THE ELMIRA SUGAR KINGS ARE a young squad this year, and the first couple of games of the season prove that point. The team opened with losses to Ayr and Stratford.Theteam opened the 2022-23 Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League season on the road in Ayr September 8, dropping a 6-1 decision to the Centennials.Thehomeside went up 5-0 before the Kings responded in the third with a goal from Madden MacDougall, assisted by Luke Della Croce and Tanner
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip paid a visit to Waterloo Region in July 2010. They couple were greeted by MP Harold Albrecht, regional


we were outgunned in both games,” said head coach Rob Collins, noting the team was missing some of its veterans due to injuries and suspensions from the preseason. For the most part, the young players, some of them in their first of junior game, handled themselves well, he added.“We’re really, really young. We went against a motivated Ayr team in their home-opener, and then against an experienced Stratford team in our home-opener. That’s something we can kind of hang our hat on, that our effort was right the whole time. I’m proud of that. We’ll build on that,” said Collins.“Now we’re returning a few guys from suspension and Liam Eveleigh is just about due back from his injury this summer. I think the look of the team will be far, far different moving forward, having those experienced players
Steve Kannon Observer Staff

AD SPOT - NON PRINTING Elmira, Ontario, Canada | | Volume | Issue This SundaySaturdayFridayWeekendOntario's #1 Weekly Community NewspaperADSPOT - NON PRINTING SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 Living Here | 2027272700027 36 webstoneprosoils.ca519-584-4755100% compost A natural enhancementsoilforlawns FALL IS THE PERFECT TIME! - Compost for Lawns, Experience the Difference CallToday! GET THE REAL DEAL Legendary Symmetrical Full-Time AWD comes standard. welcome to uncommon™ value • Great resale value • Award-winning safety • Most trusted brand • Excellent fuel efficiency SEE IN STORE FOR DETAILS2023 OUTBACK WILDERNESS

Kings drop first gamestwoof the new season

Remembering Queen Elizabeth
Chair Ken Seiling and Woolwich Mayor Bill Strauss. See story on page 20. photo

AD SPOT - NON PRINTING THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 3 If it matters to you. It matters to us. News tips are always welcome.
the amount of people that came out to the farm,” said David Wagler. “It went well and people really enjoyed getting out to see the farm. We estimate around 200 people attended.”Thefarm will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and when people arrive, someone will meet them and guideWaglerthem.says many people don’t realize just how much maple sap is needed to make maple syrup (the ratio is about 40 litres of sap to one litre of syrup).
Those looking to save the bridge argue rehabilitation is warranted given its heritage value and its use by hikers and cyclists.
Glasgow bridge repairs From the archives with Maple event,
Page Three
The Save Middlebrook Bridge community group sent out questionnaires to candidates in Woolwich, as well as in neighbouring Centre Wellington, as the structure spans the boundary of the two townships.Currently, the old steel bridge is slated to be demolished.“Weinvite you to... share with our group your thoughts on the importance of preserving heritage architecture/sites, safe active transportation routes and accessibility to nature in Woolwich Township,” the group said in an email sent to the candidates.Builtinthe 1930s, the structure has been closed to traffic since 2012 after being deemed unsafe. However it was used by pedestrians and cyclists until it was barricaded in April last Councilsyear.for both townships approved a plan for removal of the bridge in January 2020 after being presented with an environmental assessment that indicated several options at different price points, with removal being cheapest. According to the study, it would cost $3.5
“There’s no measuring tool that a council has that says ‘OK, these are the material costs to build a new bridge and rehabilitate it and here’s the impact that has on people’s mental health and wellbeing.’ Let’s put a value on mental health and wellbeing and then balance it against the cost to build a new bridge or rehabilitate it. There isn’t a value put on mental health and well being in these types of decisions,” said Stephanie Lines-Toohill.While the bridge is a vital connector to Grand Valley Trail, “it is not just a crossing point, it is actually a incrediblysanctuaryRivergentlealsobrownfromtroutbeautifulitclefromLines-Toohilldestination,”said.“Ittakespeopleawaythereallybusyvehi-roadsinthatarea.Andisareallywellknownspotforbrownfishing.Peoplecomeallovertofishfortroutthere.It’slocatedinareallybendoftheGrandsoithasthisnaturalbaythere.It’speaceful.And
It’ll probably be another couple of weeks before the Glasgow Street bridge reopens. Again. Having been open only briefly following reconstruction, the span is undergoing repairs after a large vehicle damaged it while crossing illegally last month. Along with destroying a height-restricting barrier, the vehicle also caused some minor damage to the structure itself.
The event is hosted by the Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association (OMSPA). Participants open up their sugar bush for the public to come take a tour in the fall when the maple colours are at their best. The event takes place over two weekends from September 24 to October 2.

Steve Kannon Observer Staff

Middlebrook bridge advocates look to make saving it an election issue
Coun. Murray Martin responded negatively to the rainbow crosswalk proposal at an August 22 meeting, making comments homophobicdeemedandcausing a backlash.WhileMartin did not comment during this week’s discussion, other councillors opted to move slowly, referring the issue back to staff for further investigation.Coun.Scott McMillan said he supported
More public input crosswalkoffcouncilneeded,putsrainbow
inviting people to come to their bush for wagon rides and tours. Submitted → CROSSWALK 4
A WELLESLEY OPERATION IS AMONG the Ontario maple syrup producers gearing up for their second year of Fall in Love with Maple.
The Wagler family near Wellesley is participating in the weekend festivities, and are inviting people to come to their bush for wagon rides and tours. They took part last year, as“Wewell.were surprised at
THE PROSPECT OF A RAINBOW crosswalk in Elmira remains in limbo, as Woolwich council this week put off any decision on the Coun.matter.Patrick Merlihan’s bid to have the township move forward with the project, originally proposed by the Waterloo-Wellington chapter of the Canadian Mental Health Association, was met with calls to proceed slowly by his colleagues meeting Monday night.
“It’s a chance for people who love maple syrup and love the fall colours to get out and combine the two and come right into sugar bushes across the province,” he said.

PHARMACY W O O L W I C H Wednesdays is Senior’s Day - Receive 20% Discount* Always Fast, Friendly & Professional Services FREE DELIVERY | 10 Church St. W., Elmira 519.669.8282 OPEN: Mon. to Fri. 9am - 7pm; Saturday 9am - 4pm; Closed Sundays*See store for details. • Compression Stockings (Standard & Customized • Compounding • Compliance Packaging • Free Blood Pressure Check • Free Blood Glucose Monitor & Teaching • Ostomy & Home Health Care Samer Mikhail Pharmacist | Owner The Wagler family near Wellesley is participating in the Fall in Love

Merlihan’s notice of motion circulated last week asked for council to re-affirm its commitment to the crosswalk in support of the 2SLGBTQI+ community. It also suggested the township adopt diversity, equity and inclusion training and other measures in response to the controversy that erupted when the matter was first discussed last month.
From the Sept. 12, 2009 edition of The Observer
Leah Gerber Observer Staff
Last year was a success, said OMSPA executive director John Williams. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we had 10,000 people.
Bill Atwood Observer Staff
The township declared as surplus five larger properties and six small pieces of land, mostly unused road allowances. All will be sold at some point. The properties up for grabs include the old Floradale fire station, the former administration building on Arthur Street in Elmira and the Elmira pool.
million to rehabilitate it for vehicular traffic, $1.6 million for pedestrian and cycling use and $1.2 million to repair it for pedestrian use only. The removal is set for 2028.
Event mixes maple syrup and fall colours
the old Middlebrook bridge are looking to make the cause an issue in next month’s municipal election.
Coun. Fred Redekop, too, spoke in favour of moving slowly in order to cover all the bases, as did Coun. Larry Shantz.
The Kings are waiting on the return of new captain Adam Grein, along with the likes of Jackson Heron and Liam Eveleigh. That will make a big difference, says Collins.“Those are major pieces to what we believe is going to be a successful group. Any team, if you take out five or six of their top six or seven players, it’s going to be difficult for them.”Playing without some of the more experience players, the young guys
Now to find out what the Legion community, contributions the Legion makes Provincial and National tour of the Branch, upstairs in the Jubilee Hall listen music provided by band Offsuit.
create a better community for everyone. Recognizing marginalized groups does not negate the importance of anyone else, but simply recognizes that for too long we have been a soci ety with many divisions.”
“This is about us keep ing people safe, safe to say what they need to say. That might not be in a public process,” she said in calling for staff to look into theThereissue.was no timeline for the matter to return to council. The next meeting was to be held Septem ber 19, but it was put off in recognition that the funeral for Queen Eliza beth II is scheduled for that day.
4 | COMMUNITY NEWS THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022
did well, said the coach.
“Please don’t bite me,” is what Kevin Verspeeten murmured when he lifted an osprey out of the net his coworker was holding. Verspeeten is a lineman with Hydro One. He and his co-worker rescued an osprey that had been dangling from some rope and fishing line off its nest in a hydro tower off Sawmill Road outside Conestogo last month. A neighbour had reported it the night before. Verspeeten cut the rope, twine, fishing line and junk that the bird’s legs had become entangled in. They tried to release it, but it was injured and couldn’t fly. The KW Humane Society picked the bird up and took it to receive care. Leah Gerber

come back into play.”
you ever wondered what the Legion is all about?

Maple bush fall-colour tour event now in its second year
KINGS: Back in action this weekend
For more informa tion about Fall in Love with Maple event, or to find more,participatingvisitwww.saysthereisnocosttoattend.“Comeoutandseeusonweekendforfallinginwithmaple.Welooktoseeingyou,”Wagler.

Refreshments and snacks will be available for sale. WE ARE HOSTING AN OPEN HOUSE BRANCH 469 ELMIRA SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH FROM 1:00 P.M. TO 4:00 P.M. 11 FIRST STREET EAST, ELMIRA To Celebrate Legion Week 2022 $4.99 PORK ROASTLOIN Our plant is 100% Gluten Free 2065 Floradale Rd. Elmira, ON. PHONE: 519-669-2300 TOLL FREE: 844-669-2300 Tuesday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 3pm Sunday HOURS:CLOSED FEATURE ITEM: Reg.$5.99 /lbPORK ROLL $2.99/lb Reg.$4.99/lb /lb BONELESSDELI-SLICED
CROSSWALK: Council looks for time to carry out consultations on issue
their opinions about the rainbow crosswalk project.
and the
does in your
The mayor advocated for “proceeding carefully,” noting a public forum may not be suitable for every one wishing to express

levels. After your
paint any other group with a single brush, when what we need to realize is that we are all individuals, with all our reason,subjugated,aweoursomehowpersonthatmerits.opinionnotingdifferences,”wonderfulshesaid,thereisnouniformabouttheproject’s“Wealsotendtofearbyliftingupanotherorgroup,we’rediminishingplace.Inreality,whencanliftsomeone,orgroupthathasbeenforwhateverweliftusallupand
“Considering the inexperience and the nerves that were probably out there, the team did really well. They didn’t they didn’t SundayfordbeforetoListowelforward.”groupreallythat’swe“Thethemselves,”embarrasshesaid.effortwasright,socanworkwiththat,forsure.We’restillexcitedaboutthewe’vegot,movingTheKingsareinFridaynighttakeontheCycloneswelcomingStratbacktotheWMCnight(7p.m.)for aexplained.rematch.Williams
is your chance to find out! Join us

join us
“The cost of running a business has gone up due to inflation, along with all the red tape that you have to get through to operate,” he said. But what keeps him going is producing great syrup for customers and seeing them return for more: “Growing up it was a hobby, now we have turned it into a business and are excited to see it grow.”Fall in Love with Maple started in the United States as a way for maple syrup producers to make up some of the loss they experienced during the pandemic due to cancelled events, said Williams. Ontario followed suit.
the spirit of Merlihan’s motion, but called for a staff-led process in consul tation with the public. He argued the Shantz.echoedprocess,”allowimpactedworktookacommunity2SLGBTQI+shouldhavesaybeforethetownshipactionontheirbehalf.“Wehaven’tdonethetoconnectwithcommunitiestothemtoguidethishesaid.ThatsentimentwasbyMayorSandy“Manyofustendto
→ FROM 3 → FROM 3
said that maple events like this one “really give people a chance to connect with the people that actually produce their food, produce their maple syrup, and also a chance to get outdoors and experience that side of agriculture. Not just being in a store – you can go to where your favourite stuff is made, and talk to the people that make it.”
“It was a good way to make up for lost ground from the spring,” he
The bridge group is bringing the issue forward now instead of waiting until the new council is elected because it is an indication of where the candidates stand on issues related to the bridge, including active transpor tation, access to nature, trailways and mental health and well being, she added.“Ifwe know their thoughts now about the bridge and what they would do, the value they place on something like that, then it tells us what kind of candidate they would be on council. It will inform better deci sion-making for voting day,” she added.

