INCOMING a preview of our new arrivals from England, France, Italy + Belgium to see the entire collection please visit or visit the gallery at 222 main street, venice enjoy x ray
Eames Aluminum Group Outdoor Chair America circa 1960 $2,800 each (3 available)
I ro n F l o o r La m p France circa 1960 $2,400
V i co M a g i st re t t i “ S o n o ra ” La m p Italy circa 1970 $3,800
Travertine Side + Dining Table France circa 1960 $4,800 / $9,500
Travertine Bench France circa 1960 $5,500
Naugahyde + Steel Dining Chair by Minoletti Italy circa 1960 $1,800 each (10 available)
E i ght S e c t i o n Wo r k Ta b le Italy circa 1900 $10,500
O r ph an age B e d France circa 1910 $2,800 each (9 available)
Life Sized Wooden Artist Model France circa 1870 $45,000
S i m pl e M e tal D e s k France circa 1950 $3,200
Modern Leather + Wood Armchairs Denmark circa 1960 $6,500 pair
16th Century Confessional Italy circa 1590 $6,500
Marble Bust of the Duke of Wellington England circa 1850 $3,800
222 MAIN ST VENICE C A 90291
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