Annual Report 2013
2013 OPW Annual Report
Table of Contents Foreword by Minister...........................................................................................................................3 Foreword from the Chairman...............................................................................................................4 2013 Highlights....................................................................................................................................5 Strategic Review 2013..........................................................................................................................6 1. Estate Portfolio Management ..............................................................................................7 2. Flood Risk Policy & Management ....................................................................................14 3. National Procurement Service............................................................................................17 4. Cross Organisational Objectives........................................................................................20 What We Do ......................................................................................................................................26 OPW Mission Statement....................................................................................................................26 Estate Portfolio Management.............................................................................................................26 1. Property.................................................................................................................................26 2. Heritage.................................................................................................................................28 Featured EPM Programmes: ....................................................................................................30 1. Intreo Programme .......................................................................................................30 2. Property Asset Management........................................................................................31 Flood Risk Management.....................................................................................................................32 National Procurement Service............................................................................................................34 Corporate Services..............................................................................................................................36 Expenditure Programme ....................................................................................................................38 Programme A â Flood Risk Management.................................................................................39 Programme B â National Procurement Service .......................................................................40 Programme C â Estate Portfolio Management..........................................................................41 Agency Services........................................................................................................................43 OPW Locations: Offices and Heritage Sites......................................................................................44
2013 OPW Annual Report
Foreword by Minister I am pleased to present to you the 2013 Annual Report of the Office of Public Works (OPW). It was a great privilege to have been asked by the Taoiseach to become Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with responsibility for the OPW. I want to recognise the work of my predecessor, Brian Hayes MEP, who was OPW Minister from February 2011 to May 2014 2013 saw the successful conclusion of the Haddington Road Agreement which provided for savings of âŹ1bn from the public service pay and pensions bill. This offered additional working hours, pay cuts and reductions in annual leave and greater use of redeployment, which have all been implemented in the OPW in 2013. In July, the Property Asset Management Delivery Plan gave OPW the leading role in driving efficient use of the State's owned and leased property portfolio across the public service, specifically office accommodation, so that, for example, where several public service bodies are located in separate premises in a town, they could share the same accommodation, reducing the overall amount required. There will be greater use of open plan office accommodation across the public service as this maximises usage of the existing space. Many of the recommendations in the plan were commenced or completed in 2013, while others are ongoing. In January, OPW was given control of the entire maintenance budget, resulting in more use of preventative maintenance to prevent problems than reactive maintenance to fix them. In 2013 OPW reached its 2015 target of reducing the rental bill for the Civil Service below âŹ100m, resulting in ongoing annual savings of âŹ33m. Conversion of the former courthouse into an entrance and reception area for Kilmainham Goal has begun. This will resolve the congestion which arises when large numbers of visitors arrive at the narrow 18th century entrance, with. 311,000 of OPW's 4 million visitors visiting in 2013.
Ireland successfully held the EU Presidency in 2013. This was run at a fraction of the cost of the 2004 Presidency by holding the majority of the meetings held in Ireland at OPW sites such as Dublin Castle, the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, the National Convention Centre and Farmleigh and through the hard work of OPW's staff. The National Procurement Service (NPS), in its final year within OPW, saved âŹ43.5m. Since its establishment in 2009, NPS has result in a saving of âŹ1m for every âŹ5m formerly spent on procurement. I look forward to it continuing this good work in its new guise as the Office of Government Procurement. 2013 saw less heavy rainfall, but there was still bad flooding in Cork and the very cold spring caused a fodder crisis. We had a heat wave during the summer. But there was a sting in the tail during Christmas week with severe storms and coastal flooding lashing communities along the Western seaboard and causing extensive damage. Despite this, over âŹ1bn in flooding damage has been prevented by OPW flood relief works to date, but there is always more to be done. I look forward to working with OPW's dedicated and committed staff to reach and exceed its challenging targets in continuing to provide a quality service to the public and its clients, despite restricted resources, into the future.
Simon Harris, TD Minister of State at the Departments of Finance, Public Expenditure & Reform and Taoiseach, with Special Responsibility for the OPW, Public Procurement, and International Banking (incl IFSC) 2013 OPW Annual Report
Foreword from the Chairman I am pleased to present this 2013 Annual Report of the Office of Public Works to the Minister of State at the Departments of Finance, Public Expenditure & Reform and Taoiseach, with Special Responsibility for the OPW, Public Procurement, and International Banking (incl IFSC), Mr Simon Harris, TD. 2013 was another challenging year for the Office. We are committed to public sector reform and obtaining maximum efficiencies, as set out in the Public Service Reform Plan. The Office played a significant role during 2013 in delivering modern public services efficiently and effectively across the main business areas â Estate Portfolio Management, Flood Risk Management and Procurement (all supported by Corporate Services). In the area of Estate Portfolio Management, our aim is to deliver greater value through more efficient management of the Government Estate. In recent years, portfolio rationalisation has been a major priority for the OPW, given the significant reduction in the numbers of staff within the public service. This has resulted in the surrender of over 1 million sq. feet of accommodation. The OPW has achieved savings in annual rent each year since 2009. The target of reducing the annual rental cost for the civil service to below âŹ100 million was achieved in 2013, well ahead of our 2015 deadline. We played a key role in hosting the EU Presidency during the first half of 2013. The total amount expended by the State was one third less than the spend on the Presidency seven years ago. This is an example of the effective co-ordination and shared services role delivered by this Office. The broad range of historical and cultural sites that are presented by the OPW continue to represent excellent value for money for domestic and international visitors. I am pleased to report that over 4 million people attended our managed heritage sites during 2013. 2013 saw a return of challenging flooding conditions throughout the country. Some 10,500 properties have benefited from capital flood relief schemes and minor flood mitigation works, implemented either directly by the OPW or by Local Authorities, with OPW funding totalling âŹ370m to the end of 2013. The Government is undertaking a significant reform programme in the public procurement sector. During 2013 preparations took place for the transition of the National Procurement Service to the Office of Government Procurement. That Office became effective on 1 January 2014 and will grow and continue to achieve its ambitions as part of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. With the continued dedication and commitment of our staff we continue to rise to the challenges presented to us on an ongoing basis and to provide a quality service to both our clients and to the public.
Clare McGrath Chairman
2013 OPW Annual Report
2013 Highlights ï During Ireland's hosting of the EU Presidency from 1 January to 30 June 2013, the OPW provided support in planning, preparations and delivering the logistical support to various Departments and Agencies. A total of 281 events took place during the Presidency.
ï We made significant reductions in the overall property footprint and in annual rental expenditure through a targeted property rationalisation strategy initiated after the economic downturn in late 2008. The percentage of leased properties has fallen from 54% in 2008 to 40% in 2013.
ï The annual rental cost for the civil service was reduced to âŹ97million from its peak of approx. âŹ130m in 2009.
ï The Plan to deliver the Government's property-related reforms entitled "Accommodating Change-Measuring Success" was approved by Government and launched on 30 July 2013.
ï We engaged external expertise to undertake a Capacity and Capability Review of the Estate Portfolio Management function (excluding Heritage) and of its activities in relation to the property asset management reform commitments across the public service.
ï Works were completed in June 2013 on a new âŹ1.5m exhibition and visitor facilities at John F. Kennedy Memorial Park & Arboretum, the Kennedy ancestral Homestead, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's visit to Wexford.
ï On behalf of the Department of Soical Protection, new Intreo public offices were completed at: Achill, Athlone, Ballina, Ballyfermot, Belmullet, Blanchardstown, Bray, Caherciveen, Carlow, Carrick-on-Shannon, Cavan, Clifden, Clonmel, Cobh, Drogheda, Dun Laoghaire, Dunfanaghy, Dungloe, Ennis, Kenmare, Kilbarrack, Kilkenny, Limerick, Listowel, Longford, Loughrea, Manorhamilton, Navan Road, Newcastlewest, Tralee, Tullamore, Waterford, and Wexford.
ï The website,, was launched officially in April 2013. It allows users to access water level data in real time and provides vital support to Local Authorities in their management of, and response to, flood events.
ï The National Procurement Service transitioned to the Office of Government Procurement on 1 January 2014. Preparations for this transition occurred in 2013.
ï Implementation of the HR Shared Service Project (PeoplePoint) commenced in September 2013 in advance of the scheduled transition date of 17 th February 2014.
ï The OPW's banking services have successfully migrated to the SEPA clearing system. The Integra Financial Management System was upgraded to SEPA compliance in 2013.
2013 OPW Annual Report
Strategic Review 2013
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective 1.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
Estate Portfolio Management
Heritage To adopt a sustainable approach to the management and conservation of the State's heritage sites with an emphasis on quality and standards. To present our heritage sites to the best advantage ensuring that their potential contribution to tourism is maximised and that visitor enjoyment and education experiences are enhanced.
âą Achievement of budgetary/value The Management Advisory Committee was broadly satisfied that the agreed Estate Portfolio Management Work Programme for 2013 was delivered efficiently and for money targets identified in effectively in line with budgetary/value for money targets. Annual Output Statements. âą Achieve expenditure targets.
Visitor numbers to Guided sites in 2013 were 4.1 million, up from 3.8m in 2012.
âą Customer satisfaction audit (surveys/feed-back).
OPW continues to provide high quality event management services and successfully delivered the accommodation element of the cost effective 2013 EU Presidency (with 245 meetings held in Dublin Castle). OPW expended âŹ11m on the EU Presidency in 2012 â 2013, compared with âŹ19m for the 2004 Presidency.
âą Activation of new/enhanced services.
A public procurement process inviting proposals on an annual basis from event organisers took place for high profile sites in 2013. Examples of events which took lace during 2013 are: - Dublin Comedy Festival and taste of Dublin, Iveagh Gardens - Music events in the Phoenix Park - Commercial events in Kilkenny Castle - Country Fairs, launches etc. in Castletown House, Farmleigh and other sites. During 2013 the OPW worked closely with many local community groups and associations in the delivery of 'Gathering' events at sites. This is a dimension of the âCommunities Initiativesâ scheme. With the success of the 2012 Programme, proposals were again invited in 2013 from private sector/community groups by public advertisement seeking development of suitable community based initiatives to present sites within the heritage portfolio. This initiative supplements the OPW visitor offering and aims to facilitate a greater number of visitors. 30 proposals were progressed through workshops with these groups in 2012. By the end of 2012 initiatives from 12 of the proposals were successfully taking place. Four new proposals were received in 2013 and were considered together with the remaining 18 projects from 2012.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 The OPW is progressing greater adoption of ICT in the management and presentation of the Heritage Estate. A number of smartphone apps have been developed by private sector parties in relation to certain Heritage Sites in the OPW's care. The OPW facilitates and supports these initiatives with access to basic information, interpretative material etc. One further smartphone app for Kilkenny Castle was developed during 2013. The OPW is engaging with a private sector operator who is deploying app functionality at a number of sites on a pilot basis up to end 2016. 32 OPW sites are targeted for inclusion in the project during 2014. Signage and other publicity material were erected at sites during the last quarter of 2013 with a view to marketing the apps for visitors at sites during the 2014 season. Issues relating to broadband/mobile connectivity and infrastructure at sites will be addressed to facilitate a full roll-out of the apps across all 70 guided sites. Implementation of the smartphone/tablet project for was delayed in 2013. This project will be progressed in 2014. Tenders are being issued early in 2014 with a view to completing this work before the 2014 Visitor Season. The Facebook project continued to proceed in 2013 with 37 heritage sites online with active Facebook sites by the end of 2013. The target is to have the remaining 33 heritage sites on Facebook by end 2014. In 2013 the OPW continued to develop its heritage website as a major portal giving access to the heritage estate. The OPW will continue to work on the development of new websites for specific high profile properties in the Heritage Estate to increase the information available to visitors and encourage both visitors to these locations and their use as event destinations. Discussions continued in 2013 with the Tour Operator Representative Association in relation to the design of an online central booking management facility. The location for the first roll-out is likely to be Kilmainham Gaol, with the completion of the new Visitor facility at that site by 2016. Investigation, Health & Safety and Enabling works were carried out during 2013 at the former courthouse adjacent to the Gaol in preparation for the new visitor facilities.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 Improved presentation, marketing and interpretation of Heritage sites was addressed in 2013. Areas identified include general signage, interpretation, universal accessibility, car parking, toilets, walks, etc. These areas will be improved gradually as budgets allow. For example, improvement of the presentation of Kilmainham Gaol and Courthouse is being carried out as a 1916 commemoration project with the aim of increasing annual visitor numbers from 311,000 to 500,000. In addition, specific enhancement proposals are being undertaken in conjunction with the relevant Local Authorities. These are being undertaken in support of, and as a key part of, specific FàžŁàžilte Ireland regional level strategies (e.g. the Dubline - Dublin Discovery Trail and the Boyne Valley Drive).
àč àž Endorsement by institutional bodies, Govt.
2013 Annual Report
Government strategy seeks to use the State heritage portfolio to encourage tourists to areas in which the sites are located and maximise their stay time in the localities involved. In support of this strategy an awareness/PR campaign ran during July and August 2013. This aligns with FàžŁàžilte Ireland's regional strategies in relation to encouraging tourism growth. Work on a longer term PR plan continues. The OPW is also engaging with FàžŁàžilte Ireland in relation to specific marketing initiatives related to themed site tours, clustering of sites and direct engagement with international Tour Operators.
Key Objective Property To accommodate the Civil Service efficiently. To manage our property effectively, ensuring that its potential is maximised and that it is used efficiently in terms of value for money, sustainability, space allocation, energy consumption and income generation where feasible.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
âą Reduction in the total cost of providing accommodation for the civil service.
The OPW has undertaken a major rationalisation of Civil Service accommodation, given the significant reduction in the numbers of staff within the public service. This has resulted in the surrender of over 1 million square feet of accommodation.
âą Reduction of the annual rental bill and reduction in the overall property footprint occupied by the civil service, to match reduced and re-deployed staff numbers.
The OPW has achieved savings in rent each year since 2009 through a lease rationalisation programme and rent review negotiations â reducing both the annual rental bill and the office property footprint occupied by the civil service. Rationalisation, combined with rent reductions achieved at rent reviews and renewals, has yielded ongoing annual savings of over âŹ30 million in rent, or 20% over the last 4 years. The target of reducing the annual rental cost for the civil service to below âŹ100 million by 2015 was achieved in 2013 (âŹ97 million).
âą The target of a 15% reduction in rent, set out in the National Recovery Plan 2011-2014 is met by 2014. âą Continuation of aggressive rent review negotiations to extract maximum value over the term of this Strategy, to result in significant reductions in the rent roll, (subject to market conditions and individual lease covenants).
The OPW aims to maintain the rental bill at this level. However, due to the rationalisation programme pursued in Dublin to date, the pockets of available space in the OPW office portfolio is getting smaller and few in number. There is insufficient space in our existing portfolio to re-accommodate staff from all the buildings targeted for surrender in Dublin up to 2016. Moreover, about 50% of the core Dublin office portfolio is in need of major refurbishment or is close to obsolescence and 28% approx. of our Dublin portfolio comprises heritage buildings or protected structures (e.g. Dublin Castle, Custom House, Government Buildings).
âą More efficient use of office space.
The OPW is examining market options with a view to identifying value for money efficient space to replace leased offices due to expire in the next 2-3 years.
âą Maximise the use and efficiency The percentage of leased properties has fallen from 54% in 2008 to 40% in 2013. of the owned office portfolio and Key statistics during 2013: âą Dublin Lease Surrenders: 12 reduce the leasehold portfolio âą Provincial Lease surrenders: 29 as far as practicable. Total area surrendered from 2008 - 2013: 104,965.43 m2.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
Public Service Reform Plan Launched November 2011. Under section 6 of the implementation plan, dealing with Property Asset Management, OPW has a driving role in reducing the overall public service property portfolio. This role is to lead and co-ordinate the wider public service property holders in the areas of asset management, shared policies and objectives and achievement of value for money and efficiencies in matching property to strategic objectives and operational requirements across the public service.
âą Increased co-operation, information sharing and coordination in property matters across the public service.
To create a central register of all State Property.
âą Comprehensive register of all State property in place.
In the course of 2013, OPW developed a property mapping register ( to collect information on property held by the public sector. This is an action under the Property Asset Management Delivery Plan.
To implement programmes and projects to provide built accommodation and facility solutions for Government and State clients whether in new, existing or rented premises.
âą Reduction in the total cost of providing accommodation for the Civil Service
The OPW is involved in designing and project managing the delivery of at least eight replacement schools due for completion in 2014, together with ten school extension projects, which will be funded by the Department of Education & Skills. The total estimated value of the contracts for the new schools is âŹ30m. In addition, the OPW is acting as technical advisors for the Government Stimulus Package for the Department of Justice and Equality, which is being carried out by the National Development Finance Agency.
2013 Annual Report
âą âą
The implementation of Circular 1/2013, which reassigned full financial and planning responsibility for maintenance of State-owned and occupied properties has facilitated a change of emphasis from re-active maintenance, determined by the building occupier, to a proactive, planned and preventative maintenance strategy. A Strategic Review of 110 state-owned and occupied offices over 1000 m2 has highlighted a range of issues relating to age, condition of properties and the management and coRemoval of competition between public service property ordination of maintenance. The condition reports identified remedial works. The Review shows that a number of key properties require major refurbishment or retrofit holders. works and to be carried out efficiently will require relocation of the occupiers. A new focus on property as a On 18 December 2012, the Government noted the appointment of the OPW valuable asset, with each Chairman as Senior Responsible Officer and the establishment of the Steering individual property holding regarded as a part of the wider Group on Property Asset Management. The Government also directed the Steering Group to prepare a plan setting out the detailed arrangements necessary for state property portfolio rather implementation of the reform agenda. The Property Asset Management Delivery than a standalone asset. Plan was launched on 30 July 2013. The Plan informs the Government on the framework and resources required to drive efficiency and value for money from the Asset value of property is State's owned and leased property portfolio, specifically relating to office maintained or enhanced. accommodation. In 2013 many of the recommended actions in the Plan were commenced, completed, or are ongoing. Optimised use of accommodation and staffing resources.
The OPW also rationalised its own office accommodation in Dublin in 2013.
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 The OPW is currently designing and project managing the delivery of new Coast Guard Stations which are funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, on an ongoing basis. The OPW is delivering a very ambitious programme to provide new Intreo offices for the Department of Social Protection to meet a key Government priority of addressing the issue of long term unemployment. 33 Intreo Offices were delivered in line with the programme plan in 2013. The Department of Public Expenditure & Reform requested OPW to provide accommodation for the proposed Human Resources Shared Services Centre subsequently re-branded as PeoplePoint. Block 5 of Belfield Office Park in Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 was procured by OPW to accommodate this new organisation. Refurbishment work which commenced during 2012 to Block 5 continued during 2013.
The OPW's Standards Committee conducted a consultation on the draft OPW Ăą€Ë Shared strategies and standards in office space across Accommodation and Design Standards and Policies. These standards and policies set out the design standards and criteria for the construction of new buildings and the the public service. refurbishment and alteration of existing buildings. This work was presented to the Steering Group on Property Asset Management in 2013. The OPW engaged external expertise to undertake a Capacity and Capability Review of the Estate Portfolio Management function (excluding Heritage) and of its activities in relation to the property asset management reform commitments across the public service in 2013. The recommendations of that review will be considered in 2014. The OPW is implementing measures to facilitate the planned restructuring of Furniture Branch Division and BMS e.g. cross referencing ordering procedures and integrating management systems. The planned regeneration of the Jamestown complex in Inchicore, Dublin 8 will provide shared storage, workshop and staff facilities as a shared service. In 2013 tenders were invited for a new system to manage the State's property portfolio. This project has been put on hold pending the outcome of the Capacity and Capability Review.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective To support the delivery of the action identified in the Government Policy on Architecture 2009 â 2015.
2013 Annual Report
Performance Indicator âą Targets relevant to the OPW in Government Policy on Architecture 2009-2015 met.
Progress in 2013 The Government Policy on Architecture 2009 â 2015 places particular emphasis on the role of State Architect, a function attached to the OPW's Director of Architectural Services. It involves cross-departmental engagements on the built environment. The State Architect is assisting and advising various public bodies on accommodation and the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government with regard to Green Public Procurement for Construction and Building Regulations.
Key Objective 2.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
Flood Risk Policy & Management
To advise the Government in relation to policy development and legislative requirements for flood risk management. To develop, coordinate and implement programmes and measures to reduce the national level of flood risk to people, businesses, infrastructure and the environment. To develop flood risk management responses in line with international best practice.
2013 Annual Report
âą Achievement of budgetary/value The Management Advisory Committee was broadly satisfied that the agreed Flood Risk Policy & Management Work Programme for 2013 was delivered efficiently and for money targets identified in effectively in line with budgetary/value for money targets. Annual Output Statements. âą Raised Government, local authority, corporate and public awareness. âą Sustainable planning and development management with respect to flood risk. âą Prioritised draft national longterm programme of investment for effective and sustainable management of flood risk (with subsequent reductions in flood damages following implementation).
The Catchment-based Flood Risk Assessment & Management (CFRAM) programme is being delivered to meet the recommendations of the Flood Policy Review and the requirements of the EU Floods Directive. This pro-active programme brings significant savings to the State through economies of scale determining suitable flood risk management measures for 300 communities, that in turn can generate substantial reductions in losses from flood damage, as well as developing flood maps to ensure sustainable planning. Flood maps are being prepared for nearly 7000 km of river channel, as well as for 90 coastal communities, to ensure sustainable planning and help avoid development in flood-prone areas. These maps will also facilitate the planning for flood event emergency response. This Programme has been ongoing throughout 2013.
âą Informed decision making by the relevant authorities.
The OPW has continued to provide an advisory service to the planning authorities on the implementation of the Guidelines on the Planning System and Flood Risk Management. During 2013, timely advice was given on a range of plans, including some high-profile plans involving Strategic Development Zoning and Regeneration Planning.
âą Reduce existing risk in areas where schemes are advancing.
There is a continued and increased programme of capital works to deal with areas of known risk, with this investment being prioritised within the OPW Vote.
âą Reduce existing risk in areas where works are being carried out. âą Maintain current level of risk and residual value of historic investment.
The Arterial Drainage Maintenance Programme was completed as planned at a cost of âŹ15m. More than 20,000 properties are sited in the area benefiting from the original schemes. The incidence of flooding to these properties is notably low and the programme ensures that the risk is kept to this current relatively low level. The Programme also maintains the agricultural benefit conferred by the schemes. This preservation of residual value will help facilitate the planned increase in agricultural output.
Key Objective
Performance Indicator âą Improved awareness â coordinate actions of key stakeholders.
Progress in 2013 The Partnership arrangements with Local Authorities (LAs) for the delivery of Flood Risk Management Measures and both Major and Minor Capital Works Programmes progressed well during 2013. The Local Authorities were involved in managing and delivering major flood relief schemes on behalf of the OPW and there is close cooperation between the two organisations on these schemes and in other areas of Flood Risk Management such as the Minor Works Scheme and the CFRAM Programme where Steering and Progress Groups have been established with LA representation. The cumulative value of the benefit from capital flood relief schemes and minor flood mitigation works implemented either directly by the OPW or by LAs with the OPW funding of âŹ320m to end 2013, in terms of loss and damage avoided, amounts to more than âŹ1 billion. Around 10,500 properties have benefited from these works. Major schemes or phases of major schemes completed in 2013 include Clonmel, Mallow, Ennis, Fermoy and the river Dodder. A further scheme in Tullamore was carried out by the OPW's own labour force. Major schemes or scheme phases completed by LAs with OPW financial support included Carlow and Waterford. In 2009 OPW introduced the Minor Flood Works and Coastal Protection Scheme to provide funding to enable LAs to carry out small scale flood mitigation measures in their own areas. To date, a total of more than 420 applications for funding have been approved, of which almost 400 projects have been completed at a cost of approximately âŹ25.2m. In 2013, 37 new minor works schemes were approved while total funding of âŹ2.277m was provided for 58 schemes including projects approved in previous years. A website is now in place allowing users (including the general public) to access water level data in real time. The website,, was launched officially in April 2013 and provides vital support to LAs in their management of, and response to, flood events. About 340 surface water monitoring stations were transmitting data at the end of 2013, and almost 140,000 visits to the website were recorded during the year. The focus for 2014 is to continue to make hydrometric data (water level and river flow) more widely available on line. The full archive of processed OPW hydrometric data may be accessed through the Hydro-Data website, . The website presents a range of data types. Replacement of the archive website is underway with now available. This site provides additional functionality including near real time update
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 Systems, processes and infrastructure are being developed and put in place to ensure the provision of detailed CFRAM Flood Maps online. An alpha version of this system was produced on target at end 2013. It involved the development and implementation of web services, a back end server and web viewer. The project will facilitate the dissemination of data generated under the EU 'Floods' Directive to the public and public bodies. OPW participated in the pilot Government performance measurement website OPW contributed statistics on flood risk management. OPW successfully concluded discussions with Insurance Ireland on agreeing a Memorandum of Understanding which outlines the principles of agreement on how information on completed OPW flood defence schemes is to be provided to and used by the insurance industry in Ireland. The information, which will be made available on the OPW website, will show the design, nature and extent of the protections offered by these schemes and Insurance Ireland members have agreed to take this information into account when assessing exposure to flood risk from 1 June 2014.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective 3.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
National Procurement Service
Achievement of savings Be Centre of Excellence/ provide optimum efficiency and effectiveness in Strategic Sourcing for Central Government and other centres of Government at National, Sectoral and Local levels. Array of categories under contract To ensure that the top 30 categories of spend in the public service are constantly monitored with a view to appropriate central contract coverage. Standardised Documentation To make available standardised, template documents for use in the procurement process. Use of central contracts/ Frameworks by clients To ensure that the optimum number of public service clients is utilising centrally available contracts and frameworks. 2013 Annual Report
âą Achievement of budgetary/value The National Procurement Service (NPS) transitioned to the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) from January 2014. The final strategic review on this service for money targets identified in from the OPW is set out here for 2013. For subsequent years, progress on Annual Output Statements. procurement services will be reported on by the OGP as part of the Department of âą Reduced requirement for central Public Expenditure and Reform. funding due to increased cost The Management Advisory Committee was broadly satisfied that the agreed NPS savings on procurement. Work Programme for 2013 was delivered efficiently and effectively in line with budgetary/value for money targets. âą Reduced staffing in local procurement units due to The Board of the new OGP was established at the end of July 2013 and OPW increased centralised activity. cooperated with the transition of staff from the NPS to the OGP. âą Elimination of diverse contract practices. Since its establishment in 2009, NPS developed and maintained the operation of âą Reduction in business costs. approximately 50 â 60 multi supplier framework agreements/contracts annually. These frameworks/contracts cover a very wide array of goods and services âą Consistency in approach to including: Energy, IT equipment, office supplies, procurement cards, janitorial market for categories. supplies, uniforms, vehicles etc. âą Consistency of best value prices In 2013, public bodies spent almost âŹ300m under these NPS frameworks and as a result saved approximately âŹ45m. Since its introduction in 2009, the NPS introduced across the public service. frameworks that involved approximately âŹ750m expenditure and savings of âŹ190m. In other words, in the absence of the NPS, public bodies would have had to incur âą Reduction in rolled over, âŹ190m for the same goods and services. The NPS delivered a 20% efficiency by ineffective or non compliant saving the exchequer having to pay âŹ1 extra for every âŹ5 spent under NPS supply arrangement. frameworks since its introduction in 2009. âą Reduction in administration surrounding the purchase of major categories of goods and services.
Key Objective
Performance Indicator âą Reduced requirement for outsourced legal services for buyers and suppliers. Reduced costs through simplification of Procurement Process.
Progress in 2013 The NPS has also introduced an extensive suite of standard legal documentation that are now being used throughout the public service. This documentation reduces the requirement for legal interventions and assists in ensuring compliance with national and EU procurement laws. During 2013 the NPS continued to provide a helpdesk facility to public service buyers nationwide to assist them in establishing compliant, value for money procurement arrangements for their own Depts and Offices.