Nathan Cadeau and Dan Holt, Ward 3 candi date Bonnie Bryant and mayoral candidate Patrick Merlihan.Cadeau said he “cannot run a platform on over turning this decision,” however he “will look into it and bring voice to the matter.” He will also “seek to facilitate compre hensive engagementcommunitypriorto these decisions being made at the council level.”
Emergency vehicles responded to Crowsfoot Corner Sept. 8 after an 11-year-old girl was struck by a vehicle. The child was transported to an out-of-region hospital with life-threatening injuries. Bill Atwood

issues. However, that doesn’t always mean tearing down what already exists.“Preserving our heri tage and ensuring the existence of green space are two of the ways we can maintain a feeling of belonging and identity with our surroundings,” HoltBryantadded.pointed to her previous time on council when she helped form the Woolwich Heritage Committee.“Isupport protecting the Middlebrook Bridge both from a heritage perspective as well as for recreational uses. This is a joint bridge and both municipalities need to work together to protect our heritage and active transportation systems,” sheSittingsaid. on the current council, Merlihan did support the motion for removal.“Thelargest factor for our council was the cost to rehabilitate, the low usage, and the limited direct impact on our community members. While I appre ciate the heritage value of structures within our municipalities, there are little to no resources for maintenance and rehab of these structures,” he said in his response to the group.Merlihan indicated he would reconsider looking into federal and provincial grant money for rehabil itation of the bridge for pedestrian use.
By midweek, the group had received responses from Ward 1 candidates
neighbours, this type of incident is a regu lar occurrence. On the Conestogo Neighbour hood Facebook group, people regularly post about their cars being broken into, money gone missing, footprints found indicating intruders had checked out car doors and walked around their houses, garage doors opened from garage door openers inside cars and property stolen among
→ FROM 3

BRIDGE: Old steel bridges have proven to be a topic of much debate



12:14 PM | Police received a report of a theft from a business on Weber Street North in Woolwich Town ship. An male suspect threw merchandise located outside of the store over a fence and was observed by a store employee. When the suspect was approached by the employee, the unknown male suspect ran from the area. All of the merchandise was recov ered. Anyone with informa tion is asked to call police or Crime Stoppers.
Waterloo Regional Police say at least one car was broken into in Conestogo last week.
4 : 35 PM | Emergency services responded to reports of a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian on Katherine Street South near Sawmill Road in Woolwich Town ship. The pedestrian, an 11-year-old child from Woolwich Town ship, was transported by Region of Waterloo Paramedic Services to an out-of-region hospi tal with life-threatening injuries. The investigation is ongoing. Anyone who
“I can confirm we received a report of a theft from a motor vehicle in the area of Northfield Drive and Country Spring Walk in Woolwich Township at approximately 10:50 a.m. (Thursday) morning,” said Cst. Brad Hickey in anAccordingemail. to POL ICE REPORT
people from all over the outer region and locally just come there to spend time in nature. It’s a very special spot,” she said.
be locked. This includes garages, sheds, vehicles and of course your house or apartment,” police advise

Holt said he wants to bring about change and not just complain about
Police offer advice following issues in Conestogo

otherTheincidents.Waterloo Regional Police encourage resi dents to take precautions to ensure their property is not an easy target for criminals.“Please keep all doors locked, even when you are at home. It is easy for someone to quickly come in your front door while you are in the back yard working in the garden. Anywhere you keep valuables should

witnessed the collision or may have dashcam footage of the incident is asked to contact the Traffic Services Unit at 519-570-9777, ext. 8856.
7 : 28 PM | A Waterloo Regional police offi cer conducting traffic enforcement on Kather ine Street South in Wool wich Township observed a motorcycle as it was passing a car and moving between it and another very close vehicle.
The officer conducted a traffic stop of the motorcycle and through investigation, deter mined that the driver’s license was suspended. As a result of the inves tigation, the driver, a 30-year-old male, was charged with several Highway Traffic Act offences, including ‘drive while under suspension,’ ‘owner operate motor vehicle – no insurance,’ and ‘use plate not autho rized for vehicle.’ The motorcycle was seized for seven days.
Besidesonline.keeping all doors locked at all times, WRPS staff also suggest never leaving items out, lighting entry points into houses and keep ing entry points clear of brush or vegetation which could be used as hiding places for crimi nals.

COMMUNITY NEWS | 5Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER Tel:(519) 669-5655 Fax: (519) 669-5595 Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 3:00pm Sunday Closed Raj Patel Pharmacist / Owner Visit our Pharmacy today! We offer many services that may bene t you • Medication management (Blister pack) • Free Prescription delivery (Elmira and local area) • Ostomy Supply • Compression Stockings • Travel administrationVaccine service • Seasonal u vaccine • Over the counter delivery tax(Minimumavailable$50beforeorderrequired) • Incontinence products • Prescription Transfer to our pharmacy just like 1-2-3 75 Arthur St. South, Elmira, ON N3B 2M8 Scott A. Grainger LLB Brent Wiancko B.A. M.A., J.D. Cynthia L. Hastings BA (Hons) LLB Waters, Hastings & Graingerg g Professional Corporation er Friendly, Experienced & Passionate serviceyourhighrepresentationlegalwithintegrityfromlocal,fulllawfirm 21 Arthur St. S., Elmira | 519-669-1641 | Call Waters, Hastings & Grainger at 519-669-1641 IT’S WILD OUT THERE! QUESTIONS ABOUT REAL ESTATE? Scott Grainger LLBBrent Wiancko B.A. M.A., J.D.

Moreover, 20th century history shows us the risks of appeasing similar acts of annexation among European neighbours for often dubious reasons backed by spurious claims.
While the sanctions against Putin and his supporters –not just his fellow kleptocrats, but also those who help him remain in power – haven’t had an immediate impact on the war situation, they remain an important long-term strategy to punish Russia. They should remain in effect until such time as the country makes the kind of sweeping changes needed to welcome it back into the global community.
As for the Ukrainians, they would be left insisting that the war must continue because they haven’t recovered their territory yet, to which the rest of the world (including most of their current supporters) could and would have replied that there was no evidence that they could ever do that. It’s time to be ‘realistic’ and save what you can from the wreckage.
Macdonald-Laurier Institute
ecent advances by Ukrainian forces retaking territory from the Russian invaders show that allies in the West must continue to back the country in its war efforts.
The current offensive relies heavily on intelligence from US and British sources. Weapons systems, including High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and HARM air-launched missiles, have been used to devastating effect on Russian military targets. Supply lines have hit hard, making it difficult for Putin’sUkrainianaggressors.officials say the counteroffensive has reclaimed more than 3,000 square kilometres of territory, forcing the Russians to retreat and leaving troops completely demoralized. More of that is precisely what’s needed.
That Ukraine is leaning westward rather than kowtowing to Moscow chafe’s Putin, and at least partly explains the West’s quick action to condemn and punish the invasion. Russia and US, among others, have invaded and occupied other countries and regions without this kind of response, but this time it’s an authoritarian regime terrorizing a Europeanized nation.
That history is precisely why we must continue to support Ukraine until it is whole, and free from any renewed threat.
Rather than simply rolling back the latest incursions, the Ukrainians should be looking to force Russians and Russianbacked collaborators out of the eastern Donbas region, as well as retaking Crimea, illegally annexed in 2014. The West should increase military support to make that happen.
The blowback against Russia was immediate and global, turning the country into an economic and cultural pariah.
Given the spike in energy prices brought on in part by the turmoil Russia caused, the country has benefited financially from its oil and gas resources. Moves are being made to provide Europe with alternatives, though Russia is finding outlets in other pariah states, including China, North Korea and Iran.
John Bolton is, however, very useful in predicting what other tricky and ruthless people might do. The way things looked back in July, a surprise Russian ceasefire in October was indeed a potential nightmare for Ukraine, and it still remained a plausible threat
As one of the hawks who talked George W. Bush into invading Iraq, he proved himself to be a bad and dangerous adviser: he invariably defaulted to the toughest militaryNeitheroption.did he cover himself in glory in 2018-19 as the third of Donald Trump’s four high-turnover National Security Advisers. He was the one who egged Trump on to break the treaty limiting Iran’s nuclear activities and re-impose sanctions. If the treaty is not revived and Iran gets nuclear weapons, he’s why.
The risk of a ceasefire dwindles in Ukraine
down to only about one week ago.By mid-July the Russian offensive was stumbling to a halt on all fronts, but by then Moscow controlled about 20 per cent of Ukraine’s territory (counting Crimea and the parts of eastern Ukraine that it had already seized in 2014). Moreover, Russia controlled almost all of Ukraine’s coast, leaving it only Odessa and a few satellite ports in the far west.
ised counter-offensive, leave a very big chunk of their country in Russian hands, and give Moscow time to rebuild its army.Putin could easily pass this off as a victory, as it would give Russia lots more land and greatly weaken Ukraine. He could even claim credit for having acted to save many lives. And since he would never let the ceasefire turn into a formal peace settlement, he could easily restart the war once his armed forces were ready.
It would also be quietly pointed out to Kyiv by European governments that all their voters are facing a long, hard winter with energy shortages and roaring inflation – but most of those difficulties would vanish if the shooting stopped and the sanctions on Russia
THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 6
Global Outlook on World Affairs

... it matters where you get your local news.
The dictator’s bid to rebuild the empire is playing out brutally in Ukraine. That he may have wider aspirations is one of the many reasons to back the Ukrainians, crushing any such thoughts. That situation is also why we’ve seen a boost in NATO’s readiness, particularly in the Baltic states. Fast-tracking membership for Finland and Sweden is a sign of Western resolve, and the antithesis of what Putin may have in mind.
On the other hand, Russia’s army was exhausted and demoralized, and there was little hope that it would be able to make further new conquests in Ukraine. Whether these realities were clear to Russian President Vladimir Putin is unknown, but his old mates in the FSB (formerly KGB) would probably have been keeping himSo,informed.JohnBolton calculated, Putin’s best option would be to engineer a ceasefire that freezes the battle lines where they are now. It would deprive the Ukrainians of an opportunity to launch their long-prom-

That the underdog has been able to not only fend off the Russians, but now start beating them back has much to do with the military aid provided to Ukraine. Providing more will help the Ukrainians do more.
When local news matters ...
Clearly, Vladimir Putin’s plan to control the whole of Ukraine was in jeopardy almost immediately following his unwarranted invasion in February. Invading force has met with more resistance than expected from the Ukrainian military and the general public.
wo months ago, John Bolton wrote an article in ‘The Hill,’ the leading politics website in Washington, warning against a Russian ‘October Surprise.’ He suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin might suddenly cease military operations and declare a ceasefire – which would utterly snooker the Ukrainians.
Fewer than 40% of young Canadians expect to enjoy a better standard of living than their parents. Only 34% are optimistic that their earnings will increase, while 86% of young Canadians believe that their parents’ generation had an easier time purchasing a home or raising a family than they are having or will have.
Verbatim Monitor
“We encourage all Ontarians to use this day to honour Her Majesty and pay tribute to the extraordinary legacy she leaves behind.”
Ontario Premier Doug Ford says Sept. 19, the date of Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, will be a day of mourning rather than a holiday.
Keep supporting Ukraine until the country is fully liberated
Putin’s intentions remain uncertain, though the invasion does appear to be part of an effort to restore some kind of Soviet-era buffer zone between Russia and NATO countries. That the authoritarian styles himself in the vein of Peter the Great, seeking a return to tsarist empire. In that, he contrasted himself in the wake of the passing last week of Mikhail Gorbachev.
Putin has certainly railed against NATO membership for Ukraine, and indeed against any Europeanization of that country. It’s a stance that has involved manipulating the Ukrainian electoral system and, of course, direct invasion.
the acclamation of King Charles III seemed largely positive. Whether that was due to the immediate aftermath of his moth er’s death remains to be seen. Still, the issues of the then-Prince Charles – particularly the Diana years and the normalizing of Camilla Parker Bowles –have receded, with perhaps some empathy for the man’s years of waiting in the wings for the role he now takes at the age of 73.
While the monarchy cost taxpayers a considerable amount of money – an estimated £102.4 million ($155.3 million) in 2021-22 – the royals also contribute greatly to the UK economy.
Not surprisingly, her passing has sparked plenty of talk about the future of the monarchy in countries as diverse as Australia and Antigua. Canada is not immune.Debates about Canada’s ongoing link to Britain and the monarchy have arisen from time to time. The monarchy is a particularly touchy subject in Quebec, and we all know that poli ticians are always trying to curry favour there. As the country’s demographics change, there are fewer ties to the UK, as well.

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• The Greater KW Chamber of Commerce
While some of this shift may be attributable to evolving mores and values, it also may be driven by the current line of succession.
• News Media Canada
As much as the Queen remained admired by Canadians, a hastily arranged holiday isn’t a necessary part of celebrat ing her life and mourning her passing. Her reputa tion, sense of duty and accomplishments stand on their own, however each of her subjects chooses to mark the day.
Letters to the Editor: Letters must be exclusive to this publication on a topic of relevance to the community. It must contain the author's name, address, contact info and be no more than 300 words. Letters may be edited for length and clarity. The Observer declines announcements, poetry, thank-you and unsigned letters.
constitutional monarchy –removing the King from the equation – would require an amendment to the Constitution agreed upon by Parliament and all of the provincial legislatures. That almost insurmount able hurdle would be even more difficult given the years of public consul tations, including with Indigenous communities, that would be required.
King Charles has declared his intention to carry on with his moth er’s well-regarded sense of duty. Whatever form his reception takes in the longer run, there’s no denying that the death of Queen Elizabeth has spot lighted the gap between her personal appeal and that of the British monarchy, in Canada and beyond.
Those financial boons don’t apply to Common wealth countries such as Canada, of course. Here, the ties to the monarchy cost some $59 million in 2019-20, according to a 2021 Monarchist League of Canada report. Most of that money is due to the gover nor general and provincial lieutenant governors.
Other members of the Commonwealth are having a similar debate, some of them on the road to making
changes. In Australia, for instance, the long-dis cussed issue of switching to a republic surfaced almost immediately. In Antigua, Prime Minister Gaston Browne told reporters of plans to move away from the“Thismonarchy.isnotan act of hostility or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monar chy, but it is the final step to complete that circle of independence, to ensure that we are truly a sover eign nation,” he told British television.Similarmoves are expected in former colo nies, particularly in the Caribbean. It’s a list that includes the Bahamas, Belize and Jamaica. That would be the path set by Barbados, Dominica, Guyana, Mauritius, and Trinidad and Tobago.

