Aiesec ilorin eb 15 16 information

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STRAIGHT FROM THE LCP Dear Applicant, There are some occasions in life where it is difficult to find the right words. This is one of those occasions for me. The role of Executive Board of AIESEC Ilorin is the most demanding experience – intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially – that I have ever been through. At the same time, every day it remains the most important, rewarding and purpose driven experience I have ever had the privilege to live. Every day I wake up with the mission to make AIESEC Ilorin bigger and better – and importantly – with the opportunity to do so. This role is an exercise of serving a purpose bigger than yourself. Am proud that AIESEC Ilorin is becoming such a purpose driven organization – that we are working to enable more and better experience. Being President of AIESEC Ilorin gave me the opportunity to be who I truly am, and lead something I truly believe in towards where I believe it must go. And that is how it s going to be for you too It gives you the humility to see your world as it truly is, and the audacity to shape it as you want it to be. You will find the application and the questions asked challenging. They are intended to start preparing you for the most intense and rewarding leadership experience. For your Digestion: “Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else” “The unique ability to create impact with your presence and have it felt in your absence”. – LEADERSHIP. “The trait that inspires and influences the actions, thoughts and beliefs of others”.- LEADERSHIP “Taking a stand, and inspiring others to do so”.- LEADERSHIP “Creating a vision and seeing its realization through your efforts and that of others under your direction” -LEADERSHIP. Leaders are born … Leaders are made, What do you think? AIESEC believes Leadership can be developed. If you share in this vision, come on board and contribute to inspiring and molding leadership at AIESEC . With All my Heart, Obineye Ayowale O. President, AIESEC Ilorin

Creative leadership, APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS collective intelligence APPLICATION



STEP 1: APPLICATION: First step of the election procedure is the Application form .All questions, concerning the position each candidate applies for must be answered in the given order. Use innovative methods to answer and design your application form. The application should not exceed 15 pages! All applicant must apply for two roles in any preferred functional area and must therefore answer the specific questions from the two roles. A ZIP folder containing application should be submitted as a mail attachment to and until 23:59h of 21st January, 2015 in the following format NAME_SURNAME_ROLE_AIESECIlorin_1516. e.g. ADEDOYIN_YUSUF_A&UR_AIESECilorin_1516 STEP 2: REVIEW Submitted application would be reviewed after which successful candidates would be communicated with on the next step. All successful candidates would be interviewed on the 23rd of January 2015 by a panel of interview panel. Candidates are expected to prepare ahead and be formally dressed to the interview. Details of venue and time would be communicated. STEP 2: ELECTION Candidates who successfully scale through the interview would be presented to the Local Plenary during a Legislative meeting on the 25th of January, 2015 during which these candidates would go through this flow: Introduction -> Manifesto -> Q&A -> Election LCVP APPLICANTS Would however be having a confidence vote while the elected LCP makes his selection afterwards.

STRUCTURES & Creative leadership, OTHER INFO collective intelligence LCP






VP MarComms

Check attached job description for an elaborate details of each role. Review for applicants would be around the following: Clarity of Purpose AIESEC Knowledge Operational Knowledge Global Direction National Direction Vision Leadership culture Plans Aligning Global and National Direction to vision to create Local Direction Empathy Team dynamics Management Techniques Newly Elected Executive Board members must be present at Planning summit May/June Conference Sept/October Conference At least one Regional/International Conference National meetings Also Physical presence throughout term Must not be going on IT during the period of this leadership role. Must be present unless if on exchange during the summer break. Transition: Transition and planning starts immediately after the election of the team.

A&UR Manager


Creative leadership, collective intelligence

These are some tips coming from the EB team that have the aim to help you feel relaxed before and during the process and help you prepare yourself mentally.

YOU Find time to sit back and reflect on yourself and your goals, motivation and vision about the upcoming year. It’s very important: it would be one year of your time and you would like to be sure you want that unforgettable experience.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY Talk to them about your future plans and the areas you want to develop in. They can give you some valuable pieces of advice, as well as give their support about you intentions.

EB If there are any questions that you don’t have the answer to about the position you want to apply or the experience or responsibilities, don’t hesitate to approach each and every member of the current EB team for talk, advice or if you need help. That will help you make yourself more clearly with yourself and your motivation. We also recommend talking with other people that would also apply in order to see what their attitude is and of course get to know who might be your future teammates.




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