My love in passionate poems

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My Love in

Passionate Poems

My Love in Passionate Poems

Mundy Obilor Jim

Imprint My Love In Passionate Poems (Revised Edition) by Mundy Obilor Jim. Copyright Š 2014 Jimarts, Norway, Tel: +47-948-81-969 All rights reserved. ISBN 978-82-998906-6-3 No portion of this book may be used for further publication without the written permission of the publisher as it is protected under the copyright laws.


"My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."[1]

Contents Summary Prologue Preface Section 1. To My Loved Section 2. No More Alone Outro Index – List of poems

Preface deep thoughts or emotions into poetry can be tedious and P utting in many instances, it requires quality time and pages to express such passions and concerns into writings. My Love in Passionate Poems is a collection of thoughts, concerns and expressed emotions, all in poetry formats. All the poems in this book fall into the category of either descriptive poems or reflective poems. Some of the poems have traditional or perfect rhyming patterns while others have general rhymes such as matching vowels (assonance). Moreover, a good number of them are lyrical in nature. Some are ballads and/or songs. In Section 2 we have a typical example of a poem that falls into the category of reflective poems— It was written out of a major concern about a military build-up in the Black Sea (2014). Here is just a second half of the first verse as a prelude.

… It's a concern in my mind, The clamour is on the rise: The brewing of world war three– The peril of a nuclear spree. …

In Section 1, the poem My rose flower is more or less descriptive— a romantic expression with almost perfect rhymes. The following are

lines from the ending verse of the poem.

‌ How tender you are my rose That you, men grin at sight! My hands folded, I stand close To watch who stares with delight.

The song in Section 3, I will still love you, rendered as a poem in Section 2 with an additional verse by the artist is a track released on MOJ Record label [Š2013]. The audio is playable in the ePub 3 version of this book.

Section 1

To My Loved


T oday, the cloud was clear, The beauty of sunrise Just dazzled my mind. Today, the nightfall's near The glow of the sunset Brings much hope alive.

Figure 1.1 – The sunrise/sunset (BÌrumsverk, 2014).

Today, memories resound But failures of the past Are weapons of now. Today, there're pains around. They're part of the puzzles That bans you to bow.

Figure 1.2

On your wedding day

O n your wedding day– A special event to be; A day I'd want to see. How happy your guests'd feel Watching you raise your veil On your wedding day! On your wedding day– A splendour you'd wish to watch; Much grandeur would fill the day. How glad you'd be in your dress When your groom looks at your face On your wedding day.

Figure 1.3

On your wedding day– When it's time to give a kiss You'd feel ushered into bliss. How joyful will be your heart When spinster and your name part On your wedding day. On your wedding day– A day for which you pray That your maker makes a way. How very thankful you'd be That your flesh on earth you see On your wedding day. On your wedding day– Who's the man you'll give your heart, And by him you vow to stand? For me I may ring a bell And brace for all to be well On your wedding day. On your wedding day– A heartthrob could now exist But his name that day would list. Perhaps an author like me But you always he would please. On your wedding day!

Mama Africa

M ama Africa, On your transformed day, More than gold you'll weigh, I'll wake to see your sons rejoice.

Many a daughter'll raise their voice– To welcome justice and peace That your founders fought to see. Mama Africa, On the day you'd rise All news will count you wise, And of you, they will no more twit And chorus how paltry you've been. My siblings will ring a bell And dance on the land they dwell.

Figure 1.4 — Mama Africa

Mama Africa, Curse all heads who ruin your land, Maim the sons who steal your wealth. Yea, as they attempt to stand, May their vile deeds cease their breath.

My rose flower

H ow beautiful are rose flowers! In my house is a hybrid tea. Each time it showers

Their beauty is of glory. Some will sing songs When the wind blows; Some give fragrance Which can drive foes. How lovely is my flower That every attention strikes! Some care aren't every hour But rose needs no spikes. Some do cut rose Like ugly weeds; Some gather rose But they make them bleed. How colourful is rose flower! It's beauty, none can make-out. Where comes the power To sense your petal count? People love rose For it's colour. Some men place rose Even on the door.

Figure 1.5 — A collection of roses.

What a marvel you are rose! To touch your shrub I quiver, But your sweet-smelling savour Makes me go for your pruning. Oh Perfumers, Why not leave rose Flowers are everywhere But rose you chose. My heart loves rose flower. I guess my mum would do. Could I build a tower Where rose will be let to soar? Dad loves perfumes; Just yesterday He bought water-rose. Today, he picked rose-bray. How tender you are my rose

That you, men grin at sight! My hands folded, I stand close To watch who stares with delight. It's a race for all That one man wins; How lucky you'd be That the best man I'll be.