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Queen’s passing prompts outpouring, more than a few conversations
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Doing the same in Canada would be an enormous undertaking, however. Dissolving our
While 55 per cent of Cana dians were supportive of remaining a constitutional monarchy as long as the Queen reigns, that number dropped to 34 per cent for the same arrangement under “King Charles.”
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The death of Queen Elizabeth II last week elicited an outpouring of affection from around the globe. Whatever one may think of monarchies and their troubled histories, the woman who sat on the British throne for seven decades certainly earned the personal accolades.
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Forbes puts the net average contribution at £1.9 billion ($2.9 billion) per year, largely through tourism.
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Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER OPINION | 7

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The shifting opinions were reflected in an Angus Reid Institute survey last spring.“While Canadians may from their hearts be toast ing Queen Elizabeth II on her 96th birthday, enthusi astic congratulations over a rare personal milestone do not translate into widespread support for the institution the oldest ever British ofthis(26generations.aCanadahalfishfreeasdecisiondentsthehopeatBritishseveringsupportivethisfound,represents,”monarchthesurveynoting“peopleinpartoftherealmmoreofothernationstieswiththemonarchy,whileleasthalfofthecountrytodothesamehereinfuture.”Three-in-fiveresponsaidit’stherightforcountriessuchBarbadosandJamaicatothemselvesfromBritcolonialism.Further,(51percent)sayshouldnotremainmonarchyincomingOne-quarterpercent)wouldkeeptraditionandformgovernmentinplace,
While Canadians held a generally favourable view of the Queen (63 per cent), the poll found that number dropped dramatically at the prospect of Charles ascending to the throne – 54 per cent viewed him unfavourably. (His son William polled favourably, however.)Thatsaid, the immedi ate reaction in the UK to
merit, the system itself unaccountable to anyone, are hardly representative of democracy. The British system has relegated the monarchy to a largely symbolic role, though the Queen met regularly with prime ministers of her day, 15 during her reign.
while a similar number are unsure (24 per cent).
Queen Elizabeth II was the only monarch most people ever knew. The changeover will take years.
Given the numerous other priorities, including a collision course with lower living standards, govern ments should have no interest in going down that road. The constitutional crises alone render the idea a badThoughone. changing our particular form of gover nance should remain on the backburner, the question of monarchy does put in the spotlight issues of democracy, increasingly under attack heredityMonarchiesglobally.basedonratherthan
The cost will take another upward blip Monday, the Trudeau government having deemed the date of the Queen’s funeral as holiday for federal employees and those in federally regu lated industries, including banks, airlines and Crown corporations.Ontario,on the other hand, will mark September 19 as a provincial day of mourning rather than as a holiday, a move that would have proven disruptive, with business organiza tions saying the timing was too quick to allow for an orderly transition.
Contact Us: Phone: 519-669-5790
About Us: Independent, locally-owned and the only weekly community newspaper serving the residents of Woolwich and Wellesley Townships. Real news, real reporting concentrating on the close-tohome issues in our communities. When it comes to reaching our residents, The Observer is unsurpassed.
affirming any lifestyle is not the job or within the scope of the government. The government has the important and necessary job of upholding the law and justice while running the country. The govern ment upholds the law by punishing those who break it.
The flow of weap ons from the West will continue, and their army will be far readier to launch a sustained and decisive offensive in the spring than it is now. The Russian army might fall apart with just as few more hard knocks during the winter, but it might not –and a serious Ukrainian military setback would revive the threat of an imposed ceasefire.
I have only shot at 3-D animal targets once, long ago, with a long bow, so I was a little leery of it.
not be a decisive turning point in the war, but Putin could only declare a cease fire when he still seemed to have the upper hand in theWherefighting.does this leave the Ukrainians? Far better off than before, because an imposed ceasefirein-place was the biggest threat they faced. The temptation to push on and try to finish the war now will be strong, but they should think three times before giving in to it.
8 | OPINION THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022

To the Editor, Re: rainbow crosswalk
But now, suddenly, that option has been taken from Putin’s hands. The very rapid advances of Ukrainian forces in the past few days in the northeast, with Russian troops fleeing before them, may
Queen Elizabeth II’s favourite dogs were Scottish Terriers.
Lie: People lie about the books they read because they want to appear intellectual, well-read and cultural. While some people who do read the novels like The Catcher In The Rye are intelligent and cultured, most people lie to help them appear more intelligent.
Who gets to moraldeterminelaw?
Most importantly, each of us had fun, which was what the shoot was all about. That is because our host stressed, almost immediately, not to take the competition too seri ously. He noted we were just going for a pleasant walk through the woods shooting a few arrows at life-sized foam animals along the way – you know, just like normal people do. That’s why scores were not kept – and this lack of evidence is why every shooter there went home and claimed to be the best shot in the group.
ast week, I received a nice invitation from a friend to join him and a small group of archers to shoot 3-D animal targets at our host’s home range.
Truth: As few as 20 books in a home library will achieve positive results.
Disc proposalcrosswalkneededussionabout
I am writing: If LGBTQ+ have such a large follow ing, why are taxpayers on the hook for the cost of painting and maintaining the rainbow? In 2018, the crosswalk in Kitchener cost $18,000 and requires regular repainting due to traffic. That cost will obviously be much higher now.
With today’s homeless issues, lack of money everywhere is this really the best use of taxpayer’s dollars? Why can’t the LGBTQ+ fundraise for the expenses? I’m not against the crosswalk, I just think a larger discussion should be held.
To the Editor, In the Aug 25th issue I read the discussion of whether the township should show support for the LGBTQ+ community through the use of a rain bow crosswalk or other signage.Firstly, in my opin ion, this is a slippery slope that should not be approached. By using taxpayer money to support one people group we will be inherently excluding other people groups. If you can use taxpayer money to show support for one group, people will ask for money to support other (or all) peopleFrankly,groups.itwill become a money pit where new groups will continuously need to be added and old signage personaloffendmaintainedcontinuouslysoasnottoanybody.Secondly,itismyopinionthat
Queen Elizabeth II was crowned June 2, 1953 and was watched by a TV audience of 20 million people.
So a petition has been circulating for a rainbow crosswalk in Elmira, nothing wrong with that. However, a few facts have been omitted. For example, we are all aware the LGBTQ+ have a large support network and support group, so when a petition is started it quickly gains a lot of support. Are the signa tures on the petition from Elmira-area residents?
To the Editor, I must thank Pauline Miller for her excellent letter to the Observer on September 8. She asks many questions that most people could not answer. However, although the Bible says that we are to love our neighbours as ourselves (anyone who does not do this is break ing God's command ments), scripture does not say that we should condone a lifestyle or human activity that God deems immoral- otherwise we would have to condone thievery, adultery, blas phemy, murder and so forth.The Bible does not allow me to love their lifestyle but that does not mean that I do not love them.
If this is discrimination, I plead guilty. This is the point missed by many who support this group. The question is, what absolute moral law are we to uphold? If man gets to decide what morality is rather than God, the ques tion becomes, which man?
As for the crosswalk, it’s primary purpose is to promote the safety of pedestrians, not to make religious statements of any kind.
GALEASTEVE OutdoorsmanNot-So-Great Can’t-miss shooting etiquette
were ended. Please don’t be outrightThey‘unreasonable.’wouldn’tsaythattheflow of arms and money will slow or stop if the Ukrainians won’t see reason, but you never have to say those things out loud. And in the end, Ukraine would have to give in.

That was John Bolton’s nightmare, and it was entirely credible in July. The only thing holding Putin back was the fond hope that he could still win more territory by keeping the fighting going. Once he had been disabused of that delusion, he was obviously going to go with Option B.
It was a very enjoyable shooting experience, with challenges that you can’t help but miss.
It just seems to me that maybe some of the resi dents, such as Mennonites may not have an equal opportunity to have their opinionElmiraheard.isaquaint little town with the likes of Elora or Niagara on the Lake, they all have an old-fashioned charm that makes them tourist magnets.Now,the main reason
The government is not here to reward different people or groups. It is not here to make people feel good about choices they make (when they don’t pertain to the law). The government can show support and acceptance for different people groups by ensuring laws don’t infringe on those groups, but the extent of support is limited to the legalLastly,realm.Ithink it was commendable that Coun. Murray Martin shared his opinion and was allowed to continue speaking in the meeting. As long as Canadians are privileged with freedom of religion, then they are also allowed to have opinions founded in religion. Mr. Martin should not be made to apologize for his legally authorized beliefs and resulting opinions. He is also correct that he was representing a large section of the township, and therefore his state ments should be seriously considered.
distracted. That is because I typically have the atten tion span of a humming bird confronted by a field of bright, sugary flowers. Alone, I can focus. When I am shooting with others, my focus turns to double vision or worse. And it deteriorates further if everyone I am shooting against is hitting thumb tacks, because that’s when I put even more distract ing pressure upon myself. Fortunately, the group I was shooting with had an advanced under standing of shooting etiquette. Which is to say, they shot before me and missed their initial shots at a distant downhill elk target. I would have hit that elk dead centre, but I wanted to reciprocate the favour.Icannot tell you how

Last time, everyone else was shooting compound bows with sights, which, in the right hands, can hit thumbtacks – and often at remarkably long ranges too. Back then, I was shooting a heavy long bow, which put me at a distinct disadvantage.Askilledlong bow archer is lucky to get away hitting a big margarine tub container lid at 20 yards. He is even luckier if he can do this in a grocery store.
Putin now has fewer options → FROM 6
Queen Elizabeth II had two birthdays.
I would call myself skilled – that is, until I shoot in front of others. Then I would call myself inconsistent.Yousee,when I shoot in front of others I get
You can play online by reading any online post at www.observerxtra. com. Vote for the lie and be notified if you are correct immediately.
That attitude, the cama raderie, and the genuine praise on good shots, and the fact that there was a mutual, unspoken under standing that you were to ignore everyone’s bad ones makes me want to do it again – and soon.
crosswalkRainbowissue a slippery slope
Truth: There is a 68% reduction in personal stress linked to reading for 6 minutes a day.
important this show of etiquette is to the new guy in the Theirgroup.misses put me at ease. And over the course of the next 20 or more targets, I was able to put them at ease a few times too. But I was also able to relax and focus, and had moments of brilliance(at one station, I centrepunched a three-inch circle painted on the chest of a moose target at 40 yards). Before you think I am Robin Hood, however, let me also confess I had moments when I got distracted and I missed a couple of shots I would normally consider slam dunks. Luckily, however, those shots are fading from my memory even as we speak and by next week I imagine they’ll be gone forever.What is left is the feeling that I shot well enough. And I am pretty sure every one there would describe their experience similarly.
CAFÉ HOURS: Tues. Thurs. 8-4, Fri.-Sat. 8-7:30 takeout Lunch & dinners Fish or Chicken Tenders includes: coleslaw, rolls, mashed potatoes, vegetable & dessert DinnerSept3:30pm-7:30pm16&17 pre-orderreQuiredFri.-Sat. reQuired (519) 669-2142 | 2238 Floradale Rd., Floradale | Lunches 11am-4pm Sept 21 - 24 Hot Beef or Tereyaki Chicken includes: coleslaw, rolls, mashed potatoes, vegetable & dessert

Being huge landowners, the King and the rest of the Royal family have always fancied themselves farmers.Starting some 35 years ago, Charles became a vocal fan of organic agriculture. He liked the low-chemical approach to growing crops. He figured the environment would be better off if producers farmed organically, and he let his feelings be widely known.However, his position met with mixed reviews.
IN THE WORKS FOR SEVERAL years, the merger of Waterloo North Hydro and Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro is now complete. Waterloo North Hydro, which was owned by the City of Waterloo (73.2 per cent) and the Townships of Woolwich (20.2 per cent) and Wellesley (6.6 per cent), began exploring options for merging with other local distribution companies in 2017 following a report by KPMG that gave several suggestions, including Energy+ in Cambridge and Guelph Hydro.
→ HYDRO 11
First, it ignored the reams of research that had, and is, going into making commercial crop protection products safer.
Combination of Waterloo North Hydro and Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro is to be known as Enova Power Corp., with ownership remaining in municipal hands to the future of electricity in our communities,” said Woolwich Mayor Sandy Shantz.“We’re very excited to finally move forward as one company,” said Gatien, who highlighted the work that went into make the merger happen.
The merger with Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro was announced on October 1 of last year. Representatives from the two local distribution companies (LDCs) and the five Hydro. CEOformerwithwasWaterloopresidentonofficiallyPowertheannouncecelebratehandmunicipalitiesimpactedwereonSeptember8tothemergerandthenameofnewlyformedEnovaCorp.ThecompanybeganoperationsMonday. ReneGatien,formerandCEOofNorthHydro,namedco-CEO,alongJerryVanOoteghem,presidentandofKitchener-WilmotEnovaEnergyCorpora-
“When we announced this months ago, we didn’t realize the amount of work to get across the finish line. But it’s been pretty amazing. It’s been a great contribution from everybody, both in our teams and in the teams at the municipalities,” he explained.Waterloo Mayor Dave Jaworsky highlighted the
AD SPOT - NON PRINTING THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 9

Leading the way.
Shining a light on local enterprise, stoking the economic engines.

