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Are You Really of Age? Face-scanning software estimates age based on wrinkles

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Are You Really of Age? Face-scanning software estimates age based on wrinkles By quincys Created 04/02/2012 - 18:09

Author Name: Ashlee Badua Company: Technology News Bytes Monday, Apr 02, 2012 facedotcom.png [1]

Face.com API has recently launched a photo app that integrates Photo Finder and Photo Tagger Facebook apps, creating a new Face-Scanning Software that estimates a person’s age. Simply take a snap a shot of someone’s face and you will be provided with the possibilities of the person’s age. A list of estimated ages will be projected, with a minimum and maximum age. To the right of the results are percentages of the probability of the person actually being that age. When tested by Mashable, the results were found to be 50/50. The age predictor was dead-on at times and at other times it was 13 years off. You can test it out here [2] for yourself to see how accurate the results come out for you. Upload a photo (preferred portrait style) and hit “Call Method.” Once uploaded, you will see red dot indicators that pinpoint the features of your face. The scan detects wrinkles and skin texture to determine the age. Attribute results will show up in a white box listing your estimated age, gender, and other features. But that’s not all the app can do! When facial features in the photo are analyzed, not only can the app predict your age but can also determine your mood and how genuine your smile is. While the app is still in beta, Face.com proposes an update that will increase the accuracy of facial recognition by 30 percent. And since Face.com has encouraged developers to participate by making the API open, providing a sandbox and examples of code, users can integrate the API just about any way they can think of. The potential of this kind of technology is pretty clear: In the immediate future, the app could be useful for tagging and recognizing users from Facebook or Twitter, which could enable you to www.tnblive.com/print/792



Are You Really of Age? Face-scanning software estimates age based on wrinkles

identify Facebook users in Flickr photos or elsewhere on the web. And in the longer term, if the age-detection technology becomes more certain? It would facilitate fully-automated parental-control apps, enable companies and sites to restrict content based on user age, or perhaps even make possible a “digital doorman� that could allow access via facial scans at the door of certain age-restricted physical locations. To try out the app, visit http://developers.face.com/tools/#faces/detect [3] Source URL (retrieved on 08/28/2013 - 20:18): http://www.tnblive.com/article/apr/2012/are-you-really-age-facescanning-software-estimates-age-based-wrinkles Links: [1] http://www.tnblive.com/sites/default/files/10/facedotcom.png [2] http://developers.face.com/ [3] http://developers.face.com/tools/ faces/detect



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