Oasis Magazine - Aug|Sept 2017

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ISSUE 19 AUG | SEP 2017

Take me WITH YOU

Celebrating life in Tropical North Queensland

And Andyou youcan canhave haveititwhen whenyou you hold holdyour yourChristmas ChristmasParty Partyat at the thePacific PacificHotel HotelCairns. Cairns. Complimentary Complimentarydrink drinkon onarrival arrival Christmas Christmastree treeininfunction functionroom roomand and festive festivetable tablecentrepieces centrepieces Room Roomhire hirewaived waived(if(if40+ 40+guests guestswith with a a$40pp+ $40pp+food foodspend) spend) Whether Whethera apoolside poolsidecocktail cocktailparty partyatatsunset, sunset,a a sumptuous sumptuousseafood seafoodbuffet buffetdinner dinnerononthe the Terrace Terrace orora afestive festivebanquet banquetoverlooking overlookingthe theEsplanade Esplanade parklands parklandsfrom fromthe thefully fullyairairconditioned conditionedHarbour Harbour Room, Room,our ourteam teamhere hereatatthe thePacific Pacificwill willpull pullout out allallthe thestops stopstotomake makeyour your2017 2017Christmas ChristmasParty Party a areal realcracker! cracker!We Wehave havea arange rangeofofpackages packagesoror can cancustomise customisea asolution solutiontotofitfityour yourbudget. budget. Bookings Bookingsconfirmed confirmedbefore before25th 25thSeptember September2017 2017will willalso alsoreceive receivea acomplimentary complimentaryvoucher voucherforforeither either One Onenight’s night’saccommodation accommodationfor fortwo twopeople peopleincluding includingbreakfast breakfastorora a“Churassco “Churassco Experience” Experience”Dinner Dinnerfor fortwo twopeople. people. Call Callthe thefunctions functionsteam teamonon4044 40441887 1887ororemail emailsales@pacifichotelcairns.com sales@pacifichotelcairns.comtotorequest requesta afunctions functionskit. kit.



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Issue Issue1919

AUG AUG| |SEP SEP2017 2017 INSIDE: INSIDE: Warners Warners Corner Corner WeWe Love Love …… Gifts Gifts forfor Dad Dad

44 66

Dundees Dundees onon the the Waterfront Waterfront Cairns Cairns Tropical Tropical Writers Writers Festival Festival Food Food Vixen Vixen The The Arts Arts with with Hayley Hayley Gillespie Gillespie Centre Centre ofof Contemporary Contemporary Arts Arts Cairns Cairns Business Business Women’s Women’s Club Club Live Live ’n ’n Local Local Keesha Keesha Mclean Mclean Cairns Cairns Festival Festival Meals Meals Around Around TEDxJCU TEDxJCU Bluey’s Bluey’s Foresight Foresight

88 1010 1212 1414 1717 2222 2424 2525 2929 3030 3232

events events




people people

AtAt Work Work With With Michelle Michelle && Wade Wade Champion Champion3434 Spilling Spilling The The Beans Beans onon Seniors Seniors Week Week 3636 AtAt Home Home With With Liam Liam Downes Downes 3838 Citizens Citizens ofof the the GBR GBR 4040 Meet Meet …… Twelve Twelve Ballet Ballet 7474

style style 34.34.

Fashion Fashion Shoot Shoot …… TeaLily TeaLily Oceana Oceana Walk Walk Fashion Fashion Ambassadors Ambassadors

4141 4646

Nutrition Nutrition …… Dorothy Dorothy Richmond Richmond Fitness Fitness …… Jesse Jesse Hughes Hughes Medical Medical …… DrDr Caroline Caroline MacLeod MacLeod Physio Physio …… Suzanne Suzanne Rath Rath Hair… Hair… Emma Emma Gelling Gelling Beauty Beauty …… Nicki Nicki Belle Belle

5252 5353 5454 5555 5656 5757

Designing Designing Women Women Property Property …… Daniel Daniel Sheehan Sheehan Strata Strata …… Lorraine Lorraine Murray Murray Homewares Homewares Style Style Guide Guide

6060 6262 6363 6464

Small Small Business Business …… Amy Amy Turnbull Turnbull Business Business Liaison Liaison Association Association Legal Legal …… Julian Julian Brown Brown Accounting Accounting …… Charisse Charisse Russell Russell

6666 6868 7070 7171

wellbeing wellbeing home home

38.38. 39.39.

business business FRONT FRONT COVER: COVER: Barano Barano silver silver beaded beaded offoff the the shoulder shoulder gown gown | $419.95 | $419.95 Crystal Crystal drop drop earrings earrings | $39 | $39

Stockist Stockist | TEA | TEA LILY LILY | 59 | 59 Grafton Grafton Street Street | 40414150; | 40414150; Model Model | Nicky | Nicky Balderson Balderson Stylist Stylist | Pip | Pip Miller Miller Hair Hair && Makeup Makeup | Studio | Studio 7878 Photography Photography | Stella | Stella Adams Adams Photography Photography

travel travel

Mandingalbay Mandingalbay Yidinji Yidinji Eco Eco Cultural Cultural Tours Tours7272

An AnOpen OpenLetter Letter TO TO THE THE TAXMANS TAXMANS Dear Mr and Mrs Taxman,


I was grateful to receive your letter praising my last year’s tax return as ‘outstanding’, but you might want to cool your jets in the praise department because I haven’t actually done it yet. Oh! Late? Right. Is it true you’re not allowed to look out your window in the morning? Because it would give you nothing to do in the afternoon? I’d like you to cast your cold lifeless eyes over some ideas you might consider taxing out of existence in next year’s budget, stuff that in no way enhances our quality of life or provides any real benefits to the people of Australia. And they sorta shit me. I’d like to see a heavy tax on: 1. People called David Koche who enter a cyclone watch area. More destructive than the actual weather event. 2. Fidget Spinners. Sorry kids but a stick is more interesting. 3. Spoilt young Australian tennis players who don’t have a crack. GET OFF MY LAWN! 4. Entering a lift before anyone’s had a chance to exit. Rude. 5. I can’t believe this is still happening, but Polo shirt collars in the upright position, not many blokes still do it, but it’s wrecking the game of golf for everyone. 6. Strollers, trolleys or bikes parked across the doorway of a shop. 7. Unless you’re a cricketer, a karate instructor or a Jedi Knight, white pants worn by blokes under the age of 30. Before I start filling out my, as you so kindly put it, outstanding tax return, I have one last question. If I fulfill my Grandmothers dying wish and spread her ashes over the sea, am I considered a carbon polluter and will I get slugged with some sort of Carbon Tax? If so, she can continue to ‘over sea’ the mantelpiece. P.S. Everyone hates you.

20 Songs - No 4

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The soundtrack to your work day with the 20 SONG MARATHON at 9am and 3pm Ads!

THIS REALLY IS CAIRNS’ MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR. The city is alive with the excitement and colour of festivals and spring racing, and there is an air of rejuvenation about the city, undoubtedly generated by a few weeks of cooler temperatures.

HELLO SPRING You Gorgeous Thing!

And speaking of celebrations - we’re in party mode as Oasis Magazine turns three! Hip Hip Hooray! I want to extend my enormous gratitude to the droves of wonderful people who have contributed to my magazine since its launch back in 2014. I’m so incredibly thankful to be supported by some of Cairns best and brightest business owners, who continually offer me so much motivation, guidance and criticism when it’s necessary! Here’s to many more candles on the cake! In this issue, as usual, we’ve searched high and low to bring to you the most interesting bits of local life. A highlight of this issue was being welcomed into the home of Meaghan Confait and Liam Downes, whose life changed so dramatically in 2012, after a seemingly ordinary activity saw Liam slip from a ladder, break his neck and then begin the greatest battle of his life. Theirs is a story of love and family, of hope and strength, and a determination that is infectious. Please join us on page 38, and hear the heartwarming promise Liam made to Meaghan.

DISCLAIMER: Any form of reproduction of any content within this publication, including advertisements, without the written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. While the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information provided is correct at the time of printing, the Publisher accepts no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The information on this site is for information purposes only. The Publisher assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The views expressed in this magazine about each individual, event or organisation has been provided by such individual, event organisers or organisation without verification by us. The opinion expressed in each article is the opinion of its author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Publisher. Therefore, the Publisher carries no responsibility for the opinion expressed thereon. The publishers, advertisers and contributors are in no way responsible for any actions taken by an individual, organisation or any party on the basis of reading any of the material within this publication.

We also catch up with former Oasis Magazine cover-couple, Michelle and Wade Champion, as they join the Marsh Property team in their stunning Edge Hill office. We’ve got the inside scoop on the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef movement, the brainchild of the founder of Earth Hour, Andy Ridley, and we meet Redlynch siblings, Ben and Sam Hope, to chat about their band, Twelve Ballet, recently being unearthed by TripleJ. Our resident columnists, Hayley Gillespie,

Keesha MacLean, and Bluey Forsyth give us their take on the local arts, music, and sporting scenes, while Dave Warner gives us his two cents worth in Warner’s Corner. And we take a look at the soaring successes of female architects in Cairns. We also check in on a few of the upcoming TEDxJCU speakers, and find out more about this global innovation movement that Jen McHugh has brought to Cairns, and Aylie McDowall reveals her new design showroom, Pattern By Design. And the fashion - who can resist the fashion!? This time of year is perfectly designed for kitting up in our finest, and this issue’s style will not disappoint. Our front cover and fashion shoot features the very stunning Nicky Balderson, oozing glamour in gorgeous outfits from Tea Lily, while Oceana Walk Arcade introduce their Cairns Cup Fashion Ambassadors - Maddy Dixon, Stacie Galeano, Michele Annison and Rachel Bradley. Supporting local small business is what we’re famous for, and in this issue we have an abundance of local style for you to draw inspiration from. I’m delighted to feature some of the city’s finest, locally owned fashion retailers - Tea Lily, Oceana Walk Arcade, Lulubelle’s, Wild Sugar, FAmazing and Pattern By Design. Local businesses rely on the support of locals, so can I please ask that when you’re hunting for new outfits for the upcoming season, to look local first. Your purchases will mean the world to the families who run those businesses. Until next time,

Jules xx

JULES STEER Publisher | Oasis Magazine E: hello@oasismagazine.com.au P: 0423 959 648

4031 4112


idareyou.com.au Shop 21 Oceana Walk 55 Lake Street, Cairns

Issue 19 |


WE LOVE... Gifts For Dad



7 8

9 6

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1. Large variety of drinks coasters | FNQ Plastics 2. Custom fabricated battery boxes in long lasting HDPE to create secure protection in a marine environment | From $440 | FNQ Plastics 3. Trex decking made from 95% recycled plastic bags with a 25 year warranty. Zero maintenance, no sanding or oiling on weekends ever again | FNQ Plastics 4. Custom made under body tool boxes and water tanks to suit any vehicle | FNQ Plastics 5. The Original SmartBottle & SmartCup, available in a variety of colours & sizes | $32.95 | Eggplant & Poppy 6. Custom made twin wall HDPE ute trays. No rust, no rattle and 25 year warranty | Available from FNQ Plastics 7. Wide selection of eskys to suit any need | Available from FNQ Plastics 8. Garden surrounds made from recycled printer cartridges | FNQ Plastics 9. A quirky collection of inappropriate greeting cards sure to get a better reception than dad’s jokes | $6 each | Eggplant & Poppy





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Issue 19 |





For over 30 years, Dundee’s on the Waterfront has been serving culinary delights to both locals and tourists visiting the region. But some may not be aware that, in addition to their regular lunch and dinner service, they now offer breakfast from 6am every day. Located on the board walk under Cairns Harbour Lights Hotel, you’ll love the fabulous views over the Marina and Trinity Inlet plus the convenience of being within walking distance to all central hotels and shops Dundee’s offers a variety of function spaces, that are perfect for your next breakfast, lunch or dinner event, as well as after work drinks, tapas and snack.



With free WiFi and 2 flat screen TVs available for presentations, Dundee’s is your ideal venue for small corporate presentations or workshops. Catering to all group sizes from small to very large, corporate events and personal celebrations, Dundee’s can tailor a menu to suit all budgets and food types. Dundee’s on the Waterfront, open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, 7 days a week. Free WiFi & parking available under Harbour Lights.


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Issue 19 |


OUR OUR PLACE PLACE ININ THE THE WORLD: WORLD: Book Bookreview reviewbybyhistorian historian PETER PETERRYLE RYLE

Bill BillWilkie’s Wilkie’snew newbook bookofofthe the1983 1983struggle struggletotoprevent prevent the theconstruction constructionofofthe theBloomfield Bloomfieldroad roadthrough throughthe the Daintree Daintreerainforest rainforestisisananimportant importantaddition additiontotothe the history historyofofNorth NorthQueensland. Queensland. Extremely Extremelywell wellresearched researchedand andwritten, written,it itbrings brings totolife lifethe thedepth depthofoffeeling feelingononboth bothsides sidesininone oneofof the themost mostimportant importantevents eventsininthe thebattle battlebetween between THE THE DAINTREE DAINTREE BLOCKADE: BLOCKADE: conservation conservationand anddevelopment developmentininQueensland. Queensland. THE THE BATTLE BATTLE FOR FOR AUSTRALIA’S AUSTRALIA’S TROPICAL TROPICAL RAINFORESTS RAINFORESTS

Stockists Stockists forfor thethe book book include include bookshops, bookshops, newsagents, newsagents, visitor visitor centres centres and and online online at at www. www. daintreeblockade.com.au daintreeblockade.com.au


Wilkie Wilkieinterviewed interviewedmany manyofofthe theprotagonists protagonistsinin this thisevent eventand andaccessed accessedmuch muchofofthe thephotographic photographic history historyasasit itoccurred, occurred,giving givingthe thereader readerthe thefeeling feeling ofofwhat whatit itwas waslike liketotobebeononsite siteasasevents eventsunfolded. unfolded.

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Many Manyofofthe thepeople peoplewho whonow nowenjoy enjoythe the magnificent magnificent rainforests rainforests ofof North North Queensland Queensland don’t don’trealise realisejust justhow howclose closethey theycame cametoto being beingseverely severelydecimated decimatedif ifnot notentirely entirely destroyed destroyedbybyopening openingupuppristine pristineareas areas for fordevelopment. development. Although Althoughthe theconservationists conservationistswho whomanned manned the thebarricades barricadesininthe thestruggle struggletotostop stopthe the road roadwere weredefeated, defeated,the thelarger largerbattle battletoto save savethe therainforests rainforestswas waswon. won.The Thepublicity publicity generated generatedbybythose thoseononthe theblockade blockade eventually eventuallyforced forcedthe theHawke Hawke Labor LaborGovernment Governmenttotohave have the theDaintree Daintreerainforest rainforest placed placed under under World World Heritage Heritageprotection. protection. Bill BillWilkie’s Wilkie’shistory history ofof the the Daintree Daintree blockade blockadeisismuch much more more than than the the story story ofof that that ultimately ultimately futile futile stand stand against against the the construction construction ofof a a road, road, it it isis the the story story ofofa asignificant significantchange change ininthe theway waywe weregard regardour our environment. environment.Where Wherewe weonce oncesaw saw the theenvironment environmentasassomething somethingwe wecould could exploit exploitand andabuse abusewithout withoutthought thoughtfor foritsits survival, survival,we wenow nowsee seeit itasasananintegral integralpart partofof our ourown ownsurvival. survival. The The recently recently refurbished refurbished Cairns Cairns Museum Museumhas hasa adedicated dedicateddisplay displayofofthe the Daintree DaintreeBlockade. Blockade. Issue 19 |



Fair winds and following seas on the Spirit of Cairns I think it’s pretty safe to say that most Cairns locals would have seen the cityscape from Trinity Inlet by day, however I doubt that too many would have seen it by night. Certainly, until recently, I was one of those people. That was until I went on a dinner cruise with the Spirit of Cairns. It was pure luck for my +1 and I that the drizzly Cairns weather had finally cleared and we were treated to one


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of those absolutely stunning Cairns winter days in the lead up to our 6pm dinner departure that evening. As we boarded, we were greeted by our host and waitresses for the evening who offered my fiancĂŠe and I a glass of sparkling wine and a beer, which we gratefully accepted before being shown to our table for the evening. Amongst the passengers onboard, there was a couple celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary, a group of elderly Japanese folk that were having a roaring good time, and a hens party

the night we dined on the Spirit of Cairns. Afterwards we made our way onto the upper deck to enjoy the sunset over Marlin Marina. Glasses were chinked, photos ensued and we soon found ourselves back down on the main deck for the safety briefing before departure. After all the safety requirements were fulfilled and we were shown how to don a lifejacket in the unlikely event of having to abandon ship, the crew let go lines and we were off on our dinner cruise.

Serenaded by the sweet sounds of Johnny on the mike - playing everything from Ed Sheeran to Stealers Wheel the ambiance was really quite lovely and it wasn’t long till the buffet was called and we were treated to prawns, salt and pepper calamari, steamed fish and fresh Pacific Oysters flown up from South Australia that very day. However, this buffet is not just for the seafood lovers like myself, there are plenty of other dishes to satisfy the non seafood loving seafarers. When we’d had our fill of savoury dishes, we retreated to the foredeck, drink in hand to enjoy the city lights and check out the enormous cruise ship that had recently berthed in alongside the Cairns Cruise Ship Terminal. Before we knew it dessert was called. I overlooked the homemade brownies, caramel slice and mango mousse and went straight for the cheese platter. I can’t help myself – cheese is life! The service from the waitresses onboard was efficient and friendly without being intrusive or overbearing. The food didn’t disappoint and there’s a great drink menu including a large list of cocktails to keep the punters happy. If you’re worried about sea sickness,

Mention Mention'Oasis 'OasisMagazine' Magazine'when when booking, booking,totogogointo intothe thedraw drawtoto win wina adinner dinnercruise cruisefor fortwo. two.


don’t! Spirit of Cairns doesn’t leave the inlet and the ride is so smooth you’d think you were dining along the boardwalk, but the view is way better!

