Christmas open house
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Nov. 15th, 16th & 17th
Tues-Fri 10:00 - 6:00 Sat 10:00 - 5:00
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Open Mondays in December
11 | 01 | 2018 VOLUME 23 | ISSUE 43
St. Jacobs among the stops in pitch to young doctors
VERONICA REINER HAVING VISITORS IN FROM out of town? Chances are one of the stops on any tour of the area will include the St. Jacobs Farmers’ Market. It’s no different for those hosting a group of medical residents in an effort to sell them on setting up practices in Waterloo Region. The market is one of the locales that’ll be featured in this weekend’s “Annual Family Emergency Medicine Resident Weekend” hosted by The Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce. The recruitment tool is now in its 20th year. The business organization will be shepherding 16 medical residents and four emergency medicine residents and their partners to a variety of Waterloo Region locations, looking to sell them on the benefits of moving here and setting up shop. It’s not just about opportunities for the docRECRUITMENT | 3 WOOLWICH COUNCIL / DEVELOPMENT
Latest version of new Birdland subdivision in Elmira gets OK Known as Southwood 4, the project approved this week could eventually be home to some 1,270 to 1,430 people STEVE KANNON
The monthly blood donor clinic was well attended Oct. 26 at the Elmira Lions Hall. Greeting donors at the event was little Ella Dorscht, for whom the clinic was sponsored this month, along with her mother Kristen and brother Cameron. [FAISAL ALI / THE OBSERVER]
ELMIRA’S BUILDING BOOM WILL continue in the south end, Woolwich council this week approving plans for the latest expansion to the Birdland subdivision. Southwood 4 will see a mix of single-family homes, semis, townhouses and apartments on some 70 acres. Altogether, Birdland Developments’s plan calls for 481 to 552 units that will be home to some 1,270 to 1,430 people. The final plan recommended by township planners and OK’d by council Tuesday night addresses many of the concerns raised by neighbours during a pair of public meetings, said manager of planning John Scarfone. Though no one from the public spoke to the issue –
some neighbours were in the gallery – councillors did have a few questions and even reservations before ultimately approving the project. Coun. Patrick Merlihan continued to raise traffic issues, noting few had been resolved in revisions to the plan. In particular, an already problematic situation at South Parkwood Boulevard and Arthur Street could get worse. That intersection, where making a left turn at peak times can be a chore, has been a bone of contention for residents and councillors. While there have been suggestions a traffic light would help, the Region of Waterloo, which is responsible for Arthur Street, maintains signals aren’t SOUTHWOOD | 4