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That is to say, your typing fingers. If you can type and use a computer fairly easily then you can make money online by writing. But how easy is it to write and earn money online in this way? Well it all depends on how good you are to begin with. It helps if English is your first language, because many clients will demand this. And you can't try to get away with it if it isn't your first language as you'll be found out pretty quickly. That's not to say you can only be an online writer if you are a native English speaker; far from it. It just means you have to choose your clients and markets wisely. You also need to be determined. Yes you might get lucky and snag the first writing job you apply for. But it is also very likely that you won't. You need to be prepared to keep going until you start getting online writing jobs regularly. But how much could you earn when it comes to making money online by writing? The answer is it depends. At the bottom end of the scale you've got people who will only pay $1 per 500 words. Avoid these buyers at all costs. There ARE better paid writing jobs out there believe me - you just have to work at finding them. One of my best writing jobs pays more than forty times that amount! And believe me there are more jobs out there that pay more than that as well. The trick to remember is that when you want to make money online by writing, you need to start at the lower end of the spectrum. Once you get used to writing for online markets and earning money writing in this way, you will find that you can get the better paying writing jobs much more easily. This is because you will have a track record. So why not think about starting that online writing career now? You really can make money online writing in this way - you just need to persevere and get started.
So if you want to learn more about how to write and earn a good income from it, be sure to read my writing blog at My Online Freelance Writing Career. There is plenty more advice and information for you there! I'm a full time successful online writer, and I regularly take on work from clients all over the world. You could too.