Follow Foodvixen on Facebook and Instagram for Cairns cafe and restaurant reviews and foodie news.

The Spirit of Cairns dinner cruise departs every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 6.30pm. Check out their website for more details.

Calm CalmWater WaterDinner DinnerCruises Cruises Wednesday Wednesday––Saturday Saturday

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Last LastSunday Sundayofofevery everymonth month Enquire Enquirefor forCairns Cairnslocals localsrates rates and andChristmas Christmasparties partiesand andevents events

ph: ph:4047 40479170 9170 | | www.spiritofcairns.com www.spiritofcairns.com | | info@spiritofcairns.com info@spiritofcairns.com


THE ARTS The most exiting time of year is here, and Cairns Festival offers all the fun of the fair in the form of the arts. I can’t wait! Between August 25 and September 3, there will be a non-stop bonanza of art, culture, music, interaction and shared learning, all thanks to Cairns Regional Council.

national artists to create a large-scale projection artwork on the historic Cairns City Library. These artworks speak to the culture, history and lifestyle of Tropical North Queensland, turning the Cairns City Library into an outdoor gallery of pictures, sound and light. This year the library will be the canvas for Resonance.


Resonance - A natural frequency, a vibration determined by the physical experience of living on country. This work is a visual response to country, to the land that has formed and nurtured these three proud women of Yarrabah – Edna Ambrym, Philomena Yeatman and Valmai Pollard. Resonance is a collaboration between Yarrabah Art Centre and projection specialists AGB Events.

Human Knitting At The Torrid Zone Party on August 25. Join the fun in creating a collaborative masterpiece to celebrate KickArts’ 25th birthday. Learn a ‘hands on’ approach to knitting and add your own section to the collaborative public artwork for display on the front of the Centre of Contemporary Arts building during Cairns Festival. No bookings required. Enquiries please contact 4050 9496.


City Lights - Now in its third year, the City Lights program engages local and


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CAIRNS STAGE – CAIRNS ESPLANADE The Making Place - Make new friends, make new things and make new experiences at The Making Place. This is a FREE workshop and performance space that will

feature a range of local artists, performers and community and cultural organisations. This smorgasbord of workshops includes still life drawing, Pastel finger art and don’t miss photographer Peter Solness at his pop-up studio where he will be creating family portraits with a difference.


Come and rest under the shade of the fig trees and enjoy a range of music, workshops, games and performances. Let’s go fly a Kite - Join in kite making and decorating workshops and fly your kites along the esplanade. Percussion Tree - Learn to drum with UpBeat the Drum Monster and perform a concert to your family and friends. Have a great time and make the most of all the free events. Check out the web site for so much more! http://www.cairns.qld.gov. au/festival/my-festival


August & September Prepare to be entertained at the Centre of Contemporary Arts with two knock out, hilarious performances that will see pop culture, botox and all things #firstworldwhitegirls collide in a satirical mix of comedy, romance and Australian “suburbia”. Since their sell-out season in 2014, #FirstWorldWhiteGirls have been making audiences squirm with delight with their hilariously narcissistic brand of slick comedy and catchy vocals. Now they are back this August 11 &12 with #FirstWorldWhiteGirls: Botox Party! – that further pokes fun at first world entitlement and the self-obsessed “me” generation. To celebrate, #FirstWorldWhiteGirls are throwing the most exclusive party in town and you’re invited. Grab the girls together for an outrageous hour of confessions, makeovers, celebrity worship and backstabbing in this hilarious celebration of first world vanity. Take a peek into the lifestyles of the rich and heinous, set to a soundtrack of original comic songs exposing the struggles of our age – quinoa enemas, Snapchat filters, accidental sexting, foetus facials and the Refugee Diet. Don’t miss this chance to see just how offensive privilege can be. LOVE DANCE… but with a twist? Taking to the CoCA stage September 14-15 is BLUE

LOVE created by award-winning Australian choreographer, artistic director and acclaimed dancer Shaun Parker. A delightful infusion of intense physical theatre, comedy and dance, BLUE LOVE offers a poetic and satirical take on the clichés of pop culture, romance and suburbia. From a fantastic place where TV soap meets art-house film, characters Glenn and Rhonda Flune draw on popular works of art across theatre, music and film, parodying the lip-service given to love and its incarnations as they take the audience on an expedition in search of the perfect relationship.


Issue 19 |



love, laughter and fears Butterflies Are Free is a beautiful romantic comedy written by Leonard Gershe. It has all the elements most of us can relate to; aspirations, desires, dreams and our realisation of reality.



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The play is set in a New York apartment in 1969. It has vibes of flower power, freedom and individuality that fill the air when a carefree ‘girl next door’ walks into this young man’s apartment and eventually into his life. She (Andrea Mullens) is a kooky, fun-loving actress who refuses to be tied down. He (Kristian Lupinski) is a lovable, happygo-lucky singer who is trying to make it on his own. How they fall in love - almost lose each

other - and then learn the real meaning of love - is a funny, touching story of today. But be warned, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Things start to get a little interesting when his mother (Cath Willacy) makes an unexpected visit! The Broadway production of Butterflies Are Free ran for 1128 performances then after three successful years on Broadway the play was adapted to a movie in 1972 starring Goldie Hawn. The movie was an instant success in the USA and the supporting actress (Eileen Heckart) playing the role of mother, won an Academy award for her performance.


Issue 19 |


From the Publisher Located within the Centre of Contemporary Arts Cairns at 96 Abbott Street. Look for the Giant Jelly Babies! www.kickarts.org.au


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With thanks to the Regional Arts Development Fund – a partnership between the Queensland Government and Cairns Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.


The Torrid Zone: Celebration 25 Years is on display at KickArts Contemporary Arts Gallery One from the 25th of August to the 21st of October 2017. Join the fun at the FREE opening night extravaganza on Friday the 25th of August 2017, 6pm10pm! Participate in creative workshops on the evening, and learn a ‘hands on’ approach to knitting. Experience interactive performances by creative duo Bonemap, and Zane Saunders. Take a chance and win with ticketed fundraising prize draws!


KickArts celebrates its 25-year history through its annual members’ exhibition The Torrid Zone. Opening in conjunction with the 2017 Cairns Festival, The Torrid Zone celebrates Cairns at its most creative. The exhibition showcases the diversity of KickArts members’ living and working in Tropical Far North Queensland.



Bonemap is a creative partnership between Far North Queensland practitioners Rebecca Youdell and Russell Milledge. Working together for over a decade they have facilitated multidisciplinary collaborative projects that focus on the expanding territory between technology, new media and performance. Bonemap will present an ephemeral performance installation as part of KickArts 25-year celebrations at the opening night of The Torrid Zone on the 25th of August 2017 from 8pm. Join them in celebrating Cairns at its most creative!

Image Credits Bonemap: Bonemap Morphology 5 2016 digital print Creative duo Bonemap – Russell Milledge and Rebecca Youdell


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LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIPWITH WITHLAUGHTER LAUGHTER FOR FORSUCCESS SUCCESS Motivational Motivationalleadership leadershipand andauthority authority are aretwo twovery verydifferent differentthings thingsand and the theeffective effectiveuse useofofhumor humorcan canbebea a powerful powerfultool toolininreinforcing reinforcing motivational motivationalleadership. leadership. Tim Tim Gard, Gard, CSP, CSP, CPAE, CPAE, is is a tears-in-your-eyes a tears-in-your-eyes funny funny keynote keynote speaker speaker who who teaches teaches people people toto bebe more more resilient resilient and and resourceful, resourceful, and and coaches coaches businesses businesses onon how how toto enhance enhance productivity productivity and and employee employee enthusiasm. enthusiasm.



Tim Tim has has spoken spoken atat over over 2,000 2,000 events events worldwide worldwide from from Texas Texas toto Tasmania Tasmania and and was was selected selected byby Meeting Meeting Planners Planners Magazine Magazine asas one one ofof the the “Best “Best speakers speakers ever ever seen seen oror heard heard onon the the main main stage.” stage.” Tim’s Tim’s down-to-earth down-to-earth style style and and real-life real-life humor humor leaves leaves aa lasting lasting impression impression that that you you will will benefi benefit t from from forfor years years toto come. come. His His skillful skillful use use ofof ordinary ordinary items items inin extraordinary extraordinary ways ways and and extraordinary extraordinary items items inin everyday everyday ways ways make make him him one one ofof the the most most popular popular main main stage stage speakers speakers onon the the platform platform today. today. During During the the past past two two decades, decades, Tim Tim has has traveled traveled almost almost two two million million miles miles toto perform, perform, is is the the author author ofof 4 books, 4 books, and and anan inventor inventor ofof stress stress reduction reduction tools tools that that are are marketed marketed && enjoyed enjoyed worldwide. worldwide.


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INDIVIDUAL INDIVIDUAL$132 $132/yr /yrinc.inc.GSTGST CORPORATE CORPORATE$330 $330/yr /yrinc.inc.GSTGST Issue 19 |




Live and local music is in abundance during August and September this year with so many local events for all of us to enjoy! ELIXIR BAR, ABBOTT STREET. The Elixir Bar (formerly known as the famous Bernies Jazz Bar) have recently gone through several owners, however, I am thrilled Sky Riki Rixon (Travel Beats ) and Bill Shields have taken over. Sky and Bill have been a tremendous support to Cairns live music scene through Travel Beats and now Elixir Bar.

Elixir Bar is one of THE bars to go to for live music in Cairns. Visiting artists and local musicians perform five nights a week from Wednesday to Sunday. Musicians happily jam together most evenings too. A great place to network and meet fellow artists and anyone passionate about live music. Open Mic night hosted by

SPICE OF LIFE If you are after an entertaining night of spicy, silly, naughty fun, then this musical cabaret is for you. Local talent performing as you’ve never seen them before. Three nights at the new Cairns Dinner Theatre at The Pullman Reef Casino. Tickets $30 through cairnsdinnertheatre.com


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local musos, including Jimmy Parto, Andy Brassett, Gumpy Savidas, Eli Birchal and Wil Maslen Underground night hosted by Charm - acoustic live music DJ Vix’s Vinyl Bernie’s Jazz Trio Colorful BLAC Savidas Brassett-Hounds GG Davies Cairns Blues Explosion Vinyl Sundays

CAIRNS FESTIVAL Cairns Festival 25 August - 3 September http://www.cairns.qld.gov. au/festival/Eprogram Great local acts performing at the Festival Friday Concert with KAMALI and Ino Reeves. Songwriter Jeremiah Johnson who has recently returned from a national tour is performing and conducting Our Song workshop to be performed. Soul Song Choir are singing up a storm as well as the local gospel goddesses of Women Of Austranesia! More information can be found on Council’s website.

Issue 19 |



| w w w. o a s i s m a g a z i n e . c o m . a u CAIRNS CAIRNSFESTIVAL FESTIVAL25 25AUGUST AUGUST– –33SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER2017 2017

Issue 19 | 27 For Forthe thefull fullCairns CairnsFestival Festivalprogram programvisit visitwww.cairnsfest.com.au www.cairnsfest.com.au


