Complaints Procedure

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Complaints Procedure 01865 484770

The STUDENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE This is designed to be: ...the mechanism by which students enrolled with the University can obtain redress, as far as possible, for any disadvantage, damage, injury or distress caused by acts or omissions of the University, its staff or agents.

To read the full Regulations go to the University website directorates/asa/registry/acco/complaints All sorts of complaints and problems are covered by this Procedure including those directly related to the University’s obligation to teach students and facilitate their learning.

What is NOT covered by the Complaints Procedure If you want to appeal a mark for an exam or other assessment then you must use the Appeals Procedure The Complaints Procedure must not be used to complain of the behaviour of other students (unless they are employed by the University) – use the Disciplinary Procedure and write with details to the Head of Student Services, HKSC, and Headington Hill Campus.

The procedure looks complicated, do I have to use it? If you have a complaint and you want something done about it, you must use the Complaints Procedure. This leaflet will explain what you need to do if you want the matter resolved. The flow charts in this leaflet show the steps to take.

I worry that if I make a Complaint I will upset lecturers and staff and my grades will go down. Using the Student Complaint Procedure to sort out a problem will have no effect on the way the University staff assess the standard of your academic work.

Steps to the Procedure There are a number of steps to take when using the complaints procedure Informal complaint – ‘Raising a concern’ Level 1 Formal Complaint using Student Complaint form (SCF1) Level 2 Formal Complaint considered by the Dean or Director Level 3 Formal complaint considered by the Academic Registrar and review panel.

Informal – Raising a Concern This is the informal stage of the Procedure. You can make your complaint by email or by talking directly to the staff member concerned. You should get a response within 20 days. If you cannot sort things out in this way or the response is unsatisfactory and you wish to pursue the matter, you should move on to level 1. You can miss out informal step and start your complaint at level 1 if you feel the matter is serious, or you do not wish to approach the relevant member of staff personally.

Level 1 – Formal Complaint Your complaint must be in the form of a written letter. The letter should be written on the Student Complaint form (SCF1). Send your complaint to the relevant School Complaint Officer; date your letter and keep a copy. Each School/Directorate has a Complaints Officer. To find out who you should be writing to, look on the University website:

Writing the letter Explain the situation in your letter giving full details of what has happened. Include names and dates and any other relevant information Include evidence where possible State what outcome or resolution you would like Make sure the University has your correct address (on your letter and on your PIP page) Sign and date your letter We can read your complaint and advise on the content if you would like us to do so. We wont write your complaint for you though! The Complaints Officer will investigate the issues, acknowledge your complaint and give you a Student Complaint number within 10 days, and respond to you within 20 days. If you do not hear from the Complaints Officer within 20 days you must contact them again and ask what is happening to your complaint.

Level 2 – Dean or relevant Directorate If you get a response which is unsatisfactory (or get no response at all) ask the Complaints Officer to pass the matter to the Dean of the School (or Head of the relevant Directorate) with a letter explaining why you are not happy with the outcome. You should get an answer within 20 days.

Level 3 – Review Panel If this fails to get you a satisfactory response you must write a letter to the Assistant Academic Registrar and ask that the matter is taken to a Review Panel under level 3 of the procedure.

Send to: Assistant Academic Registrar Appeals, Complaints and Conducts Office Oxford Brookes University First Floor Gipsy Lane Headington Campus Oxford OX3 0BP Email: The letter to the Assistant Academic Registrar must set out the elements of the response which you are not satisfied with reasons why you believe the response is unsatisfactory the remedy (outcome) you are seeking request that the matter moves to a Review Panel The University Complaints Officer can decide at this point that you have allowed an unreasonable delay to occur or that your complaint is not justified.

They can dismiss the complaint or refer it back to the Dean of the School for further attention. If the Academic Registrar is convinced that your complaint has been fairly dealt with and that there is no reason to believe that a Review Panel would come to a different conclusion from the one set out in the response from the Deal of School, then they will terminate the procedure and inform you of the reasons for doing so. Your letter to the Academic Registrar is therefore an important document and you must include all the points mentioned as above. The Review Panel may ask for more written statements and evidence of the case from you and other relevant people. The review panel consist of senior university staff plus a student representative.

FINALLY! If you have completed all the above! If you feel that your complaint has overall not been dealt with correctly and that you do not have the outcomes which you could reasonably expect, you can take the matter to the OFFICE OF INDEPENDENT ADJUDICATOR (OIA). The OIA can review a wide range of complaints by students about acts and omission of the university. Complaints might be about: A programme of study or research. A service provided by the university to the student. A final decision of the university’s disciplinary or appeal body. To find out more about the OIA and to make an application to the OIA to have your complaint considered visit their website The address to send your form to is: Office of Independent Adjudicator Fifth Floor Thames Tower Station Road Reading RG1 1LX Telephone: 0118 959 9813 We can read your statement and advise on the content if you would like them to do so.

Student Complaints (SC) Procedure LEVEL 1: Write a letter explaining complaint & desired outcome using form SCF1

Chase SCO

End of matter

NO Submit form to relevant SC Officer (SCO)

Acknowledgement in 10 working days

YES Response within 20 days




Level 2

LEVEL 2: Write to SCO again saying what you are unhappy about & why, & ask for the complaint to be passed to the appropriate Dean or Director


End of matter

Answer within 20 days NO

Level 3

LEVEL 3: End of matter Write to Assistant Academic Registrar (Jon Appleton) & request a Review Panel

YES Satisfactory? NO

Contact Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)

Useful Contacts: Assistant Academic Registrar Appeals, Complaints and Conducts Office Oxford Brookes University First Floor Gipsy Lane Headington Campus Oxford OX3 0BP Email: Office of Independent Adjudicator Fifth Floor Thames Tower Station Road Reading RG1 1LX Telephone: 0118 959 9813

Brookes Union Advice

01865 484770

All Advice Centre information is checked with all relevant authorities and we believe it to be correct at the time of going to print. However, the law and its interpretation change regularly and you should contact the Advice Centre for up-to-date information which relates to your specific circumstances.

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