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The Champions
The Champions Advocates, proponents, promoters, supporters, standard-bearers, torch-bearers, defenders, protectors, upholders, backers, exponents, patrons and sponsors: the four people profiled here are all of the above, and then some. They are champions.
Along with the Burren Food Trail, we determined to represent the farming community who raise their produce here; producers who create a food product representing the Burren; chefs who use and extol foods raised, grown, caught, shot, foraged in or otherwise connected to the place; and advocates who help to promote the previous three legs of the figurative long table that is the Burren food scene.
Just as importantly as representing the Burren locally, our four champions have brought Burren food to the world and offered it when the world has come to the Burren.
People from here and people who have moved here know that Burren food tastes a certain way, that it’s simply better than elsewhere. They trust the impeccable quality, knowing that the food has all been sourced locally. Eating Burren food is essential to experiencing the place to its fullest. The champions of Burren Dinners are four people who know all of those things and have spread the word near and far. It’s safe to say that far fewer people would know of the Burren as a culinary destination had our champions not sung its praises at the top of their lungs.