Aiesec ilorin eb 15 16 applicant agreement form

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Agreement Please read carefully & attach to your application as a PDF. I _____________, through submission of my completed application form, hereby consent: That all information on my completed application form and all information portrayed is complete and true. To have my submitted application form reviewed by the general membership of AIESEC Ilorin. To answer all questions posed to me by the general membership and the executive of AIESEC Ilorin in complete honesty based upon the application I have submitted. In addition, I hereby agree that if I am selected as a President of AIESEC Ilorin, I will be committed: To recognizing, accepting and fulfilling the requirements and responsibilities as a President, to the best of my ability, for a period of no less than 12 months commencing in May, 2013 through April, 2014. To participate fully in AIESEC Ilorin’s EB turnover, commencing upon the date my position is announced. To uphold and portray the best interests of AIESEC Ilorin and AIESEC, as an international organization, to AIESEC’s interactive community and all other communities in which I may interact on behalf of AIESEC Ilorin. Applicant Name: Signature:

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