Merve portfolio

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PORTFOLIO OF MY ARCHITECTURAL JOURNEY WHO AM I ? I gratuated from architecture and experienced about bio-architecture since 4 years. I can tell you about what I am doing usually in my life… So I think the energy of love keeps me excited in life. So I am trying to do things which I love! I am bio architect, crafter and home maker. I keep playing with natural buildings, communities, handicrafts, sculpting, happiness and beauty around of me. I am travelling, questioning and seeking out for the ancient knowledge of elements (fire, earth, water, air, space) . I feel blessed for the gift to be able to experience different ways of creating, loving and praying. We are all blessed by beauty of nature, I wish to enjoy this together each moment… WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW ? I practice Natural building and social art together. We have a community called obaruhu,where we indulge in community oriented natural building and art. We take inspiration from nature and traditional native shelters and incorporate it with the POWER of five elements and bio climatic designing. OBARUHU BIO – ARCHITECTURE & ART Obaruhu is composed of two words Oba + Ruhu .” Oba ” in tengri means tents / temporary shelter of a nomadic community living, travelling and sharing their life together and “Ruhu” means the spirit. Obaruhu represents the spirit of the ever lively nomad tribe that keeps moving from one place to another in order to maintain the balance in nature outside and inside oneself.


“Smyrna (Turkish, Izmir); an ancient city of Asia Minor. The city is one of the oldest settlements of the Mediterranean basin.The first site, probably founded indigenously, rose to prominence during the Archaic Period as one of the principal ancient Greek settlements in western Anatolia. The second, whose foundaztion is associated with Alexander the Great, reached metropolitan proportions during the period of the Roman Empire.”


I love exploring traditional cultures and vernacular buildings. They hold stories about communities, families, their beliefs, play, dance, fall, rise and revival and also about nature, surroundings, climate, space and elements which binds them all together. As a practice traditional buildings have undergone a trial and error process, working hand in hand with nature for generations. The results produced traditionally have many hidden principles and they need to be revived in some form. I like to do this with few contemporary additions.

“Kula Houses are one of the spatial manifestations of the 19th century Ottoman townscape. Traditional Kula houses in the district that possesses texture of Ottoman city are generally double-decked and wooden-built. The two striking aspects of the Ottoman House were the courtyard and the hayat. Courtyard was both like a large, open room for the activities of the household and it was also the edge space between the compound and the outside. The hayat was more than a circulation area between the rooms and the staircase; it was a semiopen multi-functional living space on the upper floors. With its strong visual connection to the courtyard and to its natural setting as well as to the rest of the town, hayat was a unique part of the Ottoman House.�

Nature the oldest and the wisest is pure and pristine and it calls for respect while used in a building. Using natural materials from the local context is one of the best ways to come to terms with sustainable buildings. Climate governs the nature of the materials. Climate can be classified into two levels, micro and macro level. Macro level climate is the general climate of a region and microclimate is site-specific climatic conditions. Both these need to be considered and analyzed while designing a building. Analyzing and designing appropriately according to the local climate can help create a comfort zone in the form of the dwelling.

ecologic revolution / GREEN ANARCHY (yeşil anarşi) “Green Anarchy” emerged as final yearproject of degree of Architecture. Theme of the project is “Representation of the Corporate Identity through architectural form”. Green Anarchy is an independent organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour of society, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote creativity by nature for nature. Grren Anarchy includes “reserch center” about natural resources, “alternative education spaces” like lab, workshops and “social spaces” like museum, cafe, open air cinema.

Main materials of buildings are recycable lattice steel structure and wodeen portable modules inspired by traditional food storehouses of Black Sea Region of Turkey. Those storehouses calls “Nayla”. Nayla has been built as a portable module by interlaced wood system without any nails. And located on wooden pillars which has wooden wheels on top of each. This technique has been used to protect the foods from mice and other pests. Also protects from humidity to keep the foods dry. The most beautiful decorations and wood carving examples of traditional

architecture can be found in these works. Nayla is source of inspiration for this project. Green Anarchy designed by inspiring from traditinoal art of building with care of land, sun, humidity, wind and space; and with the possibilities of modern technology.

“Yeşilova Höyük is a höyük (mound) in İzmir, Turkey and is the first known settlement in prehistory in the area of İzmir. It was occupied continuously from roughly 6500 to 4000 BCE, and was covered with silt afterwards.”

team. We inspired from exist neolithic settlementʼs pattern, matterials and sense of spaces and combined with current possibilities of building techniques, materials and needs of the

meter. At new design we chosed to

Yeşilova Neolithic Settlement, Visitor Center and Archeological Research Facility

This project designed during my office internship as a

users. Neolithic settelment houses are square shaped and built on stone foundation. Ot top of foundation 1.50cm hight stick and mud walls and with tatch roof hights becomes 4-5

built stone fountation, recycable steel consturaction and brics made by stone dusts and lime mixture. According to sun light and wind we designed the settelment plan and glass windows.