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HELPING TO BRING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER HELPING TO BRING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER HELPING TO BRING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER HELPING HELPING TO TO BRING BRING COMMUNITIES COMMUNITIES TOGETHER TOGETHER HELPINGTO TOBRING BRINGCOMMUNITIES COMMUNITIESTOGETHER TOGETHER HELPING MealsAround MealsAroundaims aimstotobring bringpeople people dations dations for for making making purchase purchase MealsAround MealsAroundhopes hopestotoassist assistininreducreductogether through the sharing ofof home decisions. ing byby creating together through the sharing home decisions. ingthis thiswaste waste creating aplace place dations dationsfor for formaking making makingpurchase purchase purchase MealsAround MealsAround hopes hopes to assist to assist reducin reducMealsAround MealsAround aims aims to to bring bring people people MealsAround aims to bring people dations MealsAround hopes to assist inainreduccooked meals, saving money and time where there are no leftovers to throw cooked meals, saving money and time where there are no leftovers to throw decisions. decisions. ing ing this this waste waste by by creating creating a place a place together together through through the the sharing sharing of home of home together through the sharing of home decisions. ing this waste by creating a place MealsAroundaims aimstotobring bringpeople people dations MealsAround dations for for making making purchase purchase MealsAround MealsAroundhopes hopestotoassist assistininreducreducwhilst reducing our environmental Helping save money away because they are shared at the whilst reducing our environmental Helping save money away because they are shared at the where where there there are are no no leftovers leftovers to throw to throw cooked cooked meals, meals, saving saving money money and and time time cooked meals, saving money and time where there are no leftovers to throw togetherthrough throughthe thesharing sharingofofhome home decisions. together ing decisions. ingthis thiswaste wastebybycreating creatinga aplace place footprint. one of time your family sits down to footprint. Roughly onethird third ofthe thefood foodproduced produced same same time your family sitsshared down Helping Helping save save money money away away because because they they are are shared at the atto the whilst whilst reducing reducing our our environmental environmental whilst reducing our environmental Helping save money away because they are shared at the cooked meals, saving money andtime time Roughly cooked meals, saving money and where there are no leftovers to throw where there are no leftovers to throw Globally for human consumption every their meal. Globally for human consumption every their meal. Roughly Roughly one one third third of the of the food food produced produced same same time time your your family family sits sits down down to to footprint. footprint. footprint. Roughly one third of the food produced same time your family sits down to whilst reducing reducing our our environmental environmental Helping whilst away Helpingsave savemoney money awaybecause becausethey theyare areshared sharedatatthe the Communities come together at mealyear — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes Communities come together at mealyear — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes Globally Globally for for human human consumption consumption every every their their meal. meal. Globally for human consumption every their meal. footprint. footprint. Roughly Roughlyone onethird thirdofofthe thefood foodproduced produced same sametime timeyour yourfamily familysits sitsdown downtoto times and MealsAround you can — gets lost or this includes A little bitbitofofcivil times andwith with MealsAround you can — gets lost orwasted, wasted, thisbillion includes little civildisobedience disobediencecan can year year — approximately — approximately 1.3 1.3 billion tonnes tonnes Communities Communities come come together together at mealat meal A Communities come together at mealyear — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes their Globally for consumption every meal. Globally forhuman human consumption every their meal. now search for a home cooked meal in food that does not even make it to the make change for the better now search for a home cooked meal in food that does not even make it to the make change for the better — gets — gets lost lost or wasted, or wasted, this this includes includes times times and and with with MealsAround MealsAround you you can can A little bit of civil disobedience can A little bit of civil disobedience can times and with MealsAround you can — gets lost or wasted, this includes A little bit of civil disobedience can Communitiescome cometogether togetheratatmealmeal- year Communities —— approximately 1.3 billion tonnes year approximately 1.3 billion tonnes your area. You can even become one of shops because it is deemed not pretty So what about licensing laws? There’s your area. You can even become one of So what about licensing laws? There’s shops because it is deemed not pretty food that does not even make it to the now now search search for for a home a home cooked cooked meal meal in in food that does not even make it to the make change for the better make change for the better now search for a home cooked meal in food that does not even make it to the make change for the better timesand andwith withMealsAround MealsAroundyou youcan can ——gets times getslost lostororwasted, wasted,this thisincludes includes A Alittle littlebitbitofofcivil civildisobedience disobediencecan can the that sell and share their enough. Indoes Australia about 20% the no denying that this isbetter a laws? area, the many that sell and share their nowhat denying that this islaws? atricky tricky area, enough. Indoes Australia about 20% of the So what about licensing laws? There’s your your area. area. You You can can even even become become one one of shops because it is deemed not pretty shops because itiseven isdeemed deemed not pretty So what about licensing There’s your area. You can even become one of shops because itnot not pretty So about licensing There’s nowmany search for ahome home cooked meal in of now search for a cooked meal in food that not make it itof to the make change for the better food that even make to the make change for the home cooked meals. It’s about two food we buy isAustralia away. That’s like varying globally and in not home cooked meals. It’s about two food we isthrown away. That’s like varying globally and inlaws? not no denying that this is a There’s tricky area, the the many many that that sell sell and and share share their their enough. In Australia about of the enough. InAustralia about 20% of the denying that thisis is aAustralia tricky area, the many that sell and share their enough. Inbuy about 20% of the no denying that this aAustralia tricky area, your area. You can even become one your area. You can even become one ofof shops because itthrown not pretty Sono about licensing Sowhat what about licensing laws? There’s shops because itisisdeemed deemed not20% pretty types of cooks commercial kitchens putting one out of every five shopping just state by state but also council by types of cooks commercial kitchens state by state but also council by putting one out of every five shopping just home home cooked cooked meals. meals. It’s It’s about about two two food we buy is thrown away. That’s like varying globally and in Australia food we buy is thrown away. That’s like varying globally and in Australia not home cooked meals. It’s about two food we buy is thrown away. That’s like varying globally and in Australia not themany manythat thatsell selland andshare sharetheir their enough. the denyingthat thatthis thisisisa atricky trickyarea, area,not enough.InInAustralia Australiaabout about20% 20%ofofthe the nonodenying selling commercial quantities, and bags in the bin. MealsAround encourcouncil. Some countries have little or selling commercial quantities, and council. Some countries have little or by bags in the bin. MealsAround encourstate state but but also also council council by types types of cooks of cooks commercial commercial kitchens kitchens putting one out of every five shopping just state by just state by putting one out of every five shopping types of cooks commercial kitchens putting one out of every five shopping just state by state but also council by homecooked cookedmeals. meals.It’s It’sabout abouttwo two food home foodwe webuy buyisisthrown thrownaway. away.That’s That’slike like varying varyingglobally globallyand andininAustralia Australianot not home cooks selling portions of the food ages the sharing of food you might no laws whilst others, like Australia, home cooks selling portions of the food sharing of food you might no laws whilst others, like Australia, ages the council. council. Some Some countries countries have have little little or selling selling commercial commercial quantities, quantities, and and bags in the bin. MealsAround encourbags in the bin. MealsAround encourselling commercial quantities, and bags in the bin. MealsAround encourcouncil. Some countries have little or typesofofcooks cooks- -commercial commercialkitchens kitchens putting types statebybystate statebut butalso alsocouncil councilbyby or puttingone oneout outofofevery everyfive fiveshopping shopping just juststate they are cooking for their family. otherwise throw away, meaning sellers attempt to regulate everything inAustralia, they are cooking for their family. otherwise throw away, meaning sellers attempt to regulate everything inan sharing of food of food you you might might no no laws laws whilst whilst others, others, like like Australia, home home cooks cooks selling selling portions portions of the of the food food ages the ages the sharing home cooks selling portions of the food ages the sharing of food you might no laws whilst others, like Australia, selling commercial commercial quantities, quantities, and and bags selling little oran council. Some Somecountries countrieshave have little or bagsininthe thebin. bin.MealsAround MealsAroundencourencour- council. they don’t throw out as much, and buyers unsuccessful attempt at making the don’t throw out as much, and buyers unsuccessful attempt at making the otherwise otherwise throw throw away, away, meaning meaning sellers sellers attempt attempt to regulate to regulate everything everything in an in an they they are are cooking cooking for for their their family. family. are cooking for their family. otherwise throw away, meaning sellers attempt to regulate everything in an home cooks selling portions the food ages home cooks selling portions ofof the food sharingofoffood foodyou youmight might nonolaws lawswhilst whilstothers, others,like likeAustralia, Australia, agesthe thesharing Helping bring communities togethneed tothrow so much. world safer by preventing Helping to bring communities togeth- don’t don’t need tobuy buy so much. world safer by preventing anything theyare don’t don’t throw throw out out as much, as much, andsellers and buyers buyers unsuccessful unsuccessful attempt attempt making atanything making the they don’t throw out as much, and buyers unsuccessful attempt atatmaking the areto cooking for theirfamily. family. cooking for their otherwise throw away, meaning attempt totoregulate everything inin an otherwise away, meaning sellers attempt regulate everything anthe er being done easily. er being done easily. Helping to bring communities togethdon’t don’t need need to buy to buy so much. so much. world world safer safer by by preventing preventing anything anything Helping to bring communities togethdon’t need to buy so much. world safer by preventing anything don’t don’tthrow throwout outasasmuch, much,and andbuyers buyers unsuccessful unsuccessfulattempt attemptatatmaking makingthe the Food isisto the one thing usus Helping save time Food the onecommunities thingthat thatunifies unifies Helping save time Helping er to unite communities need being being done done easily. easily. er don’t being done easily. Helping to bring communities togethHelping bring togethtotobuy sosomuch. world safer byby preventing don’t need buy much. world safer preventinganything anything every day. We need it,it,we love itunifies we Hungry? You can need we love itand and Yousave canfind findyour yournext nexthome home being Food Food isthe the isWe the one one thing thing that that unifies us us Helping Helping save time time Food isday. one thing that unifies uswe Helping save time er erevery Hungry? beingdone doneeasily. easily. eat it. The aroma and the imagery of cooked meal in a matter of seconds. cooked meal in a matter of seconds. eat it. The aroma and the imagery of every every day. day. We We need need it, we it, we love love it and it and we we Hungry? Hungry? You You can can find find your your next next home home every day. We need it, we love it and we Hungry? You can find your next home Foodisisthe theone onething thingthat Food thatunifies unifiesusus Helping Helpingsave savetime time food encourages us to eat more and The MealsAround app uses your The MealsAround app uses your food encourages us to eat and eat it. The it.We The aroma aroma and and the the imagery imagery of of cooked cooked meal meal inafind ain matter ayour matter of seconds. ofhome seconds. eat it.eat The aroma and the imagery of cooked meal incan matter of seconds. every day. need it, we love itmore we Hungry? You can next every day. We need it, we love itand and we Hungry? You find your next home HowdodoI start I startusing using MealsAround? How MealsAround? make more, but as we make more we location to search for delicious meals location to search for delicious meals make more, but as we make more we food food encourages encourages us us to eat to eat more more and and The The MealsAround MealsAround app app uses uses youryour food encourages us to eat more and The MealsAround app uses your eat cookedmeal mealinina amatter matterofofseconds. seconds. eatit.it.The Thearoma aromaand andthe theimagery imageryofof cooked How dodoI start using MealsAround? How How Ido start I start using using MealsAround? MealsAround? throw more ofbut What we could near you another location ifmeals near you (or location ifyou you throw more ofit itaway. away. What if we could make more, more, but but asus we as we make more more we we location location tosearch search toanother search for for delicious delicious meals meals make more, as we make more we location to(or for delicious food encourages us to eat more and The MealsAround app uses your The MealsAround app uses your foodmake encourages to eatifmake more and 1. Download the app from theApp AppStore, Store, 1. Download the app from the How do I start using MealsAround? How do I start using MealsAround? share excess food with friends and prefer). You can refine this search prefer). You can refine this search share excess food with and throw throw more more ofit itaway. ofaway. itwe away. What What if we ifcould we could could near near you you (or (or another another location location ifyou you if you throw more ofbut What iffriends we near you (or another location ifmeals make more, as make more we location to search for delicious location to search for delicious meals make more, but as we make more we Search for MealsAround. Search for MealsAround. 1. Download the app from the App Store, 1. Download 1. Download the the app app from from the the App App Store, Store, strangers alike? There isiffriends nothing by meal types, price and distance by meal types, price and distance strangers There isif nothing share share excess excess food food with with friends andand prefer). prefer). You You can can refine refine this this search search share excess with friends and prefer). You can refine this search throw more ofalike? What we could near you (or another location if ifyou near you (or another location you throw more ofitfood itaway. away. What we could Click Sign Up and follow the prompts 2.2. Click onon Sign Up and follow the prompts toto better than afood home cooked meal from you. It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s from you. It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s better than aalike? home cooked meal Search for MealsAround. Search Search for for MealsAround. MealsAround. 1. Download the app from App Store, 1. Download the app from the App Store, strangers strangers alike? There There is nothing is nothing nothing bymeal meal by meal types, types, price price and and distance distance strangers alike? There isfriends types, price and distance share excess with friends and prefer). You can refine this search prefer). You can refine this search share excess food with and by because they are meals cooked with delicious. delicious. because they are meals cooked with create an account – it’s free and only takes a to create an account – it’s free and only takes ato 2. Click on Sign Up and follow the prompts to 2. Click 2. Click on Sign on Sign Up Up and and follow follow the the prompts prompts better better than than a home a home cooked cooked meal meal from from you. you. It’s It’s easy, easy, it’s it’s quick, quick, it’s it’s better than a home cooked meal from you. It’s easy, it’s quick, it’s Search for MealsAround. Search for MealsAround. strangers mealtypes, types,price priceand anddistance distance strangers alike? alike? There There isis nothing nothing bybymeal love. Whether it be Nonna’s Lasagne, love. Whether it be Nonna’s Lasagne, delicious. delicious. because because they they are are meals meals cooked cooked with with because they are meals cooked with delicious. minute. minute. create an account –and only takes ato create create an account an account –it’s it’s –free it’s freeand free and and only only takes takes a a 2. Click on Sign Up and follow the prompts 2. Click on Sign Up follow the prompts to better fromyou. you.It’s It’seasy, easy,it’s it’squick, quick,it’s it’s better than than a a home home cooked cooked meal meal from Harry’s Fish Curry, Aunt Jenny’s Roast save Harry’s Fish Curry, Aunt Jenny’s Roast Helping savethe theworld world love. love. Whether Whether itbebe itNonna’s be Nonna’s Nonna’s Lasagne, Lasagne, love. Whether it are Lasagne, delicious. because they are meals cooked with delicious. because they meals cooked with Helping 3. When asked, allow MealsAround access 3. When asked, allow MealsAround access toatoa minute. minute. create an account –it’s it’s freeand andonly only takes create an account – minute. free takes or Uncle John’s - these meals Your Foodprint isworld the environor Uncle John’s Gnocchi - these meals Foodprint is the environHarry’s Harry’s Fish Fish Curry, Curry, Aunt Aunt Jenny’s Jenny’s Roast Roast Helping Helping save save the the world world Harry’s Fish Curry, Aunt Jenny’s Roast Helping save the love. Whether itGnocchi Nonna’s Lasagne, Your love. Whether itbe be Nonna’s Lasagne, your location so itcan can find mealsnear near you. so itminute. find meals you. 3.your asked, allow MealsAround access toto to 3.When When 3.location When asked, asked, allow allow MealsAround MealsAround access access minute. are too good to waste. mental impact, or footprint, ofof mental impact, or footprint, are too good to waste. or Uncle or Uncle John’s John’s Gnocchi Gnocchi these these meals meals Your Your Foodprint Foodprint is the is the environor Uncle John’s Gnocchi these meals Your Foodprint is the environHarry’s Helpingsave savethe theworld world environHarry’sFish FishCurry, Curry,Aunt AuntJenny’s Jenny’sRoast Roast Helping 4. Choose from the menus available in your 4. Choose from the menus available in your your location so it can find meals near you. your your location location so it so can it can find find meals meals near near you. you. 3. When asked, allow MealsAround access 3. When asked, allow MealsAround access toto food you buy. Ifenvironfood the food you buy. Iffootprint, foodofisofis of are toogood too good good waste. to waste. mental mental impact, impact, or or footprint, are too totowaste. mental impact, or footprint, orare John’s Gnocchi - these Your Foodprint is the Your Foodprint is the environorUncle Uncle John’s Gnocchi - thesemeals meals the area. area. Uber, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, wasted, itfood means that all the wasted, ityou means that Uber, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, Google Google the the Choose from the menus available ininyour 4. Choose 4. Choose from the menus menus available available your in your your location so itcan can find meals near you. your location sofrom itthe find meals near you. the food the food you buy. buy. food Ifallfood is is 4. you buy. If Iffood isof are totowaste. mental impact, or of mental impact, or footprint, footprint, aretoo toogood good waste. Reviews, Facebook have disrupted how resources and inputs used in the Reviews, Facebook have disrupted how resources and inputs used in the 5. Place your order, select pick up or 5. Place your order, select pick up or area. area. area. Uber, Uber, AirBnB, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, TripAdvisor, Google Google wasted, wasted, it means it means that that all all the the Uber, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, Google wasted, it means that all the 4. Choose from the menus available in your 4. Choose from the menus available in your the the food foodyou youbuy. buy. If Iffood foodisis we live. Community reviews are production of the food are also we live. Community reviews arehow production of the food are also lost. Reviews, Reviews, Facebook Facebook have have disrupted disrupted how resources resources and and inputs inputs used used in the inInIn the Reviews, Facebook have disrupted how resources and inputs used inlost. the (depending on Seller options) delivery (depending on Seller options) 5.delivery your order, select pick up 5.Place Place 5. Place youryour order, order, select select pick pick uporor up or area. area. Uber, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, Google wasted, it it means that all the wasted, means that Uber, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, Google all the becoming a growing facet of the Australian landfill, food waste emisbecoming a growing facet of the Australian landfill, food waste emiswe we live. live. Community Community reviews reviews are are production production of the of the food food are are also also lost. lost. In we live. Community reviews are production of the food are also lost. In Reviews, disrupted how Reviews,Facebook Facebookhave have disrupted how resources resourcesand andinputs inputsused usedininthe the In delivery 6.Enjoy Enjoy 6. (depending on Seller options) delivery (depending (depending on Seller onpick Seller options) options) 5.Place Place your order, select pick 5.delivery your order, select upup oror modern day facilities systems, sions each year are roughly equivalent modern day facilities systems, sions each year are roughly equivalent becoming ashared growing a growing facet facet of the the Australian Australian landfill, landfill, food food waste waste emisbecoming ashared growing facet ofof are the Australian landfill, food waste emiswe live. Community reviews production of the food are also lost. InInemis- delivery we becoming live. Community reviews are production of the food are also lost. 7.Rate Rate your meal! 7. meal! 6.6.your Enjoy Enjoy 6. Enjoy delivery(depending (depending Selleroptions) options) onon Seller and there are many people who are to the emissions of Australia’s steel and there are many people who are to the emissions of Australia’s steel modern modern day day shared shared facilities facilities systems, systems, sions each sions each year year are are roughly roughly equivalent equivalent modern day shared facilities systems, sions each year are roughly equivalent becoming becoming a a growing growing facet facet ofof the the Australian Australianlandfill, landfill,food foodwaste wasteemisemis7. Rate your meal! 7. Rate 7. Rate your your meal! meal! 6. Enjoy 6. Enjoy willing today embrace these recommenand iron ore industries combined. willing to embrace these recommenand iron ore industries combined. andthere and there there are are many many people people whowho areare to the to the emissions emissions ofroughly Australia’s of Australia’s steel steel and are many people who are to the emissions ofroughly Australia’s steel modern shared facilities systems, sions each year equivalent modern day shared facilities systems, sions each yearare are equivalent Rateyour yourmeal! meal! 7.7.Rate willing willing to embrace to embrace these these recommenrecommenand and iron iron ore ore industries industries combined. combined. willing to embrace these recommenand iron ore industries combined. and andthere thereare aremany manypeople peoplewho whoare are totothe theemissions emissionsofofAustralia’s Australia’s steel steel willing willingtotoembrace embracethese theserecommenrecommen- and and iron iron ore ore industries industries combined. combined.

Issue 19 |


TEDxJCU Cairns

IN THE SPIRIT OF IDEAS WORTH SPREADING, TEDx IS A PROGRAM OF LOCAL, SELF-ORGANISED EVENTS THAT BRING PEOPLE TOGETHER TO SHARE A TED-LIKE EXPERIENCE. AT A TEDx EVENT, TED TALKS VIDEO AND LIVE SPEAKERS COMBINE TO SPARK DEEP DISCUSSION AND CONNECTION. TEDxJCUCairns will hold its fourth event on Saturday, September 2 at The Cairns Institute, James Cook University. The theme for 2017’s event is ‘Tropovation’. The aim is to celebrate and highlight tropical innovation in the Cairns and Far North region. Fifteen speakers will showcase new ways to tackle practical and social problems. JCU students also benefit from TEDxJCUCairns as an integrated learning opportunity with 2nd year Creative Media undergraduate students assisting with preproduction, production and postproduction stages as part of their core subject “Collaborative Development.” Richard Gray, who leads the student team, said ‘This years’ Project TEDx team came together for a similar cause—possessing a love for Cairns, living in the tropics, the environment, and tropical innovation.The passion for all these things essentially formed the group naturally under the banner of ‘Tropovation’ so that we could each combine our individual skillsets to this idea that is the topic for the speakers of this year’s TEDx project for 2017. Desire for knowledge and the craving for change aided our group on the construction of such a project that would hope to change the lives of many not just within Far North Queensland or Australia but on an international level.’ TEDxJCUCairns is filmed in front of a live audience. Audience numbers are strictly limited. Not only will the audience get a unique



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TEDx experience but will also get to enjoy fabulous catering with a focus on local produce. A number of MCs will also keep the audience entertained, including Destiny Prophet who has MC’ed for everything from jelly wrestling to political forums and thinks it’s a shame the two can’t be combined. For the past three years ABC Far North Kier Shorey has been another MC. There will also be interesting displays including a virtual reality bus. Tickets are now on sale but numbers are strictly limited. For more information including tickets visit https://tedxjcucairns.com/



MOLLY STEER | Straw No More 9yo Molly became aware of the damage that disposable plastics did to the ocean and ocean creatures, and was compelled to do something about it. Mustering all the innocence of youth, she set about encouraging schools in Far North Queensland to remove single use plastic straws from their tuckshops. Her movement has seen this simple idea taken up by schools across Australia and across the world. DAN KAGGELIS | Smithfield State High School Dan has been involved in education as a Teacher, Head of Department, Growth Coach, Project Officer and Deputy Principal for the past 15 years. Dan has a passion for reforming education to meet the needs and challenges of the 21st Century. YARRABAH BIG BRASS BAND The Yarrabah Brass Band has a long and rich history dating back to the 1900s and spanning generations. Until the 1950s the Community of Yarrabah had one of the best brass bands in QLD. After an almost 40 year hiatus the band was revived in 2013 and consist of Yarrabah community members of all ages. ROCKY DE NYS | College of Science & Engineering |James Cook University As the leader of the Macroalgal Biofuels and Bioproducts project, Rocky’s role focuses on the planning, organisational and management requirements for the successful delivery of multidisciplinary research and its application.

MICHAEL SMOUT | Research Fellow - Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine Dr Michael Smout obtained his BSc from the University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane, Australia and his PhD from UQ/Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR). His research interests have included melanoma, childhood viral infections and most recently parasitic helminths of humans. JULIE-ANN LAMBOURNE | Chief Executive Officer of enVizion Group Inc As an Advanced Queensland Community Digital Champion 2016, Julie-ann is committed to delivering improved and creative programs within the framework of individual capacity building, motivated to working with marginalised people to overcome adversities, and passionate about developing Indigenous businesses and Leaders. Julie-Ann was recently named the 2017 Cairns Indigenous Businesswoman of the Year. AMY EDEN | Coordinator of the Manoora Community Garden A beacon of hope, Amy Eden is leading the charge towards positive change in a community healing from an unthinkable tragedy. KRISTA WATKINS | Founder of Natural Evolution Juggling a cutting-edge health food company with raising two young girls is no easy task. Krista and her husband Rob’s discovery put the Tablelands suburb of Walkamin on the map and propelled the couple to the forefront of scientific research and innovation.