âą Increased compliance with EU and National Law with a consequential reduction in legal Guidance on a standardised savings methodology across the Public Service was exposure to the state. also agreed in 2013 and each sector reports its forecast net cash savings quarterly to the OGP,. âą Increased knowledge and awareness of complex procurement issues.
eProcurement Develop an eProcurement platform as a major channel for business transactions and exploit all other emerging electronic opportunities
Reduced cost and time involved in procurement processes through correct selection of procurement methodologies. An upgrade to the national eTenders website was launched on 12 November 2012. The enhanced functionality was presented to public sector buyers through a continuing series of nationwide demonstrations and the increased use of the system monitored. To advance the eGovernment Strategy 2012-2015 in a phased manner the NPS introduced an initiative in relation to low value purchase cards, which reduces the number of invoices being handled across the public service. The NPS websites and continued to be maintained during 2013.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective Education & Development Provide learning, development & guidance opportunities for public service customers and suppliers.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 The NPS continued its series of very popular, high profile events aimed at enabling suppliers throughout the country to meet Public Service procurers. A number of events were managed by the NPS in various locations around the island of Ireland during 2013. To date over 4,500 suppliers have interacted at events attended by or initiated by the NPS. This is ongoing with ever-increasing requests for such interactions and events. 2 major âMeet the Buyerâ events took place in 2013 âą Belfast 13th September. âą Dublin 17th October . Communication with Suppliers The NPS established various channels for communication with suppliers in the market. Of particular importance was the SME Working Group consisting of various business representatives (IBEC, ISME, SFA) and the various sectors of the public service. The NPS proactively addressed matters raised.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective 4.
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013
Cross Organisational Objectives
Deliver an efficient and effective support service to facilitate the implementation of OPW's key objectives.
âą Achievement of Work Targets identified in Annual Work Programmes.
The Management Advisory Committee was broadly satisfied that the agreed Work Programme for 2013 was delivered efficiently and effectively in line with targets set at the beginning of the year.
âą Achievement of budgetary/value Target outputs set in the Revised Estimate Volume were largely achieved. Gross Expenditure on the OPW Vote in 2013 was âŹ399.205m representing a full spend for money targets identified in (99.6%) of the available Vote allocation. Annual Output Statements. âą Achievement of targets in the Comprehensive Review of Expenditure.
Total receipts under Appropriations in Aid was âŹ26.041m. In addition to the OPW Vote, expenditure was incurred on projects on behalf of other Government Departments on an agency basis amounting to âŹ68.351m. The OPW also plays a key role for Government in an advisory capacity for client programmes of work in the architectural, project management and flood risk management areas.
âą OPW upgraded its Financial Management System, banking services and payroll system to become one of the first Government organisations to be fully SEPA compliant, cater for Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) revisions and implement Haddington Road adjustments.
In 2013 OPW increased its use of electronic banking services and eliminated cheque payments for payroll and travel and subsistence and significantly reduced the number of cheques paid to landlords and contractors. The OPW introduced an OPW procurement card in 2013 to 42 users and will expand this service in 2014.
âą Greater flexibility in delivery of services.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 A revised ICT Strategy for the OPW was drafted in 2013, which will need to be reviewed in light of the outcomes of the Capacity and Capability review of the Estate Portfolio Management function. The Strategy development exercise highlighted areas within OPW where there is a need for improvement in information sharing and a number of those deficiencies are currently being addressed. The draft ICT Strategy will be revisited in 2014 to take account of issues arising from the Capacity and Capability Review and the forthcoming Government ICT Strategy as set out in the Public Service Reform Plan 2014 â 2016. The Office developed an integrated Library Management System (LMS), which allows staff at all locations to access information held in our libraries. The OPW's LMS allows for the provision, in conjunction with Marsh's Library, of an online public access catalogue to the Benjamin Guinness, Third Earl of Iveagh, collection currently on loan to the State and housed in Farmleigh. Following the completion of a tender process, a contract was placed in September 2013 for a scanning project to digitise OPW's unique and valuable historic archive comprising 67,000 architectural drawings/National Monument surveys.
2013 Annual Report
âą OPW is an on-going learning organisation with all the tools necessary to carry out knowledge management in support of our mandated functions.
Work progressed in 2013 on the OPW Learning & Development (L&D) Strategy. Competency gaps identified through analysis at Divisional level of the competencies at our disposal versus those required for effective delivery of business plans, continued to be addressed through a series of L&D action plans. The Capacity & Capability Review is expected to inform the Learning & Development Strategy also in relation to the Estate Portfolio Management function.
âą Staff trained to the highest levels, familiar with and implementing best practice in the relevant business environment.
A Programme of management training for all managers with responsibility for State Industrial Employees commenced in 2012 and was completed in 2013.
Work to improve organisational performance by increasing its business process improvement and change management capability was addressed. 8 members of staff from across the OPW's three functional areas attended training on lean Six Sigma during October 2013 and achieved Green Belt certification. In addition two members of staff received White Belt training. This capability will support the organisation in improving processes across the organisation.
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 A Capacity Review of the Flood Risk Management Administration section was completed in quarter 2 of 2013 by the Business Consulting unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (D/PER). The recommendations of that review are being considered with a view to implementation in 2014. Following a public procurement exercise, the OPW engaged external consultants to undertake a Capacity and Capability Review of its Estate Portfolio Management function (excluding heritage services) and of its activities in relation to its property asset management reform commitments. The project was recommended under the Property Asset Management Delivery Plan and has now been completed.
Ăą€Ë Enhancement of merit based opportunities for promotions.
Participation in work placement Programmes continued in 2013. The OPW continued to support the learning and job seekers programmes via graduate placements and JobBridge schemes. 6 JobBridge placements commenced in the second half of 2013. 24 graduate architects were maintained in the Architectural graduate programme and 30 graduate engineers were maintained in the 3 year engineering graduate programme.
Ăą€Ë Excellent customer services to both internal and external customers as established by feedback and surveys.
An external Customer Service survey was carried out in 2013 to determine how our performance measured against the commitments made to our Customers in the OPW Customer Action Plan and Charter. The OPW Customer Plan is under review and the results of the survey will assist in the preparation of the new Plan. A Signage survey on guided heritage sites was completed in 2013. The results of the survey will assist in monitoring compliance with the requirements of the Official Languages Act 2003. A new OPW corporate website was developed in 2013. There will be an ongoing review of in 2014 to ascertain how more services can be delivered online.
2013 Annual Report
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 The Information and Records Management Committee was established on a cross programme basis to: âą procure and appoint a records management external expert to prepare a preliminary assessment of OPW's record management systems. The procurement process was carried out in 2013. A specialist consultant was selected in December 2013 and will commence work in 2014; âą investigate the implementation of a records management system across the OPW in accordance with ISO 15489. The consultant will commence work in 2014 on the delivery of the implementation plan identified in the preliminary assessment. This will assist the objective of establishing integrated end-toend business processes across the various functions and programmes of the Office. Personnel & Development Services undertook preparatory work during 2013 for the transition of established staff to PeoplePoint (HR Shared Services) in February 2014. A detailed benefits-driven OPW External Service Delivery Plan was submitted as part of Phase 2 submissions to D/PER in 2013.
âą Individual staff members understand and know their role within their area of work and are complying with that role and achieving their targets
The OPW was active in responding to D/PER led revisions to PMDS, through Partnership discussion, roll out of calibration and provision of user feedback to the D/PER. The Office's Partnership Committee appointed a sub-group to consider how PMDS could best be aligned with the strategic objectives of the Office. The group reported with a series of recommendations for practical actions that were progressed in 2013. In 2013 the OPW received a 98% compliance rating on D/PER's final report for PMDS for 2012.
âą Achievement of targets set out in the OPW Action Plan for the Implementation of the Public Services Agreement 2010 â 2014 (Croke Park Agreement).
2013 Annual Report
Following the introduction of a new pay agreement, actions identified in the Public Service Agreement 2013 -2016 continue to be implemented as part of the OPW's day-to-day operations.
Key Objective
Performance Indicator
Progress in 2013 In 2013, OPW managed the transition of the staff and services of the National Procurement Service to the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) in conjunction with D/PER, to facilitate a smooth transfer of the central procurement function to D/PER with effect from 1 January 2014.
OPW availed of NPS contracts for common goods and services as required. âą Value obtained through use of centralised procurement arrangements. âą Appropriate OPW contracts available for use by the wider public service resulting in a corresponding reduction in staff time and resources public service wide. âą All OPW staff involved in significant procurement exercises sufficiently skilled.
58 members of staff attended procurement training courses in 2013. During 2013 the OPW continued to work on developing procedures for the procurement of consultants for contracts with an estimated value of less than âŹ50,000, including VAT. The procurement method used was direct invitation. Direct invitation in this instance, involves inviting tenders from practices on a list which has been established on an open and objective basis and is operated in strict rotation. This method offers advantages to the OPW which has a recurring requirement for services and wishes to maintain a well organised ongoing procurement system, while improving access to practices wishing to avail of public procurement opportunities. The OPW is leading and investing in the implementation of Optimising Power @ Work in all of the large buildings in the OPW portfolio. In 2013 the programme was expanded through the provision of additional funding on the OPW Vote from the Carbon Levy Fund and will grow further in 2014. Currently energy savings are estimated at 17% amounting to âŹ4.2m annually in energy costs. The cost of running the campaign is approximately âŹ1m giving a net saving of âŹ3.2m. Further savings are planned with a target of 20% considered achievable. Savings are made on Departmental/ Clients' votes.
2013 Annual Report
Management of the Office of Public Works 2013 Minister of State Mr Brian Hayes TD
Commissioner Mr John Sydenham
ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Property Management Mr John Curtin, ACE Mr Ken Moore, PO Project Management Mr Brian Allen, PO Mr. Michael Fennelly, PO Quantity Surveying (QS) Services Mr Aidan Quinn, PQS Estate Portfolio Management Information & Systems Mr. John Gallagher, ACE
Commissioner Mr John McMahon
ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Property Maintenance Ms Angela Rolfe, APA QS Services Mr. Aidan Quinn, PQS National Historic Properties Mr. George Moir National Monuments Mr Frank Shalvey, PO Mechanical & Electrical Mr. Jim O'Sullivan, ACE Conservation Mr. John Cahill, APA Project Management of Cultural Institutions & Art Management
KEY - Commissioners of Public Works - Management Advisory Committee
2013 Annual Report
Chairman Ms Clare McGrath
Director of Architectural Services Mr Ciaran O'Connor
ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Architectural Services Mr Liam Egan, APA Architectural Services Ms. Edel Collins, APA
Director of Engineering Services Mr Tony Smyth
Director of National Procurement Service Mr Vincent Campbell
FRM & Assessement FRM Data Management Flood Relief Design
Mr Mark Adamson, ACE Hydrometric Hydrology & Coastal Protection Mr Tom Bolger, ACE Arterial Drainage Maintenance Mr Michael Collins, ACE FRM Administration Mr Liam Basquille, PO EPM Engineering Services Civil & Structural Mr. John Gallagher, ACE
Mr Martin Bourke, PO Mr Brian Brogan, PO
Government Publications & Election Services
Director of Corporate Services Ms EilĂs O'Connell
CORPORATE SERVICES Personnel & Development and Ms Eileen Leahy, PO Finance & Accounts Freedeom of Information Section and Legal Services Mr Mick Long, PO ICT Mr Liam Stewart, PO General Corporate Services including Press & Information Policy Library Internal Facilities
ACE â Assistant Chief Engineer APA â Assistant Principal Architect PO â Principal Officer PQS â Principal Quantity Surveyor
What We Do OPW Mission Statement The mission of the Office of Public Works is to use our experience and expertise in our mandated areas of operation to provide innovative, effective and sustainable shared services to the public and our clients. The core functions of the Office of Public Works (OPW) in 2013 related to three areas of operation: âą
âą âą
Estate Portfolio Management; Flood Risk Management; Procurement;
and these operational areas were supported by Corporate Services. The OPW is primarily concerned with the delivery of services to customers. Our customers are the public, Government, other Departments, Offices, Agencies and the wider public service.
Estate Portfolio Management Vision:
To be the recognised leader in, and set the standard for, the management and conservation of our buildings and heritage.
The services in Property and Heritage are currently delivered under the unified heading of Estate Portfolio Management (EPM). The OPW holds and manages a large and diverse portfolio of property comprising of 597 Offices, 886 Garda accommodations and over 780 Heritage sites.
1. Property In managing this portfolio, the OPW provides a shared service in the areas of property management and property maintenance incorporating architectural, engineering, valuation, quantity surveying, project management and facilities management services to central Government Departments and Agencies. The OPW operates as a centralised service provider of office accommodation for Departments/Agencies who are not charged for the service. The OPW also provides specialist professional and technical advice to the Government and to a number of Departments on major construction projects. These projects include the construction of new buildings, refurbishment of existing buildings, alterations, improvements and repairs, fit-outs of new or existing buildings, restoration and conservation of historic properties, landscaping and external works. The OPW provides a reactive and planned property maintenance service for the entire State-owned and leased property portfolio occupied by Government Departments and State Agencies. Property maintenance services undertakes minor capital works for other Government Departments/Agencies, which include office fit-outs, upgrading & refurbishments. This area also provides Health & Safety and Fire & Security advisory functions. Ongoing management of the property portfolio involves, inter alia:
Maintaining and safeguarding the OPW's interest in all its property holdings, both freehold and leasehold.
2013 Annual Report
âą âą âą âą âą âą
Maximising the inherent value in the State owned property portfolio. Dealing with acquisitions and disposals of state property. Management of commercial leases to pay rents, service charges, avail of lease breaks and surrender of surplus leased properties etc. Commercial licensing - to include telecommunication licences for broadband, Tetra and 3G. Management of requirements arising from the State Property Act 1954. Dealing with Trust properties on behalf of the State.
Key Property Highlights and Ongoing Achievements
A key priority of OPW is to optimise accommodation to facilitate Government Departments in delivering public services efficiently and effectively, and to ensure that property costs are minimised. Policies are under constant review to ensure the best outcomes in meeting the operational requirements of client Department/Office in terms of location, size, cost, sustainability and that particular operational needs are delivered. New initiatives in this regard include the development of a new standard office workplace specification and a review of OPW 's office space allocation norms.
Civil Service accommodation at Year End 2013 ⊠394 Leases in 344 buildings ⊠253 owned 'Office' buildings ⊠865,189.96 sq m / 9,312,827.22 sq feet ⊠40% Leased (area) ⊠60% Owned (area)
The introduction of Circular 1/13 (replacing D/Finance Circular. No. 1 of 1994) was a significant development in the maintenance systems in place within the Civil Service. A programme of Planned Maintenance of essential works amounting to more than âŹ1.5m was undertaken in 2013 to start the change from reactive to a proactive maintenance service. Approximately 9,000 works orders, amounting to âŹ10.8m, were placed in 2013.
The re-tender and appointment of a new QS & Contract Administrator function Measured Term Maintenance Contract for the Dublin area was completed in 2013.
Property Maintenance Services placed 70 minor works contracts in 2013 amounting to âŹ21m.
Public Service card (PSC) booths were completed in Department of Social Protection offices in Dublin, Waterford and Galway and various local offices countrywide.
The fitting out and furnishing of Block 3 in Ennis Government Buildings, for the Revenue Commissioners, to accommodate the new Property Tax Section was completed. This work was completed in three phases under a tight time-frame to meet the deadline for the introduction of the new Property Tax system.
49 cells at 11 Garda Stations were refurbished at an overall cost of âŹ2.079m. Minor capital works projects were also completed at Garda stations at Fermoy, Cork and Edenderry. Major refurbishment projects for An Garda SĂochĂĄna were carried out at Garda Stations in Blarney, Kilkenny, Swinford and Dundrum. New accommodation was provided for the Garda Regional Commissioner at the Government Offices in Hebron Road, Kilkenny.
Procurement of fit-out works and the provision of furniture at PeoplePoint Offices.
In November 2013 construction of a new Coast Guard Station on Killybegs pier in Co. Donegal
2013 Annual Report
was completed. The project was funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.
A project to provide accommodation for twenty National Governing Bodies for Sport at Abbotstown, Dublin 15, was completed on behalf of the National Sports Campus Development Authority.
Contracts were placed for construction of new schools for the Department of Education and Skills in Kinsale, Midleton, Castletroy, Edenderry (two schools) and Menlo. These will all be completed and ready for occupation in 2014. A number of other schools projects being undertaken by the OPW are at an advanced stage of planning and will be commenced in 2014.
Upgrading works were commenced at the Reception and Integration Agency facilities in Tralee and Killarney, County Kerry, in Knockalisheen, County Clare, and in Kinsale Road, Cork.
Detailed Design for a new Coast Guard Station at Greystones is currently being finalised. Construction is expected to start early in Q4 2014.
The National Children Detention Facilities building project at Oberstown, Lusk, contracted and managed by OPW on behalf of the Irish Youth Justice Service, commenced on site in September 2013.
Administration of the National Conference Centre/Convention Centre Dublin (NCC/CCD) PPP Project Agreement, including monitoring the performance of the NCC/CCD, continued throughout 2013. The Convention Centre entered its fourth year of operation during the year and continued to meet targets set under the Project Agreement.
2. Heritage The OPW is a lead agency in the country in areas of conservation and presentation of cultural and heritage properties and is responsible for the day-to-day running of all National Monuments and Historic Properties. The OPW Heritage Service consists of: âą National Monuments Service; âą National Historic Properties Service (NHP); and âą Visitors Service. The OPW's responsibility for the built heritage in State care (i.e. in State ownership and guardianship) involves: âą Managing, maintaining and preserving over 780 national monuments; âą Managing a range of national historic properties such as the Phoenix Park and over 20 other such properties (e.g. Heywood Gardens, National Botanic Gardens, Emo Court); âą Providing full interpretative facilities and a full Guide service at 70 sites. The approach of the OPW Heritage Services is one of maintenance, preservation and presentation. It has a conservation remit to maintain the built heritage in State care and an active role in facilitating presentation and public access. Key Heritage Highlights and Ongoing Achievements
Logistical support provided for key events in 2013 such as the National days of Commemoration, Famine Memorial, ANZAC Day and the Centenary Anniversary Commemoration of the 1913 lockout and the founding of the Irish Volunteers.
2013 Annual Report
World Parks Day was celebrated by National Historic Properties at the Phoenix Park on Sun, 15th September 2013.
A project funded by FĂĄilte Ireland and OPW on re-instating the original paths and carriageways at Castletown, Co. Kildare was completed in 2013. This has opened up the promotion and use of the Estate lands at Castletown for use as a major recreational amenity and conserved the historic designed landscape.
As part of the âGatheringâ, OPW, in conjunction with NUI Maynooth, exhibited The Morpeth Roll, a roll signed by almost 250,000 people travelled to several OPW properties throughout the year including Derrynane, Main Guard, Clonmel and Kilkenny Castle. This project was carried out in association with NUI Maynooth and Castle Howard.
The major conservation project at the Rock of Cashel Cormac's Chapel continued throughout 2013. Not only is the building of Cormac's Chapel among the most important early medieval monuments in Ireland, but the fragmentary remains of the wall paintings, which decorate the vaults and walls of the apse, are a unique survival and of national and international importance
Ardara Bridge (also known as Cadamstown Bridge), spanning the Silver River and dating from the late 13th or early 14th century, was taken into State care in 2006. Considerable conservation work has been undertaken, primarily to save the bridge from collapse. This technically very difficult project, hampered by the extremely fragile nature of the structure, continued through 2013.
Substantial conservation works are underway at Ballymalis Castle, Co Kerry compelled by the need to remove inappropriate cement and concrete from the structure and to resolve a range of structural issues. It is anticipated that the project will take up to a further five years to properly complete.
In July 2013 the OPW officially took possession of the former Kilmainham Courthouse from the Courts Service. The Courthouse occupies a site immediately adjacent to Kilmainham Goal and has been vacant since July 2008. The OPW propose to adapt the Kilmainham Courthouse building for visitor use; this is a unique opportunity to create additional space to deal with visitors and to provide ancillary curatorial, exhibition, research and welfare facilities. The necessary funding commitments were secured and works to the Courthouse commenced in 2013; it is envisaged that the entire project will be complete in time for the 2016 centenary commemorations.
Government strategy seeks to use the State heritage portfolio to encourage tourists to areas in which the sites are located and maximise their stay time in the localities involved. In support of this strategy an awareness/PR campaign ran during July and August 2013. This aligns with FĂĄilte Ireland's regional strategies in relation to encouraging tourism growth.
Building on the success of the previous Communities Initiative the Friends of Irish Heritage initiative was launched inviting submissions from local and community groups and local authorities that have an interest in becoming involved in our built heritage. This ongoing development from the previous initiative saw communities coming forward with their ideas about how to present their local sites. It is intended that engagement with Communities will continue in the future and will focus on developing a range of cooperative measures around the protection, presentation and enjoyment of sites by visitors.
The OPW is progressing greater adoption of ICT in the management and presentation of the Heritage Estate. A number of smartphone apps have been developed by private sector parties in relation to certain Heritage Sites in the OPW's care. The OPW facilitates and supports these initiatives with access to basic information, interpretative material etc. The Facebook project continued to proceed in 2013 with 37 heritage sites online with active Facebook sites by the end
2013 Annual Report
of 2013.
OPW's heritage sites played host to a number of Gathering events such as a social evening at Athenry Castle in August to mark the twinning of Athenry with the Canadian town, Renews, in Newfoundland, the home town of the Canadian ambassador, Mr. Loyola Hearn.
Featured EPM Programmes: 1. Intreo Programme Intreo is a new service from the Department of Social Protection [DSP]. It is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports. Intreo amalgamates Community Welfare Services, FĂS and the Department of Social Protection and is designed to provide a more streamlined approach, offering practical, tailored employment services and supports for jobseekers and employers alike. Taoiseach Enda Kenny stated that: âIntreo is an important step in transforming the way income and employment supports are provided. It is a key element of the Governmentâs response to the employment crisis and supports the objectives set out in the Governmentâs Action Plan for Jobs and the Pathways to Work initiative. It links the payment of income supports to the task of supporting people in their pursuit of employment and improving their life chances.â The OPW was asked to transform existing accommodation and/or procure new properties to provide this new service across the country. The Office provided a co-ordinating role to sketch scheme stage and completed 10 Intreo public offices in 2012 at: Sligo, Arklow, Tallaght, Kings Inn/Parnell Street, Ballymun, Buncrana, Dundalk, Coolock, Finglas and Killarney. In January 2013 OPW undertook to complete 33 Intreo public offices in the course of the year. To meet this extremely challenging task an integrated implementation team, comprising DSP Facilities Management, OPW Property Management, Property Maintenance, Architectural Services and Project Management Services teams, was established, meeting fortnightly throughout the year. The initial identification of property, preliminary scheme and enabling works were carried out by Architectural Services, DSP and Property Management assisted and facilitated by Property Maintenance Regional staff. When the scheme/layout was approved by DSP, the project was transferred to the Regional Office for immediate implementation. Many of these projects required the transfer of other Departments to upper floors, to allow space for larger public offices on the ground floor, so a number of sequential minor works contracts were required. In some locations the Intreo service is provided in two buildings which required two minor works contracts to be tendered and placed. The majority of the alteration works required for the public offices, interview rooms and back-staff areas were carried out at evenings and weekends in occupied buildings, which is very challenging, but OPW Regional staff have extensive experience and expertise in this area. New Intreo public offices were completed at: Achill, Athlone, Ballina, Ballyfermot, Belmullet, Blanchardstown, Bray, Caherciveen, Carlow, Carrick-on-Shannon, Cavan, Clifden, Clonmel, Cobh, Drogheda, Dun Laoghaire, Dunfanaghy, Dungloe, Ennis, Kenmare, Kilbarrack, Kilkenny, Limerick, Listowel, Longford, Loughrea, Manorhamilton, Navan Road, Newcastlewest, Tralee, Tullamore, Waterford, and Wexford.
2013 Annual Report
2. Property Asset Management The Government's Public Service Reform Plan, published in November 2011, identified State property management as one of a number of key reforms. In December 2012, the Government confirmed the central role of the OPW in driving the property asset management reform process in respect of both its own property portfolio and the property portfolios of the wider Public Service. The Government also acknowledged the OPWâs role as the exclusive procurer of office accommodation for the Civil Service and the sole authority for allocating office space. The Chairman of the Office of Public Works was appointed Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) in December 2012 and assigned to lead the development and implementation of a Property Management Delivery Plan. The SRO chairs the Steering Group on Property Asset Management whose role is to review existing property management arrangements across the public sector and develop a framework to drive the extraction of efficiency and value from the State's property portfolio. In 2013, the Steering Group developed a plan to deliver the Government's property-related reforms. The Delivery Plan entitled "Accommodating Change - Measuring Success" was approved by Government and launched on 31 July 2013. The Delivery Plan sets out how each of the elements identified in the Governments Public Service Reform Plan will be managed in the short, medium and long term and focusses on: âą measures that maximise the efficient use of State assets; âą improving information sharing and decision-making capacity; âą streamlining arrangements for intra Public Service property asset sharing and transfer. This new approach presents opportunities for real savings by sharing assets, expertise and information across the public service, as well as streamlining administrative and legal property transaction costs in order to optimise the State's negotiating power. The drive to optimise office space utilisation will be enhanced by the application of standard performance indicators to facilitate building performance comparisons and identify where improvements in space and energy efficiency can be achieved. An important development to improve decision-making is the development of an intra-public service webbased property register.
2013 Annual Report
Flood Risk Management Vision:
To minimise the impacts of flooding on Society, households and businesses, through sustainable planning, guidance, information and effective measures for areas at risk from flooding.
The OPW is the lead agency for flood risk management in Ireland. It is, therefore, responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive policies and strategies for flood risk management. The primary functions of this programme are: âą
To develop and deliver on flood risk management work programmes and measures;
To maintain an effective programme of maintenance of river courses drained under the provisions of the Arterial Drainage Acts; and
To advise the Government on flood risk management and flood risk management policy.
Flood Risk Management provides support to other OPW business areas and to Government Departments through its structural engineering, mechanical engineering and hydrometric services. Through its combination of experience and expertise, Flood Risk Management is uniquely placed to provide a complete turn-key service for its customers in the design, construction and maintenance of flood relief and drainage works, and river engineering generally. Its nationwide infrastructure of staff and facilities means that Flood Risk Management is well placed to respond to national and local demands. Because of its extensive hydrometric database dating back to the 1940s which is continually updated, the OPW provides advice on flood related matters to Local Authorities throughout the country and to private sector engineering consultants. Flood Risk Management aims to minimise the impacts of flooding on society, households and businesses, through sustainable planning, guidance, information and effective measures for areas at risk from flooding. In support of this aim, the operational objectives are: âą To advise the Government in relation to policy development and legislative requirements for flood risk management; âą To develop, coordinate and implement programmes and measures to reduce the national level of flood risk to people, businesses, infrastructure and the environment; âą To develop flood risk management responses in line with international best practice; âą To maintain an effective programme of maintenance of river courses drained under the provisions of the Arterial Drainage Acts; âą To deliver a strategy for effective management of spatial data (geographical information systems (GIS)); âą To maintain high levels of motivation, skills and performance of staff and ensure they are suitably trained for the tasks assigned to them; âą To develop a culture of knowledge management and information sharing to meet the needs of staff and of the business; âą To develop and maintain effective financial and management information systems; âą To foster a culture of safe work practices.
2013 Annual Report
Key Flooding Highlights and Ongoing Achievements
Discussions were successfully concluded with Insurance Ireland on agreeing a Memorandum of Understanding which outlines the principles of agreement on how information on completed OPW flood defence schemes is to be provided to and used by the insurance industry in Ireland. The information will show the design, nature and extent of the protections offered by these schemes and Insurance Ireland members have agreed to take this information into account when assessing exposure to flood risk from 1 June 2014. The information is also being made available on the OPW website.
Work on the Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Programme continued to progress well and all the major work on the river and topographic surveys was completed in 2013.
Progress was made by OPW in partnership with Local Authorities in the delivery of the Major and Minor Capital Works Programmes in 2013 with the completion of four major flood relief schemes and construction work commencing on two more major scheme or phases of major schemes. Expenditure of âŹ2.3m was undertaken on 58 minor flood relief projects during 2013.
