14th JUNE 2024

10 00am Highlights of Wild Derrynane
-5.00pm with Vincent Hyland Celebrate the success of Vincent ’ s recently published Wild Derrynane Book (Marquee)

2 00pm A Tour of the Plant Collection
-3.30pm in Derrynane with James O’Shea, OPW Foreman
2 00pm Marine Creature Feature
-4 00pm Workshops Christina Winkler, Sea Synergy Meet at Courtyard near the Café
7 00pm An evening of very gentle and -9 00pm location appropriate music organised by Emmet Condron, Homebeat Chapel Derrynane House Doors open at 7 00pm
Act 1: Rhob Cunningham
Act 2: Meabh McKenna Musicians include Cork steel pedal player David Murphy and local Caherdaniel jazz musician Hugh O Neill
15th JUNE 2024
9 15am Wild Plant Medicine Walk
-10 45am with Niall Hogan, Medical Herbalist, Derrynane Clinic Wild plant medicine walk along the woodlands Meet at main car park
10.00am Photography Exhibition
-5 00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer In the Marquee
10 00am Honey Bee Colony
-12.00pm with Myfanwy Blissett, Honeybees Small observation hive of bees to show how the honeybee colony works, and explain about the importance of bees and how both beekeepers and others can support them (Marquee)
11.00am Photography Workshop with -12 00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer For further information: patrickkavanagh@hotmail com
11 00am Ger ’s Mobile Farm
-4 00pm Located at green area beside main car park adjacent to Derrynane House
11 00am Caiseal - Talk and Walk with -12.45pm Laurence Dunne, Archaeologist Archaeological talk in Derrynane House followed by walk and talk at the Caiseal
2.00pm Meadow Walk with -2 45pm Laurence Dunne, Archaeologist & Declan Moran, OPW Meadow Walk with archaeological talk along the way Meeting at Chapel (Cafe side)
2 00pm Plant Identification Workshop -4 00pm for Beginners Cathy Eastman & Niamh Ní Dhuill, Biodiversity Partners Includes nature connection activities for all participants All ages welcome! Meeting at front entrance gate - near car park
2 00pm Marine Creature Feature -4.00pm Workshops Christina Winkler, Sea Synerg Meet at Courtyard near the Café
2 00pm Seashore Discovery Walk -3.30pm with Vincent Hyland Illustrated talk and walk that uncovers the treasures of the seashore Meet at Derrynane House

2 00pm Forest Bathing
-3.30pm with Louise Weinzweig Connect with the forest, absorbing all it has to offer through all the senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste Meet at Car Park
3 00pm Coastal Geology at Derrynane -4 00pm Aidan Forde, Valentia Slate Meet at Derrynane House
3 00pm Photography Workshop with -4 00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer For further information: patrickkavanagh@hotmail com (Marquee)
4.00pm Seaweed Walk -5 00pm John Fitzgerald, Seaweeds Meet at Derrynane Pier, Derrynane Harbour Enquiries: 086 106 2110
8 00pm Sunset Yoga -9.00pm with Louise Weinzweig Yoga on the grass overlooking Derrynane Beach (directly across from Derrynane House) Meeting point at the activity location
16th JUNE 2024
9 15am Wild Plant Medicine Walk -10 45am with Niall Hogan, Medical Herbalist, Derrynane Clinic Wild plant medicine walk along the woodlands Meet at main car park
10.00am Photography Exhibition -5 00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer In the Marquee
10 00am Honey Bee Colony
-12.00pm with Myfanwy Blissett, Honeybees Small observation hive of bees to show how the honeybee colony works, and explain about the importance of bees and how both beekeepers and others can support them (Marquee)

10 00am Nature Based Games
-12.00pm with Mara Oak Children must be accompanied by an adult - Adults are welcome to join in the games too! Meet in the gardens/stone seating
11 00am Highlights of Wild Derrynane -5 00pm with Vincent Hyland Celebrate the success of Vincent ’ s recently published Wild Derrynane Book (Marquee)
11 00am Photography Workshop with -12.00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer For further information: patrickkavanagh@hotmail com
11 00am Ger ’s Mobile Farm
-4.00pm Located at green area beside main car park adjacent to Derrynane House
2 00pm Seashore Discovery Walk -3.30pm with Vincent Hyland Illustrated talk and walk that uncovers the treasures of the seashore Meet at Derrynane House
2 30pm Nature Crafts -4 30pm with Mara Oak Parent involvement/supervision required Meet in the gardens/ stone seating
3 00pm Coastal Geology at Derrynane -4.00pm Aidan Forde, Valentia Slate Meet at Derrynane House
3.00pm Photography Workshop with -4 00pm Patrick Kavanagh, Photographer For further information: patrickkavanagh@hotmail com (Marquee)