IAN ATKINSON | Professor & Director eResearch Centre at James Cook University Professor Ian Atkinson is a Tropical Leader and Director of the eResearch Centre at James Cook University. His PhD studies were in chemical physics but nearly 20 years ago moved from experimental science into computational chemistry and high-performance computing. MARYBETH GUNDRUM | Knitting Nannas MaryBeth Gundrum is a communicator, comedian, commentator, singer, poet, and “knittivist” with the Far North Knitting Nannas Against Gas (FN KNAGs), who advocates for rational and progressive policies for the environment, society’s marginalised people, and the arts and community sectors. KAREN JOYCE | College of Science & Engineering at James Cook University Karen has a PhD in Geographical Sciences, her focus was on mapping live coral cover using remote sensing. Her primary area of interest is in creating, applying and automating remote sensing tools for environmental monitoring and management problems. DELINE BRISCOE Internationally acclaimed singer songwriter hailing from the Gugu Yalanji of North Australia. Her soulful intimate sound has defined her as one of Australia’s finest voices. A principal artist in Australia’s leading performing arts company Black Arm Band, Deline has performed to over one million people worldwide, alongside artists such as Archie Roach, Geoffrey Gurrumul and Emma Donovan Issue 19 |


Giddy Up! JOHN “BLUEY” FORSYTH BLUEY’S FORESIGHT This month is a really racy month for the sports fans, kicking off on August 5 with the Red Beret Cairns Cup Carnival for thoroughbred racing, now scheduled over two Saturdays in early August. Ladies Day will be on Saturday August 5 - traditionally a day that attracts a wonderful array of glamourous ladies, as well as giving local chaps a chance to dust off their suits for the big day out. Then it’s Red Beret Cairns Cup Day on Saturday August 12, with Picnic in the Park and the Grand Marquee in action definitely a day not to missed! Cairns Golf Club gets in the Cup spirit, with a Fun Day on Tuesday 8th August, while on Friday August 11, the Cairns Jockey Club will host a Cup Luncheon

Giddy Up!

in the trackside Silks Pavilion. Racing will continue on Friday night with a six-event Greyhound race program and the traditional Cairns Cup Calcutta in the Members Bar. Special racing guests will be top Melbourne jockey Noel Callow and Queensland stud manager Joe Heather. If you’re planning on a flutter, I think the trainers to follow over the Carnival will be the girls - Janelle Ryan and Samantha Molino. Their stables are on fire at the moment. Of course, Roy Chillemi, Trevor Rowe, John Manzelman and Michael Gearney will all have strong contenders at both events. As for the jockeys, Robert Thompson, Nathan Day, Chris Whiteley, and Adrian Coome will do battle with the better known Northern Hoops

including Steve Wilson, Frank Edwards, Graham Kliese, David Simmonds, Emily Cass, and Amanda Thomson. Who doesn’t love Cairns Cup - a fantastic fun couple of days that only come around twice a year! Still racing, but this time with less legs, the Great Pyramid Mountain Cross Country Footrace and Country Fair is on Saturday August 19th. This race starting in the main street of Gordonvale, before attacking Walsh’s Pyramid return, a distance of around 11.6 kms. The Carnival Day consisting of market stalls, children’s rides and entertainment starts around 10.30am, and also includes an 1800mm road race and the ever popular 5km Charity Event.

B e Well, Bluey


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Issue 19 |


At Work With..

WADE WADE AND AND MICHELLE MICHELLE CHAMPION CHAMPION Michelle Champion has been forging a name for herself in the Cairns property market for a few years, and she’s now excited to be introducing her husband, Wade, to the industry. Although, Wade is no stranger to real estate, having recently received notification from RealEstate.com to advise that he was amongst the top 2% of users nationwide. “I’m always looking out for movement in the market, trying to anticipate future growth for investment opportunities.” Wade has spent the past 19 years

working at the family business, Cairns Steel Fabricators. In this time, Wade has learnt all the facets of the company from boiler making, detail drafting, estimating, project managing and working his way up to the Operations Manager.

for real estate; I’ve bought homes, built homes and renovated homes, and it seemed like a natural progression with my strong business background”. Wade is known in the construction industry for his enthusiasm, dedication and work ethic.

Wade’s time at Cairns Steel Fabricators has given him extensive experience in running a business, growing a business and managing up to 200 staff. He felt he had achieved everything he had set out to in the business and needed new challenge. “I’ve always had a real passion

Michelle has already created a name for herself as one of the up and coming young agents in Cairns and her passion for real estate and hard work have seen her achieve success in only a few years. Michelle explains that she had worked in the real estate industry briefly when she first finished school. “However, I

was just too young for the industry then. I went on to full-time employment whilst I also studied a Bachelor of Accounting. It was challenging, juggling full-time work and full-time study, but it got me ahead a lot faster. It meant I had years of practical experience by the time I nished my degree.”

We are keen to have a break from renovating our own properties and focus all of our attention on helping others with their properties.

“I held various roles once a accountant, including management accounting, business analyst type roles and all the way through to operations management. However, I just didn’t have the job satisfaction I wanted. I always knew that real estate was where my passion lay.”

month,” Wade laughs.

“I truly believe that if you enjoy what you do, then success will follow. We have a passion for property and believe this passion will enable us to provide a superior, innovative and personalised service to clients and build a business based on referrals. Word of mouth is a great form of advertising,” says Michelle. Already making a great team and having a shared vision for their future, Wade and Michelle decided that teaming up was the obvious choice. “Drawing from our previous careers, I feel we have a lot to offer and provide a different perspective that we already know achieves results.” “Being a husband and wife team has it’s as we are both equally invested in making the business work. You also get both of us working together for you, we offer different personalities and different skills with a common goal, which offers our clients a lot more value for money.” Both Wade and Michelle acknowledge that it can be a tough industry and that there is a vast choice of real estate agents in Cairns. However, they are confident that they have a lot to offer their clients. They understand both sides of the sales process having built a home, bought, sold and renovated homes. Michelle has also successfully sold two of their own properties.

“Our last renovation occurred during a busy period of our lives - we bought a new home, moved, got married and


“Now that we have done a few ourselves, we know how it works; we know the costs, and when it’s worth the effort. If you invest $1, you want to be making at least $2. We also know how to stage a home for sale and the importance of this.” Michelle says there is a common misconception that a vendor should get their house on the market as soon as they can. “Too many people rush to the market. it’s important to take some time and have the property looking the best it can. That’s where our experience is “Joining the team at Marsh Property is really exciting. The Marsh Property brand and future-plans for the business aligns perfectly with ours. Chris Marsh (the agency principal) has been in the industry for about 12 years and had developed a reputation for integrity and quality marketing practices. Behind the Marsh Property façade, there is a tight team of experts, with creative marketing strategies and a clear vision in place to be the best not the biggest. They take pride in everything they do, which is evident studio in Edge Hill and the involvement they have with the local community and charities,” Wade explains. “We want to not leave a stone unturned. We want to be able to put hand on heart, and tell our client that we did everything in our power to get the best price for them.” Michelle and Wade are excited to announce they are “Champions in Real Estate”.

Issue 19 |



Spilling THE BEANS

on Seniors




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What are some of the joys of getting older that we don’t talk about enough? FRAN: Sleeping in! And not having to rush to get places. And walking, for no other reason but just to walk, I really am enjoying that! And riding my bike around the beautiful creeks on the pathways. MARIO: You have time to reflect on past decades. I get sad as so many traditions are just being discarded and lost, seemingly just for the sake of change. I think change is exciting however we also need to consider the consequences of these changes. CHRIS: I don’t think we praise each other enough. I think we are a bit reluctant to talk about great things people from our generation have done for our community. There’s a lot of concern for our environmental future. How worried are you and what should we be doing? CHRIS: Plastic bags weren’t around when I was younger. We always used string bags for groceries. And of course, we’ve just finished July which was Plastic Free July, but it was also Dry July. But I couldn’t possibly do both, so I gave up plastics! {all laugh} FRAN: Sometimes I think we are a bit blasé about waste. I agree with reducing plastic bags. On my walks and rides, I see a lot of rubbish, which ends up in the creeks. It’s such a shame that there’s so much littering. And I think it’s wrong the farmers get blamed for a lot of environmental issues than they are responsible for. MARIO: There’s been a change in culture, and it’s now easier to blame others than to take responsibility for your own actions. And I think it’s a real shame that these environmental issues have been taken to a political level. Because when it’s taken away from the scientists, and put in the hands of politicians, it looses the meaning. And we need to remember that habits take a while to change. We can’t decide today that we are going to stop using coal power today, and have the entire country onto solar tomorrow. We’ve got a lot of sun, and a lot of desert, and solar seems like a good idea, but it won’t happen overnight. What could Cairns do better to be more inclusive for our senior population? CHRIS: I think this Council does very well for Seniors, but we still need a little bit more attention. It does seem that activities are quite focussed on youth. When the Lagoon and Esplanade was first redeveloped, there were a lot of activities for seniors. But that seems to have died down a bit and the focus has been shifted towards higher energy

activities like Zumba, which is just a bit too fast for many seniors. I’d love to see some more options like that. MARIO : I may be an outdated dinosaur, but I really thought we could have had a rail system in Cairns by now. I’d love to r Trinity Beach, see carparks at Edmonton and and then have the option to catch a train into town. FRAN: Easy and inexpensive access to some of the events around town. Seeing free entry to the art galleries. Some of the Hail & Ride bus routes are not very accessible. If you’re o g et around town. without a vehicle, it’s quite There used to be a CityBus which looped around and that was really helpful. And more seating in public areas. I know if I go for a walk along the Esplanade, I do like to have a sit down. And especially when waiting for a bus in the heat, I’d like to see some more sheltered seating. I know that there is a trend to remove the seating to reduce vagrancy or vandalism, but you can’t take away services because of the bad people, because that means you’re punishing the good people.

There’s a lot of criticism levelled at GenY’s for their sense of entitlement. Is this a fair estimation or a untrue characterisation? FRAN: Are GenY’s the ones that wear their jeans down low, and you can see the lines of their bum? Is that where the “Y” comes from? {all laugh} CHRIS: Some of the younger one will always say that the Baby Boomers had everything. But we didn’t get what we got by borrowing money to get things at a snap of fingers. We worked hard and saved up for something and then bought it when we had enough money. And of course, many of those people who are criticising the Baby Boomers have done fairly well from their parents. Who paid for their Uni or their first car? They often seem to forget about things like that. FRAN: I see a lot of grandparents looking after grandkids. Because then there’s a need to go back to work so they can keep paying the bills and buying all the stuff that is apparently ‘needed’ and paying off the big houses with the Media Rooms. MARIO: I think it’s the Baby Boomers fault! We’ve allowed this to happen. We’ve accepted a lot of changes over the decades, and perhaps been too lax in discipline. So, in a way, the trend of grandparents looking after their grandkids, could be the saving grace for the next generation. If grandparents can be a more positive influence on their grandkids, and reinstate some of the values that seem to have disappeared, it could work out quite well.

Issue 19 |



March 19, 2012 was a wet and windy day in Far North Queensland. Liam Downes, had spoken to his mum in Melbourne towards the end of the work day, and explained he was eager to get back to Cairns and the Martyn Street home he shared with partner, Meaghan and their sons, Spencer (2yo) and Fletcher (6 months). They were renovating a Queenslander, and there was no shortage of work to do. A decision to do a small job in those wet conditions essentially changed the family’s lives forever.That simple error of judgement, with Liam slightly overextending on a ladder, resulted in his foot slipping and a fall of three metres to the ground. He punctured a lung on the way down, and when paramedics arrived, they incubated him into an induced coma in the Cairns Base Hospital, before he was airlifted to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Liam’s mum, Pauline, received the second call from the Far North that day. “I couldn’t make out what Meaghan was saying. She was screaming. I thought something had happened to Spencer.” Liam had broken the third and fourth vertebrae of his spine - C3 and C4, which typically results in extreme breathing difficulties and loss of function from the shoulders down. Upon hearing the news, his family made their way from Melbourne and New Zealand overnight. In Brisbane, Liam spent 42 days in ICU, with the assistance of a ventilation breathing device. The entire family relocated to Brisbane to assist with Liam’s recovery. Meaghan, wrangling a toddler and breastfeeding her youngest son, made intermittent trips back to Cairns, where they had simply closed the door, leaving a concrete slab and exposed steel poles on their renovation project. As so many business owners will attest, when you are unable to work, it’s not so easy to just “close shop”. Liam had spent so many years building the reputation of the business, LJ’s Plumbing and Gas Service, and he didn’t want to let his clients down. On one of these trips back to Cairns, Meaghan had the task of allocating the business’s scheduled jobs to other tradespeople. It was at this time she met with Michael Moore from Cairns Plumbing and Property Management. Outside their Martyn Street home, Meaghan thanked Michael for assisting them, and briefly explained what had happened to Liam. Michael and Liam were acquaintances through the construction industry. Not close mates, but certainly enough to give a friendly wave when they saw each other. When Michael heard of Liam’s injury, he felt compelled to help out. “I was flying back to Brisbane that afternoon. By the time I got off the plane, the Liam Downes Appeal had been formed.”

Words | Jules Steer Images | Stella Adams Photography

Michael Moore rallied local tradies to finish off the house that Liam had started. He engaged local businesses to support the campaign and became a regular on local radio stations. “I knew to some extent what was going on. My friends would joke that they were sick of hearing about Liam on the radio. Every week there were updates, and calls for more tradie to assist at the house.” Five weeks post injury, Liam showed the first sign of progress with the slightest movement in his big toe. That small movement created a mountain of hope for the family.“He was so determined. He never missed a physio appointment,” Meaghan explains. “Somedays he would choose to spend all day at the physio when other patients failed to make their appointments.” “A couple of days after Christmas in 2012, we were at a park under the Storey Bridge in Brisbane. Spencer ran up with a little box and said “Mummy, new earrings, daddy bought them for you.”When I opened up the box, it was an engagement ring. “I looked at him and said ‘Are you kidding?’ But he told me it wasn’t going to happen until he could walk me down the aisle.““Or at least, able to stand up at the end without too much assistance,” Liam interjects. Meanwhile, back in Martyn Street, volunteers continued to donate anything they could. “It was very humbling to think that so many people from our adopted hometown were so generous to strangers,” Meaghan recalls, the emotions overwhelming her as she wipes a tear from her eye. “Coming from a big city, we probably would have been lost amongst the crowd down there.” “There was a guy who arrived with a full sized fridge in the back of a ute. He wheeled it under the house, turned it on and filled it full of flavoured milk.” “And I was here one day, and a lady I’d never seen before got out of her car with three or four slabs of softdrink. She apologised that she had no tradie skills to offer, but wanted to donate drinks for the workers.” “A few years ago, we took Liam to Project Walk in America. It’s a specialised gym with intense physiotherapy. Liam explains “It’s hard work - but it’s more mentally draining than it is physically. In order to make any movement, you need to remember which movement you did, and which movement in your brain moves which part of your body, and then try to set those thought patterns into motion. You are trying to visual and remember what muscles you have moved to take a step. Then when it doesn’t work, its a bit frustrating.” “But each day I’m making progress. I’m doing a walk almost every day, using the walking frame. And I can’t wait until I can cuddle my boys again. I love going on adventures with them, just me


and the boys along the Esplanade. We hit the skate park. My wheelchair can do about 10kmh, so I can keep up with them. And it gives Meaghan a bit of time off.” “Cairns has an incredibly big heart, and without Michael Moore, I don’t know what we would have done. Amazingly, we are not the only people he has helped. He was also front and centre assisting with renovations on the family home of Leighton Rowe, the 21 year old carpenter from Earlville who lost his battle to in 2014, leaving behind his wife and baby. Michael is always doing something for someone else. He’s a true unsung hero.” “All of these people - most of them strangers - helped us when we needed it, so now we are always mindful to pay forward that kindness,” Meaghan explains. “We also owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Perry Cross Foundation, the Queensland-based organisation helping to find a cure for paralysis. Each year, our family participates in SIPtember, raising funds for research and bringing awareness of the challenges people with spinal injuries face every day.” Anyone would excuse Meaghan and Liam for being upset at the cards that life has dealt them. But there is no negativity to be found in this household. There is laughter, and an abundance of cuddles, and a lot of rescue animals, but there’s not anger. “I’ve actually been really lucky,” Liam says. “I’m alive. And I have amazing support from my family. I figure, if they are going to put up with me, I’d better make the most of my life.” Issue 19 |


