OBAMA Obama Will Partner With Domestic Automakers To Fast‐Track The Development Of Higher Mileage Cars And Produce Advanced Vehicles. As President, Obama will invest in putting one million plug‐in hybrid vehicles on the road by 2015 and provide $4 billion in retooling tax credits and loan guarantees for domestic auto plants and parts manufacturers, so that the new fuel‐efficient cars can be built in the U.S. by American workers rather than overseas. He will also provide tax credits for consumers to purchase advanced technology vehicles. Obama Has Consistently Supported Measures To Increase Our Use Of Alternative Fuels And Passed A Measure To Increase The Availability Of Gas Stations Which Accommodate Ethanol –Based Fuels. Obama has repeatedly voted for efforts to conserve energy, invest in renewable energy and to provide tax credits to help companies develop alternative energy while in the Senate. Obama passed a measure that gave gas stations a tax credit to install E85 ethanol refueling pumps.
McCain Has Been Part Of The Problem in Washington. McCain said that our dependence on foreign oil has been “thirty years in the making, and was caused by the failure of politicians in Washington.” However, McCain has been in Washington for 26 of those 30 years and has done little to solve the problem. McCain Voted Against Increased Fuel Economy Standards. McCain repeatedly voted against increasing the fuel economy standards to 40 miles per gallon. If he had not helped block this policy, new car buyers would already be seeing benefits today. The average new car buyer would be getting an extra 3.3 miles per gallon today, saving them almost $250 this year. Americans would be saving over $7 billion on gasoline this year and we would be using about 2 billion fewer gallons. McCain Joined Bush In Opposing Legislation That Included Tax Incentives For the Purchase Of Fuel Efficient Cars. Twice in the last year, McCain has joined President Bush in opposing legislation that included $3,000 in tax rebates for purchasers of plug‐in hybrid vehicles or fully electric vehicles. McCain’s Tax Plan Would Give $4 Billion In Tax Obama Will Enact a Windfall Profits Tax on the Breaks To The Oil Industry. McCain’s plan to cut Top Grossing Oil Companies to Ease the Burden corporate taxes would give $4 billion in tax breaks on American Families And Require Oil Companies to oil companies – including $1.2 billion for Exxon. To Use Existing Drilling Leases. Obama supports imposing a windfall profits tax to pay for an McCain Opposed Eliminating Billions In Tax immediate emergency energy rebate of $500 for Breaks For Major Oil And Gas Companies. McCain individuals and $1,000 for families and will require opposed legislation to eliminate $13 billion in tax oil and gas companies to either produce or pay a breaks for major oil and gas companies, and fee on unused federal and offshore leases oil instead use those funds to invest in clean and companies are stockpiling. efficient energy programs. Obama Would End Oil and Gas Industry Tax McCain Has Raised More Than $2 Million In Breaks. Obama has called for repealing the oil and Campaign Contributions From The Oil And Gas gas industry tax breaks that President Bush himself Industry. Since January 2007 McCain has raised has said himself are unnecessary given today’s more than $2 million from the oil and gas industry. strong market incentive for expanding exploration And, as the Washington Post noted, campaign and production. contributions from oil industry executives to McCain rose dramatically after he reversed his opposition to the federal ban on offshore drilling.