519 •669•1212 3 Wyatt St. East Church St E ArthurStSWyattStEWalkerSt James St ELMIRA SOS Physiotherapy is Excited to Welcome our Newest team member Chad! Chad is starting as a Physiotherapist at our Elmira location this month! Call our Clinic TODAY to book your rst appointment with Chad!

limate change watchers were thrilled when King Charles III assumed the monarchy lastAsweek.Prince of Wales, the King was heralded as an environmentalist and one of the earliest high-profile leaders to raise a red flag about global warming.
Their terms are limited by legislation. Charles’s is limited only by his own stability and longevity. That gives him time to carefully enact a climate change plan that works for farmers, not just for votes.
tion is owned by the City of Kitchener (53.4 per cent), the City of Waterloo (30.8 per cent) and the townships of Woolwich (8.5 per cent), Wilmot (4.5 per cent) and Wellesley (2.8 perThecent).new company is now the seventh largest electricity distribution company in the province by customer count, servicing more than 157,000 residents and businesses across its coverage area.
If – and that’s a big if –he can put himself in the shoes of his own citizenry, he’ll realize people are on edge about inflation, particularly food and energy, and about sustainability.It’sthe same elsewhere.
Bill Atwood Observer Staff

It also further strained the fragile olive branch between organic and modern agriculture camps, which can be obsessed with pointing accusatory fingers at each other for failing consumers.Organic farmers benefitted somewhat from the profile Charles gave their farming practices. But they knew someone in such a privileged position

He also has strong ties to agriculture – or more precisely, to segments of agriculture – which also touch on the environment.
Charles help lead a sustainable future?
Can “green” King
Tender award
Formerly head of Waterloo North Hydro, Rene Gatien was named co-CEO of the new local distribution company, which held an event marking the merger Sept. 8 in Kitchener. Bill Atwood

Woolwich council this week awarded a $300,000 contract to GM BluePlan Engineering Ltd. to carry out engineering services for the township’s 2022 bridge and culvert program. The company will be responsible for design and tendering work.
“Today marks the beginning of new opportunities for our objectivestothatutilityHavingcommunities.onelocallyownedwillhelpensurewemoveforwardacommonvisionandwhenitcomes
Local hydro merger now official
Being King puts Charles even further apart from his charge, economically and practically. But from the throne he has a limitless term to make a difference.
Leaders globally – Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Joe Biden, among them – are trying to address concerns at home to be seen on the world stage as pacesetters for climate change mitigation.
New Business:

The newly formed Waterloo Region Community Foundation (WRCF) this week announced the appointment of Eric Avner as president & CEO. Avner joins WRCF with experience in trust-based philanthropic roles, most recently as the vice-president of The Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation, where he’d served since 2008.

WRCF names president


Most lately, he’s adopted regenerative agriculture as his cause. He told an international soil conference in Glasgow that regenerative farming is the future of food production.
as a prince really had no idea of the marketing and production challenges theyGrassrootsfaced. profitability is not a key driver to Charles. And like it or not, profitability and farming must go hand in hand.
10 | APPLE BUTTER & CHEESE FESTIVAL THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL 519.656.2909 Serving the Community for over 40 years. ECA License #7000298 W ishing eve ryon e a h ap py A BC F esti va l! 1 888 567 7546 from Solid Gold Realty (II) Ltd., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated 180 Weber St. S., WaterlooOffice: Michelle Dr eveny Sales Repr esentat ive Wellesley, Ontario 519 - 656 - 3083 YOUR HOME IS IN GOOD HANDS Apple Sauce • Fresh Ontario Grown Apples Pure Apple Butter - Apple Syrup - Apple Cider 3800 Nafziger Road N., Wellesley Retail Shop Hours: Tues - Fri 10:00am - 4:00 pm, Sat. 9:00am - 1:00pm 519-656-2400 Enjoy your day at the Festival! New Hours Fri 10am to 6pm, Sat 9am to 4pm & Sun 11am-4pm 1420 Hutchison Rd. Wellesley, ON 519 656 0770 FurnitureFood&AppliancesClothing&BeddingToys&Hardware ... and so much more! Saturday, September 24, 2022 7am start, Pancake and Sausage Breakfast Antique car display, Modern Dairy Farm tour, Antique Tractor display, Craft & food vendors, Horseshoe tournament & MORE Wagons running all day to transport people throughout the festival

Co-CEO Rene Gatien, Waterloo Mayor Dave Jaworsky, Wilmot Mayor Les Armstrong, board chair Rosa Lupo, Woolwich Mayor Sandy Shantz, Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic, Wellesley Mayor Joe Nowak and co-CEO Jerry Van Ooteghem at last week’s merger event. Bill Atwood

costs low for youth sports, seniors’ programs and so much more,” Jaworsky added.Inan interview follow ing the event, Gatien said the merger allows the company to do more including in areas such as renewable energy, which

any change in agriculture takes time. But Charles has the time to see change through as monarch.
some people that will be dedicated to innovation, and looking at the new technologies and meeting the needs of customers,” he“Goingsaid. forward, we have somebody who will be able to help customers to own and operate, or have

For Shantz, the longterm benefits of the merger are why it was an important move

importance of keeping the distribution company local.“Climate change must be tackled quickly, and electrification is a signif icant part of the solution. Now…we have greater capacity to ensure electric ity distribution is modern ized. And those decisions are in our hands, not that of a big corporation. And those profits are literally in our hands, not that of a big corporation,” he said.
BUSINESS | 11Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER Your full-service computer depot for a digital world. Find us online www.realitybytescomputers.comWEREPAIRALLMAKES AND MODELS UpgradesSystemRemovalVirusBackup Recovery& DepotE-Waste $59999 COME SEE US IN ELMIRA OR FERGUS TO CHECK OUT THESE GREAT DEALS ... and much m e! $39999 HP X360 1030 G2 TOUCH SCREEN i7-7600U 2.8ghz, 8gb DDR4 Ram, 256gb SSD, 13.3” FLIP TOUCH WindowsScreen10OS DESKTOPS LAPTOPS IPADSMACBOOKS Blowout! WE SERVICEONOFFERSITEBack to Sch l DisposaleE-Waste FREE Diagnostic FREE $12999 AMD A4-9120C APU 4GB x 32GB 11.6” LCD HP CHROMEBOOK G8 $27999 LENOVO T560! Intel i5 Windows2.4GHz,6300u8GBRam,10OS $54999 $36999 MacBooksApple Starting at SAVE $100! iPad 5 32 GBRegular$24999 BLOWOUT! MacBooks SCREEN!15.6” WOW! iPad 6 128 GB 2.4GHz, 8GB Ram, Windows 10 OS LENOVO T440p Intel i5 4300m 2.6ghz, 8GB Ram, 500GB Hard Drive, 14”Screen, Windows OS $24999 36 Oriole Pkwy E. 519-669-5551 920 St. David St. N., 519-787-0006 FergusElmiraElmira Home Hardware 22 Church St. West, Elmira, ON M519-669-5537onday-Saturday 8-6 · Sunday 11-4 elmiraho mehard ware.c a Call someone you can trust for the yoresfunctbeautiful,ionalultsuexpect. HOME CENTREDÉCOR VISIT OUR DESIGNVanitiesGALLERY: ericktraplin ElmiraLegionPResents PER CHILD Snacks,refreshments ANDSLUSHIESwillbe availableforsale! Comefora fun-filled, highenergy, interactive musical show $5 Saturday,September24th Showbeginsat2:00pm Reserveyourspottodaybyemailing 11FirstStreetEast,Elmira

Will his focus get diluted? Probably. The new King already said his role won’t leave him as much time for his long-standing causes (like the environment), and that he’ll have to pass the
“We have to be proac tive in Farmersagriculturaldueslegumes,matterreplacingandwithregenerativeencouragingagriculture,adiversityofplantsofgrazinglivestock,lostorganicthroughtheuseofcovercrops,resiandmulches,”theUKpublicationWeeklyreported

HYDRO: New, larger LDC will have the reach to deal with some of the changes coming down the pike, says Gatien

himIt’ssaying.avery defensi ble position, one that the public everywhere wants to hear, even if its members don’t fully understand it. Regener ative agriculture sounds like a measured approach for farmers. Owing to the time it takes to grow crops and raise livestock,

“Those dividends go back into our communi ties, ease the burden of the regressive property tax regime in Ontario and do important things like putting books on the shelves of our libraries, building and maintain ing trails, and keeping

“We can do some of these things, but it’s somebody’s side job, it’s not their main job. By merging, we will be able to find some synergies and combine things where we are going to have

“It ensures a dividend stream for the next 10 years and reasonable rates for the next 10 years,” she told the Observer.

torch.But from the throne, it only takes a speech or two, or even a few lines in a speech, to keep the sustainability fires burning. Charles needs to let people know he cares about what they care about. And helping them sort out climate change is an important step forward.
would have been difficult as separate entities.

→ FROM 10

us operate on their behalf, some of these distributed energy resources now will be things like solar arrays, battery storage, and it will also help us have people that can be dedicated to things like electrification of transport.”

ROBERTS: Climate change has been a long-time issue for the new King

12 | BUSINESS THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 WWW.HYGATELIVING.COM on RETIREMENTLexingtonRESIDENCE Open House with Building Tours, Good Food & Live Music! Today!RSVP Seniors IndependentApartmentsLiving Assisted Living Respite Care Saturday September 24th, 1-4PM GRAND OPENING! RSVP to Stacey: 519-501-1131x7502 INFO@HYGATELIVING.COM 215 Lexington Rd, Waterloo

Outgoing fair ambassa dor Avery Flynn had one major piece of advice for Khan as he starts his jour ney as ambassador.
While the ambassador ship provides a different experience for every person selected, Schultz says she hopes Khan has confidence in himself as he takes on the role.
purposes is not impacted as a result of the proposed use?”Shantz noted that the majority of the neigh bour’s concerns have been addressed in plans for the site.“We do need and will provide additional visual screening along the common or south property line,” he said, noting trees are to be Mondayplanted.night’s meet ing was for information only, with council making no decisions. A vote will come at a later date when planning staff have taken feedback and drafted a written report.
opportunity for, even if you’re not sure, maybe this is the right thing for me or maybe this event, maybe I haven’t been to it before. Just go and experience it. It’s what the program is about to have new experi ences, try new things, meet new people,” Flynn said.
“It’s OK to go out to ask and to talk to people and sometimes you flub up your words. You just learn to carry on. So I think, for him to feel more confident would be a really great thing,” she said.
“He’s a bit younger than some of our previous ambassadors, so he has a younger perspective, the male perspective is obvi ously something we also need. And because of his vast volunteering expe rience, he’s done work in the community..he’s going to have, I think, a broader sort of toolbox of ideas to pull from which would be really great,” she said of the Grade 12 student, who attends Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School.
BUSINESS | 13Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER
“I’m really grateful for having this opportunity and for competing with such an outstanding and well-spoken contestant as well,” he said Boyd Koudys was named as a co-ambassador and will be asked to participate in events throughout the year.Mirinda Schultz, director of the fall fair board, said that Khan and Boyd Koudys were evenly matched.“Youcould see how both
AN BUSINESSELMIRA-AREAISLOOKING to significantly increase it manufacturing capa bilities. To that end, it’s seeking a change to the zoning of the property at 6455 Reid Woods Dr. and 6919 Line 86.
ON TOP OF BEING FETED as the township’s junior citizen of the year Tuesday, Ali Khan was named the first male ambassador in the Wellesley Fall Fair’s 169-year history.

A planner representing the company this week told Woolwich councillors the changes would allow for better use of the 18-acre site, which is “not viable” forBrianfarming.Shantz said the property has been used for manufacturing since the late-1950s. It’s been home to Tubline since 2011,
Bill Atwood Observer Staff
Steve Kannon Observer Staff
at minimum, is required in light of the proposal. We would also like assurances that the noise mitigation will be implemented, and that no lighting impacts will be permitted onto our lands and primary resi dence,” he said in a written submission.“Concerning the proposed magnitude of the servicing system in order to support employment of roughly 150 people, in addi tion to the manufacturing uses on site, we would like to better understand what protections are in place to ensure that the quality of our well for drinking water and agricultural/irrigation
Ali Khan named first male ambassador of Wellesley Fall Fair

