Appendix 3: Comparison of case studies according to several criteria
Appendix 3: Comparison of case studies according to several criteria 73 TABLE A: Summary of case studies Case study 1.
Private advisory services irrigated zone Peru
Sellers of inputs for plant and animal (firms and small entities) Dairy firms
Production potential, link with value chain Strong Milk on the rise thanks to irrigation (fodder)
Advisory services for certification of sustainable cocoa Ivory Coast Public advisory services ACEFA Cameroon
Chocolate firms, cooperatives and service providers or co-op employees
Strong Only focused on cocoa
The State Civil servants assigned to a “national project” entity
Highly variable depending on the region No direct link with value chains (family-farms concept)
Multi-actor advisory services in the dairy value chain Niger Management centre Senegal River valley
Milk-collection centre (FO); Private vet; Private collectors; NGO
Medium to strong (depends on the import of powder) and the state of demand (on the rise) Strong (but dependent on the price of rice, which is in competition with imports)
Improve the performance of the different components of the value chain, starting with producers Improve the management of economic interest groups, in particular credit for growing season
Low to medium (depends on rainfall, production zone) Little structure within grain value chain, operates on surpluses after storage for consumption.
Boost producers’ revenue by selling grains at a better price and by boosting yields Facilitate the food market for all stakeholders (trust)
Boost revenue and improve food security for families Better reasoning for credit (FNGN, UGCPA) Boost productivity (especially yield) Have access to data at FO level (FNGN) Improve technical/economic performance of farms
APPROSA Afrique Verte ICT sale of grains
Major operator and type
3 management centres, associative entities, and an umbrella entity
Project managed by an connection with grain FOs
CEF Burkina Faso implemented by FOs
CEF-type advisory services implemented directly by FOs (FNGN, FEPAB, UGCPA, etc.) Design and support by AFDI regions
Varies by region Focus on market gardening for FNGN Grains for the others
Cap Magalasy Madagascar
Advisory services implemented by an association created/manged by an umbrella FO called FIFATA (2016)
Medium: natural potential for production, but major structural constraints (roads, etc.)
Final objective of advisory services Improve technical and economic performance through appropriate use of inputs
Boost productivity while limiting environmental impact Certify production (rainforest label, sustainable-cocoa label) Boost producers’ revenue through better management of resources in a broad sense
Target beneficiaries Number or % All potential or current producers/ consumers of inputs Concerns the majority > 70% But technical assistance, especially for large entities 150,000 producers # 20% Within multiple cooperatives that provide advisory services and ensure compliance with specifications Voluntary producers within producer groups/economic interest groups or co-ops supported by ACEFA for a joint productionrelated project 3 types of clients (producer groups, farms or companies) Milk producers having ties with three collection centres (five at end 2018) A few hundred or 103 producers Rice producers (irrigated areas) (# 30 to 50,000) And 46 hydraulic unions (nearly 100%), 300 economic interest groups (1/3), 90 producers (via 3PRD/AFD project) and 120 private entities (service providers, hulling, etc.) directly 6,800 producers in 280 FOs and 9 FO unions
FNGN roughly 600 (< 10%) FEPAB roughly 3,000 (10% of members) UGCPA: 240 or # 10%
# 8,000 producers in 4 regions (582 basic FOs and 49 municipal unions, 4 regions)
Location Sale area Collection area
Several large production areas in Ivory Coast
All of Cameroon
Collection areas around Niamey
The river valley (irrigated areas)
Poor zones: Sahel, Centre, Centre-Est and Centre-Nord Wealthier zones: Boucle du Mouhoun, Hauts-Bassins, Cascades and Est (name of FOs not specified? what links with FEPAB and UGCPA) Sahel FNGN Mouhoun: UGCPA Various regions FEPAB
Vakinankaratra Haute Matsiatra Itasy, Analamanga, Ihorombe, Amoron’i
Text boxes throughout the document present information from studies that are relevant to each paragraph. The studies are available in French (and soon in English) on Inter-réseaux’s website
105 | TECHNICAL REPORTS – No. 55 – MAY 2022