Figure 1.6 — Rose flowers.


A lexandra, the helper of mankind A name with a bunch of sense: To defend men, by many a mind. It's amazing, all relish your presence. Dignity and love are your emblem! But I heard Alexandria, Alexia. Why many variants, same meaning? I know such a lady from Ontario. As a Queen, she's full of blessing.

Dignity and love remain her emblem! Hello Alastair, the Scots would say In Ireland, they choose Alastriona. But I won't be baffled by the day, I'm glad to sing la la la la: Dignity and love are your emblem.

Oh Tajike

O h Tajike! You've conquered the labour of time And have trod the path of courage. You have answered a call from high To bring forth a star into our world. Oh Tajike! Here's the day for which you pray. How so thankful to life you'd be, That your maker has made a wayAnd your fruit on earth you see.

Figure 1.7

Oh Tajike! A loud praise we shout on our part. Because by strength no one prevails. Against the lowliness of heart, In you, deity decides to reign.

Kristine Bree!

H ello Kristine Bree! Kristine the Christ-bearer. In your smile is a heart of care, In krakรณw, you're a surprise-maker. Of a truth, your equals are rare. Oh Kristine Bree What a wonder you've been, You are graceful like a queen. Hello Kristine Bree! Your prudence beats my wit, In your emotions, wisdom shows. In this love I'll refuse to quit

For in my heart your virtue glows Oh Kristine Bree, What a friend you have been You've been fair from your teen. Hello Kristine Bree! In Dutch, Kristina is what we say. Kristine and Kristy are both Greek. Oh dear, it's a global name today But your well-being's what I seek. Oh Kristine Bree What a darling you've have been. Your care, Dr J has seen. Hello Kristine Bree! Floods of grace to Kristine Bree. Dear Kristine Bree, I wish many goodness you'll see. Oh Kristine Bree, What a darling you've been! May your joy flow like the sea, May probity be your anchor.

Figure 1.8

Love on three continents

I' ve loved a lady on three continents. When in Europe she's a jewel. Cronies have made comments That indeed, she's my angel. I sought for a dame to send my love I found none, and away I drove I've loved a lady on three continents From the highlands of Africa She is proud in all incidents, Extolling her by-name, Arika. I searched among the damsels None could match her ideals.

I've loved a lady on three continents. Even from afar she proved strong. She takes the creed 'n make it a clench. I hear from America, A cry to belong: Her song of hope to make me a king. Who'll match the bliss she'll bring? I've loved a lady on three continents She's lived in the dark, east 'n west; Everywhere, great is her content. To be gallant is always her quest. Who can I trust to send my love? None is faithful but the one above. To be ringed by me I'm confident. I searched to discern her name; 'Twas a huge of an assignment I searched in the book of fame, I appealed for a change from Darrion From the maker of Pleiades 'n Orion

Figure 1.9

My dear Tessy

M y dear Tessy, Always I do ponder The way you behave. Each time I need an answer Aside you'd wave. Should I always stand Aloof from you? Must I offer my hand Before you swoon? My dear Tessy, May it not be shyness That you pull from me. Sometimes you're slick It seems to me. But maybe from your heart You want us to be.

Why don't you start To show how you feel? My dear Tessy Why my pretty one You run from a kiss. Why don't you cherish Being in a life of bliss? I must now confess: My affection is strong But you're at rest– Making it too long. My dear Tessy Let your face Clamp my attention. Please embrace My sweet affection. It's sad for my desire To linger for long. My heart's on fire To build you a song.

Figure 1.10

How he loves man


look and I look, I wonder the marvel Of all creation. I look at the stars, I wonder how he made The moon and the sun; Yet man he made And loves him Much more than them all. Oh how he loves man! I read and I read, I wonder the words

Of the mighty. I read and in my thoughts I'd conclude that the The word is a treasure. Yet the creed He gave to man For man to profit. Oh how he loves man! I think and I think, About the mysteries Of our times: Flocks of the air do not war. On land, only humans Jumble the nature, Yet the mighty planned That redemption Was for man. Oh how he loves man!

Figure 1.11 — The sky, the land and the sea.

I see and I see, Many a creature Are out to cherish The splendours of nature,

But you ingratitude You're a sting on man. Yet great compassion Arises with gifts Of pleasure, love and care. Oh how he loves man! I wish and I wish, That I could Grasp the tone Of the flocks in the air But here a soul cries: On why he's not in Mars. Yet kindness says: Discard worries, For your burdens I've born. Oh how he loves man! I feel and I feel, That my burdens Are much like a heap. When it appears That my frailty Scales beyond my faith, When deep shadows Are all on my ways, I should sing What a wonder you are. Oh how he loves man!

Section 2

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