FInal Major Project Proposal

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My favourite subject is...

...Design for Visual Communication.

But What Is Design For Visual Communication? Source: Apple Mac Dictionary

design noun

visual Adjective

communication noun

1 a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made : he has just unveiled his design for the new museum. • the art or action of conceiving of and producing such a plan or drawing : good design can help the reader understand complicated information | the cloister is of late twelfth century design. • an arrangement of lines or shapes created to form a pattern or decoration : pottery with a lovely blue and white design. 2 purpose, planning, or intention that exists or is thought to exist behind an action, fact, or material object : the appearance of design in the universe.

of or relating to seeing or sight : visual perception. noun (usu. visuals) a picture, piece of film, or display used to illustrate or accompany something.

1 the imparting or exchanging of information or news : direct communication between the two countries will produce greater understanding | at the moment I am in communication with London. • a letter or message containing such information or news. • the successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings : there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents. • social contact 2 ( communications) means of connection between people or places, in particular • the means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers : satellite communications | [as adj. ] a communications network. • [treated as sing. ] the field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means. Project Aims & Rationale

Design + Visual + Communication

Project Aims & Rationale

= ... The ‘new basic skills’ are about how people think and act, not just what they know Source: The Creative Age pg. 20

Practical skills

Information management

Personal & inter personal skills


Active participation within society

Reflective and evaluative


Risk taking

Design thinking

Future thinking

Ethnographic skills

Decision making

Engagement with society

Stress management

Creative research skills

Learning from failure

Design methodologies

Knowing how & that

Ability to identify challenges

Communication skills

Transfer knowledge

Team work

Adapting to diff contexts

List complied from a variety of sources, I also did a self evaluation about the skills I have learned whilst studying Design for Visual Communication.

Trial & error through prototyping Focus

Learning these skills are dependant on learning styles this can be seen in Barnetts list comparing Academic competence and Operational competence Barnett 1997 a:30-1 Pg. 14 Project Aims & Rationale

Barnett has expanded on Dormer’s notion of the following two types of learning styles, and has complied a list of the comparisons between the two.

Academic competence

Knowing that Written communication Personal Internal Localized capacities Intellectual Thought Problem making Knowledge as process Understanding Value-laden Discipline-based Concept-based Pure Proposition-based-learning Individualized learning Holistic Disinterested Intrinsic orientation

Operational competence Knowing how Oral communication Interpersonal External Transferability Physical Action Problem solving Knowledge as product Information ‘Value free’ Issue-based Task-based Applied Experiential learning Group-based learning Unitized Pragmatic Instrumental orientation

Project Aims & Rationale

What do I hope to gain from the project and why? Audience Secondary pupils and/or teachers (esp D&T teachers) / Families / Government

Purpose • Design and Technology tends to occupy a marginal place in the curriculum. The project will hopefully provide the opportunity of the challenges D&T teachers face within education, and to understand the opportunities available for Design to work along core and bind together practical work in the school curriculum ranging from subjects such as Maths, English and Science. • The nature of Design also provides the opportunity to develop responsible citizens who can have an impact on current social challenges, making a positive contribution towards society. • With the current cuts to the arts sector and within education how design can play a greater role within secondary education, socially and internal.

The skills which students learn whilst studying design can be applied to many other job roles and not just those in the creative sector. Sian Cook mentions that design education gives students a lot of ‘transferable’ and ‘adaptable’ skills. Source: GMD Advertising pathway leader. LCC (UAL), Alexander Rose, Does Design Education Work? Dissertation 2011


What is creativity? Design for Visual Communication is a creative act that forms part of the communication industry. There are many opportunities i.e working in advertising, design for print, interactive design.

