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Wellesley rec. complex campaign surpasses goal by $1.4 million

Bill Atwood Observer Staff

WHEN IT WRAPPED UP LAST month, the Something for Everyone campaign raising money for a new Wellesley rec. complex had overshot the mark. The effort surpassed its $2.5-million goal by $1.4 million.


That was the result of overwhelming community support, said campaign chair Chris Martin, who revealed the numbers to Wellesley council Tuesday night.

The committee was charged with rallying the community around efforts to build the $27-million Wellesley Township

Recreation Centre, and it achieved that in spades.

“I’m so proud of our community and its generosity, and equally proud of our campaign team for their dedication and hard work in achieving this great accomplishment. Early on, our team privately felt our stretch goal was $3 million, but to even exceed that by almost $1 million is truly outstanding,” said Martin.

“This campaign and project have always been about improving the social and health opportunities for our township residents. I think the people we spoke to truly understood this and gave freely to most of their abilities. One can only conclude that we live in a wonderful place.”

In total there were 112 businesses who contributed to the campaign, as well as 15 community and user groups. The largest donation to the campaign was $1 million, with the average being $33,000. Of the $3.9 million total, 45 per cent has already been given to the township with the remainder being pledged over the next five years.

There were several naming opportunities in the complex, including 41 rooms and spaces that were sold out five months into the campaign. There were also 291 seats available for naming as well as 20 benches and drink rails, all


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