Approximately 2,253 kilometres of drainage channel were maintained and 240 bridges or other structures were repaired or replaced in 2013.
The focus for 2014 is to continue to make hydrometric data (water level and river flow) more widely available on line. The full archive of processed OPW hydrometric data may be accessed through the Hydro-Data website, The website presents a range of data types. Replacement of the archive website is underway with now available. This site provides additional functionality including near real time update and will continue to be populated in 2014 to provide more up to date archived data to all users.
2013 Annual Report
National Procurement Service Vision:
To be the procurement service provider of choice for public sector bodies
Public Procurement is essential for effective public service and good governance. The National Procurement Service (NPS) commenced in April 2009. It was a shared service provided by the OPW and its function was to achieve greater efficiencies and value for money in the procurement of common goods and services for the Irish public service. The establishment of the NPS was part of an overall vision for Public Procurement which saw policy and operational structures working together. The NPS was tasked with centralising public sector procurement arrangements for common goods and services (excluding the construction sector). By identifying key markets and analysing procurement trends the NPS developed a more integrated approach to procurement across the public sector utilising procurement tools such as aggregation and framework agreements. Over the years the NPS has worked tirelessly to become a centre of excellence for the provision of procurement advice and has implemented procurement policy in line with best practice and Government initiatives, whilst ensuring compliance with EU Directives and National Legislation. The NPS transitioned to the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) on 1 January 2014. The OGP is an Office under the aegis of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. Key Procurement Achievements
Procurement Efficiencies delivered by the National Procurement Service 2009-2013 inclusive Year
Types of Efficiencies Expenditure Reduction Initiative *
Framework Efficiencies **
eTenders ***
179.8 221.406
35.43% 20.55% 14.88% 13.21%
Total Efficiencies ⏠Spend by Public Bodies under NPS Frameworks âŹm % efficiency achieved by NPS ****
In 2009, given the downturn in the economy, the NPS promoted that the prices bodies were paying through contracts were higher compared to falling market prices; and that in the very limited circumstances some public bodies could target specific price reductions on contracts in place. Similar circumstances do not exist today for this approach to be repeated.
This figure comprises the funds the Government did not have to allocate for the actual cost of the goods and services purchased by the public sector from NPS frameworks. So for example in 2011, public bodies spent âŹ179.8m under NPS frameworks, in the absence of which they would have had to spend âŹ36.5m more (âŹ216.3m). This is a reference to the cost of the goods and services and excludes the cost of tendering through eTenders.
This is the saving from having to place advertisements in newspapers that would be required in the absence of a national eTender system. Each advertisement would cost about âŹ640, so three advertisements multiplied by the number of tenders posted is the basis for this efficiency calculation.
This is the percentage calculated by dividing the Total Efficiencies by the sum of Total Efficiencies and the Spend by Public Bodies Under NPS Frameworks (in other words, what the spend would have been in the absence of the NPS Frameworks). For example, in 2011, it is âŹ46.5m as a percentage of âŹ226.3m (âŹ179.8m + âŹ46.5m). So in summary, as the percentage efficiency exceeds 20%, overall for every âŹ5 spent under NPS frameworks since 2009, in the absence of the NPS, the State would have had to spend âŹ6 for the same goods and services.
2013 Annual Report
Following the transition of NPS to the OGP, the Government Publications and Election Services (GPES) section of the National Procurement Service will remain with the OPW. During 2013 Election Services provided Election Returning Officers with all items necessary to ensure that both Referendums and the Meath Bye Election in October 2013 were held successfully
During 2013, through the establishment of contracts and framework agreements, the National Procurement Service continued to yield significant efficiencies for clients throughout the public service.
2013 Annual Report
Corporate Services Vision:
To maximise the capability and capacity of our staff to deliver the core functions and objectives of this Office. To apply the dedication, professionalism and integrity that has been the hallmark of the OPW for over a hundred and seventy years to all our activities.
During 2013 the three main business areas of the OPW â Estate Portfolio Management, Flood Risk Management and Procurement â were supported internally by Corporate Services. Corporate Services includes functions such as Human Resource Management and Development, Financial Management, Information & Communication Technology and other services necessary for the day to day operations of the Office. The aim of Corporate Services is to deliver an efficient and effective support service to facilitate the implementation of the OPW's key business objectives. Key Corporate Services Highlights and Ongoing Achievements
The Office continued to comply with the public sector moratorium and remained below its authorised numbers on the Employment Control Framework for 2013.
98% compliance level was achieved in respect of 2012 final PMDS returns.
OPW completed its Learning & Development baseline exercise in August 2013 for consideration by the central Shared Service feasibility team.
The Haddington Road Agreement which followed the Croke Park Agreement came into effect from 1 July 2013 running until mid-2016. The key impacts were increased hours for established staff, reduced pay allocations and changes to overtime. These are being implemented in line with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform guidelines.
The calibration of PMDS ratings at AP/PO level was introduced to operate as a pilot for end of year 2013.
The Procurement function transferred to the newly established Office of Government Procurement from 1 January 2014. Preparatory work in terms of staff transfer arrangements for NPS staff was undertaken in the course of 2013 to effect this transition.
A contract was placed in September 2013 for a scanning project to digitise OPW's unique and valuable historic archive comprising 67,000 architectural drawings/National Monuments surveys. This will make material that was largely inaccessible more widely available within the OPW and ultimately to the public, where appropriate.
A major rationalisation of mobile phones and land lines was undertaken. This has significantly reduced the annual phone bill. A new mobile phone framework contract was also put in place.
New staff guidelines were were prepared in relation to Social Media and Data Protection.
During 2013, it was decided to augment the internal audit function by engaging co-sourced internal audit service provider. The Internal Audit Unit, overseen by the Audit Committee, carried out a process to procure these services. D'Arcy Lynch Partners were appointed and commenced work in November. It is intended that the co-sourced engagement will involve a skills transfer to the staff of the Internal Audit Unit.
2013 Annual Report
The Winter Solstice at Newgrange in 2013 was the second year the OPW Winter Solstice Children's Art Competition was held, with an increase in the number of entrants from primary and post-primary entrants and an added bonus for the winners, assembled media and guests was the sight of sunlight coming into the Chamber for the first time since 2007.
The Public Relations (Press) Office rolled out a significant social media programme during 2013 with a number of heritage sites (31) now managing Facebook pages together with increased use of Twitter to promote the activities of the Office.
A new OPW website ( was re-designed in-house and launched in 2013.
New modules of the Financial Management system were tested and rolled out. Critical updates that have been included in the new modules are SEPA, revised Relevant Contracts Tax arrangements and Prompt Payment Act amendments.
The payments system used by the Office is moving to a P2P system and accounted for 75% of all payments made in 2013. The roll-out of OCR processing, centralised invoicing and eInvoicing will progress in 2014.
In preparation for the e Payment Day initiative by Government (19 September 2014) all payroll and travel payments are now made by EFT and less than 1% of Contractor payments are made by cheque â down from 10% in 2012. The electronic receipt of monies will be the focus in 2014.
The preparations for the move to Shared Services are ongoing for Payroll and Financial Management.
The CorePay payroll system was prepared for conversion to SEPA compliance.
Other items: âą A new system of Procurement Cards was developed in conjunction with Ulster Bank and was rolled out to sections in the OPW. âą The FOI and Legal Services sections of the Office relocated to Kilkenny and were integrated into the Financial Services area. âą Legal Services are exploring the use of the newly designed Health and Safety IT recording system which will lead to greater sharing of incident information. âą Revised procedures were put in place for asset management including a system of barcode labelling for portable capital assets. âą Payments over âŹ20,000 were published on a quarterly basis. âą the Budget and Estimates were published in October â two months prior to previous years and the REV was published in December. âą The transfer of functions and funding of the NPS to the OGP Vote was completed.
2013 Annual Report
Expenditure Programme The Office of Public Works (OPW) is charged with the administration and execution of a number of separate and diverse areas of Government Services. These are accounted for in three main areas with administrative support by Corporate Services. OPW Expenditure Summary Programme Expenditure Programme A â Flood Risk Management Programme B â National Procurement Service (NPS) Programme C â Estate Portfolio Management
2012 77,974 227,101 379,427 ________ Gross Total 684,502
D- Appropriations in Aid Net Total Funding of Programmes Vote 13 Office of Public Works (Gross) Departmental Vote Accounts managed by OPW Drawdown Contracts managed by OPW TOTAL
2013 70,764 291,746 377,358 ________ 739,868
26,384 _________ 658,118 392,670 68,825 223,007 ________ 684,502
26,041 _______ 713,827 399,205 53,169 287,494 ________ 739,868
The Table below shows all expenditure managed by the OPW in 20131 which involves: âą âą âą
funds granted directly to the OPW Vote; works and services managed on a repayment basis by the OPW for other Government Departments and State Agencies; activity on drawdown contracts managed by the OPW.
The three programmes under which expenditure is categorised are in line with the Published Revised Estimates Volume.
PROGRAMME EXPENDITURE 2012 vs 2013 (Voted, Agency and Drawdown)
PROGRAMME A - Flood Risk Management
2012 2013
PROGRAMME B - National Procurement Service (NPS) PROGRAMME C - Estate Porfolio Management
2012 figures are shown for comparison purposes
2013 Annual Report
Programme A Ăą€“ Flood Risk Management To advise the Government in relation to policy development and legislative requirements for flood risk management. To develop, coordinate and implement programmes and measures to reduce the national level of flood risk to people, property, infrastructure and the environment. To develop effective flood risk management responses through sustainable guidance, information and appropriate alleviation measures in line with international best practice. OPW Vote A.1 Pay A.2 Non Pay A.3 Purchase of Engineering plant and machinery A.4 Hydrometric & Hydrological Investigation & Monitoring A.5 Flood Risk Management A.6 Drainage Maintenance
2012 6,885 1,890 718 1,011 52,015 15,455 ________ Voted Total 77,974 Programme Total 77,974 of which pay 17,995
2013 6,700 2,201 982 919 44,913 15,049 _______ 70,764 70,764 17,575
Programme A - Flood Risk Management - Voted Expenditure Flood Risk Management Drainage Maintenance Purchase of Engineering plant and machinery Hydrometric & Hydrological Investigation & Monitoring Administrative Costs Pay & Non Pay
2013 Annual Report
Programme B Ăą€“ National Procurement Service To achieve greater efficiencies and value for money in the procurement of common goods and services for the Irish public services OPW Vote B.1 Pay B.2 Non Pay B.3 Government Publications Services B.4 National Procurement Services Voted Total Agency Services ZG Management of State Art Portfolio ZO Election Services Value of contracts placed by clients from NPS drawdown contracts Agency Services Programme Total
2012 3,060 330 197 1,190 _________ 4,777
2013 3,222 361 154 1,195 ________ 4,932
444 473 221,407 _________ 222,324
691 396 285,727 ________ 286,814
Programme B - National Procurement Service (NPS) - Voted and Non Voted Expenditure
National Procurement Services
Administrative Costs Pay & Non Pay
2013 Annual Report
Programme C Ăą€“ Estate Portfolio Management To provide a shared service in the area of property management and property maintenance incorporating architectural, engineering, valuation, quantity surveying, project management and facilities management services to central Government Departments and Agencies. To continue to be the lead agency in the country in the areas of conservation and presentation of cultural and heritage properties. OPW Vote C.1 Pay C.2 Non Pay C.3 Presidents Household Staff C.4 Grant to Zoological Society of Ireland C.5 Grant for Certain Refurbishment Works C.6 Purchases of Sites & Buildings C.7 New Works, Alterations and Additions C.8 Property Maintenance and Supplies C.9 Rents, Rates etc. C.10 Fuel, Electricity and Water C.11 Unitary Payments for Convention Centre Dublin C.12 Heritage Services C.13 EU Presidency Voted Total Agency Services ZS Capital Works on behalf of other Govt. Departments ZJ Maintenance Works at Govt. Departments ZR Rental Payments on behalf of Government Departments ZO Election Services ZO Licence Fees for Telecommunication Masts ZU Schools Building Programme ZM Capital Works for Prison Services ZE Energy Costs for shared buildings ZF Furniture Services for Government Departments ZO Site Acquisitions for Department of Education and Skills Drawdown Contracts Non-Voted Total Programme Total of which pay
2013 Annual Report
2012 24,472 5,610 779 400 250 1,045 39,452 36,095 107,092 1,614 51,658 36,277 5,175 _________ 309,919
2013 24,141 6,402 809 0 340 10 48,199 54,033 97,437 1,757 48,346 35,885 6,150 ________ 323,509
28,929 20,623 16,632 41 1,064 279 37 181 72 50 1,600 ________ 69,508 379,427 69,951
31,846 1,952 14,358 0 788 1,755 0 284 49 1,050 1,767 ________ 53,849 377,358 68,488
Programme C - Estate Portfolio Management - Voted and Non Voted Expenditure
Rents, Rates etc New Works, Alterations and Additions Property Maintenance and Supplies Unitary Payments for Convention Centre Dublin Heritage Services EU Presidency Fuel, Electricity and Water Other Services Purchases of Sites & Buildings Grants Administrative Costs Pay & Non Pay
2013 Annual Report
Agency Services OPW Services are generally delivered from Voted Funds. The OPW Vote however, does not represent the full scope of OPW activities. A significant element of funding is managed on behalf of other Departments using monies voted to other Departments by the Oireachtas. The total amount of Agency Services in 2013 was âŹ53m and the value of contracts placed from framework contracts placed by National Procurement Services was âŹ286m. Other Services: In addition to functions funded by the OPW Vote and Agency Services for other Departments, the Office also provides a number of services which demand OPW input and resources on a continuing basis. Examples of these services include:
âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą âą
advising on architectural matters developing sustainable energy options conducting universal access audits examining and implementing flood protection proposals sourcing, assessment and acquisition of sites for primary schools on behalf of the Department of Education and Skills procurement issues related to specific projects Art Management within the State Portfolio Valuation and Quantity Surveying services administration of the Local Loans Fund on behalf of the Department of Finance certification of repayments under grants on behalf of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
Funds Managed by OPW on behalf of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Local Loans
2012 6,598
2013 5,583
Administration A functional split of all Administration costs are included in the above programmes but are summarised by expenditure type below for information only: A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7
Salaries, wages and allowances Travel and subsistence Training and development and incidental expenses Postal and telecommunications services Office equipment and external IT services Office premises expenses Consultancy services and value for money and policy reviews Gross Total of which Corporate Services
2013 Annual Report
2012 34,417 886 639 2,087 2,785 1,424 9 ________ 42,247 13,378
2013 34,064 1,463 667 1,607 3,731 1,482 13 _________ 43,027 13,941
OPW Locations: Offices and Heritage Sites
2013 Annual Report
TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil 2013
ClĂĄr na nĂbhar RĂ©amhrĂĄ an Aire...............................................................âŠâŠâŠ.........................................................3 RĂ©amhrĂĄ an Chathaoirligh................................................âŠâŠ.............................................................4 BuaicphointĂ 2013.................................................................................................................................5 AthbhreithniĂș StraitĂ©iseach. 2013...................................âŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠ..............................................6 1. BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit ............................................................................................7 2. PolasaĂ & BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte...............................................................................14 3. An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair......................................................................................17 4. CuspĂłirĂ ar fud EagraĂochtaĂ ĂagsĂșla...............................................................................20 An Obair a DhĂ©anann OOP...âŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠâŠ..........26 RĂĄiteas Misin OOP.........âŠâŠâŠ.........................................................................................................26 BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit..............âŠ.............................................................................................26 1. Maoin...............................................................................................................................26 2. Oidhreacht........................................................................................................................28 GnĂ©chlĂĄir BPE: âŠâŠâŠâŠ....................................................................................................30 1. ClĂĄr Intreo ......................................................................................................30 2. BainistĂocht SĂłcmhainnĂ Maoine................................âŠâŠâŠ.........................30 BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte....................................................................................................................32 An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair..........................................................................................................34 SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha.....................................................................................................................36 ClĂĄr Caiteachais................................âŠâŠâŠâŠ...................................................................................38 ClĂĄr A â BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte.................................................................................39 ClĂĄr B â An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair.......................................................................40 ClĂĄr C â BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit...................................âŠ.....................................41 SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta.......................................................âŠâŠâŠâŠ........................43 SuĂomhanna OOP: SuĂomhanna OifigĂ agus Oidhreachta......................................âŠ.........................44
RĂ©amhrĂĄ an Aire TĂĄ ĂĄthas orm TuarascĂĄil bhliantĂșil Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ (OOP) a chur os bhur gcomhair. Ba mhĂłr an phribhlĂ©id gur iarr an Taoiseach orm a bheith i mâAire StĂĄit sa Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe le freagracht as OOP. Ba mhaith liom aitheantas a thabhairt dâobair mo rĂ©amhtheachtaĂ, Brian Hayes, Feisire de Pharlaimint na hEorpa, a bhĂ mar Aire OOP Ăł mhĂ Feabhra 2011 go mĂ na Bealtaine 2014. BhĂ crĂoch rathĂșil le ComhaontĂș BhĂłthar Haddington in 2013, inĂĄr forĂĄladh go sĂĄbhĂĄlfaĂ âŹ1bn ar bhille phĂĄ na seirbhĂse poiblĂ agus pinsin. Chuir an OOP forĂĄlacha an Chomhaontaithe I bhfeidhm in 2013, bâiad sin breis uaireanta oibre, ciorruithe pĂĄ agus laghdĂș ar shaoire bliantĂșil maraon le breis ath-iomlonnaithe. I mĂ IĂșil, leag an Plean um SholĂĄthar BainistĂochta SĂłchmhainnĂ RĂ©admhaoine amach rĂłl ceannais OOP i leith na hĂșsĂĄide is fearr a bhaint as an maoin atĂĄ faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht nĂł ar lĂ©as ag an stĂĄit, ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ, go hĂĄirithe cĂłirĂocht oifigĂ, sa tslĂ mar shampla, dĂĄ mbeadh roinnt rannĂłga Ă©agsĂșla de chuid na seirbhĂse poiblĂ lonnaithe in ĂĄitribh Ă©agsĂșla sa mbaile cĂ©anna, go bhfĂ©adfaidĂs an ĂĄitreabh cĂ©anna a ĂșsĂĄid, sa tslĂ go laghdĂłfaĂ ar an mĂ©id iomlĂĄn cĂłirĂochta a theastĂłdh. Bainfear nĂos mĂł ĂșsĂĄide as oifigĂ le plean oscailte chun ĂșsĂĄid spĂĄis a uasmhĂ©adĂș. Rinneadh a lĂĄn de na moltaĂ sa phlean a thosĂș nĂł a thabhairt chun crĂche in 2013 agus tĂĄ roinnt eile fĂłs ag leanacht ar aghaidh. I mĂ EanĂĄir tugadh smacht iomlĂĄn ar an mbuisĂ©ad cothabhĂĄla dâOOP, agus dĂĄ bharr seo dĂ©antar nios mĂł oibreacha cothabhĂĄla coiscitheacha chun fadhbanna a sheachaint seachas oibreacha frithghnĂomhacha chun fadhbanna a leigheas. In 2013 shroich OOP an sprioc a bhĂ leagtha amach do 2015, an bille cĂosa don StĂĄtseirbhĂs a ĂslĂș faoi bhun âŹ100m, ag sĂĄbhĂĄil âŹ33m go leanĂșnach ar bhonn bliantĂșil. TosnaĂodh ar obair athchĂłirithe ar an sean teach cĂșirte ag PrĂosĂșn Chill MhaighneĂĄin mar bhealach isteach agus ionad fĂĄiltithe. RĂ©iteoidh seo an fhadhb maidir leis an mbrĂș a tharlaĂonn nuair a thagann slua mĂłr cuairteoirĂ chuig an mbealach isteach cĂșng, atĂĄ ansin Ăłn 18Ăș haois. Thug 311,000 den 4 mhilliĂșn cuairteoir ar fad a bhĂ ag suĂomhanna OOP, cuairt ar an lĂĄthair seo in 2013. DâĂ©irigh go maith le hUachtarĂĄntacht na hĂireann ar an an AE in 2013. NĂor chosain an tUachtarĂĄnacht seo ach codĂĄn beag den mĂ©id airgid a chosain an tUachtarĂĄnacht in 2004 de bharr gur tionĂłladh formhĂłr na gcruinnithe in Ăirinn i suĂomhanna OOP, mar ChaisleĂĄn Bhaile Ătha Cliath, OspidĂ©al RĂoga Chill MhaighneĂĄin, An LĂĄrionad NĂĄisiĂșnta ComhdhĂĄla agus Farmleigh agus freisin de bharr obair dhĂșthrachtach fhoireann OOP. ShĂĄbhĂĄil an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS),âŹ43.5m ina bliain dheireanach mar phĂĄirt dâOOP. Ă bunaiodh SNS in 2009, sĂĄbhĂĄladh âŹ1m do gach âŹ5m a caitheadh roimhe seo ar sholĂĄthar. TĂĄim ag sĂșil leis an SNS leanacht leis an dea-obair seo ina riocht nua mar an Oifig um SholĂĄthar Rialtais. BhĂ laghdĂș ar an mĂ©id trombhĂĄistĂ a thit in 2013, ach mar sin fĂ©in bhĂ drochthuilte i gCorcaigh agus dâeascair gĂ©archĂ©im fodair de bharr an earraigh an-fhuar a bhĂ againn. BhĂ tonn teasa againn sa Samhradh. ThĂĄinig dris chosĂĄin i rith sheachtain na Nollag le stoirmeacha fiĂĄine agus tuilte cĂłsta ag cur droch bhail ar phobail ar chĂłsta an Iarthair agus ag dĂ©anamh damĂĄiste ollmhĂłr. In ainneoin sin, tĂĄ damĂĄiste de bharr tuilte de luach âŹ1bn coiscthe ag oibreacha maolĂș tuilte OOP go dtĂ seo, ach tĂĄ nĂos mĂł le dĂ©anamh mar is iondĂșil. TĂĄim ag sĂșil le bheith ag obair le foireann dĂograiseach, tiomanta OOP chun a spriocanna dĂșshlĂĄnacha a bhaint amach agus a shĂĄrĂș, trĂ leanacht le seirbhĂs den scoth a chur ar fĂĄil don phobal agus a gcliaint sa todhchaĂ, in ainneoin acmhainnĂ teoranta.
SĂomĂłn O'hEarchaĂ , TD An tAire StĂĄit sa Roinn Airgeadais, Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe agus i Roinn an Taoisigh le freagracht speisialta as Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ, SolĂĄthar PoiblĂ agus BaincĂ©ireacht IdirnĂĄisiĂșnta ( LSAI san ĂĄireamh)
RĂ©amhfhocal an Chathaoirligh
TĂĄ ĂĄthas orm TuarascĂĄil BhliantĂșil Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ 2013 a chur i lĂĄthair an Uasail SĂomĂłn O'hEarchaĂ, TD an tAire StĂĄit sa Roinn Airgeadais, Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe agus i Roinn an Taoisigh le freagracht speisialta as Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ, SolĂĄthar PoiblĂ agus BaincĂ©ireacht IdirnĂĄisiĂșnta (LSAI san ĂĄireamh). Ba bhliain dhĂșshlĂĄnach eile a bhĂ in 2013 don Oifig. TĂĄ muid tiomanta i leith athchĂłirithe na hearnĂĄla poiblĂ agus barr feabhais Ă©ifeachtĂșlachta a bhaint amach, mar atĂĄ leagtha amach sa Phlean AthchĂłirithe na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ. BhĂ rĂłl suntasach ag an Oifig i rith 2013 i solĂĄthar seirbhĂsĂ poiblĂ nua-aimseartha go hĂ©ifeachtach sna prĂomh rĂ©imsĂ gnĂł â BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit, BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte agus SolĂĄthar (le tacaĂocht na SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha). I rĂ©imse na BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄit, tĂĄ sĂ© dâaidhm againn luach nĂos fearr ar airgead a chur ar fĂĄil, trĂ bhainistĂocht nios Ă©ifeachtĂșla a dhĂ©anamh ar mhaoin an Rialtais. Le blianta beaga anuas, bhĂ cuĂchĂłiriĂș phunann maoine mar mhĂłr- thosaoĂcht ag OOP, de bharr an laghdĂș suntasach atĂĄ tagtha ar lĂon na n-oibrithe sa tseirbhĂs phoiblĂ. DĂĄ bharr seo tĂĄ an Oifig tarĂ©is 1 milliĂșn troigh cearnach de chĂłirĂocht a ghĂ©illeadh. ShĂĄbhĂĄil OOP ar an mbille cĂosa bliantĂșil gach bliain Ăł 2009 i leith. Baineadh an sprioc de âŹ100 milliĂșn i mbille cĂosa bliantĂșil na StĂĄtseirbhĂse amach i 2013, blianta chun cinn ar an spriocdhĂĄta i 2015. BhĂ rĂłl lĂĄrnach againn i rith thrĂ©imhse UachtarĂĄnachta na hĂireann ar an AE sa chĂ©ad leath de 2013. NĂor chaith an StĂĄt ach ach aon trian den mĂ©id airgid a caitheadh le linn na trĂ©imhse UachtarĂĄnachta seacht mbliana Ăł shin. Seo sampla den chomhordĂș Ă©ifeachtach agus an rĂłl i leith seirbhĂsĂ roinnte a sholĂĄthar OOP. Leanann OOP ag cur sĂĄr luach ar airgead ar fĂĄil do chuairteoirĂ Ăireannacha agus idirnĂĄisiĂșnta trĂd a rĂ©imse leathan suĂomhanna stairiĂșla agus cultĂșrtha. TĂĄim sĂĄsta a chur in iĂșl gur fhreastail 4 mhilliĂșn duine ar shuĂomhanna OOP i rith 2013. ArĂs, chonacthas coinnĂollachta tuilte dĂșshlĂĄnacha ar fud na tĂre in 2013. Bhain 10,500 ĂĄitreabh leas as scĂ©imeanna caipitil dâfhaoiseamh tuile chomh maith le mionoibreacha maolaithe tuile, a rinne OOP go dĂreach nĂł a rinne ĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla, le maoiniĂș Ăł OOP. Chosain na hoibreacha seo âŹ370m ar an iomlĂĄn go dtĂ deireadh 2013. TĂĄ an Rialtas ag tabhairt faoi chlĂĄr suntasach athchĂłirithe in earnĂĄil an tsolĂĄthair phoiblĂ. I rith 2013 rinneadh ullmhĂșchĂĄin chun an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair a aistriĂș go hOifig um SholĂĄthar Rialtais. Thosaigh an Oifig sin ag feidhmiĂș ar an 1 EanĂĄir 2014 agus leanfaidh sĂ ag fĂĄs agus ag baint amach a cuid huaillmhianta mar chuid den Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe. Leanfaidh muid ag dul i ngleic leis na dĂșshlĂĄin a chuirtear os ĂĄr gcomhair go leanĂșnach agus cuirfidh muid seirbhĂs den scoth ar fĂĄil don phobal agus dĂĄr gcliaint le tacaĂocht, tiomantas agus dĂogras ĂĄr bhfoireannn.
Clare McGrath Cathaoirleach
BuaicphointĂ 2013 ï Chuir OOP tacaĂocht ar fĂĄil i bpleanĂĄil, in ullmhĂș agus i seachadadh tacaĂocht lĂłistĂochta do Ranna agus GnĂomhaireachtaĂ Ă©agsĂșla i rith thrĂ©imhse UachtarĂĄnachta na hĂireann ar an AE, Ăłn 1 EanĂĄir go dtĂ an 30 Meitheamh 2013. BhĂ 281 imeacht ar fad ar siĂșl le linn thrĂ©imhse na hUachtarĂĄnachta. ï Rinne muid laghdĂș suntasach ar an lorg iomlĂĄn maoine agus sa chaiteachas cĂosa trĂ straitĂ©is chuĂchĂłirithe a bhĂ spriocdhĂrithe ar mhaoin, a tioscnaĂodh tarĂ©is na gĂ©archĂ©ime eacnamaiochta i ndeireadh na bliana 2008, a chur I bhfeidhm. TĂĄ cĂ©atadĂĄn na maoine ar lĂ©as laghdaithe Ăł 54% in 2008 go 40% in 2013. ï LaghdaĂodh bille cĂosa bliantĂșil na StĂĄtseirbhĂse go âŹ97 Ăłn mbuaic de âŹ130m in 2009. ï
Cheadaigh an Rialtas an Plean dar teideal âAg Freastal ar na hAthruithe-An Rath ĂĄ Thomhas â chun go gcuirfĂ athchĂłirithe maoine i bhfeidhm, agus seoladh Ă© ar an 30 IĂșil 2013.
