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Photos.1 and 2. The photos above shows different groups of women being given business skills and they are trained on the importance of savings by the staffs of LUBANGA LAPIT KIC N.G.O and whenever its possible, they are provided with material items as the above photo shows some of the women are distributed with bars of washing and bathing soap.
Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O has a special program set for the women as they are so vulnerable to the rapidly developing diverged societies we live in that requires high level of survival skills because 56% of the women age between 15yrs to 49yrs reportedly have experienced and some of them are still experiencing brutal physical domestic violence, not only are they violated in their homes but women are also abused in various ways outside their homes, maybe in their work places, on the streets, churches to mentioned but a few.

These abusive and negative acts against women give them limited opportunity to involve themselves in developmental and economic activities and Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O wants women to have a diverse perspective so that they can understand the interrelationships between perspectives such as personal, socio-economic status, racial and cultural, religious and political, disciplinary, environmental, gender identity, economic, local and global understandings.
Women are trained on the various mentioned perspectives and they are supported financially onto their savings and given business skills and where material help is required, those items are provided and are accounted for by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O, these women have determination and strong belief in Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O activities, as in the photo above shows during the COVID 19 outbreak which had to stop social activities including jobs, business and many more, making life complex for these people and are given food items such as cooking oil, salts, maize flour, beans, sugar and others items like soap, pads, body lotions and a lot of things which were all given out by Lubanga Lapit Kic N.G.O.