What creativity is This report argues that creativity can be learned and presents leading examples from different sectors of society on how it can be done. In contrast to more traditional notions of what it means to ‘be creative’, we argue that creativity is not an individual characteristic or innate talent, creativity is the application of knowledge and skills in new ways to achieve a valued goal. Source: The Creative Age pg. 10

Creativity, however, cannot be learned in a vacuum. Rather than a being a skill which can be performed on command it is a form of interaction Between the learner and his / her environment. Conditions for encouraging creativity Trust - allowing risks and learning form failure Freedom Action - creative application, and choice Variation context - experiencing skills in a range of contexts. Right balance between skills and challenges Interactive exchange of knowledge and ideas Producing real world outcomes Source: The creative Age pg. 10

What creativity isn' t The most common misconception about creativity is that it involves artistic sensibility. • Creativity is not equivalent to brilliance. • Creativity does not imply talent • Creativity is not a skill. It is not simply a technique that one can perform well on command. Source: The Creative Age Pg. 26


Political educational debate “Higher education (HE) in Britain is currently under attack. Universities across England are suffering a huge blow by the Conservative-led cuts to public funding as the government tries to repair the damage of Britain’s 2008 recession” Hannah Richardson, 2010. The cuts to education has resulted in: • The closure of courses • Universities demanding more money from their students • Students questioning the value of education in today’s society • Pressures on time/ class size/ space/money examinations

Creative sector There have also been cuts to various cultural institutions across the country. Museums such as the Science Museum, V&A, and Design Museum offer inspirational and creative resources for all ages and backgrounds.

Our economy benefits greatly from the creative industries and the future of those industries depends on the investment in our education system.(Sam hunt, 2010) Source: Alexander Rose, Does Design Education Work? Dissertation 2011

Focus / Context

Cuts within the curriculum Sometimes individuals can have a ‘cynical’ attitude towards vocational and experimental learning methods such as learning an Art and Design subject. The National Society for Education in Art and Design (NSEAD) said some head teachers are removing art and design as a GCSE option so that pupils can study English Bac subjects instead. The cuts will have an effect on design and creative subjects, students and Industry workers are questioning the job stability within the creative sector. The Design industry is one of toughest to break into. Year on year more designers are working in Britain. The Design Council’s 2009 UK design industry report shows that: ‘There are an estimated 232,000 designers in the UK. This is a 29% increase on 2005. Design Council Labour Force Survey 2008 and Design Council Survey2009. However there are opportunities within design from working in a design studio, freelancing, being part of an inhouse team for a company, or doing design consultancy, the challenge is informing individuals of this.

Design as an academic subject is still a fairly new concept, though widely acknowledged. To design (verb) implies the practical act of doing something where education holds the veneer of intense academic study. In the book Creative Research, Hilary collins puts forward the question, How to link design research in academia to design practice in industry.

Design, in some cases, is often viewed as a luxurious add-on by those unfamiliar with this subject. However, as we well know, the most effective examples of design are those, which we do not question. Pail bailey, lead tutor Focus / Context

Does design make a positive Contribution towards society? Society is growing more and more complex everyday and there is a greater demand for services, the needs of audiences are changing and the demands of the designers role too. With technology evolving Designers need to move beyond dealing with typography, colour and drawing but transfer their additional skills to the needs of society. At the time of writing, the UK budget is undergoing a mass overhaul, social constancies including Thinkpublic have identified that creative approaches such as co-design will have a significant role to play in the transformation of public services and Big Society Theory. The role of design is moving towards giving people the skills be able to think confidently and turn into active citizens. This is done using a variety of Design and communication methods.

The creative industries: architecture, advertising, art, theatre, performing arts, deign, music , radio & television - make up an increasingly important element of economic activity in thy UK, Western Europe, the US and Asia. In the UK, the creative industries have become a major economic force, accounting for over 7 % of the economy. With a growth rate that is double that of the economy as whole, the creative sector is a vital source of employment and business development. Countries such as China and South Korea are now positioning their creative industries as priorities for strategic growth, while the US and across Europe, the level of competitive challenge is rising significantly Research book. Source: Creative Research, Hilary Collins

Obie Campbell

Focus / Context

Design education view points en t nm r e v Go

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Focus / Context

Examples Of Design Education

Science V&A museums & Design museum These cultural organisations offer a variety of programmes and activities for young people and families from a range of different backgrounds to do, face-to-face or online. Their core purpose it to be able to communicate about subjects such as design, art, fashion, history, geography and art using a variety of designed communication channels. Exhibitions such as the New Climate Change Exhibition in the Science Museum offers great methods of learning a topic combining motion / graphic and interactive design, that appeals to all of the senses.


