1 minute read

At this time of year, you know the drill

four points,” he said. Even the 4-0 win was cause for some concern.

“The score is what it is, but goalie probably had to make a few too many saves than we would like in a game like that. Too many good saves.”


→ KINGS 10

I f you are wondering why this winter is as mild as it is and why the ice on our lakes has taken so long to thicken, look no further than me. You see, last year I bought myself a gas-powered auger for ice fishing. Was it required? I thought so.

You see, I have gone through all my years of ice fishing using a hand auger. But last year I turned 60 and I figured it was high time for me to get a power auger so I wouldn’t have to expend a whole week’s worth of energy drilling one hole through 20 inches of late-season ice. How was I supposed to know that this would trigger a reverse Ice Age?

Obviously, there is no science to validate this or explain it. But nevertheless, it appears to be true. Ever since I bought that auger, I have had no need for it. In almost all cases, the ice I was over could have easily been drilled through with a hand auger – even by a man of my advanced laziness.

This phenomenon is something that routinely occurs with people who buy snow blowers. I have at least three friends who have bought snow blowers over the last few years and now are wondering why.

But, as far as I can tell, my observations are the first that make a connection between buying a new power auger and the lack of ice.

I was out the other week ice fishing for the first time this year, so I took my power auger along

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