Wellesley Fair board president Karen Schlueter Pilecki with new ambassador Ali Khan, Alexis Boyd Koudys and the outgoing ambassador, Avery Flynn, at Tuesday night’s fair event at the Wellesley Community Centre.
Bill Atwood
The agricultural land currently has site-specific zoning permitting the manufacturing of farm-re lated machinery. Now, Tubeline Manufacturing Ltd. wants to remove restrictions on building size and to reduce the number of required park
“I think the first piece of advice I would give Ali is to go out and do absolutely everything you have the
line, Chochol called for changes that would reduce the impact on his property. He also expressed concerns that the planned location for snow storage could plug a nearby culvert, causing flooding on the family’s low-lying property. He also raised issues around noise and light mitigation, as well as privacy“Givenconcerns.themassive scale of the proposed expansion, why has fencing and func tional landscaping to help screen the use and main tain a degree of privacy for our home and farm not been considered? We would request further mitigation,
of them would bring a lot of passion and experience to the position, but also that they benefit them and it would push them even further,” said Schultz who is also on the ambassador committee which selects“veryexciting” to have Khan as the first male ambassador, Schultz said.
Other awards handed out at the fair included citizen of the year Chris Martin and lifetime achievement award presented to Wendy Richardson.Tuesdaymarked the return to some in-person activities associated with the fall fair, albeit on a reduced scale, following cancellations due to the pandemic.
“I’m very grateful for it. I appreciate it,” said Khan of the selection process that saw him named to the post. “ I’m really grateful for having this opportunity as Khanwell.”highlighted the fellow competitor in the ambassador competition, Alexis Boyd Koudys.
Elmira-area manufacturer seeks zoning change for expansion
where the company makes the likes of bale wrappers and manure parkingownedpropertythecasethatawhileconcern.sionChochol,meeting.MondayatseeExpansionspreaders.planswouldupto60full-timejobsthesite,headdedatnight’spublicForneighbourDavidtheexpanwascauseforsomeHetoldcouncillorsthatTubelinehasbeen“respectful”neighbour,hasn’talwaysbeenthewithformerownersofsiteadjacenttothefarmhisfamilyhasfor30years.Wherecurrentplansseealongtheproperty is looking to add a 103,000-squarefoot building to the site, which is currently home to three smaller structures. As well, the zone-change application calls for park ing requirements to be halved, to 140 from 280.
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onlythoseselectedforinterviewwillbecontacted. 7221SideRd.16Drayton,ON CMT Engineering Inc. is a well-established engineering firm that was founded in 1999. We specialize in geotechnical engineering and construction inspection and testing. We are a very reputable group of professionals, committed to providing a high level of service to our clients and treating our employees like family. Currently, we are in search of a full-time Administrative Assistant. The responsibilities of this position include: •Typing, proofreading and formatting correspondence, forms, reports and other documents •Preparing final engineering reports in pdf format for electronic distribution, mailing and filing •Assisting with invoicing and accounts receivable •Supporting the administrative and accounting team with other duties as required The successful candidate will possess: •A minimum of three years’ administrative experience •Advanced Word, Excel and Access skills •Excellent accuracy and attention to detail •Superior organizational skills •Strong interpersonal, communication and relationShip-building skills •Ability to maintain confidentiality •Demonstrated ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment while managing competing •Basicprioritiesknowledge of Sage 50 (Simply) accounting program is an asset CMT offers an attractive total compensation package which includes a competitive salary, full medical and dental benefits, and matching RRSP plan. If you are looking to learn and grow your career and be a valued member of a successful team, we would be happy to hear from you! Forward your resume to ADMINISTRATIVE
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Please call or email for display advertising quotes for Help Wanted, Auctions, Real Estate, Public Notices, Service Pro Directory and Obituaries.


Job Summary
• are tech savvy with most standard bookkeeping including QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Online You are multi-tasking
HILLCREST HOME BAKING IS LOOKING for help in the bakery 3-4 days a week. Call 519-669-1381.
train. Send resume to: info@crokinolegame or phone: 519-998-0988.
using multiple bookkeeping software •Youplatformshave

1011 Industrial Crescent, Unit 1 St. Clements, Ontario N0B 2M0 Tel: 519-699-5775 Fax: 519-699-4664
• Matched
For Sale
AMI Attachments is a local manufacturer of world-class attachments for heavy equipment. Join our friendly, collaborative, growing team! APPLY TODAY! to apply online, Or email your resume to:

Help Wanted
needed for refrigerated hauling to GTA 2 to 3 days a week
Ideal for a good driver with a clean abstract, looking to slow down 12 hours a day
Career development opportunity
pension contributions after 1 year
• Great
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
experience using
— Needed Immediately — from to
Only those receiving an interview will be contacted. WE ARE HIRING Cabinet Engineering Cabinet Sales & Design Cabinet CabinetCabinetFinisherInstallInstaller (Bracebridge Location) If you are interested in joining a vibrant and growing company, please send your resume to or call 519.638.5961 ext 104 Help WantedHelp WantedHelp Wanted Help Wanted

THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 14
Mar-Span offerscompetitivewages,production
days. One paper. A bestseller every week. Phone: 519-669-5790 ext 104 Email: Job Listings:
TRACEY BOARDSCROKINOLEINELMIRA, FT, Production Shop. Experience antools/woodworkingwithasset.Willingto

to make a time to drop a resume to our location
Please Send resume eshofferltd@gmail.comtoor call 519-669-5438
Is looking for a Part Time
Bookkeeper/ Office Manager

Family Album Notices: Order and pay for family announcement notices online at:
• Supplied
Modern shop with state-of-the-art equipment
All classified advertising is prepaid. Ads will be accepted in person, email, or phone during regular office hours. Deadline is Wednesdays by 10am. Order and pay online at:
SEED WHEAT AND FERTILIZER COMPETitive pricing. Rye seed, winter barley. Hard red wheat Pro 81, Lexington. Soft red wheats Marker, Branson, Cruze, Blaze, B654 and more. Call George Haffner Trucking, 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.
OCTOBER 31ST @ 6:00 P.M. 1.55 ACRES, MORE or less, surrounded by farmland. Paved driveway, 14 X 20ft. vinyl sided shed. Beautifully landscaped. HOUSE – Built in 1992. Approx. 2400 square ft. (main floor). Spacious brick bungalow, attached 2 car garage, deck and front porch, good steel roof, good flooring including hardwood, eat in kitchen with updated granite countertops, dining and sitting rooms, family room with stone fireplace (electric insert), 2 bedrooms including master with ensuite, laundry. BASEMENT – Large finished rec-room, workshop, plus tons of space for potential bedrooms. Propane furnace, A/C, central vac, Generac generator, 200 amp hydro service. Drilled well. Septic system.
WANTED - DIE CAST REPLICAS OF FARM equipment, industrial equipment and transport trucks. Any scale, any complete condition. Small or large lots. Call Dwayne 519-669-5500.

GerberAUCTIONEERS:Auctions Ltd. 519-699-4451 2827 Hutchison Rd., RR#1 Millbank (Crosshill) Auction 2170 FLORADALE RD., FLORADALE • 519-669-2183 CLM MODULAR BUILDINGS MOVING & LEASING RR #2 Wallenstein, Ontario Bus: 519-698-9930 Res: 519-698-2213 Experience that Works 2192 Floradale Rd. ~ Floradale, On. (519) 669-1381 • Fabrics • Men's Wear • Ladies Coats • China • Glass Ware Mon. Closed · Tues.-Fri. 8-6 · Sat. 8-5 371 Arthur St. S. • 519-669-3232 Farm - Auto - Truck - Industrial and we have On-the-farm service The Quality You Demand, the Service You Deserve. 1.800.265. 61 26 your supplier of feeds and pet food Your donation matters. The Next Elmira Clinic: at Lion’s Hall, Elmira Friday, September 23 2:00 - 7:00 pm Serving you for over 100 Years 1145 Printery Rd., St. Jacobs | TEL: 519.664.2263 7278 LINE 86, WALLENSTEIN, ON Wallenstein General Store Inc. UNIQUE ONE STOP SHOPPING Groceries • Hardware • Giftware Books • Drygoods • Postal Outlet 519-669-2231 ↆ ELMIRA BLOOD DONOR CLINIC 390 ARTHUR ST. S., 519-669-2015 DUB-L-EDUB-L-E • GAS • DIESEL • PROPANEEXCHANGECYLINDER • TOUCH-FREE CAR WASH ELMIRA (Hwy 86 & Road 21)

MOVING SALE - SAT. SEPT. 17, 9 A.M. - ?, 89 Porch Light Dr., Elmira. A bit of everything!

Please note, interviews will be held on a first come first serve basis. Help Wanted

windbreaks. Range 1-6 feet tall. Now is a good time to plant! Excellent quality plants. Stop in Monday to Saturday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. at Martin's Nursery, c/o Emanuel E.M. Martin, 42661 Orangehill Rd., Wroxeter Ont. N0G 2X0. (1 km north of Wroxeter on Belmore Line).
On Saturday, the Lamoureux family, owners of the Elmira Canadian Tire store, celebrated the company’s 100th anniversary with their staff and customers. Makaiya Lamoureux did the honours of cutting the cake.

10:00am to 1:00pm and 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Available Shifts for Term Contract Sept 2022 – Oct 2023:

FORSALE. SHADE trees; apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, apricot, greenofNorwayspruce,raspberries,berry,blueberries,nectarines;aronia-grapes,rhubarb,etc;bluewhitespruce,spruce&lotsnicecedarstomakefencehedges&

Garage Sales
Leah Gerber


Must be 16 years of age, and able to work 36-40+ hours/ week to be eligible.
FABRIC SALE! CLOTHING, QUILTING fabric. Yarn. Notions. Saturday, September 17, 10am-4pm. 36 Centre Street, Elmira.
Home Hardware has multiple openings for Term Material Handlers on all shifts. Material Handlers pick and pack product for our Dealers. Must be able to perform strenuous physical activities including walking, standing, bending, lifting and must be willing to be trained on powered lift equipment.

Days (7am-3pm), Afternoons (3-11pm), Nights (11pm7:00am), Weekends (12-hour shifts). Rate of pay will start at $20/hr + 7.5% shift premium for Afternoons, Nights and Weekends.
NOTE – A beautiful property with wellmanicured grounds, an attractive home with many upgrades. Country living 15 minutes from Elmira, 25 minutes to Waterloo & Listowel, 35 minutes to Guelph. Call Gerber Auctions Ltd. at 519-699-4451 with questions & to view. See photos at www.
KILN DRIED CORN & CORN SCREENING Delivered by Einwechter. Minimum 15 ton lots. Call George Haffner Trucking 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.

Through our customized tender process, at 6678 Wellington County Rd. 12 Mapleton Twp. (5 km north of Macton, 12 km northwest of Elmira, 12 km southeast of Drayton), for Geraldine & The Late Cliff Schill

BAGGED PINE SHAVINGS AGRICULTURAL Spray Lime, 22.5kg. bag; feed grade lime, 25kg. Delivered. Call George Haffner Trucking, 519-574-4141 or 519-669-2045.


For Sale
Continued from page 14
MOVING SALE - SAT. SEPT. 24, 10 A.M. AT 7941 4th Line at Conestoga Lake. Scharff spinner, dishes, cookware, 10 small appliances, vacuum, some furniture, sewing machine and more.
MOOREFIELD - This private 50 acre property is located on a quiet street near Teviotdale. Follow along the winding laneway through a picturesque cedar rail fence surrounded by greenery to acres including greeted bungalow and fireplace and loads of natural light with sliding glass doors to the front and back deck. The walk out basement has a 3 piece bathroom, rec room and office space which could be easily transformed into an in-law suite. The deck wraps around the house to the master bedroom and connects the outdoor bar with bar fridge, hot tub (2017) and on ground pool (2019). Be prepared for all of your friends and family longing to hang out here! Hop on your off road vehicle and explore the back 40 acres of your own private bush where you will find wildlife and a mix of trees. This serine setting could be just what you have been dreaming of!
a spring fed pond. You will be

MILLBANK - Looking to escape the big city for small town living? This charming recently updated, 3-bedroom 2-bathroom bungalow is exactly that and more. Located in the quaint town of Millbank, only 30 minutes from all the big city amenities that Waterloo or Stratford have to offer. You are welcomed through the front door into a bright living room that flows into the dining and kitchen area. From the dining area, slip out through the large sliding doors to your back deck, (complete with propane hook-up), relax and enjoy your large .3 acre corner lot with mature trees, ideal for family gatherings and summer BBQ’s. Or head out to the covered front porch, perfect for enjoying morning coffee or an evening beverage. Upstairs you will find three updated bedrooms and a newly refinished bathroom. The basement with a double door walkout and large windows provides an abundance of natural light, giving a main floor feel. The basement offers just as much as the main floor, rec room, workshop, 2 piece bathroom, laundry room, large cold room, bonus (play) room, loads of space for your family and guests to enjoy. You could easily convert this space into an in-law suite. Updates include, new LVT flooring drywall, potlights, bathrooms, most windows, all trim and interior doors all done in 2022 as well as Furnace & A/C (2021), this house is move in ready! With an insulated garage, (new door on order), oversized shed, and ample parking, you will have tons of space

ELMIRA - This recently built (2015) semi-detached home is located right across from the Riverside Public School and has so much appeal for both a first time home buyer to a larger family. With 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, this tastefully finished home offers a bright open concept main floor with updated powder room, large closets for storage and large sliding glass doors out to your deck. Enjoy a view of the open field behind while sipping coffee on your large deck. The upstairs offers two bedrooms and an oversized primary suite complete with walk in closet and ensuite bathroom. Head down to the finished basement (2018) and enjoy many of the custom finishes! You will find luxury vinyl plank floors, powder room with laundry, additional pantry/storage and a little nook under the stairs. No detail was missed in this home! With convenient access to Kitchener, Waterloo and Guelph come make this beautiful property your home

of open space

16 | CLASSIFIEDS THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 ↆ R EAL ESATE 5 Thrush Court, Elmira $899,900.00 MLS BROKERAGE BRAD MARTIN Broker of Record, MVA ResidentialR.W. THUR REAL ESTATE LTD. Office: 519-669-2772 Brad Direct: 519-741-6231 Jenna Direct: 519-760-2265 45 Arthur St. S., www.thurrealestate.comElmira JENNA MARTIN Sales Representative 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE YOU CAN RELY ON! CALL FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION 22 Meadowlark Rd., Elmira $874,900.00 MLS17 Maple St., Drayton $774,900.00 MLS 12 Park Ave. W., Elmira $849,900.00 MLS Sue 226-750-9332From SALES suefrom17@gmail.comREPRESENTATIVE Alli 519-669-5426Bauman ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Emily 519-504-6247Minielly SALES emilyminiellyrealestate@gmail.comREPRESENTATIVE 3 Arthur St. S., Elmira | 519-669-5426 SELLING? CALL US FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION. ELMIRA - Check out this 5 Bedroom Bungalow in Birdland! This unique opportunity gives you the option of multi-generational living or a single-family choose! The main floor has 3 bedrooms, a fair-sized kitchen, a dining room, a living room with big bright windows overlooking the covered front porch, 4 piece bathroom, and a main floor laundry room. Walk out from the dining room to a shaded deck and relax in the yard with the view of mature trees. The open concept basement has 2 bedrooms, its own kitchen and laundry room, 4-piece bathroom, dinette area, 2 living room spaces, and lots of storage. You will be impressed with the overall open feel of this home. The doublewide, concrete driveway provides parking for 2 and the oversized single garage is perfect for the car enthusiast and is equipped with a hoist. Come and see this nicely finished and well-kept home that is sure to impress! $849,000$849,000