Citizens Citizens


TheThe beauty Thebeauty beauty of the ofofthe Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef as managers asasmanagers managers andand tourism andtourism tourism operaoperaoperaBarrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef andand we and we need we need need to encourage toto encourage encourage willwill take willtake take youryour your breath breath breath away. away. away. It isIt alive, Itisisalive, alive, torstors together torstogether together to benefit totobenefit benefit the the Reef. theReef. Reef. ourour family, ourfamily, family, friends friends friends andand neighbours andneighbours neighbours to toto colourful colourful colourful andand and bustling bustling bustling withwith with varied varied varied joinjoin in. joinWe in.in.We all Weall have allhave have a responsibility a aresponsibility responsibility to toto marine marine marine life.life. life. As As the Asthe world’s theworld’s world’s largest largest largest As As the Asthe journey thejourney journey evolves, evolves, evolves, Citizens Citizens Citizens willwill will act act now. actnow. now. There There There is great isisgreat great cause cause cause to feel totofeel feel coral coral coral reefreef ecosystem, reef ecosystem, ecosystem, the the Great the Great Great Barrier Barrier Barrier encourage encourage encourage people, people, people, communities, communities, communities, optimistic optimistic optimistic about about about the the future thefuture future of the ofofthe Great theGreat Great Reef Reef Reef is priceless. isispriceless. priceless. It supports It Itsupports supports 64,000 64,000 64,000 businesses, businesses, businesses, organisations, organisations, organisations, schools schools schools Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef. Reef. Reef. TheThe people Thepeople people whowho work whowork work on onon jobsjobs and jobsand contributes andcontributes contributes $56$56 billion $56billion billion to the totothe the andand and livelive live around around around the the the Reef Reef Reef areare are andand clubs andclubs clubs around around around the the world theworld world to adapt totoadapt adapt to toto Australian Australian Australian economy. economy. economy. However, However, However, the the the passionate passionate passionate carers carers carers for for the forthe environment theenvironment environment a lifestyle a alifestyle lifestyle where where where the the decisions thedecisions decisions we we we threats threats threats to to the tothe future thefuture future of of the ofthe Great theGreat Great both both both on land ononland land andand on andwater. ononwater. water. They They They have have have make make make at home, atathome, home, such such such as as whether aswhether whether we we we Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef areare real arereal and realand immediate, andimmediate, immediate, been been been guardians guardians guardians of the ofofthe Reef theReef Reef for for many formany many recycle recycle recycle andand and save save save energy, energy, energy, serve serve serve to toto as demonstrated asasdemonstrated demonstrated by the bybythe back-to-back theback-to-back back-to-back years years years andand have andhave have been been been working working working to protect totoprotect protect secure secure secure the the future thefuture future of the ofofthe Reef theReef Reef andand our andour our coral coral coral bleaching bleaching bleaching episodes episodes episodes in different inindifferent different it. it.it. planet. planet. planet. sections sections sections of 2300km-long ofof2300km-long 2300km-long Reef Reef Reef during during during 2016 2016 2016 andand 2017. and2017. 2017. Climate Climate Climate change change change is aisisaThe a The TheThe The Citizens Citizens Citizens Gateway Gateway Gateway to to the tothe Great theGreat Great digital Thedigital digital platform platform platform CitizensGBR.org CitizensGBR.org CitizensGBR.org is isis global global global challenge challenge challenge thatthat that impacts impacts impacts the the the Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef is an isis iconic ananiconic iconic public public public artwork artwork artwork where where where youyou can you can connect, can connect, connect, learn learn learn about about about the the the Great Great Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef through through through rising rising rising seasea sea to be toto erected bebeerected erected on the ononthe Cairns theCairns Cairns Esplanade. Esplanade. Esplanade. Reef Reef Reef andand what andwhat what youyou can youcan do cando todohelp totohelp help it. it.it. temperatures, temperatures, temperatures, ocean ocean ocean acidification acidification acidification andand and Using Using Using the the Reef theReef Reef creation creation creation story story story of local ofoflocal local ThisThis This willwill enable willenable enable operators operators operators to use totouse the usethe the extreme extreme extreme weather weather weather events. events. events. Traditional Traditional Traditional Owners, Owners, Owners, Torres Torres Torres Strait Strait Strait Citizens Citizens Citizens logologo on logo their onontheir their products, products, products, organorganorganIslander Islander Islander artist artist artist Brian Brian Brian Robinson Robinson Robinson hashas has ise ise a ise co-branded a aco-branded co-branded video video video to show totoshow show guests guests guests TheThe Great TheGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef is aisbarometer isa abarometer barometer designed designed a monumental a amonumental monumental 6m-high 6m-high 6m-high andand and andand train andtrain train their their their staffstaff staff about about about Citizens. Citizens. Citizens. designed of the ofofthe health thehealth health of our ofofour planet ourplanet planet andand recent andrecent recent 11m-wide 11m-wide 11m-wide sculpture sculpture sculpture thatthat that frames frames frames the the the bleaching bleaching bleaching events events events have have have elevated elevated elevated its itsits viewview view outout to outthe totothe Reef. theReef. Reef. TheThe Indigenous TheIndigenous Indigenous Local Local Local ambassadors ambassadors ambassadors willwill be willbe recruited berecruited recruited importance importance importance around around around the the world. theworld. world. Helping Helping Helping story story story is corroborated isiscorroborated corroborated by by science, byscience, science, a aa along along along the the length thelength length of the ofofthe Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier the the Reef theReef Reef willwill not willnot only notonly only ensure ensure ensure future future future revelation revelation revelation made made made public public public in inDavid in David David Reef Reef Reef to share totoshare share stories stories stories of their ofoftheir their passion passion passion generations generations generations cancan experience canexperience experience its natural itsitsnatural natural Attenborough's recent recent recent documentary documentary documentary for for the forthe Reef theReef Reef andand how andhow how theythey they care care care for for itforitAttenborough's it Attenborough's beauty, beauty, beauty, it will it itwill contribute willcontribute contribute to atoto better a abetter better on the ononthe Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef. Reef. Reef. while while while theythey are theyare working areworking working on the ononthe Reef theReef Reef andand and future future future for for Earth. forEarth. Earth. when when when theythey are theyare atare home. atathome. home. Tour Tour Tour operators operators operators ThisThis This mirrored mirrored mirrored sculpture sculpture sculpture willwill provide willprovide provide willwill be will asked bebeasked asked to nominate totonominate nominate their their their staffstaff staff as asas Citizens Citizens Citizens of the ofofthe Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef willwill will visitors visitors visitors withwith a with must-do a amust-do must-do selfie selfie selfie opportuopportuopportuchampions. champions. champions. connect connect connect people people people from from from all all walks allwalks walks of life ofoflife life nitynity that nitythat can thatcan be can shared bebeshared shared via social viaviasocial social media media media andand all andall corners allcorners corners of the ofofthe globe theglobe globe withwith with the the the encouraging encouraging encouraging others others others around around around the the world theworld world In Inaddition In addition addition to tohighlighting to highlighting highlighting these these these Reef, Reef, Reef, to enable totoenable enable them them them to play totoplay a play role a arole in roleinin to to think tothink think andand and care care care about about about the the Great theGreat Great Citizens-initiated Citizens-initiated Citizens-initiated projects, projects, projects, Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef. Reef. Reef. the the future thefuture future health health health of this ofofthis World thisWorld World Heritage Heritage Heritage CitizensGBR.org CitizensGBR.org CitizensGBR.org willwill list willlist and listand and explain explain explain area. area. area. A hub A Ahub for hubfor people forpeople people whowho care whocare care about about about actions actions actions Citizens Citizens Citizens cancan can taketake take to to tackle totackle tackle the the Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef andand aand repository a arepository repository climate climate climate change, change, change, the the greatest thegreatest greatest threat threat threat to toto for for ideas, forideas, ideas, knowledge knowledge knowledge andand and actions actions actions to toto the the Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef. Reef. Reef. Citizens Citizens Citizens cancan can nurture nurture nurture the the Reef, theReef, Reef, Citizens Citizens Citizens willwill tap willtap into tapinto into commit commit commit to taking tototaking taking an an action anaction action thatthat that willwill will the the desire thedesire desire for for aforhealthy a ahealthy healthy planet planet planet for for for impact impact impact the the future thefuture future of the ofofthe Reef, theReef, Reef, such such such as asas generations generations generations to come. totocome. come. reducing reducing reducing youryour your carbon carbon carbon footprint, footprint, footprint, single-use single-use single-use coffee coffee coffee cups cups cups or or plastic or plastic plastic Citizens Citizens Citizens of the ofofthe Great theGreat Great Barrier Barrier Barrier Reef Reef Reef is isis straws. straws. straws. starting starting starting a journey a ajourney journey of collaboration ofofcollaboration collaboration thatthat that willwill bring willbring bring scientists, scientists, scientists, universities universities universities andand and We We need Weneed need to feel totofeel empowered feelempowered empowered to make totomake make the the people thepeople people whowho who livelive and liveand work andwork work on on the onthe the the the changes thechanges changes thatthat that willwill help willhelp help the the Great theGreat Great


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From High Tea to Track and then to the Ball … the Cairns social season is in full flight right now, and these gorgeous looks from TEA LILY in Grafton Street perfectly capture the fashionable spirit of Springtime. Up the Glamour Stakes and Get these Looks. Model | Nicky Balderson Stylist | Pip Miller Hair & Makeup | Studio 78 Photography | Stella Adams Photography Nicky wears: Moss & Spy dress $599 Fabienne earrings $45 Available from TEA LILY| 59 Grafton Street | 40414150

Finance Manager of Keir Qld and Commercial Property Services, and mum of four, Nicky loves sports and has recently renewed her love of swimming, having completed the swim leg of the Ironman 70.3. We’re so glad we coaxed her out of the pool, and into these stunning styles from Tea Lily.


LEFT: Ruby YaYa top | $145 Sacha Drake wide leg pants | $149 Crochetta felt festival hat | $69 Beaded belt | $59 Stellar Rose gold earrings | $35 RIGHT: Sacha Drake black and cream geometric trapeze dress with belt | $449 Olga Berg rose gold clutch | $89.95 Olga Berg art-deco crown | $99.95 Adorne earrings | $29.95 Available from TEA LILY | 59 Grafton Street | 40414150

Issue 19 |




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LEFT: Trelise Cooper dress | $559 Crochetta fascinator | $89 Olga Berg clutch | $69.95 Pink crystal drop earrings | $39 Adorne bracelet | $25 RIGHT: Thurley dress | $399.95 Olga Berg bag | $89.95 Crochetta fascinator | $110 Stellar Rose gold earrings | $35 Available from TEA LILY | 59 Grafton Street | 40414150

Issue 19 |


Fashion FashionAmbassadors Ambassadors AsAsthe thefashion fashionpartner partnerfor forthe the2017 2017Cairns CairnsCup, Cup,Oceana Oceana Walk WalkArcade Arcadeare arethrilled thrilledtotointroduce introducethe the2017 2017Oceana Oceana Walk WalkArcade ArcadeFashion FashionAmbassadors. Ambassadors.

What Whatinspired inspiredyou youtotobebeananOceana OceanaWalk WalkArcade Arcade Fashion FashionAmbassador? Ambassador?I spend I spendmost mostofofmy mylife lifeininmy my costume costumeshop shoptransforming transformingand andentertaining entertainingpeople people totomake makethem themfeel feelcomfortableand comfortableandbeautiful. beautiful.It Itwas was a agreat greatsurprise surpriseand anda awonderful wonderfulgift gifttotobebegiven giventhe the opportunity opportunitytotobebepampered pamperedand anddressed dressedsoso elegantly elegantly- I- even I evenhad hadmy mynails nailsdone donefor forthe thefirst firsttime! time! It's It'salso alsoananhonour honourtotorepresent representthe themore more"curvy" "curvy" women womenofofCairns! Cairns! How Howdodoyou youlike liketotoenjoy enjoythe theracing racingseason? season?Most Mostofofthe the time, time,I attend I attendthe theraces racesemployed employedasasa aroving rovingCharacter Character entertainer. entertainer.I weave I weavethrough throughthe thebubbling bubblingcrowds crowdsdressed dressed asasCarmen CarmenMiranda, Miranda,Marilyn MarilynMonroe MonroeororThe TheMad MadHattress. Hattress. Which Whichstores storesdodoyou youparticularly particularlylike liketotovisit visitininOceana OceanaWalk Walk Arcade? Arcade?I love I lovethem themall! all!Especially EspeciallyVintage VintageSeeker, Seeker,the theOl'Ol' fashioned fashionedrecord recordshop shopRevival RevivalRecords Recordsand andGypsett. Gypsett.

Rachel RachelBradley Bradley

Rachel Rachel wears wears Vintage Vintage Pleated Pleated Georgette Georgette Dress Dress in in cobalt cobalt blue blue && white white | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Claret Claret Red Red Bow Bow Odyssey Odyssey Fascinator Fascinator | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Gold Gold Metal Metal Bar Bar Belt Belt | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Candy Candy Clay Clay Drop Drop Earring Earring in in gold/black gold/black | Eggplant | Eggplant && Poppy Poppy

Stylist Stylist | Pip | Pip Addison Addison Photography Photography | Andrew | Andrew Watson Watson Hair Hair | Allure | Allure Hair Hair Boutique Boutique Makeup Makeup | Donita | Donita Piccolo Piccolo Location Location | Cairns | Cairns Jockey Jockey Club Club

What Whatinspired inspiredyou youtotobebeananOceana OceanaWalk WalkArcade ArcadeFashion FashionAmbassador? Ambassador? I am I amvery veryexcited excitedand andincredibly incrediblyhonoured honouredfor forthis thisopportunity, opportunity,which which gives givesme methe theopportunity opportunitytotocontinue continuemy mypassion passionofofracing racingfashion, fashion, and andtotohave havethe theability abilitytotoinspire inspireothers, others,asaswell wellasastotomentor mentor and andguide guidethose thosewho whoshare sharethe thesame samepassion. passion. How Howdodoyou youlike liketotoenjoy enjoythe theracing racingseason? season?The Themost most exciting excitingpart partfor forme meisisthe theplanning planningstage! stage!I spend I spendweeks weeks looking lookingfor forthe theperfect perfectfabric, fabric,spend spendhours hoursresearching researching current currenttrends trendsand andam amthen theninspired inspiredbybythe theEuropean European catwalks catwalksand andfashion fashiondesigners. designers.I tend I tendtotokeep keepmy my inspiration inspirationand andideas ideastotomyself myselfuntil untilI've I'vesketched sketched and andmapped mappedout outmy myvision. vision.I guess I guessinina away, way,this thisisis my mycreative creativeoutlet. outlet.It's It'sa agreat greatnetwork networkfor forpeople peopletoto come cometogether togethertotosupport supportone oneanother, another,while whilehaving having a afew fewchampagnes. champagnes. Which Whichstore/s store/sdodoyou youparticularly particularlylike liketotovisit visitininOWA OWA (Oceana (OceanaWalk WalkArcade)? Arcade)?Oceana OceanaWalk WalkArcade Arcadestocks stocks some someofofmy myfavourite favouritebrands brandsincluding includingCamilla Camillaand and Alice AliceMcCall. McCall.Vivienne VivienneFrancine Francinealso alsostock stocksome some amazing amazingbespoke bespokeone-off one-offmillinery millinerypieces piecesthat thatI adore I adorebyby the thevery verytalented talentedBernice BernicePatton, Patton,who whoisisone oneofofCairns' Cairns' local localmilliners. milliners.My Myother otherfavourite favouritewould wouldhave havetotobebeEggplant Eggplant and andPoppy, Poppy,they theyhave havesome somebeautiful beautifuland andunique uniquehandmade handmadearts arts and andcrafts! crafts! Stacie Stacie wears wears Alice Alice McCall McCall Melody Melody Dress Dress in in Periwinkle Periwinkle | Gypsett, | Gypsett, Josie Josie Rose Rose Couture Couture Headwear, Headwear, Milky Milky Way Way | Vivienne | Vivienne Francine, Francine, Moontide Moontide Matinee Matinee Wallet Wallet in in grey grey | Gypsett, | Gypsett, Candy Candy Clay Clay Ear Ear Studs Studs in in silver silver and and white white – Eggplant – Eggplant && Poppy Poppy 46

| w w w. o a s i s m a g a z i n e . c o m . a u

Stacie StacieGaleano Galeano

What Whatinspired inspiredyou youtotobebeananOceana OceanaWalk WalkArcade ArcadeFashion Fashion Ambassador? Ambassador?Who Whocould couldsay saynonototoananopportunity opportunitytotobebe pampered pamperedand andwear wearsome somebeautiful beautifuloutfits outfitsfrom fromsome someofof Cairns' Cairns'best bestfashion fashionstores! stores!I know I knowsosomany manyladies ladieswho whoare are extremely extremelytime-poor, time-poor,and andmay maynot nothave havethe theopportunity opportunitytoto get getinto intotown, town,like likemyself. myself.I hope I hopethis thisidentifies identifiesOceana Oceana Walk Walkasasa afashion fashionprecinct precinctininCairns Cairnsfor forlocals localswho whoare are looking lookingfor forunique, unique,one-off, one-off,vintage vintageorordesigner designer fashion, fashion,for fornot notonly onlythe theRacing RacingCarnival, Carnival,but butallallyear year round. round. How Howdodoyou youlike liketotoenjoy enjoythe theracing racingseason? season?My My outfits outfitsare arealways alwayslast lastminute minuteideas, ideas,and andwith withthe the amazing amazingselection selectionofoffashions fashionsavailable availableatatOceana Oceana Walk, Walk,this thiscan canbebequite quiteeasy easytotodo. do. Which Whichstore/s store/sdodoyou youparticularly particularlylike liketotovisit visitinin Oceana OceanaWalk WalkArcade? Arcade?This ThisArcade Arcadeisisquite quiteamazing amazing and andthe theshopping shoppingisisfantastic. fantastic.I do I dolove loveGypsett Gypsettand and Vivienne VivienneFrancine, Francine,but butEggplant Eggplant&&Poppy Poppyisissuch sucha afun fun store storewith withsosomany manydifferent differentideas. ideas.No Nomatter matterwhich whichstore store you youvisit, visit,you youwill willfind findsomething somethingthat thatjust juststands standsout. out. Michele Michele wears wears Dolly Dolly && Dotty Dotty Darlene Darlene Dress Dress | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Josie Josie Rose Rose | Couture | Couture Headwear, Headwear, Dark Dark Matter Matter | Vivienne | Vivienne Francine, Francine, Nicole Nicole Fendel Fendel Rose Rose Gold Gold Drop Drop Earring Earring | Gypsett | Gypsett

Michele MicheleAnnison Annison

What Whatinspired inspiredyou youtotobebeananOceana OceanaWalk WalkFashion Fashion Ambassador? Ambassador?It’s It’sa afantastic fantasticopportunity opportunitytotoshowcase showcase some someofofthe thebest bestparts partsofofCairns, Cairns,and andcombines combinesmy mytwo two favourite favouritethings things- fashion - fashionand andsocialising. socialising.My Myfavourite favourite part partofofliving livingininCairns Cairnsisisthe theunique uniquelifestyle lifestylewe welead. lead. There’s There’snowhere nowherelike likeit itononearth, earth,which whichmeans means different differentculture, culture,fashions, fashions,trends, trends,etc. etc. How Howdodoyou youenjoy enjoythe theracing racingseason? season?The Theracing racing season seasonininCairns Cairnsisisone oneofofthe themost mostexciting excitingtimes times ofofthe theyear. year.I always I alwaysmake makesure suremy myhair hairisisprepared prepared for forthe themany manysocial socialevents eventsthat thatoccur occurbefore, before,during during and andafter afterthe theraces. races.This Thisyear, year,asaspart partofofmy mySocial Social Butterfly Butterflyrole, role,not notonly onlydodoI have I havetotoattend attendthe theCairns Cairns Cup Cupevents, events,but butalso alsothe theevents eventsthat thatmy mysponsors sponsorshave have already alreadybooked bookedin.in. Which Whichstore/s store/sdodoyou youparticularly particularlylike liketotovisit visitininOceana Oceana Walk WalkArcade? Arcade?Gypsett, Gypsett,Vintage VintageSeeker, Seeker,Vivienne VivienneFrancine Francine and andPantry Pantry1515are aremy myfavorites. favorites.

