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call for entries The organizing committee of the VII Semana de la Fotografía Estenopeica en Oaxaca (Seventh Week in Oaxaca Pinhole Photography) invites photographers interested in celebrating Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day through a virtual exhibition on the cultural centers of the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, on the following basis: I. All practitioners of pinhole photography can participate regardless of nationality, format, thematic or technical work, while images sent have been made with a pinhole or using camera obscura without lens. II. Those interested should send files up to two (2) size photographs 1200 px by the larger side, in jpg format with a resolution of 150 dpi (dots per inch). The file must include the participant name and photograph title: nametitle.jpg, plus send the author's full name, residence city, title of work, type (format) of pinhole camera, exposure time (if you know it) and year where the photo was taken, email:
oaxaca.estenopeica@gmail.com III. The photographs must be owned by the author. IV. The image reception is open from publication of this notice until March 20, 2016. V. The images will be projected on different places of Oaxaca city during the celebration of the Seventh Week Pinhole Photography April 11-30, 2016. VI. The participant authorizes the use of their images with the corresponding credit for advertising on this or subsequent encounters. The images will form a Youtube video and an Issuu catalog. VII. Each participant will get an official certificate of participation by e-mail. /estenopeicaenoaxaca
/oaxaca estenopeica