$1,100,000$1,100,000NEWPRICENEWPRICE $500,000$500,000

LISTOWEL - Welcome to 255 Elm Ave N, Listowel! well maintained, 3 Bedroom, all brick bungalow is located on a beautiful tree lined street, walking distance from downtown and all that Listowel has to offer! The main floor with its large windows, offers plenty of natural light with a floorplan that flows easily from room to room -- living room, dinette, and open kitchen. You will also find three bedrooms plus

a full bathroom on the main floor. The large basement offers a finished recreation room with fireplace and plenty of storage! The separate access to the basement from the attached garage is a bonus if you are thinking of adding an in-law suite. Step out back and enjoy the large backyard with plenty of green space and a garden. This quaint bungalow has so much to offer –move right in and call it home or add your own personal touches! Listowel is a growing community offering all the big city amenities including a movie theatre, grocery stores and shopping centres! Only a short 30-minute drive to Elmira and 45 minutes to Waterloo! Don’t wait to call this beautiful place home! $739,900SOLD ↆ GENERAL SERVICES ↆ L OCAL SERVICES SepticMarCrestBackhoeInstallations·TileRepairsSmallFootings·SiloFootingsMaynardMartin 2512 Kressler Road RR1 St. Clements, ON N0B 2M0 Tel. 519-699-0507 519-669-5557 VAN, MINIBUS & WHEELCHAIR LIFT BUS TRANSPORTATION “Specializing in small group charters” Visit our website! Elmira, ON TOCALLBOOK!TODAY. ↆ PU ZZLE SOLUTIONS WILDLIFE ↆ GENERAL SERVICES jobs.observerxtra.comYou have to start local, to find local. Start your search with the Observer in print and online Self-serve online job portal auto posts to social media and maximizes local online reach.
to store your “toys” or entertain. $699,000$699,000

a small barn to house any animals you have or may wish to have. This property so much more to offer a with green house/shed and a detached 30 x 40 heated and insulated shop (built in 2009) surrounded by fruit trees. The 1459 square foot bungalow has a retreat like master bedroom (added in 2008) with vaulted ceilings, in suite laundry, a propane fireplace and walk-out to the deck and hot tub! The kitchen is open to the dining room and living room, with a
by a

CLASSIFIEDS | 17Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER IN-STORE SERVICES • Window & Screen Repairs • Glass & Plexi Cutting • Key Cutting • Knife & Scissor Sharpening • Window & Screen Repairs • Glass & Plexi Cutting • Key Cutting • Knife & Scissor Sharpening • Lawnmower Blade Sharpening • Paint Colour Matching • Interior Design Consultation • Bike Repair • Lawnmower Blade Sharpening • Paint Colour Matching • Interior Design Consultation • Bike Repair Must bring coupon in or use code “repair22” $10 OFF PATIO DOOR REPLACEMENTSCREEN 22 Church St.W., Elmira Tel: 519-669-5537 or 1-844-866-5537 STORE HOURS: MON-SAT 8-6, SUN 11-4 Find and follow us on FB and Instagram ↆ LOCAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AMOSROOFING INC CALL JAYME FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE. 519.501.2405 | 519.698.2114 In Business since 1973 • Fully Insured • Specializing in residential re-roofs • Repairs • Churches A Family owned and operated business serving KW, Elmira and surrounding area for over 35 years. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED - Design and buildAGRICULTURAL | RESIDENTIAL Wayne Martin | 519-504-2016 | Alma, ON FRAMING • ROOFING RENOVATIONS • EAVESTROUGHS DESIGN CENTRE KITCHEN, BATH & WINDOW FASHIONS Many In-Stock or Custom Bathroom Vanities, Kitchen Cabinetry, Flooring and Tiles, Blinds, Shades, Fashion Plumbing • Our experienced personell and designer will help you work within your personal taste and budget 22 Church St.W., Elmira Tel: 519-669-5537 or 1-844-866-5537 STORE HOURS: MON-SAT 8-6, SUN 11-4 Find and follow us on FB and Instagram Popular Brands Available Call someone you can trust - your local Home Hardware BLANCO, MAAX, MIROLAN, STEEL QUEEN 519-669-4964 100 SOUTH FIELD DRIVE, ELMIRA CLEAN • DRY • SECURE Call Various sizes & rates 36 Hampton St., Elmira ESTIMATESFREE Interior/exteriorPainting,Wallpapering&Plaster|drywallRepairs 519-669-2251 519-503-6033 (CELL) JohnPaintingSchaefer 519-577-0370 Driveways • Sidewalks • Curbs Patios • Finished Floors • Retaining Walls • Steps • Decorative/Stamped and Coloured Concrete TIRE 35 Howard Ave., Elmira 519-669-3232 WHERE TIRES AR E A NOTSPECIALTY,ASIDELINE. Farm • Auto • On-The-FarmIndustrialTruckService • Residential • Commercial • Industrial ECRA/ESA Licence # 7000605 Randy Weber 18 King sher Dr., Elmira | www.rwelectricltd.com519.669.1462 •Final grading •Lawn repair & complete seeding well equipped for large stoney areas •Spike •Help•Retaining•Retaining•NaturalAerator/Overseeding&InterlockingStoneWalls,Walks&PatiosWalls,Walks&PatiosforTopWater&Drainageissue ALMA, ONTARIO | PHONE: 519.846.5427 Murray & Daniel ShantzSince 1998 Evenings By Appointment • FLOORING • Custom KITCHENS • BATHROOM VANITIES • SICO Paint • Custom WINDOW BLINDS 1011 Industrial Cres. Unit #2 | TEL: 519.699.5411 Hours: M-F 8:00 - 5:00 & Sat 9:00 - 3:00 ST. JACOBS GLASS SYSTEMS INC. TEL: 519-664-1202 / 519-778-6104 FAX: 519 664-2759 • 24 Hour Emergency Service COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL 1553 King St. N., St. Jacobs, ON N0B 2N0 • Store Fronts • Thermopanes•Mirrors • Screen Repair • Replacement Windows • Shower Enclosures • Sash Repair AutoTHOMPSON’STechInc. Providing the latest technology to repair your vehicle with accuracy and confidence. 519-669 -44 00 30 ORIOLE PKWY. E., ELMIRA ↆ GENERAL SERVICES ↆ GENERAL SERVICES ↆ AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES ↆ HOME IMPROVEMENT ↆ HOME IMPROVEMENT ↆ HOME IMPROVEMENT www.woolwichrentals.ca519-669-0524 100 Union St, Elmira, Ontario Visit us online to see our entire rental lineup. (ELMIRA) Martin’s Nursery Hydrangea Shrubs & Trees Shade & Flowering Trees Large selection of fruit trees (fruit bearing age) Hedging & Windbreaks Spruce, Pine, Cedars Shrubs, Grasses & more!much HONEY FOR SALE BEE Supplies Etc. We sell a complete line of Bee Supplies; including Extracting Equipment, jars, pails, Varroa mite treatments and Bees, Nucs, Queens. C/O EMANUEL E.M. MARTIN 42661 Orangehill Road, RR#1, Wroxeter, ON 1 Concession North of Wroxeter on Belmore Line Mon. – Sat. 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. ORHBS Select Queens (Weekly) Contact us for all your Custom or Replacement Tarps & Covers! ▪ Bale covers in stock ▪ Patio canopy repairs Irvin Martin 226-584-0923 peoplelocalReach at the everytimeright week. Advertise beyond.WellesleyWoolwich,servicesprofessionalyourtoand

Subject to Council approval, construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2023 with completion expected in the fall of 2023.
with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, please note all comments will become part of the public record.


A preferred solution has been identified that connects ‘Old Breslau’ with ‘New Breslau’, between the future intersection of the Dolman Street extension with Fountain Street and Greenhouse Road. Refer to the attached figure that illustrates the EA Study Area.

The Township of Woolwich has retained Dillon Consulting to design the reconstruction of Halter Avenue, Isley Drive, and Notre Dame Avenue in Maryhill. This reconstruction includes the replacement of existing watermain and the reinstatement of ditches along the roadway.
Dame showing the proposed watermain alignment and ditch layouts
2. Description of the proposed works and changes
To view on the proposed reconstruction design and to provide your feedback please visit the Online PCC, available from September 12 to September 30, 2022
Phone: 226-214-3238
Duane Lindner, P.Eng. Sr. Project AssociatedManagerEngineering (Ont.) Ltd. Suite 302, 508 Riverbend Drive, Kitchener, ON N2K 3S2
Phone: 519-669-1647 x 6048
If you need assistance with the Online PCC or require an alternative format of the materials presented, please contact a member of the Project Team below: Ian EngineeringVaughanProject Supervisor
in accordance with a “Schedule C” Municipal Class EA and included public and stakeholder consultation, evaluation of alternatives, an assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed alternatives and identification of measures to mitigate any adverse impacts.
Engineering Project Supervisor
Phone: 519-571-9833 ext. 3109 E-mail:
If there are concerns regarding this project, please contact Township Staff listed below prior to October 10, 2022. For further information regarding the study or the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process, please contact: Ryan Tucker, P.Eng.
Denis Viens, Ph.D., P.Eng. (ON) LEED AP DillonAssociateConsulting Limited Phone: 519-571-9833 ext. 3109 E-mail:
An Environmental Study Report (ESR) documenting the study process and results is available for public review and comments for a minimum period of 30 calendar days, starting on September 9, 2022. Woolwich Council approved the posting of the Notice of Completion on August 22, 2022. The ESR is available for public review for a 30-day period during normal business hours at: 24 Church Street West, Elmira, ON
Township of Woolwich
Email: Informationrtucker@woolwich.cawillbecollectedinaccordance
The Township of Woolwich has completed a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for the Breslau East Connector Road. The study area is generally located immediately east of the existing Breslau community, south of new residential lands and the CN Rail corridor and north of Menno BuildingStreet.on the approved 2017 Breslau Secondary Plan, this Municipal Class EA evaluated alternative solutions for the transportation infrastructure that is required to provide connectivity between the existing and new areas of the Breslau community, with a focus on active Thetransportation.studywasundertaken

4. General construction information
Township of Woolwich 24 Church Street West, P.O. Box 158 Elmira ON
Due to COVID-19, a formal in person Public Consultation Centre (PCC) will not be held. In absence of the formal in person PCC, the Township has prepared an information package detailing general project information and frequently asked Inquestions.addition to the material contained in the information package, you are invited to an Online Public Consultation Centre (PCC).
5. Comment Sheet – to be returned by September 30, 2022

18 | CLASSIFIEDS THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 CommunityInformation Page “PROUDLY REMEMBERING OUR PAST; CONFIDENTLY EMBRACING OUR FUTURE.” P.O. Box 158 24 Church St. W. Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z6 After Emergency:Hours www.woolwich.ca519-575-4400 Phone: 519-669-1647 or 877-969-0094 Fax: 519-669-1820
3. Plan and profile drawings showing underground works
This Notice first issued September 8,
CLASSIFIEDS | 19Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER ↆ F AMILY ALBUM

Exercise your freedom of expression with relevant discourse in your community. Write a letter to the editor and submit it online today. Family $28Single:AdvertisingAlbum per insertion $38Double: per insertion $48Triple:per insertion AnnounceitintheObserver. Order online at: Advertisement
Bauman, Ada

Happy 60th Anniversary!
Happy BirthdayFirstJACK
Happy 25th Shannon & ShillingtonDan

Jonas, Franklin Lloyd

Who’s a good boy? Love your family and co-workers

The family of Leighton & Florence Martin is hosting an open house to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. Sunday, October 2, 2022. 2:00-5:00 p.m. at Hauser Hall, 2965 Lobsinger Line, Heidelberg, ON. Best wishes only.