Examples Of Design Education

Uscreates BS10: Big It up Henbury more info click here

Empowering young people through design to make positive pledges about their local area.

Brand design created by the local young people through a series of workshops. Above: Inspiration Lab.

Social Design Consultancies are playing a major role in helping to transform services and respond to peoples needs.

Other companies include Participle / Live Work / thinkpublic / Sidekick Studios


Examples Of Design Education

sorrell foundation The Sorrel Foundation provide a range of innovative programmes joining together education and Art & Design, linking the Design Industry with a variety of age groups within the curriculum. Their aim is to inspire creativity in young people and improve the quality of life through good design. Creative and empowering programmes include: • Join Up Design for My Place (Inspiring young people in youth-center design) • The Design Cub • The National Saturday Art & Design Club • The Young Design Programme - This term, London College of Communications, Graphic Design - Degree students will be working with Heartlands High students on the branding of their Houses. • Partnership for Schools

more info click here

Observation of a board within the Heartlands School describing Design projects done. Context

Examples Of Design Education

water design challenge 2011 The Design Council aims to help Britain use design to build a stronger economy and improve everyday life through a variety of discussions and talks online / offline, co-designed activities, and online / offline resources. As one of the world’s leading design institutions, they are a centre of new thinking and insight into new ways to do business by connecting the right people. The Water Design challenge is a new initiative for Key Stage 3 students and teachers in the South East who are interested in using design to make water saving easy and enjoyable.


Talks & TV Debates RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Jamie Oliver Dream School

We put teenagers (aged 13-19) in direct contact with working professionals in the creative industries. We do this through our online magazine, through live workshops, and through projects with brands, media organisations, cultural institutions and clients in the public sector.

Jamie Oliver’s new series, in which he assembles a team of celebrities to inspire a group of struggling schoolchildren and improve their education. The use of celebrities teaching, such as Rolf Harriss teaching Art may not work successfully but it will be interesting to see the methods used over the coming weeks.

more info click here

The environment setting for the show is very colourful and playful.


1. What was your experience of design education in secondary school?

2. If you did choose to study design at what age did you make this choice and why? n lly o p a i c lo e eve esp d , t n how sons, pai rnt nk, s i a e e l s ic le astic .I h e ou p r t pl ra mo ow .... ur g create urs o dh o e l n ngs i n i o o r c t d w a n a I le lend n art a nt how ical dr ob i r t I n a h h ar 9 e le tec how as bot e w o y d h in e o as ide wt tw ign my i s o m e e h lik s nd erm ls and felt t, I wa th i a t e i p d e a o a s e d u m llow l beca goo what w o f s l a se e to st of a gs I w hoo oos 1 n c i h c h o t CE I rm ad t ur GS est s, e h b s e e e o h gu of t e and w do for t o one t a sion anted pas oyin w ded A n Joh

Pilot Research

1. What was your experience of design education in secondary school?

I was only taught Art & Design and 95% of the lesson was Art i.e painting, drawing, textiles etc. The other creative lesson I did was Design & Technology, in this we learnt about wood works, colouring in properly, making plastic boxes and learning how to sketch!