ï Dâfhostaigh muid saineolaithe seachtracha chun dul i gceann Athbhreithnithe Acmhainne agus Cumais ar FheidhmiĂș na BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄt (seachas Oidhreacht) agus a cuid beartas i leith gealltanais athchĂłirithe bainistĂochta sĂłchmhainnĂ readmhaoine ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. ï CrĂochnaĂodh oibreacha i mĂ Meitheamh 2013 ar ĂĄiseanna taispeĂĄntais agus cuartaĂochta nua a chosain âŹ1.5m ag GĂĄirdĂn CuimhneachĂĄin & Crannlann J F Kennedy, ĂĄitreabh dĂșchasach na gCinnĂ©ideach, chun cuairt 50 bliain an ChinnĂ©idigh ar Loch Garman a chomĂłradh. ï Thar ceann na Roinne Coimirce SĂłisialaĂ, crĂochnaĂodh oifigĂ poiblĂ nua Intreo in: Acailll, Baile Ătha Luain, BĂ©al an Ătha, Baile Formaid, BĂ©al an Mhuirthead, Baile BhlainsĂ©ir, BrĂ©, Cathair SaidhbhĂn, Ceatharlach, Cora Droma RĂșisc, An CĂĄbhĂĄn, An ClochĂĄn, Cluain Meala, CĂłbh, Droichead Ătha, DĂșn Laoghaire, DĂșn Fionnachaidh, An ClochĂĄn Liath, Inis, NeidĂn, Cill bharrog, Cill Chainnigh, Luimneach, Lios Tuathail, An Longfort, Baile Locha Riach, CluainĂn UĂ Ruairc, BĂłthar na hUaimhe, An CaisleĂĄn Nua Thiar, TrĂĄ LĂ, An Tulach MhĂłr, Port LĂĄirge agus Loch Garman. ï Seoladh an suĂomh idirlĂn,, go hoifigiĂșil in AibreĂĄn 2013. BĂonn ar chumas ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ sonraĂ leibhĂ©il uisce rĂ©ad-ama a fhĂĄil agus cuireann sĂ© tacaĂocht riachtanach ar fĂĄil dâĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla nuair a bhĂonn siad ag bainistiĂș agus ag dul i ngleic le tuilte. ï Dâaistrigh an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair go hOifig um SholĂĄthar Rialtais Ăłn 1 EanĂĄir 2014. Rinneadh ullmhĂșchĂĄin don trasdul seo i rith 2013. ï TosaĂodh ag cur i bhfeidhm Tionscadal na SeirbhĂsĂ Comhroinnte AcmhainnĂ Daonna (People Point) i mĂ MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2013, chun cinn ar an dĂĄta atĂĄ sceidealaithe don trasdul, ar an 17 Feabhra 2014. ï TĂĄ seirbhĂsĂ baincĂ©ireachta OOP aistrithe i gceart go dtĂ cĂłras imrĂ©itigh SEPA. Rinneadh uasghrĂĄdĂș ar ChĂłras BainistĂochta Airgeadais Integra lena chur in oiriĂșint do chĂłras SEPA in 2013.
AthbhreithniĂș StraitĂ©iseach 2013
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013
1.BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit Oidhreacht Cur chuige inbhuanaithe a ghlacadh maidir le bainistĂocht agus caomhnĂș suĂomhanna oidhreachta an StĂĄit le bĂ©im ar chĂĄilĂocht agus caighdeĂĄin. SuĂomhanna oidhreachta an StĂĄit a chur i lĂĄthair chun an leas is mĂł a bhaint astu Ăł thaobh turasĂłireachta agus chun a chinntiĂș go gcuirfear le taitneamh agus eispĂ©ireas oideachais cuairteoirĂ.
Spriocanna buisĂ©id/luacha ar airgead a aithnĂodh sna RĂĄitis Aschuir BhliantĂșla a bhaint amach. Spriocannamaidir le costais a bhaint amach. IniĂșchadh um shĂĄstacht custaimĂ©irĂ (suirbhĂ©/aiseolas). SeirbhĂsĂ nua/leasaithe a chur ar fĂĄil.
BhĂ an Coiste Comhairleach BainistĂochta sĂĄsta go raibh ClĂĄr Oibre Comhaontaithe BainistĂochta na Punainne EastĂĄit le haghaidh 2013 curtha ar fĂĄil go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil agus go hĂ©ifeachtach i gcomhrĂ©ir le spriocanna buisĂ©id/luacha ar airgead. Thug 4.1 milliĂșn duine cuairt ar shuĂomhanna Treoraithe in 2013, sin mĂ©adĂș Ăł 3.8 milliĂșn in 2012. TĂĄ OOP ag leanacht ag cur seirbhĂsĂ bainistĂochta imeachtaĂ dâard-chaighdeĂĄn ar fĂĄil agus dâĂ©irigh thar cionn leo an ghnĂ© chĂłirĂochta le haghaidh thrĂ©imhse UachtarĂĄnachta na hĂireann ar an AE a chur ar fĂĄil ar chostas Ă©ifeachtĂșil (tionĂłladh 245 cruinniĂș i gCaisleĂĄn Bhaile Ătha Cliath). Chaith OOP âŹ11m ar UachtarĂĄnacht an AE in 2012-2013, i gcomparĂĄid le âŹ19m a caitheadh dâUachtarĂĄnacht 2004. Thiomnaigh OOP prĂłiseas solĂĄthair phoiblĂ in 2013 ag lorg tograĂ Ăł lucht eagraithe ĂłcĂĄidĂ dĂĄr suĂomhanna oidhreachta ardphrĂłifĂle ar bhonn bliantĂșil. Tar Ă©is an phrĂłisis sin, seo samplaĂ dâĂłcĂĄidĂ a tharla i rith 2013: â FĂ©ile ChoimĂ©ide Bhaile Ătha Cliath, agus âTaste of Dublinâ i nGĂĄirdĂnĂ UĂbh Eachach, â Roinnt ĂłcĂĄidĂ ceoil i bPĂĄirc an Fhionnuisce â ImeachtaĂ TrĂĄchtĂĄla i gCaisleĂĄn Chill Chainnigh â AontaĂ Tuaithe, SeoltaĂ srl. i dTeach Bhaile an ChaisleĂĄin, Farmleigh agus suĂomhanna eile. I rith 2013 dâoibrigh OOP go dlĂșth le grĂșpaĂ pobail ĂĄitiĂșla agus le cumainn chun imeachtaĂ an âGatheringâ a chur ar fĂĄil ag suĂomhanna. Seo gnĂ© den scĂ©im âTionscnaimh Phobailâ. De bharr gur Ă©irigh chomh maith le ClĂĄr 2012, tugadh cuireadh, trĂ fhĂłgraĂocht phoiblĂ, do ghrĂșpaĂ pobail/an earnĂĄil phoiblĂ, do thograĂ pobalbhunaithe a bheadh oiriĂșnach do na suĂomhanna sa phunann oidhreachta. Cuireann an tionscnamh seo leis an mĂ©id a bhĂonn le tairiscint ag OOP chun freastal ar bhreis cuairteoirĂ. Cuireadh chun cinn 30 togra leis na grĂșpaĂ seo trĂ cheardlanna. DâĂ©irigh le 12 de na tionscnamh as na moltaĂ dul ar aghaidh go rathĂșil faoi dheireadh 2012. Fuarthas ceithre mholadh maidir le tograĂ eile in 2013 agus rinneadh iad a mheas maraon leis an 18 tionscadal a bhĂ fĂĄgtha Ăł 2012.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta Performance Indicator
Dul chun cinn in 2013 TĂĄ OOP ag leathnĂș ĂșsĂĄid TFC i mbainistĂocht agus cur i lĂĄthair an EastĂĄit Oidhreachta. TĂĄ roinnt feidhmchlĂĄr tar Ă©is a bheith forbartha dâfhĂłin chliste ag pĂĄirtithe earnĂĄla prĂobhĂĄidĂ maidir le SuĂomhanna Oidhreachta ĂĄirithe atĂĄ faoi chĂșram OOP. ĂascaĂonn agus tacaĂonn OOP leis na tionscnaimh seo trĂ rochtain ar bhuneolas, ĂĄbhar leirmhĂnitheach srl a thabhairt. ForbraĂodh feidhmchlĂĄr dâfhĂłn cliste do ChaisleĂĄn Chill Chainnigh i rith 2013. TĂĄ OOP ag oibriĂș le hoibritheoir san earnĂĄil phrĂobhĂĄideach atĂĄ ag cur feidhmchlĂĄir ar fĂĄil ag roinnt suĂomhanna ar bhonn pĂolĂłtach go dtĂ deireadh 2016. Cuirfear 32 suĂomh sonrach de chuid OOP san ĂĄireamh sa tionscadal i rith 2014. Cuireadh comharthaĂ agus ĂĄbhar poiblĂochta eile in airde ag suĂomhanna i rith an cheathrĂș dheireanach de 2013 chun daoine a chur ar an eolas faoi na feidhmchlĂĄir do chuairteoirĂ. Beifear ag dul i ngleic le deacrachtaĂ maidir le nasc leathanbhanda /soghluaiste agus infrastruchtĂșr chun go mbeidh na feidhmchlĂĄir ar fĂĄil do na 70 suĂomh treoraithe ar fad. Cuireadh moill ar an tionscadal fĂłin chliste/taiblĂ©id do . Cuirfear dlĂșs leis an tionscadal in 2014. Cuirfear tairiscintĂ amach go luath in 2014 chun go mbeidh an obair crĂochnaithe roimh ShĂ©asĂșr na gCuairteoirĂ in 2014. Lean an tionscadal Facebook ar aghaidh in 2013 agus bhĂ 37 suĂomh oidhreachta ar lĂne, le suĂomhanna gnĂomhacha Facebook acu faoi dheireadh 2013. Is Ă an sprioc nĂĄ an 33 suĂomh oidhreachta atĂĄ fĂĄgtha a bheith ar Facebook faoi dheireadh 2014. Rinne OOP forbairt ghnĂomhach in 2013 ar a suĂomh grĂ©asĂĄin oidhreachta ag mar thairseach mhĂłr a thugann teacht don phobal ar an eastĂĄt oidhreachta. Chomh maith leis sin, leanfaidh OOP dâobair a dhĂ©anamh ar fhorbairt suĂomhanna grĂ©asĂĄin nua le haghaidh maoine ardphrĂłifĂle ar leith san EastĂĄit Oidhreachta, chun mĂ©adĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar an eolas atĂĄ ar fĂĄil do chuairteoirĂ agus a spreagann cuairteoirĂ le teacht go dtĂ na hĂĄiteanna seo agus iad a ĂșsĂĄid mar cheann scrĂbe dâĂłcĂĄidĂ. BhĂ plĂ© ar siĂșl go leanĂșnach in 2013 le Cumann IonadaĂoch na dTionscnĂłirĂ Turas maidir le dearadh ĂĄise lĂĄrnach i gcomhair ĂĄirithinĂ ar lĂne. DealraĂonn sĂ© gur i bPrĂosĂșn Chill MhaighneĂĄin a bheidh an ĂĄis seo nuair a bheidh saorĂĄid nua do ChuairteoirĂ crĂochnaithe ag an suĂomh sin in 2016 Rinneadh oibreacha maidir le hIniĂșchadh, SlĂĄinte agus SĂĄbhĂĄilteacht ag an sean teach cĂșirte in aice an PhrĂosĂșin in 2013 chun ullmhĂș do na saorĂĄidĂ nua do chuairteoirĂ
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 DĂrĂodh ar chur i lĂĄthair, margaĂocht agus mĂniĂș/lĂ©iriĂș feabhsaithe suĂomhanna oidhreachta in 2013. Bearta eile a dĂrĂodh orthu nĂĄ comharthaĂocht ghinearĂĄlta, mĂniĂș, rochtain uilĂoch, pĂĄirceĂĄil carranna, leithris, siĂșlĂłidĂ srl. FeabhasĂłfar iad seo go cĂłrasach de rĂ©ir mar a cheadaĂonn na buisĂ©id. TĂĄ cur i lĂĄthair PhrĂosĂșn Chill MhaighneĂĄin agus Teach na CĂșirte ĂĄ fheabhsĂș mar chuid den tionscadal comĂłrtha 1916. Is Ă an sprioc nĂĄ mĂ©adĂș a chur ar lĂon na gcuairteoirĂ Ăł 311,000 go 500,000. Chomh maith leis sin, tĂĄ tograĂ feabhsĂșchĂĄin ar leith ĂĄ ndĂ©anamh i gcomhar le hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla. TĂĄ siad seo ĂĄ ndĂ©anamh le tacĂș le, agus mar phrĂomhchuid de straitĂ©isĂ ar leith de chuid FĂĄilte Ăireann, atĂĄ dĂrithe go rĂ©igiĂșnach ( an Dubline â Rian TurasĂłireachta Bhaile Ătha Cliath agus TiomĂĄint i nGleann na BĂłinne).
FormhuiniĂș Ăł eagraĂochtaĂ institĂșideach, Rialtas.
Is Ă straitĂ©is an StĂĄit nĂĄ an punann eastĂĄt oidhreachta a ĂșsĂĄid chun turasĂłirĂ a mhealladh chuig na ceantair ina bhfuil na suĂomhanna, agus iad a spreagadh chun an mĂ©id ama agus is fĂ©idir a chaitheamh sa cheantar ĂĄitiĂșil. Chun tacĂș leis an straitĂ©is seo cuireadh feachtas feasachta/caidreamh poiblĂ ar siĂșl i rith IĂșil agus LĂșnasa 2013.TĂĄ sĂ© seo ar chomhrĂ©im le straitĂ©isĂ tuaithe FhĂĄilte Ăireann i leith turasĂłireacht a fhorbairt. TĂĄ obair leanĂșnach ar siĂșl ar phlean fadtĂ©armach CP.TĂĄ OOP ag obair i gcomhar le FĂĄilte Ăireann ar thionscnaimh margaĂochta sonracha a bhaineann le turais bunaithe ar thĂ©ama suĂomh faoi leith, cnuasach suĂomhanna agus gnĂomhaĂocht dhĂreach le TionscnĂłirĂ Turais idirnĂĄisiĂșnta.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir Maoin Freastal go hĂ©ifeachtach ar an StĂĄtseirbhĂs CĂșram maoine an OOP a bhainistiĂș go hĂ©ifeachtach, ina gcinntĂtear go mbainfear an leas is mĂł as a acmhainneacht agus go nĂșsĂĄidtear Ă© go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil i dtĂ©armaĂ luacha ar airgead, inbhuanaitheachta, spĂĄis agus tomhaltas fuinnimh agus ioncam a ghiniĂșint mĂĄs fĂ©idir. .
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta LaghdĂș ar an gcostas iomlĂĄn cĂłirĂochta don stĂĄtseirbhĂs. LaghdĂș ar an mbille bliantĂșil cĂosa agus laghdĂș ar lorg foriomlĂĄn maoine ina bhfuil an stĂĄtseirbhĂs, le bheith i gcomhrĂ©ir le lĂon foirne laghdaithe agus athimlonnaithe. An sprioc15% dâĂsliĂș ar chostais chĂosa mar atĂĄ leagtha amach sa Phlean TĂ©arnaimh NĂĄisiĂșnta 2011- 2014 a bheith bainte amach in 2014. LeanĂșint de chlĂĄr fĂłbartach athbhreithnithe cĂosa leis an luach is fearr a fhĂĄil i rith thrĂ©imhse na StraitĂ©ise, ĂsliĂș suntasach ar chostas cĂosa, (faoi rĂ©ir choinnĂollacha an mhargaidh agus cĂșnaint lĂ©asa.) ĂsĂĄid nĂos Ă©ifeachtĂșla spĂĄs oifige. UasmhĂ©adĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar ĂșsĂĄid agus Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht na punainne oifige faoinĂĄr nĂșinĂ©ireacht agus laghdĂș a dheĂĄnamh ar an bpunann lĂ©asach chomh fada agus is fĂ©idir.
Dul chun cinn in 2013 TĂĄ cuĂchĂłiriĂș ollmhĂłr dĂ©anta ag OOP ar ĂĄitreabh na StĂĄtseirbhĂse, de bharr an laghdĂș suntasach atĂĄ tagtha ar an lĂon foirne sa StĂĄtseirbhĂs. TĂĄthar tarĂ©is ĂĄitreabh lĂ©asach de bhreis is 1 milliĂșn troigh cearnach a ghĂ©illeadh. Choigil OOP cĂos lĂ©asa gach bliain Ăł 2009 trĂ chlĂĄr chuĂchĂłirithe lĂ©asa agus laghduithe idirbheartaithe cĂosa â ag laghdĂș an bhille cĂosa bliantĂșil agus an lorg maoine ina bhfuil an stĂĄtseirbhĂs lonnaithe. CoiglĂodh breis is âŹ30 milliĂșn nĂł 20% le 4 bliana anuas de bharr cuĂchĂłirithe agus an laghdĂș cĂosa a baineadh amach mar thoradh ar athbhreithnithe agus athnuachan cĂosa. Baineadh amach an sprioc a bhĂ leagtha sĂos chun bille cĂosa bliantĂșil na stĂĄtseirbhĂse a laghdĂș faoi bhun âŹ100 milliĂșn (âŹ97 milliĂșn), in 2013 i bhfad chun cinn ar an spriocdhĂĄta de 2015.
TĂĄ sĂ© dâaidhm af OOP an bille cĂosa a choinneĂĄil ag an leibhĂ©al seo. Ăfach, de bharr an chlĂĄir chuĂchĂłirithe a cuireadh i bhfeidhm i mBaile Ătha Cliath, tĂĄ an mĂ©id spĂĄis agus lĂon an phunainn oifige OOP ag dul i laghad ar bhonn seasta. NĂl dĂłthain spĂĄis sna hoifigĂ atĂĄ againn chun freastail ar an mĂ©id foirne Ăł na foirgnimh atĂĄ sonraithe le gĂ©illeadh i mBaile Ătha Cliath, as seo go dtĂ 2016. Chomh maith leis sin tĂĄ athchĂłiriĂș ollmhĂłr ag teastĂĄil Ăłn bprĂomh phunann oifige atĂĄ ag OOP i mBaile Ătha Cliath, agus go deimhin tĂĄ cuid de na hoifigĂ beagnach ag an bpointe dĂfheidhmeachta. Is ĂĄitreabh oidhreachta nĂł struchtĂșir faoi chosaint iad 28% dĂĄr bpunann i mBaile Ătha Cliath ( CaisleĂĄn Bhaile Ătha Cliath, Teach an Chustaim, Tithe an Rialtais). TĂĄ OOP ag scrĂșdĂș roghanna margaĂochta chun luach ar airgead a aimsiĂș agus iad i mbun spĂĄs Ă©ifeachtĂșil a lorg, chun a chur in ionad na n-oifigĂ a bhfuil a lĂ©as ag dul in Ă©ag as seo go ceann 2-3 bliana. TĂĄ cĂ©atadĂĄn na n-ĂĄitreabh ar lĂ©as laghduithe Ăł 54% in 2008 go 40% in 2013. Na PrĂomh StatisticĂ i rith 2013: âą GĂ©illeadh LĂ©asa i mBaile Ătha Cliath:12 âą GĂ©illeadh LĂ©asa Tuaithe: 29 GĂ©illeadh 104,965.43m cearnach san iomlĂĄn.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir Plean AthchĂłirithe na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ Seoladh i mĂ na Samhna 2011. Faoi Chuid 6 den phlean forfheidhmiĂșchĂĄin ina bplĂ©itear bainistĂocht sĂłcmhainnĂ maoine, tĂĄ rĂłl tiomĂĄna ag OOP i laghdĂș phunann mhaoine fhoriomlĂĄn na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. Is Ă©ard atĂĄ i gceist leis an rĂłl nĂĄ na sealbhĂłirĂ maoine nĂos leithne sa seirbhĂs phoiblĂ a threorĂș agus a chomhordĂș i rĂ©imsĂ na bainistĂochta sĂłcmhainnĂ, comhpholasaithe, comhspriocanna, luach ar airgead agus Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht a bhaint amach i maoin a chomhoiriĂșnĂș do chuspĂłirĂ straitĂ©iseacha agus riachtanais oibrĂochtĂșla ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. ClĂĄr lĂĄrnach de gach Maoin StĂĄit a chruthĂș. ClĂĄir agus tionscadail a chur i bhfeidhm chun rĂ©itigh chĂłirĂochta agus ĂĄiseanna a chur ar fĂĄil chun freastal ar riachtanais an rialtais agus eagraĂochtaĂ stĂĄit, i bhfoirgnimh nua, nĂł cinn atĂĄ ar fĂĄil cheana fĂ©in nĂł cinn atĂĄ ar cĂos .
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta ComhoibriĂș, roinnt eolais agus comhordĂș i gcĂșrsaĂ maoine ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ a mhĂ©adĂș. IomaĂochtidir sealbhĂłirĂ maoine seirbhĂse poiblĂ a bhaint. FĂłcas nua ar mhaoin mar shĂłcmhainn luachmhar agus muid ag fĂ©achaint ar gach gabhĂĄltas maoine mar chuid de phunann maoin stĂĄit nĂos leithne seachas mar shĂłcmhainn aonair. Luach sĂłcmhainne na maoine coinnithe nĂł feabhsaithe. ĂsĂĄid bharrfheabhsaithe a bhaint as cĂłirĂocht agus acmhainnĂ foirne. ClĂĄr cuimsitheach ar gach maoin stĂĄit a chruthĂș. LaghdĂș ar chostas iomlĂĄn solĂĄthair cĂłirĂochta don stĂĄtseirbhĂs.
Dul chun cinn in 2013 AthraĂodh an bhĂ©im Ăł chothabhĂĄil fhrithghnĂomhach, mar a threoraigh lonnaitheoirĂ an fhoirgnimh ar leith, go straitĂ©is rĂ©amhghnĂomhach, pleanĂĄilte coisctheach de bharr feidhmiĂș ChiorclĂĄn 1/2013, a dâathreoraigh freagracht iomlĂĄn airgeadais agus pleanĂĄla do chothabhĂĄil maoine atĂĄ faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht agus i seilbh an stĂĄit. LĂ©irigh AthbhreithniĂș StraitĂ©iseach, ar 110 oifig de bhreis ar 1000m cearnach, atĂĄ faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht nĂł i seilbh an stĂĄit, go bhfuil roinnt deacrachtaĂ ag baint leo, de bharr aoise, bail na n-oifigĂ agus bainistĂocht agus comhordĂș cothabhĂĄla. SonraĂodh go raibh obair fheabhsĂșchĂĄin ag teastĂĄil a dhĂ©anamh. LĂ©irigh an tuairisc go raibh athchĂłiriu ollmhĂłr nĂł iarfheistiĂș ag teastĂĄil agus chun an obair seo a dhĂ©anamh go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil, caithfear na hĂĄitritheoirĂ a athlonnĂș. Ar 18 Nollaig 2012, nĂłtĂĄil an Rialtas ceapadh Chathaoirleach OOP mar Oifigeach Sinsearach Freagrachta agus bunĂș an GhrĂșpa StiĂșrtha um BhainistĂocht SĂłcmhainnĂ Maoine. Dâordaigh an Rialtas don GhrĂșpa StiĂșrtha plean a ullmhĂș ag leagan amach na socruithe sonracha atĂĄ riachtanach chun an clĂĄr athchĂłirithe a chur i gcrĂch. Seoladh an Plean um SholĂĄthar BainistĂochta SĂłchmhainnĂ RĂ©admhaoine ar an 30 IĂșil 2013. Cuireann an Plean an Rialtas ar an eolas faoin gcreat agus na hacmhainnĂ a bhfuil gĂĄ leo chun Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht agus luach ar airgead a fhĂĄil Ăłn bpunann maoine atĂĄ faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht an StĂĄit agus ar lĂ©as, go hĂĄirithe maidir le cĂłirĂocht oifige. In 2013, tosaĂodh nĂł crĂochnaĂodh, nĂł leanadh len a lĂĄn de na bearta atĂĄ molta sa phlean. Rinne OOP cuĂchĂłiriĂș ar a n-oifigĂ fĂ©in i mBaile Ătha Cliath in 2013. In 2013, dâfhorbair OOP clĂĄr lĂ©arscĂĄiliĂș maoine ( chun eolas a bhailiĂș ar gach maoin atĂĄ i seilbh na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. Seo ceann de na beartais faoin bPlean um SholĂĄthar BainistĂochta SĂłchmhainnĂ RĂ©admhaoine. TĂĄ OOP pĂĄirteach i ndearadh agus bainistĂocht tionscadail chun ocht scoil athsholĂĄthair ar a laghad a sholĂĄthar, atĂĄ le bheith crĂochnaithe in 2014, in Ă©ineacht le deich dtionscadal sĂnte scoile, a bheidh ĂĄ maoiniĂș ag an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna. Meastar gurb Ă© âŹ30m luach iomlĂĄn na gconarthaĂ do na scoileanna nua. Chomh maith leis seo tĂĄ OOP ag gnĂomhĂș mar chomhairleoirĂ teicniĂșla do PhacĂĄiste Spreagtha an Rialtais don Roinn DlĂ agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, atĂĄ faoi chĂșram na GnĂomhaireachta NĂĄisiĂșnta Forbartha Airgeadais.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta Performance Indicator
Dul chun cinn in 2013 TĂĄ OOP ag dearadh agus ag bainistiĂș tionscadail StĂĄisiĂșin Gharda CĂłsta nua faoi lĂĄthair atĂĄ maoinithe ag an Roinn Iompair, TurasĂłireachta agus SpĂłirt, ar bhonn leanĂșnach. TĂĄ clĂĄr uaillmhianach ĂĄ chur i bhfeidhm ag OOP, ag solĂĄthar OifigĂ nua Intreo don Roinn Coimirce SĂłisialaĂ chun freastal ar bheartais lĂĄrnach rialtais chun dul i ngleic le fadhb na dĂfhostaĂochta fadtĂ©armaĂ. Cuireadh 33 Oifig Intreo ar fĂĄil de rĂ©ir an chlĂĄir in 2013. Dâiarr an Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ & AthchĂłirithe ar OOP cĂłirĂocht a chur ar fĂĄil don Ionad SeirbhĂsĂ Comhroinnte AcmhainnĂ Daonna, a athainmnĂodh nĂos dĂ©anaĂ mar PeoplePoint. Chuir OOP Bloc 5 dâOifig PhĂĄirc Belfield i gCluain Sceach ar fĂĄil don eagraĂocht nua seo. Lean an obair athchĂłirithe ar Bhloc 5, a thosaigh in 2012, ar aghaidh in 2013.
StraitĂ©isĂ agus caighdeĂĄin chomhroinnte roinnte i spĂĄs oifige ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ.