Wishing you lots of love on September 13th! Leah, James & Stella
Passed away suddenly on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at the age of 84. Franklin was the beloved husband of Marlene, and father of Christine, Jennifer, Julie and their families. He was a parishioner of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, and a longtime resident of Conestogo. Funeral arrangements are pending at this time, and are entrusted to Dreisinger Funeral Home, Elmira. Please check their website for further information.
Every year the Elmira Ear and Hearing Clinic hosts a contest to give away hearing aids to people who need them and can’t afford them. Juliana Schlegel, owner of the clinic, presented the winners, 5-year-old

Obituary Olivia Barber and Sharon Britten, with cheques for $7,100. This year the award was named in honour of an employee who passed suddenly this summer. It is now known as the Theresa Shillingford Gift of Hearing Award. Gerber

Passed away peacefully with her family by her side on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at Hospice Waterloo Region at the age of 92. Loving mother of Tim and Sonia Bauman of St. Jacobs, and Rhoda Bauman of Kitchener. Proud grandma of Jon and Danielle, Nic and Michelle, and Kristina Bauman, and adoring great-grandma to Elise. Sister-in-law of Doris (Peter) Frey of RR 2, Drayton, and Estelle Martin of Crystal Beach. Will be missed by many nieces, nephews and their families. Predeceased by her loving husband of 32 years, Almon Bauman (1990), her parents Simeon and Barbara Martin, siblings Amanda Martin, Magdalena Martin, William (Ruby Marie) Martin, Amzi Martin, Anna (Israel) Bowman, and sisters-in-law Emma (Ed) Weber and Irene (Cleason) Freeman. Visitation took place on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Dreisinger Funeral Home, 62 Arthur St. S., Elmira. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church, 1310 King St. N., St. Jacobs, with interment following in St. Jacobs Mennonite Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to MCC Canada or Hospice Waterloo Region would be appreciated and may be made through the Dreisinger Funeral Home. A special thank you to the staff at St. Jacobs Place and Hospice Waterloo Region for their compassionate care of Ada.
Huck, Betty Elizabeth “Betty” Huck, 80, of West Montrose passed suddenly at St. Mary’s Hospital on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Betty leaves behind her husband David Huck, with whom she would have celebrated 60 years of marriage on Thursday, September 15, 2022. Betty was a loving mother to Laurie (Dennis) Weber, Brian (Liz) Huck and Andrea (Ron) Stevenson. Grandmother to Nicholas (Leslie), Meaghan, Jessica, Natalie (Steve), Candice (Jordan), Bailey and Mckenzie. She will also be missed by her many special nieces and nephews. Sister to John (Helen) Hesch, Elaine Spitzig, and Richard (Linda) Hesch. Sister-in-law to Pat Hehn, Millie Hesch and Brenda Hesch. Predeceased by her parents Roy and Olive Hesch, siblings Gerald Hesch, Sharon Poechman, Mervin Hesch and Carol Hesch. Beyond her role as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and grandmother, those who shared in Betty’s life knew that she was an avid gardener, experienced floral designer and business owner. Her caring nature ensured there was always a coffee or tea and time for a visit at her home in West Montrose. A celebration of life will take place on Sunday, October 2, 2022 from 2-4 p.m. at Dreisinger Funeral Home, 62 Arthur St. S., Elmira. A special thank you to the staff at Groves Memorial, Fergus and the Fourth Floor Cardiac Care team at St.Mary’s, Kitchener for their care and compassion for Betty. Expressions of sympathy can be made to Groves Hospital Foundation or St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation - Cardiac Care Unit via the funeral home.

affects your breathing and mood.Toalleviate this stress, redesign your workspace to encourage well-aligned posture. You can improve the ergonomics – the efficiency and comfort level – of a typical workstation in many ways.
“She was such a glamorous person to see and to talk to in the few minutes that I had. It was a real honor and a pleasure and privilege to welcome her to occasions. looksheadquarters. RIMhertheBogen-CormierQueen’sduringinQueen.presentedvonKitchenerrecalled.Township,”WoolwichheresidentVeraBogen-CormiertwiceflowerstotheFirstasateenager2002andonceagainherappearanceatParkin2010.Vonalsohadopportunitytomeetduringhervisittothe(nowBlackberry)VonBogen-Cormierbackfondlyonthese“It’salwaysonething
of people working from home has significantlyincreasedduring the COVID-19 pandemic. With more people working from home came an increased number of people reporting neck pain and back pain.
Woolwich Township.’ And he said ‘good comeback, Mr. Mayor,” remembers Strauss.Thatthe royals knew about Woolwich was a highlight, Strauss said.

The Queen and Prince Philip visited Research In Motion as part of a visit to Waterloo Region in July of 2010. They were joined there by then-MPP John Milloy, then-premier Dalton McGuinty and RIM co-founder Mike Lazaridis. File photo

Fire testing planned for later this month may have Breslau residents experiencing low water pressure. The test is set for Sept. 24, 9-11 a.m. It’s part of the process of watermain testing and commissioning, and may result in low water pressure and water discolouration.
Former Woolwich mayor Bill Strauss was among those with stories to tell about meeting the monarch
seeing someone on TV and then when you see them in person, of course. And there was definitely this aura about her – it was almost like a magical moment. At the same time as being sort of in awe of her, she was also able to put you at ease. The
Avoiding pain while working at a desk
Leading the way reporting about the people and places of home.

times where we really had that moment, where I gave her flowers and she really looked at you, sincerely thanked you, smiled, even though there’s hundreds and on some occasions thousands of people around and so just very gracious
It's about all of us.
If so, how can I fix it?
monitor that is too far away, too low, too high, too small or too dim. This compromises good posture.Theaverage human head weighs almost 12 pounds – the equivalent of a bowling ball. When your neck is bent to 45 degrees, your head exerts nearly 50 pounds of force on your neck. In addition to straining joints and muscles in your neck and shoulders, the pressure
Queen’s passing felt right here in the region
We knew she was unwell that morning, [you’re not] shocked when a 96-yearold person passes away, but she sort of took a turn quite quickly. But after that initial period of shock and sadness, now we can look back and be thankful for long life and reign. Not many of us get such a long life, so one has to be thankful for that,” she said.Bradley Barbour of long,”constanthadtheQueenNewCanada,changeKingdom,notthataren’tfeltreigneddeathCanadathelingtonKitchener-Waterloo-Wel-theRegionchapterofMonarchistLeagueofsaidtheimpactofsomeonewhofor70yearsisbeingaroundtheworld.“Evenforpeoplewhoroyalists,theysensethisisabigchange,justfortheUnitedbutit’sabigforcountrieslikeAustraliaandZealand,wheretheisheadofstate.Atsametime,wehavethatstabilityinthatpersonforsosaidBarbour,who
AD SPOT - NON PRINTING THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 20

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have been working at home for the past year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. My work requires me to be on a computer much of the day, and over the past few months, I've noticed more frequent headaches, and pain in my lower back and sometimes my neck. Could my workspace be contributing to my pain?
Start by answering these questions.
First take notice of your computer or workstation. Often, I find that people try to accommodate to the technology rather than the other way around. For instance, many people strain to see a computer
ANSWER: The number
makeshift one – is one of the most common causes of this type of pain. Taking time to review and redesign your workspace can alleviate discomfort, whether you work at home or in an office.
In herQueenthatyearsWoolwichwasexperience.niscedmonarchwhoRegion,Waterloothosehadmettheremi-abouttheBillStraussmayoroffor13andsaidmeetingtheduring2010visittothe
Is your monitor positioned so you can see it well without straining?

Aid for Pakistan Water testing in Breslau
region was “one of the highlights” of his time in office.
and patient as well,” von Bogen-Cormier explained, noting the Queen’s passing came as a “Certainlyshock.two days before when there’s images of her meeting the new British Prime Minister, she looked quite frail.
Sitting and working at a desk – perhaps a
ClinicMayo Clinical Health Advice
→ QUEEN 24
Living Here
THE DEATH LAST WEEK OF Queen Elizabeth II elicited responses from around the globe. This area was no exception.
Bill Atwood Observer Staff
→ MAYO CLINIC 23 Tel: (519) 669-1082 20 Oriole Parkway E., Elmira. As your children go back to school, extra curricular programs start up again and busy schedules kick in. Having your vehicle in reliable condition and ready to get you where you need to go is critical. Ways We Help Manage Your Busy Schedule: • Look over your vehicle every visit to make sure it is in good condition & no surprises will happen • Loaner Vehicles Available • Night Shift Service • 24/7 Emergency Line & Roadside Assistance – Mackenzie Jantzi

In response to the flooding emergency in Pakistan, Canadian Foodgrains Bank and other Canadian aid agencies – through the Humanitarian Coalition – are launching an appeal to raise funds and rush emergency assistance to people in need. Ottawa has announced that it will match donations to the Humanitarian Coalition and its member charities up to $3 million until Sept. 28.
Consider these tips:
Raise or lower the monitor or your chair so your eyes are level with the top of the screen. If you wear bifocals, you may need to lower the monitor another 1 to 2 inches. Move the monitor closer or farther away so you can easily read the screen. Increase the font
“When she flew into our airport, I was there to greet her. She and [Prince Philip] got off and they came down and they knew I was the mayor of Woolwich Township. And she was talking to me a bit and he [Prince Philip] said ‘Woolwich Township, that’s just at the edge of Waterloo?’ And I said, ‘No, the City of Waterloo is at the edge of
he egg yolks in this dish create a velvety sauce that coats each and every piece of pasta. Heat from the pasta cooks the yolks so that they're safe to eat, but you need to warm them up slowly or else they’ll curdle and turn into scrambled eggs.
2. While water heats, in a medium bowl, whisk egg yolks, Parmesan, garlic powder, and mustard powder until well combined.
6. Pour warm egg yolk mixture into a saucepan with pasta. Use a wooden spoon to stir constantly for 30 seconds. Cover saucepan with lid and let pasta sit for 1 minute.
Creamy Egg-Sauce Pasta 1 quart water 2 large egg yolks 1⁄4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (1⁄2 ounce), plus extra for serving teaspoon garlic powder

Tuesday Take-out Luncheon at Gale Presbyterian. Drive-Thru Pickup from 11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. $12.00/ person. Menu: pineapple pork with rice, hot veggie, bread, garden salad, frosted cake. RSVP by Friday Sept 16 (at noon) to or 519-669-2852.
3. Add pasta and salt to boiling water. Cook, stirring frequently, until pasta is al dente, 10 to 12 minutes. Turn off heat.
mixture and whisk until well combined. Repeat 2 more times with 2 more tablespoons of reserved cooking afterwhiskingwater,thoroughlyeachaddition.
St Teresa of Avila’s Annual Garden Party at St. Teresa of Avila Church, 19 Flamingo Dr., Elmira. Community BBQ in the hall from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m., an outdoor snack booth with chips, soft drinks, fresh made popcorn and candy. Lots of fun for young and old – penny table, silent aution, bouncies, tombola, 50/50, music, inside and outside activities, play area for children 5 and under and more. Come and enjoy an evening of food and fellowship. Fun starts at 4:30 p.m. and ends with fireworks at dusk. All are welcome.
▢ 1⁄2


How to do it? Add hot pasta cooking water to the egg yolks, a little bit at a This slowly raises the yolks’ temperature, gently cooking them. This technique is called “tempering” and it also keeps the sauce smooth – save that scramble for breakfast!
▢ TestAmerica'sKitchen
ↆ For 25 years, confident cooks in the know have relied on America's Test Kitchen for rigourously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. See more online at www.
Re-Experience the magic of live music in St. Jacobs! A FREE, intimate festival celebrating diverse cultural expressions of Jazz. Two days to enjoy music infused with the flavours of jazz from the Middle East, Turkey, Haiti, Ireland, South America and India. Four venues in St. Jacobs will host ten concerts over the two days, plus an event specifically for children at the River Dome. For more information contact - Isabel Cisterna - 519-502-9677.
1. In a large saucepan, bring water to boil over high heat.


Senior’s Community Dining. Join us for lunch at Calvary United church, St. Jacobs at noon. Community Care Concepts invites you to join us for lunch and fellowship. Cost: $12.00. Must pre-register by noon on September 30 by calling 519-664-1900.
LIVING HERE | 21Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER ↆ FAITH DIRECTORY 58 Church St. W., Elmira • 519-669-5123 Elmira Mennonite Church Hosted by the Elmira Ministerial Association. Bring a lawn chair. “By Donation” BBQ will follow the service. 9:30am In Person and Live Streamed Installation Service for Associate Pastor Charleen Jongejan Harder ↆ The Community Events Calendar is reserved for non-profit local events that are offered free to the public. Placement is not guaranteed. Registrations, corporate events, open houses and similar events do not qualify for free advertising. See complete policy online. All submissions are to be made online at Kleensweep Rugs UpholsteryandCarpet Care COLLEEN “A GOOD JOB DONE EVERY TIME” T. 519.669.2033 Cell: 519.581.7868 •Mattress •Free•Personalized•Commercial•ResidentialCleaningServiceEstimates West Montrose, ON MILLWRIGHTSM&G LTD. • Design • Installation • Custom Fabrication 519.669.5105 1540 FLORADALE ROAD P.O. BOX 247, ELMIRA MATERIAL HANDLING & PROCESSING SYSTEMS TOTAL HOME ENERGY SYSTEMS 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE R ES IDENT IAL & COMMERC IAL 11 HENRY ST - UNIT 9, ST. JACOBS YOUR OIL, PROPANE, NATURAL GAS AND AIR CONDITIONING EXPERTS 519.664.2008 VERMONT Castings SANYO CANADIAN MACHINE WORKS INCORPORATED 33 Industrial Dr., Elmira 519.669.1591 Quality & Service you can trust. 21 Industrial Dr., Elmira 519.669.2884 | Individual life insurance, mortgage insurance, business insurance, employee benefits programs, critical illness insurance, disability coverage, Freedom 55 Financial is a division of The Canada Life Assurance Company RRSPs, RESPs, RRIFs, LIFs and Annuities 652 Waterbury Lane, Waterloo NANCY KOEBEL Bus: 519.744.5433 Email: Truck ManagementMaintenanceTrailer&CardlockFuel 24FUELCOMMERCIALDEPOT HOUR CARDLOCK 25 Industrial Drive, Elmira Your First Step to Better Hearing 519-669-9919 Education and Treatment Vacuum Sales, Repairs Service 9 C hurch St. E., Elmira All Makes & Models 519-669-8362 Email: e lmir Se ↆ COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR Woolwich CommunitiesHealthy The place to get involved. • Volunteer Opportunities • Projects & News • Sub-Committee updates FORSPACERENT Advertise here for great weekly exposure in Woolwich & Wellesley townships. CALL Donna to book this space today! ext.519-669-5790104 Make your own pasta sauce with egg yolks T
Rigorously tested recipes that work.
▢ 1⁄4 teaspoon mustard powder ▢ 2 1⁄2 cups (6 ounces) farfalle pasta ▢ 3⁄4 teaspoon table salt

7. Remove lid and stir pasta constantly again until sauce thoroughly coats pasta and is thickened, about 30 seconds. If needed, add remaining cooking water until sauce is loosened slightly and coats pasta well. Serve immediately with extra Parmesan.