I loved design at school it was very enjoyable but I always felt it never took me anywhere near enhancing my interest in engineering as it seemed we always made simple toys or tools. Alan Uyanneh\

Obie Campbell

I was taught Design and Technology - where I learnt to design and build ergonomic and functional pieces of furniture, design and create a child’s toy (in my case a marble game) and make key rings. I found this beneficial because doing it meant that I had the ability to design and build things from scratch. Which is pretty cool when you think about it! I should probably do it more! Andy Sowerby

My past experience in this subject area is widely appreciated, both for its practical benefits and sense of academic stimulation. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Design department at school, and was one of my mini pick me ups in a tough academic schedule. It help broaden skills as a man, developed my architectural capabilities and even advanced my maths to a degree. The opportunity to create, craft and design under professional supervision was simply super. Paul

I studied Art and Design and Graphic Design. My graphic design course was just product design really, and in my art and design course we got taught all the mediums 3d and 2d....(I made a 3ft banana for my pop art project hahaha) and then were left to do what we wanted, we got taught how to use Photoshop and some basic photography too. I enjoyed it all. No idea why I carried on graphics into college though, but when I got to college, my graphic design course turned out to be all advertising. Ella Mackinnon Pilot Research

1. What was your experience of design education in secondary school?

My art subject, I learned how to paint graphic paints, watercolour and oil pencils. According to my design and technology, I learned about materials and processing of the everything (metals, tins, plastic)... Sheng Szechan

Um we were taught art, and the Design and Technology, where we got to do textiles, cooking and wood work, the textiles and the wood work where good as they teach you craft skills.

Did graphics GCSE which in retrospect looks much more like product design... also did ART... which was, pretty alright... abit like playtime with paint, and clay and stuff :)... dunno what to say... they were very much a foundation and though probably none of what I learnt then applies now... it was a stepping stone to where I am currently.

Kathleen Slaney

We had art (drawing stuff), and design technology (making stuff out of wood). there wasn’t much focus on creativity and the broadness of design.

At my secondary school we were taught art and design which was very similar to yours Obie. We were also taught technology/ product design which was like packaging and that. On reflection I think that the art and design is what got me into design, not product design as I thought that it focused too heavily on advertising

Anna Magombe

George Siorvanes I am fully in the know of how to use a metal ruler to make acrylic mad smooth on the sides. That was graphics GCSE. Oh and perspective drawing, but that’s it. Ailbhe McCormack Pilot Research

Wordle used to highlight the most commonly used words, it can be seen that there is a strong focus on craft and product design withing Secondary School Education

Pilot Research

2. If you did choose to study design at what age did you make this choice and why?

I did a collage of a lobster in year 3.. .and some parent mentioned something about it being good enough to be in an art gallery... started down the root there... though I was much more interested in architecture until an encounter later on in life.... So whatever age you are when your in year 3 at school.. I’m not feeling to count back to figure that out. Daniel Michael Cameron

Probably sub consciously at A level, as I picked art and photography. I’ve always enjoyed creative subjects and was good at them, and the more I get into the design the more I love it.

When I went to college and had the evilest teacher in the world...and she made me hate graphics but, then she got really ill and we got this new amazing teacher (yay), who enlightened me to the fact that not all graphics was advertising. Next thing I knew I was sewing logos, making my own paper and doing illustrations on denim and learning about type!!! Then I was really set!!! Ella Mackinnon

Kathleen Slaney

When I was 21 and a teacher told me my work was really graphic. I didn’t know it was called ‘graphic design’ until then. I loved creating things and doing graphic design but didn’t realise I could actually do it as a career.

‎3yrs old, when I did a painting for father Christmas. lol, naa probs after doing foundation art and design at ravensbourne, I chose to do the graphics pathway on that then I was hooked. George Siorvanes

Anna Magombe I studied design from 11-17 but I chose it as an option at 13 due to the old O level,GSCE curriculum. Alan Uyanneh

Pilot Research

Wordle used to highlight the most commonly used words, having a passions for making and doing could lead a student onto studying design further but I think encouragement and understanding creativity is important too.

• How can design help to connect the various parts of the curriculum, or improve the social and community life of a secondary school. • How can visualisation helps students & parents understand what they are being taught within the home / school? • How can design inspire others to become entrepreneurial skills?