WARRIORS WITHOUT WEAPONS - Community Oriented Dream Makers REAL-LIFE EXPERIENCE; WARRIORS WITHOUT WEAPONS The program designed by Enstitude Elos. Elos is an organization focused on designing and carrying out strategies so people can build together the best of all worlds. A 30-day experience for young entrepreneurs who want to change the world. The program offers a number of tools that facilitate collective decision-making and implementation of projects in communities in a rich and challenging cultural and social environment. OASIS GAME A free use community mobilization

tool developed by the Instituto Elos and applied by the institute, as well as by young entrepreneurs, in various parts of the world. THE ELOS PHILOSOPHY HELPS US MAKE DREAMS COME TRUE! We believe that materializing the best of all worlds is possible if we can do it of our own free will, with no suffering and with the assurance that our efforts are effective! Our actions, tools, program, and projects are based on the Elos Philosophy, which comprises seven disciplines: Gaze, Affection,Dream, Care, Miracle, Celebration, and Re-evolution.

GAZE The gaze consists of exercising and cultivating an appreciative outlook on the community and its environment in order to create a scenario of abundant resources and possibilities, enhancing each person's presence and potential for contribution.

AFFECTION Affection is what stimulates people to create affectionate relationships, fostering the emergence of mutual care and trust – elements that feed and strengthen collective work. The exercise of listening is an essential skill for this discipline.

DREAM To dream means to provide the appropriate space and relationship for the expression of the best and deepest aspirations in us all. It means building an image of the best we would like to achieve, transcending our habitual practice of only identifying problems. Typically, the deeper, more genuine and more precious the dream, the more support it finds from the entire community.

person始s contribution to the collective achievement. It is when the concrete physical achievement and the lived experience make even more sense because they are nurturing the celebration of life. CARE Care consists of carefully planning strategies and projects that will widely meet the expectations of a set of common dreams. The group operates in response to the question of how to walk together while taking care of oneself, of others and of a shared dream all at the same time. MIRACLE Miracle is what we call collective action motivated by the group始s

best qualities and skills, equipped with the abundance of existing resources within the community, confident in the affectional bonds that unite them, and motivated by their best common dreams. It is an extraordinary gift that you give to yourself and to others. CELEBRATION A celebration is a reunion after a course of action in order to share the joy of joint accomplishment, recognize and celebrate each

RE-EVOLUTION To create a re-evolution is to think about the future and plan actions to materialize new challenges, always together and with new momentum created by the joy of seeing dreams come true.

THE EMERGENCE OF “COMMUNITY ORIENTED NATURAL BUILDING” WARRIORS WITHOUT WEAPONS one of the brightest life experience of mine. After getting 31 days of inspiring training about community building and organizing, I had new colorful seeds to sow in my path. My bigest realizing from this experience is the power of collaboration. There is nothing good or bad when we produce together as one. This was the time I got over my obsession of perfection. Life has such a big pattern other then visible parts. So most importent thing is to come together in higher level of intensions other then material approaches. This was the time concept of COMMUNITY ORIENTED NATURAL BUİLDİNG was born. Natural materials , which have not undergone major

transition from its original state can be easily used in building. They do not cause any form of natural harm during construction either to man or the environment infact they help us heal. The beauty of natural materials

Community oriented is a participatory approach, it is one of the most fun and interactive method of building home. Building with neighborʼs, friends and family, inviting them to play, dances , sing transforms a physical building

into a dwelling because it involves gifting their energies. So we create the spirit of home with hands of community:) is it can be played and be reused innumerable number of times. Making the building immortal.

Element games is a medium to connect natural building and community building. These are set of meditative games which helps under-

standing all the elements of natural building process inspired by the shamans in Brazil. The idea is to open and spend some quality time , concentrating a specific sense towards each element. While we are connecting with elements as a group of people we also connect with ourselves and with our community. As each participant breathes, the building absorbs it and in return transforms itself from mere natural walls to a respiring natural home. So through all this experiences and ideas we found a new methodologie of creating bio-homes. And we are keep discovering about it as OBARUHU bio-architecture & art.

“Although we are not the childs of the world that we dream of, letʼs become the ancestors of that world.” “Here we are calling out to you from an era of awakening that the winds of change became alive in our souls and actions. Now it is time to breath these changes all together. Letʼs come together to build a world that is in harmony and peace, and letʼs widen the change with our single touches.”

TRANSFORMATION & NATURAL BUILDING WORKSHOP / BAYRAMIC, TURKEY The workshop was an action to bring people of similar interest together. We wanted the participants to experience community life and we used architecture as a tool to PRODUCE TOGETHER. It was also a get away from the urban life, a life away from the consumerism and to enter collective and productive way of living.