Rinne Coiste CaighdeĂĄin OOP plĂ© ar dhrĂ©acht de Pholasaithe agus CaighdeĂĄin Deartha CĂłirĂochta OOP. Leagann na caighdeĂĄin agus na polasaithe seo amach caighdeĂĄin agus critĂ©ir deartha le haghaidh tĂłgĂĄil foirgnimh nua agus athchĂłiriĂș agus athrĂș a dĂ©anamh ar fhoirgneamh atĂĄ ann cheana. Cuireadh an obair seo faoi bhrĂĄid an GhrĂșpa StiĂșrtha ar BhainistĂocht SĂłcmhainnĂ Maoine in 2013. Dâfhostaigh OOP saineolaithe seachtracha chun dul i gceann AthbhreithniĂș Acmhainne agus Cumais ar FheidhmiĂș na BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄt (seachas Oidhreacht) agus a cuid beartas i leith athchĂłirithe bainistĂochta sĂłchmhainnĂ readmhaoine ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ in 2013. DĂ©anfar moltaĂ an athbhreithnithe sin a mheas in 2014. TĂĄ bearta ĂĄ gcur i bhfeidhm ag OOP chun athstruchtĂșrĂș pleanĂĄilte Bhrainse TroscĂĄin Bhaile Ătha Cliath agus SCF a Ă©ascĂș nĂłsanna imeachta ordaithe agus comhthĂĄthĂș cĂłrais bhainistĂochta. SolĂĄthrĂłidh an t-athnuachan atĂĄ pleanĂĄilte ionad oibre ar BhĂłthar Bhaile ShĂ©amais, Inse ChĂłr, Baile Ătha Cliath 8, stĂłras comhroinnte, ĂĄiseanna ceardlainne agus foirne mar sheirbhĂs chomhroinnte. In 2013 tugadh cuireadh do thairiscintĂ chun cĂłras nua a chur ar fĂĄil le haghaidh punann rĂ©admhaoine an stĂĄit a bhainistiĂș. NĂ rachfar ar aghaidh leis an tionscadal seo go mbeidh torthaĂ an Athbhreithnithe Acmhainne agus Cumais ar fĂĄil.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir TacĂș le solĂĄthar an ghnĂmh atĂĄ aitheanta i bPolasaĂ an Rialtais ar Ailtireacht 2009-2015.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta Spriocanna a bhaineann le OOP i bPolasaĂ an Rialtais ar Ailtireacht 2009-2015 a bhaint amach.
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Leagann PolasaĂ an Rialtais ar Ailtireacht 2009 â 2015 bĂ©im ar leith ar rĂłl an Ailtire StĂĄit, feidhm a bhaineann le StiĂșrthĂłir SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta OOP. CuimsĂonn sĂ© teagmhĂĄil idir ranna ar an timpeallacht thĂłgtha. Tugann an tAiltire StĂĄit cabhair agus comhairle dâeagraĂochtaĂ poiblĂ Ă©agsĂșla maidir le cĂłirĂocht agus don Roinn Comhshaoil, Pobail agus ĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla maidir le SolĂĄthar PoiblĂ Glas do RialachĂĄin DhĂ©antĂșs agus TĂłgĂĄla Foirgnimh.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir 2. PolasaĂ agus BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte Comhairle a chur an Rialtas maidir le forbairt polasaĂ agus ri- achtanais reachtĂșla le haghaidh bainistĂocht riosca tuilte. ClĂĄir agus bearta a fhorbairt, a chomhordĂș agus a chur i bhfeidhm chun leibhĂ©al nĂĄisiĂșnta an riosca tuilte do dhaoine, gnĂłthaĂ, bonneagar agus an timpealacht a laghdĂș. FreagraĂ bainistĂochta riosca tuilte a fhorbairt i gcomhrĂ©ir leis an gcleachtas idirnĂĄisiĂșnta is fearr.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Riosca Tuilte
.Spriocanna buisĂ©id/luacha ar airgead a aithnĂodh sna RĂĄitis Aschuir BhliantĂșla a bhaint amach. Feasacht mhĂșscailte Rialtais, ĂșdarĂĄs ĂĄitiĂșil, chorparĂĄideach agus an phobail. BainistĂocht pleanĂĄla agus forbartha inbhuanaithe maidir le riosca tuilte. DrĂ©achtchlĂĄr infheistĂochta fadtĂ©armach nĂĄisiĂșnta tosaĂochta le haghaidh bainistĂocht Ă©ifeachtach agus inbhuanaithe riosca tuilte (le laghduithe ina dhiaidh sin ar dhochar tuilte tar Ă©is cur i bhfeidhm). Cinnteoireacht eolach ĂĄ dĂ©anamh ag na hĂșdarĂĄis bhainteacha. An riosca atĂĄ ann cheana a laghdĂș i gceantair ina bhfuil scĂ©imeanna ĂĄ gcur i gcrĂch. An riosca atĂĄ ann cheana i gceantair ina bhfuil oibreacha ĂĄ ndĂ©anamh a laghdĂș. An leibhĂ©al reatha riosca agus luach iarmharach infheistĂochta stairiĂșla a choinneĂĄil.
BhĂ an Coiste Comhairleach BainistĂochta sĂĄsta go raibh an PolasaĂ Riosca Tuilte agus an ClĂĄr Oibre BainistĂochta comhaontaithe le haghaidh 2013 solĂĄthartha go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil agus go hĂ©ifeachtach i gcomhrĂ©ir le spriocanna buisĂ©id/ luacha ar airgid. TĂĄ an clĂĄr um MeasĂșnĂș agus BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte AbhantraĂ( MBRTA) ĂĄ sholĂĄthar chun freastal ar mholtaĂ an Athbhreithnithe um PholasaĂ Tuilte agus riachtanais Threoir Tuilte an AE. De thoradh ar an gclĂĄr rĂ©amhghnĂomhach seo, sĂĄbhĂĄlann an StĂĄt airgeadas suntasach trĂ bharainneacht scĂĄla ag dearbhĂș beartas bainistĂochta riosca tuilte do 300 pobal, agus dĂĄ bharr laghdaĂtear go mĂłr ar na caillteanais Ăł dhamĂĄiste tuilte, maraon le lĂ©arscĂĄileanna tuilte a fhorbairt chun pleanĂĄil inbhuanaithe a chinntiĂș. TĂĄ lĂ©arscĂĄileanna Tuilte ĂĄ n-ullmhĂș do, nach mĂłr, 7000 cilimĂ©adar do chainĂ©al abhann, maraon le 90 pobal cĂłsta, chun pleanĂĄil inbhuanaithe a chinntiĂș agus chun forbairt thĂłgĂĄla i gceĂĄntair a bhĂonn buailte ag tuilte a sheachaint. Cuideoidh na lĂ©arscĂĄileanna seo le pleanĂĄil do fhreagairtĂ i gcĂĄsanna gĂ©archĂ©ime de bharrr tuilte. Cuireadh an clĂĄr seo i bhfeidhm go leanĂșnach in 2013. Lean OOP ag cur seirbhĂs comhairliĂșchĂĄin ar fĂĄil do na hĂșdarĂĄis phleanĂĄla i leith feidhmiĂș ThreoirlĂnte an ChĂłrais PhleanĂĄla agus BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte. I rith 2013, tugadh comhairle thrĂĄthĂșil ar raon leathan pleananna, roinnt pleananna ard-phrĂłifĂle a bhain le Criosanna Forbartha StraitĂ©isĂ agus PleanĂĄil Athnuachana san ĂĄireamh. TĂĄ clĂĄr leanĂșnach ann atĂĄ mĂ©adaithe dâoibreacha caipitil chun dĂ©ileĂĄil le ceantair atĂĄ aitheanta mar cheantair riosca, agus tĂĄ tosaĂocht tugtha don infheistĂocht seo laistigh de VĂłta OOP. CrĂochnaĂodh ClĂĄr CothabhĂĄla SiltĂn AirtĂ©irigh mar a bhĂ pleanĂĄilte ar chostas de âŹ15m. TĂĄ breis is 20,000 ĂĄitreabh suite sa cheantar ag baint leasa as an mbunscĂ©im. TĂĄ leibhĂ©al tuilte na n-ĂĄitreabh seo an-Ăseal agus cinnntĂonn an clĂĄr go mbeidh an riosca coinnithe ag an leibhĂ©al Ăseal seo. CoimeĂĄdann an ClĂĄr an leas talmhaĂochta atĂĄ ann de bharr na scĂ©ime chomh maith. CabhrĂłidh an caomhnĂș luach iarmharach seo leis an mbreis tĂĄirgeachta talmhaĂochta atĂĄ pleanĂĄilte a bhaint amach.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir Objective
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta Feasachta fheabhsĂș â gnĂomhartha prĂomhphĂĄirtithe leasmhara a chomhordĂș.
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
Rinneadh dul chun cinn maith leis na socruithe ComhphĂĄirtĂochta le hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla (ĂĂ) chun Bearta BainistĂochta Riosca Tuilte a sholĂĄthar, agus rinneadh dul chun cinn maith i rith 2013 ar ClĂĄir MhĂłroibreacha ahus Mhionoibreacha Caipitil. BhĂ na hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla pĂĄirteach i mbainistiĂș agus solĂĄthar scĂ©imeanna mĂłra faoiseamh tuilte ar son OOP agus tĂĄ comhoibriĂș dlĂșth ar siĂșl idir na heagraĂochtaĂ seo ar na scĂ©imeanna seo agus i rĂ©imsĂ eile de BhainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte, amhail ScĂ©im na nOibreacha Beaga, agus an ClĂĄr um MeasĂșnĂș agus BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte AbhantraĂ (MBRTA) ina bhfuil GrĂșpaĂ StiĂșrtha agus Dul Chun Cinn bunaithe le hionadaĂocht air Ăł na hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla. TĂĄ luach carnach de bhreis is âŹ1 billiĂșn ar an leas a thĂĄinig de bharr na scĂ©imeanna caipitil coiscthe tuilte agus de bharr na mion oibreacha maolaithe tuilte a rinne OOP go dĂreach nĂł a rinne ĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla, le maoiniĂș de âŹ320m Ăł OOP go dtĂ deireadh nab liana 2013. Tagann an leas seo de bharr go ndearnadh caillteanas agus damĂĄiste a sheachaint. Bhain timpeall 10,500 ĂĄitreabh leas as na hoibreacha seo. CrĂochnaĂodh mĂłrscĂ©imeanna nĂł cĂ©imeanna de mhĂłrscĂ©imeanna in 2013, san ĂĄireamh bhĂ Cluain Meala, Mala, Inis, Mainistir Fhear MaĂ agus abhainn na Dothra, Dâoibrigh foireann OOP fĂ©in ar scĂ©im eile sa Tulach MhĂłr. CrĂochnaĂodh scĂ©imeanna nĂł cuid de mhĂłrscĂ©imeanna eile faoi chĂșram ĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla le maoiniĂș Ăł OOP i gCeatharlach agus i bPort LĂĄirge. In 2009 bhunaigh OOP ScĂ©imeanna do Mhionoibreacha Tuilte agus Cosanta CĂłsta chun maoiniĂș a sholĂĄthar dâĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla chun beartais bheaga maolaithe tuilte a dhĂ©anamh ina gceantair fĂ©in. TĂĄ breis is 420 iarratas ar mhaoiniĂș ceadaithe agus tĂĄ beagnach 400 tionscadal crĂochnaithe cheana fĂ©in ar chostas de âŹ25.2m. In 2013, ceadaĂodh 37 scĂ©im nua mionoibreacha agus cuireadh maoiniĂș de âŹ2.277m ar fĂĄil do 58 scĂ©im, tionscadail a ceadaĂodh blianta roimhe seo, san ĂĄireamh. TĂĄ suĂomh idirlĂn,, ann anois a chuireann ar chumas ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ (an gnĂĄth phobal san ĂĄireamh) sonraĂ leibhĂ©il uisce rĂ©ad-ama a fhĂĄil. Seoladh an suĂomh idirlĂn go hoifigiĂșil in AibreĂĄn 2013. BĂonn ar chumas ĂșsĂĄideoirĂ sonraĂ leibhĂ©il uisce rĂ©adama a fhĂĄil agus cuireann sĂ© tacaĂocht riachtanach ar fĂĄil dâĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla nuair a bhĂonn siad ag bainistiĂș agus ag dul i ngleic le tuilte. BhĂ suas le 340 stĂĄisiĂșn monatĂłireachta uisce dromchla ag tarchur sonraĂ ag deireadh 2013, agus taifeadadh 140,000 cuairt ar an suĂomh idirlĂn i rith na bliana. Leanfar ag cur sonraĂ hidrimĂ©adrach (leibhĂ©al uisce agus sreabhadh abhann) breise ar fĂĄil ar lĂne. Is fĂ©idir na sonraĂ hidimĂ©adracha iomlĂĄn Ăł chartlann OOP a fheiceĂĄil ar an suĂomh SonraĂ TĂĄ raon de chineĂĄil sonraĂ ar fĂĄil ar an suiomh. TĂĄ suĂomh idirlĂn nua ĂĄ chruthĂș agus ar fĂĄil faoi lĂĄthair ag .
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
TĂĄ cĂłrais, prĂłisis agus bonneagar ĂĄ bhforbairt agus ĂĄ gcur i bhfeidhm faoi lĂĄthair chun lĂ©arscĂĄileanna mionsonraithe Tuilte MBRTA a chur ar fĂĄil ar lĂne. Cuireadh leagan alfa den chĂłras seo ar fĂĄil ag deireadh 2013. BhĂ forbairt agus feidhmĂocht seirbhĂsĂ greasĂĄin, cĂșl fhreastalaĂ agus amharcĂłir grĂ©asĂĄin i gceist leis seo. ĂascĂłidh an tionscadal scaipeadh sonraĂ atĂĄ cruthaithe faoi Threoir Tuilte an AE, don phobal agus do chomhlachtaĂ poiblĂ. Ghlac OOP pĂĄirt i suĂomh grĂ©asĂĄin pĂolĂłtach tomhas feidhmĂochta an Rialtais SholĂĄthar OOP statisticĂ maidir le bainistĂocht riosca tuilte. BhĂ rath ar phlĂ© OOP le hĂrachas Ăireann maidir le haontĂș ar MheabhrĂĄn Tuisceana a thugann cuntas ar na prionsabail chomhaontaithe maidir leis an tslĂ chun faisnĂ©is i dtaobh scĂ©imeanna cosanta tuilte OOP a chur ar fĂĄil don tionscail ĂĄrachais in Ăirinn agus an tslĂ ina n-ĂșsĂĄidfidh siad an fhaisnĂ©is sin. LĂ©ireoidh an fhaisnĂ©is seo, a bheidh ar fĂĄil ar shuĂomh idirlĂn OOP dearadh, cineĂĄl agus mĂ©id na cosanta seo agus dâaontaigh Ărachas Ăireann an t-eolas seo a chur san ĂĄireamh agus iad ag meas neamhchosaint Ăł riosca tuile Ăłn 1 Meitheamh 2014.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir 3 An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS) Baint amach coigiltis Bheith mar Ionad BarrFeabhais /Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht agus Ă©ifeachtacht bharrmhaith a sholĂĄthar i bhFoinsiĂș StraitĂ©iseach le haghaidh Rialtas LĂĄrnach agus ionaid eile Rialtais ar leibhĂ©il NĂĄisiĂșnta, EarnĂĄla agus ĂitiĂșla. RĂ©imse catagĂłirĂ faoi chonradh Le cinntiĂș go bhfuil monatĂłireacht ĂĄ dĂ©anamh ar an 30 catagĂłir is mĂł caiteachas sa tseirbhĂs phoiblĂ go leanĂșnach dâfhonn cumhdach lĂĄrnach conartha a leithreasĂș. DoicimĂ©id ChaighdeĂĄnaithe DoicimĂ©id chaighdeĂĄnaithe teimplĂ©id a chur ar fĂĄil le haghaidh ĂșsĂĄid sa phrĂłiseas solĂĄthair. ĂsĂĄid conarthaĂ/creat lĂĄrnach ag cliant Le cinntiĂș go bhfuil an lĂon barrmhaith cliaint seirbhĂse poiblĂ ag ĂșsĂĄid conarthaĂ agus creata atĂĄ ar fĂĄil go lĂĄrnach.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
Spriocanna buisĂ©id/luacha ar airgead a aithnĂodh sna RĂĄitis Aschuir BhliantĂșla a bhaint amach. Riachtanas laghdaithe maoiniĂșchĂĄin lĂĄrnaigh mar gheall ar choigilteas costais mĂ©adaithe i rith solĂĄthar. LĂon foirne laghdaithe in aonaid solĂĄthair ĂĄitiĂșla mar gheall ar ghnĂomhaĂocht lĂĄraithe mhĂ©adaithe. Cleachtais ilghnĂ©itheacha chonartha a dhĂchur. Costais ghnĂł a laghdĂș. ComhleanĂșchas sa chur chuige chun margaidh maidir le catagĂłirĂ. ComhleanĂșnachas praghasanna ardluacha ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. LaghdĂș ar shocrĂș rollta neamhĂ©ifeachtach nĂł neamhchomhlĂontach solĂĄthair.
AistrĂodh an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS) go hOifig um SholĂĄthair Rialtais i mĂ EanĂĄir 2014. TĂĄ an t-athbhreithniĂș deireanach Ăł OOP maidir leis an tSeirbhĂs leagtha amach anseo don bhliain 2013. As seo amach is Ă an Oifig um SholĂĄthair Rialtais a dhĂ©anfaidh tuairisciĂș ar dul chun cinn na seirbhĂsĂ solĂĄthar, mar chuid den Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe. . BhĂ an Coiste Comhairleach BainistĂochta sĂĄsta gur solĂĄthraĂodh an ClĂĄr Oibre SNS comhordaithe le haghaidh 2013 go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil agus go hĂ©ifeachtach agus i gcomhrĂ©ir le spriocanna buisĂ©id/ luacha ar airgead. BunaĂodh Bord nua Oifig um SholĂĄthair Rialtais (OSR) ag deireadh IĂșil 2013 agus chomhoibrigh OOP le haistriĂș foirne Ăłn SNS chuig an OSR. Ă bunaĂodh Ă© in 2009, dâfhorbair agus chothaigh SNS oibriĂșchĂĄn 50 go 60 creat /conarthaĂ comhaontaithe solĂĄthraithe Ă©agsĂșla go bliantĂșil. ClĂșdaĂonn na creat/conarthaĂ comhaontaithe seo rĂ©imse leathan earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ, iad seo a leanas san ĂĄireamh: Fuinneamh, Trealamh TF, SolĂĄthar dâoifigĂ, cĂĄrtaĂ ceannaigh, solĂĄthar dâfheighlithe, Ă©ide, feithiclĂ srl. In 2013, chaith comhlachtaĂ poiblĂ beagnach âŹ300m faoi na creat/conarthaĂ comhaontaithe OOP seo agus de thoradh ar sin choigil siad âŹ45m. Ă thosaigh SNS in 2009, bunaiodh creat/conarthaĂ comhaontaithe ar a caitheadh âŹ750m, agus coiglĂodh âŹ190m. Is ionann sin agus a rĂĄ mura mbeadh SNS ann, bheadh ar chomhlachtaĂ poiblĂ âŹ190m a chaitheamh ar na hearraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ cĂ©anna. SholĂĄthar SNS 20% Ă©ifeachtĂșlachta mar gur choigil an stĂĄtchiste âŹ1 breise do gach âŹ5 a caitheadh faoi chreat/conarthaĂ comhaontaithe SNS Ăł bunaĂodh Ă© in 2009.
LaghdĂș ar riarachĂĄn a bhaineann le ceannach catagĂłirĂ mĂłra earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta Riachtanas laghdaithe seirbhĂsĂ dlĂ asfhoinsithe do cheannaitheoirĂ agus solĂĄthraithe. Costais laghdaithe trĂ shimpliĂș an PhrĂłisis SolĂĄthair. CloĂ mĂ©adaithe le DlĂ an AE agus DlĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta le laghdĂș iarmhartach ar nochtadh dlĂ an StĂĄit. Eolas agus feasacht mhĂ©adaithe ar cheisteanna casta solĂĄthair. Costas agus am laghdaithe atĂĄ i gceist le prĂłisis solĂĄthair trĂ roghnĂș ceart modheolaĂochtaĂ solĂĄthair.
RĂomhsholĂĄthar ArdĂĄn rĂomhsholĂĄthair a fhorbairt mar bhealach mĂłr le haghaidh idirbhearta gnĂł agus leas a bhaint as gach deis Ă©iritheach leictreonach.
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
Thug SNS isteach rĂ©imse leathan doicimĂ©id dlĂ chaighdeĂĄnaithe. TĂĄ siad seo in ĂșsĂĄid anois ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ. LaghdaĂonn na doicimĂ©id seo an gĂĄ le hidirghabhĂĄil dhlĂthiĂșil agus cabhraĂonn siad chun cloĂ leis an dlĂ solĂĄthar nĂĄisiĂșnta agus an AE.
I rith 2013 lean SNS ag cur deasc cabhrach ar fĂĄil do cheannaitheoirĂ na seirbhĂse poiblĂ ar fud na tĂre, chun cuidiĂș leo socruithe cuĂ solĂĄthair a dhĂ©anamh agus luach cuĂ ar airgead a fhĂĄil agus iad i mbun solĂĄthair dĂĄ Ranna agus OifigĂ fĂ©in. AontaĂodh treoir i leith modheolaiocht chaighdeĂĄnaithe coigiltis ar fud na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ in 2013 chomh maith agus cuireann gach earnĂĄil faoi leith rĂ©amhfhaisnĂ©is coigiltis airgead glan chuig OSR gach ceathrĂș. Seoladh uasghrĂĄdĂș ar an suĂomh grĂ©asĂĄin nĂĄisiĂșnta rĂomhthairiscintĂ ar an 12 Samhain 2012, agus cuireadh an fheidhmiĂșlacht fheabhsaithe seo i lĂĄthair ceannaitheoirĂ earnĂĄla poiblĂ trĂ thaispeĂĄntais ar fud na tire agus dĂ©antar monatĂłireacht leanĂșnach ar an mĂ©adĂș ĂșsĂĄide atĂĄ ĂĄ bhaint as an gcĂłras.
Chun an StraitĂ©is rĂomhRialtais 2012-2015 a chur chun cinn ar shlĂ cĂ©imnithe thosaigh SNS tionscnamh cĂĄrtaĂ ceannaigh ar Ăseal-luach, chun an mĂ©id sonraisc a ĂșsĂĄidtear ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ a laghdĂș.. Leanadh le suĂomhanna idirlĂn SNS agus i rith 2013.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir Oideachas agus Forbairt Deiseanna foghlama, forbartha agus treorach a sholĂĄthar do chustaimĂ©irĂ agus solĂĄthraithe seirbhĂse poiblĂ.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
Lean SNS ar aghaidh lena n-ĂłcĂĄidĂ ard-phrĂłifĂle chun cur ar chumas solĂĄthraithe ar fud na tĂre buaileadh le solĂĄthrĂłirĂ na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ. DâĂ©ascaigh an SNS roinnt ĂłcĂĄidĂ ar fud na hĂireann i rith 2013. Go dtĂ seo dâfhreastal 4,500 solĂĄthraĂ ar ĂłcĂĄidĂ a chuir SNS ar siĂșl nĂł ar ar fhreastail an tSeirbhĂs. TĂĄ na hĂłcĂĄidĂ seo ag leanacht ar aghaidh de bharr go bhfuil breis Ă©ilimh ar chaidreamh mar seo ar bhonn leanĂșnach. BhĂ 2 ĂłcĂĄid mhĂłra â Buail le CeannaitheoirĂâ ar siĂșl in 2013 âą BĂ©al Feiriste 13 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair. âą Baile Ătha Cliath 17 Deireadh FĂłmhair. CumarsĂĄid le SolĂĄthraithe Bhunaigh SNS bealaĂ Ă©agsĂșla cumarsĂĄide le solĂĄthraithe sa mhargadh. BhĂ GrĂșpa Oibre Fiontair Bheaga agus MheĂĄnmhĂ©ide (SME) ar a raibh ionadaĂocht ag rĂ©imsĂ gnĂł Ă©agsĂșla (IBEC, ISME, SFA) agus earnĂĄlacha Ă©agsĂșla sa tseirbhĂs phoiblĂ, antĂĄbhachtach. TĂ©ann SNS i ngleic ar bhealach rĂ©amhghnĂomhach leis na hĂĄbhair a phlĂ©itear.
PrĂomhchuspĂłir 4.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Progress in 2013
CuspĂłirĂ ar fud EagraĂochtaĂ ĂagsĂșla
SeirbhĂs tacaĂochta Ă©ifeachtĂșil agus Ă©ifeachtach a sholĂĄthar chun cur i bhfeidhm prĂomhchuspĂłirĂ OOP a Ă©ascĂș.
Dul chun cinn in 2013
Spriocanna Oibre a aithnĂodh sna ClĂĄir BhliantĂșla Oibre a bhaint amach.
BhĂ an Coiste Comhairleach BainistĂochta sĂĄsta go raibh an ClĂĄr Oibre comhaontaithe le haghaidh 2013 solĂĄthartha go hĂ©ifeachtĂșil agus go hĂ©ifeachtach i gcomhrĂ©ir le spriocanna a bhĂ socraithe ag tĂșs na bliana.
SpriocannabuisĂ©id/luacha ar airgead a aithnĂodh sna RĂĄitis Aschuir BhliantĂșla a bhaint amach.
Baineadh amach na spriocanna aschuir a bhĂ socraithe san Imleabhar MeastachĂĄn Athmheasta nach mĂłr. Ba Ă© an Caiteachas ComhlĂĄn ar VĂłta OOP in 2013 nĂĄ âŹ399.205m, mĂ©id arbh ionann Ă© agus an leithdhĂĄileadh VĂłta (99.6%) a bhĂ ar fĂĄil. Ba Ă© iomlĂĄn na LeithreasaĂ i gCabhair nĂĄ âŹ26.041m.
Spriocanna san AthbhreithniĂș Cuimsitheach ar Chaiteachas a bhaint amach.
Chomh maith le VĂłta OOP, ba Ă© an caiteachas a bhĂ tabhaithe ar thionscadail ar son Ranna Rialtais eile ar bhonn gnĂomhaireachta i rith na bliana nĂĄ âŹ68.351m. TĂĄ rĂłl lĂĄrnach ag OOP mar chomhairleoir don Rialtas maidir le clĂĄir oibre cliaint i rĂ©imsĂ na hailtireachta, bainistĂochta tionscadail agus bainistĂocht riosca tuilte.
Rinne OOP uasghrĂĄdĂș ar a ChĂłras BainistĂochta Airgeadais, seirbhĂsĂ baincĂ©ireachta agus cĂłras pĂĄrolla agus ba Ă© an chĂ©ad eagraĂocht Rialtais a bhĂ inoiriĂșint do SEPA, freastal ar athcheartaithe ChĂĄin ConarthaĂ IomchuĂ (RCT) agus ComhaontĂș BhĂłthar Haddington a chur i bhfeidhm.
In 2013 bhain OOP breis ĂșsĂĄide as seirbhĂsĂ baincĂ©ireachta leictreonacha agus fuarthas rĂ©idh le seiceanna mar mhodh ĂocaĂochta pĂĄrolla agus costais taistil agus cothabhĂĄla. Chomh maith leis sin laghdaĂodh an lĂon seiceanna a hĂocadh le tiarnaĂ talĂșn agus conraitheoirĂ. Tugadh isteach cĂĄrta ceannaigh OOP in 2013 do 42 ĂșsĂĄideoir agus leathnĂłfar amach an tseirbhĂs seo in 2014.