Pilot Research

Possible Outcomes • Innovative teaching module or set of lesson plans featuring design • Event / events exciting young people about design • Enrichment activity • Visit programme that helps young people understand design • Classroom resources or teaching aids for design • Online resource • Educational resource explaining the perks of studying design • Support for families to help them understand design Outcomes

Action plan

One Method: Research existing D&T classes, 2008 new secondary curriculum launched, aims of D&T / create methods of understanding students and their experiences, why they like / dislike D&T

Week 1 / 21st - 27th March: Literacy review about education, design education, creativity, design skills, set up interview and ask to shadow a lesson with D&T teachers. Question the Sorrell Foundation students about their experience in D&T lessons. Week 2 / 28th - 3rd April: Visit cultural organisations including the Science Museum, Design Museum, V&A , V&A Childhood Museum. Collect examples of graphic work that makes a positive contributes to society. Look at the reformed curriculum. Week 3 / 4th - 10th April: Research into the perks of a design education and how you can enquire these additional skills,Start collecting and looking at the resources used to inspire creativity and the methods used to communicate. Week 4 / 11th - 17th April: Make sure I have researched all the avenues that the project could take. Start to narrow down successful forms of communication about design, and analyse why they are not successful. Think about how design can be integrated into core subjects within the curriculum. Week 5 / 18th - 24th April: Define idea’s, and purpose, message and audience Week 6 / 25th - 1st May: Start prototyping ideas, show to audience Week 7 / 2nd - 8th May: Develop, take idea to a client or audience Week 8 / 9th - 15th May: Develop Week 9 / 16th - 22nd May: Finalise, plan delivering stage Week 10 / 23rd - 29th May: Production week Week 11 / 30th - 5th May: Production week end of week Deliver and promote Week 12 / 6th May: Deadline Action Plan

Bibliography Weblinks TED: Ideas worth spreading Bring on the learning revolution! Sir Ken Robinson (2010) Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson (2006) science_teaching_resources/ Curriculum About the National Curriculum (QCDA (Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency) 2008) National Curriculum - Design and Technology (2008) design_recycling_education_centre_for_southwark Midlands-Exchange.pdf index.html projects/design/student-design-awards


Bibliography Print Nichol, Bill Understanding creativity for creative understanding (Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Conference proceedings April 2008) Pink, Daniel A Whole New Mind: Why Right-brainers will Rule the Future (Marshall Cavendish 2008)

Seltzer, Kimberly & Bentley, Tom (1999 & 2001) The Creative Age, Demos GB

Barnett, R. (1997). Towards a higher education for a new century. University of London, Institute of Education.

The Sorrel Foundation (2010) Joined up design for my place

Ambrose, Gavin & Harris Paul (2010) Design Thinking: Basic Design, AVA Publishing SA Clay, Robert (2009) Beautiful Thing an introduction to design, Berg USA

Bell, Quentin (1963) The School of Design, Routledge & Kegan Pual Limited

Robinson, Ken (2001) Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative. Capstone

Hickman, Richard (2008) Research in Art & Design Education, UK

Heller, S.H (2005) The Education of a Graphic Designer, 2nd ed, New York: Allworth Press

Rowntree, Derek (1981) Developing Course for Students, McGraw-Hill Book Company UK

Department for education and employment (1999), ‘All Our Futures’, (DfEE Publications) Peter Green (1974), Design Education problem solving and visual experience (B T Bastford Limited)

Biesele, Igildo G. (1981) Graphic Design Education, ABC Verlag, Zurich

Ken Baynes (1969) ‘Attitudes in design education’, Lund Humphries Publishers Limited Experience: Sorrel Foundation Uscreates Freelancer Rose Alexander (2011) Does Design Education Work? LCC Colling, Hilary (2010) Creative Research, AVA Publishing SA


Research Question HOW CAN DESIGN FOR VISUAL COMMUNICATION GET YOUNG PEOPLE EXCITED ABOUT DESIGN? • within D&T lessons in Secondary Schools • within communities • within the home • Nationally • within a social design consultancy or cultural organisation Obie Campbell

Research Question

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