==== ==== For more secrets on how to get girls click below! http://ow.ly/8gB64 ==== ====
How to get girls and make them like you is a question that many guys ask themselves. Is there truly a way to get every girl you meet wanting to be with you and fall in love with you? Or maybe you really don't care about love and a long-term relationships. Maybe you just want to get girls for sexual reasons. Well there is good news and there is bad news. The good news is there are ways to learn how to get girls and lots of them. Yet the bad news is these techniques will only work on 99% of all women. Why not 100%? Well, in almost every situation, there is always that percentage that just will not respond to the norm. And this is no different in the techniques to get a girl. There are going to be some girls that really don't get it. Yet that percentage is so low that you may never really meet a girl like this. Almost every girl will respond in some way or another. So now let's get into the techniques of how to get girls. Girls are very similar and culture does not make them any different. They all have that emotional side that drives their sexual needs. Even if a girl is extremely conservative, she has something inside her that is uncontrollable. It is so powerful that even though she might be raised to think it is wrong, her body will want to respond. Certain things will get a girl to want you almost immediately. Things like touching her or doing things only a boyfriend would do, gets her to drop her barriers and warm up to you almost immediately. Let's walk through some ways to get her to almost instantly start thinking about having sex with you. When you meet a girl for the first time she is going to be guarded and there is probably only a five percent chance of having her sleep with you that same night. But you can increase that percentage to 80% or even 90%. You can do this by touching. You see most men will not touch a woman until a lot further into the relationship. Yet if you touch her arm while you talk or touch her shoulder, that will immediately put you on a different playing ground. Only boyfriends touch and you are now seen as somewhat of a boyfriend in her mind. Even if you just met her, you have put yourself in a different position with her. Now let's drive this home. As you talk to her, look at her eyes and tell her to come over to you. Pretend to remove sleep from her eye. Again you have reinforced her belief that you are more than just a regular, everyday guy. After a few hours do this again. But this time pretend to remove something from her bottom lip. By touching her bottom lip, you have just come in contact with one of her erogenous zones. By touching her lips, you have just put thoughts in her head about having sex with you. This is a natural body response and she will have no control over it. When the evening comes to an end, she will already be ready for kissing and a lot more than that.