Tsunami Mobb Promo Plan

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Tsunami Mobb Coming Back Debut Rise and Shine into the Mobblife (October 2011)

Problem: Not everyone knows who Tsunami Mobb is and what Tsunami Mobb means. Audience does not know about the Coming Back Single; when and where it will be released. There is no form of interaction between the audience and Tsunami Mobb. The audiences are not obtaining tangible products that allows for a consumer to brand/product relationship; which equals no value and in a bigger picture no followers and fans. Target Audience: Hawaii High School and College Students (ages 17-26) Dis-N-Dat loyal viewers. Verification Research: Research must be executed to figure out how our audience will be best appealed to. Coming up with a plan that executes different methods and strategies to form a connection with the Target Audience and drive to the Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter site along with Blaze Brothers website. *How will we get them to be interested in Tsunami Mobb and the Coming Back release?  What are our audiences’ interests at the moment?  How will we convince them that Tsunami Mobb is credible and respectable music?  What will we put forth to have them like and relate to Coming Back?  What audiences would be interested in Coming Back?  Who would be interested with what Tsunami Mobb is doing?  What will make them act in our favor? Opinions build buzz  How will we make them act in our favor? Have them be a part of it  What are some present factors that we can use to associate the connection with Tsunami Mobb and the Coming Back Release?

Objectives: First Phase: To generate pre-launch buzz, demand, and interest through interactive mediums for the first two weeks (October 2nd - October 15th). The overall goal will be to gain as much of a solid fan base that will be set to become viewers on the October 26 th Video Premiere, also to begin and gain credibility and loyalty in long term relationships between the Target Audience and Tsunami Mobb.  The first week (October 2nd -8th) will focus on the familiarization of Tsunami Mobb. (Introduction: Who, What, Purpose-Introduce Label)  The second week (October 9th-15th) will focus on the premiere of Coming Back. (What to look forward to, upcoming and constant updating. Keep people in the loop, and create base for interaction) (October 15th) Preparation for the Coming Back Behind the Scenes using photos from shoot. Second Phase: To launch promotion of Coming Back Video focusing on Brand Building Advertisement & Viral Marketing through interactive mediums on the third week and the first half of the fourth week (October 16th- October 26th). Overall Goal: Gain loyal and respectful fan base from promotion and premiere of video.  (October 16th) Launch the Coming Back Behind the Scenes (Afternoon-Evening) o Collect Feedback/Impressions and Reactions – Determine amount of Push. (Close friends/Family -get them to spread it and post it “Viral Marketing“).  (October 17th) Continue launch of Coming Back Behind the Scenes o Collect Feedback/Impressions and Reactions – Determine amount of Push. (Focus Push onto Hip Hop Supporters and Target Audience).  (October 18th) Continue launch of Coming Back Behind the Scenes o Utilize and Collect Feedback/Impressions and Reactions – Determine amount of Push. (Focus Push onto Music Networks; Local Artist sites, pages, blogs, twitters, facebooks, youtube- get them in the loop to create buzz, try to gain their respect).  (October 19th) Use Fan Base Email Subscriptions. Continue Behind the Scenes. o Get them to subscribe with incentive. (Tsunami Mobb Updates)  (October 20th) Continue Fan Base Email Subscriptions. Reminders of who is Tsunami Mobb. Continue Behind the Scenes. (with less posts to avoid overwhelming audience) o Get them to subscribe with incentive. (Tsunami Mobb Updates, Free download of songs, where else can you find Tsunami Mobb) o Monitor the activity of Email Subscriptions  (October 21st) Continue Fan Base Email Subscriptions. Start Audience interactions. Continue Behind the Scenes. (with less posts) o Get them to subscribe and get something in return (Free download of song or snippets of the official video before anyone) o Monitor the activity of Email Subscriptions






o Facebook Contests (Relationship Based)- in strats messages n plans (October 22nd) Continue Fan Base Email Subscriptions. Continue Audience interactions. Continue Behind the Scenes. (back to regular amount of posts) o Get them to subscribe and get something in return (Free download of song or snippets of the official video) o Monitor the activity of Email Subscriptions o Facebook Opinions (Favorite Love Songs of all time - lead to Coming Back Release) (October 23rd) Continue Fan Base Email Subscriptions. Continue Behind the Scenes. (small amounts of post more ->) Artist Spotlights. Showcase and do feature posts of artists who have been on dis n dat to show appreciation and gain support with Coming Back Premiere. o Get them to subscribe and get something in return (Free download of songs) o Monitor the activity of Email Subscriptions o Upcoming updates, News of artists on Coming Back Track o Post Video on other people’s walls (target audience, hip hop lovers, and music networks, get family/friends to post again on their walls and others). (October 24th) Push Email subscriptions with the incentive of Official video snippets. o Get them to subscribe and get something in return (Free download of snippets of the official video) o Monitor the activity of Email Subscriptions (October 25th) Preparation of Official Video Snippet Debut (Morning/Afternoon). Debut Official Video Snippets (Evening/Night). Use Viral Marketing -Email Solution to remind audience of the Video Premiere. o Release our footage from the Dis N dat Interview o Post Behind the Scenes every 3 hours alternating (October 26th) Preparation of Official Video Snippet Debut (Morning/Afternoon). Debut Official Video Snippets (Evening/Night). Use Viral Marketing Mobile Solution (Mass text) to remind audience to Tune into the Premiere (Morning/Afternoon). o Release our footage from the Dis N dat Interview o Post Behind the Scenes every 3 hours alternating o Artists will post individual Video to ask everyone to watch and tune into Dis N Dat (Individual Posts in Rotation assigned Hours). o Send text 1.5 hours before Premiere

Post Phase: To continue promotion of Coming Back focusing on Brand Building Advertisement and Viral Marketing through interactive mediums and communications on the fourth week and fifth week (October 27 th-October 31st). Overall Goal: Integrate promotions towards the creation of a loyal fan base. Strategies, Messages Plan: artist spotlights- post bios and accomplishments Have reminders that the video will premiere on Dis N Dat on OC16 on October 26 th at 10pm Create relative posts to keep audiences active and attentive to Tsunami Mobb’s actions Create banner for Premiere: Date time and pic still frames of vid (Post mid week of 3rd week) or set as default throughout the third week and use as part of posts 3.5 week. Change player on band page to use for the free downloading Create Blaze Brothers Site on Facebook (Facebook Page with bio description with link to wikipedia-create wikipedia page and wordpress

Media Channel: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Wordpress, Mobile SMS. Work Analysis: Explain why the time periods dates and times are placed as such. Time periods (During the times posting, a time frame will be used as a guide to avoid repetition of posts with the same content) Evaluation: To be determined after Promotion Period.

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