5. Add 1 tablespoon reserved cooking water to egg yolk


▢ Legion Week 2022 Celebration. Elmira Branch 469 invite you to come and see what the Legion is all about from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Displays and information for viewing, followed by entertainment by Offsuit. Snacks and refreshments available for sale.
Note: You can substitute 6 ounces of any short pasta shape for the farfalle; however, the cup measurements will vary: use 2 cups of ziti, 2 cups of penne, or 2 1/3 cups of medium shells.
▢Woolwich Gardeners Speaker Monday Sept. 19, 7 p.m.- 8:30 p.m., St. James Lutheran Church, 60 Arthur St. S., Elmira (Wyatt St. door). Janet Cox “Keeping the Peace With Weeds (Practical Advice, Biological Strategies and Some Big Ideas)”. Free-will donation for non-members. Open to the public! “Lug a Mug” for refreshments and treats.

▢ Breslau Train Show hosted by WOD-NMRA. 8,000+ sq feet of vendors, manufacturers and 7 operating layouts. Ample free parking. $400 in door prizes. Breslau Community Centre from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission: Children under 12 free; General - $5.00; NMRA members - $4.00.
Senior’s Community Dining. Community Care Concepts invites you to join us for lunch, fellowship and entertainment at Linwood Community Centre. Cost: $12. Must pre-register by noon on Sept. 23 by calling 519-664-1900.
4. Use a ladle to carefully transfer 1⁄4 cup pasta cooking water to a liquid measuring cup. Drain pasta in a colander. Return drained pasta to the now-empty saucepan.
AD SPOT - NON PRINTING Playtime THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 | 22 Sudoku EASY Sudoku HARD Mini-Word Crossword 8 Letters 1 WordWord of the Week Find-A-Word THEME: PHOTOGRAPHY ACROSS 1. Turned 5. Officiate 8. Dull sound 13. Foreign money 14. Half: Prefix 15. Native of Nigeria 16. Auditory 17. Dilute 18. Birch relative 19. passengersAnnoying 22. Tell all 23. "It's no ___!" 24. Lash out at 27. Absorb, with "up" 29. Call at first 33. Hemp plant. 34. Cliffside rubble 36. Mad Hatter's drink 37. An absence of concern for the welfare of others. 40. Bauxite, e.g. 41. Carpet of a sort 42. Appearance 43. Rod attachment 45. Cooking meas. 46. Fruitcake 47. pronoun"Concentration" 49. Durable wood 50. Outcast 58. Dispatch boat 59. Reduced instruction set computer 60. Comply with 61. Bank 62. Bet 63. Arm bone 64. Contemptuous look 65. Undergrad degs. 66. Genesis brother DOWN 1. Messy dresser 2. Falafel bread 3. Acid related to gout 4. Worn about the neck 5. Doctor's order 6. Broadcast 7. Discovery 8. Massenet opera 9. Bisects 10. Uncivil 11. Consumer 12. "The War of the Worlds" base 14. Pocket 20. Act of disrespect 21. Indian coin 24. Dislike, and then some 25. Cut 26. Eastern wrap 27. Money substitute 28. Dog bowl bits 30. Dined at home 31. Heraldic band 32. Artist's stand 34. Easy dupes 35. Trim 38. Consumed 39. Many 44. Tenant 46. Because 48. Beau 49. Assignments 50. Buddies 51. All square 52. Bank of Paris 53. Kuwaiti, e.g. 54. Little girl 55. ___-bodied 56. Camping gear 57. Indian maid ACROSS 1. Sushi condiment 7. Poor imitator 8. Madden 9. Maintain 10. Least wild DOWN 1. Quite a while 2. Sleep disorder 3. Femme fatale 4. Yawning 5. Phony 6. All thumbs BLEACHBASEASAAPSAPO BLUR COMA ELITEEKTARDURSTDINCYAN FASTEOS LITHLENSISOIRISGOLDFILM MATT OPTICORWO PUSH SLIDESEPIAROLLRED SLOW STILLSLR STOP TINTSYNCSTUDIO TONET-MAXTLR TTL ZENITUNILOC TITIVATE To make (someone or something) neater or more attractive 16 If your company would like to sponsor this page, please contact The Observer at 519-669-5790 ext.104 Or email Figure out the mystery letters to complete this eight-letter word reading clockwise or counterclockwise. SOLUTION: 8012 8th Line.RR #2 Drayton, ON | 519-638-5462 General CommercialResidentialContracting NewAgriculturalBuildingsRenovations Open Mic & Pub Grub Night — Thursday Sept. 22 6pm-10pm — Need performers and audience members! Dinners, snacks, desserts, hot & cold beverages available 519-500-1715 | |

Share your comments with us as we plan bridge improvements on Church Street East in ThisElmira.virtual public consultation opportunity is open from September 12–30, 2022 at:
Public Consultation
Set a timer and get up every 30 minutes.
If your chair has armrests, do they allow your shoulders to relax?
We want your feedback

Also, maintain a couple of inches between the back of your knees and the chair.
Consider lowering or getting rid of the armrests so your neck and shoulders can relax downward.
Follow the 20-2020 rule. Every 20 minutes, give your eyes a 20-second break by focusing on something at least 20 feet away.

from individuals, stakeholder groups, and agencies regarding this project are collected to assist the Region of Waterloo in making a decision. Under the “Municipal Act”, personal information such as name, address, telephone number and property location that may be included in a submission becomes part of the public record.

For information, services or support contact Community Care Concepts 519-664-1900 | 1-855-664-1900 Meals on Wheels • Transportation Day Programs • Homemakers • Maintenance Friendly Visitors • Community Meals • Social Programs Transportation from Hospital to Home FREE Community Exercise and Falls Prevention Classes FREE Short Term Home Support Community Care Concepts of Woolwich, Wellesley and Wilmot Helping Seniors and Adults with Disabilities to Live Independently in Their Own Home

Consider using a stool if you've elevated your chair and your feet no longer reach the ground.
Have someone take a picture of you at your workstation and check to see if you are in a wellaligned posture, which means:

Lower your desk height or raise your chair so your forearms are parallel to the floor or pointed slightly downward and your wrists are not pointing either upward or downward.
Mayo Clinic Q & A is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. E-mail a question MayoClinicQ& For more information, visit www.
Please email or call us if you have any additional questions about the project: Boris Latkovic, P.Eng, PMP Region Project Manager
If using a laptop, link to a monitor.larger
We have developed two design concepts for the replacement of the parapet wall and barrier systems (the walls along the sides of the bridge) for the Canagagigue Creek Bridge on Church Street East.
ments.Talk to your employer, as well, to see if additional items can be provided to assist you, if necessary, such as a standing workstation or a sit-stand desk. The latter setup allows you to raise and lower the height of your computer andAlsoperipherals.considerthese best practices to support good health and posture:
Keep your mouse nearby, and regularly change it from one side of your body to the other.
Your forearms are parallel to the floor.
Take a walking meeting, stand or exercise during a conference call, or hand-deliver a message when you would normally email it.
Telephone: Allblatkovic@regionofwaterloo.ca226-750-8328commentsandinformationreceived

MAYO CLINIC: Good habits will help avoid injuries → FROM 20 Write a letter to the editor and submit it online today.
When you're seated, do your feet touch the ground?

Does your chair allow you to maintain the normal curves in your spine, such as the curve in your low back?
A Mystery Comedy, set in West End 1950s London ROCKWELL
Public consultation
Raise your chair so you're not sitting straight up at a 90-degree angle, but rather with an angle of 115 to 120 degrees between the torso and thighs.
Check your posture
Find shortcut keys you can use while typing.
Use a downdon'tholderdocumentsoyouhavetolookfrequently.

Your neck is not bent.
Being mindful of healthy work habits can go a long way to reducing neck and back pain, as well as creating a more positive work experience.
Consider these tips:
We are making improvements to the Canagagigue Creek Bridge as part of the Church Street East reconstruction Scheduled for 2023.
Do you frequentlykeepused tools within close range to minimize reaching?
LIVING HERE | 23Thursday, September 15, 2022 | THE OBSERVER

We’d like you to share your thoughts on these two design concepts through the survey on the Engage project page.
Region of Waterloo
Visit our Church Street East Reconstruction project page at and complete the online survey by September 30, 2022. Project documents, including frequently asked questions and project background information are also available.

Your eyes are looking straight.
150 Frederick Street, 6th Floor Kitchener, ON N2G 4J3
This can provide another perspective to help you make adjust-
Use a headset if you talk on the phone frequently.
Canagagigue Creek Bridge Improvements on Church Street East, Elmira

Canagagigue Creek Bridge wall designs

size you use.
Your low back is in its natural curve.
Are your mouse and keyboard positioned so you don't have to reach up to use them?
3. Eat plain or on a bun – garnish as desired.
“I was part of the large group of people there that were sending her off, so I got to be on the grounds at Queen’s Park there and as she walked by, she extended her hand and I got to shake her hand, which was quite nice,” he said.She seemed so much larger than life, Barbour added.“Itreminded me of the time when the Queen said
Last week was both expected and unexpected, Barbour added.
“She was a 96-year-old woman and she’s had failing health over the past couple of years… At the same time, she also seems like one of those people that you just kind of expected her to live forever.”
The bad news is that this recipe is actually quite healthy, but the good is that
→ FROM 20

also met the Queen during her visit to the Ontario Legislature in 2010.
QUEEN: She was a larger-than-life figure for many

Once the idea came about people started making them with different types of meat, even fish, and then eventually, of course,Whenveggies.grinding, try not to make hummus, in other words don’t grind into a fine paste but try to leave a little bit chunky so there’s someThetexture.ideaisto fool yourself into thinking that you’re eating meat.
“When the Queen was out on the balcony…and everyone started singing

Something for the BBQ, as summer’s not over yet

ith all this nice, hot weather at points, it’s hard to believe that we’re moving into the fall, so I thought it made sense to throw another summer recipe at you.
I’m not going to throw a burger at you, just the recipe!People start to look for more healthy options in the fall, almost a New Year’s resolution kind of thing.
God Save the Queen and you could feel the bass in your feet, because so many people were singing at once. It was remarkable the amount of love that people were showing her.”
it tastes delicious. The idea of forming ground meat into different shapes has been around for centuries, probably the meatball being an ancestor of the modern hamburger, which has been around for just over 100 years – that’s not a long time in the history of cuisine. Neither

ↆ Chef Bruce Duff is the operator of “Chef Duff at RiverSong” Banquet hall, Café and Culinary Centre just outside of St. Jacobs, which hosts private events, banquets, team building and cooking classes and also run breakfast and lunch in the café from Wed. – Sat;

that she had to be seen to be believed. And you did feel like you were in this big presence. She just has this magnetism about her that really draws you in and you just can’t help but watch her and follow her when she’s walking through the crowds. She just seemed bigger than life for a little lady,” he explained.Barbour attended the Diamond Jubilee in London in 2012.
24 | THE BACK PAGE THE OBSERVER | Thursday, September 15, 2022 100’S OF $STARTINGAREANEWRUGS5’X8’FROM99NOT EXACTLY AS SHOWN NO TAX! 12” X PORCELAIN24”TILE$139 FROM PER SQ FT REG 3.99 $ 9 99 FROM IN STOCK! LUXURYCLICK VINYL PLANKS $ 1 89 FROM PER SQ FT REG 3.99 IN STOCK! IN STOCK! 5.5” WIDE STEP BASE 6” $COLONIAL3/7”SQUAREWIDEWIDE199 FROM PER LIN FT REG 3.29 $ 2 59 FROM PER LIN FT REG 3.99 $ 0 99 FROM PER LIN FT REG 3.29 BASEBOARDS 1362 VICTORIA ST N. KITCHENER MON-SAT 9AM-6PM SUNDAY 10AM-5PM WWW.SOURCEFLOORING.COMSCANME FULLY BIGGESTSTOCKED!ONTHEBLOCK! $ 399FROM IN STOCK! STARTINGWOODHARDFROM $ 1 99 FROM IN STOCK! LAMINATESTARTINGFROMNEWPRODUCT! IN STOCK! 47” WIDE VINYL STAIR TREADS STEP & RISER INCLUDED $ 65 99 FROM EACH SNOWSTONELEDGEWHITE $ 2 BACKSPLASHGLASS99&STONEFROM PER SQ FT PER SQ FTPER SQ FT PER SQ FT REG 18.99 Veggie Burgers ▢ 1 can (540 mL) chickpeas, drained and rinsed ▢ 1-1/2 cups peaches & cream corn, thawed ▢ 1/2 cup each chopped fresh parsley and cilantro ▢ 3/4 tsp. salt ▢ 1/2 tsp. each ground paprika and ground cumin ▢ 2 tsp. grated lemon zest ▢ 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice ▢ 1 small clove garlic, minced ▢ 3 Tbsp. all-pur pose flour ▢ 2 Tbsp. canola oil 1. Combine chickpeas, corn, parsley, cilantro, salt, paprika, cumin, lemon rind, lemon juice, garlic, flour and 2 tsp. (10 mL) of the oil in food processor. Pulse until mixture comes together but still has texture (mixture should not be smooth). Divide into four 4-inch (10 cm) patties; transfer to baking sheet and refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. 2. Heat remaining 4 tsp. oil in a large, nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Cook patties 8 minutes, turning once halfway, or until golden.

Recipes from the chef's table

the original nor this one contain ham, however.