We analyzed the land and climate, then we designed together with our clients. The climatic conditions

to create venturi effect .The summer breeze is pressu rised to pass through these small openings and escape

protected by thick straw bale walls.

HIRA HOUSE PROJECT / BAYRAMIC, TURKEY being extremely cold and windy in winter it was necessary to design a thermally insulated house. We used a mixture of slip-straw and straw bale to come in balance with nature. The house is aligned in east west direction to trap south ern sun during winter and to direct the wind into the house in the summer. There are small openings at the plinth level to the northeast

through a larger opening on the roof of southwest side, this helps in drawing out the hot wind and keeping the house cool in summer. The room in the east is the storage room hence the room has to be cool throughout the year.Cause of the landshape it is placed in east. Which is the mildest sun and the southern wall which receives the warm sun is

It is of great significance that one participates in understanding, designing and building ones home. This process will give them a better understanding of the spaces, the feel and texture of the materials ,how to deal with improvements all by

themselves. Moreover it helps in building what is just needed for the dwellers and nothing more.

At south-west as the sun sets the wall starts to glow beautiful rainbow spiral glass bottle sculpture. We cooked together ate together and built together what to do,these are the side effects of natural building :)

URBAN ASHRAM PROJECT / PUNE, INDIA A joyful intensive program was an effort to reach out to the city dwellers to experience conventional way of life which many of us are not part of anymore. Yoga, element games, cooperative games, circular dances, traditional food and hands on all blend together shows us how to make life fun under the sun:)

An earthbag base which connected with the oven and then later extended into a small seating. We got two traditional cooked “chulha� from kumbhaar wada ( potters community in old pune )to be inserted into this base. In the zen garden we made a similar earthbag seating along with a cob partition wall.

The external plaster is made with a mixture of lime and further layers of whey , clay, cow dong and sand. Earth game , where we subtly introduce the element earth to the participants in a playful manner. We asked the mud � How do you feel ?�

Thank you so much for the space, care and love which motivated us to create in the flow <3

Yurt – a nomadic tent house of the past or an alternative way of energyefficient, ecological, healthy, affordable and sustainable house of the future? A yurt is a portable, bent dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads in the steppes of Central Asia as their home. The structure

proofing. This project has been fulfilled by gift culture and collaboration. All the expenses gifted by people who has similar dreams and built by people who serves for same dreams. Coming together with people to built home is a tool to create relationships

YURT - A NOMADIC SHELTER , ANTALYA / TURKEY comprises a crown or compression wheel, usually steam bent, supported by roof ribs which are bent down at the end where they meet the lattice wall (again, steam bent). The top of the wall is prevented from spreading by means of a tension band which opposes the force of the roof ribs. The structure is usually covered by layers of fabric and sheepʼs wool felt for insulation and weather-

and to create communities around us. Thank you for all who gave this experience to us. Thank you for Veysi Özdemir who leaded the project.

This yurt has been designed according to golden ratio and totaly with natural materials. Instead of metal nails we used leather strings and wood painted by linceed oil and hand carvings. Have been created with love and passion

This project started as workshop during a architecture festival for students. After workshop who could build faith in the material stayed back with us to enjoy and inspire from mud, water, fire, wind, stars. We camped in coppice forest around our strawbale house for one and half month to finish it and leave as an inspiration to the villagers who were taking

Thank you to all

HALF ROUND STRAWBALE HOUSE, ESKISEHIR / TURKEY care of us while building process. Foundation was built by villagers, materials mostly provided by Anadolu University, water from village, clay and sand from around of us, food provided by university, villagers and us‌ So as collectively as always we could finished our inspirational, experimental half round straw bale house.

+TİBA… A PLACE WHERE MANY PEOPLE MEET …a place where you meet with yourself …a place where you realize realities behind the screens …a place where you see that way of living can be a bit different. In Tupi, an indigenous language in Brazil, “tibá” means: “ A PLACE WHERE MANY PEOPLE MEET “.

using group communication and creativity. ”I had the chance of doing one month of intership in this ver much inspiring place. During internship I participate diffirent natural building techniques and plastering and inspiring life experiences”

TIBÁ – INTUITIVE TECHNOLOGY AND BIO-ARCHITECTURE, RIO / BRASIL TİBA has been built 25 years ago by Rose and Johan van Lengen to impart a deeper awareness of how we perceive our environment. Through the integration of art and science, intuition and logic, reason and feeling, communication will be enriched. Each individual is given a possibility to share his own experience, which then becomes a part of a true collective,




WHO I AM AND WHERE I AM NOW Currently I am living in Turkey and working on community building and natural buildings. I am one of the founder of organization called “OBARUHU�. Name : Merve Tekin E-mail : Web Site :

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