1 minute read

Snofest set to make its return to Linwood

Leah Gerber Observer Staff

AFTER A HIATUS DUE TO the pandemic, the annual Linwood Snofest is back on again this year.


The fun will take place February 4, starting off with a breakfast hosted by the Linwood firefighters at the Linwood Recreation Centre. The breakfast will run from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.

This will be followed by events throughout the day including co-ed snopitch, solo card game tournament, Snowga (yoga in the snow) hosted by the Linwood Library, music by Erick Traplin, face painting, crafts, bingo and horse-race games.

There will be food and drink available during the day, including a bar later on, notes Margie Cressman, who sits on the Linwood Recreation Committee.

All proceeds from Snofest will go toward new playground equipment at the recreation centre.

Cressman says Snofest is held to “raise money but also I think very importantly to uphold the small-town community spirit that Linwood’s always had. It’s always been a very, very family oriented event.”

The recreation committee tries to pick events so there will be something that appeals to everyone, she added.

“We try to make sure that we have events or →

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