SolĂșbthacht nĂos mĂł i solĂĄthar seirbhĂsĂ.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013 Rinneadh drĂ©acht nua den StraitĂ©is TeicneolaĂochta FaisnĂ©ise agus CumarsĂĄide (TFC) in 2013 agus beidh athbhreithniĂș le dĂ©anamh air de bharr torthaĂ an athbhreithnithe Acmhainne agus Cumais ar fheidhm na BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄit. LĂ©irigh cleachtas forbartha na StraitĂ©ise go raibh feabhas ag teastĂĄil i leith comhroinnt faisnĂ©ise i rĂ©imsĂ ar leith laistigh dâOOP agus tĂĄthar ag dul i ngleic le cuid de na heasnaimh sin i lĂĄthair na huaire. BreathnĂłfar arĂs ar an drĂ©acht StraitĂ©is TFC in 2014 chun torthaĂ na hAthbhreithnithe Acmhainne agus Cumais a chur san ĂĄireamh, maraon le StraitĂ©is TFC an Rialtais mar atĂĄ leagtha amach i bPlean AthchĂłirithe na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ 2014-2016. TĂĄ CĂłras comhthĂĄite BainistĂochta Leabharlainne (CBL) forbartha ag OOP a ligean don fhoireann ag gach suĂomh teacht ar eolas atĂĄ ĂĄ choinneĂĄil inĂĄr leabharlanna Ă©agsĂșla. De bharr CBL na hOifige i gcomhar le Leabharlann Marsh, is fĂ©idir rochtain phoiblĂ ar lĂne a fhĂĄil ar chatalĂłg de bhailiĂșchĂĄn Benjamin Guinness, Tiarna UĂbh Eachach, atĂĄ ar iasacht ag an StĂĄt faoi lĂĄthair, i Farmleigh. TarĂ©is prĂłiseas tairisceana, tugadh conradh ar lĂĄmh i mĂ MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2013 do thionscadal scanta chun digitiĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar chartlann uathĂșil, stairiĂșil luachmhar OOP ina bhfuil 67,000 lĂnĂocht ailtireachta/suirbhĂ©anna SĂ©adchomharthaĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta.
Is eagraĂocht foghlama leanĂșnaĂ Ă OOP a bhfuil na huirlisĂ riachtanacha go lĂ©ir aici chun bainistĂocht eolais a dhĂ©anamh le tacĂș lenĂĄr bhfeidhmeanna sainordaithe. Oiltear an fhoireann go dtĂ na leibhĂ©il is airde, agus tĂĄ siad eolach ar an gcleachtas is fearr a chur i bhfeidhm sa timpeallacht bhainteach ghnĂł.
Leanadh den obair ar StraitĂ©is Foghlama agus Forbartha (F agus F) OOP in 2013.AithnĂodh inniĂșlachtaĂ atĂĄ ar fĂĄil, trĂ anailĂs a rinneadh ag leibhĂ©al RannĂłige, i gcomparĂĄid leis na hinniĂșlachtaĂ a bhfuil gĂĄ leo le haghaidh solĂĄthar Ă©ifeachtach riachtanais tosaĂochta gnĂł, agus tĂĄthar ag dul i ngleic leis seo trĂ phleananna gnĂomhaĂochta F agus F. TĂĄthar ag sĂșil go gcuirfidh an tAthbhreithniĂș Acmhainne agus Cumais leis an StraitĂ©is Foghlama agus Forbartha sa rĂ©imse BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄit. Thosaigh clĂĄr oiliĂșna bainistĂochta do na bainisteoirĂ go lĂ©ir a bhfuil freagracht orthu as Fostaithe TionsclaĂocha StĂĄit agus crĂochnaĂodh Ă© in 2013. DĂrĂodh ar fheabhas a chur ar fheidhmĂocht eagraĂochtĂșil trĂ fheabhsĂșchĂĄn prĂłisis gnĂł a mhĂ©adĂș agus dĂrĂodh freisin ar athrĂș cumais bainistĂochta. Dâfhreastail ochtar den fhoireann Ăł trĂ rĂ©imse gnĂł OOP ar chĂșrsaĂ traenĂĄla Lean Six Sigma i rith mhĂ Dheireadh FĂłmhair 2013 agus bhain siad amach teastas ag leibhĂ©al an Chreasa Ghlais. Chomh maith leis sin fuair beirt den fhoireann traenĂĄil go leibhĂ©al an Chreasa BhĂĄin. TacĂłidh an cumas a bhain siad amach seo leis an eagraĂocht, chun prĂłisis a fheabhsĂș ar fud na heagraĂochta.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013 ChrĂochnaigh aonad Comhairleach GnĂł na Ranna Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe athbhreithniĂș Acmhainne ar an rannĂłg BainistĂochta RiarachĂĄin Riosca Tuilte sa dara ceathrĂș de 2013. TĂĄ na moltaĂ a rinneadh san athbhreithniĂș sin ĂĄ meas faoi lĂĄthair agus cuirfear i bhfeidhm iad in 2014. TarĂ©is cleachtas tairisceana poiblĂ, dâfhostaigh OOP saineolaithe seachtracha chun dul i gceann AthbhreithniĂș Acmhainne agus Cumais ar FheidhmiĂș na BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄit (seachas Oidhreacht) agus a cuid beartas i leith athchĂłirithe bainistĂochta sĂłchmhainnĂ readmhaoine ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ in 2013. BhĂ an tionscadal seo ar cheann de na moltaĂ a bhĂ sa Phlean um SholĂĄthar BainistĂochta SĂłchmhainnĂ RĂ©admhaoine agus tĂĄ sĂ© crĂochnaithe anois.
Deiseanna ardaithe cĂ©ime atĂĄ bunaithe ar fhiĂșntas a fheabhsĂș.
SeirbhĂsĂ den chĂ©ad scoth do chustaimĂ©irĂ, idir inmheĂĄnach agus sheachtrach, mar a bhĂ dearbhaithe ag aiseolas agus suirbhĂ©anna.
Leanadh ag glacadh pĂĄirte i gClĂĄir socrĂșchĂĄin oibre in 2013. Lean OOP ag tacĂș le clĂĄir foghlama agus cuardaitheoirĂ poist trĂ shocrĂșchĂĄin do chĂ©imithe agus scĂ©imeanna JobBridge. Thosaigh 6 shocrĂșchĂĄn JobBridge sa dara leath de 2013. CoinnĂodh 24 cĂ©imĂ ailtireachta ar an gclĂĄr oiliĂșna cĂ©imithe Ailtireachta agus coinnĂodh 30 cĂ©imĂ innealtĂłireachta ar an gclĂĄr oiliĂșna cĂ©imithe innealtĂłireachta 3 bliana. Rinneadh suirbhĂ© seachtrach SeirbhĂse do ChustaimĂ©irĂ in 2013 chun fhĂĄil amach cĂ©n chaoi a raibh ag Ă©irĂ linn i gcomparĂĄid leis na gealltanais a thugamar dĂĄr gcustaimĂ©iri sa Phlean GnĂomhaĂochta agus Cairt do ChustaimĂ©irĂ. TĂĄ athbhreithniĂș ĂĄ dhĂ©anamh ar Phlean OOP do ChustaimĂ©irĂ agus cuideoidh torthaĂ an tsuirbhĂ© in ullmhĂșchĂĄn an Phlean nua. CrĂochnaĂodh suirbhĂ© ComharthaĂochta ar shuĂomhanna oidhreachta treoraithe in 2013. Cuideoidh torthaĂ an tsuirbhĂ© chun monatĂłireacht a dhĂ©anamh ar chomhlĂonadh na riachtanas faoi Acht na dTeangacha OifigiĂșla 2003. ForbraĂodh suĂomh idirlĂn chorparĂĄideach nua OOP in 2013. Beidh athbhreithniĂș leanĂșnach ĂĄ dhĂ©anamh ar in 2014 chun fĂĄil amach conas breis seirbhĂsĂ a sholĂĄthar ar lĂne.
BunaĂodh Coiste BainistĂochta Eolais agus Taifead ar fud na gclĂĄr chun: âą SaineolaĂ seachtrach bainistĂochta taifid a fhĂĄil agus a cheapadh chun rĂ©amh-mheasĂșnĂș a ullmhĂș ar chĂłrais bhainistĂochta taifid OOP. Tugadh faoin bprĂłiseas seo i rith 2013. RoghnaĂodh Sainchomhairleoir i mĂ na Nollag agus tosĂłidh an obair in 2014; âą ScrĂșdĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar chur i bhfeidhm cĂłras bainistĂochta taifead ar fud OOP i gcomhrĂ©ir le ISO 15489. TosĂłidh an Comhairleoir ag obair ar an bplean mar a lĂ©irĂodh sa rĂ©amh-mheasĂșnĂș, a chur i bhfeidhm in 2014. Cuideoidh seo leis an aidhm chun prĂłisis ghnĂł chomhthĂĄite, ceann go ceann, a chur i bhfeidhm i gclĂĄir agus i bhfeidhmeanna Ă©agsĂșla na hOifige. I rith 2013, rinne na SeirbhĂsĂ Pearsanra agus Forbartha obair rĂ©amhullmhĂșchĂĄin dâaistriĂș foirne chuig PeoplePoint (SeirbhĂsĂ Comhroinnte AD) i mĂ Feabhra 2014.
Tå tuiscint agus eolas ag baill foirne aonair ar a ról taobh istigh då réimse oibre agus tå siad ag cloà leis an ról sin agus tå a spriocanna å mbaint amach acu.
Spriocannaa leagadh amach i bPlean GnĂom haĂochta OOP le haghaidh Chur i bhFeidhm ChomhaontĂș na SeirbhĂsĂ PoiblĂ 2010 â 2014 (ComhaontĂș PhĂĄirc an ChrĂłcaigh) a bhaint amach.
Cuireadh le chĂ©ile Plean um Sheachadadh SeirbhĂsĂ Seachtracha OOP, a bhĂ mionsonraithe agus socharbhunaithe, mar phĂĄirt de ChĂ©im 2 na n-aighneachtaĂ chuig an Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe in 2013. BhĂ OOP gnĂomhach ina bhfreagairt dâathcheartaithe na Roinne Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe ar an gCĂłras BainistĂochta agus Forbartha FeidhmĂochta (CBFF), trĂ phlĂ© comhphĂĄirtĂochta, feidhmiĂș coigeartaithe agus aiseolas Ăł ĂșsĂĄideorĂ a chur ar fĂĄil don Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe. Cheap Coiste ComhphĂĄirtĂochta OOP fo-ghrĂșpa chun an bealach is fearr a fhĂĄil, le CBFF a chur ar chomhrĂ©im le haidhmeanna straitĂ©iseacha na hOifige. Rinne an grĂșpa sraith moltaĂ praiticiĂșla ina dtuairisc agus rinneadh obair orthu siĂșd in 2013 In 2013 fuair OOP rĂĄtĂĄil comhlĂonta de 98% ar thuairisc dheiridh na Roinne Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe do CBFF don bhliain 2012. Mar phĂĄirt dâoibrĂochtai OOP Ăł lĂĄ go lĂĄ, tĂĄthar ag leanacht ag cur i bhfeidhm forĂĄlacha Comhaontaithe na SeirbhĂse poiblĂ 2013-2016, tarĂ©is an chomhaontaithe pĂĄ nua.
TĂĄscaire FeidhmĂochta
Dul chun cinn in 2013 Progress in 2013
In 2013, lĂĄimhseĂĄil OOP an trasdul foirne agus seirbhĂsĂ Ăłn tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta Solathair chuig an Oifig um SholĂĄthair Rialtais a thosaigh ag feidhmiĂș ar an 1 EanĂĄir 2014, i gcomhar leis an Roinn Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe chun aistriĂș na feidhme solĂĄthar lĂĄrnach a Ă©ascĂș. Luach a fhĂĄil trĂ ĂșsĂĄid a bhaint as socruithe lĂĄraithe solĂĄthair.
Bhain OOP leas as conarthaĂ SNS le haghaidh earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ coiteann de rĂ©ir mar ba ghĂĄ.
ConarthaĂ cuĂ OOP ar fĂĄil le bheith ĂșsĂĄidte ag an tseirbhĂs phoiblĂ i gcoitinne, a mbeidh laghdĂș comhfhreagrach ar am agus acm- hainnĂ foirne na seirbhĂse poiblĂ i gcoitinne mar thoradh orthu. Scileanna imleora ag baill foirne uile OOP a bhĂonn pĂĄirteach i gcleachtaĂ so- lĂĄthair suntasacha.
Dâfhreastail 58 ball foirne ar chĂșrsaĂ oiliĂșna solĂĄthar in 2013. Dâoibrigh OOP in 2013 ar nĂłsanna imeachta a fhorbairt chun comhairligh a fhĂĄil le haghaidh conarthaĂ a raibh luach measta faoi bhun âŹ50,000 orthu, le CBL san ĂĄireamh. Cuireadh dĂreach a bhĂ sa mhodh solĂĄthair a ĂșsĂĄideadh. Sa chĂĄs seo, cuimsĂonn cuireadh dĂreach lorg tairiscintĂ Ăł chleachtais ar liosta atĂĄ bunaithe ar bhonn oscailte agus oibiachtĂșil agus a oibrĂtear trĂ uainĂocht dhian. Tairgeann an modh seo buntĂĄistĂ do OOP, a bhfuil riachtanas athfhillteach uirthi seirbhĂsĂ a fhĂĄil agus ar mian lĂ©i cĂłras leanĂșnach solĂĄthair atĂĄ dea-eagraithe a choinneĂĄil, fad is a fheabhsaĂtear teacht do chleachtais ar mian leo leas a bhaint as deiseanna solĂĄthair phoiblĂ. TĂĄ OOP chun tosaigh agus ag infheistiĂș i gcur i bhfeidhm âCumhacht @ Obair a BharrfheabhsĂșâ i ngach ceann de na foirgnimh mhĂłra i bpunann OOP. LeathnaĂodh amach an clĂĄr in 2013 trĂ mhaoiniĂș breise a chur ar fĂĄil ar VĂłta Ăłn gCiste tobhach carbĂłin agus mĂ©adĂłidh sĂ© seo arĂs in 2014. Meastar go bhfuil coigilteas fuinnimh 17% i gceist i lĂĄthair na huaire, mĂ©id arb ionann Ă© agus âŹ4.2m den chostas fuinnimh bliantĂșil. Is Ă© costas reĂĄchtĂĄla an fheachtais nĂĄ tuairim is âŹ1m, rud a thugann glanchoigilteas de âŹ3.2m. TĂĄ coigilteas breise pleanĂĄilte agus meastar gur fĂ©idir sprioc 20% a bhaint amach. DĂ©antar coigilteas ar vĂłtaĂ Roinne/cliaint.
BainistĂocht Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ 2013
Cathaoirleach Ms Clare McGrath
Coimisinéir Mr John Sydenham
BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit BainistĂocht Mhaoine Mr John Curtin, ACE Mr Ken Moore, PO BainistĂocht Thionscadail Mr Brian Allen, PO Mr. Michael Fennelly, PO SeirbhĂsĂ SuirbhĂ©ireachta ChainnĂochta Mr Aidan Quinn, PQS BainistĂocht Phunnan EastĂĄit FaisnĂ©is & CĂłrais Mr. John Gallagher, ACE
StiĂșrthĂłir SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta Mr Ciaran O'Connor
Coimisinéir Mr John McMahon
BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit CothabhĂĄil Mhaoine
BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit
Ms Angela Rolfe, APA SeirbhĂsĂ SC Mr. Aidan Quinn, PQS Maoin StairiĂșil NĂĄisiĂșnta Mr. George Moir SĂ©adchomharthaĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta Mr Frank Shalvey, PO MeicniĂșil & Leictreach Mr. Jim O'Sullivan, ACE CaomhnĂș Mr. John Cahill, APA BainistĂocht Tionscadal Forais ChultĂșrtha & BainistĂochta EalaĂne
SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta Mr Liam Egan, APA
EOCHAIR -CoimisinĂ©irĂ na nOibreacha PoiblĂ - Coiste Comhairleach BainistĂochta
SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta Ms. Edel Collins, APA
StiĂșrthĂłir SeirbhĂsĂ InnealtĂłireachta Mr Tony Smyth
BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte (BRT) BRT & MeasĂșnĂș SonraĂ BRT BainistĂocht Tuilte Dearadh FĂłirithinte Tuilte Mr Mark Adamson, ACE HidimĂ©adrach HidreolaĂocht & Cosaint ChĂłsta Mr Tom Bolger, ACE CothabhĂĄil DraenĂĄil AirtĂ©irigh Mr Michael Collins, ACE RiarachĂĄn BRT Mr Liam Basquille, PO SeirbhĂsĂ InnealtĂłireachta Sibhialta & StruchtĂșrtha Mr. John Gallagher, ACE
ACE â PrĂomhinnealtĂłir CĂșnta APA â PrĂomhoide Ailtire CĂșnta PO â PrĂomhoifgeach PQS â PrĂomhshuirbhĂ©ir CainnĂochta
StiĂșrthĂłir SeirbhĂsĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄithair Mr Vincent Campbell
StiĂșrthĂłir SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha Ms EilĂs O'Connell
An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair
SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha
Mr Martin Bourke, PO Mr Brian Brogan, PO
Pearsanra & Fobartha Ms Eileen Leahy, PO
SeirbhĂsĂ FoilseachĂĄin Rialtais & ToghchĂĄin
Airgeadas & Cuntas, SaorĂĄil FaisnĂ©ise & SeirbhĂsĂ DlĂ Mr Mick Long, PO TFC Mr Liam Stewart, PO SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha GinearĂĄlta san ĂĄireamh Oifig faisnÚéise agus Preasa, aonad PolasaĂ, Leabharlann, SaorĂĄidĂ InmheĂĄnacha
An Obair a DhĂ©anann OOP RĂĄiteas Misin OOP Is Ă© misean Oifig na nOibreacha Poibli ĂĄr dtaithĂ agus ĂĄr saineolas a ĂșsĂĄid in ĂĄr rĂ©imsĂ sainordaithe oibrĂochta chun seirbhĂsĂ comhroinnte nuĂĄlacha, Ă©ifeachtacha agus inbhuanaithe a chur ar fĂĄil don phobal agus dĂĄr gcliaint. Baineann prĂomhfheidhmeanna Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ (OOP) le trĂ rĂ©imse oibrĂochta:
âą BainistiĂș Phunann EastĂĄit; âą BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte; âą SolĂĄthar; agus tugann na SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha tacaĂocht sna rĂ©imsĂ oibrĂochta seo. Is Ă© prĂomhchĂșram Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ seirbhĂsĂ a sheachadadh do chustaimĂ©irĂ. Is iad an pobal, an Rialtas, RannĂłga eile, OifigĂ, GnĂomhaireachtaĂ agus an tSeirbhĂs PhoiblĂ go ginearĂĄlta ĂĄr gcustaimĂ©irĂ .
BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit FĂs:
A bheith mar an ceannasaĂ aitheanta ag leagan sĂos an chaighdeĂĄin do bhainistiĂș agus do chaomhnĂș ĂĄr bhfoirgnimh agus ĂĄr n-oidhreacht.
Cuirtear na seirbhĂsĂ Maoine agus Oidhreachta ar fĂĄil faoi lĂĄthair faoin gceannteideal BainistĂochta Punann EastĂĄit (BPE). TĂĄ punann leathan agus Ă©agsĂșil maoine ina bhfuil 597 Oifig, 886 cĂłirĂocht GardaĂ agus 780 suĂomh Oidhreachta faoi chĂșram OOP.
1. Maoin Cuireann Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ seirbhĂsĂ comhroinnte ar fĂĄil do Ranna agus do GhnĂomhaireachtaĂ an Rialtais lĂĄir i rĂ©imse na bainistĂochta maoine agus na cothabhĂĄla maoine ar a n-ĂĄiritear seirbhĂsĂ ailtireachta, innealtĂłireachta, luachĂĄil, suirbhĂ©ireacht chainnĂochta, bainistĂocht tionscadail agus seirbhĂsĂ bainistĂochta saorĂĄidĂ. Cuireann OOP seirbhĂs lĂĄraithe cĂłirĂochta oifige ar fĂĄil do Ranna/GnĂomhaireachtaĂ StĂĄit gan aon tĂĄille. Cuireann OOP sainchomhairle phroifisiĂșnta agus theicniĂșil ar fĂĄil don rialtas agus do roinnt Ranna StĂĄit maidir le mĂłr thionscadail tĂłgĂĄla. San ĂĄireamh bĂonn tionscadail mar thĂłgĂĄil fhoirgnimh nua, athchĂłiriĂș ar fhoirgnimh atĂĄ ann cheana, athruithe, feabhsĂșchĂĄin, deisiĂșchĂĄin agus feistiĂș ar fhoirgnimh nua nĂł foirgnimh atĂĄ ann cheana maraon le hathdheisiĂșchĂĄn agus caomhnĂș ar an rĂ©admhaoin stairiĂșil, tĂrdhreachĂș agus oibreacha seachtracha. Cuireann OOP seirbhĂs chothabhĂĄla pleanĂĄilte ar fĂĄil don phunann iomlĂĄn maoine atĂĄ in ĂșinĂ©ireacht nĂł ar lĂ©as ag an StĂĄt, ina bhfuil Ranna Rialtais agus GnĂomhaireachtaĂ StĂĄit lonnaithe. DĂ©anann seirbhĂsĂ cothabhĂĄla maoine mionoibreacha caipitil ar nĂłs feistiĂș, uasghrĂĄdĂș agus athchĂłiriĂș oifigĂ do Ranna/GnĂomhaireachtaĂ Rialtais eile. Cuireann an rannĂłg seo comhairle ar fĂĄil maidir le SlĂĄinte agus SĂĄbhĂĄilteacht agus Tine agus SlĂĄndĂĄil. BĂonn na cĂșraim seo a leanas, i measc cĂșraim eile, mar chuid de bhainistĂocht an phunainn rĂ©admhaoine:
âą âą âą âą âą âą âą
CaomhnĂș agus cosaint leas OOP ina rĂ©admhaoin uile, rĂ©admhaoin ruĂlse nĂł rĂ©admhaoin ar lĂ©as. UasmhĂ©adĂș luach bunĂșsach phunann maoine an StĂĄit. DĂ©ileĂĄil le fĂĄltais agus diĂșscairtĂ maoine an StĂĄit. BainistiĂș lĂ©asanna trĂĄchtĂĄla maidir le cĂos agus tĂĄillĂ seirbhĂse a Ăoc, leas a bhaint as briseadh lĂ©asa agus gĂ©illeadh maoin lĂ©asaithe barrachais srl. CeadĂșnĂș TrĂĄchtĂĄla â ceadĂșnais theileachumarsĂĄide leathanbhanda, Tetra agus 3G le cur san ĂĄireamh. BainistiĂș na riachtanas a eascraĂonn as Acht Maoine an StĂĄit 1954. DĂ©ileĂĄil le maoin Iontaobhais thar ceann an StĂĄit.
PrĂomhghnĂłthachtĂĄil LeanĂșnach agus BuaicphointĂ maidir le RĂ©admhaoin
Is Ă© prĂomhchĂșram OOP barrfeabhais cĂłirĂochta a bhaint amach chun freastal ar Ranna Rialtais ina ndualgas i seachadadh seirbhĂsĂ poiblĂ ar bhealach Ă©ifeachtach agus Ă©ifeachtĂșil, agus a chinntiĂș go mbeidh an costas is Ăsle ar an rĂ©admhaoin. DĂ©antar athbhreithniĂș leanĂșnach ar pholasaithe chun a chinntiĂș go bhfreastalĂłfar ar an mbealach is fearr ar riachtanais na Ranna/OifigĂ, maidir le suĂomh, mĂ©id, costas, inbhuanaitheacht agus go bhfreastalĂłfar ar riachtanais faoi leith freisin. ForbraĂodh sonraĂocht nua chaighdeĂĄnaithe le haghaidh ionad oibre oifige in Ă©ineacht le hathbhreithniĂș ar noirm leithdhĂĄilte spĂĄs oifige OOP.
CĂłirĂocht Oifige na StĂĄtseirbhĂse ag Deireadh 2013 âą 394 LĂ©as in 344 foirgneamh âą 253 Foirgneamh Oifige faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht âą 865,189.96m cearnach / 9,312,827.22 troigh cearnach âą 40% ar LĂ©as (achar) âą 60% faoi ĂinĂ©ireacht (achar)
Tharla dul chun cinn suntasach i gcĂłrais chothabhĂĄla laistigh den StĂĄtseirbhĂs de bharr ChiorclĂĄn 1/13 ( a cuireadh in ionad ChiorclĂĄn Uimh. 1 de 1994 Ăłn Roinn Airgeadais). Tugadh faoi chlĂĄr CothabhĂĄla PleanĂĄilte chun oibreacha riachtanacha ar chostas breis is âŹ1.5m a dhĂ©anamh in 2013. Chuir seo tĂșs le hathrĂș Ăł sheirbhĂs cothabhĂĄla frithghnĂomhach go seirbhĂs cothabhĂĄla rĂ©amhghnĂomhach. Tugadh 9,000 ordĂș oibre ar chostas âŹ10.8m in 2013.
Rinneadh ath-thairiscint agus ceapadh RiarthĂłir nua SuirbhĂ©ireachta CainnĂochta agus ConarthaĂ dâfheidhmiĂș ConarthaĂ CothabhĂĄla ar ThĂ©arma Tomhaiste do cheantar Bhaile Ătha Cliath in 2013.
Dâordaigh SeirbhĂsĂ CothabhĂĄla Maoine 70 conradh mionoibreacha ar chostas âŹ21m in 2013.
CrĂochnaĂodh bothanna CĂĄrta SeirbhĂsĂ PoiblĂ in oifigĂ na Roinne Coimirce SĂłisialaĂ i mBaile Ătha Cliath, Port LĂĄirge agus Gaillimh agus in oifigĂ ĂĄitiĂșla eile ar fud na tire.
CrĂochnaĂodh obair fheistithe agus throscĂĄin ar Bhloc 3 i bhfoirgneamh an Rialtais in Inis, do na CoimisinĂ©irĂ Ioncaim chun freastal ar an rannĂłg cĂĄnach maoine nua. CrĂochnaĂodh an obair i dtrĂ chĂ©im ar leith, laistigh dâam ghairid chun go mbeadh an obair crĂochnaithe in am do thĂșs an chĂłrais cĂĄnach maoine nua.
AthchĂłirĂodh 49 cillĂn in 11 StĂĄisiĂșn GardaĂ ar chostas iomlĂĄn de âŹ2.079m. CrĂochnaĂodh mionoibreacha caipitil freisin ar stĂĄisiĂșn GardaĂ i Mainistir Fhear MaĂ, Corcaigh agus Ăadan Doire. Rinneadh mĂłroibreacha athchĂłirithe ar stĂĄisiĂșin GhardaĂ sa Bhlarna, Cill Chainnigh, BĂ©al Ătha na Muice agus DĂșn Droma. Cuireadh cĂłirĂocht nua ar fĂĄil do ChoimisinĂ©ir RĂ©igiĂșnach na nGardaĂ in OifigĂ an Rialtais, BĂłthar Hebron, Cill Chainnigh.
Oibreacha feistithe agus solĂĄthar troscĂĄn dâOifigĂ PeoplePoint .
CrĂochnaĂodh tĂłgĂĄil StĂĄisiĂșn Garda CĂłsta nua ag cĂ© na gCealla Beaga, i gContae DhĂșn na nGall i mĂ na Samhna 2013. Chuir an Roinn Iompair, Turasoireachta agus SpĂłirt an maoiniĂș ar fĂĄil don tionscadal.
CrĂochnaĂodh tionscadal chun cĂłirĂocht a chur ar fĂĄil do 20 Ceann-EagraĂocht NĂĄisiĂșnta SpĂłirt i mBaile an Aba, Baile Ătha Cliath 15, thar ceann an ĂdarĂĄis Forbartha an Champais NĂĄisiĂșnta SpĂłirt.
BhĂ OOP pĂĄirteach i gconarthaĂ tĂłgĂĄla scoileanna nua don Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna i gCionn tSĂĄile, Mainistir na Corann, Caladh an Treoigh, Ăadan Doire (dhĂĄ scoil) agus Mionlach. Beidh siad crĂochnaithe agus rĂ©idh in 2014. TĂĄ roinnt tionscadal scoileanna eile ag an staid deiridh pleanĂĄla agus tosĂłfar ĂĄ dtĂłgĂĄil in 2014.
TosaĂodh obair uasghrĂĄdaithe ar shaorĂĄidĂ na GnĂomhaireachta FĂĄiltithe agus Imeasctha i dTrĂĄ LĂ agus Cill Ăirne, Co. ChiarraĂ, i gCnoc an LisĂn, Co. an ChlĂĄir agus ar BhĂłthar Chionn tSĂĄile,
TĂĄ Miondearadh do StĂĄisiĂșn do Gharda CĂłsta nua ĂĄ tharraingt suas faoi lĂĄthair. TĂĄthar ag sĂșil go dtosĂłfar ar an obair thĂłgĂĄla go luath sa cheathrĂș deiridh do 2014.