Maddie MaddieDixon Dixon

Maddie Maddie wears wears Polka Polka dotdot with with tulle tulle underlay underlay skater skater skirt skirt | Kaotica, | Kaotica, Shintaro Shintaro Top Top in in black black | Vivienne | Vivienne Francine, Francine, High High Society Society byby Bernice Bernice Patton Patton Millinery Millinery | | Vivienne Vivienne Francine, Francine, Mid Mid Century Century sheer sheer nylon nylon rose rose pink pink gloves gloves | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Vintage Vintage Style Style Magazine Magazine Clutch Clutch | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Pearl Pearl Cluster Cluster Earring Earring | Kaotica | Kaotica

Group Group Shot Shot - Vintage - Vintage Seeker Seeker | Faceted | Faceted Stem Stem Champagne Champagne Saucer Saucer Stacie Stacie wears wears Alice Alice McCall McCall Californian Californian Dress Dress in in porcelain porcelain | Gypsett, | Gypsett, Vintage Vintage Gloves Gloves with with pleating pleating in in Black Black | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker,Classic Classic Broad Broad Brimmed Brimmed Straw Straw Hat Hat with with Velvet Velvet Trim Trim in in black black | Vintage | Vintage Seeker, Seeker, Bow Bow Earring Earring in in gold gold | Vintage | Vintage Seeker Seeker

Issue 19 |


Whitsunday WhitsundayDress Dress ininSacred SacredGreen Green by bySajeela SajeelaJamie Jamie for forWild WildSugar Sugar Made MadeininCairns Cairns located locatedatatThe ThePier Pier PP hone: hone:07 074041 40416960 6960 Mobile: Mobile:0431 0431156 156469 469 www.wildsugar.fashion www.wildsugar.fashion

Photo: Photo:Dameon DameonJamie Jamie

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Issue 19 |


a shop

We are very proud to showcase a beautiful range of fashion and lifestyle products by some of the region’s finest homegrown artisanal talent. All our products are made with love, skill, flair and passion.

a school

Founder Aylie McDowall Alexander conducts Photoshop Masterclasses in Surface Design once a month for those wishing to explore their own talents and translate them into patterns for print projects.

a studio

tropical luxe lifestyleluxe tropical

Aylie is an artist/designer who uses the space to create her own range of fashion and lifestyle collections. Her first collection of Norens called Norenz has just launched in store. Activewear range coming soon.

Visit us at


CeliaKate KateWhite WhiteCotton Cotton Celia Dress $129, Noren with pillow $265, Fedorra $110 pillow $265, Fedorra $110







e lifestyle

Issue 19 |



With Fun And Food


Spring is the festival season in Cairns, so this colourful time of the year involves harnessing local food in season such as lemons, limes, pineapples, pumpkin and chillies.

Healthy food, as well as being colourful, has fabulous aromas and is a taste sensation. And what better way to try new dishes than to enrol in a healthy cooking class.

Dietitians encourage people With the weather warming up, to follow a healthy diet but it’s the perfect time of year to often people also need experiment with adapting basic cooking, shopping HEALTHY FOOD, AS recipes to make them and commodity skills to WELL AS BEING increasingly healthy. instigate change. COLOURFUL, HAS Spring chicken recipes A great way to have FABULOUS AROMAS using caramelised new food experiences AND IS A TASTE lemon and curries laced is to be involved SENSATION. with vegetables is the in a workshop that way to go. Colourful dips enables people to source, prepare, cook and above all and salads can be prepared appreciate the flavour of food to cater for all festivities and are enjoyed by all age groups. Stir fries are around a shared table. quick to prepare using Asian greens and This is particularly important for people lots of herbs and spices such as ginger. who are on a restricted budget where Experience zesty lemon, crunchy dips packaged preprepared food may appear and salads, warm turmeric, perfect to be the only alternative. Dishes prepared utilise basic food equipment and lowpork, finger food and more.


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cost ingredients. Young children are particularly at risk when mum or dad lack the skills and confidence to prepare fresh food. Cooking workshops enable participants to acquire knife skills and experiment with healthy cooking methods of not just meals but also snacks. Interactive cooking classes and tasting of new dishes in a social environment empowers people to make changes to their diet with positive health outcomes for the whole family. The Colour your family’s world with fun and food project is administered and delivered by Dorothy Richmond, Dietitian and Chef, on behalf of Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. For information on these free workshops contact Dorothy. Workshops have already been held in Mareeba and Kuranda with more sessions planned region wide.


Member Experience Manager

There are dozens of corny quotes about finding motivation in the morning but my personal favourite is “I’d like mornings better if they started later”! Sleep-ins aside, sometimes the only free time you have to get to the gym is first thing in the morning. I know it isn’t easy when you aren’t an early bird, and it’s even more difficult to get your butt out of bed when the mornings are cooler and the sun sleeps in later, so I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you stay motivated. PACK YOUR BAGS The more organised you are the easier it is to get up and go (plus, you’ve already made the commitment to yourself that you’re going). Rather than having to rush around first thing in the morning trying to find all your gym gear have everything set out the

night before. This includes your gym bag and change of clothes, which helps to prevent those awkward moments like getting to the changing room and realising you’ve forgotten your bra… we’ve all been there! YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE! Set your alarm with enough time for you to wake up, get up and get moving. Avoid the snooze button at all costs and if needs be, move your alarm to the other side of the room so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off! GET YOUR GROOVE ON If you find it hard to wake up in the morning, try putting on some upbeat music to get you pumped and ready to hit the gym. Have a play list loaded on your phone so that you can click play when you get out of bed to turn your alarm off.

Genesis Fitness Health Clubs 20/7 113 Lake Street, Cairns – 4041 2290 20/7 318 Mulgrave Road, Westcourt – 4041 1449 20/7 Mt Milman Drive, Smithfield – 4038 3854 20/7 1 Hargreaves Road, Edmonton – 40456055 3 Chelsea Lane, Redlynch – 4039 3002

the FiT Family

Contact us to receive your FREE 10 day pass!

IT’S A DATE You don’t have to do it alone. Make a commitment to your bestie, your colleague or even the instructor that you’ll be there. Having a workout buddy is a great motivator AND you’ll be less likely to bail on the workout if you know someone is waiting there for you. GET TECHY Whether you’re trying to reach 10,000 steps on your Fitbit or want to achieve your silver ranking on MyZone, wearable fitness technology is great at motivating you to get moving… especially when you know the friends and family [you’ve added to your chosen tech’s social network] can see if you actually worked out or not! DON’T GIVE UP I know it’s not going to be easy… but keep going, your body will thank you for it!

a gym for every body We’re all born with different body types, and that’s awesome. We’re ectomorphs, mesomorphs, squares, pears, rectangles, columns...and a bunch of other fruits, fractals and rhomboids. No matter what shape you are at Genesis Fitness we’re just here to get your shape back into shape. With small group training sessions, group fitness classes and a range of personalised solutions.

Website: www.cairnsfitnesscentres.com.au Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/genesisfitnesscairns

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Issue 19 |



Every year there are over 13,000 new cases of melanoma diagnosed in Australia, which is double the rate reported in the United States. This is partly due to the hole in the ozone layer, which we need to continue to repair, but also our outdoor lifestyle. I don’t want to discourage because this is important in preventing heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Even though individuals with red or ginger hair, freckled skin, or skin that can’t tan are at higher risk of melanoma, individuals with darker pigmentation get melanoma most notably on the soles of their feet, while Asians have more melanomas under their finger or toenails. If you have had skin cancer in the past, you have an increased risk of having skin cancers in the future. However, there are now treatments that can make you more resistant to skin cancer. Still, the number one preventive is using protective clothing - hats, gloves, and sunscreens. The

sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going outside and reapplied twenty minutes later and depending on the sunscreen reapplied 2-4 hours later. Products containing zinc give cover the widest spectrum of harmful ultraviolet light however no product protects against UVC radiation produced when welding which is why protective clothing, hats, goggles are so important. Sunglasses are important to protect against ocular melanoma as well as cataracts and agerelated macular degeneration. Sunscreen works as shown by a recent study in Queensland where the Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial group that used sunscreen daily for 10 years had half the melanomas and were less likely to have an invasive melanoma than the group that only used sunscreen when they thought needed. Children who used daily sunscreen for three years developed fewer moles than the group of children

whose parents were given no advise about using sunscreen. As the number of moles increases, the risk of melanoma increases. Interestingly, the conversion of vitamin D in the skin was not lowered by sunscreen in the Nambour study. If melanoma is detected early, the cure rates are extremely high which is why I recommend monthly self-examination of the skin. You can do this at the same time as when examining the breast or testes, which also saves lives. You can incorporate a skin examination which is illustrated on www.skincaner.org. You are looking for anything new, changing, isolated or skin lesion with symptoms e.g. itchy, bleeding, sticking on clothing. The point is not to wait and consult your doctor and never hesitate to get a second opinion. Nodular melanoma can invade very quickly and I think patients may become complacent because they are having skin checks every few months.

Ocean Health Clinic Caroline L. MacLeod M.D., M.P.H. & T.M.

Paradise Village Shopping Centre 111 Williams Esplanade, Palm Cove

Medical Director

General Practitioner with special interest in


| w w w. o a s i s m a g a z i n e . c o m . a u

Pier Shopping Centre Ground Floor, Cairns

b/h 0457 200 476 a/h 0423 553 140 oceanhealthclinic@gmail.com

HEEL-ING THE PAIN Five tips to help your heel pain PHYSIOTHERAPY SUZANNE RATH Wellness Embodied

SELF MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Anti-inflammatories (oral and/or creams) may have some effect in the first few days of pain. Modified activity is also good- avoid anything which is aggravating the heel. Wearing supportive shoes rather than walking barefoot/ in thongs is essential. STRETCHING TIPS AND TRICKS Find some gentle calf and plantar fascia stretches and do these to the point of some resistance, but not excruciating pain. Foam rollers, spiky balls or other massagers can be useful for helping to release tight calves, as well as the arch of your foot (if it’s tolerable- a mild discomfort is usually fine). Finally, freeze a small bottle and roll your foot on it several times a day to massage the arch of the foot and get the cooling effects of the ice.

DON’T PANIC Even if you’ve had pain for weeks, or an x-ray showing a bone spur, try to pace your activities and remain positive, as this is crucial to your recovery. Even changes seen on x-rays, such as heel spurs, are generally symptoms of the poor biomechanics causing the pain, rather than the main cause of the pain itself. SORT YOUR BIOMECHANICS Biomechanics refers to how everything in your body moves together. There are lots of things that will put excessive pressure on your heel or change the way that you walk. Orthotics can be really useful for some people, but are a complete waste of money for others. Weak hip muscles, poor balance due to an old injury, knee issues and abnormal movement patterns are just some of

Suzanne Rath BSc. (Hons) Physio., MSc. Sport & Exercise Med.

the issues which can put pressure on the tiny muscles of the foot, leading to excessive strain on the heel over a period of time. A physiotherapy assessment will look at all of these factors and advise you on how best to address them. At Wellness Embodied, we also provide custom insoles and orthotics. BE PATIENT Some people respond quickly to treatment and walk out of their appointment feeling 80% better. Others take a little longer and have to persevere with their exercises, physio sessions, orthotics and more before they finally realise one day, ‘hang on, my heel doesn’t hurt as much.’ As with any pain, we are all individual and our bodies are subject to different stresses and strains. Find a way to stay active and look after your mental health as well as physical- all will be good!


0488 588 670 www.wellnessembodiedcairns.com

Freshwater Tennis Club & Cairns North Issue 19 |



With the Race season on our doorstep, it’s time we all start searching for the perfect outfit combination. Combination being the key word - the idea is to create an eye catching outfit from head to toe. When choosing your outfit remember to ask yourself is it “Classic” or “Contemporary”. Both are beautiful, however the trick is to not mix the two together. Fascinators or hats are a definite for these events - not only do some of them offer some shade from the sun, but they are a must to complete the look. Once the type of headpiece is chosen, hairstyling becomes easy. If you’re lacking skills with hairstyling, then the simple rule is - the bigger the better! A large fascinator looks most elegant with a sleek low ponytail or small


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donut bun. If you prefer hats, straight hair can possibly be all you need. Sometimes a curl can be too much, depending on your style.

RACEDAY EMERGENCY KIT MUST HAVES: bobby pins, cotton tips, lash glue, lipstick or gloss, breath mints, super glue (you’d be surprised), bandaids, pain killers, sanitary items

Fascinators that appear “busy” tend to need a more structure hair do, simply because they require a firm foundation to sit on all day. Small designs with a comb can slid into almost any hairstyle - simply backcomb the area you wish to place the fascinator and make sure its sitting in the correct direction. If you prefer to leave it to the professionals, make sure you book well in advanced and don’t forget to take your headpiece with you.

Raceday outfits take time to prepare and require attention to detail. Everything needs to have purpose including your makeup.

Long lasting makeup is highly recommended for outdoor events. Using a matte foundation with a professional setting spray will help against the heat in the tropics. Try complementing your outfit with two bold features, a strong lip colour and heavy lashes. By adding false lashes, it makes your eyes pop without having to worrying about eyeshadow fading. Remember your outfit should tell a story, so don’t leave your face speechless.


2 weeks out With over 20 years of injecting experience, the team at Face Today Cairns are renowned for achieving natural-looking results with their range of dermal fillers. The team pride themselves on subtly restoring a plump youthful glow, smoothing lines, and winding back the clock without breaking the bank.

boost, to ensure the skin glows and feels bouncy. One of our favourite noninvasive treatments is the HydraFacial. This treatment is a five-step And if you’re after that Hollywood nourishing and hydrating treatment that will leave the skin glowing glow, opt for the celebrity for days on end. Utilising favourite photofacial, Laser a combination of hydra Genesis. Treatments take AND IF YOU’RE dermabrasion to smooth roughly 30minutes and AFTER THAT the skin followed by a there is no downtime HOLLYWOOD involved – just great vitamin rich infusion, GLOW, OPT FOR results. Backed by the HydraFacial lays THE CELEBRITY scientific studies, the the perfect platform to FAVOURITE PHOTOFACIAL Laser Genesis facial is ensure your make-up designed to improve fine will glide on and stay put lines, wrinkles, minimise all day long. the appearance of scars as well as provide the skin with a welcomed This treatment is an award-winning complexion reviver. collagen boost.

1 week out Want to smooth your fine lines and lift your brows before the big event? Anti-

3 days out With just a few days to go, now is the time to give the skin a hydration

Get Race Day ready with these lastminute beauty solutions Everyone wants to look and feel their best for Spring Carnival, and the good news is, it’s not too late to enlist some cosmetic assistance. These are some of the fastest and most effective solutions sure to enhance your race day experience.

wrinkle injections tend to take one week to kick in, so now is the time to visit the Face Today team for natural looking – not frozen – results.

Contact the clinic on 4053 3021 130 Grafton St, Cairns City http://www.facetodaycairns.com.au

WHERE EXPERIENCE COUNTS Our results-focused range of treatments are based on proven results and years of experience. Anti-Wrinkle + Dermal Filling

Ultherapy Skin Lifting

Laser Genesis Photo-Facial

Offering only the most natural looking results, combined with competitive pricing, we boast some of the most experienced and qualified cosmetic therapists.

Exclusive to Face Today, this award-winning non-surgical skin lifting technology is the answer to achieving the perfect brow lift, mid-face and neck lift.

A favourite with celebrities, the Photo-Facial is scientifically proven to stimulate collagen production targeting skin redness, large pores, uneven skin texture and scars, with zero downtime.

130 Grafton St, Cairns City | 4053 3021 | FACETODAYCAIRNS.COM.AU Issue 19 |




wil The OF l re n Y cei ext SP ve 6 ti E a s ck CI pec ets AL ial boo ! pri ke ce d of $ 975


Come enjoy a 3 night health, fitness and wellness retreat within the lovely grounds of Bramston Beach Motel that is sure to leave you feeling revitalised, relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed. This weekend will focus on reconnecting your mind, body and soul to allow you to create a healthier and happier experience moving forward in all aspects of your life. You’ll be hosted at this event by Carly Grossek, founder and owner of Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness. Carly is an inspiring and passionate person who is always looking to help others achieve their life dreams. Carly is a finalist two years running in the Cairns Business Women’s Awards – Sole So Entrepreneur Category 2016, 2017. Tickets can be purchased from www.cinderellastories.com.au.

FRIDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER – MONDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 2017 $1175pp Single Day Pass – Saturday 9th September 2017 - 7am-5pm - $400pp 58

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Issue 19 |


Designing WOMEN

Words | Shaneen Fantin Images | Stella Adams Photography

Have you ever admired the space and the view at Bluewater, relaxed in the outdoor spaces at Wharf 1 or Munro Martin Parklands, moved seamlessly through the Cairns Base Hospital, or appreciated the design of the new classroom or library at your child’s school? Have you ever thought about these places and considered the light,

the colour, the space and materials, and how the view is captured? If you have noticed these spaces and their qualities, then you should thank one of the many female architects in Cairns who are smashing glass ceilings in their field. Australia’s reputation for quality architecture and design, like gourmet

food, is growing rapidly around the world. Australia is currently dominating the World Architecture Awards with 30 entries being shortlisted from a total of 43, and public interest in architecture is rising. There is also a new television series Australia by Design which started in July and presents viewers with real projects of different types

WOMEN DIRECTORS OF CAIRNS ARCHITECTURE FIRMS: 1 Nicole Ewing | NEArchitecture PROJECTS: Assisted Total Project Group on the School of Arts, Upolu House (Clifton Beach), and Leonard House (Kewarra Beach). ENJOYS: AFL and making furniture.

