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The Strategic Framework Plan seeks to examine the current uses at the Dublin Castle precinct, gain a better understanding of how the entire complex sits within the city, and review the current visitor experience.
It is intended that the findings, resulting from this top-level overview will re-imagine relations within the entire complex such that the strategic and conceptual ideas drawn from this interrogation will inspire a new future for the Castle. The Strategic Framework Plan will seek to improve the visitor experience, enhance and develop ideas for the futures of the various current use and explore means for crafting a new relationship with the city, making the complex more porous and visible.
The Castle as a complex is custodian of a range of diverse environments and uses. It has a long history deeply woven into the fabric of the city. Its many constructions have stood in witness to some of the most significant historical events to have occurred in Ireland. It continues in its role as a silent witness to contemporary events and our shared future.
Notwithstanding its many evident qualities, the Castle suffers from many challenges, chiefly one of identity, and its position in the city other than its more formal administrative representation. While it has an issue of legibility to the visitor, to the citizen of the city it remains hidden and remote. Despite these challenges, the Castle attracts record numbers of visitors, which have grown in recent years, with access to the elaborate State Apartments and the impressive Chester Beatty Library.
These visitor experiences run parallel with other uses that range from offices for the Revenue Commissioners of Ireland, whose official seat is represented by the Castle, and An Garda Síochána, to offices for the OPW.