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r. Ocaka Bosco-Kitgum District
MMr. Ocaka Bosco is a trained change agent by Uganda Change Agent Association. He is from Kitgum District. He is married and has a happy family. Since Bosco received the change agent training in 2009, he says his attitude changed and started focusing on development, volunteering, and providing support to the disadvantaged group of people.
He mobilized main group of people and divided it into different categories of groups including mothers, youth and orphaned children of whom some were former abductees as a result of Lord Resistance Army (LRA) war. The group is called Lubanga Lapit Kic. Bosco leads the groups and performs different activities including counselling them, training them in savings and credit management, HIV and aids awareness creation, and among others formed up music and drama with the purpose to ease dissemination of information and easy understanding
Bosco emphasizes that development is meant for all, and thus believes that all the disadvantaged should be uplifted such that they are able to live an improved quality of life. Among the groups he trains, The Lubanga Lapit Kic Women group have been inspired from the trainings and some of them have joined tailoring schools to acquire the skills for a living.
The women group also mobilizes young orphans and train them in Music Dance and Drama carrying important message regarding HIV and aids awareness, savings and credit management and about self-reliance and participatory development. These children are always guided and hired on functions to present to the communities and are paid some money, of which they use to buy scholastic materials and other important basics that they need. Counselling has played a big role in that the former abductees have regained a peace of mind and feel loved and cared for within their communities.
Ocaka Bosco has always led his group to present at important public functions including Hero’s Day, weddings, Women’s Day plus other important days. He has gone ahead to present the group to big government officials including the Residential District Commissioner (RDC), Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), District Police Commander (DPC), Town Mayor and the LC5 Chairperson of Kitgum District, and on that note, the group has been exposed and trusted by the community. They are able to access loans and donations from outside the group.
Mr. Ocaka Bosco is training the vulnerable people with self-reliant participatory rural development facilitation TOPICS

Poverty Analysis Development Theory Conscientisation

Communication Facilitation Gender Issues
Working with the group Income Generation Book Keeping
Lubanga lapit kic work hard, Lubanga lapit kic work hard, We have a vision, we have a mission Helping poor people improve their living
With their own initiatives to sustain development
Effectively promote
Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development
Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development
Go to the people, live with them, Love them, learn from them and work with them.
Start with what they have.
Build on what they know, And in the end when work is done.
The people will rejoice
We have done it have done it ourselves.
We rejoice and promote Participatory development
We rejoice and enjoy Sustainable development
Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development
Self-reliant, self-reliant participatory development
Lubanga lapit kic N.G.O training the elders, youths and child mothers with the basic’s skills and knowledge on agriculture and providing them with Agro-inputs and seeds in the Different sub-counties of the districts, Kitgum, Lamwo, Gulu, Pader, Agago, Amuru and many others.
Training them on importance of growing cash crops such as cotton, simsim, tobacco, ginger, and coffee and also trained them on the importance of growing foods crops for domestic survival such as, millet, sorghum, maize, cassava, vegetables and many others to eradicate hunger.

With these trainings and basic survival skills that these people have acquired, we as Lubanga lapit kic N.G.O, feel we have inadequate capacity to enhance their needs, so we therefore request different Government, companies, N.G.O., donations from stakeholders from across the world to help these people embrace the skills and knowledge acquired to the fullest capacity.

Therefore, any N.G.O., companies, stakeholders, and different government institutions that wish to visit, inquire and support the project are mostly welcomed.

Photos.1. Mr. Ocaka Bosco President of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, Mr. Bongomin Patrick Ocido, vice president and MS. Jennifer Ogaba, secretary of the President Of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O. The team above is supervising and training women’s groups in business skills and savings. This venture started from the Districts of Kitgum, Gulu, Lamwo and Kampala to enable the women to be self-reliant. Besides empowering the women in business skills, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, also venture in providing scholastic learning materials to vulnerable and needy children in schools, the N.G.O continues to organize fund raising from donors and well-wishers to support the sponsorship of these needy globally. Hence, the N.G.O invites more members to join and support this noble cause.

Photos.2. The pictures above depict the different activities carried out by the women’s groups. These include, President Mr. Ocaka Bosco, giving out revolving funds to the women, widows and widowers. At the same time, the members are carrying out savings. To this point, Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O is sending out a clarion call to the community to join hands and support this venture.

Volunteers And Visitors From Across The World

Photos.1, 2, 3, 4. These groups in the pictures above show when white people in 2009 started visiting and witnessing the activities being carried out by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O in Kitgum, Gulu, Lamwo and Kampala. The N.G.O invites more of these people (whites) to join as development partners and render support to the vulnerable/needy in our communities. The visiting white people witnessed the saving groups and continued to teach them more skills of saving and these has enabled many women and men under the guidance and assistance of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O to be financially independent with the idea of reducing income-inequality within the population.

These are evidential photos which shows that people from the western world (whites) were actively and directly involved in the various activities of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, therefore we are calling upon different whites from across Europe to America and even to Asia to come and take, lead various projects in this Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O

young girls and boys from the slums and ghetto of different cities, towns and urban centres of Uganda into different co-curriculum activities that involves outdoor sports and games like football, rugby, netball, and basketball and fun activities like music, dance and drama.
Lubanga Lapit Kic
We believe these co-curriculum activities will constantly occupies the mind of these youths, giving them limited time and access to harmful vices such as drugs, early pregnancies and other criminal activities like burglary, theft that comes with the rapid development of our surrounding that consumes the futures of these young boys and girls. . More support is needed by this group and invitation is forwarded to those who can give support to them.
Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O does not support the needy and vulnerable people only but as well gives support to games and sports. As shown in the picture above, the Vice-president of Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O Mr. Bongomin Patrick Ocido is leading these youthful team of footballers and giving them full financial and physical support. More support is needed by this group and invitation is forwarded to those who can give support to them.
Mr Bongomin Patrick Ocido has always led his group to the FUFA regional league and they constantly present at important public functions including Hero’s Day, Independence Day, Women’s Day plus other important days. He has gone ahead to present the group to big government officials including the Residential District Commissioner (RDC), Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), District Police Commander (DPC), Town Mayor and the LC5 Chairperson of Kampala and on that note, the group has been exposed and trusted by the community. They are able to access loans and donations from outside the group.