1 3

2 Alanna Coburn | Coburn Architecture PROJECTS: The Bluewater (Bar and Function Centre), Cairns Private Hospital Redevelopment, and St Monica’s College Redevelopment. ENJOYS: mountain biking, playing piano and writing. 3 Belinda Allwood | POD (People Oriented Design) PROJECTS: Synapse Supported Accommodation project (Manunda), The Big Small House (Palm Cove) and Toomelah Multipurpose Facility (NSW). ENJOYS: Belinda is studying a Master of Landscape Architecture, enjoys walking her dog and making fine furniture. 4 Nancy Lau | Nancy Lau Architect PROJECTS: Nancy has worked extensively with Indigenous people on projects in Queensland and the Northern Territory, including applying her design skills and reinterpreting them to indigenous welfare reform service delivery programs. ENJOYS: Photography & Tennis (In 2006, Nancy unintentionally debuted with an official Australian tennis ranking of 468.) 5 Julianne Field | Julianne McAlloon Architects PROJECTS: The Australian Armour and Artillery Museum, Trinity Beach State School, Senior Learning Centre and a range of award winning residences including the O’Shea House, and The Peak House. ENJOYS: art, trekking, mentoring, reading and cooking. 60

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across all the states of Australia. A are by women architects. Cairns has one of the highest percentages of woman-directed architecture practices in Australia. There are 44 architects listed with an address in the Cairns region on the Board of Architects Queensland Register for 2017. Of these 14 are women, which equates to approximately 30%, and this percentage does not capture all the young women in Cairns in the profession who are not yet registered. In an analysis of 2014 registration data Gill Matthewson of Parlour (the leading organisation for gender equity in architecture) found

that registered women architects make up 22.5% of all registered architects in Australia, and from 2011 Census data that only 11% or less are directors of architecture companies. In Cairns, women-led architecture available. This is almost twice the national average. This is something we should celebrate and be very proud of. But why are we all here? What work have we done and what do we do in our spare time (whatever that is)? When I asked the leading women architects of Cairns this question there was a common theme in response. Cairns is a

regional hub that offers a diversity of work experience which builds skills that large metropolitan centres can’t provide. If you are a woman with a sense of adventure who enjoys travel then architecture in Cairns is a great profession to be in. It also provides the breadth of experience to enable many women to start their own practices. Second





comments about the stunning natural environment;




outdoor activities such as sailing, walking, cycling and swimming; and for some because its home.

6 Jane Hanan | Clarke and Prince PROJECTS: Cairns Skyrail, Peace Lutheran College, and Trinity Anglican School. 7 Gisela Jung | CA Architects PROJECTS: Nova Cairns, Munro Martin Parklands, and Wharf 1 and Cairns Foreshore Redevelopment. ENJOYS: Travelling

5 7

8 Shaneen Fantin | POD (People Oriented Design) PROJECTS: Groote Eylandt culture and education centres, The Least House Necessary (educational workshop series Qld, ACT), and a book chapter with Gudju Gudju Fourmile for the Springer International Handbook of Indigenous Architecture. ENJOYS: Hanging out with her tweenie children and dry-witted husband, gardening and growing her own food. Paula Newman | Thomson Adsett: PROJECTS: The Chambers Heritage Building, The Salvation Army Mossman Residential Aged Care Facility, and Various Salvation Army small projects with the Family Store and Centennial lodge. ENJOYS: .



Charlotte Doger De Speville | CDS Architects PROJECTS: Mulungu Aboriginal Health Service, Napranum Aged Care. ENJOYS: Charlotte lives in Speewah and enjoys gardening Deborah Fisher | Fisher and Buttrose Architects PROJECTS: Cairns Hospital redevelopment, Cairns North Community Health Centre and Mossman Gorge Visitor Centre. ENJOYS: Deb retains her sanity through training with the Black Zero swim squad, silver smithing and community activities in Machans Beach. Issue 19 |



At this time of the year, Cairns brings in tourists from all corners of the planet, and why not? The perfect weather, the reef, rainforest, beaches, the Spring Racing Carnival and so on. And with the influx of visitors comes an increased level of property investor activity - the opportunity for owning a slice of paradise is often too much for the savvy investor to resist. Australians are a nation of investors, with around 1.7 million of actively engaged in the market. For those looking to sell their property soon, now is the perfect time to get it on the market. You’ll attract interest, not only the existing local buyers, but also the out-of-town investors. To make sure your property gets noticed in the sea of competing properties currently in the market, you need to make it stand out – like that shiny pebble

they see your property they will make their decision not only on emotion Dressing your home up is one way to (because they’re feeling great on achieve this. Professional companies their holidays) but also on things like: can assist with this property presentation supply & demand - when demand is and it really does make a difference. greater than supply, the value goes Other time-proven ways of making sure up; potential and control – the ability your property gets to affect the property’s ongoing capital noticed is enabling growth potential, doing repairs and your agent keep up to date, the right tenants to properly - THE OPPORTUNITY to maximise your rental income, advertise and FOR OWNING A or even getting it rezoned for SLICE OF PARADISE market your development purposes. IS OFTEN TOO MUCH property for Recent figures from the ABS show FOR THE SAVVY you. These are INVESTOR TO RESIST there are now one million homes expenses that left empty across Australia (yes, it’s are well worth a hard fact to digest). Prevent your the investment, property being amongst this statistic and include professional whilst selling, by using this perfect photos, print advertising, internet weather timing. Get your property on exposure, social media presence and the market and sold within a short time, signage. preferably to an investor who perceives Back to our investors milling about our the higher value whilst in their sunregion in a state of holiday bliss, once soaked holiday-bliss mode. that catches your eye on the beach.

for sale property4you.com.au


bentley park 13 wiskar cl. 3bed 1bth 1car

holloways bch unit 31

Secluded home with more than meets the eye, located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. The spacious kitchen has a nice long bench space, new gas top stove, and new gas hot water system.

Located in the Cairns Beach Resort holiday complex, this great little holiday unit on the 2nd floor overlooks the resort pool and the beach behind. Ideal for the savvy investor wnting a slice of paradise.

Fully fenced for your pets l Inground private pool l 6x6m powered shed Offers around $299,000 Agent: Daniel Sheehan 0409 265 326 l

| w w w. o a s i s m a g a z i n e . c o m . a u

1bed 1bth 1car Air cond. & security scrns l Tiled living area & balcony l Fully furnished unit Low $100,000’s Agent: Daniel Sheehan 0409 265 326 l

manunda 5/108 mayers st. 1bed 1bth 1car This is a spacious loft-style unit with open-plan living space downstairs & an upstairs loft bedroom. It’s located in a very tidy, freshly painted complex of 28 with a central inground swimming pool.

Air con & security screens Private deck at back door Body corp fees $650/qtr Offers over $119,000 Agent: Daniel Sheehan 0409 265 326

l l l

STRATA Misconceptions STRATA LORRAINE MURRAY Branch Manager

Most strata schemes depend on the expertise of the strata manager to assist in the day-to-day management of their building. But how much do you really know about the role of your strata manager? Here are some of the most common misconceptions: Your strata manager is the decision maker: Strata managers are appointed by the body corporate. They offer advice and direction on decisions, but final authority lies with owners, and any resolutions are passed with a vote. Levies only cover the cost of your strata manager: Contributions are paid into a bank account held by the body corporate to cover the costs of running the scheme. Some of these expenses include electricity, insurance and repairs and maintenance. There is also generally a sinking fund contribution in place to allow for major works. Strata managers are also building

managers: A strata manager works at the direction of the committee; while a building manager is an onsite presence for maintenance and can conduct a letting business. Strata managers are lawyers: Strata managers are experienced in strata, compliance and some other legal requirements, but they are not themselves lawyers. They do, however, have access to specialists who can provide tailored advice to owners. Strata managers are responsible for repairs and maintenance: Contractors are not affiliated with strata managers. Strata managers can source and recommend specialty contractors for repairs and maintenance, but who is used is at the discretion of the committee. The strata manager may organize work if the committee asks them to. It is important to remember that the strata manager has no decision-making

powers. The owners form the body corporate and you do have a “say” in how things are run. Although the committee manages the day-to-day operations, it has limited powers to make decisions. Exercise your right to vote at general meetings on significant matters which may impact upon your body corporate. Also get involved by nominating for a position on the committee. There is no doubt that the legislation is complex. Did you know the Body Corporate & Community Management Act 1997 (Qld) is comprised from 149,230 words. Compare this with the US constitution at 4,543 words. So it’s understandable that the legislation can be a little daunting! Your strata manager can help to guide you through this. If you as an owner need any assistance or advice, then please call our friendly team on 4040 4000 and we will be happy to help.

Does • Access to an extensive database of professional, compliance certified and fully insured contractors • A designated proative body corporate management team Your • Community After Hours Strata • Responsive maintenance teams Management • The best expert advice and rates available • Ability to utilise Community Utilities Give You All The Following?


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Servicing Cairns for over 35 years, BCS Body Corporate Services are firmly established as a market leader in body corporate and community titles management

4040 4000

Level 4, 46-48 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 www.bcssm.com.au

Issue 19 |


Amalfi Souk Antique Gold Mirror 38cm RRP $125 Available from Koru Furniture and Homewares

Clockwise from top left - Laguna, Mae, Lull and Ardor. RRP from $135 Available from www.UrbanRoad.com.au

Barnaby Lane Sling Leather Chair in Blush made from natural leather RRP $900 from Koru Furniture and Homewares


GUIDE Rogue Artificial Butterfly Orchid in stone pot 25 x 35 x 58 RRP $79.00 Available from Koru Furniture and Homewares

Bonnie & Neil Autumn Rose Velvet cushion 50 x 50 made from cotton velveteen and duck down inner RRP $265 Available from Koru Furniture and Homewares

Armadillo & Co Sahara Weave Entrance Mat made from natural hemp RRP $165 Available from Koru Furniture and Homewares

OPEN Mon - Fri 9 to 5 Saturday 9 to 2

391-393 Sheridan Street, Cairns North Q 4870 Ph 40533152 www.korufurnitureandhomewares.com.au 64

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Issue 19 |



One part of my role with the state Chamber of Commerce is as the eyes and ears for regional businesses. As complex and varied as our membership is, most of the struggles faced by businesses boil down to two issues; regulatory burdens and the costs of running a business. Once the Chamber has listened to the specific issues, we then provide tangible

support and resources where we can. Following that, our Advocacy team draw upon their policy and economic skills, knowledge and research to provide recommendations to government about what they should improve for the sake of small business owners, their workforce and the state’s economy. It was satisfying that the state government held a Cairns Small Business Roundtable as part of this year’s Queensland Small Business Week. Attending with me were a small number of business owners (including the publisher of this very magazine, Julianne Steer.) Although I have worked in this role since 2014, I still find it sobering to hear specific stories of businesses confounded with complex bureaucracy that can amount to up to one full day a week worth of work. The costs of compliance also can’t be underestimated, whether it’s the staff time to complete the administrative




requirements, certain licence and application fees, down to sector-specific requirements such as I.D. scanners for licenced venues. Needless to say, compliance is necessary. We need regulation to keep Queenslanders safe, and the business environment fair. However, it’s crucial we get the balance right. If we fail, the burden becomes too great for small business owners, and the impact of that can be severe enough to cause businesses to collapse under the pressure. It’s crucial that CCIQ accurately represents the small business community. We’re about to launch one of the most significant, Far North Queensland-specific surveys in our history. We need you. Tell us your story, and be part of the solution. To get involved, simply email: aturnbull@ cciq.com.au with the subject line “FNQ Business Survey”.

We assist small businesses* & start-ups by providing advisory services on: Accounting Human Resources Legal Customer Centricity Marketing Visual Merchandising Inbound Tourism Storytelling Business Planning Digital E-commerce Idea Innovation Word Press Grant Writing

This project has been supported by ASBAS Northern Australia Tourism Initiative, an Australian Government initiative

Our local business leaders can help you achieve your business goals WORKSHOPS WEBINARS NETWORKING MENTORING *with fewer than 20 staff whom derive a significant portion of revenue from tourists. TTNQ members and non-members welcome.


Visit for the full program. Click on 'Resources' and then select 'Small Business'.


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Issue 19 |


Liason Business Liaison

ASSOCIATION CAREERS AND EMPLOYMENT EXPO It’s been a busy time at the Business Liaison Association. In May, the annual Careers and Employment Expo attracted over 3000 students in years 10, 11 and 12 who made the most of the opportunity to explore a range of pathways to their future careers. They spoke to vocational providers, apprenticeship and traineeship providers and tertiary/university institutions. The Expo is the only one of its kind in the far north for secondary school students and is also open to the general public, parents, job seekers and those looking for a career change. If you would like to take part in next year’s event, contact us now secure yourinto place. We to are coming an age of self awareness and seeing an ever increasing need to change our lifestyle habits to preserve our world. We see more and more reports of beached whales with or dead seabirds with their stomachs full of plastics, turtles that have got a straw stuck in their nose or a bag stuck under their shell which means they cannot swim effectively or even hunt. What does this mean to us? Micro plastics are already in your food chain! Yes, that’s right its coming full cycle back to us. To add to the confusion there are so many different messages about what


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COMMITTEE FOR WASTE REDUCTION we should be doing to make a change, so where on earth do you start? The Committee For Waste Reduction was born from recognising the need for individuals who all have a similar vision to begin working as a collective to achieve the end goal of reducing waste. We not only highlight recommended lifestyle changes to doing so. Over time you will see exciting things coming from the Committee For Waste Reduction as we will be creating a central resource hub that

gives clear examples on how to reduce use of water bottles, straws, coffee cups and bags. We will be a reference point on where you can source plastic alternatives and all this will have the focus on boosting local businesses as we are true believers in supporting local. The central waste resource will be delivered to you via re3.eco, it is currently under construction so watch this space. Each member of the committee has strong relationships within different parts of the community and different skill sets, we realized we can reach a wider audience by combining our efforts and delivering the same

SPONSORS CRUISE The Business Liaison Association is a not-for-profit organisation and receives no government funding. Our sponsors enable us to continue to invest in the futures of our young people by providing secondary school students with relevant, up to date knowledge, skills and resources to meet the current and evolving scope of the business community. Thanks to Big Cat Green Island Cruises, we were able to say thank you to our sponsors and supporters on our sunset cruise. It was a great night that provided many opportunities for networking and the swapping of business cards.

ASPIRE AWARDS Each year, thanks to the generous sponsorship of so many businesses around Cairns, the Business Liaison Association is able to give around $60,000 in cash prizes to senior secondary school students.The annual awards – now known as the Business Liaison Association Aspire Awards – offer prizes in 24 categories including Performing Arts, Pharmacy, Economics, Modern History and Legal Studies. You can find out more about each of the awards on offer, along with the judging criteria, on our website: www.bla.org.au. These are now open, so make the most of this opportunity.

We couldn’t do what we do without the generous support of our sponsors. PARTNER




Issue 19 |


Age Discrimination… AT WORK LEGAL JULIAN BROWN Senior Associate

In April this year, a study conducted by The Conversation (of 2100 men and women aged 45 years and over) indicated that a one third of them perceived some sort of age-related discrimination while employed or looking for work in the last 12 months. Section 18 of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a person on the grounds of a person’s age in determining to whom employment should be offered, the terms and conditions upon which employment is offered, determining access to opportunities for promotion, transfer or training or by dismissing the employee or subjecting the employee to any other detriment. There are a number of exceptions in the Act, including the provision of youth wages. The law also provides for mandatory retirement ages for certain


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occupations such as for judges, police officers and public servants etc. It used to be the case that companies and firms had “retirement policies”, which provided for employees to retire upon achieving a certain age, e.g. 65. Although employees will often retire when they reach their superannuation preservation age or qualify for the age pension, there is indeed no requirement for them to retire upon achieving that age. Any policy which requires mandatory retirement upon the achievement of any age is likely to be unlawful and a violation of the Age Discrimination Act 2004. Note however that Section 18(4) of the Act provides it is not unlawful for an employer to discriminate against another person on the grounds of the other person’s age if the person is unable to carry out the inherent requirements of the particular employment because of his or her age.

This section is directed to situations such as where occupational rules provide that persons above a certain age cannot continue to practice in their occupation. For example, certain jurisdictions prohibit pilots of certain classes of aircraft from holding the position of “pilot-in-command” if the pilot has obtained the age of 60 years. This section does not apply to the situation where an employee, because of advanced years, becomes physically incapable of performing the work. Where older workers become unable to carry out the inherent requirements of the work, then performance management may be required, including providing warnings and opportunities to improve. Managing older workers who may no longer be able to fulfil the inherent requirements of the position that they once held can be extremely challenging for companies and firms.


For those of you who have started a hobby and have found your passion, I congratulate you! For those of you have made the ultimate decision to turn your hobby into a business, I say welcome to the world of Entrepreneurship. It’s going to be one hell of a ride but with your determination, passion and drive you will achieve your goals. So what’s the difference between a hobby and business? How do you know if your income will be assessed for tax purposes?

or pastime pursued for pleasure or recreation. There is no single rule for determining whether you are running a business, however the Australian Taxation Office have provided some guidelines which may indicate that you are running a business: You have made the decision to run a business You have sought advice from a professional such as a Chartered Accountant You have registered for an ABN

What are the characteristics of a business?

You have elected to be registered for GST

What’s the difference between hobby v business?