Thosaigh obair ar an Ăis Ceartas Ăige i mBaile an Oibricigh, Lusca i mĂ MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2013. TĂĄ an tionscadal conraithe agus bainistithe ag OOP thar ceann SheirbhĂs na hĂireann um Cheartas i leith an Aosa Ăig.
Leanadh de riarachĂĄn ChomhaontĂș Tionscadail PPP an LĂĄrionaid NĂĄisiĂșnta ComhdhĂĄla / Ionad ComhdhĂĄla Bhaile Ătha Cliath, monatĂłireacht ar fheidhmĂocht an NCC/CCD, san ĂĄireamh, i rith 2013. Seo Ă an ceathrĂș bliain don Ionad ComhdhĂĄla agus leanadh ag baint amach na spriocanna a bhĂ leagtha sĂos faoin gComhaontĂș Tionscadail.
2. Oidhreacht Is Ă OOP an phrĂomhghnĂomhaireacht sa tir i rĂ©imse na cothabhĂĄla agus tĂolacaithe rĂ©admhaoine chultĂșrtha agus oidhreachta agus tĂĄ si freagrach as bainistiĂș na SĂ©adchomharthaĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta agus an RĂ©admhaoin StairiĂșil ar fad. Is iad SeirbhĂsi Oidhreachta OOP nĂĄ: âą SeirbhĂs na SĂ©adchomharthaĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta; âą SeirbhĂs SealĂșchais NĂĄisiĂșnta StairiĂșla (NHP); agus âą SeirbhĂs na gCuairteoirĂ TĂĄ OOP freagrach as maoin oidhreachta atĂĄ faoi chĂșram an StĂĄit (faoi ĂșinĂ©ireacht nĂł faoi chaomhnĂłireacht an StĂĄit). TĂĄ na cĂșraimĂ seo a leanas ar OOP i leith maoin oidhreachta thĂłgtha an stĂĄit : âą BainistiĂș, cothabhĂĄil agus caomhnĂș breis is 780 sĂ©adchomhartha nĂĄisiĂșnta; âą BainistiĂș rĂ©imse de shealĂșchas nĂĄisiĂșnta stairiĂșla, mar PhĂĄirc an Fhionnuisce agus breis is 20 sealĂșchas eile ( GĂĄirdĂnĂ Heywood, Garraithe NĂĄisiĂșnta na Lus, CĂșirt Ioma); âą Ăiseanna ateangaireachta iomlĂĄna agus seirbhĂs Treoraithe iomlĂĄn a chur ar fĂĄil ag 70 suĂomh. Is cur chuige cothabhĂĄla, caomhnaithe agus tĂolacaithe a bhĂonn ag SeirbhĂsĂ Oidhreachta OOP. TĂĄ dualgas caomhnaithe ar an oifig, cothabhĂĄil a dhĂ©anamh ar an oidhreacht thĂłgtha ar fad atĂĄ faoi chĂșram an StĂĄit agus tĂĄ rĂłl gnĂomhach aici i leith tĂolacais agus rochtain phoiblĂ.
PrĂomhghnĂłthachtĂĄil LeanĂșnach agus BuaicphointĂ Oidhreachta
âą TacaĂocht lĂłistiochta do phrĂomhimeachtaĂ in 2013, mar na Laethanta NĂĄisiĂșnta CuimhneachĂĄin, CuimhneachĂĄn an Ghorta MhĂłir, LĂĄ ANZAC agus ComĂłradh CĂ©ad Bliain FrithdhĂșnadh 1913 agus bunĂș Ăglaigh na hĂireann. âą
CheiliĂșir an SealĂșchas NĂĄisiĂșnta StairiĂșla LĂĄ Domhanda na bPĂĄirceanna i bPĂĄirc an Fhionnuisce ar an Domhnach, 15 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2013
CrĂochnaĂodh tionscadal a bhĂ maoinithe ag FĂĄilte Ăireann chun na cosĂĄin agus bealaĂ cĂłiste ag Baile an ChaisleĂĄin, Co. Chill Dara a athchur. De thoradh ar seo tionscnaĂodh agus tosnaĂodh ag ĂșsĂĄid na dtailte EastĂĄit i mBaile an ChaisleĂĄin mar mhĂłrionad caitheamh aimsire agus rinneadh an tĂrdhreach stairiĂșil deartha a chaomhnĂș.
Mar phĂĄirt den âGatheringâ, chuir OOP, i gcomhar le OĂ Maigh Nuad, an Rolla Morpeth a bhĂ sĂnithe ag beagnach 250,000 duine ar taispeĂĄint agus thaistil sĂ© chuig a lĂĄn de shuĂomhanna OOP, mar Dhoire FhionnĂĄin, An Geata MĂłr, Cluain Meala, agus CaisleĂĄn Chill Chainnigh i rith na bliana. Rinneadh Ă© seo i gcomhar le OĂ Maigh Nuad agus CaisleĂĄn Howard,
Leanadh de thionscadal mĂłroibreacha caomhnaithe ar ShĂ©ipĂ©al Chormaic ag CaisleĂĄn PhĂĄdraig i rith 2013. NĂ amhĂĄin gurb Ă© SĂ©ipĂ©al Chormaic ceann de na sĂ©adchomharthaĂ luath mheĂĄnaoise is tĂĄbhachtai in Ăirinn ach tĂĄ tĂĄbhacht nĂĄisiĂșnta agus idirnĂĄisiĂșnta ag baint leis na hiarsmaĂ de bhlĂșirĂ mĂșrealaĂne, atĂĄ ag maisiĂș boghta agus ballaĂ an chĂșlbhĂĄ.
Cuireadh Droichead Ard Ara (tugtar Droichead Bhaile Mhic Adaim air freisin) a thrasnaĂonn an Abhainn Airgid, agus atĂĄ ann Ăł dheireadh na 13Ăș haois nĂł Ăł thĂșs na 14Ăș haois faoi chĂșram an stĂĄit in 2006. TĂĄ obair mhĂłr caomhnaithe ĂĄ dĂ©anamh chun nach dtitfidh an droichead. Lean an obair fhĂor-dheacair seo ar aghaidh in 2013, cĂ© gur cuireadh moill ar an obair de bharr go bhfuil an struchtĂșr fĂor-leochailleach.
TĂĄ mĂłroibreacha caomhnaithe ar siĂșl ar ChaisleĂĄn BhĂ©al Ătha MĂĄlais, Co. ChiarraĂ de bharr go raibh gĂĄ stroighin agus concrĂ©it a ghlanadh den struchtĂșr agus chun fadhbanna struchtĂșrtha eile a rĂ©iteach. Ceaptar nach mbeidh an obair ar fad crĂochnaithe go ceann cĂșig bhliana eile.
I mĂ IĂșil 2013 thĂłg OOP seilbh oifigiĂșil ar an sean Teach CĂșirte i ghill MhaighneĂĄin Ăłn tSeirbhis ChĂșirteanna. TĂĄ an Teach CĂșirte suite dĂreach lĂĄmh le PrĂosĂșn Chill MhaighneĂĄin agus tĂĄ sĂ© folamh Ăł mhĂ IĂșil 2008. TĂĄ sĂ© beartaithe ag OOP foirgneamh ChĂșirt Chill MhaighneĂĄin a chur in oiriĂșint dâĂșsĂĄid cuairteoirĂ; seo deis ar leith chun spĂĄs breise a rĂ©iteach do chuairteoirĂ agus chun saorĂĄidĂ coimircĂochta, taispeĂĄntais, taighde agus sochair choimhdeachta a chur ar fĂĄil. Fuarthas an gealltanas maoinithe ba ghĂĄ agus thosaigh obair ar an Teach CĂșirte in 2013. TĂĄ sĂ© beartaithe an tionscadal ar fad a bheith crĂochnaithe in am don chomĂłradh cĂ©ad bliain i 2016.
Is Ă straitĂ©is an StĂĄit nĂĄ an punann eastĂĄt oidhreachta a ĂșsĂĄid chun turasĂłirĂ a mhealladh chuig na ceantair ina bhfuil na suĂomhanna agus iad a spreagadh chun an mĂ©id ama agus is fĂ©idir a chaitheamh sa cheantar ĂĄitiĂșil. Chun tacĂș leis an straitĂ©is seo cuireadh feachtas feasachta/caidreamh poiblĂ ar siĂșl i rith IĂșil agus LĂșnasa 2013. TĂĄ sĂ© seo ar chomhrĂ©im le straitĂ©isĂ tuaithe FhĂĄilte Ăireann i leith turasĂłireachta a fhorbairt.
Chun cur leis na Tionscnaimh Pobail rathĂșla seoladh Tionscnamh Oidhreachta Ăireann, ag tabhairt cuireadh do ghrĂșpaĂ pobail agus ĂĄitiĂșla agus dâĂșdarĂĄis ĂĄitiĂșla aighneachtaĂ a chur isteach agus a bheith bainteach lenĂĄr n-oidhreacht thĂłgtha. Sa tionscnamh deiridh, lĂ©irigh pobail a gcuid tuairimĂ faoi bhealaĂ leis na suĂomhanna ĂĄitiĂșla a chur i lĂĄthair. TĂĄ sĂ© beartaithe leanacht leis an gcaidreamh seo leis na pobail sa todhchaĂ agus dĂreofar ar rĂ©imse de bhearta comhoibritheacha a fhorbairt maidir le caomhnĂș agus cur i lĂĄthair na suĂomhanna ar bhealach nĂos taithneamhaĂ do chuairteoirĂ.
TĂĄ OOP ag brĂș breis ĂșsĂĄide a bhaint as TFC i mbainistiĂș agus i gcur i lĂĄthair an EastĂĄit Oidhreachta. TĂĄ roinnt feidhmchlĂĄir dâfhĂłin chliste forbartha ag an earnĂĄil phrĂobhĂĄideach maidir le SuĂomhanna Oidhreachta faoi leith atĂĄ faoi chĂșram OOP. ĂascaĂonn agus tacaĂonn OOP leis na tionscnaimh seo trĂ rochtain a thabhairt ar bhuneolas agus ar ĂĄbhar lĂ©irmhĂnitheach srl. Lean an tionscadal Facebook ar aghaidh i 2013 agus bhĂ 37 suĂomh oidhreachta ar lĂne le suĂomhanna gnĂomhacha Facebook acu faoi dheireadh 2013.
Bhi roinnt imeachtaĂ an âGatheringâ ar siĂșl ag suĂomhanna oidhreachta OOP, mar oĂche shĂłisialta i gCaisleĂĄn Bhaile Ătha an RĂ i mĂ LĂșnasa ag ceiliĂșradh nascadh Bhaile Ătha an RĂ le baile Renews i dTalamh an Ăisc i gCeanada, ĂĄit ar as ambasadĂłir Cheanada an tUas. Loyola Hearn.
GnĂ© ChlĂĄir BPE: 1. ClĂĄr Intreo Is seirbhĂs nua de chuid na Roinne Coimirce SĂłisialaĂ (RCS) Ă© Intreo. Is ilionad teagmhĂĄla atĂĄ ann do liĂșntais tacaĂochta ioncaim agus fostaĂochta. CĂłnascann Intreo SeirbhĂsĂ Leasa Pobail, FĂS agus an Roinn Coimirce SĂłisialaĂ agus tĂĄ sĂ© i gceist cĂłras nĂos Ă©asca a chur i bhfeidhm, ag tairiscint seirbhĂsĂ praiticiĂșla, struchtĂșrtha fostaĂochta agus tacaĂochta do chuardaitheoirĂ poist agus dâfhostĂłirĂ araon. DĂșirt an Taoiseach Enda Kenny: âIs cĂ©im chun tosaigh an-tĂĄbhachtach Ă© Intreo c h u n b u n a t h r Ăș a c h u r a r a n m b e a l a c h i n a g c u i r t e a r t a c a Ă o c h t a Ă i o n c a i m a g u s f o s t a Ă o c h t a a r f ĂĄ i l . I s seo prĂomhghnĂ© dâfhreagra an Rialtais ar an ngĂ©archĂ©im eacnamaĂochta agus tacaĂonn sĂ© leis na haidhmeanna atĂĄ leagtha amach i bPlean GnĂomhachta Post an Rialtais agus tionscnaimh âBealaĂ chun na hOibreâ. Nascann sĂ© ĂocaĂocht tacaĂochta ioncaim le tacĂș fostaĂochta chun daoine a chumasĂș agus iad ag lorg fostaĂochta agus feabhas a chur ar a ndeiseanna sa saolâ. Iarradh ar OOP bunathruithe a chur ar chĂłirĂochtaĂ a bhĂ ann cheana fĂ©in nĂł ĂĄitribh nua a chur ar fĂĄil don tseirbhĂs nua ar fud na tĂre. Rinne an Oifig comhordĂș ar staid sceitse na scĂ©ime agus crĂochnaĂodh 10 n-oifig poiblĂ Intreo i 2012 i Sligeach, ĂstaĂ an RĂ/SrĂĄid Parnell, Tamhlacht, An tInbhear MĂłr, Baile Munna, Bun Cranncha, An ChĂșlĂłg, DĂșn Dealgan, Fionnghlas agus Cill Ăirne. In EanĂĄir 2013, thug OOP faoi 33 oifig poiblĂ Intreo a chrĂochnĂș i rith na bliana. Chun dul i ngleic leis an tasc dĂșshlĂĄnach seo, bunaĂodh foireann comhthĂĄite feidhmithe ina raibh foirne Ăł BhainistĂocht Ăiseanna RCS, BainistĂocht RĂ©admhaoine OOP, CothabhĂĄil RĂ©admhaoine, SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta, agus SeirbhĂsĂ BainistĂochta Tionscadail pĂĄirteach, agus bhĂ cruinnithe acu uair sa choicĂs i rith na bliana. Is iad SeirbhĂsĂ Ailtireachta, an RCS agus an BhainistĂocht RĂ©admhaoine le cuidiĂș Ăł fhoireann RĂ©igiĂșnach na CothabhĂĄla Maoine, a roghnaigh na hĂĄitribh ar dtĂșs agus a leag amach an rĂ©amhscĂ©im agus na hoibreacha cumasĂșchĂĄin. Nuair a bhĂ an scĂ©im/leagan amach ceadaithe ag RCS, aistrĂodh an tionscadal chuig an Oifig RĂ©igiĂșnach chun Ă© a chur i bhfeidhm lĂĄithreach. De thoradh ar a lĂĄn de na tionscadail seo, bhĂ ar Ranna eile aistriĂș chuig urlĂĄir uachtaracha, chun spĂĄs a fhĂĄgĂĄil ag oifigĂ poiblĂ nĂos mĂł ar urlĂĄir na talĂșn, agus mar sin bhĂ roinnt conarthaĂ seiceamhacha mionoibreacha de dhĂth. In ĂĄiteanna ĂĄirithe, tĂĄ oifigĂ Intreo lonnaithe i dhĂĄ fhoirgneamh agus mar sin bhĂ dhĂĄ chonradh mionoibreacha le tairiscint agus le cur i bhfeidhm. Rinneadh an obair athchĂłirithe ar na hoifigĂ poiblĂ, na seomraĂ agallaimh agus seomraĂ na cĂșl-foirne sna hoifigĂ ina raibh oibrithe lonnaithe, i rith na noĂcheanta agus ag an deireadh seachtaine agus tĂĄ sĂ© seo dĂșshlĂĄnach ach tĂĄ saineolas agus taithĂ leathan ag OOP sa rĂ©imse oibre seo. CrĂochnaĂodh oifigĂ poiblĂ nua Intreo in: Acailll, Baile Ătha Luain, BĂ©al an Ătha, Baile Formaid, BĂ©al an Mhuirthead, Baile BhlainsĂ©ir, BrĂ©, Cathair SaidhbhĂn, Ceatharlach, Cora Droma RĂșisc, An CĂĄbhĂĄn, An ClochĂĄn, Cluain Meala, CĂłbh, Droichead Ătha, DĂșn Laoghaire, DĂșn Fionnachaidh, An ClochĂĄn Liath, Inis, NeidĂn, Cill BharrĂłg, Cill Chainnigh, Luimneach, Lios Tuathail, An Longfort, Baile Locha Riach, CluainĂn UĂ Ruairc, BĂłthar na hUaimhe, An CaisleĂĄn Nua Thiar,TrĂĄ LĂ, An Tulach MhĂłr, Port LĂĄirge agus Loch Garman. 2. BainistĂocht SĂłcmhainnĂ Maoine Dâaithin Plean Rialtais um AthchĂłirithe na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ, a foilsĂodh i mĂ na Samhna 2011, bainistĂocht rĂ©admhaoine an stĂĄit mar cheann de na prĂomhghnĂ©ithe le hathchĂłiriĂș. I mĂ na Nollag 2012 dhearbhaigh an Rialtas prĂomhrĂłl OOP i dtiomĂĄint an phrĂłisis athchĂłirithe bainistĂochta sĂłcmhainni rĂ©admhaooine, i dtaca lena bpunann maoine fĂ©in agus punann maoine na StĂĄtseirbhĂse araon. Thug an Rialtas aitheantas chomh maith do rĂłl eisiach OOP chun cĂłirĂocht oifige a sholĂĄthair don StĂĄtseirbhĂs agus ĂșdarĂĄs aonair na hOifige i dtaca le leithdhĂĄileadh spĂĄs oifige. I mĂ na Nollag ceapadh Cathaoirleach OOP mar Oifigeach Sinsearach atĂĄ freagrach as Forbairt agus feidhmiĂș Plean um SholĂĄthar BainistĂochta SĂłcmhainnĂ RĂ©admhaoine. BĂonn an SRO ina chathaoirleach ar an nGrĂșpa StiĂșrtha um BhainistĂocht SĂłcmhainnĂ Maoine, arb Ă© a rĂłl nĂĄ athbhreithniĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar na socruithe bainistĂochta maoine atĂĄ ann cheana ar fud na hearnĂĄla poiblĂ agus creat a fhorbairt chun
Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht agus luach ar airgead a bhaint as punann maoine an stĂĄit. Cheadaigh an Rialtas an Plean dar teideal âAg Freastal ar na hAthruithe-An Rath ĂĄ Thomhas â chun athchĂłiriĂș maoine a chur i bhfeidhm, agus seoladh Ă© ar an 30 IĂșil 2013. Leagann an Plean SolĂĄthair amach an bealach ina ndĂ©anfar bainistĂocht ar gach gnĂ© faoi leith atĂĄ luaite i bPlean Rialtais um AthchĂłirithe na SeirbhĂse PoiblĂ sa ngearrthĂ©arma, sa mheĂĄn agus sa bfadtĂ©arma agus dĂrĂtear ar: âą bearta a bhaineann uasmhĂ©id ĂșsĂĄide as sĂłcmhainnĂ an StĂĄit; âą Feabhas ar acmhainnĂ maidir le comhroinnt faisnĂ©ise agus cinnteoireachta; âą AtchĂłiriĂș socruithe do chomhroinnt agus aistriĂș sĂłcmhainnĂ maoine laistigh den tSeirbhĂs PhoiblĂ Tugann an cur chuige nua seo deiseanna coigiltis dĂĄirĂre a dhĂ©anamh, trĂ chomhroinnt sĂłcmhainnĂ, saineolas agus faisnĂ©is ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ, maraon le hathchĂłiriĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar chostais riarachĂĄin agus idirbhearta dlĂthiĂșla maoine chun cumhacht idirbheartaĂochta an StĂĄit a mhĂ©adĂș. Cuirfidh tĂĄscairĂ feidhmĂochta chaighdeĂĄnaithe dlĂșs le huasmhĂ©id ĂșsĂĄide a bhaintear as an spĂĄs oifige agus dĂĄ bharr Ă©ascĂłfar comparĂĄidĂ feidhmĂochta foirgnimh agus beidh sĂ© nĂos Ă©asca na hĂĄiteanna a bhfuil feabhsĂșchĂĄin ag teastĂĄil maidir le hĂ©ifeachtĂșlacht spĂĄis agus fuinnimh a aithint. Chun cinnteoireacht a fheabhsĂș, is dul chun cinn tĂĄbhachtach Ă© an clĂĄr maoine laistigh den tseirbhĂs phoiblĂ, agus is fĂ©idir an clar a fheiceĂĄil ar lĂne.
BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte FĂs : Ăifeacht na dtuilte ar an bpobal, ar chlanna, agus ĂĄitribh ghnĂł a ĂoslaghdĂș, trĂ phleanĂĄil inbhuanaithe, treoir, faisnĂ©is agus bearta Ă©ifeachtacha a chur i bhfeidhm i gceantair atĂĄ i mbaol de bharr tuilte. Is Ă Oifig na nOibreacha Poibli an ghnĂomhaireacht cheannasach chun bainistiĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar riosca tuilte in Ăirinn. TĂĄ an Oifig freagrach, mar sin, as bearta agus straitĂ©isĂ cuimsitheacha um bhainistiĂș riosca tuilte a fhorbairt agus a chur i bhfeidhm. Is iad prĂomhfheidhmeanna an chlĂĄir seo nĂĄ:
âą âą
Bearta agus clĂĄir oibre um bhainistiĂș riosca tuilte a fhorbairt agus a chur i bhfeidhm; ClĂĄr Ă©ifeachtach cothabhĂĄla i leith abhantraĂ draenĂĄilte a chothĂș faoi rĂ©ir fhorĂĄlacha na nAchtanna SiltĂn AirtĂ©irigh: agus
comhairle a thabhairt don Rialtas i leith bhainistiĂș agus polasaĂ bainistĂochta riosca tuilte.
Cuireann BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte tacaĂocht ar fĂĄil do rĂ©imsĂ gnĂł eile OOP agus do Ranna Rialtais trĂna seirbhĂsĂ innealtĂłireachta struchtĂșrtha, innealtĂłireachta meicniĂșla agus hidimĂ©adrach. De bharr taithĂ agus saineolas na BainistĂochta Riosca Tuilte tĂĄ sĂ in acmhainn seirbhĂs lĂĄndĂ©antaâa chur ar fĂĄil do chustaimĂ©irĂ maidir le hoibreacha deartha, tĂłgĂĄla agus cothabhĂĄla i rĂ©imse an fhaoisimh tuilte, maraon le hobair innealtĂłireachta ghinearĂĄlta abhann. De bharr go bhfuil infrastruchtĂșr ĂĄiseanna agus foirne ar fud na tĂre ag seirbhĂsĂ BainistĂochta Riosca Tuilte, tĂĄ siad in acmhainn freastail go maith ar Ă©ilimh nĂĄisiĂșnta agus ĂĄitiĂșla. De bharr go bhfuil bunachar sonraĂ leathan hidimĂ©adrach, Ăł na 1940adaĂ ar aghaidh ag OOP agus go ndĂ©antar uasdĂĄtĂș leanĂșnach air, tĂĄ an Oifig in acmhainn comhairle a chur ar fĂĄil do na hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla ar fud na tĂre agus do chomhairleoirĂ innealtĂłireachta san earnĂĄil phrĂobhĂĄideach maidir le cĂșrsaĂ tuilte. Is Ă aidhm BhainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte nĂĄ Ă©ifeacht na dtuilte ar an bpobal, ar chlanna, agus ĂĄitribh ghnĂł a ĂoslaghdĂș, trĂ phleanĂĄil inbhuanaithe, treoir, faisnĂ©is agus bearta Ă©ifeachtacha a chur i bhfeidhm i gceantair atĂĄ i mbaol de bharr tuilte. Chun tacĂș leis an aidhm seo, is iad seo a leanas na cuspĂłirĂ oibrĂochta: âą Comhairle a thabhairt don Rialtas maidir le forbairt polasaĂ agus riachtanais reachtĂșla chun riosca tuilte a bhainistiĂș; âą ClĂĄir agus bearta a fhorbairt, a chomhordĂș agus a chur i bhfeidm chun an leibhĂ©al riosca tuilte don phobal, ĂĄitribh ghnĂł, infrastruchtĂșr agus don timpeallacht a laghdĂș; âą FreagraĂ bainistĂochta riosca tuilte a fhorbairt i gcomhrĂ©ir leis an gcleachtas idirnĂĄisiĂșnta is fearr; âą ClĂĄr Ă©ifeachtĂșil cothabhĂĄla abhantraĂ a draenĂĄileadh faoi fhorĂĄlacha na nAchtannna SilĂn AirtĂ©irigh a choimeĂĄd; âą StraitĂ©is a chur ar fĂĄil chun sonraĂ spĂĄsĂșla (CĂłrais FaisnĂ©ise GeografaĂ (GIS) a bhainistiĂș go hĂ©ifeachtach; âą LeibhĂ©al ard scileanna, spreagthacht agus feidhmĂochta a choimeĂĄd i measc na foirne agus a chinntiĂș go bhfuil oiliĂșint oiriĂșnach orthu chun na tascanna a shonraĂtear dĂłibh a chur i gcrĂch; âą CultĂșr bainistĂochta eolais agus comhroinnt faisnĂ©ise a fhorbairt chun freastal ar riachtanais ghnĂł agus na foirne ; âą CĂłrais bhainistĂochta airgeadais agus faisnĂ©ise a fhorbairt agus a choimeĂĄd; âą CultĂșr cleachtais oibre shĂĄbhĂĄilte a chothĂș.
PrĂomhghnĂłthachtĂĄil LeanĂșnach agus BuaicphointĂ Tuilte
BhĂ rath ar phlĂ© OOP le hĂrachas Ăireann maidir le haontĂș ar MeabhrĂĄn Tuisceana a thugann cuntas ar na prionsabail chomhaontaithe maidir leis an tslĂ chun faisnĂ©is i dtaobh scĂ©imeanna cosanta tuilte OOP a chur ar fĂĄil don tionscail ĂĄrachais in Ăirinn agus an tslĂ ina n-ĂșsĂĄidfidh siad an fhaisnĂ©is sin. LĂ©ireoidh an fhaisnĂ©is seo, a bheidh ar fĂĄil ar shuĂomh idirlĂn OOP ,dearadh, cineĂĄl agus mĂ©id na cosanta seo agus dâaontaigh Ărachas Ăireann an t-eolas seo a chur san ĂĄireamh agus iad ag meas neamhchosaint Ăł riosca tuile Ăłn 1 Meitheamh 2014. TĂĄ an fhaisnĂ©is seo ĂĄ cur ar fĂĄil ar shuĂomh idirlĂn OOP chomh maith.
Lean an obair ar an gClĂĄr um MeasĂșnĂș agus BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte AbhantraĂ (CFRAM) ar aghaidh go maith agus crĂochnaiodh an mhĂłrobair ar shuirbhĂ©anna abhann agus topagrafach in 2013.
Rinneadh dul chun cinn maith leis na socruithe ComhphĂĄirtĂochta le hĂdarĂĄis ĂitiĂșla (ĂĂ) le ClĂĄir MhĂłroibreacha agus Mionoibreacha Caipitil a chur i gcrĂch. CrĂochnaĂodh ceithre mhĂłrscĂ©im faoisimh tuilte agus thosaigh obair ar 2 mhĂłrscĂ©im nĂł cĂ©imeanna de mhĂłrscĂ©imeanna. Cuireadh maoiniĂș de âŹ2.3m ar fĂĄil do mhionthionscadail faoisimh tuilte in 2013.
Rinneadh cothabhĂĄil ar suas le 2,253 cilimĂ©adar cainĂ©al abhann agus deisĂodh nĂł rinneadh 240 droichead nua nĂł struchtĂșir eile in 2013.
