broschüre gezeigten Produkte erhalten Sie im autorisierten Fachgroßhandel. Potrete trovare tutti i prodotti di questa brochure presso il vostro rivenditore autorizzato.


Models: Elisha Masset – Kristof Stas – Hanne Vandormael – Annette Vranken // Hair Style & beauty specialists: Rachel Nijsten – Sarah Nowak – Gamze Ozer // Wedding dresses: Anuna // Children’s clothes: Gamino // Wedding rings: Ann Depooter // Glass, cutlery & table-linen: Meyhui – Libeco Home // Locations: Landcommandery Alden Biesen – Castle of Rullingen – Sint-Martin‘s Church (Stevoort - Hasselt) – Our Lady of the Assumption Church (Zutendaal)


Photography, layout & photogravure: Photo Studio Graphics – Kuringersteenweg 304/3 – B-3511 Kuringen – +32 11 22 09 95 – info@psg.be

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