Your intention is to make a profit or have made a profit since making the decision

The MAIN difference between a hobby and a business, is that a business is run with the INTENTION of making a profit. A hobby is a spare-time activity

If you answer yes to most of the questions above, then there’s a good chance that you are running a business. At the end of the day, the decision to quit

your job and pursuit your passion is not something that one takes lightly. I made that conscious decision 4 years ago when I left a high paying job to pursuit my dream to become a Business Coach, Advisor & Mentor. My husband and I struggled for over a year. We had to adjust our personal budgets and cut down on spending. It was tough with two kids and a mortgage. BUT the rewards and perks of being your own boss is so worth it! Hobby Income Threshold The amount of income earned from a Hobby is generally $20K or less. You should check regularly with your Accountant to ensure that your activities still qualify as a hobby. If your activities are a hobby and you supply goods or services to businesses, they may request your ABN when they pay you. As you don’t have an ABN, you can use the Statement by a Supplier Form from the ATO so that they don’t reduce your income by withholding tax.

Charisse Russell [CA, NTAA, BCom]

1/101 Mulgrave Road, Cairns QLD 4870 P: 07 3177 4120 M: 0417 634 193 E: crussell@entrepreneursaccountant.com.au Issue 19 |




Are you looking for a local cultural and education experience for your family? You can’t go past the Mandingalbay Yidinji Eco Cultural Tours at East Trinity opposite the Cairns CBD. The Mandingalbay Yidinji people are the direct descendants of Jubalum, who continue to govern, manage, occupy, care for and sustainably interact with country which has been undertaken through cultural and customary lore for many thousands of years. Sharing knowledge of our

TOUR INCLUSIONS Short boat ride across Trinity Inlet from Cairns Reef Terminal 3 hour guided eco cultural tour Welcome and cleansing


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smoking ceremony

Bus & Vessel Transfers

20 minute guided walk in the Mandingalbay Yidinji bush supermarket and pharmacy

Tour Ticket Prices: Adult $97, Child/ concession $48.50, family $265 (2 adults, 2 children).

Traditional cooked mayi (meal) and light refreshments

Operate 7 days a week subject to demand.

Group bookings are available, Free and Independent Travellers welcome. The MYECTs depart from the Reef Fleet Terminal, Pierpoint Rd, Cairns Marina.

traditional lands and waters with guests entrusts a future for today and future generations. The Mandingalbay Yidinji eco-tour is an introduction to the area’s rich cultural and natural values as well as arts and crafts. The tour begins at the Cairns Reef Terminal and glides across Trinity Inlet, dotted by yachts, and up Hills Creek to where the salty water of the sea meets freshwater flowing off the surrounding mountains. The rainforestclad mountains of Mandingalbay Yidinji lands is a bush supermarket and pharmacy - abundant of food and medicinal plants used for sustenance and healing, which include edible flowers, sweet fruit and native herbs. The air is alive with a chorus of birds all year round, and in the winter months, a cloud of butterflies filter the air with their wings as your guide takes you on a short trek at the base of Grey Peaks National Park. Mandingalbay Yidinji Eco Cultural Tourism Enterprise (MYECT) is 100% owned and operated by Mandingalbay Yidinji Aboriginal Corporation and its agent company Djunbunji Ltd. The MYECT is so much more than a story of challenges, constraints and achievements, it’s about discovery. The MYECT showcases the innovation of the Mandingalbay Yidinji people, culture and country and, in particular, the cultural and environmental activities that deliver an eco-cultural tourism experience. For example, Rangers have transformed biodiversity surveys into bird watching tours and the identification of endangered and critically endangered flora and fauna into guided interpretative walks, showcasing traditional use of natural resources used for medicinal purposes and sustenance.


The MYECT begins at the Cairns Reef Terminal and glides across Trinity Inlet, dotted by yachts, and up Hills Creek to where the salty water of the sea meets freshwater flowing off the surrounding mountains. The rainforestclad mountains of Mandingalbay Yidinji lands is a bush supermarket and pharmacy abundant of food and medicinal plants used for sustenance and healing, which include edible flowers, sweet fruit and native herbs. The air is alive with a chorus of birds all year round, and in the winter months, a cloud of butterfly’s filter the air with their wings as your guide takes you on a short trek at the base of Grey Peaks National Park.

DEADLY DINNER MYECT is hosting a Deadly Dinner within the natural surroundings at East Trinity on the 9th of September 2017. This event features:

Short boat ride across the Trinity Inlet Welcome Ceremony Three courses of traditionally inspired cuisine Traditional dancing and story telling

Special guest and internationally renowned Harpist and Composer Natalia Mann. Bus and vessel transfers

Deadly Dinner Ticket Prices: $135 p/p. Tickets are available for purchase on MYECT Facebook Page.

Issue 19 |


Social SocialMedia Media www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet Social Social Social Media Media Media Instagram: Instagram: @Twelve_Ballet @Twelve_Ballet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet Social Media Social Social Media Media Twitter: Twitter: @TwelveBallet @TwelveBallet Instagram: Instagram: Instagram: @Twelve_Ballet @Twelve_Ballet @Twelve_Ballet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet www.facebook.com/TwelveBallet Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: @TwelveBallet @TwelveBallet @TwelveBallet Instagram: @Twelve_Ballet Instagram: Instagram: @Twelve_Ballet @Twelve_Ballet Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Twitter: @TwelveBallet Twitter: Twitter: @TwelveBallet @TwelveBallet Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Website: https://www.twelveballet.com Website: https://www.twelveballet.com


Siblings SiblingsBen Benand andSam SamHope, Hope,have havebeen beenbusy busysince sinceleaving leavingRedlynch RedlynchState StateCollege Collegeearlier earlierthis thisdecade. decade. Since Since changing changing their their band band name name from from Glider Glider Pilots Pilots to to Twelve Twelve Ballet, Ballet, they they are are currently currently working working hard hard Siblings Siblings Siblings Ben Ben Ben andand and Sam Sam Sam Hope, Hope, Hope, have have have been been been busy busy busy since since since leaving leaving leaving Redlynch Redlynch Redlynch State State State College College College earlier earlier earlier thisthis this decade. decade. decade. on on their their new new album album and and recently recently got got to to visit visit the the Triple Triple J J Studios. Studios. Since Since Since changing changing changing their their their band band band name name name from from from Glider Glider Glider Pilots Pilots Pilots toleaving Twelve to toTwelve Twelve Ballet, Ballet, Ballet, they they they are are currently are currently currently working working working hard hard hard Siblings Ben andand Sam Hope, have been busy since leaving Redlynch State College earlier this decade. Siblings Siblings Ben Ben and Sam Sam Hope, Hope, have have been been busy busy since since leaving Redlynch Redlynch State State College College earlier earlier this this decade. decade. on on their onband their their new new new album album album andGlider and and recently recently recently gotTwelve got to got visit totovisit visit the the Triple thethey Triple Triple Jthey Studios. Jare JStudios. Studios. Since changing their band name from Glider Pilots to Ballet, are currently working hard Since Since changing changing their their band name name from from Glider Pilots Pilots to Twelve Twelve Ballet, Ballet, they are currently currently working working hard hard on their new album and recently got to visit the Triple J Studios. on on their their new new album album and and recently recently got got to to visit visit the the Triple Triple J J Studios. Studios. How Howdid didthe thename nameTwelve TwelveBallet Balletoriginate? originate? How Howdid didyou youboth bothget getinto intomusic? music? The The day we we created created the the name, name, Ben Ben had hadbeen beenplaying playingmusic musicfor for In In 2014, 2014, Ben Ben had had been playing playing the theguitar guitarfor fornine nineyears yearsand andhad had How How How didday did the did the name the name name Twelve Twelve Twelve Ballet Ballet Ballet originate? originate? originate? How How How did did you did you both youboth both getbeen get into getinto music? into music? music? 12 12 years, years, we we then then paired paired that that with with the the word word ballet ballet as as the the definidefinireleased released multiple multiple instrumental instrumental tracks tracks as as a a solo solo musician, musician, but but The The day The we day we created we created created the the name, the name, name, Ben Ben had Ben had been hadbeen been playing playing playing music music music for for for In 2014, In In 2014, 2014, Ben Ben had Ben had been had been playing playing playing the the guitar theguitar guitar for for nine fornine years nineyears years andand had andhad had How didday the name Twelve Ballet originate? How did you both getbeen into music? How How did did the the name name Twelve Twelve Ballet Ballet originate? originate? How How did did you youboth both get getinto into music? music? tion tion and and feeling feeling of of it it described described us us as as individuals individuals and and our our music. music. he he wanted wanted to to expand expand his his sound sound and and add add vocals vocals into into the the mix. mix. 12 years, 12 12 years, years, we we then we then then paired paired paired that that with that with the with the word the word word ballet ballet ballet as the as as the definithe definidefinireleased released released multiple multiple multiple instrumental instrumental instrumental tracks tracks tracks as a as as solo a a solo musician, solo musician, musician, but but but The day we created the name, Ben had been playing music for In 2014, Ben had been playing the guitar for nine years and had Theday daywe wecreated createdthe thename, name,Ben Benhad hadbeen beenplaying playingmusic musicfor for InIn2014, 2014,Ben Benhad hadbeen beenplaying playingthe theguitar guitarfor fornine nineyears yearsand andhad had The That's That's when when asked asked me me ifsound ifIsound could I and could sing. sing. From From there there we we worked worked tion tion and tion and feeling and feeling of itofdescribed of itpaired itdescribed described uswith as us us individuals as as individuals individuals and our and our music. our music. music. he he wanted he wanted wanted to expand tohe tohe expand expand his his sound his and add and add vocals add vocals into into the into the mix. the mix. mix. 12 years, wefeeling then paired that with the word ballet asand the definireleased multiple instrumental tracks as aas solo musician, but 12 12years, years, we we then then paired that that with the the word word ballet ballet asas the the definidefinireleased released multiple multiple instrumental instrumental tracks tracks as avocals asolo solo musician, musician, but but What’s been been the the coolest thing thing tous to happen totoyou you on onyour your musimusiat our our craft; craft; forming ame a brother brother and and sister sister duo duo Glider Glider Pilots. Pilots. That's That's That's when when when heexpand asked he he asked asked me if me I could ifsound ifIsound could I and could sing. sing. sing. From From From there there there we we worked we worked worked tionWhat’s and feeling of itofdescribed us as individuals and our music. he at wanted to his sound add vocals into the mix. tion tionand and feeling feeling ofitcoolest itdescribed described us ashappen asindividuals individuals and and our ourmusic. music. he he wanted wanted to toforming expand expand his his and and add add vocals vocals into into the the mix. mix. cal cal journey? journey? What’s What’s What’s been been been thethe coolest thecoolest coolest thing thing thing to happen totohappen happen to you totoyou on you your ononyour your musimusimusiat our at at our craft; ourcraft; craft; forming forming ame brother ame a brother brother and sister and sister sister duo duo Glider duoGlider Glider Pilots. Pilots. Pilots. That's when he asked if I could sing. From there we worked That's That's when when heforming heasked asked me if and ifI could I could sing. sing. From From there there we we worked worked How How did did you you get get into into music? music? Our Our dad dad gave gave one one of of our our CD's CD's to to John John Farnham Farnham once! once! The The cal cal journey? cal journey? journey? What’s been the coolest thing to happen to you on your musiat our craft; forming a brother and sister duo Glider Pilots. What’s What’sbeen beenthe thecoolest coolestthing thingtotohappen happentotoyou youononyour yourmusimusiatatour ourcraft; craft;forming forminga abrother brotherand andsister sisterduo duoGlider GliderPilots. Pilots. coolest coolest thing thing so so far far is is last last month month we we ran ran our our own own show show with with our our Ironically Ironically neither neither of of us us did did music music in in school. school. Ben Ben is is a a guitar guitar tutor tutor Our dad Our dad gave dadgave gave oneone of oneour ofofour CD's ourCD's CD's to John totoJohn John Farnham Farnham Farnham once! once! once! TheThe The How How How did did you didyou get youget into getinto music? intomusic? music? cal Our journey? cal caljourney? journey? own own sound sound equipment. equipment. We We had had a a support support act act and and when when we we and and teaches teaches a a large large range range of of students, students, and and I work I work at at Eggplant Eggplant & & coolest coolest thing thing so far soso far is far last is last month last month month we we ran ran our ran our own our own show ownshow show with with our with our our Ironically Ironically Ironically neither neither neither of us of of did usmusic? usmusic? did music didmusic music in school. ininschool. school. BenBen is Ben aisguitar isa aguitar guitar tutor tutor tutor How did did you get into music? Ourcoolest dad gave one of our CD's to John Farnham once! The Our Ourthing dad dad gave gave one one ofis of our our CD's CD's towe toJohn John Farnham Farnham once! once! The The How How didyou you get get into into came came on on stage stage the the crowd crowd went went wild. wild. Poppy, Poppy, as as well well as as my my own own photography photography business, business, Samantha Samantha own own own sound sound sound equipment. equipment. We We had We had ahad support awe asupport support act act and actand when and when when weour we we and and teaches and teaches teaches aneither large a of alarge large range range range of students, of of students, students, and and IBen and work IBen work IBen work at Eggplant at Eggplant Eggplant & && coolest thing soequipment. far isfar last month we ran our own show with our Ironically neither us did music in school. is aisguitar tutor coolest coolest thing thing so sofar isis last last month month we ran ranour ourown own show show with with our Ironically Ironically neither ofof us us did did music music inin school. school. is aat aguitar guitar tutor tutor Hope Photography. Photography. came came came on stage on on stage stage the the crowd the crowd crowd went went went wild. wild. wild. Poppy, Poppy, Poppy, as as well as well well as as my as my own my own own photography photography photography business, business, business, Samantha Samantha Samantha own sound equipment. We had a support act and when we andHope teaches a large range of students, and I work at Eggplant & and andteaches teachesa alarge largerange rangeofofstudents, students,and andI work I workatatEggplant Eggplant&& own ownsound soundequipment. equipment.We Wehad hada asupport supportact actand andwhen whenwe we We We have have astage astage brand brand new new song song on onthe the way, way,our ournew newsingle single‘Just ‘JustSoSo Hope Hope Hope Photography. Photography. came on stage the crowd went wild. Poppy, asPhotography. well as as my own photography business, Samantha Poppy, Poppy, as aswell well asmy myown own photography photography business, business, Samantha Samantha came came onon the the crowd crowd went went wild. wild. She Knows’. Itnew Itwill will bebe released released onway, onway, July July 28th. 28th. This This isisour our first How How have have you youboth bothgrown grownmusically musicallyover overthe thelast lastthree threeyears? years? We She We have Wehave have aKnows’. brand a abrand brand new song new song song on the ononthe way, the our our new our new single new single single ‘Just ‘Just ‘Just Sofirst So So Hope Photography. Hope Hope Photography. Photography. release release as as Twelve Twelve Ballet, Ballet, and and are are thrilled thrilled to to give give everyone everyone a a In In the the last last three three years years we we have have released released two two EP's EP's ('In ('In Another Another How How How have have have youyou both youboth both grown grown grown musically musically musically over over over thethe last thelast three lastthree three years? years? years? She Knows’. She Knows’. Knows’. It will It It will be will released be be released released on on July on July 28th. July 28th. 28th. This This This is our is is our first our first first We She have a brand new song on the way, our new single ‘Just So We Wehave havea abrand brandnew newsong songononthe theway, way,our ournew newsingle single‘Just ‘JustSoSo little little taste taste of of what what we we have have been been working working on. on. World' World' and and 'Some 'Some Where Where out out There'), There'), multiple multiple singles singles and and our our In the In In the last the last three last three three years years years we we have wehave have released released released two EP's two EP's EP's ('Inthree ('In Another ('In Another Another release release asKnows’. Twelve asas Twelve Ballet, Ballet, Ballet, and and are and thrilled are thrilled thrilled to give totogive everyone give everyone afirst aa Sherelease Knows’. It Twelve will be released onare July 28th. This is our first How have you both grown musically over thetwo last three years? How How have have you you both both grown grown musically musically over over the the last last three years? years? She SheKnows’. It Itwill will be bereleased released on on July July 28th. 28th. This This iseveryone isour our first debut debut album album ('Talk ('Talk Free') Free') as as Glider Glider Pilots. Pilots. As As we we both both grew, grew, our our World' World' World' and and 'Some and 'Some 'Some Where Where Where out out There'), out There'), There'), multiple multiple multiple singles singles singles and and our and our our little little little taste taste taste of what of of what what we we have we have have been been been working working working on. on. on. release as Twelve Ballet, and are thrilled to give everyone a In the last three years we have released two EP's ('In Another InInthe thelast lastthree threeyears yearswe wehave havereleased releasedtwo twoEP's EP's('In ('InAnother Another release releaseasasTwelve TwelveBallet, Ballet,and andare arethrilled thrilledtotogive giveeveryone everyonea a old old name name nono longer longer fit fit and and we we are arenow now Twelve Twelve Ballet. Ballet. debut debut debut album album album ('Talk ('Talk ('Talk Free') Free') Free') as Glider as as Glider Glider Pilots. Pilots. Pilots. As we AsAs we both we both both grew, grew, grew, our our our little taste of what we we have been working on. on. World' and 'Some Where out There'), multiple singles and our World' World' and and 'Some 'Some Where Where out out There'), There'), multiple multiple singles singles and andour our little little taste taste ofofwhat what wehave have been been working working on. old old name old name name no longer nonolonger longer fit Free') and fit fit and we and are we are now arenow Twelve now Twelve Twelve Ballet. Ballet. Ballet. debut album ('Talk Free') as Glider Pilots. As we both grew, ourour debut debut album album ('Talk ('Talk Free') aswe asGlider Glider Pilots. Pilots. As Aswe we both both grew, grew, our old old name no longer fit and we are now Twelve Ballet. oldname namenonolonger longerfitfitand andwe weare arenow nowTwelve TwelveBallet. Ballet.


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