DĂreofar in 2014 ar leanacht ag cur sonraĂ hidrimĂ©adrach (leibhĂ©al uisce agus sreabhadh abhann) breise ar fĂĄil ar lĂne. Is fĂ©idir na sonraĂ hidimĂ©adracha iomlĂĄn Ăł chartlann OOP a fheiceĂĄil ar an suĂomh SonraĂ TĂĄ raon de chineĂĄil sonraĂ ar fĂĄil ar an suĂomh. TĂĄ suĂomh idirlĂn nua ĂĄ chruthĂș agus ar fĂĄil faoi lĂĄthair Cuireann sĂ© seo feidhmiĂșlacht bhreise ar fĂĄil, uasdĂĄtĂș beagnach rĂ©ad-ama san ĂĄireamh, agus leanfar ag cur breis sonraĂ carlainne ar fĂĄil dâĂșsĂĄideoirĂ in 2014
An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair FĂs:
A bheith mar an rogha solĂĄthraĂ seirbhĂsĂ dâeagraĂochtaĂ na hearnĂĄla poiblĂ
TĂĄ SolĂĄthair PoiblĂ riachtanach do sheirbhĂs poiblĂ Ă©ifeachtĂșil agus an dea-rialachas. BunaĂodh an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS) in AibreĂĄn 2009. Ba sheirbhĂs chomhroinnte Ă a chur OOP ar fĂĄil agus ba Ă© a feidhm Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht agus luach nĂos fearr ar airgead a bhaint amach i solĂĄthair earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ coiteann do SheirbhĂs PoiblĂ na hĂireann. Ba chuid de fhorfhĂs an tSolĂĄthair PoiblĂ Ă© bunĂș an SNS, ag cur struchtĂșir polasaĂ agus oibrĂochta ag feidhmiĂș le chĂ©ile. Tugadh an tasc do SNS socruithe solĂĄthair earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ coiteann don earnĂĄil phoiblĂ (seachas an earnĂĄil thĂłgĂĄla) a lĂĄrĂș. TrĂd na prĂomhmhargaĂ a aithint agus anailĂs a dhĂ©anamh ar na treochtaĂ solĂĄthair, dâfhorbair SNS cur chuige comhthĂĄite ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ, ag ĂșsĂĄid uirlisĂ solĂĄthair ar nĂłs comhiomlĂĄnĂș agus creat/conarthaĂ comhaontaithe. Dâoibrigh SNS gan staonadh leis na blianta chun a bheith ina hionad barr feabhais chun comhairle i leith solĂĄthair a chur ar fĂĄil agus chuir siad polasaĂ solĂĄthair i gcomhrĂ©ir leis an gcleachtas is fearr agus le tionscnaimh an Rialtais, i bhfeidhm, agus ag an am cĂ©anna ag cinntiĂș go gcloĂfĂ le Treoracha an AE agus na ReachtaĂochta NĂĄisiĂșnta. AistrĂodh an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS) go hOifig SolĂĄthair an Rialtais (OSR) i mĂ EanĂĄir 2014. TĂĄ OSR faoi choimirce na Roinne Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe anois.
PrĂomhghnĂłthachtĂĄil SolĂĄthair
ĂifeachtĂșlacht solĂĄthair a bhain an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair amach 2009-2013 Bliain
nn âŹm
CineĂĄl ĂifeachtĂșlachta Togra Caiteachais Laghdaithe Initiative * ĂifeachtĂșlacht Creata ** RĂomhthairiscintĂ *** ĂifeachtĂșlacht IomlĂĄn ⏠Caiteachas ComhlachtaĂ PoiblĂ faoi chreat âŹm % Ă©ifeachtĂșlachta bainte amach ag SNS
179.8 221.406
35.43% 20.55% 14.88% 13.21%
In 2009, de bharr na gĂ©archĂ©ime eacnamaĂochta, mheas SNS go raibh na praghsanna a bhĂ comhlachtaĂ ag Ăoc trĂ chonarthaĂ, rĂł-ard i gcomparĂĄid le hĂslĂș praghsanna an mhargaidh; agus in imthoscaĂ fĂor-teoranta dâfhĂ©adfadh comhlachtaĂ poiblĂ diriĂș ar ĂslĂș praghsanna faoi leith ar chonarthaĂ socruithe. NĂl na himthoscaĂ cĂ©anna i rĂ©im faoi lĂĄthair chun go n-athndĂ©anfaĂ a lĂ©ithĂ©id.
CuimsĂonn na figiĂșiriĂ seo an maoiniĂș nach raibh ag an Rialtas le leithdhĂĄileadh chun Ăoc as na hearraĂ agus na seirbhĂsĂ a cheannaigh an tSeirbhĂs phoiblĂ Ăł chreat/conarthaĂ SNS. In 2011, mar shampla chaith comhlachtaĂ poiblĂ âŹ179.8m faoi chreat/chonarthaĂ SNS, ach murach go raibh siad seo ar fĂĄil, bheadh orthu âŹ36.5m breise (âŹ216.3m) a chaitheamh. Seo tagairt do chostas earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ agus nĂl costas tairiscintĂ trĂ rĂomhthairiscintĂ san ĂĄireamh.
Seo Ă© an coigilteas de bharr nach raibh gĂĄ fĂłgraĂ a chur i bpĂĄipĂ©ir nuachta de bharr an chĂłrais nĂĄisiĂșnta rĂomhthairiscintĂ. Bheadh costas de âŹ640 ar gach fĂłgra, agus mar sin is Ă© bunĂșs na hĂ©ifeachtĂșlachta rĂofa seo nĂĄ trĂ fhĂłgra mĂ©adaithe faoin lĂon tairiscintĂ a cuireadh i gcrĂch.
**** Seo Ă© an cĂ©atadĂĄn rĂofa trĂd an Ăifeachtulacht IomlĂĄn a roinnt ar shuim na hĂifeachtĂșlachta IomlĂĄin agus Caiteachas na gComhlachtaĂ sa tSeirbhĂs PhoiblĂ faoi Chreat/chonarthaĂ SNS ( is ionann sin is a rĂĄ, cĂ©n caiteachas a bheadh ann murach go raibh creat/chonarthaĂ SNS i bhfeidhm). In 2011 mar shampla, ba Ă© âŹ46.5m a bhĂ mar chĂ©atadĂĄn de âŹ226.3m (âŹ179.8m + âŹ46.5m). Go hachomair, mar sin, de bharr go bhfuil an cĂ©atadĂĄn Ă©ifeachtĂșlachta nĂos airde nĂĄ 20%, go hiomlĂĄn, as gach âŹ5 a caitheadh faoi chreat/chonarthaĂ SNS Ăł 2009, murach an SNS, bheadh ar an StĂĄt âŹ6 a chaitheamh ar na hearraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ cĂ©anna.
TarĂ©is trasdul SNS go OSR, fanfaidh seirbhĂsĂ FoilseachĂĄin agus ToghchĂĄin an Rialtais (GPES) faoi OOP. I rith 2013 chuir na SeirbhĂsĂ ToghchĂĄin gach rud a bhĂ riachtanach ar fĂĄil do na Ceann Comhairimh chun a chinntiĂș go reachtĂĄlfaĂ an dĂĄ Reifreann agus fothoghchĂĄn na MĂ i mĂ Dheireadh FĂłmhair 2013 mar ba chĂłir. I rith 2013, lean an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair ag baint amach Ă©ifeachtĂșlacht shuntasach do chliaint ar fud na seirbhĂse poiblĂ, trĂ bhunĂș creat agus conarthaĂ comhaontaithe .
SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha Chun a chur ar chumas na foirne CuspĂłirĂ StraitĂ©iseacha na heagraĂochta a chur i bhfeidhm. Cuirfidh muid an dĂogras, an ghairmiĂșlacht agus an t-ionracas cĂ©anna i bhfeidhm in ĂĄr ngnĂomhaĂochtaĂ go lĂ©ir dĂreach mar a bhĂ mar shaintrĂ©ithe ag ĂĄr n- eagraĂocht le breis is cĂ©ad seachtĂł bliain. I rith 2013, thug na SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha tacaĂocht inmheĂĄnach do thrĂ rĂ©imse gnĂł OOP â BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit, BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte agus SolĂĄthair. TĂĄ Forbairt agus BainistĂocht AcmhainnĂ Daonna, TeicneolaĂocht FaisnĂ©ise agus CumarsĂĄide agus seirbhĂsĂ eile faoi na SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha agus tĂĄ siad riachtanach dâobair OOP Ăł lĂĄ go lĂĄ. Is Ă aidhm SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha nĂĄ cur i bhfeidhm phrĂomhchuspĂłirĂ gnĂł OOP a Ă©ascĂș. PrĂomhghnĂłthachtĂĄil LeanĂșnach agus BuaicphointĂna SeirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha
Lean an Oifig ag cloĂ le mĂłratĂłir na seirbhĂse poiblĂ agus fanadh faoi bhun an lĂon fostaithe ceadaithe faoin gCreat Rialaithe FostaĂochta don bhliain 2013.
LeibhĂ©al comhlĂonta de 98% bainte amach i leith torthaĂ deiridh CBFF (PMDS ) i 2012.
ChrĂochnaigh OOP a beartas bonnlĂne Foghlama agus Forbartha i mĂ LĂșnasa 2013 chun go mbeadh ar chumas na foirne fĂ©idearthachta SeirbhĂsĂ Comhroinnte lĂĄir an beartas a mheas.
ThĂĄinig ComhaontĂș BhĂłthar Haddington a lean ComhaontĂș PhĂĄirc an ChrĂłcaigh i bhfeidhm ar an 1 IĂșil 2013 agus leanfaidh sĂ© go dtĂ lĂĄr 2016. Ba iad na prĂomhghnĂ©ithe nĂĄ breis uaireanta oibre don fhoireann, laghdĂș ar leithdhĂĄileadh pĂĄ agus athruithe maidir le ragobair. TĂĄ na gnĂ©ithe seo ĂĄ gcur i bhfeidhm i gcomhrĂ©ir le treoirlĂnte na Roinne Caiteachais PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe.
Cuireadh calabrĂș rĂĄtĂĄla CBFF ag leibhĂ©al AP/PO i bhfeidhm le bheith mar chlĂĄr pĂolĂłtach go dtĂ deireadh na bliana 2013.
AistrĂodh an tSeirbhĂs SolĂĄthair (SNS) go hOifig SolĂĄthair an Rialtais (OSR) i mĂ EanĂĄir 2014. Chun cuidiĂș leis an trasdul seo, rinneadh obair rĂ©amhullmhĂșchĂĄin maidir le socruithe aistrithe foirne SNS i rith 2013.
Tugadh conradh ar lĂĄmh i mĂ MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2013 do thionscadal scanta chun digitiĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar chartlann uathĂșil, stairiĂșil luachmhar OOP ina bhfuil 67,000 lĂnĂocht ailtireachta/suirbhĂ©anna SĂ©adchomharthaĂ NĂĄisiĂșnta. DĂĄ bharr seo beidh ĂĄbhar nach raibh rochtain air roimhe seo le fĂĄil laistigh dâOOP agus don ghnĂĄth phobal, mar is cuĂ.
Rinneadh mĂłrchuĂchĂłiriĂș ar fhĂłin phĂłca agus fĂłin lĂne thalĂșn. De thoradh ar seo laghdaĂodh go mĂłr an bille fĂłin bliantĂșil. Cuireadh creatchonradh nua dâfhĂłin pĂłca i bhfeidhm.
UllmhaĂodh treoirlĂnte nua don fhoireann maidir leis na MeĂĄin ShĂłisialta agus Cosaint SonraĂ .
I rith 2013, beartaĂodh feidhm an iniĂșchadh inmheĂĄnaigh a mhĂ©adĂș trĂ sholĂĄthrĂłir comhaimsithe do sheirbhĂs iniĂșchĂłireachta inmheĂĄnaĂ a fhĂĄil. Chuir an tAonad IniĂșchĂłireachta InmheĂĄnaĂ, faoi mhaoirseacht an Choiste IniĂșchĂłireachta, prĂłiseas ar bun chun na seirbhĂsĂ seo a fhĂĄil. Ceapadh an comhlacht PĂĄirtnĂ©ireachta D'Arcy Lynch agus tosaĂodh an obair i mĂ na Samhna. De bharr an phrĂłisis,tĂĄ sĂ© beartaithe go mbeadh aistriĂș scileanna chuig foireann an Aonaid IniĂșchĂłireachta InmheĂĄnaĂ. Le linn Grianstad an Gheimhridh ag SĂ an BhrĂș in 2013, thionĂłil OOP ComĂłrtas EalaĂne Ghrianstad an Gheimhridh do PhĂĄistĂ don dara bliain as a chĂ©ile. ThĂĄinig mĂ©adĂș ar an lĂon iarrthĂłirĂ Ăł bhunscoileanna agus meĂĄnscoileanna agus fuair na buaiteoirĂ bĂłnas breise mar chonaic siad solas na grĂ©ine ag teacht isteach sa seomra adhlactha don chĂ©ad uair Ăł 2007.
Thionscnaigh an Oifig Chaidrimh PhoiblĂ (Preas) clĂĄr suntasach meĂĄin shĂłisialta i rith 2013 le roinnt suĂomhanna oidhreachta (37) ag bainistiĂș leathanaigh Facebook agus tĂĄ breis ĂșsĂĄide ĂĄ baint as Twitter chun gnĂomhaĂochtaĂ na hOifige a phoibliĂș.
Rinneadh suĂomh idirlĂn nua OOP ( a athdhearadh go hinmheĂĄnach agus seoladh Ă© in 2013.
ScrĂșdaĂodh agus tionscnaĂodh modĂșil nua den chĂłras BainistĂochta Airgeadais. TĂĄ uasdĂĄtĂș riachtanach san ĂĄireamh sna modĂșil nua, mar SEPA, socruithe do ChĂĄin ChonarthaĂ IomchuĂ athbhreithnithe agus leasaithe ar an Acht um ĂocaĂocht Pras.
TĂĄ an cĂłras ĂocaĂochta atĂĄ in ĂșsĂĄid ag an Oifig ag aistriĂș chuig cĂłras P2P agus ĂșsĂĄideadh an cĂłras seo i gcomhair 75% de na hĂocaĂochtaĂ ar fad a rinneadh in 2013. Rachaidh prĂłiseas OCR, sonrascĂș lĂĄraithe agus sonrascĂș leictreonach ar aghaidh in 2014.
Chun ullmhĂș do thionscnaimh LĂĄ RĂomhĂocaĂochta an Rialtais (19 MeĂĄn FĂłmhair 2014) dĂ©antar IocaĂochtaĂ pĂĄrolla agus taistil anois go leictreonach (EFT) agus Ăoctar nĂos lĂș nĂĄ 1% dâĂocaĂochtaĂ ConraitheoirĂ anois le seic â laghdĂș Ăł 10% in 2012. DĂreofar ar fhĂĄltais airgid go leictreonach in 2014.
TĂĄ na hullmhĂșchĂĄin do SheirbhĂsĂ Comhroinnte na BainistĂochta PĂĄrolla agus Airgeadais ag leanacht ar aghaidh.
UllmhaĂodh cĂłras pĂĄrolla bunphĂĄ chun Ă© a chur in oiriĂșint do SEPA.
âą âą âą
GnĂ©ithe eile: TionscnaĂodh cĂłras nua CĂĄrtaĂ Ceanaigh agus cuireadh ar fĂĄil iad do rannĂĄin OOP. Dâathlonnaigh SeirbhĂsĂ na SaorĂĄla faisnĂ©ise agus DlĂ go Cill Chainnigh agus tĂĄ siad comhthĂĄite sna SeirbhĂsĂ Airgeadais. TĂĄ na SeirbhĂsĂ DlĂ ag iniĂșchadh ĂșsĂĄid an chĂłrais thaifeadta nuadheartha TF SlĂĄinte agus SĂĄbhĂĄilteachta a dâfhĂ©adfadh comhroinnt faisnĂ©ise ar theagmhais a mhĂ©adĂș. Cuireadh nĂłsanna imeachta nua i bhfeidhm i gcomhair bainistĂochta sĂłcmhainnĂ, lipĂ©adĂș barrachĂłdaithe do shĂłcmhainnĂ caiptil soghluaiste, san ĂĄireamh. FoilsĂodh ĂocaĂochtaĂ os cionn âŹ20,000 gach ceathrĂș. FoilsĂodh an BuisĂ©ad agus MeastachĂĄin i mĂ Dheireadh FĂłmhair- dhĂĄ mhĂ nĂos luaithe nĂĄ sna blianta roimhe seo agus foilsĂodh an REV i mĂ na Nollag. CrĂochnaĂodh trasdul feidhmeanna agus maoiniĂș SNS chuig VĂłta OSR.
âą âą âą âą âą
ClĂĄr Caiteachais TĂĄ sĂ© mar chĂșram ar Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ (OOP) riarachĂĄn agus feidhmiĂș roinnt rĂ©imsĂ Ă©agsĂșla de sheirbhĂsĂ an Rialtais a chur i gcrĂch. TĂĄ cuntas dĂ©anta orthu seo i dtrĂ phrĂomhrĂ©imhse le tacaĂocht riarachĂĄin Ăł SheirbhĂsĂ CorparĂĄideacha. ACHOIMRE CAITEACHAIS OOP CAITHEACHAS CLĂR
CLĂR A - BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte CLĂR B - An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair (SNS) CLĂR C - BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit
77,974 227,101 379,427
70,764 291,746 377,358
lomlĂĄn ComhlĂĄn
D - LeithreasaĂ i gCabhair
MaoiniĂș ClĂĄr VĂłta 13 Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ (ComhlĂĄn)
68,825 223,007
53,169 287,494
Cuntais VĂłta na Roinne atĂĄ ĂĄ mbainistiĂș ag Oifig na nOibreacha PoibliDepartmental Vote Accounts ConarthaĂ Tarraingthe Anuas atĂĄ ĂĄmanaged mbainistiĂșbyagOPW Oifig na nOibreacha PoiblĂ IomlĂĄn
TaispeĂĄnann an tĂĄbla thĂos an caiteachas go lĂ©ir a bhĂ bainistithe ag OOP in 2013 1 a chuimsĂonn: âą cistĂ a dheonaĂtear go dĂreach do VĂłta OOP; âą oibreacha agus seirbhĂsĂ a bhĂonn bainistithe ar bhonn aisĂocaĂochta ag OOP ar son Ranna Rialtais agus GnĂomhaireachtaĂ StĂĄit eile; âą gnĂomhaĂocht conarthaĂ tarraingthe anuas atĂĄ bainistithe ag OOP. TĂĄ na trĂ chlĂĄr faoin ndĂ©antar caiteachas a chatagĂłiriĂș i gcomhrĂ©ir le hImleabhar na MeastachĂĄn Athmheasta Foilsithe
ClĂĄr Caiteachtais 2012 (VĂłtailte, GnĂomhaireachta agus Tarraingth ClĂĄr A - BainistĂocht Riosc ClĂĄr B - An t-SeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta S ClĂĄr C - BainistĂocht Phunann
(tĂĄ figiĂșirĂ 2012 ar taispeĂĄint chun crĂocha comparĂĄide)
R A - BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte Comhairle a chur ar an Rialtas maidir le forbairt polasaĂ agus riachtanais reachtĂșla le haghaidh bainistĂocht riosca tuilte. Forbairt, comhordĂș agus cur i bhfeidhm a dhĂ©anamh ar chlĂĄir agus bearta chun laghdĂș a dhĂ©anamh ar leibhĂ©al nĂĄisiĂșnta an riosca tuilte do dhaoine, maoin, bonneagar agus an timpeallacht. Freagairt Ă©ifeachtach bainistĂochta riosca tuilte a fhorbairt trĂ threoir inbhuanaithe, eolas agus bearta cuĂ maolaithe i gcomhrĂ©ir leis an gcleachtas idirnĂĄisiĂșnta is fearr. VĂłta OOP
A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6
PĂĄ NeamhphĂĄ Ceannach glĂ©asra agus innealra innealtĂłireachta Engineeringandmachinery ImscrudĂș agus MonatĂłireacht HidrimĂ©adrach agus HidreolaĂoch &Hydrological Investigation BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte & Monitoring CothabhĂĄil DraenĂĄla
6,885 1,890 718 1,011 52,015 15,455
6,700 2,201 982 919 44,913 15,049
IomlĂĄn VĂłtĂĄilte IomlĂĄn an ChlĂĄir
77,974 77,974
70,764 70,764
Sciar an phĂĄ
ClĂĄr A - BainistĂocht Riosca Tuilte - Caiteachas BainistĂocht Riosc CothabhĂĄil Ceannach glĂ©asra agus innealra innealtĂł Im scrĂșdĂș agus MonatĂłireacht Hidrim Ă©adrach agus Hidr Costais riarachĂĄin, pĂĄ &
ClĂĄr B â An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair ĂifeachtĂșlacht agus luach nĂos mĂł ar airgead a bhaint amach i solĂĄthar earraĂ agus seirbhĂsĂ coiteanna do sheirbhĂs phoiblĂ na hĂireann.
B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4
PĂĄ NeamhphĂĄ SeirbhĂsĂ FoilseachĂĄin an Rialtais An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair
3,060 330 197 1,190
3,222 361 154 1,195
IomlĂĄn VĂłtĂĄilte SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta
ZG BainistĂocht Punann EalaĂne an StĂĄit ZO SeirbhĂsĂ ToghchĂĄin Luach conarthaĂ comhaontaithe ag cliaint Ăł chonarthaĂ tarraingthe anuas an SNS SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta IomlĂĄn an chlĂĄir
444 473 221,407
691 396 285,727
ClĂĄr B -- An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair - Catheachas VĂłtĂĄilte agus Neamh
An tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta S
Costais riarachĂĄin, pĂĄ &
ClĂĄr C â BainistĂocht Phunann EastĂĄit Le seirbhĂs roinnte a chur ar fĂĄil i rĂ©imse na bainistĂochta maoine agus cothabhĂĄla maoine a chuimsĂonn luachĂĄil ailtireachta agus innealtĂłireachta, suirbhĂ©ireacht chainnĂochta, bainistĂocht tionscadal agus seirbhĂsĂ bainistĂochta ĂĄiseanna don Rialtas lĂĄrnach, do Ranna agus do GhnĂomhaireachtaĂ. Le leanĂșint de bheith ar an bprĂomhghnĂomhaireacht sa tĂr i rĂ©imsĂ an chaomhnaithe agus cur i lĂĄthair maoine cultĂșrtha agus oidhreachta. VĂłta OOP C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 C.11 C.12 C.13
PĂĄ NeamhphĂĄ Foireann Teaghlaigh an UachtarĂĄin Deontas do Chumann ZĂł-eolaĂochta na hĂireann Deontais le haghaidh Oibreacha AthchĂłirithe Ăirithe RefurbishmentWorks Ceannach SuĂomhanna agus Foirgneamh Oibreacha Nua, Athruithe agus Breiseanna CothabhĂĄil Maoine agus SolĂĄthairtĂ CĂos, RĂĄtaĂ srl. Breosla, Leictreachas agus Uisce a leis an Ionad ComhdhĂĄla, Baile Ătha Cliath Paymentsfor Convention Centre Dublin SeirbhĂsĂ Oidhreachta UachtarĂĄnacht an AE IomlĂĄn VĂłtĂĄilte
24,472 5,610 779 400 250 1,045 39,452 36,095 107,092 1,614 51,658 36,277 5,175
24,141 6,402 809 0 340 10 48,199 54,033 97,437 1,757 48,346 35,885 6,150
28,929 20,623 16,632 41 1,064 279 37 181 72 50 1,600
31,846 1,952 14,358 0 788 1,755 0 284 49 1,050 1,767
69,508 379,427 69,951
53,849 377,358 68,488
SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta ZS ZJ ZR ZO ZO ZU ZM ZE ZF ZO
Oibreacha Caipitil thar ceann Ranna Rialtais eile Oibreacha CothabhĂĄla ag Ranna Rialtais ĂocaĂochtaĂ CĂosa thar ceann Ranna Rialtais SeirbhĂsĂ ToghchĂĄin TĂĄillĂ CeadĂșnais Crainn TeileachumarsĂĄide An ClĂĄr TĂłgĂĄla Scoileanna Oibreacha CaipitiĂșla SeirbhĂsĂ PrĂosĂșin Costais Fuinnimh foirgneamh roinnte SeirbhĂsĂ TroscĂĄin Ranna Rialtais ĂadĂĄil SuĂomhanna le haghaidh na Roinne Oideachais agus Scileanna Ăostarraingthe ConarthaĂ IomlĂĄn NeamhvĂłtailte IomlĂĄn an ChlĂĄir Sciar an phĂĄ
ClĂĄr C - Caiteachas VĂłtĂĄilte agus Neamh CĂos, RĂĄ Oibreacha nua, Athruithe & Br CothabhĂĄil M aoine & Sol ĂocaĂochtaĂ aonadacha leis an Ionad Com hdhĂĄla, Baile Ăth SeirbhĂsĂ Oid UachtarĂĄnac Breosla, Leictreachas Seirbh Ceannach SuĂom hanna agus Fo
Costais riarachĂĄin, pĂĄ &
SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta SolĂĄthraĂtear seirbhĂsĂ OOP go ginearĂĄlta Ăł chistĂ VĂłtĂĄilte. Ach nĂ hionann scĂłip iomlĂĄn ghnĂomhaĂochtaĂ OOP agus VĂłta OOP. BainistĂtear eilimint shuntasach maoiniĂșchĂĄin ar son Ranna eile le hairgead a vĂłtĂĄil an tOireachtas do Ranna eile. Ba Ă© mĂ©id iomlĂĄn na SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta in 2013 nĂĄ âŹ53m agus ba Ă© luach na gconarthaĂ a shann an tSeirbhĂs NĂĄisiĂșnta SolĂĄthair Ăł chonarthaĂ tarraingthe anuas nĂĄ âŹ286m SeirbhĂsĂ Eile: Chomh maith le feidhmeanna atĂĄ maoinithe ag VĂłta OOP agus SeirbhĂsĂ GnĂomhaireachta do Ranna eile, solĂĄthraĂonn an Oifig roinnt seirbhĂsĂ a Ă©ilĂonn ionchur agus acmhainnĂ OOP go leanĂșnach. SamplaĂ de na seirbhĂsĂ seo nĂĄ:
âą Comhairle ar cheisteanna ailtireachta âą Roghanna fuinnimh inbhuanaithe a fhorbairt âą IniĂșchtaĂ rochtain uilĂoch a dhĂ©anamh. âą TograĂ cosanta tuilte a scrĂșdĂș agus a chur i bhfeidhm. âą SuĂomhanna le haghaidh bunscoileanna ar son na Roinne Oideachais agus Scileanna a fhoinsiĂș, a mheasĂșnĂș agus a fhĂĄil. âą Ceisteanna solĂĄthair maidir le tionscadail ar leith. âą BainistĂocht EalaĂne taobh istigh den phunann StĂĄit âą SeirbhĂsĂ LuachĂĄla agus SuirbhĂ©ireachta CainnĂochta. âą Riar Chiste na nIasachtaĂ ĂitiĂșla ar son na Roinne Airgeadais. âą AisĂocaĂochtaĂ faoi dheontais ar son na Roinne EalaĂon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta a dheimhniĂș. CistĂ atĂĄ ĂĄ mbainistiĂș ag OOP thar ceann na Roinne Caiteachas on behalf of PhoiblĂ agus AthchĂłirithe. Caiteachais PubExpenditureandReform IasachtaĂ ĂitiĂșla
2012 6,598
2013 5,583
RiarachĂĄn TĂĄ deighilt fheidhmiĂșil na gcostas riarachĂĄin go lĂ©ir san ĂĄireamh sna clĂĄir thuas, ach dĂ©antar achoimriĂș orthu trĂ chineĂĄl caiteachais thĂos mar eolas amhĂĄin:
A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 A.7
Tuarastail, pĂĄ agus liĂșntais Taisteal agus cothĂș OiliĂșint agus Forbairt agus speansais theagmhasacha development incidental expenses SeirbhĂsĂ poistand agus teileachumarsĂĄide telecommunicationsservices Trealamh oifige agus SeirbhĂsĂ Seachtracha TF equipmentand external IT services Speansais ĂĄitreabh oifige SeirbhĂsĂ Comhairleachta agus AthbhreithniĂș ar Luach ar Airgead agus PolasaĂ
IomlĂĄn ComhlĂĄn Sciar na seirbhĂsĂ corparĂĄideacha
2012 34,417 886 639 2,087 2,785 1,424
2013 34,064 1,463 667 1,607 3,731 1,482
42,247 13,378
43,027 13,941