Build Your Website with HTML5 and Wix: Company launches new DIY HTML5 Builder
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Build Your Website with HTML5 and Wix: Company launches new DIY HTML5 Builder By quincys Created 04/12/2012 - 15:23
Author Name: Ashlee Badua Thursday, Apr 12, 2012 wix.jpg [1]
The newest version of HTML, HTML5, is still under development as of this month, but buzz about its launch is growing in the mainstream. The fifth revision of the HTML standard, HTML5, focuses on the integration of the latest multimedia: Video at its full potential, open up-front/typography options, more comprehensive photo galleries and a faster, smoother web experience. Websites built with HTML5 showcase advanced web technologies, allowing people to see a new virtual world without having to use Flash for videos, interactive content and moving parts. But along with the new era of HTML comes a demand for more user-friendly site-building tools. One drag & drop tool designed for the beginning to intermediate user is the just-launched Wix HTML5 Website Builder, a free online DIY service that allows users to create and customize fully-integrated multimedia websites without extensive knowledge of coding and programming. “With the HTML5 Builder launch, Wix users will have an even greater freedom to create ultramodern and user-friendly websites that best cater to their needs,� says Omer Shai, VP of Marketing at Wix. Wix provides users with various templates for sites ranging from small businesses, designers, photographers, and corporations, which makes coding unnecessary. Building a multimedia site with HTML5 is as simple as dragging and dropping different website features (provided by the service) and entering content. HTML5 is designed to be universally supported by the majority of web browsers and is also a potential candidate for cross-platform mobile apps and mobile browsers. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has announced 2014 as the goal for finalizing the standard. For more information about Wix, visit http://www.wix.com [2] . For more information about HTML5, visit http://www.w3.org/html/logo [3] . www.tnblive.com/print/795
Build Your Website with HTML5 and Wix: Company launches new DIY HTML5 Builder
Source URL (retrieved on 08/28/2013 - 20:16): http://www.tnblive.com/article/apr/2012/build-your-website-html5and-wix-company-launches-new-diy-html5-builder Links: [1] http://www.tnblive.com/sites/default/files/10/wix.jpg [2] http://www.wix.com [3] http://www.w3.org/html/logo