Chaos Sive Natura is an experiment which places itself somewhere - an in-between, a critical space: Schönberg’s “making music with ideas”, the impartiality of a sound acknowledged as a physical effect which produces air vibrations, the effect that vibrations induces in human cognitive systems together with its relocation in a chaosmotic spatial dimension, Franco D’Andrea’s Electric Tree with his abstract electronic jazz, and the molecularization of sound, so close to Deleuze and Guattari's concept of Rhythm in A.T.P. The experiment Chaos Sive Natura tries to define one of the many possible paths towards new contents and concepts as expressed in Deleuze and Guattari’s Refrain, offering a new reading in the light of a new philosophical and musical culture, theorized by thinkers like K.Eshun, E. Davis, L. Chude-Sokei, A. Szepanski, S. Goodman, E. Berger, M. Wark, among others. Passing through Nietzsche, Spinoza, Deleuze and Guattari, Obsolete Capitalism affirms in Chaos Sive Natura...