Rural Council Greeting

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August 25, 2008 Dear Friend, It’s a pleasure to welcome you to Denver, and to the DNC’s Rural Council meeting. The Democratic Party has strong rural leadership, and I would particularly like to thank Denise King, the Chair of the Rural Council, and the more than 400 delegates in attendance representing rural America. Congratulations on being part of the first ever meeting of the DNC Rural Council delegation in Convention history. The Democratic Party is the Party of the People, and the rich diversity of our delegates is one of the best demonstrations of this. Our Convention looks like our country, embracing women and men equally, and Americans of every race, gender, age, faith, ethnicity, sexual orientation and ability. We are farmers and veterans, blue collar workers and small business owners – millions of Americans who know that our government can and must do better. The members of the Rural Council and the communities you represent are vitally important to the strength of the Democratic Party. Traveling around the country to towns and cities of every size, I’ve found that our core American values are shared everywhere – devotion to family and commitment to community, honesty, self-reliance, and personal responsibility. Americans want our politics to reflect these values, and I’ve worked toward this end throughout my career in public service. As President, I look forward to continuing this work with you. It is encouraging to see more and more rural Americans getting engaged in the political process. You are a leader in your community, and we are looking to you to help us reach, register and turn out rural voters in unprecedented numbers. My time as a community organizer taught me how critical personal relationships are in motivating people, whether it is to attend a community meeting or head to the polls. The relationships you have, and the ones you will develop here in Denver, will be crucial to bringing our Party together and sweeping us to victory on November 4th I was privileged to run against Senator Clinton and a field of other enormously talented, experienced, dedicated public servants. But you are the real story of this primary – you brought unprecedented energy, organizing, use of technology, and openness of this primary. Over 35 million votes were cast in 56 contests because you stood up and led. You organized friends and neighbors in the streets and online, brought people of every background to the polls, and ensured that Democrats all across the country made their voices heard. Our Party and my candidacy are immeasurably stronger because of it. Thank you for all that you’re doing and all that you will do in the next two months. I look forward to seeing the rural community turn out in record numbers to help create the changes we seek. Sincerely,

Barack Obama

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